Jodie Bricout
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Jodie is a globally recognised expert in the circular economy and life cycle thinking. She brings two decades' experience working with industry, research and policy makers in Australia, Dubai and Europe.
While undertaking a PhD with the University of Adelaide, Jodie is also circular economy manager at lifecycles, a Board Member of NSW Circular, and founding member of the expert advisory group for the Victorian Government's Circular Economy Business Innovation Centre.
During her 13 years in France, she helped dozens of businesses seize the benefits of circular approaches; contributed to shaping state, federal and European policy; and collaborated with 100 of the planet’s leading corporates, emerging innovators, governments, cities, and higher learning institutions in the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s CE100 program.
Since returning to Australia in 2016, Jodie has engaged with hundreds of professionals to adapt European best practice to the unique needs of our country. She has also been engaged by four states, a capital city, two group of 8 universities and more to develop circular economy projects and strategies.
Circular approaches aim to engineer production and consumption systems in which infrastructure, assets and products are designed to last longer; be shared, repaired, repurposed and remanufactured.
While there are a range of strategies available, lower-value strategies (recycling) can tend to dominate both policy frameworks and business operations.
There is a need to develop new quantitative metrics and decision support tools to promote and facilitate uptake of higher-value circular strategies, such as reuse and remanufacturing.
Jodie's research will develop an analytical framework to support the application of higher-value approaches in the circular economy for government and business.
Date Position Institution name 2017 - 2021 Co-founder Loop Circular Economy Platform 2016 - ongoing Circular Economy Manager Lifecycles 2010 - 2016 Development Manager cd2e 2007 - 2010 Director Jodie Bricout Consulting 2005 - 2007 Manager (recycling and international relations) cd2e 2004 - 2005 Project Manager ECOPAL Industrial Ecology Hub 2000 - 2003 Sustainability Consultant ARUP -
Language Competencies
Language Competency English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review French Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review -
Date Institution name Country Title 2003 - 2004 Lille 1 University France Masters in Environmental Protection and Management 1996 - 2000 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Environmental) / Arts (double degree) -
Date Title Institution name Country 2015 Executive Education Award – Circular Economy University of Bradford School of Management - — Certified Life Cycle Executive Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS) and American Centre for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA) - -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2021 Escribà-Gelonch, M., Bricout, J., & Hessel, V. (2021). Circular Economy Metrics for the Photo-High-p,T Continuous Multistep Synthesis of Vitamin D3. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9(4), 1867-1879.
Scopus13 WoS82021 Hessel, V., Escribà-Gelonch, M., Bricout, J., Tran, N. N., Anastasopoulou, A., Ferlin, F., . . . Vaccaro, L. (2021). Quantitative Sustainability Assessment of Flow Chemistry-From Simple Metrics to Holistic Assessment. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 9(29), 9508-9540.
Scopus50 WoS28 -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2014 Adibi, N., Pasquet, V., Roy, A., & Salamon, A. (2014). Mainstreaming the Use of Life Cycle Management in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Using a Sector Based and Regional Approach. In W. Klöpffer, & M. A. Curran (Eds.), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) A Guide to Best Practice (pp. 79-90). John Wiley & Sons. 2014 Strothmann, P., Sonnemann, G., & Fava, J. (2014). Communication and Collaboration as Essential Elements for Mainstreaming Life Cycle Management. In W. Klöpffer, & M. A. Curran (Eds.), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) A Guide to Best Practice (pp. 279-291). John Wiley & Sons. -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2013 Darul, M., Bricout, J. K., Combelles, A., Vierira, M., & Norton, A. (2013). CAPEM, Making Comparable Life Cycle Information on Construction Materials Available to the Building Industry. In A. Ventura (Ed.), International Symposium on Life Cycle Assessment and Construction. Nantes, France. 2012 Adibi, N., Bricout, J. K., Demaretz, C., Bogaert, C., Duffrene, A. -V., Orlans, P., . . . Meillier, J. (2012). Introducing a sectorial framework to better evaluate life cycle thinking maturity. In Proceedings of [avniR] Annual Conference 2012, Lille, November 2012. Lille, France. 2012 Swarr, T., Bricout, J. K., & Valdivia, S. (2012). Life cycle management: from assessment to action. In Proceedings of [avniR] Annual Conference 2012. Lille, France. 2012 Bricout, J., Combelles, A., Darul, M., Vieira, M., & Norton, A. (2012). Making comparable Life Cycle information on construction materials available to the building industry. In A. Ventura, & C. DeLaRoche (Eds.), INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT AND CONSTRUCTION: CIVIL ENGINEERING AND BUILDINGS Vol. 86 (pp. 397). Nantes, FRANCE: R I L E M PUBLICATIONS. 2011 Degot, R., Leghie, P., Henry, N., Combelles, A., Lecocq, N., Bricout, J. K., & Echard, P. (2011). Integrating Life Cycle thinking into higher education. In [avniR] Conference Proceedings. 2011. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2019 Bricout, J. (2019). Circular economy opportunities for Australia’s roads sector (Keynote presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of 18th Australian Asphalt Pavement Association (AAPA) International Flexible Pavements Conference & Exhibition. Sydney. 2018 Bricout, J. (2018). Round and round: materials in a circular economy (Keynote presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of Deakin University Institute for Frontier Materials Annual Conference. 2018 Bricout, J. (2018). The architect’s guide to the circular economy. Poster session presented at the meeting of The University of Adelaide School of Architecture and the Built Environment Research Day. 2011 Bricout, J. K., Norton, A., & Traisnel, C. (2011). The CAP'EM project: providing scientifically sound information on environmental and health impacts of construction materials, based on a common LCA methodology across 5 European countries. Poster session presented at the meeting of LCM - Towards Life Cycle Sustainability Management. Berlin. -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2020 Grant, T., & Bricout, J. K. (2020). Circular economy analysis
and opportunities for
Yarra Valley Water.2020 Bontinck, P. A., Grant, T., & Bricout, J. K. (2020). Life Cycle Assessment of rubber crumb in road subgrade. 2019 Bricout, J. K., Grant, T., Miller, M., & Bontinck, P. A. (2019). Opportunities for businesses
to contribute to a circular
economy in Victoria.2018 Bricout, J. K., Grant, T., & Bontinck, P. -A. (2018). Circular Monash. 2017 Bricout, J. K., Grant, T., & Bontinck, P. A. (2017). Life cycle assessment of kerbside food and garden organics (FoGO) collection. 2017 Bricout, J. K., & Grant, T. (2017). Potential Benefits of a Circular Economy in South Australia. Green Industry SA. 2016 Grant, T., Bontinck, P. A., Bricout, J. K., & Minguin, L. (2016). Potential Carbon Benefits of Television and Computer E-waste Recycling in Australia. -
Internet Publications
Year Citation 2019 Bricout, J. K., & Miller, M. (2019). Queensland’s Circular Economy Future. 2016 Bricout, J. K., Sukhdev, A., Hutton, J., Adams, K., Hobbs, G., Cari, I., . . . Oberhuber, S. (2016). Circularity in the built environment: case studies. 2016 Bricout, J. K., Sukhdev, A., Hutton, J., Adams, K., Hobbs, G., Cari, I., . . . Oberhuber, S. (2016). Circularity in the built environment: case studies.
When Jodie was working for the not-for-profit cd2e in France, she secured and/or delivered AUD20 million of European-funded programs including:
- The AUD2.7 million LCiP 'Life Cycle in Practice' project helped SMEs in France, Belgium, Portugal and Spain reduce the environmental impacts of their products and services across the entire Life Cycle in three sectors: Buildings & Construction, Waste Management and Energy Equipment. [Funded by LIFE+, lead partner, http://www.lifelcip.eu/]
- The AUD13.5 million CAP'EM project aimed to improve the production, distribution and use of eco-materials in buildings in the UK, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. In addition to managing overall delivery, Jodie also secured a AUD1 million project extension to go beyond the initial scope based on the success of the project. [Funded by Interreg NWE, lead partner]
Through Loop Circular Economy Platform, Jodie partnered with the University of Adelaide to develop Australia’s first undergraduate course in the circular economy. ‘Resources and Energy in a Circular Economy’ was delivered to engineering students for the first time in second semester 2019. She worked with the School of Civil, Environmental & Mining Engineering teaching team to design the outline of the course as part of the new Environmental Engineering degree, then worked directly with Dr Michael Leonard to co-develop the course in detail and train him to be able to confidently deliver the content and independently improve it in the future.
Loop Platform also developed an ‘introduction to circular economy for professionals’ training module (3 hours), which Jodie delivered to over 200 researchers, public servants and businesses across Australia in 2018-2020.
Previously in France, Jodie designed and delivered ‘introduction to sustainability' modules in 2009-11:
- ESPAS tecobio, Catholic University of Lille, 3rd year dual business and science students, 10 hours, in French
- ESTICE international business school, Catholic University of Lille, master 1, 21 hours, in English
- ESCIP school of international Business, 5th year, 12 hours, in English
- ENSIAME engineering school, 4th year, 6 hours, in French
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2019 - ongoing Board Member NSW Circular Office of NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer Australia 2014 - 2016 Board Member UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative UN Environment/ Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry France -
Date Topic Presented at Institution Country 2019 - 2019 Circular economy opportunities for Australia’s roads sector 18th Australian Asphalt Pavement Association (AAPA) International Flexible Pavements Conference & Exhibition Australian Asphalt Pavement Association (AAPA) Australia 2018 - 2018 Round and round: materials in a circular economy Deakin University Institute for Frontier Materials Annual Conference Deakin University Institute for Frontier Materials Australia 2018 - 2018 The architect’s guide to the circular economy The University of Adelaide School of Architecture and the Built Environment Research Day The University of Adelaide School of Architecture and the Built Environment Australia 2017 - 2017 South Australia - Becoming the Entrepreneurial State Open State Government of South Australia Australia 2017 - 2017 The role of the resource industry in implementing a circular economy Waste and Recycle 2017 Conference, Perth WMRR Australia 2016 - 2016 Modelling the potential impacts of a circular economy in South Australia [avniR] Annual LCA Conference 2016 [avniR] France 2015 - 2015 ‘LCA of the beer industry in Northern France, Life Cycle Approaches as a driver for the circular economy’ and ‘Product environmental footprint for thermal insulation materials’, Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS) Conference Series on Life Cycle Assessment Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society Australia 2012 - 2012 Mainstreaming Life Cycle Thinking Annual Conference of the Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Science Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Science Israel 2011 - 2011 The CAP’EM project: Providing scientifically sound information on environmental and health impacts of construction materials, based on a common LCA methodology across 5 European countries’# SETAC Europe 17th LCA Case Study Symposium: Sustainable Lifestyles Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Hungary
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