Danielle Pollock
Grant-Funded Researcher (B)Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.
Dr Alexandra McCarron
Grant-Funded Researcher (B)Division of Research and Innovation
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.
Joseph Marks
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and TechnologyBeata Sznajder
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and TechnologyMark Thompson
Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesPascale Dettwiller
Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesProfessor Thomas Hajdu
Director - Sia Furler InstituteFaculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor).
Emily Leyden
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and TechnologyBernd Froessler
Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesAssociate Professor Catia Malvaso
ARC Externally Funded Research Fellow (C)Division of Research and Innovation
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.
Dr Sonia Nath
Postdoctoral ResearcherFaculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor).