Chloe Hayes

Chloe Hayes

School of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

I am a marine biology PhD candidate researching how ocean warming and acidification affect the physiological and behavioural performance of co-occurring tropical and temperate fishes.

Climate change is altering marine species biogeography and ecosystem functionality. Southeast Australia and eastern Japan are warming faster than the global average which has facilitated tropical fish species to range shift into colder temperate regions. Invading tropical fish species are forming novel species interactions with temperate fish species and competing for limited resources such as food and habitat. Understanding how these novel species interactions and the multi-stressor effect of ocean warming and acidification will affect their physiological and behavioural performance remains an important significance at the forefront of predicting ecosystem functionality in global warming hotspots.

Adelaide Graduate Research School Travel Grant (University of Adelaide) 2022 - $2,500

SCIENCE 1400: Science of Fiction I (2021)

ENV BIOL 3505: Marine Biology III (2022)

SCIENCE 4310: Foundations in Research I (2023, 2024)

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