Farina Gul

Farina Gul

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

School of Public Health

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

I am a public health researcher with an affiliation in sexual and reproductive health, maternal health, family planning, gender and equity, and health economics. The focus of my work is primarily on low-resource settings. I hold two master's degrees - one in Applied Health Economics from the University of South Wales in the UK and another in Health Policy and Management from Aga Khan University in Pakistan. I have published over 20 peer-reviewed articles in international journals. I have experience as a Principal and co-investigator in sexual and reproductive health research funded by international organizations like WHO and FHI 360. At present, I am pursuing a Ph.D. program at the University of Adelaide. My research aims to strengthen the health systems of low and middle-income countries through the development of a model that can integrate family planning services with other existing services.

Integration of Family Planning Services with other health services in Low and Middle-Income Countries. 

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2022 Abrejo, F. G., Iqbal, R., & Saleem, S. (2022). Women's perceptions about mobile health solutions for selection and use of family planning methods in Karachi: a feasibility study. BMC WOMENS HEALTH, 22(1), 11 pages.
    DOI Europe PMC4
    2021 Ali, S. A., Khan, U., Abrejo, F., Vollmer, B., Saleem, S., Hambidge, K. M., . . . Pasha, O. (2021). Use of Smokeless Tobacco Before Conception and Its Relationship With Maternal and Fetal Outcomes of Pregnancy in Thatta, Pakistan: Findings From Women First Study. NICOTINE & TOBACCO RESEARCH, 23(8), 1291-1299.
    DOI WoS1 Europe PMC3
    2021 Asim, M., Saleem, S., Ahmed, Z. H., Naeem, I., Abrejo, F., Fatmi, Z., & Siddiqi, S. (2021). We Won’t Go There: Barriers to Accessing Maternal and Newborn Care in District Thatta, Pakistan. Healthcare, 9(10), 1314.
    DOI WoS2 Europe PMC5
    2021 Chin-Quee, D. S., Abrejo, F., Chen, M., Lashari, T., Olsen, P., Habib, Z., . . . Saleem, S. (2021). Task Sharing of Injectable Contraception Services in Pakistan: A Randomized Controlled Trial. STUDIES IN FAMILY PLANNING, 52(1), 23-39.
    DOI WoS1 Europe PMC2
    2020 Saleem, S., Rizvi, N., Shahil Feroz, A., Reza, S., Jessani, S., & Abrejo, F. (2020). Perceptions and experiences of men and women towards acceptability and use of contraceptives in underserved areas of Karachi, Pakistan: a midline qualitative assessment of Sukh initiative, Karachi Pakistan. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, 17(1), 9 pages.
    DOI WoS1 Europe PMC2
    2019 Thobani, R., Jessani, S., Azam, I., Reza, S., Sami, N., Rozi, S., . . . Saleem, S. (2019). Factors associated with the discontinuation of modern methods of contraception in the low income areas of Sukh Initiative Karachi: A community-based case control study. PLOS ONE, 14(7), 12 pages.
    DOI WoS16 Europe PMC18
    2018 Tikmani, S. S., Saleem, S., McClure, E., Naqvi, F. Z., Abrejo, F., Soomro, Z., . . . Goldenberg, R. L. (2018). Monitoring of birth registry coverage and data quality utilizing lot quality assurance sampling methodology: A pilot study.. Journal of family medicine and primary care, 7(3), 522-525.
    DOI Europe PMC1
    2017 Samnani, A. A. B. A., Rizvi, N., Ali, T. S., & Abrejo, F. (2017). Barriers or gaps in implementation of misoprostol use for post-abortion care and post-partum hemorrhage prevention in developing countries: a systematic review. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, 14(1), 10 pages.
    DOI WoS17 Europe PMC14
    2008 Abrejo, F. G., Shaikh, B. T., & Saleem, S. (2008). ICPD to MDGs: Missing links and common grounds.. Reproductive health, 5(1), 4.
    DOI Europe PMC12

Robinson Research Institute 2024 Travel Grant 

Walter & Dorothy Duncan Trust 

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