Caitlin Adams
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and EconomicsShadi Jamialahmadi
Higher Degree by Research CandidateFaculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Dr Marina Salles Munerato
Senior Lecturer in Veterinary AnaesthesiologyFaculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Dr Tom Porta
LecturerFaculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.
Nikoo Soltan Mohammadzadeh
Higher Degree by Research CandidateFaculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Professor Sheree Smith
Professor of NursingFaculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.
Elizabeth Summerell
Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesMohammadreza Hassanvand
Higher Degree by Research CandidateFaculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology