Mohammad Mahmood

Dr Mohammad Mahmood

Senior Lecturer

School of Public Health

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Teaching Interests: International Health, Project Planning & Evaluation, Health Promotion, Public Health Interventions

Research Interests & Disciplinary orientation: Maternal Health, Snakebite, Health Services Development, PHC, Community Development, Health Management Information Systems, Participatory Appraisal

PROJECTS: Current & Recent

Improving Quality of Maternal Healthcare in 6 Districts of Indonesia

quality care for healthy mothers & babies

Nur Baiti Rizqiyah with baby Assifa Salsabila Humaira, Kukar district (Credit: Photographer: Satria Nugraha)

Mohammad Afzal Mahmood, Prof Gustaaf Dekker, Prof Budi Santoso, Ismi Mufidah, Dr Ardian Cahya Laksana, Dr Budi Prasatyo, Dr Hud Suhargono, Ms. Masitah, Dr Hanifa Erlin, Dr Rizki Pranadyan, Dr Pandu Habibi, and teams across 6 districts. A collaborative project with Universitas Airlangga and provincial and district departments of health across two provinces of Indonesia. This participatory development initiative is based in 6 hospitals and departments in Kukar, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Pasuruan, Tuban and Jombang districts. The project is funded by Australia-Indonesia Institute DFAT with co-contributions by the University of Adelaide, Universitas Airlangga and participating districts.

Project Team

Based on our team's extensive maternal health research in Indonesia, this project is being implemented from early 2022, with a focus on quality of care change initiatives in 6 districts of East Java and East Kalimantan. Aim is to improve quality of care at hospitals and primary care centres, through strengthening organisational and functional links between departments of health, primary care centres and hospitals, improved teamwork, application of technology to decrease delays in managing deteriorating patients, improved communication between providers, and application of standard operating procedures for evidence-based care. With support by public health, obstetrics, midwifery, health system specialists at the two universities, 6 teams (each comprising of health managers, obstetricians and midwives) identified and prioritised issues impacting quality at their respective hospitals and districts and identified and implemented locally relevant strategies and solutions. For further information email


Health Services Strengthening for Improved Health Outcomes for Snakebite Victims, Myanmar: Review of first aid and treatment in the primary care and in hospital settings, community knowledge and practices survey, CMEs for heath care staff and community health education in three townships in Mandalay and Yangon (Funding by DFAT .

Maternal Health Services  - Indonesia: Review of maternal health services, verbal autopsies and facility based maternal death audits for an in-depth understanding and policy and system wide changes, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Safe Motherhood & Reproductive Health - East Timor: Strengthening District Health System for Safe Motherhood in East Timor. In collaboration with International Infancy Midwifery Obstetrics and Gynaecology (IMOG) program, Rotary Club of Morialta and Department of Health, Bobonaro, East Timor, with Bruno Giorgio, Steven Scroggs, RCM IMOG team, Sally Johnson, Frances Knight, Penny Bezar, Ben Kildea et al

Health System Development - Indonesia: Health Management Trainings, Maternal Health Action Research, Development of a Maternal Health Technical Resource Team for managers of government public health programs, and manager of hospitals, district health and primary care settings, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. With John Moss, Maskito Soerjoasmoro, Rina Kusumaratna, H Sutarnyoto, Syafak Hanung, Syarifah Masitah

Quality of Care  - PR China: Rational use of prescription drugs in primary care settings, quality of care in township hospitals, in Shandong Province, Peoples Republic of China, in collaboration with Shandong Health Department & Weifang Medical University. Focus on health care providers and health system factors determining rational use of drugs. With Zhang Aiguo, Wei Li, Hand Dong, Anje Scarfe, Yu Zhenjie, Wu Qi, Lainie Sutton. 

Primary Health Care - PR China: Quality of Primary Care at village clinics and township hospitals, Shandong province, in collaboration with the Shandong Department of Health, Peoples Republic of China. With Laine Sutton, Zhang Aiguo, Vanessa Richardson, Alexandra Raulli, Han Dong, Wangyan, Dong Peng

Placements of Australian public health graduates and specialists for research, health promotion and health services development in developing countries: Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD) for (2006, PR China), Public Health (2007, PR China), Primary Health Care (2008, East Timor), Village Health Services (2009, PR China), Village Health Services 2011 -2012, PR China). Maternal Health Services (2010 Indonesia), Hospital Based Maternal Health Services (2011, Indonesia), Referral Pathways Safe Motherhood Services (2012, Indonesia)

Other Health Services Research: The influence of living arrangements on health services  utilisation in Australia – an analysis of the National Health Survey Data to identify the utilisation of primary care, acute care and allied health services by people


For details on projects available please view the following booklet: School of Public Health Student Projects

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2021 - ongoing Adj Professor Universitas Airlangga
    2010 - ongoing Honorary Advisor to East Kalimantan Provincial Department of Health Provinical Department of Health, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
    2002 - ongoing Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    University of Adelaide Australia PhD
    University of Adelaide Australia MPH
    Quaid e Azam Medical College Pakistan MBBS

2017: Health System Development Interventions for Improved Pregnancy Outcomes, Kutai Kartanegara, Indonesia. An intervention research to improve quality of care in primary care and a district hospital. - Research interventions funded by the Kutai Kartanegara District Health Office (estimated value $ 100,000)

2014: Australian Government DFAT, Improving health outcomes for snakebite patients in Myanmar. Chen Au Peh, Julian White, Afzal Mahmood. $2,296,483.

2013 Maternal Health. Death Audit Review, Kutai Kartanegara district. Field expenses by the District Department of Health. Estimated Value $50,000

2011: AusAID for the development of a maternal health technical resource team for the province of East Kalimantan, funded by AusAID, $85,000

2011: AusAID: Appointment of a research assistant for research into rationale use of drugs at the county hospitals, in collaboration with Weifang University and Shandong Department of Health, Shandong PR China. Estimated value $60,000

2011 DEEWR: (Department of Education, Employment and Workforce Relations. Government of Australia. Short Term Mobility Grant for placement of students in Indonesia. $13500

2010 The Ministry of Education, Indonesia. Comprehensive health services access model for elderly health. Kusumaratna RK, Soerjoasmoro MA, Mohammad MA, $20,000

2009: AusAID: appointment of a Research Assistant, Shandong PR China, in collaboration with Shandong Department of Health and Weifang Medical University, for a research into quality of care at village clinics Estimated value $60,000

2009 AusAID, Management Training for public sector health care manager from Indonesia. $198000

2008 East Kalimantan Department of Health, PWS Project. Health services management training for senior and mid level managers of health. $140,000

2006-07 AusAID. Rural health services research in Shandong Province, in collaboration with the Shandong Province Department of Health, China. AUSAID funded a project coordinator to be placed in Shandong for six months under the Australian Youth Ambassador for Development Award Program. Mahmood MA, Wangyan, Zhang Aiguo. Estimated value $60,000.

2005 Evaluation of Children and Families Integration Services: Evaluating the Outcomes of Service Integration. Children Youth and Women’s Health Services. Women’s & Children’s Hospital, Adelaide. Mahmood MA, Rosenfeld E, McDermott B. $17,000.

2004-05 Faculty of Health Science, University of Adelaide. The influence of living arrangements on health services utilisation in Australia. Mahmood MA, Warin M, Bi P. $9,000.

2004-05 Pakistan Voluntary Health and Nutrition Association (PAVHNA). For research and development into Reproductive Health Program Sustainability Strategies. $31,000

2004 -05 AusAID. Placement of a research assistant for rural health services research in Shandong Province, with Shandong Department of Health, estimated value $40,000

2003-04 Pakistan Voluntary Health and Nutrition Association: Operations Research Reproductive Health Program: STIs, Family Planning, Safe Motherhood. $18050

2000-01 PAVHNA. Health Management Information System Development for Reproductive Health. Mahmood MA, Mobeen N, et al. $10,000

2000 Marie Stopes Society. Baseline assessment. Reproductive Health, Khairpur and Naushahro Feroze, Sindh, Pakistan. Mahmood MA, Ali S, Afsar H, et al $10,000

2000 Perinatal Infections and Pregnancy Outcomes Research. Pakistan. A collaborative international research involving researchers from University of Alabama and Aga Khan University Karachi. Co-Principle Investigator for the psychosocial, nutritional and dental component. (as member of
an Aga Khan University and University of Alabama research team) With Goldenberg R, Islam, A, Karmaliani R, et al. $952,981

Course Development & Coordination, University of Adelaide
• Health Promotion, PUB HLTH 3124,  2017
• Evaluation in Public Health III. PUB HLTH 3123  2015 - 2017
• Public Health Internship  2011, 2015, 2016
• International Health Course for BHSc, MBBS. PUB HLTH 3122. 2007 to date
• Public Health Intervention component of PH Policy & Interventions 2007 - 2009
• Public Health Policy & Interventions, Core MPH Course 2010
• Protecting & Promoting Health 2007 to 2009
• Health Promotion, BHSc, Master of Public Health 2002 - 2006
• Public Health IB, Core Course BHSc 2003 to 2009
• Public Health Internship III, BHSc 2004 to 2010
• Project Management Module, PH Theory & Practice Course, BHSc 2012
• Health Promotion Module of the PH Theory & Practice Course, BHSc 2010
• Inputs to other courses e.g. PH1A, International PHC, MBBS

Program Development: Member Strategic Group and Degree Committee, 2006, Bachelor of Development Studies Program
Teaching Award: Faculty of Health Sciences Executive Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching 2006

Program Development & Course Coordination at Aga Khan University
• Co-coordinator: MSc Health Policy & Management Program 2001-02
• Member Program Committee, MSc Epi & Biostatistics 2001-02
• Coordinator MSc Course Comparative Organisation of Health Services 2000-2002
• Coordinator MSc Course Health Management Information Systems 2000-2002
• Member Taskforce for MBBS Curriculum Review 2001-2002

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Co-Supervisor Employing co-design methodologies to provide patient-focused, continuous, and comprehensive health care to refugee communities. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Courtney Bishop
    2023 Principal Supervisor Snakebite Management in Developing Countries: Access to and Use of Antivenom, Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Myat Myat Thein .
    2022 Principal Supervisor Integration of family planning into Maternal and Child Health services Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Farina Gul
    2018 Principal Supervisor Strengthening Viral Hepatitis Management in Aboriginal Health Services Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Michael Larkin
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Addressing the Growing Burden of Concomitant Illnesses in Pregnancy in Indonesia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Lareesa Marie Ryan
    2018 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Application of Primary Health Care Principles in National or Large-Scale Community Health Worker Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Shagufta Perveen
    2015 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Quality of Care in Family Planning Services in Ethiopia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Gizachew Assefa Tessema
    2012 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Physical Activity among Young Educated Saudi Women Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Mazna Almarzooqi
    2011 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Decentralisation and Local Health Discretion: Pursuing the Hazy Path between Local Initiatives and Central Policies Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Muhammad Syamsu Hidayat
    2009 - 2012 Co-Supervisor Smokeless Tobacco and Coronary Heart Disease: Risks Among Non-Smokers in Bangladesh Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Aziz Rahman
    2008 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Prevention of Musculoskeletal Pain and Discomfort in South Australian Workplaces: Evaluation of a Stage of Change Approach Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Diana Vanda Daturara Doda
    2007 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Exploring the Fit between the Perceived Mental Health Needs of Resettling Refugees and Current Health Service Responses Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Michael Savic
    2005 - 2010 Co-Supervisor ''What is going to happen to me now?' Systemic Uncertainty and Complexity Between Hospital and Home for Older People, People with Disability, Carers and Service Providers Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Rosie King
    2004 - 2007 Co-Supervisor Efficiency in Hospitals Owned by the Iranian Social Security Organisation: Measurement, Determinants, and Remedial Actions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Hossein Hajiali Afzali
  • Consulting/Advisories

    Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country
    2017 - ongoing Rotary Club of Morialta & Australian College of Midwives - Health services and related Australia
    2010 - ongoing Provincial Government, East Kalimantan, Indonesia Provinical Department of Health Health services and related Indonesia
    2009 - ongoing Weifang Medical University, Weifang, Shandong Province China - School or college China
    2006 - 2012 Shangong Provincial Department of Health - Health services and related China
    2005 - 2012 East Timor Ministry of Health, District Bobonaro Health Office, Rotary Club of Morialta - Health services and related Timor-Leste
    2005 - 2005 Womens and Children Hospital - Health services and related Australia
    1998 - 1999 University of Indonesia, Trisakti University Department of Community Medicine, Public Health Health services and related Indonesia
  • Position: Senior Lecturer
  • Email:
  • Fax: 83136885
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Rundle Mall Plaza, floor 4
  • Org Unit: Public Health

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