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Dr Urs Bette

Program Director MArch
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Associate Professor Katharine Bartsch

Program Director, Bachelor of Arch. Design
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Dr Prince Antwi-Afari

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Chris Burton

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Mr Kevin Farries

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Associate Lecturer
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Jason Hunter

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Richard Laugesen

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Gini Lee

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Seungil Lee

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Wayne Liang

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Dr David McInerney

ARC Grant-Funded Researcher (B)
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Dr Armin Mehdipour

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor).

Hamish Price

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Md Abdur Rakib

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Yuan Sheng

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Dharani Raj Subramaniam Viswanathan

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology