Julian Worrall
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
>>>Note: From January 2019 Dr Worrall takes up the position of Professor of Architecture at the University of Tasmania. He maintains an honorary Adjunct Associate Professor role at the University of Adelaide. He continues to supervise postgraduate students at U.Adelaide; prospective doctoral students can reach him at the School of Architecture and Design at the University of Tasmania: julian.worrall[at]utas.edu.au
Date Position Institution name 2019 - ongoing Professor of Architecture; Head of School University of Tasmania 2019 - ongoing Adjunct Associate Professor University of Adelaide 2014 - 2019 Associate Professor, Architecture and Urban Design University of Adelaide 2012 - 2014 Associate Professor Waseda University 2007 - 2009 Assistant Professor Waseda University 2007 - 2007 Architect Office for Metropolitan Architecture 2006 - 2006 Architect Klein Dytham Architecture -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2022 Nomination Nomination for Creative Directorship, Australia Pavilion, Venice Architecture Biennale 2023 La Biennale di Venezia Italy 1000 2017 Award PIA Commendation - Outstanding Student Project (Tertiary) Planning Institute of Australia (South Australia) Australia - 2000 Scholarship Monbusho Scholar Ministry of Education, Japan Japan ¥2,400,000 per annum for 4.5 years -
Language Competencies
Language Competency Japanese Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review -
Date Institution name Country Title 2002 - 2005 University of Tokyo Japan PhD 1994 - 1996 University of Adelaide Australia B.Architecture(Hons.1) -
Date Title Institution name Country 2000 National Certificate of Architectural Practice (No. N050) Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA) - — Registered Architect - Practitioner Architectural Practice Board of South Australia Australia -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2021 Cheng, H., & Worrall, J. (2021). Unfolding China’s Urban Development: The Implementation of Public Art in Beijing and Shanghai. Journal of Chinese Architecture and Urbanism, 3(1), 1-14.
Scopus12020 Worrall, J. D. (2020). Terrace House near Demachiyanagi. Architecture Australia, (Jan/Feb 2020), 96-101. 2020 Worrall, J. (2020). Architectural archeology: Install House - Partners Hill. Architecture Australia, 109(4), 78-83. 2019 Worrall, J. D. (2019). Precisely calibrated: AGT Southern Crop Breeding Centre. Architecture Australia, 108(1), 86-92. 2018 Worrall, J. (2018). Monument to the People's Heroes, Shanghai. Icon, 104-105. 2017 Worrall, J. (2017). The Good Architect. Architecture Australia, March 2017(2), 110-112. 2017 Worrall, J. (2017). Of Mountains and Water. Icon, (168), 106-113. 2017 Worrall, J. (2017). Island Universe. Icon, 174, 82-92. 2017 Boven, T., Ariga, T., & Worrall, J. (2017). Culture-led Reuse of Former Elementary Schools: A Survey of Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial′s Involvement in Tokamachi, Japan. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 16(1), 61-66.
Scopus3 WoS22017 Worrall, J. D. (2017). 'Tokyo: A Biography': Tracing the life of a city. The Japan Times, 22. 2017 Worrall, J. (2017). House in Hamilton. Architecture Australia, 106(2), 78-84. 2016 Worrall, J. (2016). Le Corbusier's Japanese ghost lives on in Ueno. The Japan Times, B6. 2016 Worrall, J. (2016). In Praise of Privacy. Dirty Furniture, (3). 2016 Worrall, J. (2016). Harbin Opera House. Icon, (151), 70-75. 2015 Worrall, J. D. (2015). Japan's fertile architectural evolution. The Japan Times, (01/30), 12. 2015 Worrall, J. D. (2015). Adelaide High School New Learning Centre. Architecture Australia, (Sept/Oct 2015), 80-87. 2014 Worrall, J. D. (2014). Venice Biennale lays down the past. The Japan Times, 13. 2014 Worrall, J. (2014). Architecture detectives. Icon, 134, 58-63. 2012 Worrall, J. (2012). Metabolism, the city of the future. Icon, 103, 97. 2012 Worrall, J. (2012). Six of the Best. Icon, 103, 65. 2010 Worrall, J. (2010). Sensing Nature. Icon, 88, 74-75. 2010 Worrall, J. (2010). Tokyo Apartment. Icon, 85, 46-52. 2010 Worrall, J. (2010). Bringing the outside in: the work of Suppose Design Office. Domus, 934, 61-63. 2010 Worrall, J. (2010). Miyajima Office in Hiroshima. Domus, 933, 27-32. 2010 Worrall, J. (2010). China’s World Expo. Icon, 85, 41-44. 2009 Worrall, J. (2009). The Significance of Sou Fujimoto. 2G, 50, 10-23. 2009 Worrall, J. (2009). Ofunato Civic Centre and Library. Icon, 77, 64-72. 2009 Worrall, J. (2009). Camouflage: dissolving boundaries, resolving worlds in Sejima and Nishizawa. Domus, 931, 30-31. 2009 Worrall, J. (2009). A sculpted chunk. Icon, 74, 38-39. 2009 Worrall, J. (2009). The Primitive Houses of the Future. Domus, 922, 14-25. 2009 Worrall, J. (2009). Kim Jong Il on Architecture. Icon, 71, 78-79. 2008 Worrall, J. (2008). Kuma at Kyoto University. Domus, 920, 66-69. 2008 Worrall, J. (2008). Ishigami in Kanagawa. Domus, 913, 20-29. 2008 Worrall, J. (2008). Crane House. Domus, 191, 84-87. 2008 Worrall, J. (2008). Space for your Future. Domus, 910, 5. 2008 Worrall, J. (2008). House N in Japan. Domus, 917, 63-68. 2008 Worrall, J. (2008). MVRDV Gyre. Icon, 56, 30-31. 2008 Worrall, J. (2008). Incinerators in Japan. Domus, 918, 104-110. 2008 Worrall, J. (2008). A white forest in a grey field. Icon, 59, 38-41. 2007 Worrall, J. (2007). Native Alien. Monument, 77, 96-100. 2007 Worrall, J. (2007). Principle of relativity. Domus, 909, 44-49. -
Year Citation 2021 Worrall, J., & Konrad, A. (2021). Japan Works / Japan Wākusu. Amsterdam: Roma Publications. 2021 Worrall, J., & Konrad, A. (2021). Japan Works / Japan Wākusu. Amsterdam: Roma Publications. 2010 Worrall, J., & Solomon, E. (2010). 21st Century Tokyo: A Guide to Contemporary Architecture. Japan: Kodansha. -
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2020 Cheng, H., Worrall, J., & Srivastava, A. (2020). Public Art, Public Sphere, and Urban Development in the Chinese Metropolis. In ICCREM 2020: Intelligent Construction and Sustainable Buildings (pp. 206-2015). online: American Society of Civil Engineers.
DOI Scopus12020 Shroff, M., & Worrall, J. (2020). Building Upon: A designer's approach to adaptive reuse. In What if? What next? Speculations on History's Futures. The 37th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia & New Zealand,. Perth. 2019 Cheng, H., & Worrall, J. D. (2019). The Development Strategies of Public Art in Metro Architectural Space of Mega Cities in China. In ICCREM 2019 : Innovative Construction Project Management and Construction Industrialization (pp. 250-255). Banff, Alberta, Canada: American Society of Civil Engineers.
DOI2016 Boven, T., Worrall, J. D., & Ariga, T. (2016). A Japanese Cultural Management Approach to Reconceptualise the Countryside - The Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale Case. In From knowledge to development: New university challenges for a contemporary urban development”. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2015 Worrall, J. D. (2015). A Tale of Two (Sub)cities: Shimbashi and Shibuya. In AAS Annual Meeting Abstracts 2015. Chicago. 2015 Worrall, J. D. (2015). Between Contact and Spectacle: Considering Encounter within Entangled Geographies. In Rethinking Encounters: Islam and the West. Adelaide. 2011 Worrall, J. (2011). Producing Places, Consuming Sites at the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale. In EAJS - European Association of Japanese Studies Conference #13. 2011 Worrall, J. (2011). The Possibilities of an Island: Rebuilding Culture in the Inland Sea. In AAS - Association of Asian Studies Conference 2011. 2011 Worrall, J. (2011). Travelling iguanas: cosmopolitanism in contemporary Japanese architecture. In Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) 28th Annual Conference (pp. 1-10). Brisbane, Australia: Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand. 2009 Worrall, J. (2009). Metabolism as Ruin: Constructions of Time in Contemporary Japan. In JSAA - Japanese Studies Association of Australia Conference 2009. 2009 Worrall, J. (2009). Railway Urbanism and Public Space. In 7th Inter-Asia Cultural Typhoon Conference 2009. 2008 Worrall, J. (2008). Soft Borders: Contemporary Architecture in Japan. In EAJS - European Association of Japanese Studies Conference #12. 2005 Worrall, J. (2005). Loyal Dogs and Fountains of Love. In ASCJ - Asian Studies Conference Japan 2005. 2005 Worrall, J. (2005). Trains, Stations, and Urban Public Space in Postwar Tokyo. In EAJS - European Association of Japanese Studies Conference #11. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2016 Worrall, J. D., & Bailey, J. (2016). Architectural speculations on the Library of the Future. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of ALIA National 2016 Conference. Adelaide. 2016 Worrall, J. D. (2016). Still Lives in Mobile Homes: Contemporary Fluidity of Existence in Japan. Poster session presented at the meeting of Japan Now: Inspired by Tradition [Lecture Series]. Sydney, Australia: Art Gallery of New South Wales. -
Original Creative Works
Year Citation 2017 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Metabolist Time. Description: N/A. Extent: 28. 2017 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Ubara Beachouse. Description: Timber and steel-framed house overlooking the Pacific Ocean clad in charred cedar ("shou sugi ban"). Location: Ubara village, Katsura City, Chiba Prefecture Japan. Site area: 95.13m2; Building Footprint: 55.60m2; Gross Floor Area: 98.32m2. Extent: Site area 95.13 metre square. 2016 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Cumulonimbus. Description: N/A. Extent: Installation mounted around three inverted tetrahedral structures 3.5m on a side.. 2016 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Art Place Japan: The Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale and the Vision to Reconnect Art and Nature. Description: N/A. Extent: 850 words. 2016 Authors: Worrall J. Title: The Deep Field: Resolving a Japanese Constellation. Description: N/A. Extent: 11. 2016 Authors: Worrall J. Title: The Deep Field: Resolving a Japanese Constellation. Description: N/A. Extent: 11. 2016 Authors: Worrall J. Title: The Nakwon Principle. Description: Publication accompanying the exhibition in the South Korean national pavilion at the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale.. Extent: 7 pages. 2013 Authors: Worrall J. Title: The Quiet Cosmopolitan. Description: N/A. Extent: 7 pages. 2013 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Australia House. Description: N/A. Extent: 10 pages. 2013 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Comunita ricostruite [Rebuilding communities]. Description: N/A. Extent: 10 pages. 2013 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Serpentine Pavilion. Description: N/A. Extent: .. 2013 Authors: Worrall J. Title: House K by Sou Fujimoto. Description: N/A. Extent: .. 2013 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Post-disaster Japan. Description: N/A. Extent: 10 pages. 2013 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Entità galleggianti = Floating constituencies. Description: N/A. Extent: 8 pages. 2013 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Realizing the Real: Home-For-All. Description: N/A. Extent: 8 pages. 2013 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Rebuilding communities. Description: Photography : Edmund Sumner. Extent: 10 pages. 2013 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Making places real: Jackson Slattery at the Setouchi Triennale. Description: N/A. Extent: 2 pages. 2013 Authors: Worrall J. Title: The Game of Life. Description: N/A. Extent: .. 2012 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Un rifugio per tutti: shelters for all. Description: Article in Italian and English. Extent: 8 pages. 2012 Authors: Worrall J, Kuma K, Yamamoto R. Title: Home for all - Nach der Katastrophe. Die Rückkehr zum Wesentlichen. Description: N/A. Extent: 6 pages. 2012 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Toda House. Description: N/A. Extent: .. 2012 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Kadare Cultural Centre. Description: N/A. Extent: .. 2012 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Spatial Binaries. Description: N/A. Extent: .. 2011 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Rainbow Bank. Description: N/A. Extent: .. 2011 Authors: Worrall J, Barrie A. Title: Unity in Adversity - On disasters in New Zealand and Japan. Description: N/A. Extent: Unknown. 2011 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Omishima Museum. Description: N/A. Extent: .. 2011 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Tokyo after the Quake. Description: N/A. Extent: 8 pages. 2011 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Roku Museum. Description: N/A. Extent: .. 2011 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Teshima Art Museum. Description: N/A. Extent: 2 pages. 2011 Authors: Worrall J. Title: SN House. Description: N/A. Extent: .. 2011 Authors: Worrall J. Title: Island Odyssey. Description: N/A. Extent: 30 pages. -
Curated or Produced Public Exhibition or Events
Year Citation 2018 Hours, V., Mauduit, F., Souteyrat, J., Tardits, M., & Worrall, J. (2018). Japan - Archipelago of the House (No. Of Pieces: 28 day exhibition) [Exhibition]. Adelaide, South Australia: Kerry Packer Civic Gallery. 2017 Worrall, J. (2017). Archaeology of the Smart City (No. Of Pieces: 22 A1 full-colour panels (H840mmxW597mm)) [Exhibition]. Adelaide. 2017 Worrall, J. (2017). Archaeology of the Smart City (No. Of Pieces: 22 A1 full-colour panels (H840mmxW597mm)) [Exhibition]. Adelaide. 2017 Worrall, J. (2017). Archaeology of the Smart City (No. Of Pieces: 22 A1 full-colour panels (H840mmxW597mm)) [Exhibition]. Adelaide. 2016 Worrall, J. (2016). Adelaide 2050 Urban Futures (No. Of Pieces: 29 x A1 panels (W594mm x H840mm); 1:1000 urban model (3.2m x 1.9m) in timber, foam; projections. 51 day exhibition.) [Exhibition]. Adelaide. 2014 Worrall, J. (2014). City Tales (No. Of Pieces: 6 month period) [Exhibition]. Japan and Amsterdam. -
Year Citation 2005 Worrall, J. (2005). 都市としての鉄道:20世紀東京の鉄道から生み出された公共空間. (PhD Thesis, University of Tokyo). 1993 Worrall, J. (1993). Faraway: Japan in Western Architectural Discourse, 1886-1992. (PhD Thesis).
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2018 Principal Supervisor Public Art in the Chinese Metropolis: A Comparative Study of Art in Public Space in Beijing and Shanghai Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Miss Han Cheng 2017 Principal Supervisor Architectural Design: Research by Practice Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Anthony Quentin Donald Coupe 2017 Principal Supervisor Design by Research that Investigates the Capacity of Architecture to Facilitate New Types of Social Situations Through Denaturalisation of 'Normal' Behaviour Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Richard Joseph Le Messurier 2017 Principal Supervisor Architectural Design: Research by Practice Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Anthony Quentin Donald Coupe -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2017 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Unlocking Physical Spaces Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Richard Joseph Le Messurier 2015 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Between Before and After: Architecture in a Time of Crisis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Athanasios Lazarou
Date Role Membership Country 1997 - ongoing Member Australian Institute of Architects Australia -
Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country 2015 - ongoing Office for Design and Architecture South Australia - Cultural or historical Australia
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