Professor Maziar Arjomandi
School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Professor Maziar Arjomandi received his PhD in Aerospace Engineering in 1999 from Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia. He joined the University of Adelaide in 2006 and since then he has served as the Aerospace Coordinator, Postgraduate Coordinator, Research Director, a member of the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology Board, Education and training Director of the Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition Commonwealth Research Centre, and a member of the Australian Research Council College of Experts. Professor Maziar Arjomandi is a leading researcher in experimental and numerical aerodynamics and fluid mechanics with the application in energy systems and aerospace engineering.
- My Research
- Career
- Publications
- Grants and Funding
- Teaching
- Supervision
- Professional Activities
- Contact
-Renewable energy (concentrated solar thermal systems, wind turbines, wave and tidal energy, hybrid energy systems, bio-fuels and hydrogen production)
-Aerodynamics (active and passive flow control, bluff body aerodynamics, vortex flow, atmospheric boundary layer, airfoil circulation control, flapping wing aerodynamics, plasma aerodynamics, WIG aerodynamics)
-Fluid mechanics (flow induced vibration FIV and vortex induced vibration VIV, vortex flow, multi-phase flow, hemodynamics, micro- and nano-fluids)
-Heat transfer and thermodynamics (natural convection, boiling and bubble study, radiation, chemical reactions and combustion)
Various projects leading to a research degree (Master or PhD) in Mechanical Engineering, Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat transfer, Solar thermal, Wave and Wind Energy are available.
Supervised PhD and Masters by Research Projects
- Developing a frictionless rig for skin friction drag measurement
- Heliostat wind load analysis in atmospheric boundary layer
- Modelling of the direct reduction of iron ore in a shaft furnace
- Dynamic wind load on heliostat
- Permeable structures for drag reduction
- Electrolysers for hydrogen production – effect of flow behaviour on performance
- Application of micro-cavities for drag reduction
- The impact of hydrodynamic coupling on the performance of multi-mode wave energy converters
- Hemodynamics of Diseased Coronary Arteries
- Understanding the flow behaviour in human maxillary sinuses for drug delivery applications
- Hemodynamics of aortic valve stenoses
- Effects of turbulence on heliostat wind loads
- Liquid chemical looping gasification
- Application of chemical looping for solar thermal energy storage
- The attenuation of sweep events within the turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate using a micro-cavity array
- Harnessing hydro-kinetic energy from wake-induced vibration of bluff bodies
- Unsteady Loads and Associated Flow Fields on Wings Exposed to High Rotation-Rate Dynamic Stall
- Application of rotating fluidized bed to solar gasification.
- Three-Tether Wave Energy Converter: Hydrodynamic Modelling, Performance Assessment and Control
- Investigation of the Wind Load on Heliostats in Stow Position
- Effect of leading edge tubercles on airfoil performance
- The effect of unsteady flow on wind turbine wake development and noise generation
- Harnessing hydropower from vortex induced vibration
- Unsteady separation control on wind turbine blades
- Application of a Helmholtz resonator excited by grazing flow for manipulation of a turbulent boundary layer
- Application of concentrated solar radiation to chemical looping combustion
- The working principle of a Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube
- Laminar Flow Control of a Flat Plate Boundary Layer Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma
- Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation (MDO) of a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite
- The effect of solid particle recirculation on the efficiency of a cavity-type solar receiver
- Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation (MDO) of the landing gear configuration for General Aviation (GA) aircraft
- Analysis the mechanical properties of glass-epoxy composite material with different volume fraction of resin
- Composite material design layout for impact loading
Supervised Masters by Coursework Projects
- Turbulent Generation and Characterisation in a wind tunnel
- Selection and design of a boundary layer tripping apparatus
- Design, build and test a concentrated photovoltaic receiver
- Development of a solar indirectly heated receiver for heating gases
- Sound propagation over irregular terrains: the effect of temperature inversion
- Development of a micro-channel solar air receiver - experimental investigation
- Bladed receivers with active flow control
- Investigation of deformation and activation of oxygen carrier particles in a chemical looping combustion system
- Investigation of the effect of turning vanes on the performance of a wind tunnel
- Investigation into the dynamic stall characteristics of airfoils used in the wind turbine industry using flow visualisation techniques
- Bus cabin ventilation system evaluation and optimization
- Investigation of the efficiency of Savonius wind turbine with helical blades
- An investigation into the effect of vertically positioned inserts with different geometries on the heat transfer enhancement
- Vortex tube for desalination
- Analysis the performance and efficiency of a ranque-Hilsch vortex tube
- An investigation into the aerodynamic forces in downstroke motion of a pair of flat plates
Supervised Final Year Engineering (Honours) Projects
- Enhancement of the efficiency of photovoltaic panels using passive flow control
- High temperature heat pumps for energy recovery in heavy industry
- Stabilisation of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine through Blade Pitch Control
- Inversion Boundary Layer Development in a Wind tunnel
- Design & Build a Maritime UAV
- Precise Aircraft Delivered Air-Sea/Land Survival System
- Design of an Edge Mounted Flow Manipulation Device to Reduce Wind Loads on Heliostats
- Aerodynamic stability of a flapping wing flyer
- Design and Build a Flapping Wing Micro Aerial Vehicle
- Design and build a perching UAV
- Development of a high-fidelity test setup for measurement of drag
- Q300 Firebomber aircraft conversion
- Techno-economic assessment of bifacial solar panels
- Air taxi - a vertical take-off and landing air vehicle
- Design, build and test a cubesat
- Aerodynamic study of a free-falling particle solar receiver
- Design, build and test of an Aerial Urban Commuter Model
- Wind comfort study of the City of Adelaide
- Vertical bifacial solar farms: modelling, design, manufacturing and testing
- Development and fabrication of a MicroChannel Solar Receiver (MCSR) - the next generation of high efficiency solar receivers
- Aircraft Design laboratory practical
- Design and testing of a prototype tracking solar array
- Characterisation of molten salt enriched with particulate additives
- Development of an automated mine detection platform
- High-efficiency fans using crazy foil profiles
- Dancing particles
- Infrared thermography in sports medicine
- Horizontal axis wind turbine wake interaction
- Crop thriving by wind turbines
- Flapping wing MAV
- Surface wave prediction
- Design and build a hybrid renewable energy production, storage and management system for household application
- Design and test a lift type vertical axis wind turbine
- The effect of wing leading edge tubercles on induced drag
- Investigation of the wake of a horizontal axis wind turbine
- Flow morphology of a plasma actuator
- Develop a data acquisition system for a Swearingen SX-300
- Design and build of a submarine that can fly
- Design and build of a plasma thruster for MAV application
- Design and build of an aileronless UAV
- Construction of a test rig and scaled aircraft wing for validation and comparison of a beam theory based wing model
- Solar chimney for water desalination
- Simulation of a thermally soaring unmanned aerial vehicle
- Design, build and test of a high-efficiency smart Darrieus wind turbine
- Design, build and launch of a small satellite, based on CubeSat designs
- Parametric study of Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma actuators
- Assessment of Water Bombing of Bushfires
- Design and build of a UAV with morphing configuration
- Search and rescue UAV for outback challenge
- Design and build of an autonomous hovercraft for mine detection
- Water desalination via wind power
- Bat wing
- Design and build a flying surveillance platform with coaxial counter-rotating rotors
- Design and build of three different types of wind turbines to investigate the amount of accessible wind power in the cities
- Design and build of a vortex heat generator
- Design, development and manufacture of a valveless pulsejet powered unmanned aerial vehicle
- Energy harvesting eel – wave energy converter
- The design, development and manufacture of a fuel cell powered unmanned aerial vehicle for surveillance applications
- Design and build of a search and rescue UAV
- Design and build of a valveless pulsejet engine
- Design and build of a small unmanned airship
- Design and build of a composite anti-explosive shield
- Design and build of an air-conditioned helmet
- Design and build of a micro satellite based on CubeSat
- Design and build of a flapping wing MAV
- Design methodology of a general aviation aircraft
Date Position Institution name 2021 - ongoing Professor The University of Adelaide 2016 - 2020 Associate Professor The University of Adelaide 2010 - 2015 Senior Lecturer The University of Adelaide 2006 - 2009 Lecturer The University of Adelaide -
Research Interests
Aerodynamics Aerospace & Aeronautics Aerospace Engineering Aircraft Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics Energy Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage Engineering Energy Systems Engineering Flow Analysis Fluid Physics Fluidisation and Fluid Mechanics Mechanical Engineering Power and Energy Systems Engineering Renewable Power Turbulent Flows Heat and Mass Transfer Operations
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Conference Items
Year Citation - Arjomandi, M., Emes, M., & Jafari, A. (n.d.). The Heliostat Design Wind Loads Spreadsheet.
Year Citation - Arjomandi, M. (n.d.). Flying Submarine 2012.
DOI- Arjomandi, M. (n.d.). Aileronless UAV.
DOI- Arjomandi, M. (n.d.). Simulation of a thermally soaring unmanned aerial vehicle.
DOI- Arjomandi, M., Emes, M., & Jafari, A. (n.d.). Heliostat Wind Loads Research - Promotional Video.
DOI- Arjomandi, M. (n.d.). Search and Rescue UAV 2007.
DOI- Arjomandi, M. (n.d.). Flapping micro aerial vehicle 2007.
DOI- Arjomandi, M. (n.d.). Fuel-Cell Powered UAV 2008.
DOI- Arjomandi, M. (n.d.). Coaxial Counter-Rotating Lifting Platform 2008.
DOI- Arjomandi, M. (n.d.). Pulsed-Jet Powered UAV 2008.
DOI- Arjomandi, M., Emes, M., & Jafari, A. (n.d.). Heliostat Wind Loads.
DOI- Arjomandi, M. (n.d.). Autonomous Hovercraft for Landmine Detection 2009.
DOI- Arjomandi, M. (n.d.). Morphing UAV 2009.
Year Citation 2025 A. Rezaei, R., Jafari, A., Hoang, V. T., & Arjomandi, M. (2025). Reynolds Analogy Breakdown Due to Boundary Layer Flow Features: A Critical Review.
DOI2024 Yang, B., Jafari, A., & Arjomandi, M. (2024). Heat Pumps for Thermal Energy Recovery in Alumina Refining Process.
DOI2024 Severino, G. F., Silvestri, A., Cazzolato, B. S., & Arjomandi, M. (2024). Development of a turbulent boundary layer over a micro-cavity array.
DOI2024 Severino, G. F., Silvestri, A., Cazzolato, B. S., & Arjomandi, M. (2024). Characterization of a Turbulent Boundary Layer Downstream of a Micro-Cavity Array.
DOI2024 Severino, G. F., Silvestri, A., Cazzolato, B. S., & Arjomandi, M. (2024). Investigation of Spanwise Behavior of a Turbulent Boundary Layer affected by a Micro-Cavity Array.
DOI2024 Qatarani Nejad, A., Yang, B., Jafari, A., & Arjomandi, M. (2024). A Comparative Thermodynamic Analysis of Coefficient of Performance and Phase Change Impacts in Reversed Rankine and Brayton Heat Pumps.
DOI2024 Hoang, V. T., Jafari, A., Cazzolato, B., & Arjomandi, M. (2024). Modification of Burst Events in the Near-Wall Region of Turbulent Boundary Layers by Synthetic Jets.
DOI2024 Yang, B., Jafarian, M., Freidoonimehr, N., & Arjomandi, M. (2024). Alkaline Membrane-Free Water Electrolyser for Liquid Hydrogen Production.
DOI2024 Yang, Y., Robertson, W., Jafari, A., & Arjomandi, M. (2024). Optimising Coil Design Based on Sensitivity Analysis of Magnetic Force Induced Between Misaligned Coil Pairs.
DOI2024 Freidoonimehr, N., Atkins, T., Marathe, J. A., Psaltis, P. J., & Arjomandi, M. (2024). Evaluating the severity of tandem coronary stenoses: Insights from
simulated FFR and iFR techniques.2024 Atkins, T., Freidoonimehr, N., Beltrame, J., Zeitz, C., & Arjomandi, M. (2024). The impact of the microvascular resistance on the measures of stenosis
severity.2023 Yang, B., Jafarian, M., Freidoonimehr, N., & Arjomandi, M. (2023). Flow Control for Bubble Management in a Membrane-Free Electrolyser.
DOI2023 Freidoonimehr, N., Jafari, A., & Arjomandi, M. (2023). Characteristics of Turbulent Boundary Layers Generated by Different Tripping Devices.
Australian Research Council
2024-2026: ARC Discovery Project (DP 240101492)
M Arjomandi, A Jafari, B McKeon, K Fukagata. Turbulent boundary layer: impact of vertical velocity fluctuations, $800k, pending.
2024-2026: ARC Discovery Project (DP 240102566)
M Arjomandi, M Emes, N Sergiienko, A Pena. Effect of atmospheric turbulence on unsteady wind loads on structures, $865k, pending.
2024: ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LE 240100116)
M Arjomandi, J Monty, T Steinberg, M Cholette, K Chauhan, M Emes, A Jafari, I Marusic, S Westra, N Hutchins, M Tucker, M Heisel, G Picotti. Facilities for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Evaluation and Testing – FABLET, $2m, pending.
2020-2023: ARC Discovery Project (DP 200101961)
M Arjomandi, B Cazzolato, F Ghanadi, B McKeon, S Ganapathisubramani. Micro-perforation for passive drag reduction, $540k.
2020: ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LE 200100220)
B Moghtaderi, G Nathan, A Nguyen, G Evan, V Rudolph, M Jones, C Wheeler, P Ashman, M Arjomandi, E Doroodchi, B Zhao, M Firouzi, L Wang, T Lau, N Sergiienko. Adaptive electrical capacitance volume tomography for multiphase flows, $772k.
2018-2020: ARC Discovery Project (DP 180102045)
G Nathan, Z Alwahabi, M Arjomandi, A Steinfeld, A Soldati. Understanding particle-laden flows for high temperature thermal processing, $414k.
2015-2017: ARC Discovery Project (DP 150102230)
G Nathan, Z Alwahabi, M Arjomandi, Z Tian, J Abraham, A Steinfeld. New understanding and models for two-phase solar thermal particle receivers, $612k.
2013-2016: ARC Linkage Project (LP 130100117)
B Cazzolato, M Arjomandi, A Rafiee, J Fievez. Oscillating water Column efficiency improvement through impedance matching and active latching control techniques, $259k.
Other Grants
2023-2027: International Clean Energy Research networks (ICIRN000026)
J Coventry, …, M Arjomandi, M Emes, …. Solar thermal Alliance of Australian researcher (STAR), $3000k, pending.
2023-2024: Emerging Aviation Technology Partnerships Program
M Arjomandi, …. Electric-powered aircraft – application of distributed propulsion systems, $976k, pending.
2023-2024: Emerging Aviation Technology Partnerships Program
M Arjomandi, …. Hydrogen-electric powered aircraft - application of differential thrust for control authority and improved aerodynamic performance, $704k, pending.
2023-2024: Heavy Industry Low Carbon Transition Cooperative Research Centre
A Jafari, M Arjomandi, B Moghtaderi, Thermal Energy Recovery using High-Temperature Heat Pumps, $157k.
2022-2027: US Department of Energy
G Zhu, Mehos, …, M Arjomandi, M Emes, … Heliostat Consortium for Concentrating Solar-Thermal power (HelioCon),$25m.
2022-2024: Medical research future Fund (MRFF)
P Wormald, …, M Arjomandi, …, AntI-MRSA PhAge Cocktail treatment via Acoustic Enhanced Nebulisers, $870k.
2021-2031: Department of Industry, Sciences and Resources, Cooperative Research Centres Grants
S Jeanes, …, M Arjomandi, Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition Commonwealth Research centre (HILT CRC), $85m.
2019-2023: Future Fuel Cooperative Research Centre
G Nathan, M Jafarian, …, M Arjomandi, Methane Pyrolysis for Hydrogen Production, $452k.
2019-2021: South Australian Grain Industry Trust Fund (SAGIT)
M Tucker, V Bulone, M Arjomandi, Revealing the basis for head-loss in barley, $133k.
2019-2021: US Department of Energy
C Ho, …, M Arjomandi, …, Generation 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3): Integrated high-temperature particle receiver system for CSP, $397k.
2018-2022: Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) International Engagement Program
G Nathan, …, M Arjomandi, …, Converting Sunlight Innovation Challenge, Building Australia’s international partnerships in solar fuels research and innovation, $494k.
2018-2019: Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund
M Arjomandi, A Silvestri, R Chin, F Ghanadi, B Cazzolato, A Zander, The control of the turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate using micro-cavities, $320k.
2016: ECMS Interdisciplinary Research Grant Scheme
J Derakhshandeh, M Arjomandi, …, Nonlinear modelling of fully submerged wave energy converters for high fidelity yet computationally efficient numerical analysis and prototype design, $12k.
2016: ECMS Interdisciplinary Research Grant Scheme
B Ding, M Arjomandi, …, Low noise small scale wind based power generation using non-linear vortices interaction, $18k.
2016-2018: Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)
G Nathan, …, M Arjomandi, …, On-sun demonstration of a novel particle receiver for application as an alumina flash calciner, $4.4m.
2015: University of Adelaide, Interdisciplinary Research Fund
A Kotousov, …, M Arjomandi, …, New experimental facility for temperature, defect and stress imaging, $49k.
2015: University of Adelaide, Research Equipment and Infrastructure Fund
F Wagner, …, M Arjomandi, Modelling and optimisation of submerged buoys for improved ocean wave energy production, $27k.
2014-2017: Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)
J Pye, M Arjomandi, …, Bladed receivers with active flow control, $3.6m.
2014-2022: Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)
G Nathan, …, M Arjomandi, …, Australian Solar Thermal Research Institute (ASTRI), $87m.
2013-2014: Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund
M Arjomandi, B Cazzolato, Establishment of a Flight Simulator Laboratory, $58k.
2011-2012: Adelaide Airport Limited
G Nathan, … M Arjomandi, Thermodynamic modelling of the Adelaide Airport Terminal 1, $126k.
2011-2012: Adelaide Airport Limited
M Arjomandi, Economic feasibility of small scale renewable energy systems, $27k.
2011-2012: Adelaide Airport Limited
M Arjomandi, Investigation of the effect of amplitude modulation on the wind farm noise pollution, $48k.
2010-2011: AGL
M Arjomandi, Design and build a smart vertical axis wind turbine, $20k.
2010: University of Adelaide, Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences
M Arjomandi, Feasibility study of the application of small scale hybrid solar and wind energy systems, $47.5k.
2010: University of Adelaide, Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences
M Arjomandi, Development of wave energy research capability, Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, $35k.
2010: Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund
M Arjomandi, Design and build a nano-satellite based on the cubesat concept, $10k.
2010: Engineers Australia National Committee for Space Engineering
M Arjomandi, Design and build a nano-satellite based on the cubesat concept, $4k.
2010: University of Adelaide, Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences
M Arjomandi, Design and build a nano-satellite based on the cubesat concept, $5k.
2010: City of Victor Harbour
M Arjomandi, Hybrid solar and wind energy systems for urban environment, $30k.
2009: Defence Science and Technology Organisation
M Arjomandi, Design and build an autonomous hovercraft for landmine detection, $10k.
2009: Aeronautical Engineers Australia
M Arjomandi, Design and build a UAV with morphing configuration, $4k.
2007-2008: Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund
M Arjomandi, Establishment of Plasma Flow Control Research Capability at the University of Adelaide, $30k.
2008: Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund
B Cazzolato, M Arjomandi, …, Application for the acquisition of an Educational Control Products Model 750 Control Moment Gyroscope, $34k.
2008: System Solutions
M Arjomandi, …, The design and build of three different types of wind turbines to explore the optimum configuration for a small scale wind turbine in an urban environment, $5k.
2008: Suzlon Eenrgy
M Arjomandi, …, The design and build of three different types of wind turbines to explore the optimum configuration for a small scale wind turbine in an urban environment, $2k.
2008: Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund
M Arjomandi, Development of a Wing Structure Laboratory Facility for Undergraduate Education, $25k.
2008: Aeronautical Engineers Australia
M Arjomandi, Design, Development and Manufacture of a Fuel Cell Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Surveillance Applications, $5k.
2008: Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund
M Arjomandi, Design, Development and Manufacture of a Fuel Cell Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Surveillance Applications, $12k.
2008: One Steel
M Arjomandi, Energy harvesting eel, $2k.
2008: Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund
M Arjomandi, Design and Manufacture of a Coaxial Counter-rotating Platform, $12k.
2008: Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund
M Arjomandi, Design, Development and Manufacture of a Valveless Pulsejet Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, $12k.
2008: Australian Submarine Corporation
M Arjomandi, Design, Development and Manufacture of a Valveless Pulsejet Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, $2k.
2007-2009: Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund
C Doolan, …, M Arjomandi, Establishment of a Large Scale Wind Tunnel Facility at the University of Adelaide, $330k.
2007-2009: Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund
M Arjomandi, Establishment of a Jet Propulsion Teaching Capability at the University of Adelaide, $80k.
2007: Thales Australia
M Arjomandi, Design, Development and Manufacture of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Civil Surveillance Purposes, $20k.
2007: Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund
M Arjomandi, Design, Development and Manufacture of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Civil Surveillance Purposes, $10k.
2007: BAE Systems
M Arjomandi, Design and build a small autonomous airship, $3.5k.
2007-2009: Premier’s Science and Research Fund, South Australian Government
G Nathan, …, M Arjomandi, Establishment of a Large Scale Wind Tunnel Facility at the University of Adelaide, $800k.
Aeronautical Engineering
Aircraft Design
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2025 Co-Supervisor Thermal analysis of axial flux machines Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Pourya Seyyedmatin 2024 Co-Supervisor Coal Power Plant Sustainability in Climate Mitigation Scenarios Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Alvin Mizrawan Tarmizi 2024 Principal Supervisor Aerodynamics of barley head Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Muhammad Faizan 2024 Principal Supervisor Investigation of blood flow behavior in coronary arteries with tandem stenoses Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Ashkan Rafiei 2024 Principal Supervisor Techno-economic analysis of heat pumps for waste heat recovery Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Pouya Pourkashani 2024 Principal Supervisor Investigation of a membrane-free electrolyser Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Shayan Sadeghi 2023 Principal Supervisor Designing a multi-cascade high temperature heat pump based on reversed Brayton cycle and air as high temperature flow Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Amir Qatarani Nejad 2023 Principal Supervisor Application of packed beds for thermal energy storage either through heat recovery or concentrated solar thermal energy Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Razieh Abbasgholi Rezaei 2022 Principal Supervisor Effect of aortic valve stenosis on coronary artery blood flow Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Tamasin Atkins 2022 Principal Supervisor Developing a frictionless rig for skin friction drag measurement Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Yuxin Yang 2022 Principal Supervisor Heliostat wind load analysis in atmospheric boundary layer Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Matthew Luke Marano 2022 Co-Supervisor Fundamental Insights into Novel Thermal Green Pathways for Transforming Low-Grade Australian Iron Ore into High-Value Products Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Renae O'Hara 2021 Principal Supervisor Dynamic wind load on heliostat Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Sahar Bakhshipour 2019 Principal Supervisor Drag Reduction of a Flat Plate Using Micro-Cavities Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Gianni Federico Severino -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2020 - 2025 Principal Supervisor Friction drag reduction by a perforated plate Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Van Thuan Hoang 2019 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Flow Control for Bubble Management in a Membrane-free Alkaline Water Electrolyser Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Bo Yang 2017 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Hemodynamics of Diseased Coronary Arteries Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Navid Freidoonimehr 2017 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Effects of Turbulence on Heliostat Wind Loads Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Azadeh Jafari 2017 - 2022 Co-Supervisor The impact of hydrodynamic coupling on the performance of multi-mode wave energy converters Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Ngan Bich Dinh Tran 2017 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Understanding the Flow Behaviour in Human Maxillary Sinuses for Drug Delivery Applications Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Oveis Pourmehran 2017 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Hemodynamics of aortic valve stenoses Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Araz Rezaei Kivi 2015 - 2018 Principal Supervisor The attenuation of sweep events within the turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate using a micro-cavity array Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Anton Silvestri 2015 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Liquid Chemical Looping Gasification Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mohammad Mohsen Sarafraz 2015 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Application of Chemical Looping for Solar Thermal Energy Storage Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Mahyar Silakhori 2014 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Investigation of the Wind Load on Heliostats in Stow Position Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Matthew John Emes 2014 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Harnessing Hydro-kinetic Energy from Wake-Induced Vibration (WIV) of Bluff bodies Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Eshodarar Manickam Sureshkumar 2014 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Three-Tether Wave Energy Converter: Hydrodynamic Modelling, Performance Assessment and Control Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Nataliia Sergiienko 2013 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Unsteady Loads and Associated Flow Fields on Wings Exposed to High Rotation-Rate Dynamic Stall Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Ryan Ross Leknys 2013 - 2018 Principal Supervisor The effect of unsteady flow on wind turbine wake development and noise generation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Nima Sedaghatizadeh 2013 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Self-noise of Airfoils Under Stalled Conditions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Alex James Laratro 2013 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Mitigating Particle Deposition on the Glass Window of a Fluidised Bed Solar Receiver Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Md Shahabuddin Ahmmad 2013 - 2016 Co-Supervisor The Effects of Tubercles on Swept Wing Performances at Pre-Stall Angles of Attack Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Michael Donald Peter Bolzon 2013 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Application of Rotating Fluidized Bed to Solar Gasification Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Zhao Joe Lu 2012 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Unsteady Separation Control on Wind Turbine Blades Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Amanullah Choudhry 2011 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Application of Concentrated Solar Radiation to Chemical Looping Combustion Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Mehdi Jafarian 2011 - 2015 Principal Supervisor The Effect of Solid Particle Recirculation on the Efficiency of Cavity-type Solar Receiver Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Md. Rabiul Islam Sarker 2011 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Application of a Helmholtz resonator excited by grazing flow for manipulation of a turbulent boundary layer Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Farzin Ghanadi 2011 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Harnessing hydrokenetic energy from Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Javad Farrokhi Derakhshandeh 2009 - 2013 Principal Supervisor The working principle of a Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tube Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Yunpeng Xue 2008 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Laminar Flow Control of a Flat Plate Boundary Layer Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Brad Gibson
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2023 - ongoing Member Engineers Australia South Australia Devision Engineers Australia Australia 2023 - ongoing Member Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society Council Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society Australia -
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2023 - ongoing Member College of Experts Australian Research Council Australia -
Date Role Membership Country 2006 - ongoing Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) United States 2006 - ongoing Member Engineers Australia (EA) Australia 2006 - ongoing Member American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) United States
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