Simon Koblar
Adelaide Medical School
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor) - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Professor Koblar is a clinician-scientist with a national and international reputation in stroke and regenerative medicine, as well as in other disciplines including genetics, clinical neurology and developmental neurobiology. He has been appointed as the first Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience at the University of Adelaide in recognition of his significant and sustained scientific and clinical contributions.
In 2005 he founded and continues to be Director of the Stroke Research Programme (SRP), which is a unique collaboration between the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), University of Adelaide, Basil Hetzel Institute for Translational Health Research, and two hospitals, The Queen Elizabeth (TQEH) and Royal Adelaide Hospitals (RAH). In 2015 SAHMRI was successful in being awarded one of four in the country NHMRC Advanced Health Research and Translation Centres, with stroke being one of the key thematic areas in collaboration with the SRP.
Prof. Koblar was instrumental in founding the Adelaide Centre for Neuroscience Research (ACNR) and is its Director. The ACNR has brought together multidisciplinary researchers from many schools and faculties within the University of Adelaide. It also convenes the biannual Mount Lofty Workshop in the Adelaide Hills entitled ‘Frontier Technologies for Nervous System Function and Repair’. The 6th Mt Lofty Workshop was convened in 2014 and over the last decade the workshop has invited many leading neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuropathologists and neuroscientists from around Australia and internationally to participate. The ACNR and Mt Lofty Workshops have promoted leading edge neuroscience research within the University of Adelaide, which has led to national and international collaborations. His vision to bring together clinicians and scientists was fostered from his early academic experiences. His PhD was undertaken at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI), University of Melbourne during the directorship of Prof./Sir Gus Nossal and Prof. Koblar’s supervisor Prof. Perry Bartlett (formerly Director Queensland Brain Institute).
He has an outstanding research profile of significant and sustained scientific contributions, having made six seminal discoveries, which are exemplified by several awards:
1. Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS): He was a Clinical Research Fellow at Guy’s Hospital, London, UK (1990-1992) under the mentorship of Prof. Richard Hughes and together they discovered the autoimmune basis of GBS. This led to a direct clinical translation with an antibody blood test now routinely used in the diagnosis of GBS. In 2004 he was sponsored by a co-author of the GBS discovery and then newly appointed director, Prof. Patrick Doherty, to undertake sabbatical leave at the Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases, Guy’s Hospital, to advise as to the nexus of clinical and basic science research in Guy’s newest research institute.
2. Leukaemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor β (LIFRβ): During his PhD at WEHI, where the cytokine LIF had been discovered, Prof. Bartlett provided him an opportunity to investigate the first LIFRβ knockout mouse in collaboration with Immunex Ltd., a biotechnology company in Seattle, USA. From these investigations he discovered the essential role of LIFRβ signalling in neural differentiation.
3. Eph and ephrin family of genes: From 1996 to 1998 he was a Senior Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Washington, Seattle with Prof. Mark Bothwell, co-discoverer of p75 the low affinity NGF receptor. He commenced research into a newly discovered family of genes the Eph/ephrins. In collaboration with other researchers in the USA he discovered the fundamental roles of a number of Eph/eprhin genes in development of the peripheral nervous system and also found a link to oncology. In 2001 his contribution to neuroscience research by a young neurologist was recognised by the Leonard Cox Award presented by the Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists. In 2002 his contribution to neuroscience research in the peripheral nervous system was recognised by the Sunderland Award presented by the University of Melbourne.
4. Genetics of Stroke: In 2004 he discovered that a genetic variation in the tPA gene was a risk for small vessel stroke (Ref. 9 and Patents in CV below). This was made in collaboration with one of his early PhD students, A/Prof. Jim Jannes, and also co-director of the SRP, A/Prof. Anne Hamilton-Bruce. From 2005 to 2010 the University of Adelaide and TQEH established a start-up biotechnology company – Atherogen Biotechnology Ltd. with inventors (Jannes, Koblar and Hamilton-Bruce). Atherogen Ltd. used this discovery to develop the concept of a genetic biomarker for small vessel cerebral disease. This initial genetic stroke research led to a strong collaboration with Prof. Christopher Levi, University of Newcastle, and together they set up the Australian Stroke Genetics Collaborative (ASGC). This collaboration subsequently led to a significant genetic discovery of a genetic risk for large vessel stroke, which was verified with collaborators from the International Stroke Genetics Consortium.
5. Npas4: In 2004 he published his second genetic discovery, isolating the gene Nxf (later renamed Npas4) using newly developed DNA microarray technology and found its association with neurological disease in collaboration with Prof. Grant Sutherland, an eminent Australian geneticist. From this research he collaborated with A/Prof. Yingxi Lin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and this led to further significant scientific contributions on the function of Npas4 in stroke and stem cell biology.
6. Dental Pulp Stem Cells (DPSC): In collaboration with Prof. Stan Granthos, who discovered DPSC in 2000, he hypothesized DPSC were a neural stem cell which he has established through published seminal discoveries demonstrating their ability to become neurons, influence neural plasticity and successfully treat a preclinical stroke model. In 2012 Mesoblast Ltd. in collaboration with the University of Adelaide patented the use of DPSC for the treatment of stroke. In 2011 his innovative research in regenerative medicine was recognised by the Leopold Dintenfass Award from the Rebecca L. Cooper Medical Research Foundation Ltd., NSW. Through his scientific and community leadership and industry interactions he proposed translating his basic stem cell research into a ‘first in human’ Phase 1 clinical trial in stroke patients using autologous DPSC in Australia. This has involved support from various groups: philanthropic organisations, the Peter Couche Foundation and Stroke SA, and industry, Mesoblast Ltd. and Boehringher-Ingelheim Corp., as well as research institutions SAHMRI and the University of Adelaide.
He has been principal or co-investigator on research grants of over $16.8 M, which includes funding from the NHMRC, ARC and various philanthropic foundations. He is an author of more than 100 refereed scientific articles, book chapters, patents and expert reports with a H index of 23 (Google Scholar) and over 2500 citations. He has been a supervisor of 57 higher degree research students (2015 figure) with a strong track record of completion on time.
His national and international profile is exemplified by invited presentations to over 80 local, national and international conferences and academic meetings. Two highlights in his career have been the plenary lecture on ‘Stem Cell Therapy in Stroke’ at the World Congress in Neurology 2011 (biannual conference) and he convened the 22nd Stroke Society of Australasia Conference in Adelaide SA in 2011. He is on the Editorial Boards of the high impact journals: International Journal of Stroke and Stem Cell Research and Therapy. He is regularly invited as an international reviewer of grant applications for the National Science Foundation (USA), Welcome Trust (UK), the Medical Research Council (UK) and medical research institutions in New Zealand. He was a member of the NHMRC Neuroscience Project Grant Review Panel from 2008 to 2012.
He has a strong track record in medical education. He developed an innovative Neurology Teaching program at the University of Adelaide, which was recognised by the Allan Kerr Grant Award for Outstanding Teacher in 2003 and the Derek Frewin Citation for Clinical Teaching in 2010 and 2011. He established and chairs the MBBS Research Committee in the medical program at the University of Adelaide, which coordinates and innovates new approaches to stimulate medical student interaction and involvement in research. He has been an active member of the MBBS Curriculum Committee since 2011.
Prof. Koblar has contributed significantly to the broader community in the field of stroke. In 2010 he helped establish the The Peter Couche Foundation, with Peter Couche and Mr Stephen Gerlach (Chancellor of Flinders University, SA), which is a philanthropic foundation having raised over $500,000 to fund innovative research in stroke. Since 2008 he has coordinated and provided media input during National Stroke Week, which has led to regular national media coverage, and increasing community awareness about stroke. He regularly provides local and national comment in the print, radio and television media on stroke related-issues.
Research Interests
Our major areas of current research are in stroke prevention, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying ischaemic stroke, and the translation of stroke management pathways in the clinical domain. We are currently involved in discovering a plasma protein/s which may tell the clinician when a patient is at risk of stroke following a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) so immediate treatment can be instigated. Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability and we aim to find out how to repair the brain following an ischaemic stroke. We have found that a stem cell from the tooth, Dental Pulp Stem Cell (DPSC), is able to general neurons and improve function when injected into the rodent brain following a stroke. There is a major need to understand the underlying mechanisms of stem cell therapy as different stem cells are used around the world in clinical trials. It is assumed that a neural stem cell maybe the optimum cell for therapy in the brain and so we are using molecular techniques to redirect DPSC into a neural stem cell. Finally, we research how to better translate stroke discoveries into the clinic for better patient outcomes.
Available Research Projects
Stroke Research Programme
Research Project 1 - FAST-IT Study – Investigation for a Plasma Biomarker for Transient Ischaemic Attack
Project description: Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIA) result in transient neurological symptoms due to focal cerebral ischaemic and are an emergency with rapid diagnosis and treatment essential to reduce progression to a stroke. Currently, the diagnosis is very difficult and relies on clinical acumen with imaging of the brain helping to exclude a stroke. The discovery of a plasma protein which would be a biomarker for TIA would be an enormous advantage. This study will obtain patients from either the emergency department or the TIA rapid assessment clinic and document their clinical status with a blood sample taken within 48 hours of their presentation. The plasma samples will be interrogate using the latest Mass Spectrometry and proteomic tools to elucidate a protein which would be a biomarker of TIA.
Projects available for: Third Year / Honours / HDR / Masters / Mphil
Location: SAHMRI
Research project start: Semester 1 or 2
Special requirements: Nil
Research Project 2 - Investigation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells as a Treatment for Ischaemic Stroke
Project description: Dental Pulp Stem Cells (DPSC) are a neural/mesenchymal-type stem cell derived from the dental pulp of human molar teeth. We have demonstrated previously that DPSC are able to generate neurons in vitro and when implanted into the brain of a rat following an ischaemic stroke they have a positive impact improving disability following stroke. This research project will investigate further the neural potential of DPSC and when injected into the normal mouse brain how long the cells survive, where they migrate and what they differentiate into, whether neurons or glial cells.
Projects available for: Third Year / Honours / HDR / Masters / Mphil
Location: SAHMRI
Research project start: Semester 1 or 2
Special requirements: Vaccination to Hepatitis B required
Date Position Institution name 2015 - ongoing Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience University of Adelaide 2015 - ongoing Senior Consultant Neurologist (Clinical Academic) Central Adelaide Local Health Network 2013 - 2014 Professor of Medicine The University of Adelaide 2009 - 2013 Clinical Advisor – Centre for Stem Cell Research Robinson Institute, University of Adelaide 2009 - 2012 Associate Professor of Medicine The University of Adelaide 2000 - 2008 Team Leader – Molecular Neurobiology, ARC Centre of Excellence for the Molecular Genetics of Development University of Adelaide 2000 - 2008 Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide 1998 - 1999 NHMRC Peter Doherty Research Fellow University of Adelaide 1998 - 1999 Head - Axon Guidance Laboratory University of Adelaide 1996 - 1998 Senior Post-doctoral Fellow University of Washington 1992 - 1996 NHMRC Post-Graduate Medical Scholarship University of Melbourne 1990 - 1991 Clinical Research Fellow United Medical & Dental Schools of Guy's & St. Thomas's Hospitals 1989 - 1989 Clinical Research Fellow University of Turin -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2011 Award Leo Dintenfass Award Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation Board Australia $5,500 1998 Achievement Certificate of Specialist Registration in Neurology - Australia - 1996 Achievement Doctor of Philosophy University of Melbourne, Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Australia - 1991 Fellowship FRACP Royal Australian College of Physicians Australia - 1984 Achievement MBBS Flinders University of South Australia - - -
Language Competencies
Language Competency Italian Can read, speak and understand spoken -
Date Institution name Country Title 1992 - 1996 The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, University of Melbourne Australia PhD 1991 Royal Australasian College of Physicians Australia FRACP (Fellowship) 1989 United States of America USA U.S.A. Foreign Medical Graduates - practice certificate 1984 Flinders University of South Australia Australia BMBS -
Postgraduate Training
Date Title Institution Country 1998 - 2005 Senior Visiting Specialist Neurologist Queen Elizabeth Hospital Australia 1996 - 1997 Visiting Overseas Fellow University of Washington Medical Center United States 1992 - 1996 Neurology Fellow Monash Medical Centre Australia 1991 - 1991 Senior Neurology Registrar Queen Elizabeth Hospital Australia 1990 - 1990 Neurology Registrar Guy's Hospital United Kingdom 1988 - 1989 Advanced Physician Trainee Royal Adelaide Hospital Australia 1985 - 1987 Basic Physician Trainee Royal Adelaide Hospital Australia 1984 - 1984 Internship Royal Adelaide Hospital Australia -
Date Title Institution name Country 1998 Certificate of Specialist Registration in Neurology # 3191 Australian Government Australia 1989 U.S.A. Foreign Medical Graduates - practice certificate Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates United States -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Gancheva, M. R., Kremer, K., Breen, J., Arthur, A., Hamilton-Bruce, A., Thomas, P., . . . Koblar, S. (2024). Effect of Octamer-Binding Transcription Factor 4 Overexpression on the Neural Induction of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 20(3), 797-815.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12024 Darvishi, S., Gupta, A. D., Hamilton-Bruce, A., Koblar, S., Baumert, M., & Abbott, D. (2024). Enhancing poststroke hand movement recovery: Efficacy of RehabSwift, a personalized brain-computer interface system. PNAS Nexus, 3(7), 10 pages.
2023 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Young, J., Nottle, C., Hazel, S. J., Milton, A. G., McDowall, S., . . . Koblar, S. (2023). Developing and Planning a Protocol for Implementing Health Promoting Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI) in a Tertiary Health Setting. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(18), 1-25.
2022 Bacchi, S., Gilbert, T., Gluck, S., Cheng, J., Tan, Y., Chim, I., . . . Koblar, S. (2022). Daily estimates of individual discharge likelihood with deep learning natural language processing in general medicine: a prospective and external validation study. Internal and Emergency Medicine, 17(2), 411-415.
Scopus8 WoS2 Europe PMC22022 Tennakoon, A., Katharesan, V., Musgrave, I. F., Koblar, S. A., Faull, R. L. M., Curtis, M. A., & Johnson, I. P. (2022). Normal aging, motor neurone disease, and Alzheimer’s disease are characterized by cortical changes in inflammatory cytokines. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 100(2), 653-669.
Scopus11 WoS8 Europe PMC82022 Bacchi, S., Oakden-Rayner, L., Menon, D. K., Moey, A., Jannes, J., Kleinig, T., & Koblar, S. (2022). Prospective and external validation of stroke discharge planning machine learning models. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 96, 80-84.
Scopus8 WoS1 Europe PMC22022 Milton, A. G., Lau, S., Kremer, K. L., Rao, S. R., MAS, E., Snel, M. F., . . . Koblar, S. A. (2022). FAST-IT: Find A Simple Test - In TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack) - a prospective cohort study to develop a multivariable prediction model for diagnosis of TIA through proteomic discovery and candidate lipid mass-spectrometry, neuroimaging and machine learning - study protocol. BMJ Open, 12(4), 1-9.
2022 Bacchi, S., Gluck, S., Koblar, S., Jannes, J., & Kleinig, T. (2022). Automated information extraction from free-text medical documents for stroke key performance indicators: a pilot study. Internal Medicine Journal, 52(2), 315-317.
Scopus3 WoS1 Europe PMC12022 Bacchi, S., Tan, Y., Oakden-Rayner, L., Jannes, J., Kleinig, T., & Koblar, S. (2022). Machine Learning in the Prediction of Medical Inpatient Length of Stay.. Intern Med J, 52(2), 176-185.
Scopus49 WoS11 Europe PMC192021 Suzuki, M., Suzuki, N., Wang, T., Kobayashi, H., Vrbanac, L., Ng, J. Q., . . . Woods, S. L. (2021). The BMP antagonist Gremlin1 contributes to the development of cortical excitatory neurons, motor balance and fear responses. Development, 148(14), dev195883-1-dev195883-15.
Scopus7 WoS4 Europe PMC52021 Bacchi, S., Gluck, S., Koblar, S., Jannes, J., & Kleinig, T. (2021). Improving the accuracy of stroke clinical coding with open-source software and natural language processing. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 94, 233-236.
Scopus3 Europe PMC12021 Yew, W. P., Djukic, N. D., Jayaseelan, J. S. P., Kaidonis, X., Kremer, K. L., Choy, F. C., . . . Sims, N. R. (2021). Delayed Treatment with Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells Accelerates Functional Recovery and Modifies Responses of Peri-Infarct Astrocytes Following Photothrombotic Stroke in Rats. Cell Transplantation, 30, 13 pages.
Scopus5 WoS4 Europe PMC42021 Nagpal, A., Milton, A. G., Koblar, S. A., & Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2021). Clinical Translation of Cell Therapies in Stroke (CT2S) Checklist—a pragmatic tool to accelerate development of cell therapy products. Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 12(1), 7 pages.
Scopus12021 Hordacre, B., Austin, D., Brown, K. E., Graetz, L., Pareés, I., De Trane, S., . . . Rothwell, J. C. (2021). Evidence for a window of enhanced plasticity in the human motor cortex following ischemic stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 35(4), 307-320.
Scopus38 WoS19 Europe PMC162021 Bacchi, S., Gluck, S., Tan, Y., Chim, I., Cheng, J., Gilbert, T., . . . Koblar, S. (2021). Mixed-data deep learning in repeated predictions of general medicine length of stay: a derivation study. Internal and Emergency Medicine, 16(6), 1613-1617.
Scopus17 WoS7 Europe PMC92021 Carson-Chahhoud, K. V., Smith, B. J., Peters, M. J., Brinn, M. P., Ameer, F., Singh, K., . . . Esterman, A. J. (2021). Erratum: Two-year efficacy of varenicline tartrate and counselling for inpatient smoking cessation (STOP study): A randomized controlled clinical trial (PLoS ONE (2021) 15:4 (e0231095) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231095). PLoS ONE, 16(12 December), e0262188.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12020 Pandos, O. C., Milton, A. G., Nagpal, A., Kleinig, T. J., Jannes, J., Koblar, S. A., & Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2020). Stroke Unit Legislation – Mandating a Uniform Standard of Care?. International Journal of Stroke, 15(2), NP6-NP7.
Scopus12020 Bacchi, S., Gluck, S., Tan, Y., Chim, I., Cheng, J., Gilbert, T., . . . Koblar, S. (2020). Prediction of general medical admission length of stay with natural language processing and deep learning: a pilot study.. Intern Emerg Med, 15(6), 989-995.
Scopus36 WoS21 Europe PMC202020 Lillicrap, T., Keragala, C. B., Draxler, D. F., Chan, J., Ho, H., Harman, S., . . . Medcalf, R. L. (2020). Plasmin generation potential and recanalization in acute ischaemic stroke; an observational cohort study of stroke biobank samples. Frontiers in Neurology, 11, 589628-1-589628-4.
Scopus4 WoS3 Europe PMC22020 Unsworth, D. J., Mathias, J. L., Dorstyn, D. S., & Koblar, S. A. (2020). Stroke survivor attitudes toward, and motivations for, considering experimental stem cell treatments. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42(8), 1-9.
Scopus3 WoS1 Europe PMC22020 Unsworth, D. J., Mathias, J. L., Dorstyn, D. S., & Koblar, S. A. (2020). Are patient educational resources effective at deterring stroke survivors from considering experimental stem cell treatments? A randomized controlled trial. Patient Education and Counseling, 103(7), 1373-1381.
Scopus7 WoS5 Europe PMC32020 Rosenich, E., Hordacre, B., Paquet, C., Koblar, S. A., & Hillier, S. L. (2020). Cognitive reserve as an emerging concept in stroke recovery. Neurorehabil Neural Repair, 34(3), 1-13.
Scopus43 WoS22 Europe PMC192020 Holliday, E., Lillicrap, T., Kleinig, T., Choi, P. M. C., Maguire, J., Bivard, A., . . . Levi, C. (2020). Developing a multivariable prediction model for functional outcome after reperfusion therapy for acute ischaemic stroke: study protocol for the Targeting Optimal Thrombolysis Outcomes (TOTO) multicentre cohort study. BMJ Open, 10(4), e038180-1-e038180-7.
Scopus5 WoS4 Europe PMC32020 Carson-Chahhoud, K. V., Smith, B. J., Peters, M. J., Brinn, M. P., Ameer, F., Singh, K., . . . Esterman, A. J. (2020). Two-year efficacy of varenicline tartrate and counselling for inpatient smoking cessation (STOP study): A randomized controlled clinical trial. PLoS ONE, 15(4), 11 pages.
Scopus14 WoS8 Europe PMC92020 Bacchi, S., Oakden-Rayner, L., Menon, D. K., Jannes, J., Kleinig, T., & Koblar, S. (2020). Stroke prognostication for discharge planning with machine learning: A derivation study. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 79, 100-103.
Scopus24 WoS16 Europe PMC132020 Ichinose, M., Suzuki, N., Wang, T., Kobayashi, H., Vrbanac, L., Ng, J. Q., . . . Woods, S. L. (2020). The BMP antagonist<i>Gremlin1</i>contributes to the development of cortical excitatory neurons, motor balance and fear responses.
2020 Balabanski, A. H., Goldsmith, K., Giarola, B., Buxton, D., Castle, S., McBride, K., . . . Kleinig, T. J. (2020). Stroke incidence and subtypes in Aboriginal people in remote Australia: a healthcare network population-based study.. BMJ open, 10(10), e039533.
Scopus14 WoS6 Europe PMC22019 Gancheva, M. R., Kremer, K. L., Gronthos, S., & Koblar, S. A. (2019). Using dental pulp stem cells for stroke therapy. Frontiers in Neurology, 10(APR), 17 pages.
Scopus27 WoS23 Europe PMC182019 Datta Gupta, A., Visvanathan, R., Cameron, I., Koblar, S. A., Howell, S., & Wilson, D. (2019). Efficacy of botulinum toxin in modifying spasticity to improve walking and quality of life in post-stroke lower limb spasticity - A randomized double-blind placebo controlled study. BMC Neurology, 19(1), 7 pages.
Scopus19 WoS8 Europe PMC92019 Nagpal, A., Hillier, S., Milton, A. G., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. A. (2019). PERSPECTIVES: Stroke survivors' views on the design of an early-phase cell therapy trial for patients with chronic ischaemic stroke. HEALTH EXPECTATIONS, 22(5), 1069-1077.
Scopus7 WoS5 Europe PMC42019 Leung, E., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. (2019). Case 3: Vilija presents with difficulty writing. Check, Unit 562(July 2019), 13-16. 2019 Nagpal, A., Milte, R., KIM, S. W., Hillier, S., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Ratcliffe, J., & Koblar, S. A. (2019). Economic Evaluation of Stem Cell Therapies in Neurological Diseases: A Systematic Review. Value in Health, 22(2), 254-262.
Scopus9 WoS7 Europe PMC62018 Gupta, A., Tucker, G., Koblar, S., Visvanathan, R., & Cameron, I. (2018). Spatiotemporal gait analysis and lower limb functioning in foot dystonia treated with botulinum toxin. Toxins, 10(12), 9 pages.
Scopus16 WoS11 Europe PMC92018 Gupta, A. D., Chu, W. H., Howell, S., Chakraborty, S., Koblar, S., Visvanathan, R., . . . Wilson, D. (2018). A systematic review: efficacy of botulinum toxin in walking and quality of life in post-stroke lower limb spasticity. Systematic reviews, 7(1), 1.
Scopus52 WoS35 Europe PMC352018 Majd, S., Majd, Z., Koblar, S., & Power, J. (2018). Beta estradiol and norepinephrine treatment of differentiated SH-SY5Y cells enhances tau phosphorylation at (Ser³⁹⁶) and (Ser²⁶²) via AMPK but not mTOR signaling pathway. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 88, 201-211.
Scopus9 WoS7 Europe PMC22018 Majd, S., Koblar, S., & Power, J. (2018). Compound C enhances tau phosphorylation at Serine396 via PI3K activation in an AMPK and rapamycin independent way in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. Neuroscience Letters, 670, 53-61.
Scopus6 WoS6 Europe PMC12018 Graham, C. M., Kremer, K. L., Koblar, S. A., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Pyecroft, S. B. (2018). Dental pulp stem cells - exploration in a novel animal model: the Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii). Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 14(4), 500-509.
Scopus12018 Koblar, S., Cranwell, M., Koblar, S., Carnell, B., & Galletly, C. (2018). Developing empathy: does experience through simulation improve medical student empathy?. Medical Science Educator, 28(1), 31-36.
Scopus132017 Majd, S., Power, J., Koblar, S., & Grantham, H. (2017). The impact of tau hyperphosphorylation at Ser²⁶² on memory and learning after global brain ischaemia in a rat model of reversible cardiac arrest. IBRO Reports, 2, 1-13.
Scopus14 WoS13 Europe PMC72017 Koblar, S. A., Nagpal, A., Choy, F. C., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Hillier, S. L. (2017). Regenerative neurology: Meeting the need of patients with disability after stroke. Medical Journal of Australia, 206(8), 334-336.e1.
Scopus1 WoS12017 Nagpal, A., Choy, F., Howell, S., Hillier, S., Chan, F., Hamilton-Bruce, M., & Koblar, S. (2017). Safety and effectiveness of stem cell therapies in early-phase clinical trials in stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 8(1), 13 pages.
Scopus57 WoS49 Europe PMC402017 Nagpal, A., Juttner, C., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Rolan, P., & Koblar, S. (2017). Stem cell therapy clinical research: a regulatory conundrum for academia. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 122, 105-114.
Scopus12 WoS8 Europe PMC62017 Klarić, T., Jaehne, E., Koblar, S., Baune, B., & Lewis, M. (2017). Alterations in anxiety and social behaviour in Npas4 deficient mice following photochemically-induced focal cortical stroke. Behavioural Brain Research, 316, 29-37.
Scopus10 WoS8 Europe PMC42017 Choy, F., Klarić, T., Koblar, S., & Lewis, M. (2017). miR-744 and miR-224 Downregulate Npas4 and Affect Lineage Differentiation Potential and Neurite Development During Neural Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Molecular Neurobiology, 54(5), 3528-3541.
Scopus11 WoS9 Europe PMC72017 Altaii, M., Kaidonis, X., Koblar, S., Cathro, P., & Richards, L. (2017). Platelet rich plasma and dentine effect on sheep dental pulp cells regeneration/revitalization ability (in vitro). Australian Dental Journal, 62(1), 39-46.
Scopus10 WoS10 Europe PMC62017 Li, J. J., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Peterson, R., Howell, S., & Koblar, S. A. (2017). Medical Student Perspective of Undergraduate (Honours) Research Training. Ergo, 4, 1-6. 2016 Majd, S., Power, J., Koblar, S., & Grantham, H. (2016). Early glycogen synthase kinase-3β and protein phosphatase 2A independent tau dephosphorylation during global brain ischaemia and reperfusion following cardiac arrest and the role of the adenosine monophosphate kinase pathway. European Journal of Neuroscience, 44(3), 1987-1997.
Scopus28 WoS26 Europe PMC222016 Sutton, J., Koblar, S., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Jannes, J., Karnon, J., Sutton, D. A., . . . Kramer, S. (2016). Advanced management services for transient ischaemic attacks and minor stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016(5), 1-14.
2016 Kremer, K., Smith, A., Sandeman, L., Inglis, J., Ridding, M., & Koblar, S. (2016). Transcranial magnetic stimulation of human adult stem cells in the mammalian brain. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 10(MAR), 17-1-17-9.
Scopus10 WoS8 Europe PMC52016 Winderlich, J., Kremer, K., & Koblar, S. (2016). Adult human dental pulp stem cells promote blood-brain barrier permeability through vascular endothelial growth factor-a expression. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 36(6), 1087-1097.
Scopus10 WoS10 Europe PMC72016 Choy, F., Klarić, T., Leong, W., Koblar, S., & Lewis, M. (2016). Reduction of the neuroprotective transcription factor Npas4 results in increased neuronal necrosis, inflammation and brain lesion size following ischaemia. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 36(8), 1449-1463.
Scopus33 WoS29 Europe PMC232016 Nagpal, A., Kremer, K. L., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Kaidonis, X., Milton, A. G., Levi, C., . . . Koblar, S. A. (2016). TOOTH (The Open study Of dental pulp stem cell Therapy in Humans): Study protocol for evaluating safety and feasibility of autologous human adult dental pulp stem cell therapy in patients with chronic disability after stroke. International Journal of Stroke, 11(5), 575-585.
Scopus47 WoS36 Europe PMC402016 Ebert, L. M., Tan, L. Y., Johan, M. Z., Min, K. K. M., Cockshell, M. P., Parham, K. A., . . . Bonder, C. S. (2016). A non-canonical role for desmoglein-2 in endothelial cells: implications for neoangiogenesis. Angiogenesis, 19(4), 463-486.
Scopus33 WoS27 Europe PMC232016 Clancy, P., Koblar, S., & Golledge, J. (2016). Involvement of angiotensin II type 1 and 2 receptors in gelatinase regulation in human carotid atheroma in vitro. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis, 23(7), 773-791.
2016 Tilley, E., McLoughlin, J., Koblar, S. A., Doeltgen, S. H., Stern, C. J., White, S. L., & Peters, M. D. J. (2016). Effectiveness of allied health therapy in the symptomatic management of progressive supranuclear palsy: a systematic review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 14(6), 148-195.
Scopus12 Europe PMC52016 Clancy, P., Koblar, S., & Golledge, J. (2016). Involvement of angiotensin II type 1 and 2 receptors in gelatinase regulation in human carotid atheroma in vitro. Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis, 23(7), 773-791.
Scopus6 WoS6 Europe PMC42016 Pan, W., Kremer, K. L., Kaidonis, X., Ludlow, V. E., Rogers, M. L., Xie, J., . . . Koblar, S. A. (2016). Characterization of p75 neurotrophin receptor expression in human dental pulp stem cells. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 53(1), 90-98.
Scopus17 WoS15 Europe PMC142015 McDonnell, M. N., Koblar, S., Ward, N., Rothwell, J., & Ridding, M. C. (2015). Characterizing changes in upper limb function following stroke - Is there a critical window for rehabilitation?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, 10, 71. 2015 Traylor, M., Rutten-Jacobs, L., Holliday, E., Malik, R., Sudlow, C., Rothwell, P., . . . Markus, H. (2015). Differences in Common Genetic Predisposition to Ischemic Stroke by Age and Sex. Stroke, 46(11), 3042-3047.
Scopus28 WoS25 Europe PMC212015 Choy, F., Klarić, T., Koblar, S., & Lewis, M. (2015). The role of the neuroprotective factor Npas4 in cerebral ischemia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16(12), 29011-29028.
Scopus38 WoS31 Europe PMC282015 Appleton, S., Biermann, S., Hamilton-Bruce, A., Piantadosi, C., Tucker, G., Koblar, S., & Adams, R. (2015). Functional health literacy is significantly associated with risk factors for stroke in a population sample. International Journal of Stroke, 10(3), E23.
Scopus9 WoS3 Europe PMC42015 McDonnell, M., Koblar, S., Ward, N., Rothwell, J., Hordacre, B., & Ridding, M. (2015). An investigation of cortical neuroplasticity following stroke in adults: Is there evidence for a critical window for rehabilitation?. BMC Neurology, 15(1), 109-1-109-4.
Scopus23 WoS20 Europe PMC102015 Rudaks, L. I., Ahangar, I., Dodd, L., Milton, A., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Jannes, J., & Koblar, S. A. (2015). Endovascular treatment for acute ischaemic stroke: experience in South Australia. International Journal of Stroke, 10(6), E64-E65.
2015 Jaehne, E., Klarić, T., Koblar, S., Baune, B., & Lewis, M. (2015). Effects of Npas4 deficiency on anxiety, depression-like, cognition and sociability behaviour. Behavioural Brain Research, 281, 276-282.
Scopus40 WoS35 Europe PMC322014 Klarić, T., Lardelli, M., Key, B., Koblar, S., & Lewis, M. (2014). Activity-dependent expression of neuronal PAS domain-containing protein 4 (npas4a) in the developing zebrafish brain. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 8(DEC), 148-1-148-13.
Scopus19 WoS16 Europe PMC132014 Chan, F., Francis, O., Dodd, L., Mahdi, Z., & Koblar, S. A. (2014). A hot topic - heat waves and stroke. International Journal of Stroke, 9(7), 858-859.
Scopus6 WoS4 Europe PMC42014 Tilley, E., White, S., Peters, M., Koblar, S., & McLoughlin, J. (2014). The effectiveness of allied health therapy in the symptomatic management of progressive supranuclear palsy: A systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 12(7), 119-137.
Scopus12014 Holliday, E., Traylor, M., Malik, R., Bevan, S., Maguire, J., Koblar, S., . . . Markus, H. (2014). Polygenic overlap between kidney function and large artery atherosclerotic stroke. Stroke, 45(12), 3508-3513.
Scopus19 WoS14 Europe PMC132014 Tsiminis, G., Klarić, T., Schartner, E., Warren-Smith, S., Lewis, M., Koblar, S., & Monro, T. (2014). Generating and measuring photochemical changes inside the brain using optical fibers: exploring stroke. Biomedical Optics Express, 5(11), 3975-3980.
Scopus17 WoS13 Europe PMC62014 Leung, E., Price, C., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Stocks, N., & Koblar, S. (2014). Stroke. Australian Family Physician, 43(11), 750-751. 2014 Ellis, K., O'Carroll, D., Lewis, M., Rychkov, G., & Koblar, S. (2014). Neurogenic potential of dental pulp stem cells isolated from murine incisors. Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 5(1), 30-1-30-13.
Scopus58 WoS42 Europe PMC362014 Klaric, T., Thomas, P., Dottori, M., Leong, W., Koblar, S., & Lewis, M. (2014). A reduction in Npas4 expression results in delayed neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 5(3), 64-1-64-14.
Scopus10 WoS10 Europe PMC92014 Carson, K., Smith, B., Brinn, M., Peters, M., Fitridge, R., Koblar, S., . . . Esterman, A. (2014). Safety of varenicline tartrate and counseling versus counseling alone for smoking cessation: a randomized controlled trial for inpatients (STOP Study). Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 16(11), 1495-1502.
Scopus11 WoS8 Europe PMC92014 Krawczyk, V., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Koblar, S., & Crichton, J. (2014). Group organization and communities of practice in translational research: A case study of a research team. SAGE Open, 4(4), 1-11.
Scopus12014 Golledge, J., Clancy, P., Maguire, J., Lincz, L., Koblar, S., McEvoy, M., . . . Hankey, G. (2014). Plasma angiopoietin-1 is lower after ischemic stroke and associated with major disability but not stroke incidence. Stroke, 45(4), 1064-1068.
Scopus23 WoS16 Europe PMC172014 Clancy, P., Koblar, S., & Golledge, J. (2014). Angiotensin receptor 1 blockade reduces secretion of inflammation associated cytokines from cultured human carotid atheroma and vascular cells in association with reduced extracellular signal regulated kinase expression and activation. Atherosclerosis, 236(1), 108-115.
Scopus36 WoS32 Europe PMC282014 Clancy, P., Lincz, L., Maguire, J., McEvoy, M., Koblar, S., & Golledge, J. (2014). Tenascin-C is increased in atherothrombotic stroke patients and has an anti-inflammatory effect in the human carotid artery. BioFactors, 40(4), 448-457.
Scopus11 WoS9 Europe PMC72013 Winderlich, J., Kremer, K., & Koblar, S. A. (2013). Human adult stem cells interact with the blood brain barrier. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, 8, 48. 2013 Jardeleza, C., Miljkovic, D., Baker, L., Boase, S., Tan, N., Koblar, S., . . . Vreugde, S. (2013). Inflammasome gene expression alterations in Staphylococcus aureus biofilm-associated chronic rhinosinusitis. Rhinology, 51(4), 315-322.
Scopus12 WoS11 Europe PMC102013 Sylvester, J., Purdie, G., Slee, M., Gray, J., Burnet, S., & Koblar, S. (2013). Muscle-specific kinase antibody positive myaesthenia gravis and multiple sclerosis co-presentation: A case report and literature review. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 264(1-2), 130-133.
Scopus7 WoS7 Europe PMC52013 Leong, W., Lewis, M., & Koblar, S. (2013). Concise review: preclinical studies on human cell-based therapy in rodent ischemic stroke models: where are we now after a decade?. Stem Cells, 31(6), 1040-1043.
Scopus30 WoS27 Europe PMC202013 Leong, W., Klaric, T., Lin, Y., Lewis, M., & Koblar, S. (2013). Upregulation of the neuronal Per-Arnt-Sim domain protein 4 (Npas4) in the rat corticolimbic system following focal cerebral ischemia. European Journal of Neuroscience, 37(11), 1875-1884.
Scopus15 WoS15 Europe PMC122013 Smith, B., Carson, K., Brinn, M., Labiszewski, N., Peters, M., Fitridge, R., . . . Esterman, A. (2013). Smoking termination opportunity for in patients (STOP): Superiority of a course of varenicline tartrate plus counselling over counselling alone for smoking cessation: A 12-month randomised controlled trial for inpatients. Thorax, 68(5), 485-486.
Scopus24 WoS19 Europe PMC172013 Benedict, A., Khoo, E., Leung, E., Hamilton-Bruce, M., & Koblar, S. (2013). Letter by Benedict et al regarding article, What causes disability after transient ischemic attack and minor stroke? results from the CT and MRI in the triage of TIA and minor cerebrovascular events to identify high-risk patients (CATCH) study. Stroke, 44(4), 32.
2013 Arthur, A., Panagopoulos, R., Cooper, L., Menicanin, D., Parkinson, I., Codrington, J., . . . Gronthos, S. (2013). EphB4 enhances the process of endochondral ossification and inhibits remodeling during bone fracture repair. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 28(4), 926-935.
Scopus41 WoS35 Europe PMC302013 Jardeleza, C., Miljkovic, D., Baker, L., Boase, S., Tan, N. C. W., Koblar, S. A., . . . Vreugde, S. (2013). Inflammasome gene expression alterations in Staphylococcus aureus biofilm-associated chronic rhinosinusitis. Rhinology journal, 51(4), 315-322.
2013 Clancy, P., Seto, S., Koblar, S., & Golledge, J. (2013). Role of the angiotensin converting enzyme 1/angiotensin II/angiotensin receptor 1 axis in interstitial collagenase expression inhuman carotid atheroma. Atherosclerosis, 229(2), 331-337.
Scopus20 WoS18 Europe PMC112012 Leong, W., Henshall, T., Arthur, A., Kremer, K., Lewis, M., Helps, S., . . . Koblar, S. (2012). Human adult dental pulp stem cells enhance poststroke functional recovery through non-neural replacement mechanisms. Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 1(3), 177-187.
Scopus145 WoS122 Europe PMC1052012 Lees, J., Sena, E., Egan, K., Antonic, A., Koblar, S., Howells, D., & Macleod, M. (2012). Stem cell-based therapy for experimental stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Stroke, 7(7), 582-588.
Scopus112 WoS102 Europe PMC832012 Holliday, E., Koblar, S., Jannes, J., & Lewis, M. (2012). Common variants at 6p21.1 are associated with large artery atherosclerotic stroke. Nature Genetics, 44(10), 1147-1151.
Scopus156 WoS132 Europe PMC1162012 Leung, E., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Price, C., & Koblar, S. (2012). Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) knowledge in general practice: a cross-sectional study of Western Adelaide general practitioners. BMC Research Notes, 5(1), 278-1-278-9.
Scopus8 Europe PMC62012 Moey, A., Koblar, S., Chryssidis, S., Robinson, M., & Jannes, J. (2012). Endovascular therapy after stroke in a patient treated with dabigatran. Medical Journal of Australia, 196(7), 469-471.
Scopus12 WoS11 Europe PMC112012 Jannes, J., Koblar, S., & Lewis, M. (2012). Are Myocardial Infarction-Associated Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated With Ischemic Stroke?. Stroke, 43(4), 980-986.
Scopus24 WoS24 Europe PMC212012 Tran, H., Lewis, M., Tan, L. W., Lester, S., Baker, L., Ng, J., . . . Lang, C. (2012). Immunolocalization of NLRP3 inflammasome in normal murine airway epithelium and changes following induction of ovalbumin-induced airway inflammation. Journal of Allergy, Online(819176), 1-13.
Europe PMC362012 Cheng, J. N., Lee, A., Jannes, J., Heddle, R. J., & Koblar, S. A. (2012). A patient with anaphylaxis after alteplase infusion. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 19(2), 314-315.
Scopus7 WoS6 Europe PMC12011 Mclennan, S. N., Lam, A. K., Mathias, J. L., Koblar, S. A., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Jannes, J. (2011). Role of vasodilation in cognitive impairment. International Journal of Stroke, 6(3), 280.
Scopus2 WoS2 Europe PMC22011 Tran, H., Rischmueller, M., Lester, S., Tan, L., Lewis, M., Koblar, S., . . . Zalewski, P. (2011). INFLAMMASOME ACTIVATION IS IMPLICATED IN DISEASE PATHOGENESIS IN ASTHMA AND PRIMARY SJOGREN'S SYNDROME. INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL, 41, 9. 2011 Phillips, M., Leyden, J., Chong, W., Kleinig, T., Czapran, P., Lee, A., . . . Jannes, J. (2011). Ischaemic stroke among young people aged 15 to 50 years in Adelaide, South Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 195(10), 610-614.
Scopus33 WoS27 Europe PMC202011 Milton, A., Aykanat, V., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Nezic, M., Jannes, J., & Koblar, S. (2011). Association of the phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) gene and cardioembolic stroke in an Australian cohort. International Journal of Stroke, 6(6), 480-486.
Scopus19 WoS18 Europe PMC122011 Leung, E., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Stocks, N., & Koblar, S. (2011). 10-minute consultation: funny turn. British Medical Journal, 343(7835), D7465.
2011 Golledge, J., Clancy, P., Maguire, J., Lincz, L., & Koblar, S. (2011). The role of tenascin C in cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular Research, 92(1), 19-28.
Scopus69 WoS58 Europe PMC472011 Arthur, A., Zannettino, A., Panagopoulos, R., Koblar, S., Sims, N., Stylianou, C., . . . Gronthos, S. (2011). EphB/ephrin-B interactions mediate human MSC attachment, migration and osteochondral differentiation. Bone, 48(3), 533-542.
Scopus77 WoS70 Europe PMC652011 Leung, E. S., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. A. (2011). Reply - Transient ischaemic attacks: assessment and management. Australian Family Physician, 40(1-2), 9. 2011 Leung, E. S., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. A. (2011). Napady Przemijajacego Niedokrwienia Mozgu. Translation.. Lekarz Rodzinny, 16(3), 224-229. 2010 Leung, E., Hamilton-Bruce, M., & Koblar, S. (2010). Transient ischaemic attacks: Assessment and management. Australian Family Physician, 39(11), 820-824.
Scopus4 WoS4 Europe PMC12010 Manning, J., Lewis, M., Koblar, S., & Kumar, S. (2010). An essential function for the centrosomal protein NEDD1 in zebrafish development. Cell Death and Differentiation, 17(8), 1302-1314.
Scopus13 WoS13 Europe PMC102009 Arthur, A., Shi, S., Zannettino, A., Fujii, N., Gronthos, S., & Koblar, S. (2009). Implanted adult human dental pulp stem cells induce endogenous axon guidance. Stem Cells, 27(9), 2229-2237.
Scopus128 WoS118 Europe PMC932009 Arthur, A., Koblar, S., Shi, S., & Gronthos, S. (2009). Eph/ephrinB mediate dental pulp stem cell mobilization and function. Journal of Dental Research, 88(9), 829-834.
Scopus36 WoS34 Europe PMC202009 Price, C., Blacker, D., Grimley, R., Dewey, H., Gerraty, R., Koblar, S., . . . Hill, K. (2009). National survey of management of transient ischaemic attack in Australia: Take Immediate Action. Medical Journal of Australia, 191(1), 17-20.
Scopus8 WoS8 Europe PMC42008 Milton, A., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Koblar, S. A., & Jannes, J. (2008). The ClC-KbT481S chloride channel gene polymorphism, ischaemic stroke and hypertension. The Open Neuroscience Journal, 2(1), 6-8.
2008 Arthur, A., Rychkov, G., Shi, S., Koblar, S., & Gronthos, S. (2008). Adult human dental pulp stem cells differentiate toward functionally active neurons under appropriate environmental cues. Stem Cells, 26(7), 1787-1795.
Scopus505 WoS447 Europe PMC3492008 Lam, A., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Jannes, J., & Koblar, S. (2008). Cerebral small vessel disease - Genetic risk assessment for prevention and treatment. Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy, 12(3), 145-156.
Scopus1 WoS12008 Manning, J., Colussi, P., Koblar, S., & Kumar, S. (2008). Nedd1 expression as a marker of dynamic centrosomal localization during mouse embryonic development. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 129(6), 751-764.
Scopus14 WoS14 Europe PMC132008 Donnan, G. A., Adams, R., Bacellar, A., Baron, J. C., Bath, P., Benavente, O., . . . Tarrant, A. (2008). Editorial. International Journal of Stroke, 3(1), 1-2.
2008 Leung, E., Koblar, S., Hamilton-Bruce, A., & Price, C. (2008). TIA assessment. Australian Family Physician, 37(3), 103. 2007 Barry, C., Koblar, S., & O'Carroll, D. (2007). Frontier Technologies for Brain Repair. Australasian Science, 28(7), 16-18. 2007 Vidovic, M., Nighorn, A., Koblar, S., & Maleszka, R. (2007). Eph receptor and ephrin signaling in developing and adult brain of the honeybee (Apis mellifera). Developmental Neurobiology, 67(2), 233-251.
Scopus6 WoS6 Europe PMC52007 Arthur, A., Shi, S., Sun, T., Bartold, P., Koblar, S., & Gronthos, S. (2007). EphB/ephrin-B interaction mediates adult stem cell attachment spreading and migration: Implications for dental tissue repair. Stem Cells, 25(1), 156-164.
Scopus60 WoS59 Europe PMC392006 Jannes, J., Hamilton-Bruce, M., & Koblar, S. (2006). Tissue plasminogen activator-7351C/T polymorphism and lacunar stroke - Response. Stroke, 37(2), 329-330.
2006 Armstrong, C., Bevan, S., Gormley, K., Markus, H., & Koblar, S. (2006). Tissue plasminogen activator-7351C/T polymorphism and lacunar stroke. Stroke, 37(2), 329.
Scopus8 WoS8 Europe PMC32006 Milton, A., Jannes, J., Hamilton-Bruce, M., & Koblar, S. (2006). Activating mutation of the renal epithelial chloride channel ClC-Kb predisposing to hypertension. Hypertension, 47(3), E12.
Scopus2 WoS3 Europe PMC32005 Short, C., Scott, G., Blumbergs, P., & Koblar, S. (2005). A case of presumptive primary lateral sclerosis with upper and lower motor neurone pathology. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 12(6), 706-709.
Scopus5 WoS5 Europe PMC42005 Jayasena, C., Flood, W., & Koblar, S. (2005). High EphA3 expressing ophthalmic trigeminal sensory axons are sensitive to ephrin-A5-Fc: Implications for lobe specific axon guidance. Neuroscience, 135(1), 97-109.
Scopus18 WoS18 Europe PMC122005 Lee, A., Nikitins, I., Pozza, C., & Koblar, S. (2005). Pleural mesothelioma with extension into the thoracic spinal cord. Internal Medicine Journal, 35(3), 195-196.
Scopus7 WoS8 Europe PMC72005 West, A., & Koblar, S. (2005). EphA4 and EphB2 receptor tyrosine kinases are involved in the early patterning of avian motor axons. MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT, 122, S152. 2004 Flood, W., Moyer, R., Tsykin, A., Sutherland, G., & Koblar, S. (2004). Nxf and Fbxo33: novel seizure-responsive genes in mice. European Journal of Neuroscience, 20(7), 1819-1826.
Scopus43 WoS42 Europe PMC372004 Cai, Z., Blumbergs, P., Koblar, S., Cash, K., Manavis, J., Ghabriel, M., & Thompson, P. (2004). Peripheral nervous system and central nervous system pathology in rapidly progressive lower motor neuron syndrome with immunoglobulin M anti-GM1 ganglioside antibody. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, 9(2), 79-91.
Scopus4 WoS4 Europe PMC42004 Jannes, J., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Pilotto, L., Smith, B., Mullighan, C., Bardy, P., & Koblar, S. (2004). Tissue plasminogen activator-7351C/T enhancer polymorphism is a risk factor for lacunar stroke. Stroke, 35(5), 1090-1094.
Scopus53 WoS45 Europe PMC312002 Varelias, A., Koblar, S., Cowled, P., Carter, C., & Clayer, M. (2002). Human osteosarcoma expresses specific ephrin profiles - Implications for tumorigenicity and prognosis. Cancer, 95(4), 862-869.
Scopus66 WoS63 Europe PMC432002 Eberhart, J., Swartz, M., Koblar, S., Pasquale, E., & Krull, C. (2002). EphA4 constitutes a population-specific guidance cue for motor neurons. Developmental Biology, 247(1), 89-101.
Scopus110 WoS104 Europe PMC942001 Coulthard, M., Lickliter, J., Subanesan, N., Chen, K., Webb, G., Lowry, A., . . . Boyd, A. (2001). Characterization of the EphA1 receptor tyrosine kinase: Expression in epithelial tissues. Growth Factors, 18(4), 303-317.
Scopus46 WoS41 Europe PMC262001 Eberhart, J., Swartz, M., Pasquale, E. B., Koblar, S. A., & Krull, C. E. (2001). Getting from here to there: Axon guidance in the periphery.. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, 235(1), 213-214. 2000 Eberhart, J., Swartz, M., Ekong, M., Koblar, S. A., Pasquale, E. B., & Krull, C. E. (2000). Axon guidance in the periphery. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, 222(1), 230. 2000 Koblar, S., Krull, C., Pasquale, E., McLennan, R., Peale, F., Cerretti, D., & Bothwell, M. (2000). Spinal motor axons and neural crest cells use different molecular guides for segmental migration through the rostral half-somite. Developmental Neurobiology, 43(4), 437-447.
Scopus38 WoS35 Europe PMC292000 Karam, S., Burrows, R., Logan, C., Koblar, S., Pasquale, E., & Bothwell, M. (2000). Eph receptors and ephrins in the developing chick cerebellum: relationship to sagittal patterning and granule cell migration. Journal of Neuroscience, 20(17), 6488-6500.
Scopus102 WoS86 Europe PMC722000 Eberhart, J., Swartz, M., Koblar, S., Pasquale, E., Tanaka, H., & Krull, C. (2000). Expression of EphA4, Ephrin-A2 and Ephrin-A5 during axon outgrowth to the hindlimb indicates potential roles in pathfinding. Developmental Neuroscience, 22(3), 237-250.
Scopus83 WoS80 Europe PMC682000 Krull, C., & Koblar, S. (2000). Motor axon pathfinding in the peripheral nervous system. Brain Research Bulletin, 53(5), 479-487.
Scopus16 WoS14 Europe PMC61999 Koblar, S. A., Murphy, M., Barrett, G. L., Underhill, A., Gros, P., & Bartlett, P. F. (1999). Pax-3 regulates neurogenesis in neural crest-derived precursor cells. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 56(5), 518-530.
Scopus45 WoS42 Europe PMC341999 Krull, C. E., Eberhart, J., McLennan, R., Koblar, S. A., Cerretti, D. P., & Pasquale, E. B. (1999). Segmental patterning of the peripheral nervous system. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, 210(1), 203. 1998 Koblar, S., Turnley, A., Classon, B., Reid, K., Ware, C., Cheema, S., . . . Bartlett, P. (1998). Neural precursor differentiation into astrocytes requires signaling through the leukemia inhibitory factor receptor.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 95(6), 3178-3181.
Scopus184 WoS173 Europe PMC1481997 Murphy, M., Dutton, R., Koblar, S., Cheema, S., & Bartlett, P. (1997). Cytokines which signal through the LIF receptor and their actions in the nervous system. Progress in Neurobiology, 52(5), 355-378.
Scopus125 WoS119 Europe PMC931995 Bartlett, P. F., Richards, L. R., Kilpatrick, T. J., Talman, P. S., Bailey, K. A., Brooker, G. J. F., . . . Murphy, M. (1995). REGULATION OF NEURAL PRECURSOR DIFFERENTIATION IN THE EMBRYONIC AND ADULT FOREBRAIN. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 22(8), 559-562.
Scopus16 WoS14 Europe PMC111995 Ware, C. B., Horowitz, M. C., Renshaw, B. R., Hunt, J. S., Liggitt, D., Koblar, S. A., . . . Gearing, D. P. (1995). Targeted disruption of the low-affinity leukemia inhibitory factor receptor gene causes placental, skeletal, neural and metabolic defects and results in perinatal death. Development, 121(5), 1283-1299.
Scopus543 WoS498 Europe PMC3291994 Drago, J., Kilpatrick, T. J., Koblar, S. A., & Talman, P. S. (1994). Growth factors: Potential therapeutic applications in neurology. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 57(12), 1445-1450.
Scopus21 WoS20 Europe PMC91994 Kilpatrick, T. J., Cheema, S. S., Koblar, S. A., Tan, S. S., & Bartlett, P. F. (1994). The engraftment of transplanted primary neuroepithelial cells within the postnatal mouse brain. Neuroscience Letters, 181(1-2), 129-133.
Scopus13 WoS13 Europe PMC61993 Lennon, S. M., Koblar, S., Hughes, R. A. C., Goeller, J., & Riser, A. C. (1993). Reasons for persistent disability in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Clinical Rehabilitation, 7(1), 1-8.
Scopus341993 Gregson, N. A., Koblar, S., & Hughes, R. A. C. (1993). Antibodies to gangliosides in guillain-Barré syndrome: Specificity and relationship to clinical features. QJM, 86(2), 111-117.
Scopus106 WoS101 Europe PMC501992 Grove, R. W., Simpson, K. J., Koblar, S., Pitzalis, C., & Hay, R. J. (1992). Tryptophan induced eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome: Clinical and microscopic findings. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 85(2), 111-112.
Scopus2 WoS2 Europe PMC21992 Koblar, S. A., Black, A. B., & Schapel, G. J. (1992). Video-audio/EEG monitoring in epilepsy--the Queen Elizabeth Hospital experience.. Clinical and experimental neurology, 29, 70-73.
Scopus12 Europe PMC51991 Koblar, S. A. (1991). Hashimoto's thyroiditis associated with acquired idiopathic demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 67(789), 699.
Scopus4 WoS5 Europe PMC21991 Walsh, F. S., Cronin, M., Koblar, S., Doherty, P., Winer, J., Leon, A., & Hughes, R. A. C. (1991). Association between glycoconjugate antibodies and Campylobacter infection in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 34(1), 43-51.
Scopus148 WoS150 Europe PMC971991 Koblar, S. A., Gregson, N. A., Hughes, R. A. C., Doherty, P., & Walsh, F. S. (1991). Campylobacter neuropathy. Neurology, 41(8), 1327-1328.
Scopus30 WoS22 Europe PMC131983 Willoughby, J. O., Koblar, S., Jervois, P. M., Menadue, M. F., & Oliver, J. R. (1983). Evidence that the regulation of growth hormone secretion is mediated predominantly by a growth hormone releasing factor. Neuroendocrinology, 36(5), 358-363.
Scopus22 WoS29 Europe PMC10 -
Year Citation 2023 ESOC 2023 Abstract Book (2023). (Vol. 8). SAGE Publications.
Book Chapters
Year Citation 1995 Bartlett, P. F., Richards, L. R., Kilpatrick, T. J., Talman, P. T., Bailey, K. A., Brooker, G. J., . . . Ford, M. O. (1995). Factors regulating the differentiation of neural precursors in the forebrain.. In G. R. Bock, & G. Cardew (Eds.), Unknown Book (Vol. 193, pp. 85-94). JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD.
DOI Scopus14 WoS15 Europe PMC81995 Bartlett, P. F., Richards, L. R., Kilpatrick, T. J., Talman, P. T., Bailey, K. A., Brooker, G. J., . . . Ford, M. O. (1995). Factors regulating the differentiation of neural precursors in the forebrain.. In G. R. Bock, & G. Cardew (Eds.), Unknown Book (Vol. 193, pp. 85-94). JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD.
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Conference Papers
Year Citation 2023 Lau, S., Sharma, D., Rao, S., Snel, M., Milton, A., Edwards, S., . . . Hamilton-Bruce, A. (2023). Proteomics-based classification of transient ischaemic attacks, mimics and healthy controls using machine learning. In European Stroke Journal Vol. 8 (pp. 624-625). Munich, Germany.
DOI2022 Sharma, D., Rao, S., Snel, M., Lau, S., Edwards, S., Mahadevan, J., . . . Koblar, S. (2022). FAST-IT: Finding A Simple Test In TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack): A pilot study at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 17 (pp. 33-34). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2021 Nagpal, A., Milton, A., Hamilton-Bruce, A., & Koblar, S. (2021). CRITICAL DETERMINANTS OF SUCCESSFUL TRANSLATION OF CELL THERAPIES IN ISCHAEMIC STROKE: A REVIEW. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 16 (pp. 121). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2021 Milton, A. G., Lau, S., Edwards, S., Duvenage, H. A., Djukic, M., Snel, M., . . . Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2021). Searching for de novo Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) biomarkers using new-generation mass spectrometry. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 16 (pp. 22). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2021 Sharma, D., Koblar, S. A., & Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2021). Biomarkers for Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIAs): A review. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 16 (pp. 28). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2021 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Hazel, S. J., Young, J. O., Nottle, C., Milton, A. G., Kinnear, L., . . . Koblar, S. A. (2021). DOgSS: An action research protocol for dogs offering support after stroke. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 16 (pp. 12). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2019 Kleinig, T., Cheong, E., Harvey, J., Cagi, L., Cranefield, J., Koblar, S., . . . Campbell, B. (2019). Head-down position improves blood flow in acute stroke measured by CT perfusion (CTP): interim results of the Head-START study. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 14 (pp. 4). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2019 Nagpal, A., Hamilton-Bruce, A., Milton, A. G., & Koblar, S. (2019). Clinical Translation of Cell Therapies in Stroke (CT2S) Checklist - a tool to accelerate cell therapy research in academic setting. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 14 (pp. 25). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2018 Nagpal, A., Hillier, S., Milton, A. G., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. A. (2018). PERSPECTIVES: Stroke survivors' perspectives on the design of an early phase cellular therapy study for chronic ischemic stroke. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 13 (pp. 18). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2018 Lillicrap, T., Harman, S., Draxler, D., Niego, B., Ho, H., McCutcheon, F., . . . Medcalf, R. (2018). Ex-vivo generation of plasmin from patients with acute ischaemic stroke is predictive of successful thrombolysis. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 13 (pp. 4). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2018 Milton, A. G., Kleinig, T., Young, A. -M., Nagpal, A., Kim, S., Koblar, S. A., . . . Jannes, J. (2018). Central Adelaide Local Health Network - Stroke Unit Access Update. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE Vol. 13 (pp. 47). SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2016 Ebert, L., Tan, L. Y., Min, K. K. M., Cockshell, M., Johan, M. Z., Parham, K., . . . Bonder, C. (2016). Desmoglein 2 (DSG2) is a novel surface marker of endothelial and haematopoietic progenitor cells, and plays a critical role in neoangiogenesis. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY Vol. 46 (pp. 309). Melbourne, AUSTRALIA: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2015 Moey, A., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Howell, S., Leyden, J., Chong, W., Dodd, L., . . . Jannes, J. (2015). Significant increase in thrombolysis therapy rates for stroke in South Australia. In International Journal of Stroke Vol. 10 (pp. E49). England: Wiley.
DOI Scopus2 WoS4 Europe PMC22015 Majd, S., Grantham, H., Koblar, S., Rayner, T., & Power, J. (2015). Developing an animal model of global brain ischemia through cardiac arrest. In JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY Vol. 134 (pp. 325). Cairns, AUSTRALIA: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2015 Majd, S., Grantham, H., Power, J., & Koblar, S. (2015). Effect of global brain ischeima after cardiac arrest oin producing the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease. In JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY Vol. 134 (pp. 275). Cairns, AUSTRALIA: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2014 Tsiminis, G., Klarić, T., Schartner, E., Warren-Smith, S., Lewis, M., Koblar, S., & Monro, T. (2014). Fibre-optic photochemical stroke: generating and measuring photochemical changes inside the brain. In J. LopezHiguera, J. Jones, M. LopezAmo, & J. Santos (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 9157 (pp. 9157D4-1-9157D4-4). Santander, Spain: SPIE.
DOI Scopus12011 Arthur, A., Panagopoulos, R., Cooper, L., Zannettino, A., Koblar, S. A., Sims, N. A., . . . Gronthos, S. (2011). THE ROLE OF EPHB/EPHRINB MOLECULES IN FRACTURE REPAIR. In OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL Vol. 22 (pp. S523). Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA: SPRINGER LONDON LTD. 2009 Arthur, A., Stylianou, C., Koblar, S. A., Matsuo, K., & Gronthos, S. (2009). EphB/ephrin-B interactions assist in MSC niche maintenance and contribute to bone remodelling following injury. In BONE Vol. 44 (pp. S142-S143). Sydney, AUSTRALIA: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC.
DOI2007 Arthur, A., Koblar, S., & Gronthos, S. (2007). The role of EphB/ephrin-B interactions in cell attachment and spreading of mesenchymal precursors derived from human bone marrow and dental pulp tissues. In JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH Vol. 22 (pp. S370-S371). Honolulu, HI: AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES. 2003 Jayasena, C. S., & Koblar, S. A. (2003). Investigating the role of Eph/ephrin-A during trigerninal ganglion axon guidance.. In DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY Vol. 259 (pp. 590). BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS: ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2023 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Young, J., Hazel, S. J., Koblar, S. A., Milton, A. G., Nottle, C., . . . Mani, B. (2023). Dogs Offering Support after Stroke (DOgSS) - Animal Assisted Intervention Action Research at the Royal Adelaide Hospital’s Stroke Unit. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of Stroke 2023 - The Combined Stroke Society of Australasia and Smart Strokes Nursing and Allied Health Scientific Meeting, as published in International Journal of Stroke. Melbourne, Australia: SAGE Publications.
DOI2021 Bacchi, S., Oakden-Rayner, L., Menon, D. K., Moey, A., Jannes, J., Kleinig, T., & Koblar, S. (2021). STROKE PROGNOSTICATION FOR DISCHARGE PLANNING WITH MACHINE LEARNING: DERIVATION, PROSPECTIVE VALIDATION AND EXTERNAL VALIDATION. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL. WILEY. 2020 Milton, A. G., Kremer, K. L., Rao, S. R., Mas, E., Snel, M. F., Trim, P. J., . . . Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2020). A Prospective Cohort Study to Develop and Validate a Multivariable Prediction Model for Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) Diagnosis Using Proteomic Discovery and Candidate Lipid Mass Spectrometry, Neuroimaging and Machine Learning: Study Protocol. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Asia Pacific Stroke Organization (APSO 2020), as published in Cerebrovascular Diseases. Korea: Karger.
DOI2019 Milton, A., Harvey, J., Edwards, S., Young, A. -M., Dodd, L., Hampton, C., . . . Koblar, S. (2019). Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) Stroke Unit (SU) administrative data and Stroke Clinical Registry data analyses. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Journal of Stroke. Canberra, Australia: International Journal of Stroke. 2018 Nagpal, A., Milte, R., Kim, S. W., Hillier, S., Milton, A. G., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., . . . Koblar, S. A. (2018). Economic evaluation of stem cell therapies in neurological diseases: a systematic review. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2018 Levi, C., Lillicrap, T., Harman, S., Draxler, D., Niego, B., Ho, H., . . . Medcalf, R. (2018). EX-VIVO GENERATION OF PLASMIN FROM PATIENTS WITH ACUTE ISCHAEMIC STROKE IS PREDICTIVE OF SUCCESSFUL THROMBOLYSIS. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY. Darwin, AUSTRALIA: BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP.
DOI2017 Goldsmith, K., Balabanski, A., Giarola, B., Buxton, D., Castle, S., McBride, K., . . . Kleinig, T. (2017). Excessive stroke incidence in Aboriginal people in Central Australia: a retrospective population-based study. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the RACP Congress 2017 - Bringing Specialists Together. Sharing Knowledge. Building Skills, as published in Internal Medicine Journal. Melbourne, VIC: Wiley-Blackwell.
DOI WoS22017 Pandos, O., Nagpal, A. N., Milton, A., Kleinig, T., Jannes, J., Koblar, S., & Hamilton-Bruce, M. A. (2017). Legislative requirements increase availability of access to certified stroke unit care. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2017 Milton, A., Kleinig, T., Nagpal, A., Young, A. -M., Kim, S., Koblar, S. A., . . . Jannes, J. (2017). Stroke unit access update. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2017 Balabanski, A., Goldsmith, K., Giarola, B., Buxton, D., Castle, S., McBride, K., . . . Kleinig, T. (2017). Excessive stroke incidence in Aboriginal people in Central Australia: a retrospective population-based study. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 27th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Stroke Society of Australasia, as published in International Journal of Stroke. Queenstown, New Zealand: SAGE Publications.
DOI2016 Foyle, K., Wilson, J., Koblar, S., McColl, S., & Comerford, I. (2016). Dental pulp stem cells inhibit encephalitogenic T cell responses and suppress disease in an animal model of multiple sclerosis. Poster session presented at the meeting of EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. Melbourne, AUSTRALIA: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2016 Carson, K. V., Brinn, M. P., Peters, M. J., Fitridge, R., Koblar, S. A., Jannes, J., . . . Smith, B. J. (2016). SUPERIORITY OF A COURSE OF VARENICLINE TARTRATE PLUS COUNSELLING OVER COUNSELLING ALONE FOR SMOKING CESSATION: A 24-MONTH RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL FOR INPATIENTS. Poster session presented at the meeting of RESPIROLOGY. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2016 Goldsmith, K., Balabanski, A., Giarola, B., Buxton, D., Castle, S., McBride, K., . . . Kleinig, T. (2016). Excessive stroke incidence in Aboriginal people in Central Australia: a retrospective population-based study. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 10th World Stroke Congress, as published in International Journal of Stroke. Hyderabad, INDIA: SAGE Publications.
DOI2016 Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2016. Abstracts of the Annual Conference of theAsia Pacific Stroke Organization (APSO) Combined with Stroke Society of Australasia, Brisbane, Qld., Australia, July 14-17, 2016: Abstracts (2016). Poster session presented at the meeting of Cerebrovascular Diseases. S. Karger AG.
DOI2016 Hamilton-Bruce, A., Milton, A., Miller, S., Kleinig, T., Jannes, J., & Koblar, S. (2016). Transforming Stroke Research in South Australia - A Management Program to Support Change. Poster session presented at the meeting of CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES. KARGER. 2016 Goldsmith, K., Balabanski, A., Giarola, B., Buxton, D., Castle, S., McBride, K., . . . Kleinig, T. (2016). Comparison of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Stroke in Central Australia: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Poster session presented at the meeting of CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES. KARGER. 2016 Hamilton-Bruce, A., Kleinig, T., Royle, E., Milton, A., Koblar, S., & Jannes, J. (2016). Quantifying and Overcoming Barriers to Stroke Unit Access. Poster session presented at the meeting of CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES. KARGER. 2016 Carson, K., Brinn, M., Peters, M., Fitridge, R., Koblar, S., Jannes, J., . . . Smith, B. (2016). SUPERIORITY OF A COURSE OF VARENICLINE TARTRATE PLUS COUNSELLING OVER COUNSELLING ALONE FOR SMOKING CESSATION: A 24-MONTH RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL FOR INPATIENTS. Poster session presented at the meeting of RESPIROLOGY. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2015 Hamilton-Bruce, A. M., Milton, A. G., Koblar, S. A., & MacFarlane, P. (2015). Stroke and exceptions from informed consent (EFIC): Literature review. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2015 Hamilton-Bruce, A. M., Milton, A. G., Koblar, S. A., & MacFarlane, P. (2015). Stroke and Exceptions from Informed Consent (EFIC): Exploring the interface between law, ethics and clinical research. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL.
WoS12015 Koblar, S., Gronthos, S., & Shi, S. (2015). Stem cell therapy in stroke - human dental pulp stem cells from basic science to a clinical trial. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2014 Djukic, M., Milton, A. G., Hamilton-Bruce, A. M., Lewis, M. D., Leung, E., Jannes, J., . . . Koblar, S. A. (2014). Targeted peptide quantification of candidate plasma proteins to diagnose Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA). Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Stroke Society of Australasia, as published in International Journal of Stroke. Hamilton Island, Qld.: Wiley-Blackwell.
DOI WoS12014 Hamilton-Bruce, A. M., Hazel, S., Krawczyk, V. J., Milton, A. G., & Koblar, S. A. (2014). Exploration of ethological issues in Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI) for stroke sufferers: Recommendations for action. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2013 Appleton, S., Biermann, S., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Piantadosi, C., Tucker, G., Koblar, S. A., & Adams, R. (2013). Health literacy (HL) mediates the relationship of socioeconomic status (SES) and stroke in a population sample. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2013 Krawczyk, V. J., Crichton, J., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. A. (2013). Perspectives on language, medicine and the human body in a multidisciplinary biomedical research group. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2013 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Gowland, J., Hazel, S., & Koblar, S. A. (2013). Animal assisted therapy (AAT) for stroke victims: the need for objective assessment?. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2013 Leong, W. K., Klaric, T. S., Lin, Y., Koblar, S. A., & Lewis, M. D. (2013). Npas4 upregulation in the corticolimbic system in stroke: implications for post-stroke depression. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2013 Milton, A. G., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Jannes, J., & Koblar, S. A. (2013). Phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) and stroke: heterogeneity of studies. Poster session presented at the meeting of 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Stroke Society of Australia, as published in International Journal of Stroke. Darwin, Australia: Wiley.
DOI2012 Koblar, S. (2012). Stem Cell Therapy in Stroke-2012 Update. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2012 Koblar, S., Djukic, M., Lewis, M. D., Leung, E., Jannes, J., Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Chataway, T. (2012). Candidate Plasma Biomarkers for Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA). Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2012 Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., & Koblar, S. (2012). Genetic testing - operational framework changes needed?. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2012 Moey, A., Jannes, J., Koblar, S., Leyden, J., Kleinig, T., Lee, A., & Chong, K. (2012). Thrombolysis for Acute Stroke in South Australia: Have We Improved?. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2005 Jannes, J., Milton, A., HAMILTON-BRUCE, M. A., & KOBLAR, S. A. (2005). Chloride channel gene polymorphism and stroke. Poster session presented at the meeting of Journal of Neurological Sciences. Sydney, AUSTRALIA: Elsevier.
Original Creative Works
Year Citation 2019 Authors: Milton A, Kremer K, Rao S, Trim P, Snel M, Kleinig T, Jannes J, Koblar S. Title: FAST-IT TIA Biomarker Study. Description: N/A. Extent: Poster and Oral presentation (AGM). 1996 Authors: Koblar SA. Title: Regulation of Neural Differentiation (PhD Thesis). Description: N/A. Extent: PhD Thesis.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2021 Co-Supervisor FAST-IT Study: Investigation for Plasma Biomarkers for Transient Ischaemic Attack Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Deeksha Sharma -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2019 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Deep Learning in the Prediction of Clinically Significant Outcomes in Stroke and General Medicine Patients Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time APrf Stephen Daniel Bacchi 2016 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Investigating Reprogramming Factors and Neural Conditions to Convert Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells into Neural Stem Cells Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Maria Roumenova Gancheva 2015 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Exploring Determinants of Execution in Early Phase Clinical Studies with Cell Therapies in Stroke Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Anjali Nagpal 2014 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Characterisation of human dental pulp stem cells in an animal model of multiple sclerosis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Kerrie Louise Foyle 2013 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Molecular and Cellular Investigations Relating to Neuroplasticity in Stroke Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Joshua Nathan Winderlich 2012 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Investigation of p75 neurotrophin receptor on human Dental Pulp Stem Cells (hDPSC) Master of Medical Science Master Full Time Miss Wenru Pan 2012 - 2015 Co-Supervisor The Role of Npas4 in Neuroprotection and Neurogenesis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Fong Chan Choy 2010 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Neurophysiology and Electrophysiology of Human and Murine Dental Pulp Stem Cells Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Kylie Maree Ellis 2009 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Proteomic Investigations and Biomarker Discovery in Transient Ischaemic Attack Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Michael Djukic 2009 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Stem Cell and Molecular Investigations Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Wai Khay Leong 2009 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Transient Ischaemic Attack: A Primary Care Perspective of Stroke Prevention Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Elaine Leung 2008 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Expression and functional analysis of SOX3 in murine neurogenesis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Nicholas Alan Rogers 2006 - 2011 Co-Supervisor Identification of Downstream Target Genes and Analysis of Obesity-Related Variants of the bHLH/PAS Transcription Factor Single-Minded 1 Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Anne Raimondo 2006 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Endothelial Function & Genetic Polymorphisms in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Ada Lam 2006 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Expression and Function of Npas4 During Early Development Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Tom Klaric 2005 - 2008 Co-Supervisor Analysis of Genes Implicated in Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis Using Danio Rerio as a Model Organism Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Morgan Newman 2003 - 2007 Principal Supervisor Guidance and Neuronal Properties of Dental Pulp Stem Cells Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Agnes Arthur 2003 - 2007 Co-Supervisor The Contribution of Periodontal Mechanoreceptors to Physiological Tremor in the Human Jaw Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Paul Sowman 2002 - 2006 Co-Supervisor The Pathophysiology of the Coronary Slow Flow Phenomenon Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Stuart Turner 2002 - 2005 Principal Supervisor Investigating the Role of EphA/ ephrin-A Signalling During Trigeminal Ganglion Axon Guidance Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Chathurani Jayasena 2002 - 2011 Co-Supervisor An Investigation into the Development and Patterning of Dorsal Longitudinal Ascending Interneurons in Danio Rerio Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Simon Wells 2000 - 2005 Principal Supervisor EphA4 and ephrin-A interactions in avian neural crest cell segmentation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Edwina Sutton 2000 - 2004 Principal Supervisor Polygenic Disease: A Study of Genetic Risk in an Australian Stroke Population Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time APrf Jim Jannes 1999 - 2003 Co-Supervisor MOLECULAR CHARACTERISATION OF TRANSLOCATIONS INVOLVING CHROMOSOME BAND 1p36 IN ACUTE MYELOID LEUKAEMIA Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Christopher Ian Slape 1998 - 2003 Principal Supervisor Investigations of ephrin ligands during development Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Paul Tosch
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2005 - 2008 Board Member Brain Foundation (SA) Ltd - - -
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2016 - ongoing Member National Stroke Foundation Research Advisory Committee - - 2012 - ongoing Board Member University of Adelaide Medical School MBBS Research Committee University of Adelaide - 2011 - ongoing Member University of Adelaide Medical School Curriculum Committee University of Adelaide - 2011 - ongoing Member National Stroke Foundation Clinical Council National Stroke Foundation Australia 2010 - ongoing Chair Stroke SA Network TIA Workgroup Stroke SA Network Australia 2009 - ongoing Member Stroke SA Network Steering Committee Stroke SA Network - 2006 - ongoing Chair Nervous System Review Group (Faculty of Health Science) University of Adelaide - 2001 - 2003 Member South Australian Italian Medical Association Committee - - 2000 - 2001 Board Member Curriculum Committee, Faculty of Health Science University of Adelaide - -
Date Role Membership Country 2009 - ongoing Member Stroke Society of Australasia - 2006 - 2009 Chair South Australian Stroke Unit Network - 2003 - 2003 President Cairns Neurological Society (SA) - 2001 - 2003 Secretary Cairns Neurological Society (SA) - 2000 - 2000 Treasurer Cairns Neurological Society (SA) - 1998 - ongoing Member South Australian Italian Medical Association - 1998 - ongoing Member Cairns Neurological Society (SA) - 1998 - ongoing Member Mortality Review Committee, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Australia 1997 - ongoing Member Society for Neuroscience United States 1992 - ongoing Member Australian Neuroscience Society - 1991 - ongoing Member Australian and New Zealand Association Neurology - -
Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country 2016 - 2016 THERAPEUTIC GOODS ADMINISTRATION Stroke Research Programme, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia - - 2016 - 2016 Scientific Methods (Nature Publishing Group) (Impact Factor 5.288) - - - 2016 - ongoing International Journal of Stroke, the official journal of the World Stroke Organization; impact factor 4.3 (2014 Thomson Reuters) - Scientific research - 2016 - 2016 a Hindawi Press journal, impact factor 2.813 (2014 Thomson Reuters) Stem Cells International - - 2016 - 2016 World Stroke Organisation - - - 2010 - ongoing University of Adelaide Peter Couche Foundation - Australia 2008 - ongoing University of Adelaide Adelaide Centre for Neuroscience Research - Australia 2008 - 2012 National Health & Medical Research Council - - - 2007 - 2011 Queen Elizabeth Hospital Basil Hetzel Institute - Australia 2006 - 2009 Australian Stroke Unit Network - - - 2006 - ongoing University of Adelaide Mt Lofty Workshop ‘Frontier Technologies for Nervous System Function and Repair’ - Australia 2006 - ongoing University of Adelaide Centre Stem Cell Research, Robinson Institute - Australia 2005 - ongoing South Australian Neuroscience Institute - - Australia 2005 - ongoing University of Adelaide Computational Neuroscience Research Cluster - Australia 2005 - 2010 Research Network in Genes and Environment in Development - - Australia 2003 - 2005 SA Health and Medical Research Advisory Council - - - 2000 - ongoing University of Adelaide Adelaide Microarray Facility - Australia 2000 - 2001 University of Adelaide Faculty of Health Science - Australia 1998 - 1998 Australian and New Zealand Society for Cell & Developmental Biology - - Australia -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2013 - ongoing Board Member Stem Cell Research and Therapy - - 2010 - ongoing Board Member International Journal of Stroke - - -
Offices Held
Date Office Name Institution Country 2008 - ongoing Patron Stroke SA Ltd. Australia
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