Clemence Due

Associate Professor Clemence Due

Associate Prof/Reader

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Dr Clemence Due, Associate Professor, School of Psychology

My research areas are diverse, but linked by a focus on the health and wellbeing of individuals and families who are considered to be marginalised or vulnerable. I am particularly interested in psychological wellbeing, trauma, maternity care, and bereavement care following pregnancy or neonatal loss. My research is typically cross-cultural and applied and I work closely with communities to ensure translational outcomes.

Much of my work concerns people with asylum seeking, refugee or migrant backgrounds and I work closely with refugee and migrant communities to ensure that my research is relevant and will lead to positive outcomes for community groups.

I also have interest and expertise in developmental psychology, especially child and adolescent development and neuro-diversity.

In 2016 I was awarded the University of Adelaide's Vice Chancellor's Award for Women's Excellence in Research as an Early Career Researcher and in 2019 I was awarded a Barbara Kidman Fellowship on the basis of my research concerning refugee mental health.

My research areas are diverse, but linked by research concerning the health and wellbeing of individuals and families who are considered to be marginalised or vulnerable. 

My current key projects include:

  • An MRFF project (~$800,000) exploring the social determinants of mental health for young people with refugee backgrounds
  • An MRFF project (~$700,000) exploring care for LGBTQIA+ people in the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network
  • An ARC Discovery Project on vicarious trauma for foster carers
  • AN ARC Linkage Project on wellbeing and technology-related changes in relation to the performing arts

Overall, my recent research in relation to pregnancy and neonatal loss has focused on under-researched groups of people including men, grandparents and people with refugee backgrounds. This research is centred around bereavement care, including working to ensure that there are evidence-based guidelines for support following pregnancy and neonatal loss for these groups of people. 

I am also currently working on projects concerning best practice maternity/postnatal care for women and men with refugee backgrounds. Both women and men with refugee backgrounds face a range of risk factors and worse outcomes than the general population, and it is important that their care is culturally appropriate and targeted to their needs.

My other main research focus has been on a broad exploration of resettlement factors that have an effect on the health and wellbeing of people with asylum seeker or refugee backgrounds, including access to mental health care, housing, education, employment and social inclusion, as well as mental health care for children with refugee backgrounds who have experienced, or are experiencing, psychological trauma.

Finally, I have expertise in relation to wellbeing and the performing arts.

Recent media:


Available research projects

Project 1

Title: Maternal health care for families with refugee or migrant backgrounds

Description: This project aims to explore the experiences and needs of people with refugee and migrant backgrounds in terms of pregnancy and childbirth. Specifically, the project aims to examine how to improve mental health outcomes for this group of people and what models of care are best suited to their needs. This project could be mixed-methods or qualitative.

Projects available for: Honours, Masters, PhD

Special requirements: DSCI clearance; full ethics review; hospital ethics review


Project 2

Title: The impact of stillbirth on families

Description: This project aims to explore the impact of stillbirth on psychological wellbeing for family members including men, grandparents and siblings who are currently under-researched. This project could be mixed-methods or qualitative, or could be a systematic review.

Projects available for: Honours, Masters, PhD

Special requirements: DSCI clearance; full ethics review; hospital ethics review


Project 3

Title: Psychological wellbeing in gender and sexuality diverse people with refugee and migrant backgrounds

Description: This project aims to explore the psychological wellbeing of migrants and refugees who are gender and sexuality diverse. This project could be mixed-methods or qualitative, or could be a systematic review.

Projects available for: Honours, Masters, PhD

Special requirements: DSCI clearance; full ethics review; hospital ethics review


Project 4

Title: Integration, resettlement experiences and social determinants of health for refugees and migrants, including children

Description: This project aims to further understand the intersecting impact of resettlement for refugees and migrants, including both adults and children. This project will take a social determinants of health approach to understanding mental health for this group of people, with consideration given to housing, employment, education, literacy, discrimination and social inclusion. This project could be mixed-methods or qualitative.

Projects available for: Honours, Masters, PhD

Special requirements: DSCI clearance; full ethics review; hospital ethics review

My research areas are diverse, but linked by research concerning the health and wellbeing of individuals and families who are considered to be marginalised or disadvantaged.

As of Dec 2023, I had > $8M AUD in grant funding across projects involving mental health and wellbeing for refugee families, pregnancy loss and neonatal death, and 'alternative' low-cost therapies involving music, art and nature.

My current key projects include:

  • An MRFF project (~$800,000) exploring the social determinants of mental health for young people with refugee backgrounds
  • An MRFF project (~$700,000) exploring care for LGBTQIA+ people in the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network
  • ARC Discovery Projects on vicarious trauma for foster carers and nature, sport and art for the wellbeing of newly arrived refugee children
  • AN ARC Linkage Project on wellbeing and technology-related changes in the performing arts
  • An ongoing collaboration/consultancy with Red Nose exploring bereavement care for people who have experienced pregnancy loss or the death of their baby in the neonatal period

A (incomplete) list:

Developing an Inclusive Mental Healthcare Model of Care for LGBTQ people in South Australia (CIA Professor Damien Riggs). Medical Research Future Fund. $705,200 

Understanding vicarious trauma in Australian foster care. ARC Discovery. (CIA Professor Damien Riggs). $213,000.

Ziersch, A.... Due, C. (2022). Better mental health for refugee young people: Exploring social determinant of mental health. Medical Research Future Fund. $850,000

Sawyer, A.Oxlad, M.Due, C.Taylor, A.; McDonald, D. (2022). Evaluating the effectiveness of two pilot programs to increase the uptake of child development checks in South Australia. South Australian Department for Education and Child Development. $62,982

Eliott, J.; Harvey, G.; Gunn, K.; Crawford, G.Chur-Hansen, A.Laurence, C.Due, C.; Dadich, A.; Walters, L.; Lakhani, A. (2022) Improving access to and delivery of palliative care for under-served communities. The Hospital Research Foundation. $2.25M

Goldsworthy, A., Harrald, L., & Due, C., Carroll, M. (2021). Rebooting the Muse: Post-COVID-19 sustainability in the performing arts. ARC Linkage grant. $285,821

Ziersch, A., Due, C. (2020). Wellbeing for refugee children living with disability. Channel 7 Children’s Fund. $92,250

Yelland, J., Due, C., Riggs, E., Ziersch, A... et al. (2019). Pathways to prevention of stillbirth and bereavement support with migrant and refugee families and stakeholders. Stillbirth Foundation. $120,000

Ziersch, A., Due, C., Baak, M. (2019). Neighbourhood life and social determinants of health for children and young people from refugee backgrounds. Channel 7 Children’s Research Fund. $99,548

Due, C., Ziersch, A., Walsh, M. (2018). Maternal health for pregnant and post-natal women from refugee backgrounds: What are their needs and what models of care will improve outcomes? Flinders Foundation. $25,000

Reilly, A., Howe, J., Ziersch, A. and Due, C. (2018). Refugee women and work. Pathways to employment for social inclusion and health and well-being, Federal Department for Communities and Social Inclusion Building Resilient Communities Grant $282,808

Due, C. (2016). The University of Adelaide Vice Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research

Due, C. (2016). Australian Federation for University Women Postdoctoral Researcher Award, $5,000

Dry M, Due C, Strelan P, Turnbull D, Clark Y (2016). Office of the DVC(A) for the Indigenous Course Enrichment Project, $2,000

Reilly, A., Tan, G., Howe, J., Turnbull, D., Due, C., & Ziersch, A. (2016). Assessing the economic, social and health outcomes for migrant workers in the state sponsored employment schemes. The University of Adelaide, Interdisciplinary Research Fund. $25,000

Dry, M.J., Due, C., Chur-Hansen, A., & Burns, N.R. (2015-2016). Office of Learning and Teaching - Seed Grant: Assessing the utility of an online adaptive learning tool in a large undergraduate program. (SD14-4348), $22,000. 

Due, C., Dorstyn, D., & Ward, L. (2015). Supporting Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Rural Australia. School of Psychology, The University of Adelaide RIBG. $9,781

Baak, M., Ziaian, T., Ziersch, A., Due, C., Masocha. S., Elsley, T., McEvoy, M. (2016).  Service provider experiences of mid to long term settlement challenges and mental health consequences for youth from refugee backgrounds. UniSA Seed Funding, $39,000

Due, C. & Ziersch, A. (2016). The impact of temporary visas on the health and wellbeing of asylum seekers. . Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Small Grant. Flinders University. $19,000

Due, C., & Ziersch, A. (2015). Access to primary health care services for asylum seekers and refugees experiencing psychological trauma. Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Small Grant. Flinders University. $13,000

Ziersch, A., Arthurson, K., Due, C. & Wotherspoon, A. (2015). Using digital storytelling as an innovative research method with asylum seekers and refugees. Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Small Grant. Flinders University. $17,000.

Barclay, K., Dee, M., & Due, C. (2015). Dis/Located Children: Children in/and Care. The University of Adelaide, Interdisciplinary Research Fund. $26,000

Due, C., Hanson-Easey, S., and Baak, M. (2014). Understanding trauma among young children: A pilot project for the development of a screening tool for children aged 4 to 8 years old. School of Psychology, The University of Adelaide RIBG,  $6,828

Due, C., Riggs, D.W., Augoustinos, M. (2011-2014). Australian Research Council Discovery Grant: The provision of education to students with migrant or refugee backgrounds, $132,000

Riggs, D. and Due, C. (2009-2010) The University of Adelaide: Gender and Equity Grant ‘Exploring the experiences of overseas students’ $3,000

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Co-Supervisor Clarifying Death Anxiety in Australian Palliative Care Master of Clinical Science Master Full Time Catherine Ooi
    2024 Co-Supervisor An exploration of psychological wellbeing in professional musicians. Research strategies
    shown to help improve wellbeing, and investigate lived experience of professional musicians in Australian orchestras.
    Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Nicola Joy Baker
    2024 Co-Supervisor Rebooting the Muse: Cultural precincts and new ways Australian performing artists are engaging with audiences Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Adam Gardnir
    2023 Principal Supervisor Exploring reproductive coercion following diagnosed fetal anomalies that are incompatible with life in Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Elaheh Ghaemi Mahdavi
    2022 Principal Supervisor Care for parents in subsequent pregnancies following stillbirth or neonatal death in Australia: Exploring support for optimising psychosocial wellbeing outcomes. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Kelly Robinson
    2021 Principal Supervisor “Just act like you’re okay”: An investigation of the experiences of South and Southeast Asian migrant caregivers in the context of the First 2000 Days in Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Ria Aiyar
    2021 Principal Supervisor An Exploration of Health Service Engagement and Wellbeing For Women With Refugee Backgrounds From Syria And Afghanistan In The First 1000 Days Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Amelia Kate Winter
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2021 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Mental Health Communication in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Grace Rebecca Horwood
    2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Grandparents’ Experiences of Grief and Support Needs Following the Perinatal Loss of a Grandchild Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology (Health) Doctorate Full Time Ms Jane Belinda Lockton
    2018 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Caregivers Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology (Clinical) Doctorate Full Time Mr Matthew Ronald Hartley
    2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Men's experiences of grief and support following pregnancy loss and neonatal death Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology (Health) Doctorate Full Time Dr Kate Louise Obst
    2018 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Gender and Race as Social Practice in Leadership: The Management of Intersecting Identities among Women with Marginalised Backgrounds Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Ember Corpuz
    2017 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Exploring Systemic Injustice and Wellbeing among Uyghurs in Australia Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology (Clinical) Doctorate Full Time Mrs Mastura Alim
    2016 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Exploring resettlement Stressors and Help-Seeking for Mental Health Support with Women from Refugee Backgrounds Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology (Clinical) Doctorate Full Time Ms Rose May Burford-Rice
    2015 - 2018 Co-Supervisor The Development of a Best Practice Model to Support Young Children with Disabilities Affected by Environmental Risk Factors in West Timor, Indonesia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Indra Yohanes Kiling
    2013 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Exploring Psychological Wellbeing in Actors: A Qualitative Study of Professionals and Students Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology (Clinical) Doctorate Part Time Ms Alison Elizabeth Robb
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2021 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Evaluating psychosocial guidelines for care of infants and children in ICU after suspected child abuse or maltreatment. The University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Clinical) Master - Victoria Rivis
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2015 - ongoing Member Kaldor Centre Emerging Scholars Network - -
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2016 - ongoing - Editorial team, Refugee Review -
  • Consulting/Advisories

    Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country
    2018 - ongoing Together SA Together SA Inner city or community Australia
    2018 - ongoing Welcome to Australia Welcome to Australia Civil rights activities Australia
    2015 - ongoing Refugee Council of Australia - - Australia
  • Position: Associate Prof/Reader
  • Phone: 83136096
  • Email:
  • Fax: 83133770
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Hughes, floor 5
  • Org Unit: Psychology

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