Lisa Conlon

Dr Lisa Conlon

Senior Lecturer

Adelaide Nursing School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor) - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Dr Lisa Conlon has been a registered nurse since 1989. For many years she was a Nursing Officer in the Royal Australian Navy, working in both Australia and internationally. On leaving full time military service, she commenced working at universities in both Australia and Sweden. She has also worked as a consultant for the World Health Organisation and the International Council of Nurses, designing and delivering training programs for Emergency and Disaster nursing. Her teaching interests include: perioperative nursing, emergency and disaster, and management. Her area of research focuses on military trauma team preparation and management.

Dr Conlon's research interests are Emergency and Disaster preparedness of nurses and this is combined with nurses educationally for their clinical roles in hospitals, primary care and war and disaster zones. She currently supervisors two HDR students and continues to support early career researchers within the higher education sector.

Research collaborations

Dr David Stewart - Deputy Director International Council of Nurses, developing, expanding and updating international evidence based competencies for Emergency and Disaster Nursing

Professor Alison Hutton - University of Newcastle - exploring the experiences of nurses in disasters to develop a deeper understanding of critical issues and context for this area of nursing.

Associate Professor Tomiko Toda, Faculty of Global Nursing, Otemae University, Japan - Exploring education courses on disaster nursing - Scoping review.

Aalborg University, Denmark / The University of Adelaide School of Nursing collaboration.

  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    The University of Adelaide Australia Doctor of Nursing
    Charles Sturt University Australia Master of Clinical Nursing
    Charles Sturt University Australia Bachelor of Science (Nursing)
  • Research Interests

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2023 Kardosod, A., Bawornthip, P., & Conlon, L. (2023). Effectiveness of Self-management eHealth Intervention for Psychological Adjustment for Health-Related Quality of Life in Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 27(2), 351-367.
    2023 HUTTON, A., CONLON, L., KAKO, M., WILSON, R. L., HAMMAD, K., OLSON, S., . . . RANSE, J. (2023). Exploring advanced nursing practice during Australian disasters: A scoping review. Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing, 10(1), 5-17.
    2020 Gullick, J., Wu, J., Reid, C., Tembo, A. C., Shishehgar, S., & Conlon, L. (2020). Heideggerian structures of Being-with in the nurse–patient relationship: modelling phenomenological analysis through qualitative meta-synthesis. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 23(4), 645-664.
    DOI Scopus8 Europe PMC2
    2019 Conlon, L., Wiechula, R., & Garlick, A. (2019). Hermeneutic phenomenological study of military nursing officers. Nursing research, 68(4), 267-274.
    DOI Scopus8 WoS5 Europe PMC5
    2016 Malm, D., Rolander, B., Ebefors, E. -M., Conlon, L., & Nygårdh, A. (2016). Reducing the Prevalence of Catheter-Related Infections by Quality Improvement: Six-Year Follow-Up Study. Open Journal of Nursing, 06(02), 79-87.
    2015 Haraldsson, L., Christensson, L., Conlon, L., & Henricson, M. (2015). The experiences of ICU patients during follow-up sessions - A qualitative study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 31(4), 223-231.
    DOI Scopus8 Europe PMC3
    2014 Kelly, M. A., Forber, J., Conlon, L., Roche, M., & Stasa, H. (2014). Empowering the registered nurses of tomorrow: Students' perspectives of a simulation experience for recognising and managing a deteriorating patient. Nurse Education Today, 34(5), 724-729.
    DOI Scopus33 Europe PMC10
    2011 Conlon, L., & Wiechula, R. (2011). Preparing nurses for future disasters - the Sichuan experience. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 14(4), 246-250.
    DOI Scopus17 WoS13
    2010 Duffield, C. M., Conlon, L., Kelly, M., Catling-Paull, C., & Stasa, H. (2010). The emergency department nursing workforce: Local solutions for local issues. International Emergency Nursing, 18(4), 181-187.
    DOI Scopus8 Europe PMC4
    - Kardosod, A., Bawornthip, P., & Conlon, L. (n.d.). A Bleak Future Awaits Nurses in Traditional Employment Worldwide: Insights on Practice and Career Alternatives. PACIFIC RIM INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH, 27(2), 351-367.
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2014 Ekblad, H., Malm, D., Fridlund, B., Conlon, L., & Rönning, H. (2014). The well-being of relatives of patients with atrial fibrillation: A critical incident technique analysis. In Open Nursing Journal Vol. 8 (pp. 48-55). Bentham Science Publishers Ltd..
    DOI Scopus10

Dr Lisa Conlon is an education specialist and is an internationally recognised researcher in Emergency and Disaster preparedness of nurses. She hold degrees in Bachelor of Nursing, Master of Clinical Nursing and Doctor of Nursing. Lisa's initial research developed during her time working at the Royal Military College, Schrivenham, United Kingdom, in the Disaster Preparedness Centre. From this exposure of disaster preparedness, she has developed a number of research projects which sought to prepare nurses for emerging disaster events. During this time, it was essential that Lisa built her educational career which enables a strong commitment to future generations of nurses and researchers. To enable the training of nurses and the ability to respond to next international event. 

As an educational leader, Dr Conlon's strong commitment to mentoring is evident through her supporting and mentoring of multidisciplinary early career educationalists and her ability to develop and implement curriculum to national and international standards. 

Dr Conlon was an core member of the Asia Pacific Emergency and Disaster Nursing Network and has consulted for The World Health Organisation on disaster nursing and continues to be a consultant for The International Council of Nurses.

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2022 Co-Supervisor Exploring The psychosocial and The Academic Factors that Influence Undergraduate Students in Saudi Arabian Nursing Collages and Departments Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mohammad Ayed Aloufi
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 - ongoing Co-Supervisor An exploration of family stress, wellbeing and experiences related to the resuscitation of a family member in the Emergency Department in Indonesia The University of Adelaide PhD Doctorate Full Time Ira Rahmawati
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2023 - ongoing Vice-President Adelaide Nursing School Alumni Network The University of Adelaide Australia
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2024 - ongoing Member Australian College of Nursing Australia
  • Consulting/Advisories

    Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country
    2009 - ongoing International Council of Nurses International Council of Nurses Health services and related Switzerland
    2006 - 2012 World Health Organisation Western Pacific Regional Office Instructional and training Switzerland

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