Douglas Radford
Higher Degree by Research Candidate
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Doug contributes to improving the resilience of social, infrastructure and environmental systems against the complex risks associated with natural hazards and climate variability. Doug's post-graduate research applies robust environmental modelling approaches to quantify these risks, with an interest in optimising risk management activities in order to protect social, economic and environmental values.
With formal education across engineering and finance and a passion for solving social and environmental challenges, Doug brings a holistic, systems-orientated mindset to his research.
Open to collaborating with stakeholders, researchers and communities from diverse backgrounds on interdisciplinary topics, Doug invites those interested to get in touch.
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2021 Scholarship Westpac Future Leaders Westpac Australia 120,000 2020 Award University Medal University of Adelaide Australia - -
Date Institution name Country Title 2016 - 2020 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Civil & Environmental Engineering (Honours) 2016 - 2020 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Finance -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Radford, D. A. G., Maier, H. R., van Delden, H., Zecchin, A. C., & Jeanneau, A. (2024). An efficient, multi-scale neighbourhood index to quantify wildfire likelihood. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 33(5), WF23055-1-WF23055-20.
Scopus22024 He, L., Jeanneau, A., Ramsey, S., Radford, D., Zecchin, A., Reinke, K., . . . Maier, H. R. (2024). Estimating Fuel Load for Wildfire Risk Assessment Using Earth Observation Data: A Case Study in Southwestern Australia. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 36, 18 pages.
2024 Robert Maier, H., Rosa Taghikhah, F., Nabavi, E., Razavi, S., Gupta, H., Wu, W., . . . Huang, J. (2024). How much X is in XAI: Responsible use of “Explainable” artificial intelligence in hydrology and water resources. Journal of Hydrology X, 25, 6 pages.
Scopus62024 Radford, D. A. G., Maier, H. R., van Delden, H., Zecchin, A. C., & Jeanneau, A. (2024). Predicting burn probability: Dimensionality reduction strategies enable accurate and computationally efficient metamodeling. Journal of Environmental Management, 371, 123086-1-123086-19.
2023 Radford, D., Maier, H., van Delden, H., Zecchin, A., & Jeanneau, A. (2023). Efficiently Estimating Patterns in Wildfire Burn Probability.
2023 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Jeanneau, A., Radford, D., Maier, H. R., & Zecchin, A. C. (2023). Development and use of an integrated modelling approach to simulate dynamic risk profiles and support risk reduction strategies.
2022 Radford, D. A. G., Lawler, T. C., Edwards, B. R., Disher, B. R. W., Maier, H. R., Ostendorf, B., . . . Goodsite, M. (2022). A framework for the mitigation and adaptation from heat-related risks to infrastructure.. Sustainable Cities and Society, 81, 1-14.
Scopus4- Jeanneau, A., van Delden, H., Maier, H. R., Radford, D., Zecchin, A., Vanhout, R., & McNaught, T. (n.d.). The Fuel Management Suitability Tool: A Novel Approach to Integrating Stakeholder Priorities in Wildfire Management. -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2021 Disher, B., Edwards, B., Lawler, T., & Radford, D. (2021). Measuring Heatwaves and Their Impacts. In Air Pollution Sources, Statistics and Health Effects (pp. 455-475). Springer US.
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2023 Maier, H., Jeanneau, A., Radford, D., & He, L. (2023). Integrated natural hazard risk management: A two-week intensive course. In J. Vaze, C. Chilcott, L. Hutley, & S. M. Cuddy (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (pp. 548-554). Online: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc. 2023 Jeanneau, A., van Delden, H., Radford, D., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., Vanhout, R., & McNaught, T. (2023). Fuel Management Suitability Tool: Advancing resilient wildfire management practices through flexible decision support and local information. In https://whova.com/embedded/event/cS1CGd3zmD1S6q6eQmBRrh2jWesVrB8NGK3YSVyIhkU%3D/?utc_source=ems. Monterey, California. 2022 Radford, D., Maier, H., van Delden, H., Zecchin, A., & Jeanneau, A. (2022). Land Use Planning and Connectivity to Wildfire Hazards in the Urban Interface.. In AFAC22 | Connecting communities. Creating resilience.. Adelaide. 2022 Radford, D., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., & van Delden, H. (2022). An index for describing the spatial-connectivity of flammable landscapes. In Proceedings for the Fire and Climate Conference (pp. 1). Melbourne, Australia. 2019 Zhu, X., Feng, X., Jiao, T., Wen, S., Xiang, Y., Camtepe, S., & Xue, J. (2019). A Feature-oriented corpus for understanding, evaluating and improving fuzz testing. In AsiaCCS 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (pp. 658-663). NEW ZEALAND, Auckland: ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY.
DOI Scopus12 WoS7 -
Report for External Bodies
Date Role Membership Country 2021 - ongoing Member Institute of Engineers Australia Australia
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