Anna Chur-Hansen

Professor Anna Chur-Hansen


School of Psychology

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

I am a Registered Psychologist with Endorsement in Health Psychology. I hold a PhD in Medical Education, which I completed in the Discipline of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine at the University of Adelaide, where I was on staff from 1987 to 2013. I served as the Head of the School of Psychology from October 2013 to October 2019. In 2022 I was made a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK). In 2022 I received the Australian Psychological Society's Distinguished Contribution to Psychological Education Award. As well as a focus on research in best practice education for health professionals, my research interests are broadly around food and eating; sex and relationships; physical pain; and death and dying. I am also interested in companion animals and their impact on human health (psychological, social and physical). Much of my research and teaching is around a biopsychosociocultural framework, and I use qualitative methods (as well as quantitative and mixed methods).

Companion animals and human health is an area of research focus
Companion animals and their influence on human health is a focus of research interest


I am available to supervise Honours and Masters Psychology, and PhDs, and Fellowship projects for Medical Colleges.

I am keen to discuss proposals with students that relate to the areas in which I work.  I am happy to consider other areas as long as they are broadly related to Health Psychology or Health Professional Education. Below are projects that are of particular interest for discussion.

Project: Development of a clinical tool for symptoms of eosinophilic oesophagitis.

This project will be in collaboration with A/Prof Hamish Pilpott (  We are seeking a student to work on the development of a 10 item clinical tool for the monitoring of symptoms and treatment response in patients with eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE), designed as a digital app.

EoE is a chronic inflammatory condition of the oesophagus that is increasing in frequency, and adult patients present with dysphagia and food bolus impaction. First described in 1994, EoE now is a condition commonly encountered by gastroenterologists, with a prevalence of approximately 1 in 500 patient years. EoE is a unique form of food allergy, whereby culprit ingested food antigens induce the characteristic eosinophil rich inflammatory response. The irritant effect of refluxed gastric acid also can induce eosinophilia in at risk patients. Thus both irritant and allergic factors are at play.

EoE is diagnosed by the triad of clinical symptoms, endoscopic appearance and  biopsy at endoscopy demonstrating >15 eosinophils per high power field (15/HPF).  There is an imperfect relationship between clinical symptoms and histological activity (eosinophil count) where <5 eosinophils per HPF following 8 weeks of treatment defines a complete response. Treatments include topical corticosteroids (budesonide), proton pump inhibitors (PPI), dietary therapy and oesophageal dilatation.

There is a need for a clinical instrument to monitor treatment response and try and ensure patients maintain treatment remission. There are research tools such as the EoE AiPRO and the DSQ but these are not feasible in routine practice. As EoE is a chronic condition, patients are kept on treatment for decades, and the use of a clinical instrument that doctors and patients alike can consider (e.g. during their clinical appointment) is necessary.

Project: Needle fear in treatments such as dialysis

Professor Shilpa Jesudason ( and I work with a multidisciplinary team (CNARTS), exploring areas such as how to identify, manage and avoid needle fear in treatments such as dialysis.  We have a PhD project mapped out, for a student to adapt to suit their interests, which involves qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods.

Project: Simulation and health professional education

I would be supervising with A/Professor Ellen (Ellie) Davies ( who is the Research Program Lead for Adelaide Health Simulation (AHS), Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.  

Project: Pathways to bariatric surgery

We are seeking Honours, Masters and PhD students interested in exploring options to refine the pathway to bariatric surgery (including screening, behaviour change and selection) in order to improve patient outcomes.  The focus of the research will be discussed with potential students but can include small discrete projects that would suit an Honours student through to substantial PhD projects.  The methodology can be qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed methods.

Supervision can be provided by a range of academics and clinicians, but the core group from whom supervision will be offered includes: Professor Jane Andrews (Gastroenterologist, Medical Lead S3 Gastroenterology, General & GI Surgery, Central Adelaide Local Health Network), Associate Professor Anne Burke and Kathryn Collins (Co-Directors, Health and Clinical Psychologists, Psychology, Central Adelaide Local Health Network), and me (Health Psychologist, School of Psychology, University of Adelaide).

Project: Preferred place of death (hospital or home)

A group of us from several Schools across the Faculty and more broadly, are interested in looking at where people with life limiting illness in the palliative stage, prefer to spend the last days of their life.

Project: Living with IBD

Professor Jane Andrews and I, along with others in our team, are interested in researching psychological interventions for IBD, patient and others' perceptions of IBD and related research.

Project: Human-Animal Interactions and Human Health

Please contact me if you are interested in the human-animal bond and research into human mental and physical health.  You might like to listen to the below radio interview:

I am especially interested in "non-traditional" companion animals and would welcome students interested in pursuing this area further - see a recent publication with Master of Psychology (Health) student, Luke Macauley:

Also listen to this podcast about the human-bearded dragon bond:

In the media (June 2023): 

Associate Professor Diana Dorstyn and Professor Anna Chur-Hansen were recently invited by the South Australian Centre for Economic Studies and The Australian New Zealand Research Collaboration to develop a telehealth blueprint for Workers' Compensation settings. WorkSafe Victoria has now showcased Phase 1 of their project findings, which highlights the growing evidence around telehealth use and satisfaction:

Title: An Australian Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy informed Racism Reduction Program.
Start date: October 2023 
Funding scheme: Medical Research Future Fund Indigenous Health Research.
Investigators: Pearson O, Morey K, Reilly R, Pedler M, Clark Y, Keeler N, Larkin M, Brodie T, Elvidge E, Larkin S, D'Onise K, Lovegrove, J, Chur-Hansen A, Sivak, L.
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 62,255.30

Title: Surveying Australian General Practitioner awareness of and requirements to support referring clients to arts engagement through social prescribing.
Start date: May 2023 
Funding scheme: Arts and Health Alliance (AaHA) (Flinders University, University of South Australia and University of Adelaide)
Investigators: Cothren A, Chur-Hansen A, Arciuli J, Barnett T, Linn A.
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 14,920

Title: Hospitals at night: Junior doctor after hours workload.
Start date: Sept 2022 
Funding scheme: Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN). 
Investigators: Laurence C, Maddison J, Gluck S, Wislang K, Cohen M, Chur-Hansen A, Thomas J.
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 61,212

Title: A novel program to reduce fear and pain of dialysis needles.
Start date: 2022 
Funding scheme: Health Services Charitable Gifts Board.
Investigators: Jesudason S, Burke A, Collins K, Le Leu R, Hill K, Chur-Hansen A, McDonald S.
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 50,000

Title: Improving the access to and delivery of palliative care for underserved populations.
Start date: 2022 (5 year grant)
Funding scheme: The Hospital Research Foundation Group - Palliative Care. 
Investigators: Eliott J, Harvey G (Flinders), Gunn K (University of South Australia), Crawford G, Chur-Hansen A, Laurence C, Due C, Dadich A (Western Sydney University), Walters L, Lakhani A (La Trobe University), Foreman L (Central Adelaide Palliative Care Service), To T (Southern Adelaide Palliative Service), Sundararajan V (La Trobe University)
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 2.25 million

Title: Work Gain: Experiences of a work-specific rehabilitation program.   
Start date: 2021
Funding scheme: Lifetime Support Authority of South Australia. 
Investigators: Dorstyn D, Chur-Hansen A, Roberts R, Oxlad M (University of Adelaide), Fedoric B, Roberts T. (WorkGain)
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 120,100

Title: Improving management of needle fear during the journey to dialysis through psychological education and training: The INJECT study.  
Start date: 2020
Funding scheme: RAH Clinical Project Grant 
Investigators: Jesudason S, McDonald S, Chur-Hansen A, Burke A, Collins K, Le Leu R, Duncanson E.
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 50,000

Title: SCI (Spinal Cord Injury) Research Collaboration Grant.  Start  date: 2020
Funding scheme: Spinal Research Institute.
Investigators: Dorstyn D, Roberts R, Chur-Hansen A (University of Adelaide), Fraser W, Kuberek S (Paraquad SA)
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 2,500    

Title: A qualitative study: healthcare professionals’ views of patient and family perspectives on place of death.   
Start date: 2019
Funding scheme: The Northern Community Health and Research Foundation. 
Investigators: Eliott J, Crawford G, Olver I, Chur-Hansen A, Foreman L
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 20,350

Title: Work and SCI: development of a return-to-work assessment and counselling service for injured job-seekers living in the community.      Start date: 2019
Funding scheme: Lifetime Support Authority of South Australia
Investigators: Dorstyn D, Roberts R, Chur-Hansen A, Murphy G, Stewart P, Craig A, Kneebone, I.
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 94,507

Title: Developing an assessment package of tools for commencement of dialysis: assessing patient burden and strategies for intervention.        Start  date: 2017
Funding scheme: Kidney, Transplant and Diabetes Research Australia Project Grant
Investigators: Jesudason S, McDonald S, Clayton P, Le Leu R, Faull R, Meade A, Whittington T, Donnelly F, Crail S, Burke A, Collins K, A Chur-Hansen.   
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 50,00               

Title: The psychological impact of commencement of dialysis: assessing patient burden and strategies for intervention.   Start date: 2017
Funding scheme: Health Services Charitable Gifts Board Royal Adelaide Hospital Grant 
Investigators: Jesudason S, Faull R, McDonald S, Le Leu R, Burke A, Collins K, Chur-Hansen A.
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 57,000

Title: Evaluation of Integrated Mental Healthcare in Routine IBD Management.   
Start date:  17 Sept 2015 End date: 30 Sept 2017
Funding scheme: IBD Centres of Excellence Scheme, Gastroenterological Society of Australia 
Investigators: Mikocka-Walus A, Chur-Hansen A, Lores T, Collins K, Burke A, Goess C.
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 125,000

Title: Work and SCI: an online course to enhance vocational outcomes following spinal cord injury
Start date: 1 December 2016 End date: 1 December 2017
Funding scheme: ORG97741: auDA Foundation Grant
Investigators: Dorstyn D, Roberts R, Stewart P, Marshall R, Clark J, Murphy G, Chur-Hansen A, Craig A
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 22,280

Title: Development and preliminary trial of an online vocational program for Australian adults with spinal cord injury
Start date: 13 October 2015 End date: 1 February 2017
Funding scheme: ORG122011: Lifetime Support Authority Research Grants
Investigators: Dorstyn D, Roberts R, Chur-Hansen A, Stewart P, Murphy G, Marshall R, Clarke J, Craig A
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 61,000

Title: Assessing the utility of an online adaptive learning tool in a large undergraduate program
Start date: 4 December 2014 End date: 2 March 2016
Funding scheme: ORG115671: Office for Learning and Teaching - OLT Grants
Funder name: Office for Learning and Teaching
Investigators: Dry M, Due C, Chur-Hansen A, Burns N
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 22,000

Title: Does routine screening for psychological issues and provision of psychological care improve patient outcomes in the IDB Service.   
Start date: 2015
Funding scheme: Janssen Inflammatory Bowel Disease Centres of Excellence Award. 
Investigators: Andrews J, Grafton R, Mikocka-Walus A, Chur-Hansen A, Collins K, Burke A.
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 125,000

Title: The Medici Project: developing a multi-disciplinary, sustainable resource for blended learning initiatives in tertiary medical education
Start date: 1 May 2009 End date: 20 May 2011
Funding scheme: ORG10341C: Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC)
Investigators: Devitt P, Palmer E, Chur-Hansen A, Crabb S
Total Awarded Amount: AUD 240,900

I currently teach into the School of Psychology curriculum at undergraduate level (primarily qualitative research methods) and postgraduate level.  I supervise clinical health psychology and health promotion placements in the Masters of Psychology (Health), and I supervise graduates seeking Endorsement in Health Psychology with the Psychology Board of Australia.  I am Placement Co-ordinator for Master of Psychology (Health). In 2024 I am teaching across the curriculum, including: Masters (Evidence Based Practice (Summer School) and Health Psychology (Semester 2)), as well as into the undergraduate psychology courses Psychology, Science and Society, Honours Psychology Research Methods and Statistics, Honours Thesis Part 1 and Applied Psychological Interventions and Research.  I supervise Honours Psychology theses in addition to Master and PhD theses and Medicine Speciality Scholarly Projects.  I also contribute to teaching in the School of Medicine (for the BMD program) and assist as needed in other Schools, by invitation.


  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Principal Supervisor Sexuality and Sexual Health Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Georgia Rose Breakey
    2024 Co-Supervisor The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on post-graduate psychiatry training. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Michael James Weightman
    2024 Co-Supervisor Investigating Transgender and Gender Diverse Experiences of Gender Euphoria in an Australian Context Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Stella Kulesza
    2023 Principal Supervisor The psychosocial experiences of people living with a cardiac implantable electronic device a biopsychosocial perspective Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mitchell Martin Nicmanis
    2023 Principal Supervisor Palliative Care and the Criminal Justice System Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Oscar Williams
    2023 Principal Supervisor Investigating the Experiences of LGBTQIA+ Individuals Engaging Online and the Effects on their Mental and Physical Wellbeing Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Alex Penfold
    2022 Principal Supervisor Psychological and Psychosocial Factors associated with Prehabilitation Drop-out and Completion amongst Bariatric Surgery Candidates Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Mia Majstorovic
    2021 Principal Supervisor Emotional labour in the hair and beauty industry: a mixed methods study Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Stacey Mary Page
    2019 Co-Supervisor Conceptualisation, handling and management related to human death in contemporary Adelaide Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Annamaria Fratini
    2018 Principal Supervisor Applying Behaviour Change Theory and Techniques to Improve Interventions for the Psychological Well-Being of Carers of people with Motor Neurone Disease Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Paul Cafarella
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2021 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Men and Flexible Work: Perceptions of Organisational Leaders and Men Who Use Flexible Work Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Marianne Holly Clausen
    2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Psychological Literacy in Undergraduate Psychology Learning and
    Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Samantha Jane Newell
    2018 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Navigating deafness and cochlear implants: Parents’ and young adults’ experiences in an Australian setting Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Claire Elizabeth Harris
    2017 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Interprofessional Learning Between Pharmacy and Medicine Students Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Prof Josephine Suzanne Thomas
    2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Sexuality and Sexual Health in Mental Health Care Settings: Perceptions of Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Mental Health Nurses in Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Kristi Lauren Urry
    2013 - 2017 Principal Supervisor The Eating-related Behaviours, Expectations, and Experiences of Individuals Before and After Undergoing Bariatric Surgery Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Melissa Jo Opozda
    2013 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Rural and Remote Psychological Service Delivery: Perceptions of Rural Psychologists, General Practitioners, and Community Members Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology (Clinical) Doctorate Full Time Dr Carly Rose Stagg
    2012 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Psychiatric Inpatient Care for Children and Adolescents: Consumer Perspectives Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Gigetta Maria Luigia Salamone-Violi
    2012 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Resilience, Complete Mental Health and Academic Achievement in Traditional and Non-Traditional Students Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology (Clinical) Doctorate Full Time Dr Ethel Chung
    2009 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Potential Futures: An Ethnography of a Familial Cancer Counselling and Genetic Testing Unit Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Amaya Gilson
    2009 - 2012 Principal Supervisor On Dealing with Death and Dying: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Surgeons, Oncologists, Intensive Care and Palliative Medicine Specialists Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Sofia Carolina Zambrano Ramos
    2009 - 2011 Co-Supervisor Canines Utilised for Therapeutic Purposes in the Physical and Social Health of Older People in Long Term Care Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Cindy Stern
    2009 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Medical Concepts of Depression in the Palliative Care Setting: Perspectives from Palliative Medicine Specialists and Psychiatrists Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Felicity Ng
    2008 - 2009 Co-Supervisor An Analysis of Cosmetic Surgery Accounts and a Proposed Counselling Framework Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Rebecca Gooden
    2008 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Mothering and Mental Illness: An Ethnography of Attachment in an Institutional Context Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Sonia Masciantonio
    2008 - 2015 Principal Supervisor The Experience of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and NICU Supportive Interventions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time APrf Melanie Suzanne Turner
    2007 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Exploring the Fit between the Perceived Mental Health Needs of Resettling Refugees and Current Health Service Responses Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Michael Savic
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Voluntary Assisted Dying in South Australia The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Olivia Cahill
    2024 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Chinese women's experiences with breast cancer, living in Australia The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Yun (Isabella) Dong
    2024 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Photobiomodulation The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Melania Hill
    2024 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Women's experiences of endometriosis The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Louisa O'Callaghan-Reay
    2024 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Experiences with "Hooking up" online The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Talisa Soong
    2024 - 2024 Principal Supervisor The Australia Master of Organisational Psychology program: Preparing graduates for work overseas The University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Organisational and Human Factors) Master Full Time Connie Tran
    2024 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Understanding the Lived Experiences of Bariatric Surgery Patients: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Online Peer Support Groups The University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Rachael Stewart
    2024 - 2024 Principal Supervisor A Narrative Review of The Evolution of International Drug Policies. The University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Renee McNeil
    2023 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Exploring how relationship dynamics change after bariatric surgery University of Adelaide School of Psychology - Honours Full Time Jasmine Lester
    2023 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Bearded dragons and the human-animal bond University of Adelaide School of Psychology - Honours Full Time Leana Lovell
    2023 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Women’s experiences with IUDs University of Adelaide School of Psychology - Honours Full Time Georgina Breakey
    2022 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Rural and remote psychologists' views of placement supervision University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Part Time Joanne Waugh
    2022 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Patient experiences of pacemaker implantation University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Mitchell Nicmanis
    2022 - 2022 Co-Supervisor LGBTIQ+ experiences of seeking professional mental health care University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Part Time Rebecca Etienne
    2022 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Renal nurse experiences regarding needle fear management University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Sumaya Abdinoor
    2022 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Simulated patients and their experiences University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Laura Wiechula
    2021 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Burnout for palliative care clinicians during COVID University of Adelaide Honours Psychology Honours Full Time Isobel Reid
    2021 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Needle fear in the renal unit - a qualitative study University of Adelaide Honours Psychology Honours Full Time Tahlia Masotti
    2021 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Place of death as portrayed in the media University of Adelaide Honours Psychology Honours Full Time Emma Rundle
    2021 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Needle fear in the renal unit - a qualitative study University of Adelaide Honours Psychology Honours Full Time Bronwyn Harris
    2021 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Sex and intimacy during COVID University of Adelaide Honours Psychology Honours Full Time MJ Ndele
    2020 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Health benefits of "non-traditional" companion animals for humans University Of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Luke Macauley
    2020 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Exploring the experiences of caregivers of renal disease patients using online forums. University of Adelaide Honours Psychology Honours Part Time Natalie Tuckey
    2020 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Renal disease and the roles of companion animals University of Adelaide Honours Psychology Honours Full Time Tara Jackson
    2020 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Representations of dying at home in Australian print media University of Adelaide Honours Psychology Honours Full Time Madeline Pocock
    2020 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Australian inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patient experience of health care: a mixed-methods study. University Of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Meg Feeney
    2019 - ongoing External Supervisor Importance of psychological care for people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Deakin University Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology) Doctorate Part Time Taryn Lores
    2019 - 2021 Co-Supervisor The usefulness and acceptability of web-based tools to determine prognosis in nursing home residents: a qualitative study of the attitudes of residential care nurses Royal Australasian College of Physicians Geriatric training research project for RACP Other Part Time Dr Holly Bills
    2019 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Assistance Dogs and Human Health and Wellbeing University Of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Part Time Isabella Barbato
    2019 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Do 3 and 4 year psychology graduates meet employers' needs? University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Connie Tran
    2019 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Hairdressers as a source of social support University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Part Time Stacey Page
    2019 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Psychologists' job satisfaction and the NDIS University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Sanara Gunawardena
    2019 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Adult separation anxiety and companion animals University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Clinical) Master Full Time Elisha Dowsett
    2018 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Prostate cancer and sexual health University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Andi Tran
    2018 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Umbrella review of interventions for death anxiety. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Clinical) Master Full Time Marissa Menezes
    2018 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Lay understandings of the mind-brain-gut axis University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Angie Bon
    2018 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Friend or food? A qualitative study of chicken owners' perceptions of chickens and chicken meat. University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Luke Macauley
    2018 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Psychologists' experiences and suggestions regarding online resources for chronic pain University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Kate McKinlay
    2018 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Cultural perspectives of death and dying in Chinese people: A qualitative study for cultural competency University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Gregory Low Wei Liang
    2018 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Cognitive processes and meat eating University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Stefanie Distasio
    2017 - 2018 Principal Supervisor A narrative review of qualitative studies on the use of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for anxiety and depression in the elderly Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists RANZCP Fellowship Scholarly Project Other Full Time Dr Rebecca Thomas
    2017 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Cognitive processes and meat eating University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Nikki van der Velde
    2017 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Gay men, companion animals, and masculine identity University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Gustavo Garcia
    2017 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Grief and loss on the death of a child University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Part Time Jodie Oliver-Baxter
    2017 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Psychological and pharmacological interventions for the treatment of depression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. University of Adelaide PhD Doctorate Full Time Justyna Pollok
    2016 - 2017 Principal Supervisor The mental and physical health of Honours Psychology students in Australia University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Tim Jarrad
    2016 - 2016 Principal Supervisor First time fathers and their experiences and understanding of post natal depression University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Tiffany De Sousa Machado
    2016 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Cognitive processes and meat eating University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Elisha Dowsett
    2016 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Sexual health experiences of older men from the perspective of health professionals University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Andi Tran
    2016 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Psychiatrists’ views on the human-animal bond and its relevance to old age mental health/illness Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Advanced Training Psychiatry of Old Age dissertation Other Full Time Dr Cheryl Lee
    2016 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Exploring the psychological impact of dialysis University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Emily Duncanson
    2015 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Clinicians' perceptions about teaching clinical reasoning to medical students University of Adelaide MBBS Other Full Time Lachlan Angus
    2015 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) of psychologists working with persons with vision impairment University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Youngblood Simeon Bobo Roche
    2014 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Supporting bereaved clients of companion animals: The impact of compassion fatigue on veterinarians' physical and psychological health University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Marie Dow
    2014 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Self-reported symptoms, illness anxiety and risk perception related to mobile phone use University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Amanda Salha
    2014 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Attitudes toward combining psychological, mind-body therapies and nutritional approaches for the enhancement of mood University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Taryn Lores
    2013 - 2013 Principal Supervisor Professional skills and personal characteristics for psychologists working in an urban Australian context with Indigenous clients. University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Joanne O'Connor
    2012 - 2013 Principal Supervisor Is death our business? Philosophical conflicts over the end-of-life in old age psychiatry. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry Advanced Training Psychiatry of Old Age Other Part Time Dr Duncan McKellar
    2012 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) of rural and remote psychologists University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Carly Rose Sutherland (Stagg)
    2011 - 2011 Principal Supervisor A program to reduce the incidence of companion animal attacks on children: Community knowledge and delivery in practice. University of Adelaide Psychiatry Honours Full Time Alicia Jenkins
    2011 - 2013 Principal Supervisor Perceptions of personal weight status as a determinant of quality of life. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Part Time Jane Armstrong
    2011 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Prevalence and risk factors for body image dissatisfaction in a community-based study of middle-aged to elderly men. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Melissa Osborn
    2011 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Assuming control: participant perceptions of a nine week course for survivors of acquired brain injury. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Vicki Penglis
    2011 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Patient expectations of gastrointestinal surgery and perceptions of the preoperative visit. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Branka Radovanovic
    2011 - 2012 Principal Supervisor The effectiveness of mindfulness-based programs on physical symptoms and psychological distress in fibromyalgia patients: a systematic review. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Miriam Henke
    2011 - 2012 Principal Supervisor A critical exploration of the potential relevance of health psychology in community residential care. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Lauren Moulds
    2011 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Mental health and occupational stress in animal welfare (rescue shelter) staff and volunteers: Work environment, social supports and attachment relationships with companion animals as mediators for mental ill health. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Clinical) Master Part Time Robyn Fromene
    2010 - 2012 Co-Supervisor A pilot study of the acceptability of "The Chronic Illness Game" as a therapeutic tool for use with children. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Dr Marijeta Kurtin
    2010 - 2011 Principal Supervisor The role of social support in the body image of burn survivors. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Kellie Hodder
    2009 - 2010 Principal Supervisor An exploration of the mental health implications of human attachment to companion animals. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Clinical) Master Full Time Jasmin Peacock
    2009 - 2010 Principal Supervisor A longitudinal qualitative pilot study examining guide dog puppy educators' physical and psychological health. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Lucy-Kate Werner
    2008 - 2008 Principal Supervisor Patient perceptions of and experiences with Inflammatory Myositis: A novel measure based on a South Australian cohort. University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Colleen Ortega
    2008 - 2008 Principal Supervisor Accounts of academic staff and Chinese students in relation to the effect of the acculturation process and intercultural mixing between local and international students at the University of Adelaide University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Edgar Lee Chi Sang
    2008 - 2008 Co-Supervisor Computers and medical practice: Examining communications in rheumatology consultations where desktop computers are used for record management. University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Anna Booth
    2008 - 2009 Principal Supervisor Psychologists' knowledge of and attitudes toward animal assisted therapy. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Clinical) Master Full Time Anne Black
    2008 - 2009 Principal Supervisor A qualitative investigation of the effects of memantine on level of functioning in persons with acquired brain injury: Patient and family perspectives. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Bethany Smith
    2008 - 2009 Principal Supervisor Psychological theories of perceptions of obesity in self and others. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Health) Master Full Time Jade Keightley (Gooding)
    2006 - 2007 Principal Supervisor A thematic analysis on the psychological impact on clinicians working with suicidal clients. University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Clinical) Master Full Time Deidre O'Dea
    2006 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Hospital pharmacy staff perceptions and experiences of some prominent patient safety interventions: The ideology versus reality University of South Australia Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy Doctorate Full Time Sin Yan (Shirley) Chui
    2005 - 2005 Principal Supervisor Preferences for male and female mental health care professionals: The roles of transference, gender, age, mental health problem and previous mental health care experience. University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Melanie Traeger
    2005 - 2005 Co-Supervisor Emotive responses to food - a quantitative and qualitative exploration. James Cook University MBBS Other Full Time Caroline McNamara
    2002 - 2002 Co-Supervisor Final year medical students' attitudes towards psychology and psychologists. University of Adelaide Psychology Honours Full Time Nhi Y. Nguyen
    2001 - 2003 Principal Supervisor Collingwood College Kitchen Garden University of Adelaide Master of Arts in Gastronomy Master Part Time Kay Richardson

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