Yanina Giordano

Yanina Giordano

School of Agriculture, Food and Wine

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

I recently completed my PhD at the University of Adelaide (School of Agriculture, Food & Wine), where my research focused on developing innovative alternatives to sulfur dioxide for controlling Brettanomyces spoilage in wine. Specializing in wine microbiology and spoilage management, I am dedicated to pioneering new methods to enhance wine quality and preservation. Supported by the ARC Training Centre for Innovative Wine Production, University of Adelaide, and industry partners such as Pernod-Ricard Winemakers, VAF MEMSTAR, the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI), and Wine Australia, my research centered on develop innovative strategies to manage Brettanomyces spoilage without relying on sulfur dioxide, the main preservative agent used by winemakers. More recently, my research has expanded into microbial stability, flavour optimisation, and acidity management, particularly in no- and low-alcohol wines, in response to the growing consumer demand for these products.

My dedication to this field has led to significant milestones, including receiving the Innovation & Science Award at the Crush Symposium 2023 for my research on "Limiting magnesium availability as a potential method to control Brettanomyces spoilage in wine." I have also conducted groundbreaking research during my placement at AWRI, contributing to the development, planning, and completion of various project initiatives.

In November and December 2023, I had the privilege of being a recipient of the Great Wine Capitals Outbound Knowledge Exchange Bursary Program, where I conducted research in renowned wine regions such as Rioja, Spain, and Verona, Italy. This experience allowed me to present my findings at the II International Congress on Grapevine and Wine Sciences and engage with winemaking students and experts at the University of Verona. I explored sustainable winemaking practices across several Italian regions and presented my research to industry partners in Europe and various stakeholders in the wine industry.

My research interests extend beyond spoilage management to include metals in wine, quality and preservation, cellar and winery waste management, sensory evaluation, viticulture, and science communication. I have demonstrated strong science communication skills by presenting my research in Spanish, English, and Italian to diverse audiences, including researchers, students, and industry stakeholders. I actively engage with a global audience through social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram, where I share real-time updates and experiences, fostering transparency and engagement within the wine community. This proactive approach to science communication has strengthened my connections within the wine industry and academia, contributing to a broader community of knowledge sharing. You can learn more about my research project by following these links:https://www.arcwinecentre.org.au/meet-yanina-giordano-phd-student-in-the-arc-tc-iwp/   https://www.arcwinecentre.org.au/research/responding-to-challenges/pests-diseases-spoilage/project-07-alternatives-to-sulfur-dioxide-for-controlling-brettanomyces-spoilage-in-wine/

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