Amelia Winter

Amelia Winter

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

PhD - Master of Psychology - Health Candidate

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

My research interests are diverse but broadly related to health equity, health systems, and the provision of health care across the lifespan. I am particularly interested in the psychosocial and wellbeing impacts of health issues and health care provision and the evaluation of existing health services.

I am currently undertaking a Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine (Psychology) under the supervision of A/Prof Clemence Due and A/Prof Anna Ziersch. My PhD research focuses on psychological wellbeing and health service engagement for families from the Middle East in the First 1000 Days (from conception to two years post-birth).

In addition to my PhD research, I am currently employed as a Research Assistant in the School of Nursing, and as a Research Officer in the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Service (CAMHS). In these roles I am currently working on projects related to the mental health of undergraduate nursing students; provision of health care for people with an intestinal stoma; and improving mother-infant relationships for women with Borderline Personality Disorder.

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2022 - ongoing Research Officer SA Health
    2021 - ongoing Research Assistant School of Nursing, University of Adelaide
    2020 - ongoing Academic Tutor School of Psychology, University of Adelaide
    2020 - 2022 Academic Mentor Wirltu Yarlu, University of Adelaide
    2020 - ongoing PhD Candidate University of Adelaide
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2024 Award New Investigator Award (Allied Health) Perinatal Society of Australia and new Zealand Australia -
    2024 Award Early Career Researcher Travel Award Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand Australia -
    2023 Recognition ASBHM 2023 People's Choice Presentation Award Australian Society for Behavioural Health and Medicine Australia -
    2020 Scholarship Research Training Program Stipend University of Adelaide Australia -
    2017 Scholarship Summer Research Scholarship Freemasons Foundation Centre for Men's Health Australia -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2019 - 2019 University of Adelaide Australia Honours Degree of Bachelor of Psychological Science
    2016 - 2018 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Psychological Science
  • Research Interests

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Cusack, L., Bolton, F., Vickers, K., Winter, A., Louise, J., Rushworth, L., . . . Salter, A. (2024). Evaluating risk factors for development of a parastomal hernia: a retrospective matched case-control study. WCET Journal, 44(2).
    2024 Winter, A. K., Due, C., & Ziersch, A. (2024). Wellbeing Outcomes And Risk And Protective Factors For Parents With Migrant And Refugee Backgrounds From The Middle East In The First 1000 Days: A Systematic Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 26(2), 395-408.
    2023 Osborne, J., Mattiske, J., Winter, A., & Sved Williams, A. (2023). Reflective functioning and mother–infant relationships among mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder post-therapy. Infant Mental Health Journal, 44(5), 679-690.
    2022 Due, C., Walsh, M., Aldam, I., Winter, A., Cooper, S., Sheriff, J., & Ziersch, A. (2022). Perinatal care for women with refugee backgrounds from African countries: a qualitative study of intersections with psychological wellbeing. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(1), 12 pages.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS1
    2022 Winter, A., Cusack, L., Bolton, F., Vickers, K., Rushworth, L., & Salter, A. (2022). Perceptions and attitudes of ostomates towards support garments for prevention and treatment of parastomal hernia: a qualitative study. The Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia, 42(3).
    2022 Cusack, L., Salter, A., Vickers, K., Bolton, F., Winter, A., & Rushworth, L. (2022). Perceptions and experience on the use of support garments to prevent parastomal hernias: a national survey of Australian stomal therapy nurses. The Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia, 42(4).
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2024 PSANZ 2024 Oral Poster (2024). In Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health Vol. 60 (pp. 39-70). Wiley.

Cusack, L., Page, T., Salter, A., Rushworth, L. & Winter, A. (2022). Development of a National Risk Assessment Tool for prevention of parastomal hernias in Ostomates: Improving care and quality of life. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Strategic Research Support Scheme, University of Adelaide. $29,507.

Co-supervision of Psychology Honours students

Lecturer - PSYCHOL 1001 Psychology 1B

Lecturer/Tutor - PSYCHOL 2007 Psychology In Society

Tutor/Marker - PSYCHOL 3021 Health and Lifespan Development Psychology

Tutor/Marker - PSYCHOL 2004 Doing Research In Psychology

Tutor/Marker - PUB HLTH 2009 Introduction to Counselling Theory and Practice

  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2020 - ongoing Treasurer Blackwood Hills Circle of Friends for Refugees Circle of Friends Australia Australia
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2020 - ongoing Member Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member Perinatal Infant Group Liaison Education (PIGLET) Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member Australasian Society of Behavioural Health and Medicine Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member International Society of Critical Health Psychology Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member World Association for Infant Mental Health Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member Healthy Development Adelaide Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member Australian Psychological Society Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member Australian College of Health Psychologists Australia
  • Position: PhD - Master of Psychology - Health Candidate
  • Phone: 83137038
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Hughes
  • Org Unit: School of Psychology

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