Jayshree Shukla

Jayshree Shukla

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

School of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2023 Shukla, J., Dhyani, S., & Pujari, P. (2023). Big data analytics, a transformative approach to long-term restoration research for meeting global targets. Restoration Ecology, 31(4), 7 pages.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS2
    2023 Arandhara, B., Shukla, J., & Dhyani, S. (2023). Damage assessment of Baghjan oil field blowout on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems near Dibru Saikhowa Biosphere Reserve, Assam India. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 31, 12 pages.
    DOI Scopus1
    2023 Dhyani, S., Shukla, J., Kadaverugu, R., Dasgupta, R., Panda, M., Kundu, S. K., . . . Hashimoto, S. (2023). Participatory Stakeholder Assessment for Drivers of Mangrove Loss to Prioritize Evidence-Based Conservation and Restoration in Bhitarkanika and Mahanadi Delta, India. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(2), 20 pages.
    DOI Scopus2
    2022 Shukla, J., Dhyani, S., Pujari, P., Mishra, A., & Verma, P. (2022). Impact of agriculture intensification on forest degradation and tree carbon stock; promoting multi-criteria optimization for restoration in Central India. Land Degradation and Development, 33(16), 3103-3117.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS1
  • Book Chapters

    Year Citation
    2023 Shukla, J., & Dhyani, S. (2023). Potential of Traditional Agroforestry Systems for Intensification of Agriculture and Meeting Global Goals: Lessons from Asia and Africa. In Sustainability Sciences in Asia and Africa (pp. 665-683). Springer Nature Singapore.
    2023 Shukla, J., Dhyani, S., Chakraborty, S., Purkayastha, S. D., Janipella, R., Pujari, P., & Kapley, A. (2023). Shrinking urban green spaces, increasing vulnerability: solving the conundrum of the demand-supply gap in an urbanizing city. In Earth Observation in Urban Monitoring: Techniques and Challenges (pp. 359-374). Elsevier.
    DOI Scopus2
    2023 Shukla, J., Singh, S., Bramhanwade, K., Dhyani, S., Pujari, P., & Verma, P. (2023). Ecosystem Services for Water Management: A Review of Global Approaches and Experiences. In Disaster Resilience and Green Growth (pp. 115-136). Springer Nature Singapore.
    2022 Joshy, S., Shukla, J., & Dhyani, S. (2022). A Participatory Stakeholder-Based Approach to Assess the Drivers and Challenges of Mangrove Loss in Kochi, Kerala, India. In Science for Sustainable Societies (pp. 77-98). Springer Nature Singapore.
    2022 Dhyani, S., Panda, M., Kadaverugu, R., Dasgupta, R., Kumar, P., Singh, S., . . . Hashimoto, S. (2022). Understanding Potential Drivers of Mangrove Loss in Bhitarkanika and Mahanadi Delta, India, to Enhance Effective Restoration and Conservation Efforts. In Science for Sustainable Societies (pp. 99-123). Springer Nature Singapore.
    2022 Shukla, J., Dhyani, S., Pujari, P., & Verma, P. (2022). Groundwater-Dependent Vegetation to Address the Loss of Ecosystems Dependent on Groundwater Resources. In Forest Dynamics and Conservation: Science, Innovations and Policies (pp. 263-278). Springer Nature Singapore.
    DOI Scopus2
    2022 Das, C., Shukla, J., & Dhyani, S. (2022). Endorsing city biodiversity index (CBI): Assessing ecosystem health in urban sprawls and eco-DRR-inclusive urban planning. In Blue-Green Infrastructure Across Asian Countries: Improving Urban Resilience and Sustainability (pp. 441-463). Springer Singapore.
    DOI Scopus2

University of Adelaide Research Scholarship

  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2020 - ongoing Member International Union for Conservation of Nature Switzerland

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