Sarah Robertson

Professor Sarah Robertson

NHMRC Ext-Funded Rsch Fellow E

School of Biomedicine

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Professor Sarah Robertson is a graduate of the University of Adelaide (BSc 1983; PhD 1993). She returned to Adelaide after periods at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada) and University of Gothenburg (Sweden). She was funded as an NHMRC Fellow for 18 years and was an NHMRC Principal Research Fellow until appointment to Director of the Robinson Research Institute in Oct 2013. She stepped down from RRI Director to take up an NHMRC Investigator Award as Professorial Research Fellow in April 2021.

Her research focus is mammalian reproduction and development, particularly immune regulation of fertility and pregnancy. She strives to advance understanding of the fundamental biology of conception, embryo implantation and early development, to develop biologically rational approaches for managing 'unexplained' infertility and common pregnancy disorders. She partnered with Origio A/S to develop EmbryoGen, a novel immune-based intervention for repeated IVF failure and recurrent miscarriage now sold in >50 countries worldwide, and with industry partners is investigating novel strategies to tackle early pregnancy loss, preeclampsia, preterm delivery and stillbirth.

She is an elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (2016) and the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (2015), and a Fellow of the Society for Reproductive Biology (2011). In 2024 she was awarded Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for distinguished service to medical research, particularly reproductive biology and immunology and to professional societies.

Her work is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, the Australian Research Council, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and the Channel 7 Children's Research Foundation. Her research output includes more than 250 peer-reviewed scientific journal papers and reviews in high impact journals, >20 book chapters and 5 patent families. Her H-index is 87 with >23,300 citations (Google Scholar, August 2024).

She serves in professional roles for the NHMRC, Australian Academy of Science, Australian Academy for Health and Medical Science, Ramaciotti Foundations, International Society for Immunology of Reproduction, and US Society for the Study of Reproduction.

She collaborates extensively with colleagues in Australia and around the world and has supervised 36 PhD students (29 completed) plus 48 Honours students. For the period of 2008-2013 she was Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Reproductive Immunology and now serves on the Editorial Boards of Endocrinology, Immunology and Cell Biology, and Clinical and Translational Immunology, as well as the Board of Consulting Editors of the Journal of Clinical Investigation. She regularly contributes to peer review for the NHMRC, ARC, and many international funding agencies.

In 2020 Professor Robertson secured a $3.5M L2 Investigator Grant from the NHMRC (2021-2025) for research on "Peri-conception determinants of reproductive and pregnancy health". She was awarded the 2020 NHMRC Elizabeth Blackburn Investigator Grant Award given annually to the highest ranked female recipient (Leadership category, Basic Science) in the Investigator Grants scheme.

Research Interests

Keywords: reproductive immunology; uterine endometrium; conception; embryo implantation; female reproductive function; female response to seminal fluid; seminal plasma; pregnancy complications; female infertility; recurrent pregnancy loss; preterm birth; preeclampsia.

Research in the Reproductive Immunology group centres on four related themes:
• Mechanisms of immune control of female reproduction and pregnancy
• The impact of pregnancy tolerance perturbation on embryo implantation, placental development, pregnancy progression and offspring outcomes
• Defining immune causes of infertility and pregnancy complications, and developing diagnostic tools and immune-targeting interventions; 
• Male seminal fluid factors that influence female pregnancy tolerance and cryptic female choice.

Research projects

1. The immune response and endometrial receptivity

Certain types of immune cells are essential for female immune tolerance of implantation and pregnancy, while others can suppress implantation and pregnancy. Uterine macrophages and dendritic cells are master regulators of tolerance, through generating regulatory T cells that suppress inflammation, prevent maternal immune rejection of the conceptus, and facilitate robust placental development. Our projects use mouse models to investigate the functions and behavior of regulatory T cells, macrophages and dendritic cells in unique mechanisms for generating tolerance at the outset of pregnancy. Additionally, these cells have tissue remodelling functions and communicate within cell networks to impact endometrial receptivity for decidualisation and embryo implantation, and placental development. Specific immune-regulatory agents including cytokines, microRNAs and TLR ligands contribute to these events and their significance is evaluated in genetic mouse models.

2. Understanding and treating immune causes of infertility and pregnancy loss

With our clinical partners, we evaluate the relationship between immune status and fertility, and are identifying T cell signatures associated with recurrent implantation failure and early pregnancy loss in women. A focus is to distinguish different subtypes of immune disorder that constrain conception and healthy pregnancy, based on peripheral blood markers that indicate impaired tolerance, elevated inflammation, and/or immune dysfunction secondary to altered metabolic status. A specific challenge is to identify and evaluate immune interventions that boost immune tolerance, such as low dose IL-2, with potential for safe and effective use in women where an impaired immune response is implicated in reproductive and pregnancy disorders.  Although various immune interventions are proposed to be useful in human infertility, our studies and others demonstrate these are often ineffective when used in unselected patient populations - so a key challenge is to develop the tools to better match treatments to individual patient needs in a precision medicine approach.

3. Priming the female immune response for conception and pregnancy

We are interested in the female response to seminal fluid, and its significance for fertility and reproductive health. Seminal fluid has a profound effect on female tract immune parameters and is a key factor in establishing local immune adaptations that allow conception, receptivity to embryo implantation and progression of pregnancy. This is mediated by male transplantation antigens and immune-regulatory factors that promote generation of regulatory T cells. The immune changes induced by seminal fluid are critical for fertility and pregnancy health, and can also impact sexually transmitted infection, and conditions including infertility, recurrent miscarriage, and endometriosis. We focus on defining the molecular identity of sperm and seminal plasma signalling molecules, and characterising the immune response elicited in female tissues. The physiological consequences of the female tract response for fertility and embryo development, as well as infection and immune defence, are studied. 

4. Seminal fluid factors and reproductive health in women

In women, seminal fluid induces cellular changes and an induction of inflammatory cytokines similar to the response in mice and other animals. The cytokine and chemokine regulation of the cervical and uterine response in women can be modelled in in vitro experiments, or studied in tissue biopsies. We are identifying the active signalling factors in human seminal fluid, and investigating how these impact fertility and pregnancy outcomes in the human IVF setting. We are also examining the relationship between the seminal fluid content of individual signalling components, fertility and health status, and age and lifestyle factors in men. This work has potential to deliver new immune-based diagnostics and treatment interventions for male infertility.

5. Cytokine regulation of embryo development

Cytokines originating from the maternal oviduct and uterine epithelium act to regulate the development of the embryo as it traverses the reproductive tract prior to implantation. Cytokines modulate gene expression, and cell survival and differentiation, to synchronise embryo growth and development with uterine receptivity. Some years ago we discovered an important role for GM-CSF in promoting blastocyst development, implantation and placental formation, to ultimately affect fetal growth and offspring health after birth. In humans, we showed GM-CSF suppresses cell stress and promotes development of healthy blastocysts. In partnership with Origio A/S, we conducted clinical trials in IVF patients to show GM-CSF improves implantation success especially after prior miscarriage. Our work resulted in the product Embryogen, now sold in 50 countries worldwide. Our current studies are exploring how specific maternal tract cytokines exert both positive and negative effects on preimplantation embryos, to program implantation competence, fetal development and health of offspring after birth.

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2021 - ongoing NHMRC Investigator Fellow University of Adelaide
    2013 - 2021 Director University of Adelaide
    2010 - ongoing Professor of Reproductive Immunology The University of Adelaide
    2010 - 2013 Principal Research Fellow National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
    2008 - 2013 Co-Director Research Centre for Reproductive Health
    2000 - ongoing Research Leader: Reproductive Immunology Research Group University of Adelaide
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2024 Award Officer of the Order of Australia Australian Government Australia -
    2023 Award International Society for Immunology of Reproduction Mentoring Award (Asia-Pacific Region) International Society for Immunology of Reproduction Germany -
    2023 Distinction Distinguished Scientist Award of the Society of Reproductive Investigation Society for Reproductive Investigation United States -
    2022 Award Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation Award for Outstanding Achievement in Children’s Health Research, Australia Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation Australia -
    2022 Award American Society for the Immunology of Reproduction AJRI Award American Society for the Immunology of Reproduction United States -
    2022 Award 2022 SSR Distinguished Fellowship Award Society for the Study of Reproduction United States -
    2020 Award 2020 NHMRC Elizabeth Blackburn Investigator Grant Award (Leadership in Basic Science) National Health and Medical Research Council Australia -
    2020 Award Society for Reproductive Investigation Mentoring Award Society for Reproductive Investigation United States -
    2016 Fellowship Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science Australian Academy of Science Australia -
    2015 Invitation Louis Waller Lecture Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority Australia -
    2015 Achievement Elected Fellow, Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences - - -
    2014 Award Finalist, SA Scientist of the Year - - -
    2014 Award Raymond O. Berry Lecture Texas A&M University United States -
    2013 Award Senior Investigator Award European Society for Reproductive Immunology Australia -
    2013 Award Founder's Lecturer Society for Reproductive Biology Australia -
    2012 Award AWT Edwards Orator, Australian Health and Medical Research Congress (2012) Australian Health and Medical Research Congress Australia -
    2012 Award Director's Award Robinson Research Institute Australia -
    2011 Fellowship Fellow of the Society for Reproductive Biology Society for Reproductive Biology Australia -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    1993 University of Adelaide Australia PhD
    1983 University of Adelaide Australia B.Sc.
  • Research Interests

Research Grants - Current
National and International Competitive Schemes
Date Project/No. Amount
2022-2025 Peri-conception determinants of reproductive and pregnancy health 
CI-A NHMRC Investigator Grant APP1198172
2022-2024 The immune response as a determinant of female reproductive investment
CI-A ARC Discovery DP220103487
2021-2024 Prevention of preterm birth and fetal inflammation: the pharmacology and toxicology of targeting IL-6 with HSJ633, a small peptide allosteric IL6
receptor antagonist
CI-E with Olson D, Chemtob S, Hebert T, Lubell W
2019-2021 Seminal fluid interferon-gamma – an inhibitor of reproductive success?
CI-A ARC Discovery Grant DP190103694
2018-2021 The male partner contribution to pregnancy immune tolerance deficit in women      
CI-A with Tremellen KP, Lane M, Sharkey D, Barry SC, Dekker G.
NHMRC Project Grant APP1139509
2018-2020 Preclinical development of TLR signalling inhibitors for prevention of preterm        
labour and fetal inflammatory injury
CI-A with Keelan J and Hutchinson MR. NHMRC Project Grant APP1140916
2018-2021 Preclinical evaluation of a novel allosteric IL1R inhibitor (rytvela) for the        prevention of perinatal inflammation-induced fetal injury                 
CI-C with Keelan J, Olson D, Kemp M, Dickinson H. NHMRC Project Grant APP1145295
2016-2019 Priming the maternal immune response to resist inflammatory disorders of pregnancy
CI-A with Barry SC and Hutchinson MR. NHMRC Project Grant APP1099461


State Competitive Schemes

Impact of Phthalate exposure in fathers on programming of offspring neurological phenotype?                                  

CI-A Channel 7 Childrens Medical Research Foundation                                                                                                                                                                                     

2018-2024 A randomised controlled feasibility trial of the mechanism of the fertility enhancing effect of lipiodol
CI-B with Johnson N, Guerbet Pharmaceuticals P/L
2017-2019 Boosting Treg cells with novel immune-regulatory agents for pregnancy success?    
CI-A Ferring Pharmaceuticals P/L
Research Grants - Past
International Competitive Schemes
Date Project/No. Amount
2012-2014 The pivotal roles of IL1B and IL6 in the timing of birth 
Co-investigator C with Olson DM and Chemtob S Canadian Institutes of Health Research Operating Grant
2012-2015 Inflammatory Pathways to Preterm Birth
Co-investigator C with Olson DM, Chemtob S, Lubell W, Metz G, Mitchell B Global Alliance for the Prevention of Prematurity and Stillbirth (USA), Preventing Preterm Birth Initiative – Gates Foundation
US $1.5M
2003-2007 How do oocytes and embryos cope with adverse environments?
Co-investigator H with Thompson JG, Edwards L, Gilchrist RB, Kaye P, Kind K, Pantaleon M, Roberts CT, National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA, #HD-02-018
Past National Competitive Schemes - Fellowships
Date Project/No. Amount
2010-2014 CI-A NHMRC Research Fellowship (Principal Research Fellow) ID627017 $752,500
2005–2009 CI-A NHMRC Research Fellowship ID349490 $635,000
2003–2004 Seminal transforming growth factor (TGF)β, maternal immune tolerance and pregnancy outcome – promotion out of synchrony 
CI-A NHMRC Research Fellowship 250450
2000–2002 Seminal transforming growth factor (TGF)β, maternal immune tolerance and pregnancy outcome
CI-A NHMRC Research Fellowship 158069
1996-2000 Cytokine-leukocyte networks in early mammalian pregnancy
CI-A NHMRC R Douglas Wright Award 977745
Past National Competitive Schemes – Program and Project
Date Project/No. Amount
2016-2018 Sperm signalling in the female reproductive tract - a new biological paradigm
CI-A ARC Discovery Grant DP16102366
2015-2018 Inflammatory cytokines as causal agents in peri-conception programming of offspring health
CI-A with Thompson JG and Brown H. NHMRC Project Grant APP1079150
2015-2017 Achieving targeted delivery of drugs to uterine muscle in women for the prevention of preterm labour
CI-C with Smith, R., Hua, S., Ho, R., Adams Waldorf, K. NHMRC Project Grant APP1099461
2013-2016 Activating T cell tolerance to prevent preeclampsia in women
CI-A with Dekker G. NHMRC Project Grant APP1041332
2013-2015 Reducing susceptibility to allergic asthma in offspring by immunomodulatory therapy of the pregnant mother
CI-C with Strickland D and Prescott S. NHMRC Project Grant APP1041764
2012-2014 Inflammatory pathways for novel therapeutic intervention in preterm delivery
CI-A with Hutchinson MH and Olson DM. NHMRC Project Grant APP1026178
2009-2011 Seminal fluid and reproductive health in women
CI-A with Quayle AJ, NHMRC Project Grant 565368
2009-2011 Mechanisms of seminal fluid signalling in mammals
CI-A with RB Gilchrist, ARC Discovery Grant DP0986882
2007–2011 Periconceptual Foundations for a Healthy Start to Life
CI-B with Norman RJ, Rogers RJ, Thompson JG, Lane M, Dekker G, Davies M, NHMRC Program Grant 453556
$10.2 million
2006-2008 Macrophage-regulated tissue remodelling in endometrial receptivity for embryo implantation and pregnancy success
CI-A with Roberts CT, NHMRC Project Grant 399105
2005-2006 Seminal plasma cytokines as novel fertility diagnostics in men
CI-A with Tremellen KP, Norman RJ, NHMRC Development Grant 399106
2005-2007 Mechanisms of infertility induced in mice by vaccination with murine ZP3
CI-B with GR Shellam, ARC Discovery Grant
2005-2009 Network in Genes and Environment in Development
Convenor RI Richards + 46 other participants, Australian Research Council / NHMRC Research Network #RN0457079
$1.5 million
2003-2007 Reproductive health in women
CI-D with Norman RJ, Rodgers RJ, Armstrong DT, Thompson JG NHMRC Program Grant 250306
$8.2 million
2003-2005 GM-CSF regulation of pre-implantation embryo development
CI-A with Thompson JG, NHMRC Development Grant 250388
2002-2004 The mechanistic basis of a reproductive lesion in TGFβ null mutant mice
CI-A, ARC Discovery Grant
2000-2002 Seminal transforming growth factor (TGF)β, maternal immune tolerance and pregnancy outcome
CI-A with RF Seamark and JS Robinson, NHMRC Project Grant 104837: 5 year award (2000-2004)
2000-2002 Effects of leptin on follicle growth and development 
CI-C with Norman RJ, Armstrong DT and Owens PC NHMRC Project Grant 104813
1997-1999 Seminal plasma and sperm as determinants of the maternal immune response to pregnancy
CI-A with RF Seamark, JS Robinson NHMRC Project Grant 970070



1997-1999 Colony stimulating factors in ovulation and luteal function 
CI-C with RJ Norman, SR Maddocks, AM Dharmarajan NHMRC Project Grant 970069
1995-1997 Regulation of chorionic gonadotrophin expression and secretion in the marmoset monkey
CI-C with RJ Norman and A Lopata ARC Large Grant #A09531907
1994-1996 The role of uterine epithelial cell-derived cytokines in reproduction, 
CI-A with RF Seamark, NHMRC Project Grant 940339
Past Industry and Consulting Income
Date Project/No. Amount
2017-2019 Boosting Treg cells with novel immune-regulatory agents for      
pregnancy success
CI-A, Ferring Pharmaceuticals
USD $155,733
2003-2004 PV903 product testing in animal models
CI-A, Gropep Pty. Ltd
2002-2003 Cytokine index / bacterial load in semen as a determinant of boar fertility
CI-A, Australian Pork Limited ID1831
2001-2002 Development of an assay for immune status in pregnancy
CI-A, Gropep Pty. Ltd
2000-2001 Interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 as cofactors in induction of reproductive tract immunity
CI-A, Pest Animal Control CRC
2000-2001 Insemination as a vehicle for induction of immunity to implantation antigens
CI-A, Pest Animal Control CRC
Past NHMRC Equipment Grants
Date Project/No. Amount
2010 Infrared Fluorescence Imager for protein quantification
CI-B with Russell D, Thompson JG et al. IDGNT9000031
2010 Radiometric and Reporter Gene Bioassay Facility
CI-D with Gilchrist RB, Russell D, Thompson JG et al. IDGNT9000031
2010 Becton Dickinson FACSCanto II three laser Flow Cytometer
CI-B with Ingman WV, Russell D, Moldenhauer LM et al. IDGNT9000031
2008 Applied Biosystems 7900HT low density array Taqman PCR platform
CI-C with Russell D, Owens JA, Thompson JT, Somogyi A, et al. ID 580008
2008 PIXImus II DEXA XRay system for small animal analysis
CI-E with Kennaway D, Owens JA, Norman RJ, Thompson JG, et al. ID 580008
2007 Genomelab GeXP Genetic analysis system
CI-H with Kennaway D, Owens JA, Wittert GA, Hiendleder S, et al. ID520946
2007 SlidePath digital SlideServer software, Acer Altos R250 Server
CI-H with Owens JA, Tilley WD, Norman RJ, Findlay D, et al. ID520946
2006 Ariol SL-50 for high throughput image analysis
CI-I with Tilley WD, Owens JA, Norman RJ, Findlay D, et al. ID467207
2005 2 x Applied Biosystems 7500 Real Time PCR Machine,
CI-I with JA Owens, KL Gatford, JS Robinson, et al. ID264655
2005 Rodent blood pressure monitoring station,
CI-H with L MacKenzie, DA Saint, J Ross, RJ Irvine et al. ID219354
2004 MC-Nikon 018C1A Confocal Microscope
CI-B with Thompson JG ID264518
2004 Cobas Integra 400 plus Roche Clinical Chemistry Analyser
CI-J with Owens JA, Gatford KL, Robinson JS, Schwartz J, et al ID264518
2004 Amersham Biosciences Typhoon #9410 Imaging System
CI-D with Rogers RJ, Ivell RJ, Gibson MA, Saint DA, Russell DL ID264518
2003 ABI Prism 7000 Sequence Detection System
CI-A with Rodgers AJ, Armstrong DT, Thompson JG, Norman RJ ID219354
2003 Agilent Nanoflow LC System for QTOF2 mass spectrometer
CI-E with Findlay DM, McColl SR, Wallace JC, Tilley WD ID219354
2001 POLAR Star Galaxy (BMG) Fluorescent Microplate Reader
CI-E with Fontaine FR, Bochner F, McMillen IC, Rodgers RJ etc.
2000 Perkin Elmer 5990 real-time thermal cycler
CI-C with JA Owens, IC McMillen, JS Robinson et al.
1995 Sorvall RC5C Plus Superspeed Centrifuge
CI-C with DT Kennaway, JA Owens,
Past State Competitive Scheme
Date Project/No. Amount
2008 The role of host-derived TGFβ in the establishment of endometriotic lesions
CI-C with Hull ML, Norman RJ Women’s and Children’s Hospital Research Grant
2007 Tissue remodelling in endometriosis
CI-B with Hull ML, Women’s and Children’s Hospital Research Grant
2005-2008 SCreening fOr Pregnancy Endpoints; SA SCOPE
CI-C with G Dekker, CT Roberts, J Robinson, R Norman, R Richards, R North Premier’s Science and Research Fund, Government of SA
2004-2005 Towards improved IVF outcomes: An expression cloning approach to investigate the action of GM-CSF in pre-implantation development 
CI-B with D’Andrea RJ, Brown AL, Sadlon TJ, Roberts CT Women’s and Children’s Hospital Foundation, adelaide
2000 Characterisation of a reproductive lesion in b2-glycoprotein1 null mice: a model for anti-phospholipid syndrome.
CI-A with Krilis SA (University of NSW), WCH Foundation, Adelaide
Past Intramural Schemes – Project Grants
Date Project/No. Amount
2006-2007 Physiological role of TGFβ in erectile function and dysfunction
CI-C with Ingman WV, Musgrave IF - Faculty of Health Sciences – Small Grants Scheme
2005-2006 Macrophage–regulating cytokines in mammary gland development and disease,
CI-B with Ingman WV - Faculty of Health Sciences – Small Grants Scheme
2003-2004 The influence of acupuncture on pregnancy rates for women undergoing embryo transfer: a randomised controlled trial
CI-C, with Smith C, Norman RJ - Faculty of Health Science

Reproductive Medicine Fund Grant, University of Adelaide


2000 The role of IL-10 in murine pregnancy
CI-A with Ramsay AJ (University of Newcastle), ARC small grant
1999 Semen exposure and pregnancy outcome in women
CI-B with G Dekker, KP Tremellen, University of Adelaide (B3 Category)
1999 The role of GM-CSF in early embryo development
CI-A with RJ Norman, University of Adelaide (B1 Category)
1999 Fertility and fecundity in IL-6 deficient mice
CI-A with AJ Ramsay, ARC Small Grant
1998 Immune deviation and pregnancy outcome 
CI-A, University of Adelaide (B3)
1998 The role of chemokines in early murine pregnancy 
CI-A, ARC Small Grant
1995 Seminal plasma proteins as determinants of pregnancy outcome
CI-A with RF Seamark. The Florey Research Fund Faulding Grant 1995
Past Intramural Schemes - Equipment Grants (Faculty of Heath Sciences, unless indicated otherwise)
Date Project/No. Amount
2008 Applied Biosystems 7900HT low density array Taqman PCR platform
CI-C with Russell D, Owens JA, Thompson JT, Somogyi A, et al.
2008 PIXImus II DEXA XRay system for small animal analysis
CI-E with Kennaway D, Owens JA, Norman RJ, Thompson JG, et al.
2007 Genomelab GeXP Genetic analysis system
CI-H with Kennaway D, Owens JA, Wittert GA, Hiendleder S, et al.
2007 SlidePath digital SlideServer software, Acer Altos R250 Server
CI-H with Owens JA, Tilley WD, Norman RJ, Findlay D, et al.
2006 Ariol SL-50 for high throughput image analysis
CI-I with Tilley WD, Owens JA, Norman RJ, Findlay D, et al.
2005 Applied Biosystems 7500 Real Time PCR Machine
CI-I with JA Owens, KL Gatford, JS Robinson, et al. O&G Strategic Research Development Grant
2005 Two Applied Biosystems 7500 Real Time PCR Systems
CI-B with Owens JA, Thompson JG, Nottle M, Kennaway D, et al.
2005 Eppendorf Microfuge
CI-D with DJ Kennaway, CT Roberts, JA Owens, R Rodgers, M Jasper, O&G Strategic Research Development Grant
2005 Becton Dickinson FACSCanto 6-colour Flow Cytometer
CI-A with Robker R, Ingman WV, O&G Strategic Research Development Grant
2004 MC-Nikon 018C1A Confocal Miscroscope
CI-B with Thompson JG
2004 Cobas Integra 400 plus Roche Clinical Chemistry Analyser
CI-J with Owens JA, Gatford KL, Robinson JS, Schwartz J, et al
2004 Amersham Biosciences Typhoon #9410 Imaging System
CI-D with Rogers RJ, Ivell RJ, Gibson MA, Saint DA, Russell DL
2003 ABI Prism 7000 Sequence Detection System
CI-A with Rodgers AJ, Armstrong DT, Thompson JG, Norman RJ
2003 Agilent Nanoflow LC System for QTOF2 mass spectrometer
CI-E with Findlay DM, McColl SR, Wallace JC, Tilley WD
2000 Leading Edge Video Image Analysis System
CI-A with CT Roberts Ramaciotti Foundations: project RA093/00
1999 Biorad ELISA plate reader
CI-A with CT Roberts, Ramaciotti RAMA 99
1998 Detection and quantification of cytokine mRNAs during pregnancy
CI-A with CT Roberts, Ramaciotti Foundations: project RAMA 98082
1995 Miltenyi Biotec 'MiniMACS' magnetic cell sorter
CI-A with RJ Norman
1994 Hybaid Omnigene Thermal Cycler
CI-A, Co-operative Foundation Grant
Undergraduate teaching (at University of Adelaide unless otherwise indicated)
Date Course
1995-2007, 2013 Lecturer and examiner, Infection and Immunity II
2002-2004, 2011 Lecturer, Molecular and Cell Biology I
2005-present Lecturer, Comparative Reproductive Biology III
1997-present       Lecturer and problem-based learning tutor, Human Reproductive Health  II
2000-present   Project Supervisor, Medical Research Project IV, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Other postgraduate teaching
Date Course
1995-2003 Tutor and Examiner, Experimental Methodology, Dept. Obstetrics and Gynaecology
1995-2007 Ad-hoc External Examiner, Depts. Microbiology and Immunology / Animal Sciences
1995-present Assessor, BSc (Hons) Research Projects, Dept. Obstetrics and Gynaecology
PhD thesis examination

University of Melbourne (1996); University of Sydney (1998, 2005); University of NSW (2001); University of Newcastle (2001, 2003); Monash University (2006, 2007, 2008); The University of Auckland (2009, 2010); University of Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA (2011); Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, INDIA (2011).


  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2025 Co-Supervisor Recurrent pregnancy loss Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Cristina Norzel Arriaran Scott
    2024 Principal Supervisor Significance of impaired immune tolerance for infertility in men. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Shreetha Ramasubramanian
    2024 Principal Supervisor Paternal MHC disparity and maternal immune adaptation to pregnancy. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Le Phuong Uyen Pham
    2024 Co-Supervisor Innate phagocytosis from a basic feeding behaviour to a regulated defence action Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Wei Da Ho
    2024 Co-Supervisor Delineating the relationship between metabolic and immune dysfunction that underpins recurrent pregnancy loss. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Rashmi Baid
    2023 Principal Supervisor Identity of seminal fluid antigens driving expansion of the female adaptive immune response after mating Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Ha Manh Tran
    2021 Principal Supervisor Regulatory T cell contributions to maternal immune system dysfunction in preterm birth Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Jessie Rose Walker
    2021 Co-Supervisor Immune cells in preeclampsia – a target for cardiovascular disease prevention? Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Evangeline Alice Ksenija Lovell
    2020 Principal Supervisor New insight into spermatozoa selection for improving assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) outcomes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Soraya Rasi Ghaemi
    2019 Co-Supervisor Mechanisms of Action of Lipiodol in Women Undergoing Reproductive Therapy Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Faizz Fattah
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2022 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Peri-conception Contributions to the Origins of Autoimmunity Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Stacey Jasmin Savin
    2020 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Management Options for Hydrosalpinx - Salpingostomy or IVF Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time APrf Oswald Petrucco
    2017 - 2020 Principal Supervisor The Effect of Washed vs Unwashed Packed Red Blood Cell Transfusion on Immune Responses in the Extremely Preterm Newborn: A Randomised Trial Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Tara Marie Crawford
    2017 - 2021 Principal Supervisor The role of macrophages in vascular adaptation to pregnancy in mice Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Holly Michelle Groome
    2015 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Progesterone control of regulatory T cell abundance, phenotype and stability for pregnancy success Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ella Shana Green
    2015 - 2019 Co-Supervisor The contribution of immune regulatory MicroRNAs in endometriosis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Kavita Panir
    2015 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Regulators of Seminal Fluid Signalling and their Impact on Gene Expression during the Peri-Implantation Period of Pregnancy Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Hon Yeung Chan
    2013 - 2018 Principal Supervisor T Regulatory Cells in Early Pregnancy in Mice Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Bihong Zhang
    2013 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Toll-Like Receptor 4 Signalling in Inflammation Pathways to Term and Preterm Delivery Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Hanan Hamimi Binti Wahid
    2012 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Cytokine-macrophage Regulatory Network in Mammary Gland Development and Tumourigenesis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Xuan Sun
    2011 - 2014 Principal Supervisor The Effect of Macrophages on Fibroblast Activity and Lesion Development in Mouse Models of Endometriosis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mohammad Zahied Johan
    2011 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Effect of C1q Null Mutation on Mammary Gland Development and Breast Cancer Susceptibility Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Siti Mariam Noor Din
    2009 - 2012 Principal Supervisor The Role of Macrophages in Early Pregnancy Success Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Alison Care
    2009 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Cytokines and programming the pre-implantation embryo Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Loretta Chin
    2009 - 2013 Principal Supervisor Circulating microRNAs in endometriosis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Victoria Nisenblat
    2008 - 2009 Co-Supervisor Characterisation of the Development and Hormonal Regulation of the Ovarian Lymphatic Vasculature Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Prof Hannah Brown
    2008 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Seminal Fluid and Cytokine Control of Regulatory T-Cells in Murine Pregnancy Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Leigh Guerin
    2006 - 2008 Principal Supervisor Pathways of Paternal Antigen Presentation to Initiate Antigen-Specific Immune Responses in Pregnancy Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Lachlan Moldenhauer
    2005 - 2008 Principal Supervisor Actions of Seminal Fluid Signalling Factors in the Female Reproductive Tract and on Pregnancy Outcome Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Danielle Glynn
    2005 - 2009 Principal Supervisor The Impact of Exogenous TGF Beta 1 on Male Reproductive Function Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Leanne McGrath
    2003 - 2006 Principal Supervisor The Physiological Significance of Insemination in Programming Pregnancy Outcome Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr John Bromfield
    2002 - 2005 Principal Supervisor Seminal Plasma Regulation of the Post-Coital Inflammatory Response in the Human Cervix Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr David Sharkey
    1999 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Seminal Plasma Cytokines as Determinants of Ovulation, Embryo Development and Pregnancy Success in the Pig Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Sean O'Leary
    1998 - 2002 Principal Supervisor The effect of transforming growth factor beta1 null mutation on murine reproductive function Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time APrf Wendy Ingman
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2018 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Macrophage alterations in microRNA deficient mouse models of endometriosis The University of Adelaide Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours) (First Class Honours Award) Honours Full Time Kavita Bikram Shah
  • Position: NHMRC Ext-Funded Rsch Fellow E
  • Phone: 83134094
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences, floor 6
  • Org Unit: Medical Sciences

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