Dr Aaron Zecchin
Senior Lecturer
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences
School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering
Research Interests
I have a strong interest and passion for research in the field of fluid line network dynamics. I am actively undertaking research in the development and analysis of partial differential equation solvers, and the analysis of two-dimensional and fluid-structure interaction effects within pipe flow. I research Laplace-domain characterisations of hydraulic networks, and the utilisation of these characterisations for simulation and model identification. I am also working on the use of sparse linear solvers for the fast steady-state simulation of pipe networks.
I work in the broad area of system identification, and I am active in its theoretical and practical application to the condition assessment of hydraulic systems. In particular, I have focused on the use of statistical frequency- and time-domain methods for both parameter estimation and fault detection within pipeline networks.
In addition to the areas mentioned above, I also have an active interest in evolutionary algorithms, or more generally, population-based metaheuristics such as genetic algorithms, ant colony optimisation, particle swarm optimisation, differential evolution and the dynamically dimensioned search algorithm Within this field, my interest is in not only the application of these algorithms to engineering and environmental problems, but also the analysis and quantification of the convergence behaviour of such algorithms.
Date Position Institution name 2015 - ongoing Senior Lecturer The University of Adelaide 2010 - 2017 Lecturer The University of Adelaide 2007 - 2009 Research Associate The University of Adelaide -
Date Institution name Country Title 2013 The University of Adelaide Australia Master of Mathematical Sciences 2009 The University of Adelaide Australia Doctor of Philosophy 2003 The University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Science (Mathematical and Computer Science) 2002 The University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) (Civil) -
Research Interests
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2023 Jeanneau, A., van Delden, H., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., Vanhout, R., McNaught, T., & Wouters, M. (2023). Peering into the future: Identification of emerging wildfire risk hotspots due to changes in climate and population in Western Australia. In 8th International Wildland Fire Conference Proceedings. Porto, Portugal. 2023 Jeanneau, A., van Delden, H., Radford, D., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., Vanhout, R., & McNaught, T. (2023). Fuel Management Suitability Tool: Advancing resilient wildfire management practices through flexible decision support and local information. In https://whova.com/embedded/event/cS1CGd3zmD1S6q6eQmBRrh2jWesVrB8NGK3YSVyIhkU%3D/?utc_source=ems. Monterey, California. 2022 Zhu, S., Maier, H., & Zecchin, A. (2022). Improved Understanding of the Relationship between ModelComplexity and Calibration Performance using ExploratoryLandscape Analysis Metrics. In 11th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Brussels, Belgium, Ann van Griensven, Jiri Nossent, Stefan Reis (Eds.) https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/iemssconference/2022/. Online: ICEMS. 2022 Jeanneau, A., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., McNaught, T., & Wouters, M. (2022). The Fuel Management Suitability Tool: A new tool for bushfire risk reduction planning. In AFAC Conference Proceedings. Adelaide. 2022 Jeanneau, A., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., McNaught, T., & Wouters, M. (2022). The Fuel Management Suitability Tool – A new way to select the most suitable fire management strategies to reduce wildfire risk. In IAWF Conference Proceedings. Melbourne. 2022 Radford, D., Maier, H., van Delden, H., Zecchin, A., & Jeanneau, A. (2022). Land Use Planning and Connectivity to Wildfire Hazards in the Urban Interface.. In AFAC22 | Connecting communities. Creating resilience.. Adelaide. 2022 Radford, D., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., & van Delden, H. (2022). An index for describing the spatial-connectivity of flammable landscapes. In Proceedings for the Fire and Climate Conference (pp. 1). Melbourne, Australia. 2022 Keenan, C., Maier, H., van Delden, H., & Zecchin, A. (2022). System cyber-security risk for water networks. In 2022 AWA/IWA Australia-New Zealand YWP Conference Online Platform. Sydney, Australia: Australian Water Association. 2019 Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., Vanhout, R., Daniell, J., . . . Newman, J. (2019). Future risk framework: understanding tomorrow’s risk and what we can do to reduce it. In Proceedings of AFAC19 (pp. 80-88). online: Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience. 2018 Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Maier, H., Newman, J., Zecchin, A., & Dandy, G. (2018). Applying unharmed for risk reduction planning – comparing strategies and long-term effectiveness. In Research proceedings from the 2018 Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC and AFAC Conference. Perth: Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2018 Gong, J., Stephens, M. L., Lambert, M. F., Zecchin, A. C., & Simpson, A. R. (2018). Analysis of the frequency-dependent attenuation of transient pressure waves in plastic pipes. In 1st International WDSA / CCWI 2018 Joint Conference (pp. 1-8). online: CCWI.
Scopus42018 Gong, J., Nguyen, S., Stephens, M., Lambert, M., Marchi, A., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2018). Correlation of post-burst hydraulic transient noise for pipe burst/leak localisation in water distributions systems. In 13th International Conference on Pressure Surges Vol. 1 (pp. 201-215). Online: BHR Group Limited.
Scopus92018 Zhang, C., Gong, J., Simpson, A., Lambert, M., & Zecchin, A. (2018). Inverse transient analysis using the head-based method of characteristics with a flexible grid: A laboratory verification. In 13th International Conference on Pressure Surges Vol. 2 (pp. 785-793). UK: BHR Group Limited. 2018 Zecchin, A., Kim, S., & Ferrante, M. (2018). A modal-based analysis of pipeline networks with applications to time-domain simulation. In 13th International Conference on Pressure Surges Vol. 1 (pp. 439-453). UK: BHR Group. 2018 Zeng, W., Gong, J., Lambert, M., Simpson, A., Cazzolato, B. S., & Zecchin, A. (2018). Detection of extended blockages in pressurised pipelines using hydraulic transients with a layer-peeling method. In IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science Vol. 240 (pp. 052019-1-052019-7). online: IOP Publishing.
DOI Scopus4 WoS32018 Zhang, C., Lambert, M., Gong, J., Zeng, W., Simpson, A., Zecchin, A., . . . Marchi, A. (2018). New approaches to pipeline condition assessment using pressure transients. In Proceedings of the 8th Singapore International Water Week. Singapore. 2017 Gong, J., Lambert, M., Zecchin, A., & Simpson, A. (2017). Hydraulic transient analysis for pipeline leak detection and condition assessment – a selective review on recent developments. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydraulic and Environmental Systems (pp. 1-7). Online: World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology. 2017 Lambert, M., Nguyen, S. T., Gong, J., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2017). Leak detection using pseudo random binary sequence excitation and cepstrum analysis. In Proceedings of the 13th Hydraulics in Water Engineering Conference (pp. 1-8). online: Engineers Australia. 2017 Zhang, C., Zecchin, A., Gong, J., Lambert, M., & Simpson, A. (2017). Inverse transient analysis parameter estimation accuracy for systems subject to hydraulic noise and short damaged sections. In Proceedings of the 37th IAHR World Congress 'Learning from the Past for the Future'. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR). 2016 Gong, J., Lambert, M., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2016). A case study on condition assessment of an asbestos cement water pipeline using hydraulic transient pressure waves. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Computing and Control for the Water Industry. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 2015 Shi, H., Gong, J., Arkwright, J., Papageorgiou, A., Lambert, M., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2015). Transient pressure measurement in pipelines using optical fibre sensor. In Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics 2015 (ANZCOP 2015) (pp. 55-58). Online: Engineers Australia. 2015 Gong, J., Kim, Y. -I., Fandrich, H., Lambert, M., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2015). Field study on pipeline parameter identification using fluid transient waves with time-domain analysis. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pressure Surges (pp. 595-607). Cranfield, UK: BHR Group.
Scopus12015 Gong, J., Zecchin, A., Lambert, M., & Simpson, A. (2015). Study on the frequency response function of viscoelastic pipelines using a multi-element Kevin-Voigt model. In B. Ulanicki, Z. Kapelan, & J. Boxall (Eds.), Procedia Engineering Vol. 119 (pp. 226-234). Univ Exeter, Leicester, ENGLAND: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV.
DOI Scopus21 WoS162015 Newland, C., Maier, H., Newman, J., van Delden, H., & Zecchin, A. (2015). Relationships between Cellular Automata based land use model's parameters and spatial metrics: Enhancing understanding in a calibration context. In CUPUM 2015 - 14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (pp. 1-24). Online: Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management CUPUM.
Scopus22014 Zecchin, A., Gong, J., Simpson, A., & Lambert, M. (2014). Condition assessment in hydraulically noisy pipeline systems using a pressure wave splitting method. In G. Giustolisi, B. Brunone, D. Laucelli, L. Berardi, & A. Campisano (Eds.), Procedia Engineering Vol. 89 (pp. 1336-1342). Bari, Italy: Elsevier Ltd.
DOI Scopus8 WoS42012 Zheng, F., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2012). A performance comparison of differential evolution and genetic algorithm variants applied to water distribution system optimization. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012: Crossing Boundaries, Proceedings of the 2012 Congress (pp. 2954-2963). Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA: American Society of Civil Engineers.
DOI Scopus132012 Zheng, F., Zecchin, A., Simpson, A., & Keall, D. (2012). A performance comparison between genetic algorithms and differential evolution variants for water network optimisation. In WDSA 2012: 14th Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference, 24-27 September 2012 in Adelaide, South Australia Vol. 2 (pp. 956-965). Adelaide, Australia: Engineers Australia. 2012 Zheng, F., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2012). A new NLP-DE hybrid optimisation model for water distribution system optimisation. In 14th Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference Vol. 1 (pp. 66-76). Barton, A.C.T.: Engineers Australia.
Scopus12012 Gong, J., Zecchin, A., Lambert, M., & Simpson, A. (2012). Signal separation for transient wave reflections in single pipelines using inverse filters. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012: Crossing Boundaries (pp. 3275-3284). Albuquerque, New Mexico: American Society of Civil Engineers.
DOI Scopus32012 Gong, J., Lambert, M., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2012). Distributed deterioration detection in single pipes using the impulse response function. In Proceedings 14th Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference Vol. 1 (pp. 702-719). Adelaide, SA: Engineers Australia.
Scopus52012 Gong, J., Lambert, M., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2012). Distributed deterioration detection in single pipelines using transient measurements from pressure transducer pairs. In Proceedings of the11th International Conferences on Pressure Surges (pp. 127-140). UK: BHR Group.
Scopus62011 Zheng, F., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2011). Optimal rehabilitation for large water distribution systems using genetic algorithms. In OzWater 2011 Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-11). Adelaide, SA: Australian Water Association. 2011 Zheng, F., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2011). Parametric analysis of differential evolution algorithm applied to water distribution system optimization. In Proceedings of Computing and Control for the Water Industry 2011 Vol. 3 (pp. 1-6). United Kingdom.
Scopus52011 Gong, J., Lambert, M., Zecchin, A., & Simpson, A. (2011). Frequency response measurement of pipelines by using inverse-repeat binary sequences. In Proceedings of Computing and Control for the Water Industry 2011 Vol. 3 (pp. 1-6). United Kingdom.
Scopus32011 Zecchin, A., & Lee, P. (2011). Sufficient conditions for the passivity of numerical unsteady friction operators for transient pipe flow. In Proceedings of the 34th IAHR World Congress (pp. 1-9). Australia: Engineers Australia. 2011 Zheng, F., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2011). A method for assessing the performance of genetic algorithm optimization for water distribution design. In Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010 (pp. 771-785). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.
DOI Scopus42011 Zheng, F., Simpson, A., & Zecchin, A. (2011). Performance study of differential evolution with various mutation strategies applied to water distribution system optimization. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (2011 : Palm Springs, California, USA) (pp. 166-176). USA: American Society of Civil Engineers.
DOI Scopus122011 Zecchin, A. C., & Lee, P. J. (2011). Sufficient conditions for the passivity of numerical unsteady friction operators for transient pipe flow. In 34th IAHR Congress 2011 - Balance and Uncertainty: Water in a Changing World, Incorporating the 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and the 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering (pp. 2338-2345). 2009 Zecchin, A., Lambert, M., & Simpson, A. (2009). Damage detection of operating transmission mains with measured boundary conditions. In S. Starrett (Ed.), World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009 Vol. 342 (pp. 1-11). Kansas City, Missouri: American Society of Civil Engineers.
DOI2009 Zecchin, A., Lambert, M., Simpson, A., & Arbon, N. (2009). Numerically efficient transient-state model for a pipeline based on the Fourier-Crump inverse Laplace transform. In 33rd IAHR Congress: Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment (pp. 6066-6073). Vancouver, British Columbia: International Association of Hydraulic Engineering & Research. 2008 Zecchin, A., Simpson, A., & Lambert, M. (2008). Von Neumann stability analysis of a method of characteristics visco-elastic pipeline model. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pressure Surges (pp. 333-347). CD: BHR Group.
Scopus22008 Tolson, B., Esfahani, M., Zecchin, A., & Maier, H. (2008). A new algorithm for water distribution system optimization: Discrete dynamically dimensioned search. In Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008 Vol. 316 (pp. 1-10). CD: American Society of Civil Engineers.
DOI Scopus22006 Zecchin, A., Lambert, M., Simpson, A., & White, L. (2006). Laplace-domain comparison of linear models of a reservoir-pipe-valve system with a leak. In 8th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006 (pp. 1-100). 1801 Alexander Bell Dr., Reston, VA 20191: American Society of Civil Engineers.
DOI Scopus32005 Zecchin, A., White, L., Lambert, M., & Simpson, A. (2005). Frequency-domain hypothesis testing approach to leak detection in a single fluid line. In S. Dragan (Ed.), Proceedings of the eighth International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century Vol. 1 (pp. 149-154). Exeter, UK: University of Exeter, Centre for Water Systems.
Scopus32004 Leonard, M., Maier, H., Simpson, A., Zecchin, A., Roberts, A., Berrisford, M., & Nixon, J. (2004). Hydraulic risk assessment of water distribution systems. In H. Chanson, & J. Macintosh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering 2004 (pp. CD-ROM 1-CD-ROM 8). CD-ROM: The Institution of Engineers Australia. 2003 Zecchin, A., Maier, H., Simpson, A., Roberts, A., Berrisford, M., & Leonard, M. (2003). Max-min ant system applied to water distribution system optimisation. In D. Post (Ed.), Integrative modelling of biophysical, social, and economic systems for resource management solutions (pp. 795-800). IAS, ANU, Canberra: The Modelling and Simulation Soc of Aust and NZ Inc.
WoS19 -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2022 Newland, C., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., & Newman, J. (2022). Impact of the Degree of Incorporation of Domain Knowledge into the Automatic Calibration of Land Use (Natural Hazard Exposure) Models. Poster session presented at the meeting of 11th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Brussels, Belgium, Ann van Griensven, Jiri Nossent, Stefan Reis (Eds.) https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/iemssconference/2022/.. Brussels. 2021 Jeanneau, A., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., & McNaught, T. (2021). Fuel management strategies for reducing future bushfire risk. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian and New Zealand National Council for fire and emergency services. Sydney. 2021 Leigh, R., Knowling, M., Westra, S., Bennett, B., Zecchin, A., Maier, H., . . . Devanand, A. (2021). A multi-modelling framework to stress-test water resource systems under change. Poster session presented at the meeting of 24th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2021) Book of Abstracts. Sydney, Australia: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc.. 2015 Riddell, G. A., van Delden, H., Maier, H. R., & Zecchin, A. C. (2015). Applying an ‘outcomes of interest’ scenario framework to consider uncertainties impacting risk reduction policies. Poster session presented at the meeting of MODSIM 2015. Gold Coast, Australia. 2015 Riddell, G. A., van delden, H., maier, H. R., & zecchin, A. C. (2015). Including land value in hazard mitigation planning. Poster session presented at the meeting of AFAC 2015. Adelaide, Australia. 2014 Riddell, G. A., zecchin, A. C., Maier, H. R., & van Delden, H. (2014). Handling uncertainty in optimal decision-making for natural hazard mitigation planning. Poster session presented at the meeting of AFAC 2014. Wellington, New Zealand. - Larsson, N., Lang, M., Stevens, M., Murdoch-Vlahos, N., & Zecchin, A. (n.d.). Water Hammer Analysis in Pipeline Networks. Poster session presented at the meeting of Unknown Conference.
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2024 van Delden, H., Jeanneau, A., Vanhout, R., Radford, D., Maier, H., & Zecchin, A. (2024). Sea flood mapping and impact assessment for Port Adelaide and surrounds - A study to explore future risk scenarios using UNHaRMED. 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddell, G., Jeanneau, A., Maier, H., & Zecchin, A. (2022). Exploring future bushfire risk and risk reduction potential. 2022 Jeanneau, A., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., McNaught, T., Wouters, M., & Maier, H. (2022). Opportunities for alternative fuel load reduction approaches - summary report (719). 2022 Jeanneau, A., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., McNaught, T., & Maier, H. (2022). Mapping how outputs from various Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC projects could be combined to address the issue of how to best manage fuel to reduce bushfire risk into the future (718). 2022 He, L., Zecchin, A., Westra, S., Jeanneau, A., Radford, D., & Maier, H. (2022). ADAPTIVE ANALYTICAL BUSHFIRE LIKELIHOOD (AABL) TOOL FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING AND REDUCING FUTURE BUSHFIRE RISK. 2022 Culley, S., Zecchin, A., & Maier, H. (2022). National scale assessment of viable biomethane locations in Australia: viable case studies report. 2022 Culley, S., Zecchin, A., & Maier, H. (2022). Where are the most viable locations for bioenergy hubs across Australia?. 2022 Culley, S., Zecchin, A., & Maier, H. (2022). Prototype online mapping tool: Identifying most viable sites for biomethane injection in Australia. 2022 Westra, S., Leigh, R., Knowling, M., Beh, E., Devanand, A., Thyer, M., . . . McInerney, D. (2022). Assessment of current and future water security in the Barossa and Eden Valleys. 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddel, G., Elco, K., Radford, D., Dandy, G., . . . Zecchin, A. (2022). Evaluation Document: GRUMP - Gawler River UNHARMED Mitigation Project. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddell, G., Koks, E., Radford, D., Dandy, G., . . . Zecchin, A. (2022). Integrated Assessment of Flood Mitigation Options: GRUMP - Gawler River UNHARMED Mitigation Project. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddell, G., Koks, E., Radford, D., Dandy, G., . . . Zecchin, A. (2022). Pathways Document for Integrated Flood Risk Management: GRUMP - Gawler River UNHARMED Mitigation Project. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2022 van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Riddell, G., Koks, E., Radford, D., Dandy, G., . . . Zecchin, A. (2022). Project Summary and Evaluation: GRUMP - Gawler River UNHARMED Mitigation Project. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. 2021 Jeanneau, A., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., McNaught, T., & Maier, H. (2021). Guidance framework for the selection of different fuel management strategies (716). 2021 Jeanneau, A., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., McNaught, T., & Maier, H. (2021). Identifying opportunities for the use of different fuel management strategies in WA (717). 2021 Jeanneau, A., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., McNaught, T., & Maier, H. (2021). Influence of climate change and fuel management on bushfire risk in Western Australia (714). 2021 Jeanneau, A., Zecchin, A., van Delden, H., McNaught, T., & Maier, H. (2021). Identification of fuel management locations and risk reduction potential (715). 2021 Culley, S., Zecchin, A., Hosseini, T., & Maier, H. (2021). Adelaide Case Study Report - Viability Assessment. 2021 Culley, S., Maier, H., & Zecchin, A. (2021). Final Framework Report. 2020 Culley, S., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., & Riddell, G. (2020). Methodology Report. 2020 Culley, S., Zecchin, A., Hosseini, T., & Maier, H. (2020). Griffith Case Study Report - Viability Assessment: Assessment framework for bio-methane injection in gas networks (RP1.2-03). Future Fuels CRC. 2020 Maier, H., Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Araya, S., Zecchin, A., Vanhout, R., . . . Hamers, E. (2020). Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction – annual report 2019-2020 (629). 2020 Maier, H., Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Araya, S., Zecchin, A., Vanhout, R., . . . Hamers, E. (2020). Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction – annual project report 2018-2019 (583). 2020 Newman, J., Dandy, G., Zecchin, A., Maier, H., van Delden, H., Newland, C., & Riddell, G. (2020). Simulation optimisation for natural hazard risk management (533). 2019 van Delden, H., Riddell, G., Vanhout, R., Maier, H., Newman, J., Zecchin, A., & Dandy, G. (2019). UNHaRMED framework report: a co-creation approach for the development and use of decision support systems for disaster risk reduction. (484). 2019 Riddell, G., Araya, S., Zecchin, A., Maier, H., Daniell, J., & van Delden, H. (2019). INFORMING STRATEGIC URBAN RISK MAPPING FOR METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE. 2019 Araya, S., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., & Riddell, G. (2019). Workshop 1 Report - Opportunities and Barriers for Introducing Bio-Methane into Existing Gas Networks. 2018 Maier, H., Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Newman, J., Zecchin, A., Dandy, G., . . . Bennett, B. (2018). Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction: annual project report 2017-18 (427). 2017 Riddell, G., van Delden, H., Dandy, G., Maier, H., Zecchin, A., Newman, J., & Newland, C. (2017). Futures Greater Adelaide 2050: An exploration of disaster risk and the future (243). -
Year Citation - Maier, H., Riddell, G., Delden, H. V., Zecchin, A., Dandy, G., & Araya, S. G. (n.d.). UNHaRMED - Unified Natural Hazard Risk Mitigation Exploratory Decision Support System.
Project Title | Funding Body | Years | Amount |
High-resolution pipeline condition assessment using hydraulic transients | Australian Research Council (Discovery Project) | 2017 - 2019 | $499,000 |
Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction | Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre | 2017 - 2020 | $880,000 |
Cost Effective Pipeline Condition Assessment Using Paired Pressure Sensor Arrays | Australian Research Council (Discovery Project) | 2014 - 2017 | $430,000 |
Decision support system for assessment of policy & planning investment options for optimal natural hazard mitigation | Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre | 2014 - 2017 | $1,055,000 |
Combining transient micro-reflections and multi-sensor arrays for condition assessment of buried pipes | Australian Research Council (Linkage Project) | 2013 - 2016 | $285,000 |
- C&ENVENG 4018 (7018) Environmental Systems Dynamics (previously Environmental Engineering and Design IVA)
- C&ENVENG 3079 (7079) Water Engineering and Design III
- C&ENVENG 2071 Water Engineering II
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Principal Supervisor Integrated Data-Driven Prediction Modeling Technique to Forecast Water Resources Variables under climate change conditions for Sustainable Water and Environmental Management Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Maedeh Enayati 2023 Principal Supervisor A Comprehensive Elastic Water Column Model for Water Distribution System Analysis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Morteza Imani 2023 Principal Supervisor Assessment of Urban Flood Risk by Using AI and Socioeconomic Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mohammadreza Hassanvand 2021 Co-Supervisor Network Calming for Enhancing Pipe Condition using Smart Sensors Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Valerie Alexandra Anna Berta Satzinger 2021 Co-Supervisor Quantitative Framework to Enable the Sustainable Renewable Energy Transition Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Jing Tian 2021 Co-Supervisor System Risk Modelling in Critical Water Infrastructure - Decision Support for Assessing and Mitigating Cyber Threats. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Cael James Angus Keenan 2021 Co-Supervisor An integrated modelling approach for the planning of collaborative and adaptive wildfire risk-reduction activities Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Douglas Arthur Gordon Radford -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2018 - 2022 Co-Supervisor A coupled approach to regional flood and land-use modelling to determine the impact of land-use-change and mitigation strategies on flood risk reduction Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Eike Michael Hamers 2017 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Understanding the Problem Structure of Optimisation Problems in Water Resources Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Siwei Zhu 2016 - 2021 Principal Supervisor A Systematic Investigation of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms Applied to the Water Distribution System Problem Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Peng Wang 2014 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Pipe Wall Condition Assessment and Leak Detection using Paired Pressure Sensors with Hydraulic Transient Analysis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms He Shi 2014 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Foresight for Risk - Using Scenarios for Strategic Risk Assessment and Management of Emergent Disaster Risk Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Graeme Angus Riddell 2014 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Condition Assessment for Water Distribution Pipelines Using Inverse Transient Analysis and the Reconstructive Method of Characteristics Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Chi Zhang 2014 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Developing a (Semi) Automatic Calibration Procedure for Cellular Automata Based Land-use Models Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Charles Peter Newland 2011 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Improving Partial Mutual Information Based Input Variable Selection for Data Driven Environmental and Water Resources Models Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Xuyuan Yuan Li 2010 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Leak Detection and Condition Assessment for Water Distribution Pipelines using Fluid Transient Waves Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Jinzhe Gong 2010 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Advanced Hybrid Approaches Based on Graph Theory Decomposition Modified Evolutionary Algorithms and Deterministic Optimisation Techniques for the Design of Water Distribution Systems Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Feifei Zheng
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