Peter Scriver

Associate Professor Peter Scriver

Associate Professor/Reader

School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Peter Scriver is a founding member of the Centre for Asian and Middle-Eastern Architecture (CAMEA) at the University of Adelaide, where he has taught Modern Architectural History, Theory and Design and directed postgraduate research since 1996. Scriver is a critical authority on the architectural history of modern India. His theoretical interests focus on cultural and cognitive relationships between architecture, building, planning and urban design, and the institutional frameworks and professional networks in which these disciplines operate. In addition to his pioneering work on postcolonial India, Scriver is also an expert on colonial modernity. His extensive historical research on the British Indian Department of Public Works has examined its instrumental role in the propagation and institutionalization of modern architectural and engineering knowledge in colonial India and beyond. His on-going work on transnational professional networks and exchanges of architectural knowledge and expertise -- between Australia and Asia in particular -- continues to contribute to critical scholarship on colonial and modern architectural history, and the broader cultural, institutional and political-economic frameworks of its production.

Peter Scriver is a multiple grant recipient, currently leading an ARC Linkage project with the South Australian Museum and International Islamic University of Malaysia that examines the impact of ‘Afghan’ cameleers on the  settlement history of colonial and early 20th century Australia:

ARC Linkage Project (2014-2017): The Architecture of Australia’s Muslim Pioneers (with K. Bartsch (CI), P Jones (PI), M Rashid (PI),)

Other completed projects include:

ARC Discovery Project (2012-2014): Making architectural identity: the architecture of John Andrews (with P. Walker, P. Goad, A. Moulis, M. Lobsinger, and P. Scrivano)

ARC Discovery Project (2005-2006): Digital Outsourcing in Architecture: Opportunities for Australian Firms, or Perils for Australian Workforce?. (with P. Tombesi, B. Dave, and B. Gardiner),

Courses taught (Undergraduate & Professional Degree Programs, Adelaide U.)

                                  Courses (seminar/tutorial based)

2014-                         History Theory 3 (B. Arch Studies 3rd yr)

Coordinator, principal Lecturer

2013-                         Designing Research (MArch/MLArch/MPlanning professional degree programs)

Coordinator, principal Lecturer, tutor

2009-12                     Masters Seminar A (MArch/MLArch professional degree programs)

Coordinator, principal Lecturer, tutor

2009-11                     State of the City (Masters of Planning program)

Co-Coordinator and Lecturer

2009-11                     Architectural Histories and Theories in the Modern Era II/IV

Coordinator, and principal Lecturer

2006-08                     Cultures, Histories and Designed Environments in the Modern Era II/IV

Coordinator, and principal Lecturer

2000-02, 04-05         20th Century Architecture and Landscapes II/IV

                                  Coordinator, and principal Lecturer

1997-2002                 Arts and Cultures of Asia II/III   


1997-2011                 Colonial and Contemporary Issues in South Asian Architecture II/III

                                  Coordinator, and principal Lecturer

1996                          Asian Architecture and Landscapes II/III  

                                  Coordinator, sole Lecturer and Tutor 

1996                          Image / Text / Architecture I  

                                  Coordinator and principal Lecturer.


                                  Design Studios             

2014-                         Studio Cultures (M.Arch 1st yr)

2012-13                     Studio Architecture (M.Arch 2nd yr)

2009-11                     Design Studio (2nd yr)

                                  Coordinator and unit leader: “Movements/Models/Masters”

2001, 2002, 2012,     Offshore Studio:

2014                          (2014) Designing Between Cultures: Java and Bali

                                  (2012) Designing Between Cultures: Malaysia and Singapore

                                  (2002) Placing in-between, Calgary, Canada

(2001) Post-earthquake re-construction, Bhuj and Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

                                  Coordinator and principal tutor

1997-2000, 2004-5   Final Project: Arch. IIIC, Arch. Project II, L. Arch. Project II

Coordinator and/or Tutor

1997                          Thinking Between Cultures: Architecture  IIIA

                                  Coordinator and sole Tutor

1996                          Shanghai 2000: Architecture IIIC (U. Adelaide, 1996).

                                  Supervisor/tutor. Final studio project (BArch):

1996                          Naming and Framing: Architecture IIIB.

                                  Coordinator and principal Tutor (*Citation, CHASA Refereed Design Scheme)


                                  Postgraduate Design Studio

1994-95                     Strategies and issues in squatter settlement up-grading: Zihuatanejo, Mexico

Co-Coordinator and tutor, Studio and seminar, MArch/MdipArch (Miniinum-Cost Housing Program, McGill University)

                                  Postgraduate Coursework

2000-2002                 Strategies and Issues in Design Thinking in the Digital Age.

                                  Coordinator and Tutor. Seminar, MArch (Digital Media))

2006-2007                 Advanced Studies in Architecture/Landscape Architecture. Coordinator

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Co-Supervisor The Mosque in Australia after 1945 Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Ahmad Tariq Hakimi
    2021 Principal Supervisor Beyond ‘Sydney School’: NSW Architects and Asian Transnational Networks, 1950s-80s Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Anna Louise Corkhill
    2017 Co-Supervisor Building Modern Sri Lanka: New Town and Mahaweli Architectural Unit Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Nirodha Kumari Meegahakumbura Dissanayake
    2017 Principal Supervisor Relearning the Limits of Growth: An Inter-disciplinary Coherence of Urban Planning and Water Cycles in Dhaka City Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Mehbuba Tune Uzra
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2021 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Water-Culture, Adaptation and Design in the Dwelling Practices of Underprivileged Rural-Urban Migrants: A Study of Korail/Dhaka, Bangladesh Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Sadia Afrin
    2017 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Purity, System, Comfort: A Micro-historical Study of Change in Built Form and Cultural Practice, with Particular Respect to Water Use in the Modern Residential Architecture of the Bengali Muslim Upper-Middle Class (1950 – 2000) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Mehbuba Tune Uzra
    2016 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Space, Gaze and Femineity: Representation of Women in Architectural Spaces in Persian Miniature Painting (Timurid to Safavid eras) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Sareh Abooali
    2014 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Provoking Consciousness
    Towards a Bioregional Understanding of Local Character: Urbanisation of the Fringe at Willunga Basin, South Australia
    Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mrs Pragathi .
    2013 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Between Before and After: Architecture in a Time of Crisis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Athanasios Lazarou
    2013 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Evaluating New Towns in the Context of Mega Projects: A Case Study of the Mahaweli Architectural Unit, Sri Lanka (1983-1989) Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mrs Nirodha Kumari Meegahakumbura Dissanayake
    2012 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Multi-step Transition in Housing Provision and Progressive Development of Urban Settlements: Case of Davao City, Philippines Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Isidoro III Malaque
    2012 - 2017 Principal Supervisor To Flow, or to Fortify? Water, Development, and Urbanism in Building a Deltaic Metropolis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Fahmid Ahmed
    2011 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Pattern, Contingency and Lifestyle: The Houses of Troppo Architects Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Jessica Huang
    2010 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Conservation of Heritage Curtilages in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mrs Nadiyanti Mat Nayan
    2009 - 2013 Co-Supervisor The Rationale of Architectural Discourses in Post-Independence Egypt: A Contrapuntal Reading of `Alam Al-Bena'a (1980-2000) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Marwa Moustafa El-Ashmouni
    2007 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Romaldo Giurgola in Australia and the ‘Other’ Modern Tradition Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Stephen Schrapel
    2006 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Architectural Exchange in the Eighteenth Century A Study of Three Gateway Cities: Istanbul, Aleppo and Lucknow Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mrs Elise Kamleh
    2006 - 2009 Principal Supervisor Encountering Materials in Architectural Production: The Case of Kahn and Brick at IIM Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Amit Srivastava
    2005 - 2009 Co-Supervisor Social Housing for Culturally Diverse Groups: A Users' and Providers' Perspective Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Michael David Findlay
    2005 - 2005 Co-Supervisor Re-Thinking Islamic Architecture A Critique of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture Through the Paradigm of Encounter Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time APrf Katharine Bartsch
    2004 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Maps and Meanings: Urban Cartography and Urban Design Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Julie Nichols
    2003 - 2008 Principal Supervisor 'Indian Architecture' and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse: A Study of Architecture + Design (1984-1992) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Shaji Kannanchira Panicker
    2002 - 2006 Principal Supervisor A Study of Ottoman Narratives on Architecture: Text, Context and Hermeneutics Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Selen Morkoc
    2000 - 2002 Principal Supervisor Maintaining Cultural Significance: An Interpretive Analysis of Architectural Conservation in South Australia Master of Architecture Master Full Time Ms Kirsty Loveys
    1999 - 2007 Co-Supervisor Communicating Design Using 3D Collaborative Virtual Environments and Online Chat Master of Architecture Master Full Time Mr Theodor Wyeld
    1998 - 2006 Co-Supervisor Mediterranean Influences on Horticultural and Garden Developments in South Australia between 1836 and 1938 Master of Landscape Architecture Master Part Time Mr Trevor Nottle
  • Position: Associate Professor/Reader
  • Phone: 83134586
  • Email:
  • Fax: 83134377
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Horace Lamb, floor 4
  • Org Unit: Architecture and Landscape Architecture

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