Athanasios Lazarou

Dr Athanasios Lazarou


School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Athanasios (Nasi) Lazarou is a philosopher of Architecture whose work explores the relationship between politics and space to interrogate arenas of spatial violence. He is a Lecturer in architectural history and theory at the University of Adelaide, curating and contributing to public events across architecture, art and design practice. Nasi holds a belief in the power of architecture and art as a force for shaping culture.

2023: PhD, 'Between Before and After: Architecture in a Time of Crisis'. Supervisors: Assoc. Professor Peter Scriver (Principal), Dr. Amit Srivastava (Co-supervisor) and Dr. Julian Worrall (Co-supervisor)

  • Conference Items

    Year Citation
    2015 Lazarou, A. (2015). “Greece and the Referendum: Mapping the Space of public assembly within European Membership”. Poster session presented at the meeting of ‘Europe: New Leadership, New Directions?’ EU Centres Conference. Auckland.
  • Original Creative Works

    Year Citation
    2024 Authors: Lazarou A. Title: ‘Practices of Destruction'. Description: N/A. Extent: 3200 x 2400 x 1600mm.
  • Curated or Produced Public Exhibition or Events

    Year Citation
    2024 Lazarou, A., & Cronin, A. (2024). Together X Tomorrow: Art and Architecture Symposium for the South Australian Nature Festival (No. Of Pieces: 10am - 4pm) [Public Symposium]. Art Gallery of South Australia.
  • Theses

    Year Citation
    2023 Lazarou, A. (2023). Between Before and After: Architecture in a Time of Crisis. (PhD Thesis).
  • Internet Publications

    Year Citation
    2024 Lazarou, A. (2024). Making Marks, Inscribing Solidarity. Runway Journal.
    2024 Lazarou, A. (2024). Desire for Difference, a review of Gay Betrayals - Hannah Quinlan & Rosie Hastings / Leo Bersani (Afterall, 2022). Bittersweet Review.
    2023 Lazarou, A. (2023). To be Radical is to be Intimate, a review of Radical Intimacy - Sophie K Rosa, Pluto Press (2023). Bittersweet Review.

I hold a strong commitment to integrating design theory and practice and possess the agility to teach the practice-led model of design studio while also being intellectually comfortable within the knowledge frameworks of history and critical theory and advanced digital technologies. 

Courses Co-ordinated (Undergraduate & Professional Degree Programs, University of Adelaide)

- DESST 1504 Representation I (2016-present)

This course introduces the traditions and origins of representation in architecture and landscape architecture, including: architectural drafting conventions, fundamental drawing principles and graphic techniques. Design thinking and representation are taught hand in hand; several different methods of graphic communication and their relationship to the design process are explored, including freehand sketching and drawing plans, sections and elevations, rendering, one and two-point perspective, axonometric drawing, composition and graphic layout skills.

- ARCH 7035 Critical Historical Practices (2019, 2023-present)

This course focuses on the critical interpretation of architectural and landscape architectural history and its strategic relationship with contemporary design thinking and practice. Critical Historical Practices is focused on a disciplinary production of knowledge - architecture as a ‘discourse’ rather than as poetic production. 

- DESST 3515 Representation III (2023-present)

This course explores innovative representational ideas and techniques in both a practical and theoretical context in the discipline of architecture and landscape architecture. Students will explore how physical and digital techniques and tools influence architecture and landscape architecture in the 21st Century through advanced digital modelling and visualisation, including data modelling, video and advanced rendering, and model making. Photography, rendering, 3d-scanning, and hand-skills are taught alongside the conceptual framework of cinema in an exploration of the increasingly visual culture of the architectural discipline. 

- GEOG 2135 Urban Futures (2021)

More than half the world's population live in cities, making humanity a predominantly urban species. Drawing on Australian and international examples, this course explored the processes, potentialities and problems of urbanisation. It introduced students to different ways of explaining growth and change within cities; the diversity which exists across cities; and how urban inequalities - such as in housing - are exacerbated and addressed. Students examined the environmental consequences of urbanisation, prospects for creating sustainable cities and the role of urban governance in securing social and environmental justice.

- DESST 1505 History Theory I (2016-17)

Studio Leader (Undergraduate & Professional Degree Programs, University of Adelaide)

- ARCH 7043 Final Architecture Project (2021-present)

- ARCH 7035 Experiential Studio – Venice Offshore (2023)

- ARCH 7032 Studio Cultures (2017, 2019-present)

- DESST 1506 Design Studio II (2022)


  • Board Memberships

    Date Role Board name Institution name Country
    2024 - ongoing Co-Chair Runway Journal Open-access Digital Publishing Platform Australia
    2023 - 2025 Director FELTspace Gallery Australia
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2018 - 2020 Member Education Committee, South Australian Chapter, Australian Institute of Architects South Australian Institute of Architects Australia
  • Position: Lecturer
  • Email:
  • Fax: 83134377
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Horace Lamb, floor Level Four
  • Org Unit: Architecture and Landscape Architecture

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