Amy Brierley-Beare

Amy Brierley-Beare

School of Humanities

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Amy Brierley-Beare is a media lecturer at The University of Adelaide. Her research investigates how mainstream gaming represents and negotiates romance and social intimacy. Other research interests include game studies, emergent narrative, audience studies, experiential metaphor, and transgressive play.



  • Journals

    Year Citation
    - Brierley, A. (n.d.). Communicating Love: Dialogue Icons, Control and Diminishing Social Complexity in Cyberpunk 2077. Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, 9(2), 37-54.
    - Beare, A. H., & Brierley-Beare, A. (n.d.). “You Know There’s No ‘It’ Right? ‘It’ Was Just Us”. M/C Journal, 26(5).
Date Course Title Course Code Role
2024 Advanced Digital Promotion MDIA 3341 Course Coordinator
2024 3D Imaging MDIA 1017 Tutor
2021 Media Professions and Identities MDIA 1020 Tutor
2022-23 Advanced Digital Promotion MDIA 3341 Tutor
2020-23 Key Concepts in Media MDIA 1002 Tutor


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