Soraya Rasi Ghaemi
School of Biomedicine
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Dr. Soraya Rasi Ghaemi is a highly motivated tissue engineer specialising in the field of Regenerative Medicine. She possesses extensive expertise and hands-on experience in andrology, cell therapy, and multidisciplinary biology labs. Her skills include proficiency in high-throughput screening, high-content imaging techniques, and targeted drug delivery systems. Her knowledge and experience extend to the isolation of various types of stem cells, such as Islet cells, Beta cells, buccal mucosa epithelial stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, and liver cells. She has successfully isolated these cells from both human samples and small animals like mice and rats, employing advanced culture methods.
Furthermore, she has a deep understanding and practical experience in surface engineering, focusing on functionalising surfaces, nano technology, performing bioconjugations, and designing surface topography suitable for applications in regenerative medicine and other biological contexts.
Currently, her research endeavors include the development of a functionalised chip for sperm selection, a crucial component in ensuring the success of pregnancy through in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Her innovative work in this area has earned her the prestigious "Commercial Accelerator Scheme (CAS) grant, awarded in December 2022."
Her academic contributions are reflected in her increasing trajectory of high-quality publications. She has authored 16 peer-reviewed journal articles, which collectively have garnered 704 citations, with an average of 45 citations per article. Her impressive h-index of 12 on Google Scholar underscores the impact of her research. Furthermore, her publication record highlights her active involvement in cross-institutional and international collaborations.
Year Citation 2019 Rasi Ghaemi, S., Delalat, B., Cavallaro, A., Mierczynska-Vasilev, A., Vasilev, K., & Voelcker, N. H. (2019). Differentiation of Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells toward Osteogenic Lineage on Extracellular Matrix Protein Gradients. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 8(17), e1900595.
Scopus13 Europe PMC12018 Delalat, B., Cozzi, C., Rasi Ghaemi, S., Polito, G., Kriel, F. H., Michl, T. D., . . . Voelcker, N. H. (2018). Microengineered Bioartificial Liver Chip for Drug Toxicity Screening. Advanced Functional Materials, 28(28).
Scopus552018 Rasi Ghaemi, S., Delalat, B., Gronthos, S., Alexander, M. R., Winkler, D. A., Hook, A. L., & Voelcker, N. H. (2018). High-throughput assessment and modeling of a polymer library regulating human dental pulp-derived stem cell behavior. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10(45), 38739-38748.
Scopus17 WoS14 Europe PMC62016 Rasi Ghaemi, S., Delalat, B., Cetó, X., Harding, F., Tuke, J., & Voelcker, N. (2016). Synergistic influence of collagen I and BMP 2 drives osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells: a cell microarray analysis. Acta Biomaterialia, 34, 41-52.
Scopus44 WoS36 Europe PMC202016 Delalat, B., Rojas-Canales, D., Rasi Ghaemi, S., Waibel, M., Harding, F., Penko, D., . . . Voelcker, N. (2016). A combinatorial protein microarray for probing materials interaction with pancreatic islet cell populations. Microarrays, 5(3), 21.
Europe PMC22015 Delalat, B., Sheppard, V. C., Rasi Ghaemi, S., Rao, S., Prestidge, C. A., McPhee, G., . . . Voelcker, N. H. (2015). Targeted drug delivery using genetically engineered diatom biosilica. Nature Communications, 6(1), 8791.
Scopus232 Europe PMC832013 Rasi Ghaemi, S., Harding, F., Delalat, B., Vasani, R., & Voelcker, N. H. (2013). Surface engineering for long-term culturing of mesenchymal stem cell microarrays. Biomacromolecules, 14(8), 2675-2683.
Scopus25 Europe PMC142013 Ghaemi, S., Harding, F., Delalat, B., Gronthos, S., & Voelcker, N. (2013). Exploring the mesenchymal stem cell niche using high throughput screening. Biomaterials, 34(31), 7601-7615.
Scopus50 WoS43 Europe PMC25
· Commercial Accelerator Scheme (CAS) found to develop a device for sperm selection, December 2022.
· ASBTE Travel grant for presentation at the, 23rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 2014, Victoria, Australia.
· ASBTE Travel grant for presentation at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering together with the 5th Indo Australian Conference on Biomaterials, Implants and Tissue Engineering 2013, South Australia, Australia.
· ASBTE Travel grant for presentation at the 9th World Biomaterials Congress 2012, Chengdu, China.
· PhD full scholarship 2012, Top student in Master Courses, Tarbiat Modares University, in 2006.
· The youngest researcher award (a 24 ct gold coin), Tehran 2006.
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