Xiangyu Shi
Division of Research and InnovationKazuhisa Shimada
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and EconomicsAdam Simmons
Division of Academic and Student EngagementSharon Siva Subramaniam
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and TechnologyGabriella Smart
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and EconomicsJames Smyth
Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesAssociate Professor Prachi Srivastava
Associate ProfessorFaculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.
Alex Staudacher
Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesDharani Raj Subramaniam Viswanathan
Higher Degree by Research CandidateFaculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Dr Jungho Suh
Senior LecturerFaculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.
Libo Sun
Grant-Funded Researcher (B)Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor).