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Ms Joanne Hedges

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Dr Jack Da Silva

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Ilaria Pagani

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Krishnaswamy Sundararajan

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Liza Phillips

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Carmel Pascale

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Miss Brittany Child

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
PhD Candidate
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Philip Clayton

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Barbara McClure

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Dr David Baraglia

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Viv Perry

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Dr Zhang Wei

Grant-Funded Researcher (C)
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor).

Dr Ayoosha Saleem

Lecturer in Management
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor).

Dr Dimitra Capone

Principal Analytical Research Fellow
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Dr Claire Walker

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Associate Professor Bree Bennett

Associate Professor
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.