Professor Holger Maier
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Professor, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia.
- My Research
- Career
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Research Interests
Holger's research interests are in developing and applying methods that result in sustainable outcomes, especially when dealing with complex systems in uncertain environments. Examples of this include the development of decision support systems for long-term disaster risk reduction under a range of plausible futures, the development of innovative climate risk assessment and adaptation methods for water systems, the development of adaptive approaches to urban stormwater management using smart technologies and the development of innovative approaches and decision support tools for achieving the renewable energy transition in a sustainable manner.This includes elements of modelling (with a particular focus on AI and machine learning), optimisation (with a particular focus on evolutionary algorithms) and decision support (with a particular focus on strategic planning under deep uncertainty).
Holger is the recipient of Biennial Medals from the International Environmental Modelling and Simulation Society and the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and is an International Advisory Board Member of Environmental Modelling and Software, for which he was an Editor from 2017 to 2023. He is also a member of the Adelaide Education Academy and has received the Carrick Award for Australian University Teaching (Physical and Science Related Categories), the Australasian Association for Engineering Education Excellence in Engineering Education Award and the South Australian Tertiary Science Educator of the Year Award.
Ranked in the top 0.2% of researchers globally in Environmental Engineering in "Top 2% Scientists" Relevant Lifetime Global "Scholar GPS" Rankings:
Algorithms / Methods:
Application Areas:
Natural Hazards |
Selected Projects
Selected Professional Activities
Decision Support / Software ToolsAdditional Information
Selected PhD Students
Teaching / Training
Overview / Opionion Papers
Recent Publications
Other Key Publications
Smart Stormwater |
Selected Projects
Selected Presentations
Selected PhD Students:
Additional Resources |
Selected Research Publications
Hydrology and Water Resources Management |
Selected Projects:
Selected PhD Students:
Overview / Opionion Papers
Recent Publications
Other Key Publications
Water Supply |
Selected Projects:
PhD Students:
Overview / Opionion Papers
Recent Publications
Other Key Publications
Climate Risk |
Selected Projects
Selected Presentations
Selected Professional Activities
Software Tools
Additional Information
Selected PhD Students:
Overview / Opionion Papers
Selected Research Publications
Renewable Energy Transition |
Selected Projects
Decision Support / Software Tools
Selected PhD Students:
Teaching / Training
Selected Research Publications
Machine Learning / AI |
Selected Projects
Software Tools
Additional Information
Selected PhD Students
Overview / Opionion Papers
Recent Publications
Other Key Publications
Optimisation |
Selected Projects:
Software Tools
Selected PhD Students:
Overview / Opionion Papers
Recent Publications
Other Key Publications
Sustainable Decision Making Under Uncertainty |
Selected Projects
Selected Presentations
Selected PhD Students:
Overview / Opionion Papersns
Selected Research Publications
Environmental Modelling and Management |
Selected Projects
Software ToolsSelected PhD Students:
Selected Overview Publications
Selected Research Publications
Teaching / Training
Date Position Institution name 2021 - 2024 Foundation Director The Systems Cooperative 2021 - 2029 Honorary Professorial Fellow The University of Melbourne 2016 - 2019 Adjunct Professor Zhejiang University 2008 - ongoing Professor (Level E) University of Adelaide 2007 - 2009 Deputy Head, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering University of Adelaide 2005 - 2007 Associate Professor (Level D) University of Adelaide 2004 - 2006 Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) University of Adelaide 2002 - 2004 Senior Lecturer (Level C) University of Adelaide 1999 - 2001 Lecturer (Level B) University of Adelaide 1998 - 1999 Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of British Columbia 1998 - 1998 Casual Lecturer University of Adelaide 1997 - 1998 Engineering Adviser Western Samoa Water Authority (WSWA) 1996 - 1997 Senior Civil Engineer / Acting Technical Services Manager Western Samoa Water Authority (WSWA) 1995 - 1996 Environmental Engineer Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment 1992 - 1995 Researcher/Casual Tutor University of Adelaide 1990 - 1992 Design Enigneer Kinhill Engineers -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2021 Award Biennial Medal Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Australia - 2020 Research Award Commendation, Stormwater South Australia Excellence Awards, Excellence in Research & Innovation Category Stormwater Management Association Australia - 2019 Award TRILITY Innovation in Large Organisations Award, Smart Water Awards Water Industry Alliance Australia - 2017 Research Award Outstanding Achievement in Research Award Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Australia - 2017 Fellowship Fellow Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand - - 2014 Award Stormwater Australia National Award for Excellence in Research and Innovation - Australia - 2013 Award Innovation Champions Award - - - 2010 Award Best Paper Award - Australia - 2010 Award Biennial Medalist International Environmental Modelling and Software Society - - 2010 Award Environmental Modelling and Software Best Paper Award - Australia - 2010 Award Award for Excellence in Higher Degree by Research Supervision University of Adelaide Australia - 2009 Award Tertiary Science Educator of the Year, South Australian Science Excellence Awards - - - 2009 Award ECMS Faculty Award for Excellence for Higher Degree by Research Supervision - - - 2008 Award Second Best Paper Award American Society of Civil Engineers South Africa - 2006 Award High Commendation, Best Presentation Award - New Zealand - 2006 Award Award for Teaching Excellence (Physical Science and Related Categories) - Australia - 2006 Award Engineering Education Excellence in Engineering Education Award Australasian Association for Engineering Education Australia - 2006 Award Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning - - - 2005 Award Commendation, Australasian Association for Engineering Education Excellence in Engineering Education - - - 2002 Award Elder Prize for Excellence in Teaching The University of Adelaide Australia - 2002 Award Commonwealth of Learning Excellence in Distance Education Award - - - 2002 Award Tall Poppy Science Award - - - 2001 Award Pearson Education UniServe Science Teaching Award - - - 2001 Award ◾ASCILITE Award for Exemplary Use of Electronic Technologies in Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Education for the "Mekong eSim" - Australia - 1994 Scholarship Frank Perry Scholarship in Engineering University of Adelaide Australia - 1992 Award Australian Postgraduate Research Award (Priority Status) University of Adelaide Australia - 1988 Award James Hardie Award for Civil Engineering University of Adelaide Australia - 1988 Scholarship Frank Bull Scholarship for Civil Engineering University of Adelaide Australia - -
Language Competencies
Language Competency English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review German Can read, write, speak and understand spoken -
Date Institution name Country Title 2022 Australian Institute of Company Directors Australia Foundations of Directorship Certificate 1996 University of Adelaide Australia Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental/Water Resources Engineering 1990 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Civil Engineering (First Class Honours) -
Research Interests
Adaptation to climate change Climate change mitigation strategies Environmental policy, climate change and natural hazards Understanding the impact of natural hazards caused by climate change Agri-food, water and environment systems Water Resources Engineering Surface water hydrology Fresh, ground and surface water systems and management Natural Hazards Renewable energy Environmental Management Environmental Engineering Modelling Environmental Engineering Artificial Intelligence Machine learning Optimisation Time series and spatial modelling Stochastic Analysis and Modelling Neural networks
Year Citation 2015 Liner, B., & Maier, H. (2015). H2Optimization: An Introduction to Optimization and Operations Research for Infrastructure Professionals. Aldera. 2010 Humphrey, G., Maier, H., & Lambert, M. (2010). Bayesian artificial neural networks : with applications water resources engineering. USA: Verlag Dr. Muller. 2009 Gibbs, M., Maier, H., & Dandy, G. (2009). Determination of practical genetic algorithm parameter settings: Applications to the operation of water distribution systems. UK: Verlag Dr. Muller. -
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Conference Items
Year Citation 2022 Newland, C., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., & Newman, J. (2022). Impact of the Degree of Incorporation of Domain Knowledge into the Automatic Calibration of Land Use (Natural Hazard Exposure) Models. Poster session presented at the meeting of 11th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Brussels, Belgium, Ann van Griensven, Jiri Nossent, Stefan Reis (Eds.) https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/iemssconference/2022/.. Brussels. 2022 McPhail, C., Maier, H., Westra, S., & van der Linden, L. (2022). Making sense of scenario techniques and robustness metrics for decision making under deep uncertainty. Poster session presented at the meeting of 11th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Brussels, Belgium, Ann van Griensven, Jiri Nossent, Stefan Reis (Eds.) https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/iemssconference/2022/. Brussels. 2021 Leigh, R., Knowling, M., Westra, S., Bennett, B., Zecchin, A., Maier, H., . . . Devanand, A. (2021). A multi-modelling framework to stress-test water resource systems under change. Poster session presented at the meeting of 24th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2021) Book of Abstracts. Sydney, Australia: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc.. 2021 Jeanneau, A., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., & McNaught, T. (2021). Fuel management strategies for reducing future bushfire risk. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian and New Zealand National Council for fire and emergency services. Sydney. 2021 Liang, R., Thyer, M., Maier, H., Di Matteo, M., & Dandy, G. (2021). Potential benefits of real-time control to reduce urban flooding using distributed smart stormwater storage systems. Poster session presented at the meeting of 23rd EGU General Assembly. 2018 Culley, S. A., Westra, S., Maier, H. R., & Bennett, B. (2018). An R tool for scenario-neutral climate impact analysis of water resource systems. Poster session presented at the meeting of 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. 2018 Culley, S. A., Westra, S., Maier, H. R., & Bennett, B. (2018). Identifying the climate variables to which water resource systems are most sensitive. Poster session presented at the meeting of 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. 2018 Bennett, B., Culley, S., Westra, S., & Maier, H. (2018). ForeSIGHT: An R-package to Support Scenario-Neutral Climate Impact Assessments. Poster session presented at the meeting of AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, H53Q-1819. Washington, DC, USA. 2015 Riddell, G. A., van Delden, H., Maier, H. R., & Zecchin, A. C. (2015). Applying an ‘outcomes of interest’ scenario framework to consider uncertainties impacting risk reduction policies. Poster session presented at the meeting of MODSIM 2015. Gold Coast, Australia. 2015 Riddell, G. A., van delden, H., maier, H. R., & zecchin, A. C. (2015). Including land value in hazard mitigation planning. Poster session presented at the meeting of AFAC 2015. Adelaide, Australia. 2014 Riddell, G. A., zecchin, A. C., Maier, H. R., & van Delden, H. (2014). Handling uncertainty in optimal decision-making for natural hazard mitigation planning. Poster session presented at the meeting of AFAC 2014. Wellington, New Zealand. -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2024 van Delden, H., Jeanneau, A., Vanhout, R., Radford, D., Maier, H., & Zecchin, A. (2024). Sea flood mapping and impact assessment for Port Adelaide and surrounds - A study to explore future risk scenarios using UNHaRMED. 2023 Liang, R., Thyer, M., & Maier, H. (2023). Evaluating Benefits of Smart Design and Control of Distributed Storage for the Pasadena Case Study Catchment. 2023 Liang, R., Thyer, M., & Maier, H. (2023). Evaluating Benefits of Smart Design of Distributed Storage for the Trinity Valley Study Catchment. University of Adelaide, City of Norwood Payneham and St Peters, and Stormwater Management Authority. 2022 Dumbrell, N., O'Connor, P., Matthews, K., Johns, C., Maier, H., Umberger, W., . . . Cavagnaro, T. (2022). Carbon valorisation : Achieving a carbon neutral farming future in South Australia. University of Adelaide. 2022 He, L., Zecchin, A., Westra, S., Jeanneau, A., Radford, D., & Maier, H. (2022). ADAPTIVE ANALYTICAL BUSHFIRE LIKELIHOOD (AABL) TOOL FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING AND REDUCING FUTURE BUSHFIRE RISK. 2022 Culley, S., Zecchin, A., & Maier, H. (2022). National scale assessment of viable biomethane locations in Australia: viable case studies report. 2022 Culley, S., Zecchin, A., & Maier, H. (2022). Where are the most viable locations for bioenergy hubs across Australia?. 2022 Culley, S., Zecchin, A., & Maier, H. (2022). Prototype online mapping tool: Identifying most viable sites for biomethane injection in Australia. 2022 Westra, S., Leigh, R., Knowling, M., Beh, E., Devanand, A., Thyer, M., . . . McInerney, D. (2022). Assessment of current and future water security in the Barossa and Eden Valleys. 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddel, G., Elco, K., Radford, D., Dandy, G., . . . Zecchin, A. (2022). Evaluation Document: GRUMP - Gawler River UNHARMED Mitigation Project. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddell, G., Koks, E., Radford, D., Dandy, G., . . . Zecchin, A. (2022). Integrated Assessment of Flood Mitigation Options: GRUMP - Gawler River UNHARMED Mitigation Project. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddell, G., Koks, E., Radford, D., Dandy, G., . . . Zecchin, A. (2022). Pathways Document for Integrated Flood Risk Management: GRUMP - Gawler River UNHARMED Mitigation Project. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddell, G., Koks, E., Radford, D., Dandy, G., . . . Zecchin, A. (2022). Project Summary and Evaluation: GRUMP - Gawler River UNHARMED Mitigation Project. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2022 Jeanneau, A., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., McNaught, T., Wouters, M., & Maier, H. (2022). Opportunities for alternative fuel load reduction approaches - summary report (719). 2022 Jeanneau, A., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., McNaught, T., & Maier, H. (2022). Mapping how outputs from various Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC projects could be combined to address the issue of how to best manage fuel to reduce bushfire risk into the future (718). 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddell, G., Jeanneau, A., Maier, H., & Zecchin, A. (2022). Exploring future bushfire risk and risk reduction potential. 2021 Jeanneau, A., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., McNaught, T., & Maier, H. (2021). Guidance framework for the selection of different fuel management strategies (716). 2021 Jeanneau, A., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., McNaught, T., & Maier, H. (2021). Identifying opportunities for the use of different fuel management strategies in WA (717). 2021 Jeanneau, A., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., McNaught, T., & Maier, H. (2021). Influence of climate change and fuel management on bushfire risk in Western Australia (714). 2021 Jeanneau, A., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., McNaught, T., & Maier, H. (2021). Identification of fuel management locations and risk reduction potential (715). 2021 Culley, S., Zecchin, A., Hosseini, T., & Maier, H. (2021). Adelaide Case Study Report - Viability Assessment. 2021 Culley, S., Maier, H., & Zecchin, A. (2021). Final Framework Report. 2020 Culley, S., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., & Riddell, G. (2020). Methodology Report. 2020 Culley, S., Zecchin, A., Hosseini, T., & Maier, H. (2020). Griffith Case Study Report - Viability Assessment: Assessment framework for bio-methane injection in gas networks (RP1.2-03). Future Fuels CRC. 2020 Newman, J., Dandy, G., Zecchin, A., Maier, H., van Delden, H., Newland, C., & Riddell, G. (2020). Simulation optimisation for natural hazard risk management (533). 2020 Culley, S., Westra, S., Maier, H., Bennett, B., & Newman, J. (2020). WATER SECURITY RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE MIDDLE RIVER SUPPLY SYSTEM (2020/10). 2020 Maier, H., Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Araya, S., Zecchin, A., Vanhout, R., . . . Hamers, E. (2020). Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction – annual report 2019-2020 (629). 2020 Maier, H., Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Araya, S., Zecchin, A., Vanhout, R., . . . Hamers, E. (2020). Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction – annual project report 2018-2019 (583). 2020 March, A., de Moraes, L., Riddell, G., Dovers, S., Stanley, J., van Delden, H., . . . Maier, H. (2020). Integrating bushfire risk reduction and statutory mechanisms in South Australia: assessment of the draft Planning and Design Code 2019 (584). 2020 March, A., de Moraes, L., Riddell, G., Dovers, S., Stanley, J., van Delden, H., . . . Maier, H. (2020). Integrated urban planning for natural hazard mitigation (535). 2019 van Delden, H., Riddell, G., Vanhout, R., Maier, H., Newman, J., Zecchin, A., & Dandy, G. (2019). UNHaRMED framework report: a co-creation approach for the development and use of decision support systems for disaster risk reduction. (484). 2019 Riddell, G., Araya, S., Zecchin, A., Maier, H., Daniell, J., & van Delden, H. (2019). INFORMING STRATEGIC URBAN RISK MAPPING FOR METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE. 2019 Araya, S., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., & Riddell, G. (2019). Workshop 1 Report - Opportunities and Barriers for Introducing Bio-Methane into Existing Gas Networks. 2019 Thyer, M. A., Maier, H. R., & Di Matteo, M. (2019). Evaluating the benefits of smart stormwater systems: summary of research outcomes. South Australia: The University of Adelaide.
DOI2019 Thyer, M. A., Di Matteo, M., Liang, R., Maier, H. R., & Dandy, G. (2019). Evaluating smart storage options for drainage rehabilitation to provide flood, reuse and water quality benefits. 2018 Riddell, G., van Delden, H., & Maier, H. (2018). Urbanisation pressures and flood risk: Gawler River catchment and regional development (434). 2018 Maier, H., Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Newman, J., Zecchin, A., Dandy, G., . . . Bennett, B. (2018). Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction: annual project report 2017-18 (427). 2018 March, A., de Moraes, L. N., Riddell, G., Dovers, S., Stanley, J., van Delden, H., . . . Maier, H. (2018). Australian inquiries into natural hazard events (544). 2018 March, A., de Moraes, L. N., Riddell, G., Stanley, J., van Delden, H., Beilin, R., . . . Maier, H. (2018). Practical and theoretical issues: integrating urban planning and emergency management (414). 2017 Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Dandy, G., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., Newman, J., & Newland, C. (2017). Futures Greater Adelaide 2050: An exploration of disaster risk and the future (243). 2011 Leonard, M., Thyer, M., Lambert, M., Maier, H., & Dandy, G. (2011). Task 4 Milestone 1 Report, Application Test Bed, Onkaparinga Catchment Case Study: Surface Water Hydrological Modelling. - Thyer, M., Maier, H., & Matteo, M. D. (n.d.). Evaluating the Benefits of Smart Stormwater Systems: Unley Case Study.
Year Citation - Maier, H., Riddell, G., Delden, H. V., Zecchin, A., Dandy, G., & Araya, S. G. (n.d.). UNHaRMED - Unified Natural Hazard Risk Mitigation Exploratory Decision Support System.
Year Citation 2018 Bennett, B. S., Culley, S., Westra, S., Guo, D., & Maier, H. (2018). foreSIGHT: Systems Insights from Generation of Hydroclimatic Timeseries (Version 0.9.2) [Computer Software]. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=foreSIGHT: CRAN. -
Year Citation - May, R., & Maier, H. (n.d.). neural-network-add-in-1-5-4-setup.exe.
Year Citation - Maier, H. (n.d.). What do Environmental Engineers do?.
Year Citation - McPhail, C., Maier, H., Kwakkel, J., Giuliani, M., Castelletti, A., & Westra, S. (n.d.). Robustness metrics: How are they calculated and when should they be used?.
Year Citation 2018 Coelho, S., Baek, J., Graus, M., Halstead, J., Nicovich, P., Feher, K., . . . Gaus, K. (2018). Single molecule localization microscopy with autonomous feedback loops for ultrahigh precision.
Research Funding
Year | Amount | Source | Project |
2024-2027 | $1,548,311 | One Basin CRC | Putting People at the Centre: Towards Transforming Climate Risk Assessment for Water Security and Delivery (Lead CI) |
2024-2027 | $2,109,000 | Disaster Ready Fund | Smart stormwater infrastructure for natural hazard risk reduction |
2023-2025 | $200,000 | Future Fuels CRC | Assessing the barriers to investability for bio-methane grid injection projects (Lead CI) |
2023-2025 | $299,220 | One Basin CRC | Opportunities and risks associated with identifying, sourcing and treating brackish groundwater |
2023-2024 | $255,000 | Disaster Risk Reduction Fund | Sea Flood Mapping and Impact Assessment for Port Adelaide and Surrounds (University of Adelaide Lead CI) |
2022-2024 | $230,272 | Stormwater Management Authority, City of Mitcham and City of Norwood Payneham and St. Peters | Smart detention tank storage - A solution to catchment scale flood risk |
2022-2024 | $672,250 | SmartSat CRC | Adaptive Analytical Bushfire Likelihood (AABL) Tool for Better Understanding and Reducing Future Bushfire Risk (Lead CI) |
2021-2025 | $362,686 | SA Department for Environment and Water | Application of the CRAFT framework to the Barossa prescribed water resources area |
2021-2025 | $508,250 | Future Fuels CRC | Integrated model for bio-methane injection in gas networks (Lead CI) |
2020-2022 | $210,000 | Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC / Victorian Country Fire Authority | Assessment of Opportunities and Risks Associated with using Different Approaches to Reducing Future Bushfire Risk via Fuel Management (Lead CI) |
2019-2024 | $381,000 | ARC Discovery Projects | Developing robust hydrological predictions for Australia's water challenges |
2019-2021 | $188,000 | Future Fuels CRC | Assessment framework for bio-methane injection in gas networks (Lead CI) |
2019 | $150,000 | City of Unley and City of Mitcham | Smart storage optimisation to reduce flooding |
2019 | $156,720 | Disaster Risk Reduction Fund | An Integrated Decision Support Tool for Understanding and Responding to Current and Future Flood Risk – Gawler River Catchment (University of Adelaide Lead CI) |
2017-2020 | $540,000 | Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC | Integrated urban planning for natural hazard mitigation (University of Adelaide Lead CI) |
2017-2024 | $1,419,409 | Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC | Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction (Lead CI) |
2016-2018 | $319,235 | Water Research Australia | Better data-driven decision-making under future climate uncertainty |
2014-2017 | $1,055,00 | Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC | Decision support system for assessment of policy & planning investment options for optimal natural hazard mitigation (Lead CI) |
2012-2013 | $104,928 | SA Department for the Environment, Water and Natural Resources | Riverine recovery optimisation (Lead CI) |
2012-2013 | $384,000 | Goyder Institute | Optimal water resource mix for metropolitan Adelaide |
2012-2014 | $179,267 | Goyder Institute | Improved modelling of the catchments and drainage network in the upper south east for management outcomes |
2011-2014 | $501,500 | Goyder Institute | Development of an agreed set of climate projections for South Australia |
2011-2013 | $246,000 | Goyder Institute | Managed aquifer recharge and urban stormwater use options |
2011-2012 | $198,000 | Goyder Institute | Development of decision support frameworks for water resource management in the South East (Lead CI) |
2011 | $80,350 | Department for Water | Evaluation and application of Source Rivers modelling framework to the South Australian reacheas of the River Murray (Lead CI) |
2010-2012 | $330,000 | Water Quality Australia | Optimum control of chloramine in water distribution systems |
2009-2012 |
$198,000 (ARC) $60,000 (Industry) |
ARC Linkage Projects | Early warning of cyanobacteria blooms in drinking water reservoirs by means of evolutionary algorithms |
2008-2010 | $304,270 | eWater CRC | New Techniques in Optimisation, Modelling and Decision Support |
2006-2010 |
$430,000 (ARC) $170,000 (Industry) |
ARC Linkage Projects | Innovative approach to the optimal management of water resources and application to the Upper South East Region of South Australia (Lead CI) |
2006-2009 |
$238,000 (ARC) $75,000 (Industry) |
ARC Linkage Projects | Effects of urbanisation and introduced species on rivers and estuaries: a whole of catchment approach |
2006-2007 | $95,370 | Centre for Natural Resources Management (CNRM) | Sensitivity Analysis of Models used to predict the effects of Policy Decisions on salinity levels in the River Murray (Lead CI) |
2006-2007 | $262,290 | eWater CRC | New techniques for modelling, optimisation and decision support |
2004-2007 |
$252,200 ARC) $110,000 (Industry) |
ARC Linkage Projects | New approach to sensitivity assessment of complex simulation models for environmental management |
2003 | $10,000 | ARC Special Research Initiative | Sustainable terrestrial and riverine systems through integrated assessment and modelling (Lead CI) |
2003-2004 | $132,984 | ARC Discovery | New techniques for artificial neural network modelling in hydrology (Lead CI) |
2003 | $5,000 | ECMS Faculty Small Research Grants Scheme | Improved approach for the optimisation of water distribution networks (Lead CI) |
2003-2005 | $40,000 | Hydro Tasmania | Optimal maintenance scheduling for hydro power stations using ant colony optimisation (Lead CI) |
2002-2005 | $402,000 | CRC Water Quality & Treatment | Development of tools for improved disinfection control |
2002-2005 | $274,000 | CRC Water Quality & Treatment | Decision support system to maintain water quality in water distribution systems |
2002 | $9,000 | University of Adelaide | New techniques for artificial neural network modelling in hydrology |
2002-2004 | $91,000 | ARC Discovery | Improving flow management for the control of blue-green algal bloms (Lead CI) |
2002-2004 |
$135,270 (ARC) $40,000 (Industry) |
ARC Linkage Projects | Desalination options for metropolitan Adelaide's water supply and implications for water resource allocation for regional communities |
2001 | $5,000 | CRC Water Quality & Treatment | Control of water treatment processes using artificial neural network modelling (Lead CI) |
2001 |
University of Adelaide United Water |
Optimisation of water distribution systems including the effects of uncertainty (Lead CI) |
2000 | $14,000 | Australian Research Council | Assessment of effectiveness of flow management strategies in reducing the frequency and intensity of cyanobacterial (blue-green algal) blooms (Lead CI) |
Teaching Grants
Date | Project | Funding Body | Amount |
2008 | Development of online industry case study learning objects | University of Adelaide | $8,900 |
2006 | Online situational learning initiative | University of Adelaide | $100,000 |
2000 | Mekong e-sim: a distributed computer supported role-play/simulation | University of Adelaide | $10,000 |
Teaching Activities
Teaching Awards
- Member, Adelaide Education Academy
- South Australian Tertiary Science Educator of the Year
- Carrick Awards for Australian University Teaching: Award for Teaching Excellence (Physical Science and Related Categories)
- Australasian Association for Engineering Education Excellence in Engineering Education Award, Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Engineering Education Category
- Carrick Awards for Australian University Teaching: Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning for "sustained contributions to the development and promotion of online situational learning for the development of graduate attributes"
- High Commendation, Australasian Association for Engineering Education Excellence in Engineering Education Award, Excellence in a Curriculum Team Project in Engineering Education Category
- Stephen Cole the Elder Prize for Excellence in Teaching, University of Adelaide
- Commonwealth of Learning Excellence in Distance Education Award in Materials Development
- Pearson Education UniServe Science Teaching Award
- ASCILITE Award for Exemplary Use of Electronic Technologies in Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Education
Current Teaching
Climate & Environmental Impact Modelling |
Course Outline:
Additional Information:
Student Evaluations:Class average of responses to the question "Holger Maier is an effective university teacher" on a 7-point Likert scale (7 = Strongly Agree).
Integrated Natural Hazard Risk Management |
Course Outline:
Additional Information:
Student Evaluations:Class average of responses to the question "Holger Maier is an effective university teacher" on a 7-point Likert scale (7 = Strongly Agree).
Decision Making for Sustainable Solutions |
Course Outline:
Additional Information:
Student Evaluations:Class average of responses to the question "Holger Maier is an effective university teacher" on a 7-point Likert scale (7 = Strongly Agree).
Teaching Publications
T29. Maier H.R., Jeanneau A., Radford D.A. and He L. (2023) Integrated natural hazard risk management: A two-week intensive course . In Vaze, J., Chilcott, C., Hutley, L. and Cuddy, S.M. (eds) MODSIM2023, 25th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, July 2023, pp. 548-554. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-0-0.
T28. Maier H.R. and Culley S. (2023) Building capacity to achieve sustainable outcomes for wicked problems . In Vaze, J., Chilcott, C., Hutley, L. and Cuddy, S.M. (eds) MODSIM2023, 25th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, July 2023, pp. 541-547. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-0-0.
T27. Maier H.R. (2023) Developing complex environmental modelling skills through project-centric teaching . In Vaze, J., Chilcott, C., Hutley, L. and Cuddy, S.M. (eds) MODSIM2023, 25th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, July 2023, pp. 534-540. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-0-0.
T26. Maier H.R. (2011) Using mobile phones to engage students in engineering lectures. In S. Grainger and C. Kestell (Eds.) Engineering Education: An Australian Perspective, Multi-Science Publishing, Essex, UK, 239-250.
T25. Chang R.L., Richardson J.C., Banky G.P., Coller B.D., Jaksa M.B., Lindsay E.D. and Maier H.R. (2011) Practicioner reflections on engineering education students' engagement with e-learning , Advances in Engineering Education, 2(3), 31p.
T24. Maier H.R. (2009) Bringing industry experience into the "classroom" via multimedia flash presentations, 20th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, December 6-9, Adelaide, Australia, 501-506.
T23. Maier H.R. (2009) Student participation in lectures using mobile phones, 20th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, December 6-9, Adelaide, Australia, 43-48.
T22. Maier H.R. (2008) Increasing student engagement in online environments using multimedia flash presentations, 19th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, December 7-10, Yeppoon, Australia.
T21. Maier H.R. (2008) A hybrid just-in-time / project-based learning approach to engineering education, 19th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, December 7-10, Yeppoon, Australia.
T20. Maier H.R. (2008) Revised Civil & Environmental Engineering degree program at the University of Adelaide, 19th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, December 7-10, Yeppoon, Australia.
T19. Maier H.R., Baron J. and McLaughlan R.G. (2007) Using online roleplay simulations for teaching sustainability principles to engineering students. International Journal of Engineering Education, 23(6), 1162-1171.
T18. Maier H.R. (2007) Meeting the challenges of engineering education via online roleplay simulations. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 13(1), 31-39.
T17. Maier H.R. and Rowan T.S.C. (2007) Increasing student engagement with graduate attributes. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 13(1), 21-29.
T16. Maier H.R. (2006) Meeting the challenges of engineering education via online roleplay simulations. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Auckland, New Zealand, December 10-13.
T15. Maier H.R. and Rowan T.S.C. (2006) Increasing student engagement with graduate attributes. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Auckland, New Zealand, December 10-13.
T14. Walker D.J., Oehlers D.J. and Maier H.R. (2006) Student attitudes to a novel assessment method in engineering. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Auckland, New Zealand, December 10-13.
T13. Baron J. and Maier H.R. (2005) The challenge of maintaining the momentum. Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2005), Brisbane, Australia, December 4-7, pp.57-66.
T12. Maier H.R. (2005) The Mekong e-Sim: an online roleplay simulation for developing engineering graduate attributes. ASEE/AaeE 4th Global Colloquium on Engineering Education Pre-Colloquium Event; 2nd Environmental Engineering Eacademics' Workshop: The Future for Environmental Engineering, Sydney, September 26. (Invited Paper)
T11. Maier H.R. and Baron J. (2005) Developing online roleplay simulations for preparing engineering students for multidisciplinary and international practice. Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE/AaeE 4th Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Australasian Association for Engineering Education. Sydney, Australia, September 26-30.
T10. Daniell T.M. and Maier H.R. (2005) Embedding sustainability in civil and environmental engineering courses. Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE/AaeE 4th Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Australasian Association for Engineering Education. Sydney, Australia, September 26-30.
T9. Maier H.R., Kavanagh S., Kindley R., Carrington A. and Baron J. (2004) Dynamic role-play online - learning from experience . Crisis Response Journal, 1(1), 56-59.
T8. Carrington A., Kindley R., Baron J., Maier H. and Kavanagh S. (2004) Learn Outside the Box: Reframing the Questions by Combining Scenario-Based Learning with Online Role Play/Simulation. Best Practice in e-Learning, Online Conference, University of Calgary.
T7. Baron J. and Maier H.R. (2004) A community of inquiry evaluation of Mekong e-Sim: An online collaborative simulation. International Conference on Educational Technology (ICET2004), Singapore, September 9-10.
T6. Maier H.R. (2004) Use of examples from nature to make optimal decisions. SASTA Journal, 2004/1, 25-27.
T5. Kirkpatrick D., McLaughlan R.G., Maier H.R., Hirsch P. (2002) Developing scholarship through collaboration in an online roleplay-simulation: Mekong eSim, a case study. Invited Paper, Proceedings of the Scholarly Inquiry in Flexible Science Teaching and Learning Symposium, UniServe Science, The University of Sydney, pp.13-18.
T4. McLaughlan R.G., Kirkpatrick D., Hirsh, P. and Maier H.R. (2001) Using online roleplay/simulations for creating learning experiences. CAL-laborate, 7, October, 23-25.
T3. McLaughlan R.G., Kirkpatrick D., Maier H.R. and Hirsch P. (2001) Academic and institutional issues related to the planning and implementation of a multi-disciplinary roleplay-simulation involving collaboration across institutions. In G.Kennedy, M.Keppell, C. McNaught and T. Petrovic (Eds.), Meeting at the Crossroads. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Teritiary Education. (pp. 407-415). Melbourne: Biomedical Multimedia Unit, The University of Melbourne.
T2. Maier H.R., McLaughlan R.G., Hirsch P. and Kirkpatrick D. (2001) The Mekong e-Sim: a computer supported multi-disciplinary role-play/simulation. Learn2001 Symposium, University of Adelaide, 5-6 November.
T1. Maier H.R. and McLaughlan R.G. (2001) Use of a roleplay / simulation in environmental engineering education. 12th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Brisbane, Australia, 26-28 September, pp.374-379.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2023 Principal Supervisor Opportunities and challenges for using brackish groundwater to increase agricultural productivity and resilience in the Murray-Darling Basin Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Caleb James Gray 2021 Principal Supervisor System Risk Modelling in Critical Water Infrastructure - Decision Support for Assessing and Mitigating Cyber Threats. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Cael James Angus Keenan 2021 Principal Supervisor Quantitative Framework to Enable the Sustainable Renewable Energy Transition Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Jing Tian 2021 Principal Supervisor An integrated modelling approach for the planning of collaborative and adaptive wildfire risk-reduction activities Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Douglas Arthur Gordon Radford 2021 Co-Supervisor An analytical framework to support the application of higher-value approaches in the circular economy. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Jodie Kathleen Bricout -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2019 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Real-time Control of Stormwater Storages to Improve Performance of Urban Stormwater Systems Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Ruijie Liang 2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor A coupled approach to regional flood and land-use modelling to determine the impact of land-use-change and mitigation strategies on flood risk reduction Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Eike Michael Hamers 2017 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Understanding the Problem Structure of Optimisation Problems in Water Resources Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Siwei Zhu 2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Towards a Better Understanding of Scenarios and Robustness for the Long-Term Planning of Water and Environmental Systems Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Cameron McPhail 2016 - 2021 Co-Supervisor A Systematic Investigation of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms Applied to the Water Distribution System Problem Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Peng Wang 2015 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Improved Implementation of Scenario-Neutral Climate Impact Assessments for Water Resource Systems Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Sam Anthony Culley 2014 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Foresight for Risk - Using Scenarios for Strategic Risk Assessment and Management of Emergent Disaster Risk Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Graeme Angus Riddell 2014 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Developing a (Semi) Automatic Calibration Procedure for Cellular Automata Based Land-use Models Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Charles Peter Newland 2013 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Practical Implementation of the Scenario-Neutral Approach to Climate Impact Assessments for Hydrological Systems Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Danlu Guo 2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Optimal Water Allocation and Scheduling for Irrigation Using Ant Colony Algorithms Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Duc Cong Hiep Nguyen 2012 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Improved Evolutionary Algorithm Optimisation of Water Distribution Systems Using Domain Knowledge Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Weiwei Bi 2012 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Multiobjective Planning and Design of Distributed Stormwater Harvesting and Treatment Systems through Optimization and Visual Analytics Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Michael Di Matteo 2011 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Improving Partial Mutual Information Based Input Variable Selection for Data Driven Environmental and Water Resources Models Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Xuyuan Yuan Li 2011 - 2014 Co-Supervisor A Framework for the Minimization of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with Water Distribution Systems Considering the Time-Dependency of Emissions Factors Associated with the Generation of Electricity Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Christopher Sean Stokes 2010 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Optimal Sequencing of Water Supply Options Incorporating Sustainability and Uncertainty Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Eva Hooi Ying Beh 2009 - 2014 Co-Supervisor An adaptive multi-objective framework for the scheduling of environmental flow management alternatives using ant colony optimization Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Joanna Margaret Szemis 2009 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Frameworks for Assessing and Improving Urban Water Supply Security Planning under Climate Change Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Fiona Paton 2008 - 2013 Principal Supervisor Frameworks for Evaluating and Improving Simplified Hydrologic Models for Baseflow and Rainfall-Runoff Estimation Using Distributed Physical Models Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Li Li 2007 - 2012 Co-Supervisor Impacts of an Altered Water and Salinity Regime on the Condition of Wetlands in the Upper South East of South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Abigail Goodman 2007 - 2013 Principal Supervisor Fully Integrated Modelling of Surface-Subsurface Flow Processes: Quantifying In-Stream and Overland Flow Generation Mechanisms Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Daniel Partington 2007 - 2012 Co-Supervisor Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Water Distribution Systems Accounting for Economic Cost Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reliability Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Wenyan Wu 2004 - 2008 Co-Supervisor A Contribution Towards Real-Time Forecasting of Algal Blooms in Drinking Water Reservoirs by Means of Artificial Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Amber Welk 2003 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Water Distribution System Optimization Using Metamodels Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Darren Broad 2003 - 2006 Co-Supervisor Prediction of Special Core Parameters for Australian Hydrocarbon Basins Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Hussam Goda 2003 - 2006 Principal Supervisor Bayesian Artificial Neural Networks in Water Resources Engineering Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Greer Humphrey 2003 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Developing Artificial Neural Network Models for Water Quality Modelling and Prediction Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Robert May 2003 - 2007 Principal Supervisor Ant Colony Optimisation for Power Plant Maintenance Scheduling Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Wai Foong 2003 - 2008 Principal Supervisor Genetic Algorithm Parameter Setting for Water Distribution System Optimisation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Matthew Gibbs 2002 - 2006 Principal Supervisor Uncertainty Analysis Methods For Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Kylie Hyde 1999 - 2003 Co-Supervisor USE OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS FOR PREDICTING SETTLEMENT OF SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS ON COHESIONLESS SOILS Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Mohamed Shahin 1998 - 2003 Co-Supervisor Forecasting Water Resources Variables Using Artificial Neural Networks Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Gavin Bowden
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2023 - 2025 Advisory Board Member Coast Protection Board Climate Science Advisory Committee SA Department for Environment and Water Australia -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2017 - 2023 Editor Environmental Modelling and Software Elsevier Netherlands 2015 - 2017 Associate Editor Environmental Modelling and Software Elsevier Netherlands 2011 - 2015 Associate Editor Water Resources Research - - 2006 - 2014 Associate Editor Environmental Modelling and Software Elsevier Netherlands -
Review, Assessment, Editorial and Advice
Date Title Type Institution Country 2023 - 2024 Member of Maribyrnong River Flood Independent Review Panel Advice Melbourne Water Australia
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