Graeme Dandy
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor) - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Graeme Dandy is an Emeritus Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Adelaide. He was employed by the University from 1979 until 2014 and was a Professor from 2000 to 2014. His research interests include the optimization of water resources and environmental systems and the use of artificial neural networks for forecasting water resources variables.
He is also a co-founder, director and technical consultant for Optimatics Pty Ltd., a software and consulting company based in Adelaide. Optimatics has undertaken more than 260 studies into the optimization of water supply and sewerage systems in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand and has saved hundreds of millions of dollars for water utilities and their customers worldwide.
- My Research
- Career
- Publications
- Grants and Funding
- Teaching
- Supervision
- Professional Activities
- Contact
My research interests are in the following fields:
- Water resources planning and management
- Optimisation of water resources and environmental systems using evolutionary algorithms
- Decision support systems for environmental planning and risk management
- Integrated urban water management
- Forecasting water resources and environmental variables using artificial neural networks
Date Position Institution name 2015 - 2025 Emeritus Professor University of Adelaide 2000 - 2014 Professor University of Adelaide 1996 - 2016 Technical Director Optimatics Pty Ltd 1994 - 2000 Associate Professor University of Adelaide 1983 - 1994 Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide 1979 - 1982 Lecturer University of Adelaide 1976 - 1979 Research Fellow University of Melbourne -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2014 Award Water Professional of the Year Australian Water Association Australia - 2013 Invitation Keynote speaker at MODSIM 2013 Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Australia - 2013 Fellowship Fellow of the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Australia - 2013 Award Biennial Medal Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand. Australia - 2013 Award Premiers Water Medal South Australian Branch of the Australian Water Association Australia - 2013 Award Lifetime achievement award International Conference on Water Resources and Environmental Research Germany - 2011 Award Best paper award Environmental Modelling and Software Journal, Elsevier Netherlands - 2010 Award Best presentation award Institution of Engineers Australia Australia - 2010 Award Chairman's Award of the South Australian Industry Alliance South Australian Water Industry Alliance Australia - 2009 Award Munro Orator National Committee on Water Engineering of Engineers Australia Australia - 2007 Fellowship Fellow of the Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Australia - 2004 Fellowship Fellowship in Environmental Hydraulics University of Hong Kong Hong Kong - 2000 Fellowship Fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Japan - 1998 Fellowship Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Australia Institution of Engineers Australia Australia - -
Date Institution name Country Title 1972 - 1976 Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA PhD 1971 - 1972 University of Melbourne Australia MEng Sc 1969 - 1970 University of Melbourne Australia BE (Civil Hons) -
Date Title Institution name Country 2007 Graduate Cetificate of the Institute of Company Directors Australian Institute of Company Directors Australia 1965 Associate Diploma in Civil Engineering Gordon Institute of Technology Australia
Year Citation 2018 Dandy, G., Daniell, T., Foley, B., & Warner, R. (2018). Planning & design of engineering systems (3 ed.). Boca Raton, FL; USA: CRC Presss.
DOI Scopus82012 A Short Guide to the Report Sustainable Water Management Securing Australia's Future in a Green Economy (2012). . 2009 Gibbs, M., Maier, H., & Dandy, G. (2009). Determination of practical genetic algorithm parameter settings: Applications to the operation of water distribution systems. UK: Verlag Dr. Muller. 2008 Dandy, G., Walker, D., Daniell, T., & Warner, R. (2008). Planning and design of engineering systems. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
DOI Scopus61989 Dandy, G., Simpson, A., Energy, A. D. O. P. I. A., Council, A. W. R., & Institution of Engineers, A. (1989). Proceedings of the National Workshop on Planning and Management of Water Resource Systems: Risk and Reliability Adelaide Festival Centre, 23-25 November 1988. -
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Conference Items
Year Citation 2021 Liang, R., Thyer, M., Maier, H., Di Matteo, M., & Dandy, G. (2021). Potential benefits of real-time control to reduce urban flooding using distributed smart stormwater storage systems. Poster session presented at the meeting of 23rd EGU General Assembly. -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddel, G., Elco, K., Radford, D., Dandy, G., . . . Zecchin, A. (2022). Evaluation Document: GRUMP - Gawler River UNHARMED Mitigation Project. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddell, G., Koks, E., Radford, D., Dandy, G., . . . Zecchin, A. (2022). Integrated Assessment of Flood Mitigation Options: GRUMP - Gawler River UNHARMED Mitigation Project. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddell, G., Koks, E., Radford, D., Dandy, G., . . . Zecchin, A. (2022). Pathways Document for Integrated Flood Risk Management: GRUMP - Gawler River UNHARMED Mitigation Project. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddell, G., Koks, E., Radford, D., Dandy, G., . . . Zecchin, A. (2022). Project Summary and Evaluation: GRUMP - Gawler River UNHARMED Mitigation Project. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2020 Maier, H., Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Araya, S., Zecchin, A., Vanhout, R., . . . Hamers, E. (2020). Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction – annual report 2019-2020 (629). 2020 Maier, H., Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Araya, S., Zecchin, A., Vanhout, R., . . . Hamers, E. (2020). Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction – annual project report 2018-2019 (583). 2020 Newman, J., Dandy, G., Zecchin, A., Maier, H., van Delden, H., Newland, C., & Riddell, G. (2020). Simulation optimisation for natural hazard risk management (533). 2019 van Delden, H., Riddell, G., Vanhout, R., Maier, H., Newman, J., Zecchin, A., & Dandy, G. (2019). UNHaRMED framework report: a co-creation approach for the development and use of decision support systems for disaster risk reduction. (484). 2019 Thyer, M. A., Di Matteo, M., Liang, R., Maier, H. R., & Dandy, G. (2019). Evaluating smart storage options for drainage rehabilitation to provide flood, reuse and water quality benefits. 2018 Maier, H., Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Newman, J., Zecchin, A., Dandy, G., . . . Bennett, B. (2018). Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction: annual project report 2017-18 (427). 2017 Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Dandy, G., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., Newman, J., & Newland, C. (2017). Futures Greater Adelaide 2050: An exploration of disaster risk and the future (243). 2012 Spies, B., & Dandy, G. (2012). Sustainable Water Management: Securing Australia's Future in a Green Economy. Melbourne, Victoria: ATSE. 2011 Leonard, M., Thyer, M., Lambert, M., Maier, H., & Dandy, G. (2011). Task 4 Milestone 1 Report, Application Test Bed, Onkaparinga Catchment Case Study: Surface Water Hydrological Modelling. -
Year Citation - Maier, H., Riddell, G., Delden, H. V., Zecchin, A., Dandy, G., & Araya, S. G. (n.d.). UNHaRMED - Unified Natural Hazard Risk Mitigation Exploratory Decision Support System.
The following table lists research grants of $10,000 or more received solely or in partnership with other researchers:
Years |
Amount |
Funding Source |
Title of Project |
2014-17 |
$1,160,000 |
Bushfires and Natural Hazards RC |
Decision support system for assessment of policy and planning investment options for optimal natural hazard mitigation |
2012-14 |
$179,267 |
Goyder Institute |
Improved modelling of the catchments and drainage network in the upper south east for management outcomes |
2012-14 |
$189,484 |
Goyder Institute |
Optimal water resources mix for metropolitan Adelaide |
2011-15 |
$501,500 |
Goyder Institute |
Development of an agreed set of climate projections for South Australia |
2011-12 |
$198,058 |
Goyder Institute |
Development and application of a decision support framework for the South East of South Australia |
2011-13 |
$246,000 |
Goyder Institute |
Managed aquifer recharge and urban stormwater |
2010-12 |
$330,000 |
Water Quality Research Australia |
Optimal control of chloramine in water distribution system |
2009-12 |
$258,000 |
ARC Linkage, DWLBC |
Early warning of cyanobacteria blooms in drinking water reservoirs by means of evolutionary algorithms |
2006-10 |
$425,560 |
eWater CRC |
New techniques for modelling, optimisation and decision support |
2006-09 |
$601,187 |
ARC Linkage, DWLBC SA |
Innovative Approach to the Optimal Management of Water Resources and Application to the Upper South East Region of South Australia |
2006-07 |
$95,370 |
Centre for Natural Resource Management, SA |
Sensitivity analysis of models used to predict the effects of policy decisions on salinity levels in the River Murray |
2004-06 |
$312,000 |
ARC Linkage, MDBC, DWLBC |
New approach to sensitivity assessment of complex simulation models for environmental management |
2003-04 |
$130,000 |
ARC Discovery |
New techniques for artificial neural network modelling in hydrology |
2003-06 |
$181,000 |
CRC for Water Quality and Treatment |
Decision support systems to maintain water quality |
2003-06 |
$108,500 |
CRC for Water Quality and Treatment |
Development of tools for improved disinfection control in distribution systems |
2002-05 |
$45,500 |
CRC for Water Quality and Treatment |
Reliability assessment of water quality in distribution systems |
2002-05 |
$35,000 |
United Water and SA Water |
Reliability assessment of water quality in distribution systems |
2001 |
$12,000 |
Development of a methodology to optimise the operation of urban water distribution systems. |
2000 |
$14,000 |
Development of a methodology for optimising the design and operation of aquifer storage and recovery systems that use streamflow. |
2000 |
$14,000 |
Australian Academy of Science and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science |
Fellowship to visit Kyoto University and Kyushu University to carry out collaborative research into decision support systems for managing water resources. |
1999-2001 |
$76,500 |
ARC SPIRT, United Utilities |
Forecasting blooms of blue-green algae in the River Murray using artificial neural networks |
1998 |
$12,000 |
Development of a general optimisation model for sewage effluent reuse incluing aquifer storage and recovery |
1997 |
$20,000 |
SA Water |
Commercial copy of ARCVIEW and ARCINFO for research purposes |
1997 |
$12,000 |
Development of a comprehensive optimisation model for regional water resources planning including water reuse options |
1996-99 |
$213,351 |
An evaluation of the applicability of genetic algorithm technology to flow management of open-channel gravity systems |
1996 |
$15,000 |
Optimum design of urban water distribution systems including water quality considerations |
1995 |
$10,000 |
Asset replacement strategies for water distribution networks |
1995 |
$72,010 |
Murrumbidgee Irrigation |
Optimisation of replacement of irrigation channels by pipes using genetic algorithms |
1994 |
$42,300 |
Optimal rehabilitation of irrigation pipe network systems by genetic algorithms |
1991-94 |
$133,400 |
Development of a methodology for optimum pricing and capacity expansion of urban water supply systems |
1992-93 |
$22,100 |
Genetic algorithms for optimal expansion of pipe networks |
1990 |
$32,000 |
Investigating the use of expert systems for water treatment plant operations |
1990 |
$36,406 |
Reliability - cost trade-offs for multiple reservoir systems |
1989 |
$11,300 |
Investigating the use of expert systems and knowledge engineering for water treatment plant operations |
1988 |
$32,400 |
Evaluating the use of multisite models for flow forecasting |
1987 |
$62,000 |
Optimum operating policies for multiple reservoir systems |
1986 |
$13,000 |
Low flow analysis of the River Murray using synthetic hydrology |
Key: ARC = Australian Research Council
AWRAC = Australian Water Research Advisory Council
DWLBC = SA Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation
EWS = Engineering and Water Supply Department of SA (now SA Water)
LWRRDC = Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation
MDBC = Murray Darling Basin Commission
URG = University of Adelaide Research Grant
No teaching is being undertaken at the present time.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Co-Supervisor Integrated Data-Driven Prediction Modeling Technique to Forecast Water Resources Variables under climate change conditions for Sustainable Water and Environmental Management Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Maedeh Enayati 2023 Co-Supervisor Assessment of Urban Flood Risk by Using AI and Socioeconomic Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mohammadreza Hassanvand -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2012 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Optimal Water Allocation and Scheduling for Irrigation Using Ant Colony Algorithms Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Duc Cong Hiep Nguyen 2012 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Improved Evolutionary Algorithm Optimisation of Water Distribution Systems Using Domain Knowledge Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Weiwei Bi 2012 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Multiobjective Planning and Design of Distributed Stormwater Harvesting and Treatment Systems through Optimization and Visual Analytics Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Michael Di Matteo 2010 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Optimal Sequencing of Water Supply Options Incorporating Sustainability and Uncertainty Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Eva Hooi Ying Beh 2009 - 2014 Principal Supervisor An adaptive multi-objective framework for the scheduling of environmental flow management alternatives using ant colony optimization Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Joanna Margaret Szemis 2009 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Frameworks for Assessing and Improving Urban Water Supply Security Planning under Climate Change Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Fiona Paton 2007 - 2012 Co-Supervisor Impacts of an Altered Water and Salinity Regime on the Condition of Wetlands in the Upper South East of South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Abigail Goodman 2007 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Fully Integrated Modelling of Surface-Subsurface Flow Processes: Quantifying In-Stream and Overland Flow Generation Mechanisms Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Daniel Partington 2003 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Water Distribution System Optimization Using Metamodels Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Darren Broad 2003 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Developing Artificial Neural Network Models for Water Quality Modelling and Prediction Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Robert May 2003 - 2008 Co-Supervisor Genetic Algorithm Parameter Setting for Water Distribution System Optimisation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Matthew Gibbs 2001 - 2003 Principal Supervisor Monitoring and Modelling Chlorine Levels along the Myponga Trunk Main Master of Engineering Science Master Full Time Miss Lamia Salhane 1998 - 2003 Principal Supervisor Forecasting Water Resources Variables Using Artificial Neural Networks Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Gavin Bowden 1998 - 2002 Principal Supervisor Development of a Decision Support System for Optimum Selection of Technologies for Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Nirmala Dinesh 1997 - 2002 Principal Supervisor Development of a Water Management Model for the Evaluation of Streamflow for Aquifer Storage and Recovery Master of Engineering Science Master Part Time Ms Julianne James-Smith
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 1996 - ongoing Director Optimatics Pty Ltd - Australia -
Date Role Membership Country 1999 - ongoing Member American Society of Civil Engineers United States 1983 - ongoing Member Australian Water Association Australia 1977 - ongoing Member Hydrological Society of South Australia Australia
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