Professor Ivan Nagelkerken
School of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
I am a professor in marine ecology working in temperate and tropical coastal ecosystems, with a special focus on fishes. Over the past decade, I have examined how ecosystem connectivity affects the functioning and resilience of tropical coastal ecosystems including coral reefs, seagrasses, and mangroves. I have done most of this work in the Caribbean, Eastern Africa, and Australia. I held a Future Fellowship awarded by the Australian Research Council to study the effects of climate change on fishes and marine ecosystems, and I have continued this field of research until present day. Most of my climate change research is performed in Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. My work contributes directly to today's environmental issues by providing answers to contemporary scientific questions as well as management and conservation related problems.
Climate change
Climate change stressors such as warming and acidification of the oceans are predicted to have dramatic impacts on the diversity, abundance, and distribution of fish species worldwide. We are only beginning to understand how these two stressors interactively affect the physiology and behaviour of fishes during different stages of their life cycle. The degree to which fishes adapt to or tolerate changing conditions will determine their persistence in their original habitats as well as their ability to extend their ranges to novel habitats or higher latitudes. My current research focuses on providing an understanding of how climate change stressors will affect the behaviour and physiology of fishes, how this will alter their interactions with their environment and other species, how this then modifies population dynamics and species communities, and what the implications are for the fisheries, biodiversity, functioning, and resilience of marine ecosystems in the near future. My research includes approaches and techniques such as aquarium studies, large mesocosms, natural analogues of climate change (CO2 vents and warming hotspots in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan), quantitative modelling, meta-analyses, and stable isotope (foodweb) analyses.
Ecological connectivity plays a key role in the functioning and resilience of coastal ecosystems. Habitats such as such as seagrass beds, mangroves, and coral reefs are a ubiquitous feature of many clear-water tropical coastlines. Their juxtaposition within the coastal seascape often leads to an enhancement of fish diversity and abundance along their boundaries. I am specifically interested in the way in which fish movements connect neighbouring ecosystems and affect the functioning of recipient systems. Studying the nursery function of vegetated habitats for juveniles of coral reef fishes has formed a core area of my research. I have used techniques such as tagging, telemetry, and stable isotope analysis of fish otoliths and tissues to track fish movement and dispersal. In my current studies, I use this knowledge to answer questions about the effects of ecosystem connectivity on marine reserve functioning, population dynamics of reef fishes, and resilience of reefs in (South) Australia and Cocos Islands.
Student projects
I have a wide range of projects available for Ph.D., Honours, and Master's students with an interest in marine ecology, with research locations in South Australia, interstate (New South Whales and Queensland), and internationally (Japan and New Zealand). My main foci are on 1) climate change and marine ecosystems, and 2) ecosystem connectivity, but other projects are also open for discussion. My research is largely experimental, based on field, mesocosm, as well as laboratory work, and focusing on processes that operate at the levels of cells, individuals, populations, communities, and ecosystems. I also have a keen interest in meta-analyses to answer contemporary macro-ecological questions. See some examples of potential student projects under 'Teaching'. I work together with a range of renowned experts in the field, providing students with a broad mentoring experience.
For international students interested in joining my lab in Australia see the postgraduate scholarships that are available at our University here and here
Selected recent news coverage
Media story on the effects of climate change on Australian fish species: 360info
Paper in Journal of Animal Ecology on ocean acidification effects on coral complexity and fish assemblages: Media release, EOS, Yahoo news
Paper in Journal of Animal Ecology on altered species interactions under climate change: Media release
Paper in Proc Roy Soc B on behavioural changes in coral reef fishes that are invading temperate ecosystems due to climate change: Media release, podcast The Defrag.
Paper in Global Change Biology on how climate change can degrade shoaling behaviour in fishes: Media release.
Paper in Evolutionary Applications showing the potential of fish to genetically adapt to ocean acidification: Media release
Nature Climate Change paper on how ocean acidification may slow tropicalisation of temperate Australian ecosystems: Cosmos magazine, Nature Ecology & Evolution blog
Paper in Small on how snails can build stronger shells under ocean acidification: Advances in Engineering
PLoS Biology paper on how ocean acidification can boost reproduction in fishes: Cosmos magazine, InDaily, FastCompany
Radio interview on effects of climate change on ocean foods webs: Radio Adelaide
Science paper on how marine food webs are altered under climate change: The Guardian, Science perspective, MEA, Press release UoA
Nature Ecology & Evolution paper on positive effects of ocean acidification on farming damselfish: Phys.Org
Nature Climate Change paper on buffering effect of complexity on climate change impacts: TheScientist, ArsTechnica
Radio interview on how ocean acidification attracts larval fishes to irrelevant and artificial sounds cues: ABC Radio, ABC news
Radio interview on effects of climate change on marine foods webs: Radio Adelaide
PLoS Biology paper on climate change effects on marine food webs: Reuters, Cosmos magazine, PLoS Research news, Deutschlandfunk (in German), Technology Networks
VIDEO abstract (by Animate your Science) of our Curr Biol study on fish biodiversity loss under ocean acidification (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096098221730725X):
Current Biology paper on fish biodiversity loss under ocean acidification: The Lead, der Spiegel, de Volkskrant, The Advertiser, Mongabay
Article on food web collapse under climate change in: The Conversation and the Daily Beast
Global Change Biology paper on food web collapse under climate change: Radio Adelaide, The Lead, The New York Times
Research on ocean soundscapes featured in the children's science show SCOPE (start at 16 min.)
Article on the silencing of the oceans: The Conversation
Radio interviews - nutrient pollution and ocean acidification affect marine soundscapes: ABC, Eastside 89.7 FM, 2SER 107.3 FM, SBS Radio (in Dutch)
Landscape Ecology article on degradation of marine soundscapes: The Lead, 7 News
Channel 9 prime time news story: climate change effects on shark hunting
Proc Roy Soc B article on ocean acidification effects on fish - jellyfish symbiosis: Discover magazine, IFL Science, Azula
VIDEO abstract by my PhD students (Jennifer Pistevos / Tullio Rossi) on effects of climate change on sharks
Proc Roy Soc B article on ocean acidification effects on shrimp sound production: New Scientist magazine, Popular Mechanics magazine, Cosmos magazine, IFL Science
Radio Adelaide (the Wire): interview on effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs and fishes
Biology Letters article on ocean acidification and altered hearing in fish: ABC Science
Radio Adelaide: interview on effects of ocean acidification on larval fish behaviour
Proc Roy Soc B article on ocean acidification effects on larval fish audition and behaviour: Sciencedaily
Radio Adelaide: interview on effects of ocean acidification on shark hunting
Nature Scientific Reports article on effects of ocean acidification/climate change on shark hunting and growth: Daily mail, International business times, ABC News
Proc Natl. Acad. Sci USA article on global alteration of ocean ecosystem functioning due to increasing CO2: CNN, The Lead Australia
Article on acidifying and warming oceans in: The Conversation
Radio interview on ocean acidification with: Voice of America
Channel 7 news: news coverage of ocean acidification study on marine ecosystems
Radio Adelaide: interview on ocean acidification research (English)
SBS Radio: interview on ocean acidification research (Dutch)
Wired magazine: story on climate change and ocean acidification effects on marine and terrestrial ecosystems
Nature Climate Change article on ocean acidification effects on fishes and ecosystems: IFL Science, The Lead, MIC
NRM Research & Innovation Network: article introducing the new concept of 'seascape nurseries'
VIDEOs by one of my PhD students (Tullio Rossi): Ocean acidification effects on larval fish behaviour and Lost at sea
Date Position Institution name 2017 - ongoing Professor University of Adelaide (Australia) 2012 - 2016 Associate Professor University of Adelaide (Australia) 2005 - 2011 Adjunct Professor Free University of Brussels (Belgium) 2000 - 2011 Assistant Professor Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands) 1997 - 2000 PhD student Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands) 1996 - 1997 Research associate University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) 1994 - 1996 Marine ecologist & Assistant marine park manager Caribbean Research and Management of Biodiversity Foundation - CARMABI (Curacao) -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2013 Fellowship Future Fellowship (Australian Research Council) - Australia 714,528 A$ 2005 Fellowship Vidi research fellowship (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) - Netherlands 600,000 euro -
Date Institution name Country Title 2000 Radboud University Nijmegen Netherlands PhD 1994 University of Groningen Netherlands MSc
Year Citation 2009 Nagelkerken, I. (Ed.) (2009). Ecological connectivity among tropical coastal ecosystems. Netherlands: Springer.
DOI Scopus1052009 Nagelkerken, I. (Ed.) (2009). Ecological connectivity among tropical coastal ecosystems. Netherlands: Springer.
DOI Scopus1052009 Nagelkerken, I. (2009). Preface.
DOI Scopus21 -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2019 Nagelkerken, I., Doney, S. C., & Munday, P. L. (2019). Consequences of anthropogenic changes in the sensory landscape of marine animals. In S. J. Hawkins, A. L. Allcock, A. E. Bates, L. B. Firth, I. P. Smith, S. E. Swearer, & P. A. Todd (Eds.), Oceanography and Marine Biology (Vol. 57, pp. 229-263). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
DOI Scopus22 WoS132019 Munday, P. L., Jarrold, M. D., & Nagelkerken, I. (2019). Ecological effects of elevated CO2 on marine and freshwater fishes: From individual to community effects. In A. P. Farrell, C. J. Brauner, & P. L. Munday (Eds.), Carbon Dioxide (Vol. 37, pp. 323-368). Cambridge, MA; USA: Academic Press.
DOI Scopus412019 Connell, S. D., Vergés, A., Nagelkerken, I., Russell, B. D., Shears, N., Wernberg, T., & Coleman, M. A. (2019). The Past and Future Ecologies of Australasian Kelp Forests. In S. Hawkins, K. Bohn, L. B. Firth, & G. A. Williams (Eds.), Interactions in the Marine Benthos: Global Patterns and Processes (pp. 414-430). United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
DOI2018 Olds, A., Nagelkerken, I., Huijbers, C., Gilby, B., Pittman, S., & Schlacher, T. (2018). Connectivity in coastal seascapes. In S. Pittman (Ed.), Seascape ecology (pp. 261-292). United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. 2017 Huxham, M., Dencer-Brown, A., Diele, K., Kathiresan, K., Nagelkerken, I., & Wanjiru, C. (2017). Mangroves and People: Local Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate. In V. Rivera-Monroy, S. Lee, E. Kristensen, & R. Twilley (Eds.), Mangrove Ecosystems: A Global Biogeographic Perspective (pp. 245-274). United States: Springer.
DOI Scopus462015 Ogden, J., Nagelkerken, I., & McIvor, C. (2015). Connectivity in the tropical coastal seascape: Implications for marine spatial planning and resource management. In S. Bortone (Ed.), Interrelationships between corals and fisheries (1st edition ed., pp. 253-273). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis.
DOI Scopus9 WoS62013 Smith, S., de Putron, S., Murdoch, T., Pitt, J., & Nagelkerken, I. (2013). Biology and ecology of corals and fishes on the Bermuda platform. In C. Sheppard (Ed.), Coral Reefs of the United Kingdom Overseas Territories (Vol. 4, pp. 135-151). Netherlands: Springer Netherlands.
DOI Scopus82009 Nagelkerken, I. (2009). Introduction. In Ivan Nagelkerken (Ed.), Ecological connectivity among tropical costal ecosystems (pp. 1-6). The Netherlands: Springer.
DOI Scopus42009 Nagelkerken, I. (2009). Evaluation of nursery function of mangroves and seagrass beds for tropical decapods and reef fishes: patterns and underlying mechanisms. In Ivan Nagelkerken (Ed.), Ecological connectivity among tropical costal ecosystems (pp. 357-399). Netherlands: Springer.
DOI Scopus1452004 van der Velde, G., Leuven, R. S. E. W., & Nagelkerken, I. (2004). Types of riverine ecosystems. In J. C. I. Dooge (Ed.), Fresh surface water. Encyclopedia of life support systems (EOLSS) (pp. 357-389). UNESCO. 2002 Leppäkoski, E., Gollasch, S., & Olenin, S. (Eds.) (2002). Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe. Distribution, Impacts and Management. In . Springer Netherlands.
DOI2002 van der Velde, G., Nagelkerken, I., Rajagopal, S., & de Vaate, A. B. (2002). Invasions by Alien Species in Inland Freshwater Bodies in Western Europe: The Rhine Delta. In Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe. Distribution, Impacts and Management (pp. 360-372). Springer Netherlands.
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2020 Ermgassen, P. S. E. Z., Grove, T., & Nagelkerken, I. (2020). Global affiliation of juvenile fishes and invertebrates with mangrove habitats. In Bulletin of Marine Science Vol. 96 (pp. 403-414). USA: University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science.
DOI Scopus12 WoS61997 Nagelkerken, I. A., Buchan, K., Smith, G. W., Bonair, K., Bush, P., Garzón-Ferreira, J., . . . Yoshioka, P. (1997). Widespread disease in Caribbean sea fans: I. Spreading and general characteristics. In Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium Vol. 1 (pp. 679-682). Panama. 1997 CARICOMP., Woodley JD, Bone D, Buchan K, Bush P, De Meyer K, Garzón-Ferreira J, Gayle P, Gerace DT, Grober L, Klein E, Koltes K, Losada F, McField MD, McGrath T, Mendes JM., Nagelkerken, I. A., & Ostrander G, Pors LPJJ, Rodríguez A, Rodríguez R, Ruiz-Renteria F, Smith G, Tschirky J, Alcolado P, Bonair K, Garcia JR, Geraldes FX, Guzman H, Parker C, Smith SR. (1997). Studies on Caribbean coral bleaching, 1995-96. In Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium Vol. 1 (pp. 673-678). Panama. 1997 1. CARICOMP., Wiebe WJ, Gerace DT, Flowers L, Johnson L, Ward C, Oxenford H, Parker C, Tschirky J, Smith SR, Ellison J, De Meyer K, Bush P, Garzón-Ferreira J, Nivia J, Pors LPJJ., Nagelkerken, I. A., & Geraldes FX, Ramirez J, Herrera-Silveira J, Sanchez-Arguelles RD, Garcia JR, Alleng G, Bonair K, Laydoo R, Varela R, Klein E, Bone D, Perez D, Linton D. (1997). Structure and productivity of mangrove forests in the greater Caribbean region. In Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium. Panama. 1997 1. CARICOMP., Zieman J, Penchaszadeh P, Ramirez JR, Perez D, Bone D, Herrera-Silveira J, Sanchez-Arguelles RD, Zuniza D, Martinez B, Bonair K, Alcolado P, Laydoo R, Garcia JR, Garzón-Ferreira J, Diaz G, Gayle P, Gerace DT, Smith G, Oxenford H, Parker C, Pors LPJJ., Nagelkerken, I. A., & van Tussenbroek B, Smith SR, Varela R, Koltes K, Tschirky J. (1997). Variation in ecological parameters of Thalassia testudinum across the CARICOMP network. In Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium Vol. 1 (pp. 663-668). Panama. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2020 Nagelkerken, I. (2020). CONNECTING THE HEMISPHERES: GLOBAL PATTERNS OF MANGROVES AS FISH HABITAT. Poster session presented at the meeting of BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE. ROSENSTIEL SCH MAR ATMOS SCI. 2007 Dorenbosch, M., Grol, M. G. G., Nagelkerken, I., Lugendo, B. R., & van der Velde, G. (2007). Different fish composition in seagrass beds adjacent to extensive mangrove areas as opposed to coral reefs. Poster session presented at the meeting of BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE. ROSENSTIEL SCH MAR ATMOS SCI.
WoS1 -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2014 van Bochove, J. -W., Sullivan, E., Nakamura, T., Duke, N., Nagelkerken, I. A., Agardy, T., . . . van Lavieren, H. (2014). The importance of mangroves to people: a call to action. Cambridge: World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 2013 Jeremy BC Jackson, Mary K Donovan, Katie L Cramer, Vivian Lam, Rolf PM Bak, Iliana Chollett, Sean R Connolly, Jorge Cortés, Phil Dustan, Mark C Eakin, Alan M Friedlander, Terry Hughes, Benjamin J Greenstein, Scott F Heron, Jeff Miller, Peter Mumby, John M Pandolfi, Caroline S Rogers, Robert Steneck, Ernesto Weil, Pedro M Alcolado, Jahson B Alemu I, William S Alevizon, Jesús Ernesto Arias-González, Andrea Atkinson, David L Ballantine, Carolina Bastidas, Claude Bouchon, Yolande Bouchon-Navaro, Steve Box, Angelique Brathwaite, John F Bruno, Chris Caldow, Robert C Carpenter, Bernadette H Charpentier, Mark Chiappone, Rodolfo Claro, Aldo Cróquer, Adolphe O Debrot, Peter Edmunds, Douglas Fenner, Ana Fonseca, Marcia C Ford, Kirah Forman, Graham E Forrester, Joaquín R Garza-Pérez, Peter MH Gayle, Gabriel D Grimsditch, Hector M Guzmán, Alastair R Harborne, Marah J Hardt, Mark Hixon, Joshua Idjadi, Walter Jaap, Christopher FG Jeffrey, Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Eric Jordán-Dahlgren, Karen Koltes, Judith C Lang, Yossi Loya, Isaias Majil, Carrie Manfrino, Jean-Philippe Maréchal, Croy MR McCoy, Melanie D McField, Steven Miller, Thaddeus Murdoch., Nagelkerken, I. A., & Richard Nemeth, Maggy M Nugues, Hazel A Oxenford, Gustavo Paredes, Joanna M Pitt, Nicholas VC Polunin, Pedro Portillo, Héctor Bonilla Reyes, Rosa E Rodríguez-Martínez, Alberto Rodriguez-Ramirez, Benjamin I Ruttenberg, Rob Ruzicka, Stuart Sandin, Myra J Shulman, Struan R Smith, Tyler B Smith, Brigitte Sommer, Chris Stallings, Rubén E Torres, John W Tunnell, Jr., Mark JA Vermeij, Ivor D Williams, Jon D Witman. (2013). Status and trends of Caribbean coral reefs: 1970–2012 (9). Gland. -
Year Citation 2024 Ermgassen, P. Z., Worthington, T. A., Gair, J. R., Garnett, E. E., Mukherjee, N., Longley-Wood, K., . . . Spalding, M. D. (2024). The global fish and invertebrate abundance value of mangroves.
Course teaching
Foundations in Research I
Ecology II
Marine Ecology III
Marine Biology III
Freshwater Ecology III
Honours Advanced Ecology and Environmental Science (Hons)
Potential student projects
Climate Change
Multiple projects are available to study climate change effects (e.g. ocean warming, ocean acidification, extreme weather events) on marine animals and ecosystems. While the focus is largely on fishes, research includes the ecological interactions with other vertebrate and invertebrate species as well as interactions with their aquatic habitats. Advanced field as well as lab experiments are done on a variety of ecologically or economically important species (e.g. barramundi, snapper, mulloway, Port Jackson sharks). Projects focus on the physiology (e.g. growth, metabolism, otoliths, oxidative stress), behaviour (e.g. predator-prey interactions, feeding behaviour) and the ecology (e.g. habitat use, competition, invasive species, trophic cascades) of marine organisms. Complex experiments on community structuring and ecosystem functioning are done in our state-of-the-art mesocosms and natural laboratories (ocean warming hotspots and volcanic CO2 vents). The overall focus of my research is to understand and better predict the long-term impacts of global change on marine species and functioning of coastal ecosystems. This research theme has received much international and local media attention, has a multi-disciplinary approach, and includes field-work components.
Sensory ecology and fish behaviour
The majority of marine species have a two-phase life cycle, one of which is an oceanic larval phase. Larvae possess excellent navigational capabilities and can have a large influence on where they end up after settlement. Several projects are available that investigate the attraction of larval fish species towards olfactory and sound cues from coastal habitats (e.g. rocky reefs, mangroves, seagrass beds, kelp). Projects also focus on how human deterioration of coastal habitats may affect settlement behaviour of marine larvae, including the effect of anthropogenic sound on hearing and the effect of coastal water quality on olfaction by fish and invertebrate larvae.
Nursery function of coastal ecosystems
Mangrove and seagrass ecosystems have long been recognised for their nursery role for a variety of coastal fish and crustacean species. Many of these species are of commercial importance or perform important ecological roles. Projects are available to study the underlying mechanisms of nursery habitat use (i.e. based on experiments), or understand how coastal ecosystems and estuaries locally enhance juvenile abundances/diversity of fisheries species (i.e. based on patterns revealed from field work) and how this depends on different levels of protection (e.g. sanctuary type) systems.
Student supervision (see under 'Supervision' for overview of PhD students)
Previous Honours students
- Amy Rice (2023)
- Callum Axford (2022)
- Chloe Hayes (2020)
- Shannon Coppersmith (2020)
- Louise Hosking (2020)
- Angus Mitchell (2019)
- Judd Elmawey (2017)
- Georgina Kenning (2016)
- Georgia Macaulay (2016)
- Georgia Walden (2015)
- Nicholas Innes (2015)
- James Jacob (2015)
- Tim Lynch (2015)
- Jordan Jones (2014)
- Ellie Neindorf (2014)
- Alicia Strous (2014)
Previous Master of Science students
- Julie Anquetin (2019)
- Tiphaine Alemany (2019)
- Clement Baziret (2017)
- Renske Jongen (2017)
- Anne Regtien (2016)
- Christelle Noirot (2016)
- Gauthier Burckard (2016)
- Jasper Bunschoten (2016)
- Marta Sternang (2016)
- Emma Marangon (2015)
- Philip Cremer (2015)
- Jules Kleitz (2015)
- Thomas Hue (2015)
- Angelique Bonnet (2015)
- Robbert-Jan Geertsma (2015)
- Laurene Merillet (2015)
- Melchior Rutte (2014)
- Maxime Olmos (2014)
- Lieke Egbers (2012)
- Micah Herriot (2011)
- Caroline Dubé (2011)
- Valerie Chamberland (2011)
- Roel van der Heijden (2010)
- Sanne van Delft (2010)
- Rob Fraaije (2009)
- Martijntje Schippers (2009)
- Niek Bosch (2009)
- Roel van Eck (2009)
- Estrella Gonzalez Tapias (2009)
- Ines Schulten (2009)
- Pauline Lossbroek (2009)
- Andjin Siegentaler (2009)
- Dieuwke Hoeijmakers (2009)
- Arend van Dijk (2009)
- Niels Rijneveld (2009)
- Nanne van Hoytema (2008)
- Piet Blankers (2008)
- Jan de Brouwer (2008)
- Laura Govers (2008)
- Jeffrey Oldenburger (2008)
- Madelon van de Kerk (2008)
- Nick Rossen (2008)
- Eva van Engelen (2008)
- Sarah Smith (2008)
- Susanne van Herwijnen (2008)
- Peter Smittenaar (2008)
- Niek Slooter (2008)
- Rob Fraaije (2008)
- Ruud van Hintum (2008)
- Laura Govers (2007)
- Michel Trommelen (2007)
- Coen Wagner (2007)
- Ben Grifioen (2007)
- Maarten van der Beek (2007)
- Hanneke Ligtenberg (2007)
- Renate Labberton (2007)
- Ben Backx (2007)
- Wouter Pardijs (2007)
- Bas Budel (2006)
- Astrid Hoogstraten (2006)
- Eefke Mollee (2006)
- Jasper de Bie (2006)
- Rik van der Kant (2006)
- Jeroen Meijer (2006)
- Ingmar Hans (2006)
- Eva Kokkelmans (2006)
- Susanne Ruseler (2006)
- Twan van den Beld (2006)
- Karianne Hol (2006)
- Peter Voskamp (2005)
- Natascha Leenstra (2005)
- Guido Atsma (2005)
- Jeroen Bosveld (2005)
- Maaike Smelter (2004)
- Mieke Cuppens (2004)
- Jeroen Vogels (2004)
- Eveline de Wit (2004)
- Tjerk van Rooij (2004)
- An De Schrijver (2004)
- Daphne de Graaff (2004)
- Mischa Peeters (2004)
- Annelies Pustjens (2003)
- Marjolijn Christianen (2003)
- Monique Grol (2003)
- Vincent de Jong (2003)
- Tim Kolbrink (2003)
- Otavio Cafundó de Moraes (2003)
- Kim Vermonden (2003)
- Daphne de Graaff (2003)
- Mischa Peeters (2003)
- Jeroen Bosman (2003)
- Emma Versteegh (2003)
- Marieke Verweij (2003)
- Arjan de Groene (2002)
- Ilse Cornelissen (2002)
- Max van de Ven (2002)
- Annelies Pronker (2002)
- Nils van Kessel (2001)
- Horst Wolter (2001)
- Robert Thijssen (2001)
- Leon Westerd (2001)
- Kevin Linnane (2001)
Previous Summer research undergraduate students
- Jamie Priest (2020)
- Amelia Roberts (2019)
- Mariel Everson (2015)
- Mei Lyn Herbertt (2013)
- Jordan Jones (2012)
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2025 Principal Supervisor How do changing environments alter the diversity and community composition of benthic marine invertebrates and algae? Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Miss Amelia Ellen Duval 2024 Principal Supervisor Adapting to Change: Impacts of Overgrazing by Marine Herbivores in a Changing Environment Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Miss Annie Charlotte Marek 2024 Principal Supervisor Developing exploratory scenarios to assess the future of mangrove ecosystem services and role of aquatic fauna in climate change adaptation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Jayshree Shukla 2024 Principal Supervisor The restructuring of marine trophic pyramids under climate change Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Mary Ellen Brownridge 2023 Co-Supervisor Establishing and mitigating climate impacts on Australia's freshwater granite rock-hole ecosystems. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Chih-Yun Liu 2022 Co-Supervisor To Investigate the Influence of Climate Change on Reef Fish Nutritional Content. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Beth Rose Dawson 2022 Principal Supervisor Impact of Climate Change on the Detritus and Invertebrates of Estuarine Habitats Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Shashindu Keshawa Dodampahala 2021 Co-Supervisor Marine invertebrates in changing oceans Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Erin Laura Pichler -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2022 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Bottom’s Up – Focusing on Habitat Shifts as Mediators of Anthropogenic Impacts on Marine Ecosystems Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Ms Jamie Leigh Priest 2021 - 2025 Principal Supervisor Persist or perish: Ecological responses of range-shifting tropical and temperate fishes under climate change Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Chloe Hayes 2020 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Ocean Acidification and Seasonal Temperatures Counter Positive Novel Species Interaction and Warming Effects on Tropicalising Temperate Fish Communities Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Angus Mitchell 2019 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Understanding the Effects of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Mangrove Communities Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Miss Georgia Ann Claire Walden 2019 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Exploring the Ecological Implications of Climate Change on Fish Communities Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Vittoria Cipriani 2018 - 2024 Principal Supervisor The effect of climate change and novel interactions on co-occurring range-shifting tropical fish species and resident temperate fish species. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Minami Sasaki 2017 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Behavioural Plasticity and Species Interactions as Key Drivers of Tropical Fish Range-Extensions on Temperate Reefs Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Ericka Coni 2017 - 2019 Principal Supervisor The effects of tropical fish range-extensions on temperate communities Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Ms Kelsey Margaret Kingsbury 2015 - 2020 Principal Supervisor How marine organisms cope with changing climate Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Almendra Rodriguez Dominguez 2015 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Response of Temperate Marine Food Webs to Climate Change and Ocean Acidification: Bridging the Gap between Experimental Manipulation and Complex Foodwebs Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Md. Hadayet Ullah 2014 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Ecological Responses to Ocean Acidification and Warming: Scaling up from Individuals to Communities Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Silvan Goldenberg 2014 - 2019 Principal Supervisor The Role of Herbivores in a Near Future Ocean: Positive and Negative Effects of Climate Change on Herbivore Ecological Function Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Camilo Moitinho Ferreira 2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor The Effects of Ocean Acidification on Sound Production and Reception in Marine Animals Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Tullio Rossi 2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Early life behaviour & sensory ecology of predatory fish under climate change and ocean acidification Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Jennifer Chryseis Alcestis Pistevos -
Other Supervision Activities
Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name 2022 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Latitudinal performance of vagrant tropical fish: ontogenetic shifts in habitat use, growth and trophic space. University of Technology Sydney - Doctorate Full Time Alex Rigg 2015 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Determinants of habitat use by fish in mangroves: using habitat characteristics to predict fish communities Edinburgh Napier University - Doctorate Full Time Caroline Wanjiru 2015 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Context dependence in fauna-habitat relationships James Cook University Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Michael Bradley 2015 - 2018 External Supervisor Relationship between the spatial variation of meiobenthic communities and landscape attributes Universidade Federal Do Paraná Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Marco Brustolin 2006 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Importance of mangroves and seagrass beds as nurseries for coral reef fishes in Tanzania Radboud University Nijmegen / University of Dar es Salaam Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr. Ismael Kimirei 2006 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Sensory mechanisms, habitat selection and habitat use in tropical juvenile coral reef fish Radboud University Nijmegen / University of Dar es Salaam Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr. Mathias Igulu 2006 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Fishes on the move - sensory modalities and movement behavior in a tropical seascape Radboud University Nijmegen Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr. Chantal Huijbers 2005 - 2009 Principal Supervisor Crossing habitat boundaries – mechanisms underlying cross-habitat utilization by reef fishes Radboud University Nijmegen Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr. Monique Grol 2004 - 2007 External Supervisor Ecology and toxicology of mangrove fauna in Tanzania with particular reference to the mudskipper Radboud University Nijmegen / University of Dar es Salaam Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr. Guus Kruitwagen 2003 - 2009 External Supervisor Use of tidal flats by fish populations in two sections of the estuary of Paranaguá, Southern Brazil Universidade Federal do Paraná Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr. Helen Pichler 2003 - 2008 Principal Supervisor Habitat linkages in a tropical seascape – the use of mangrove and seagrass habitats by juvenile reef fishes and their migration to the coral reef Radboud University Nijmegen Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr. Marieke Verweij 2002 - 2006 Principal Supervisor Connectivity between fish assemblages of seagrasses beds, mangroves and coral reefs – evidence from the Caribbean and the western Indian Ocean Radboud University Nijmegen Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr. Martijn Dorenbosch 2001 - 2007 Principal Supervisor Utilisation by fishes of shallow-water habitats including mangroves and seagrass beds along the Tanzanian coast Radboud University Nijmegen / University of Dar es Salaam Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr. Blandina Lugendo
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2021 - ongoing Chair Mid-year Honours coordinator The University of Adelaide Australia 2018 - 2018 Board Member Academic Promotions Committee - Faculty of Sciences The University of Adelaide Australia 2017 - ongoing Board Member HSW Committee - School of Biological Sciences University of Adelaide Australia 2017 - ongoing Board Member Research Committee - School of Biological Sciences University of Adelaide Australia 2014 - ongoing Member IUCN Mangrove Specialist Group / Species Survival Commission International Union for Conservation of Nature - -
Date Role Membership Country 2013 - ongoing Member Environment Institute Australia -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2022 - ongoing Associate Editor Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Ecological Society of America United States 2018 - ongoing Consulting Editor Marine Ecology Progress Series - - 2017 - 2018 Associate Editor Scientific Reports Springer Nature United Kingdom 2014 - 2016 Associate Editor Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science - - 2009 - 2017 Associate Editor Marine Ecology Progress Series - - 2007 - ongoing Associate Editor Hydrobiologia Springer Germany
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