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Dr Adam Wells

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Dr Nathan Rout-Pitt

Grant funded researcher (B)
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor).

Professor Michael Horowitz

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Anneka Bowman

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Dr Oveis Pourmehran

Grant-Funded Researcher (A)
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Ryan O'Hare Doig

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Merryn Netting

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Joanne Tan

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Dr Laura Eadie

Externally Funded Research Fellow
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Dr Virginie Gaget

Grant Funded Researcher (B)
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Dr Rebecca Thomson

Grant-Funded Researcher (B)
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Erandi Hewawasam Gardiye Hewawasam Thuduwage

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Associate Professor Sarah Vreugde

Grant-Funded Researcher (E)
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Professor Michael Gold

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Hassen Mohammed

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor).

Donald Howie

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences