Wenyan Wu

Wenyan Wu

School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Wenyan Wu is a Adjunct Lecturer at the School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, the University of Adelaide and Lecturer at the University of Melbourne. She has a background in environmental modelling and optimisation using evolutionary algorithms, with applications in optimal design and operation of water distribution systems, model-based automatic control of water treatment and modelling of water systems (both natural and man-made) using artificial intelligence. She also worked as an Environmental Engineer, when she conducted flood risk assessment and developed flood mitigation strategies with the aid of 2D hydrodynamic models. Her current research focuses on the modelling of different flood producing mechanisms and flood risk assessment considering their joint impact.

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2018 - ongoing Lecturer University of Melbourne
    2018 - ongoing Adjunct Lecturer University of Adelaide
    2016 - ongoing Senior Research Associate University of Adelaide
    2015 - 2016 Environmental Engineer Australian Water Environments
    2014 - 2015 Research Associate/Lecturer University of Adelaide
    2011 - 2014 Research Associate University of Adelaide
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2013 Award ASCE Outstanding Reviewer Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) United States -
    2012 Award Dean's Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence The University of Adelaide Australia -
    2010 Award ACCARNSI Early Career Researcher Travel Grant Australian Climate Change Adaptation Research Network for Settlements and Infrastructure (ACCARNSI) Australia -
    2008 Scholarship Research Abroad Scholarship University of Adelaide Australia 2000 AUD
    2008 Scholarship Dr Stranks Postgraduate Travelling Fellowship University of Adelaide Australia 5000 AUD
    2008 Award Second Best Paper at the 10th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) United States -
    2007 Scholarship Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (EIPRS) University of Adelaide Australia -
    2003 Achievement First Class Honour Graduate of Shandong Province Ministry of Education, Shandong Province China -
    1999 Scholarship QUST First Class Scholarship Qingdao University of Science and Technology China -
  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    Chinese (Mandarin) Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
    English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
  • Research Interests

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