Professor Peter Strelan
Head of School of Psychology
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Professor Peter Strelan works at the intersection of social psychology and individual differences. His broad research interest is in the area of forgiveness and revenge, and how justice beliefs influence how people respond to transgressions.
He also has expertise in the flipped classroom, and interest in the development of innovative teaching activities.
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I conduct research that is located at the intersection of social psychology and individual differences. Broadly speaking, I am interested in how people get along, particularly when conflict and transgressions occur. Both justice and social harmony are fundamentally important to humans; how do we get both following a transgression? Thus, most of my research is concerned with forgiveness and revenge, and also how justice beliefs influence how we respond to transgressions.
I have a second string to my research bow, insofar as I have expertise in the flipped classroom and interest in the development of innovative teaching exercises.
Date Position Institution name 2005 - ongoing Professor Adelaide -
Date Institution name Country Title Flinders Australia PhD -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Kemp, A., Palmer, E., Strelan, P., & Thompson, H. M. (2024). Testing a novel extended educational technology acceptance model using student attitudes towards virtual classrooms. British Journal of Educational Technology, 55(5), 2110-2131.
Scopus12024 Scholz, D., Taylor, A., Callaghan, P., & Strelan, P. (2024). An exploration of the efficacy of mental health and wellbeing education initiatives in secondary schools: triangulation of student and teacher perspectives. Australian Psychologist, 59(3), 275-289.
Scopus12024 Lee, D., Arnold, M., Srivastava, A., Plastow, K., Strelan, P., Ploeckl, F., . . . Palmer, E. (2024). The impact of generative AI on higher education learning and teaching: A study of educators’ perspectives. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 6, 100221.
Scopus202024 Bartholomaeus, J., & Strelan, P. (2024). A fair go? How belief in a just world shaped attitudes, intentions, and behaviors before and after the Australian referendum on a First Nations voice to parliament. POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY, 17 pages.
2024 Pagoudis, S., Oxlad, M., & Strelan, P. (2024). Perceptions and experiences of gaining and maintaining power in romantic relationships: exploring Lay theories of power. Current Psychology, 43(44), 34052-34065.
2024 Kemp, A., Dart, S., Palmer, E., Strelan, P., & Thompson, H. (2024). Student Comfort and Well-being Emerge as Influencers of Virtual Classroom Engagement. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 21(10), 17 pages.
2024 Lontos, E., & Strelan, P. (2024). Hubristic pride exacerbates but authentic pride buffers a fall: Relations between pride, self-forgiveness, and clinical symptoms. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 43(6), 536-555.
2023 Bartholomaeus, J., Strelan, P., & Burns, N. (2023). Does the Empowering Function of the Belief in a Just World Generalise? Broad-base Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Evidence. Social Justice Research, 37(1), 57-75.
Scopus42023 Bartholomaeus, J., Burns, N., & Strelan, P. (2023). The Empowering Function of the Belief in a Just World for the Self: Trait-Level and Experimental Tests of Its Association With Positive and Negative Affect.. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 49(4), 510-526.
Scopus12 WoS3 Europe PMC12022 Fischer, M., Twardawski, M., Strelan, P., & Gollwitzer, M. (2022). Victims need more than power: Empowerment and moral change independently predict victims’ satisfaction and willingness to reconcile.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123(3), 518-536.
Scopus7 WoS12022 Newell, S., Chur-Hansen, A., & Strelan, P. (2022). A Revised Definition of Psychological Literacy: Multiple Stakeholder Perspectives. Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning In Psychology, 10(4), 578-590.
Scopus102022 Kemp, A., Palmer, E., Strelan, P., & Thompson, H. (2022). Exploring the specification of educational compatibility of virtual reality within a technology acceptance model. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 38(2), 15-34.
Scopus23 WoS52022 Alim, M., Due, C., & Strelan, P. (2022). Understanding and Restoring Justice: A Qualitative Study of Uyghurs in Australia. Human Rights Quarterly, 44(3), 592-611.
2022 Scholz, D., Taylor, A., & Strelan, P. (2022). Factors Contributing to the Efficacy of Universal Mental Health and Wellbeing Programs in Secondary Schools: A Systematic Review. Adolescent Research Review, 8(2), 117-136.
Scopus5 WoS12022 Lucas, T., Manning, M., Strelan, P., Kopetz, C., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J. J., . . . PsyCorona Collaboration. (2022). Justice beliefs and cultural values predict support for COVID-19 vaccination and quarantine behavioral mandates: a multilevel cross-national study.. Translational behavioral medicine, 12(2), 284-290.
Scopus6 WoS2 Europe PMC22021 Newell, S., Chur-Hansen, A., & Strelan, P. (2021). A Construct Validity Analysis of the Concept of Psychological Literacy. Australian Journal of Psychology, 73(4), 1-13.
Scopus6 WoS22021 Collins, E., & Strelan, P. (2021). Being fair in an unfair world: The deleterious effect on self-esteem. Personality and Individual Differences, 173, 1-6.
Scopus22021 Winkenweder, H., Due, C., & Strelan, P. (2021). Ethiopian Adoptees’ Experiences of Attachment after Adoption in Australia: A Qualitative Study. Adoption Quarterly, 25(3), 22 pages.
2021 Kemp, E., Strelan, P., Roberts, R. M., Burns, N. R., & Mulvey, K. L. (2021). The Children's Forgiveness Card Set: Development of a Brief Pictorial Card-Sorting Measure of Children's Emotional Forgiveness. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-15.
2021 Bartholomaeus, J., & Strelan, P. (2021). The empowering function of the belief in a just world for the self in mental health: A comparison of prisoners and non-prisoners. Personality and Individual Differences, 179, 1-6.
Scopus8 WoS12021 Strelan, P. (2021). The Bank Robbery: A Behavioral Observation Exercise for Enhancing Understanding of Reliability. Teaching of Psychology, 49(4), 009862832110227.
Scopus12021 Alim, M., Due, C., & Strelan, P. (2021). Relationship between experiences of systemic injustice and wellbeing among refugees and asylum seekers: a systematic review. Australian Psychologist, 56(4), 1-15.
Scopus7 WoS32021 Bem, J. R., Strelan, P., & Proeve, M. (2021). Roads less travelled to self-forgiveness: Can psychological flexibility overcome chronic guilt/shame to achieve genuine self-forgiveness?. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 21, 203-211.
Scopus7 WoS12021 Mulvey, K. L., Gönültas, S., Herry, E., & Strelan, P. (2021). The Role of Theory of Mind, Group Membership, and Apology in Intergroup Forgiveness Among Children and Adolescents. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(3), 613-627.
Scopus5 WoS1 Europe PMC22021 Scholz, D., & Strelan, P. (2021). In control, optimistic, and resilient: Age-related effects of believing in a just world among adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 171, 110474-1-110474-6.
Scopus14 WoS102020 Lucas, T., Drolet, C. E., Strelan, P., Karremans, J. C., & Sutton, R. M. (2020). Fairness and forgiveness: Effects of priming justice depend on justice beliefs. Current Psychology, 41(9), 12 pages.
Scopus3 WoS32020 Strelan, P., Osborn, A., & Palmer, E. (2020). Student satisfaction with courses and instructors in a flipped classroom: A meta-analysis. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36(3), 295-314.
Scopus41 WoS252020 Strelan, P., Osborn, A., & Palmer, E. (2020). The flipped classroom: A meta-analysis of effects on student performance across disciplines and education levels. Educational Research Review, 30, 22 pages.
Scopus280 WoS1432020 Strelan, P., & Callisto, J. (2020). Good outcomes are more likely for me than you—Especially in a just world. Personality and Individual Differences, 163, 1-9.
Scopus9 WoS72020 Newell, S., Chur-Hansen, A., & Strelan, P. (2020). A systematic narrative review of psychological literacy measurement. Australian Journal of Psychology, 72(2), 123-132.
Scopus15 WoS82020 Strelan, P., Van Prooijen, J. -W., & Gollwitzer, M. (2020). When transgressors intend to cause harm: The empowering effects of revenge and forgiveness on victim well-being.. The British journal of social psychology, 59(2), 447-469.
Scopus23 WoS16 Europe PMC32019 Kemp, A., Palmer, E., & Strelan, P. (2019). A taxonomy of factors affecting attitudes towards educational technologies for use with technology acceptance models. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(5), 2394-2413.
Scopus127 WoS582019 Bartholomaeus, J., & Strelan, P. (2019). The adaptive, approach-oriented correlates of belief in a just world for the self: A review of the research. Personality and Individual Differences, 151, 8 pages.
Scopus87 WoS572019 Alim, M., Due, C., & Strelan, P. (2019). Perceptions of Forgiveness in Response to Systemic Injustice Among Iranian Refugees. Peace and Conflict, 25(3), 255-258.
Scopus7 WoS82018 Strelan, P. (2018). Using the Movies to Illustrate the Principles of Experimental Design. Teaching of Psychology, 45(2), 179-182.
Scopus32018 Strelan, P., & Pagoudis, S. (2018). Birds of a feather flock together: the interpersonal process of objectification within intimate heterosexual relationships. Sex Roles, 79(1-2), 72-82.
Scopus262018 Gabriels, J., & Strelan, P. (2018). For whom we forgive matters: relationship focus magnifies, but self-focus buffers against the negative effects of forgiving an exploitative partner. British Journal of Social Psychology, 57(1), 154-173.
Scopus9 WoS3 Europe PMC12018 Strelan, P. (2018). Justice and forgiveness in interpersonal relationships. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(1), 20-24.
Scopus22 WoS202018 Lucas, T., Strelan, P., Karremans, J. C., Sutton, R. M., Najmi, E., & Malik, Z. (2018). When does priming justice promote forgiveness? On the importance of distributive and procedural justice for self and others. Journal of Positive Psychology, 13(5), 471-484.
Scopus16 WoS122018 Pearce, H., Strelan, P., & Burns, N. (2018). The barriers to forgiveness scale: A measure of active and reactive reasons for withholding forgiveness. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 337-347.
Scopus9 WoS52017 Strelan, P., Crabb, S., Chan, D., & Jones, L. (2017). Lay perspectives on the costs and risks of forgiving. Personal Relationships, 24(2), 392-407.
Scopus12 WoS112017 Strelan, P., Di Fiore, C., & Prooijen, J. (2017). The empowering effect of punishment on forgiveness. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(4), 472-487.
Scopus25 WoS202017 Strelan, P., Karremans, J., & Krieg, J. (2017). What determines forgiveness in close relationships? The role of post-transgression trust. British Journal of Social Psychology, 56(1), 161-180.
Scopus24 WoS17 Europe PMC22017 Goldring, J., & Strelan, P. (2017). The Forgiveness Implicit Association Test. Personality and Individual Differences, 108, 69-78.
Scopus14 WoS102016 Strelan, P., & Van Prooijen, J. (2016). Tough love: the behavior control justice motive facilitates forgiveness in valued relationships. Personal Relationships, 23(3), 536-553.
Scopus4 WoS42016 Mooney, L., Strelan, P., & Mckee, I. (2016). How forgiveness promotes offender pro-relational intentions: The mediating role of offender gratitude. British Journal of Social Psychology, 55(1), 44-64.
Scopus15 WoS13 Europe PMC32016 Strelan, P., McKee, I., & Feather, N. (2016). When and how forgiving benefits victims: Post-transgression offender effort and the mediating role of deservingness judgements. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46(3), 308-322.
Scopus23 WoS182016 Lillie, M., & Strelan, P. (2016). Careful what you wish for: fantasizing about revenge increases justice dissatisfaction in the chronically powerless. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 290-294.
Scopus14 WoS72016 Strelan, P., & Bartholomaeus, J. (2016). Just world beliefs and forgiveness: the mediating role of implicit theories of relationships. Personality and Individual Differences, 96, 106-110.
Scopus34 WoS272015 Palmer, M., & Strelan, P. (2015). Commentary on Dutta and Pullig (2011): Corrective action is more effective than downplaying harm for restoring brand equity. Journal of Business Research, 68(6), 1271-1272.
Scopus2 WoS22015 Strelan, P., & Zdaniuk, A. (2015). Threatened state self-esteem reduces forgiveness. Self and Identity, 14(1), 16-32.
Scopus15 WoS102014 Strelan, P., & McKee, I. (2014). Inclusive justice beliefs and forgiveness: commonality through self-transcending values. Personality and Individual Differences, 68, 87-92.
Scopus10 WoS92014 Strelan, P., & Van Prooijen, J. (2014). Rationalizers or realists? The effects of transgressors' just world beliefs within committed relationships. Personality and Individual Differences, 63, 41-46.
Scopus5 WoS32014 Strelan, P., Weick, M., & Vasiljevic, M. (2014). Power and revenge. British Journal of Social Psychology, 53(3), 521-540.
Scopus38 WoS33 Europe PMC92013 Strelan, P., & van Prooijen, J. (2013). Retribution and forgiveness: The healing effects of punishing for just deserts. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43(6), 544-553.
Scopus39 WoS312013 Skaczkowski, G., Hayman, T., Strelan, P., Miller, J., & Knott, V. (2013). Complementary medicine and recovery from cancer: the importance of post-traumatic growth. European Journal of Cancer Care, 22(4), 474-483.
Scopus11 WoS9 Europe PMC72013 Strelan, P., McKee, I., Calic, D., Cook, L., & Shaw, L. (2013). For whom do we forgive? A functional analysis of forgiveness. Personal Relationships, 20(1), 124-139.
Scopus29 WoS262011 Strelan, P., Feather, N., & McKee, I. (2011). Retributive and inclusive justice goals and forgiveness: The influence of motivational values. Social Justice Research, 24(2), 126-142.
Scopus22 WoS202011 Strelan, P., & Sutton, R. (2011). When just-world beliefs promote and when they inhibit forgiveness. Personality and Individual Differences, 50(2), 163-168.
Scopus55 WoS462010 Strelan, P., & Lawani, A. (2010). Muslim and Westerner responses to terrorism: The influence of group identity on attitudes toward forgiveness and reconciliation. Peace and Conflict, 16(1), 59-79.
Scopus6 WoS72009 Crisp, G., Palmer, E., Turnbull, D., Nettelbeck, T., Ward, L., Le Couteur, A., . . . Schneider, L. (2009). First year student expectations: Results from a university-wide student survey. Journal of University of Teaching & Learning Practice, 6(1), 1-18.
WoS432009 Strelan, P., & Wojtysiak, N. (2009). Strategies for coping with interpersonal hurt: Preliminary evidence for the relationship between coping and forgiveness. Counseling and Values, 53(2), 97-111.
Scopus21 WoS182009 Strelan, P., Acton, C., & Patrick, K. (2009). Disappointment with God and well-being: The mediating influence of relationship quality and dispositional forgiveness. Counseling and Values, 53(3), 202-213.
Scopus35 WoS322009 Strelan, P., & Wojtysiak, N. (2009). Strategies for Coping with Interpersonal Hurt: Preliminary Evidence for the Relationship between Coping and Forgiveness. Counseling and Values, 53(2), 97-111.
2009 Strelan, P., Acton, C., & Patrick, K. (2009). Disappointment With God and Well-Being: The Mediating Influence of Relationship Quality and Dispositional Forgiveness. Counseling and Values, 53(3), 202-213.
2008 Strelan, P., Feather, N., & McKee, I. (2008). Justice and forgiveness: Experimental evidence for compatibility. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44(6), 1538-1544.
Scopus28 WoS282007 Strelan, P. (2007). The prosocial, adaptive qualities of just world beliefs: Implications for the relationship between justice and forgiveness. Personality and Individual Differences, 43(4), 881-890.
Scopus91 WoS742007 Strelan, P. (2007). Who forgives others, themselves, and situations? The roles of narcissism, guilt, self-esteem, and agreeableness. Personality and Individual Differences, 42(2), 259-269.
Scopus123 WoS1052006 Strelan, P., & Covic, T. (2006). A review of forgiveness process models and a coping framework to guide future research. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 25(10), 1059-1085.
Scopus158 WoS1182006 Strelan, P., & Boeckmann, R. (2006). Why drug testing in elite sport does not work: Perceptual deterrence theory and the role of personal moral beliefs. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(12), 2909-2934.
Scopus103 WoS892005 Strelan, P., & Hargreaves, D. (2005). Women who objectify other women: The vicious circle of objectification?. Sex Roles, 52(9-10), 707-712.
Scopus191 WoS1732005 Strelan, P., & Hargreaves, D. (2005). Reasons for exercise and esteem: Men's responses to self-objectification.. Sex Roles, 53(7-8), 495-503.
Scopus102 WoS762005 Strelan, P. (2005). Definitions of forgiveness: Do theorists and laypersons agree?. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 57, 99. 2005 Mallard, D., & Strelan, P. (2005). Defining "common knowledge": An investigation of public beliefs concerning eyewitness memory. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 57, 227.
WoS12003 Strelan, P., Mehaffey, S. J., & Tiggemann, M. (2003). Self-objectification and esteem in young women: The mediating role of reasons for exercise. Sex Roles, 48(1-2), 89-95.
Scopus178 WoS1492003 Strelan, P., Mehaffey, S., & Tiggemann, M. (2003). Self-objectification and esteem in young women: The mediating role of exercise.. Sex Roles, 48(1-2), 89-95.
2003 Strelan, P., & Boeckmann, R. (2003). A new model for understanding performance-enhancing drug use by elite athletes. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 15(2), 176-183.
Scopus68 WoS61- Kemp, A., Palmer, E., Strelan, P., & Thompson, H. (n.d.). Exploring the specification of educational compatibility of virtual reality within a technology acceptance model. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology.
Year Citation 1998 Braithwaite, H. L., Brewer, N., & Strelan, P. (1998). Conflict Management in Police-citizen Interactions. -
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2019 Newell, S., Chur-Hansen, A., & Strelan, P. (2019). A methodological review of psychological literacy measurement. In Australian Psychology Learning and Teaching (AusPLaT) Conference 2019 proceedings. East Melbourne, Australia. 2012 Dewar, G., Burke, A. L. J., Winefield, H., & Strelan, P. (2012). Forgiveness, psychological distress & chronic pain: Have we missed something?. In Program of the 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting of Australian Pain Society. Melbourne, Australia. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2021 Kemp, A., Dart, S., Palmer, E., Strelan, P., & Thompson, H. (2021). Student attitudes towards Zoom for learning. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Association for Research in Education. RMIT. 2018 Kemp, A., Palmer, E., & Strelan, P. (2018). Construction of a root taxonomy to assess student attitudes towards educational technology. Poster session presented at the meeting of HERGA book of abstracts. Flinders University. 2017 Dewar, G., Strelan, P., & Delfabbro, P. (2017). The ACT of Self Forgiveness: A Principles-Based Response to Intrapersonal Offence. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS) 15th Annual World Conference (2017). Seville, Spain: Association for Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS). 2013 Dewar, G., Burke, A. L., Winefield, H., & Strelan, P. (2013). Forgiveness, psychological distress and chronic pain: have we missed something?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of PainAdelaide: Bringing Heads Together for Chronic Pain. Adelaide, South Australia. 2012 Dewar, G., Burke, A. L. J., Winefield, H., & Strelan, P. (2012). Forgiveness, Psychological Distress and Chronic Pain: Have We Missed Something?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Post-Graduate Research Conference. Adelaide, Australia. -
Year Citation 2017 Dewar, G., Strelan, P., & Delfabbro, P. (2017). A principles-based approach to ACT with self-forgiveness: new approaches to flexible living. (PhD Thesis, University of Adelaide, School of Psychology). -
Internet Publications
Year Citation 2023 Donnelly, F., Winter, A., Loveys, B., & Strelan, P. (2023). Examining the academe; scholarship and expertise in higher education, a scoping review protocol. OSF.
Year Citation - Strelan, P. (n.d.). BJW and adolescence N1128 2019 data collection.
DOI- Strelan, P. (n.d.). BJW and unrealistic bias Callisto first years N140.
DOI- Strelan, P. (n.d.). BJW and unrealistic bias PROLIFIC study N208.
DOI- Strelan, P., Roberts, R., Burns, N., Mulvey, K. L., & Kemp, E. (n.d.). CFCS Australian and US samples.
DOI- Strelan, P. (n.d.). Data set and pre-registration for study 'Parenting and objectification'.
DOI- Strelan, P. (n.d.). Pride and SF data set.
Year Citation 2024 Bartholomaeus, J., & Strelan, P. (2024). A Fair Go? How Belief in a Just World Shaped Attitudes, Intentions, and Behaviours Before and After the Australian Referendum on a First Nations Voice to Parliament.
- $180,000: Templeton Foundation 2023-2025
- CIs: Strelan and Bartholomaeus
- "Quantifying the Divine: Developing a measure of divine forgiveness"
- $232,000: ARC Discovery Grant (DP0877945) 2008-2010
- CI: Strelan.
- “A new conceptualisation of forgiveness: Altruistic and self-interested foci as predictors of psychological costs and benefits of forgiveness”
The University of Adelaide
NCSU-Adelaide Starter Grant (w/Kelly-Lynn Mulvey, NCSU) 2020[PS1]
$1,200 Faculty of Health Sciences Summer Scholarship; supervised Ria Aiyar 2019/20
$1,200 Faculty of Health Sciences Summer Scholarship; supervised Tayla Bradley 2018/19
- $20,000 NCSU-Adelaide Starter Grant 2020
- $1,200 Faculty of Health Sciences Summer Scholarship; supervised Ria Aiyar 2019/20
- $1,200 Faculty of Health Sciences Summer Scholarship; supervised Tayla Bradley 2018/19
- $20,000 SGDE Development Grant 2016
- with Cathy Snelling and Sophie Karanicolas (Dentistry), Adriano Millazo (Public Health), David Wilson, Kim Hynes (Medicine)
- $2,200 Faculty of Health Sciences cultural enrichment teaching grant 2016
- $9,595 School of Psychology RIBG small grant 2015
- Development of a children’s card sort measure of forgiveness
- $9,074 School of Psychology RIBG small grant 2014
- When love does not conquer all: Towards improving interventions for children with a disrupted attachment history and associated ASD-like symptoms.
- $3,990 School of Psychology RIBG small grant 2014
- Trust as a mediator between relationship closeness and forgiveness
- $6,000 Faculty of Health Sciences Summer Scholarship
- supervised Youngblood Roche 2013/14
- $6,000 Faculty of Health Sciences Summer Scholarship
- supervised Caroline diFiore 2013/14
- $6,000 Faculty of Health Sciences Summer Scholarship
- supervised Jasmine Currall 2012/13
- $6,000 Faculty of Health Sciences Summer Scholarship
- supervised Sarah Hunter 2012/13
- $5,625 School of Psychology RIBG small grant 2012
- The deleterious effects of self-focused attention on forgiveness
- $6,000 Faculty of Health Sciences Summer Scholarship
- supervised Alison Robb, 2011/12
- $3,000: School of Psychology application support for ARC-Discovery Grant 2007
- $1,500: School of Psychology conference travel 2006
- $15,000: Faculty of Health Sciences Establishment Grant 2005
I contribute lectures to the first year Research Methods in Psychology courses.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Co-Supervisor The effects of parasocial relationships on social media engagement, trust, pro-social behaviour, and social and political activism. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Nicolle Cassandra Kelaiditis 2021 Principal Supervisor Trait and Situational Predictors of Interpersonal Objectification in Male and Female Perpetrators Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Danielle Grace Tetley 2018 Principal Supervisor The Act of Forgiveness: Can Psychological Flexibility Explain and Facilitate Genuine Intra and Interpersonal Forgiveness Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology (Clinical) Doctorate Part Time Mrs Jemima Rohini Bem -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2020 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Promoting Adolescent Mental Health and Wellbeing in Secondary Schools Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr David Arthur Scholz 2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Design of an Extended Educational Technology Acceptance Model (EETAM) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Andrew Charles Kemp 2018 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Power in Modern Romantic Relationships: A Multiple Methods Examination of How Perceptions and Experiences of Romantic Power Impact Personal and Relationship Outcomes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Stephenie Joulie Pagoudis 2018 - 2021 Principal Supervisor The Empowering Role of the Belief in a Just World for the Self in Adaptive Psychological Functioning Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Jonathan David Bartholomaeus 2018 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Psychological Literacy in Undergraduate Psychology Learning and
TeachingDoctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Samantha Jane Newell 2017 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Exploring Systemic Injustice and Wellbeing among Uyghurs in Australia Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology (Clinical) Doctorate Full Time Mrs Mastura Alim 2017 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Relocated Undergraduates' Academic Success and Well-being: Factors Associated with Type of Residence, Social Support, Meaning-in-Life, Belonging, and Sense of Community Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Rev Susan Frances Straub 2014 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Does it matter why people forgive? How a victim's reasons for forgiving change the outcomes of forgiveness Doctor of Philosophy with Master of Psychology (Organisational and Human Factors) Doctorate Full Time Jordan Brian Gabriels 2014 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Trust Heals, Commitment Hurts: Disentangling Predictors of Coping with Interpersonal Betrayal Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Josiah Krieg 2012 - 2017 Principal Supervisor A Principles-based Approach to ACT with Self-Forgiveness: New Approaches to Flexible Living Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology (Clinical) Doctorate Full Time Dr Grant Malcolm Dewar 2008 - 2013 Principal Supervisor Predicting Pro-Relational and Prosocial Responses to Received Forgiveness: The Role of State Gratitude Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Louise Elizabeth Joan Mooney 2008 - 2014 Principal Supervisor The Identification and Measurement of Barriers to Forgiveness Following an Interpersonal Transgression Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Heather Pearce 2008 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Measuring Children's Forgiveness: Development of the Children's Forgiveness Card Set Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Emma Kemp 2007 - 2011 Principal Supervisor The Development of an Implicit Association Test for Measuring Forgiveness Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jeremy Goldring 2006 - 2009 Co-Supervisor The Conceptualisation, Status and Measurement of Technology-based Gaming Behaviour and its Correlates Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Daniel King
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2015 - 2018 Secretary Society for Australasian Social Psychologists - - -
Date Role Membership Country 2018 - ongoing Member American Psychological Association United States 2011 - ongoing Member Society of Australasian Social Psychologists Australia 2008 - ongoing Member International Society for Justice Research United States
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