Dr Claire Harris
Research Fellow
School of Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Claire Harris is a social anthropologist and research fellow in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Adelaide. She is an experienced documentary filmmaker, artist and co-director of The Art Bus, a cultural and community development program that delivers long-term visual art programs with diverse community groups. Art Bus programs are shaped by visual ethnographic methods and draw on key elements of co-design with a focus on process and participation. Outcomes are shared with broad audiences through public installations and exhibitions. Her research interests include the intersection between anthropology, arts, health, and community. Her work is also focused on gender, bodies, and experiences of deafness, technology, and cochlear implants.
ARC LP210301337 Situating care: How families support each other to create change and to build strong communities with CI Prof Megan Warin; Dr Tanya Zivkovic; Prof JaneMaree Maher (Monash); Mrs Danielle Abbott. Industry partners: The Australian Centre for Social Innovation Inc., Uniting Communities Inc.
This project aims to drive an urgently needed shift from top-down interventions that focus on obesity as an individual problem of diets and exercise, to collective solutions of care generated by families for families, empowering social change at a local, community level. In collaboration with Australia’s leading designers of social innovation, this anthropology project expects to generate new knowledge about care, families and food practices in disadvantaged communities, and to construct new digital, policy, and program frameworks for broader adaptation. The advances are likely to have a strong bearing on how more equitable health policy and practices evolve in Australia and internationally.
Date Position Institution name 2023 - ongoing Post doctoral Research Fellow on ARC Linkage project University of Adelaide -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2016 Award Australian Postgraduate Award Adelaide University Australia $78,000 2014 Scholarship Quota South Pacific Area Scholarship - Australia - 1985 Recognition David Murray Prize for the Arts University of Adelaide Australia - -
Date Institution name Country Title 2016 - 2021 University of Adelaide Australia PhD 1981 - 1985 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Arts Honours (First) -
Postgraduate Training
Date Title Institution Country 2016 - 2021 PhD University of Adelaide Australia
Year Citation 2023 Harris, C. E., Hemer, S. R., & Chur-Hansen, A. (2023). Cochlear Implants: Young Adults’ Embodied Experiences of Deafness and Hearing through Implanted Technology. Body and Society, 29(1), 3-27.
2021 Harris, C., Hemer, S. R., & Chur-Hansen, A. (2021). Informed choice and unbiased support: Parents’ experiences of decision-making in paediatric deafness. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 1, 100022-1-100022-8.
Scopus6 WoS12020 Harris, C., Hemer, S. R., & Chur-Hansen, A. (2020). Emotion as Motivator: Parents, Professionals and Diagnosing Childhood Deafness. Medical Anthropology, 40(3), 1-14.
Scopus6 WoS6 Europe PMC12020 Harris, C., Hemer, S., & Chur-Hansen, A. (2020). "It's an emotional rollercoaster" the spatial and temporal structuring of affect in diagnosing childhood hearing loss. Emotion, Space and Society, 37, 1-7.
Scopus2 WoS1 -
Original Creative Works
Year Citation 2013 Authors: Harris CE. Title: Muriel Matters! That Daring Australian Girl - documentary film. Description: N/A. Extent: 30 minute documentary film. 2007 Authors: Harris CE, Bates M. Title: What the future Sounded Like - documentary film. Description: N/A. Extent: 30 minutes duration.
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2014 - 2017 Board Member Richard Llewellyn Arts and Disability Trust Arts SA Australia 2014 - 2017 Member Media Resource Centre Media Resource Centre and Mercury Cinema Australia -
Date Topic Presented at Institution Country 2023 - 2023 Co-design - meaningful collaboration with parents of children and young people who are deaf or hard of hearing. 2023 Australasian Newborn Hearing Screening Conference, 20 Years of Newborn Hearing Screening: Looking Back and Building the Future UofA Australia
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