Tracy Merlin

Professor Tracy Merlin

Head of School of Public Health

School of Public Health

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Professor Merlin is the first Professor of Health Technology Assessment in Australia, having worked in this sub-discipline of Public Health for over 25 years as a methodologist and clinical epidemiologist. In addition to publishing on methodological work, she has written over 200 systematic literature reviews, clinical practice guidelines, methods publications and health technology assessment reports.

She is the Director and co-founder of Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA) at the University of Adelaide. In this role she leads a large and experienced team of researchers undertaking multi-million dollar applied research and evaluation activities on behalf of government and non-government agencies. This research directly informs health policy and clinical practice, including the funding of technologies on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and through Medicare. In 2023 Professor Merlin and her team were commissioned to provide expert advice and evidence on HTA to the Australian Government Health Technology Assessment Policy and Methods Review. The health technology assessment arm of AHTA has been undertaking applied research since 2001.

Also, at the University of Adelaide, Professor Merlin is the Head of the School of Public Health and the Deputy Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. The School of Public Health takes pride in offering high performance teaching and translational research across a number of public health areas including epidemiology and biostatistics, environmental and occupational health sciences, social and behavioural health sciences and healthy policy and health services. Health technology assessment is a policy science.

Professor Merlin served as Chair of the Board of the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) - a network of 50 not-for-profit and government health technology assessment agencies across 30 countries - from 2020-2023. She has been on the Board since 2015 and now serves as Past Chair and Chair of the Nominating Committee. She served as Chair of the English Editorial Board of the International HTA Glossary for 10 years and is now Co-Chair of the International Steering Committee. She is a founding member of Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) and was instrumental in bringing the Society's international conference to Adelaide in 2023.

Professor Merlin served as Chair of Academic Board at the University of Adelaide and was an ex-officio member of Council from 2022-2023.

Available Research Projects

For details on projects available please view the following booklet: School of Public Health Student Projects

Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA)  AHTA Logo

Our Research                                                                           

Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA) is an applied research group with a national and international reputation in Health Technology Assessment (HTA). AHTA has undertaken over $70 million in applied/contract research since its inception, primarily for the Australian Government Department of Health, to evaluate health services, medicines and other interventions to inform health policy and public funding decisions. This includes assessing the safety, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of medical services that are being considered for Medicare funding; and the appraisal of pharmaceuticals to determine whether they warrant funding under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

AHTA's aim is to improve public health and contribute to an efficient and equitable health system by informing health decisions with high quality evidence.

Our mission is to:

  • evaluate the safety, effectiveness and value for money of health interventions
  • inform evidence-based policy and practice in health using proven methods
  • innovate, research and develop HTA and HTA methods

AHTA are proud members of: 


    INAHTA Logo         HTA Glossary Logo    Image removed.

Research and Teaching Interests 

Prof. Merlin's research interests include: 

  • Developing methodologies for evaluating diagnostic tests to help policy-makers decide whether the tests should be publicly funded
  • Developing methodologies for evaluating novel or disruptive technologies, such as mobile medical apps, breakthrough drugs and biosimilars, genetic technologies
  • Developing methodologies for evaluating co-dependent technologies (eg. the combination of a test and a drug; two tests; a drug and a device), particularly when applied to cancer. For example, pharmacogenetics / personalised medicines.
  • Assessing the impact of diagnostic tests or of co-dependent technologies on clinical or policy decision making
  • Exploring the impact of HTA on policy-makers’ decisions
  • Exploring how clinicians interpret evidence-based clinical practice guidelines
  • Exploring the impact of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on clinical practice
  • Comparing the utility of different methods for grading recommendations in evidence-based clinical practice guidelines
  • Comparing decision thresholds, between health systems, for determining the cost-effectiveness of technologies
  • Mapping the impact of HTA on the Australian health system
  • Mapping and categorising the different types of HTA and developing quality assurance criteria for each type of HTA product.
  • Exploring the impact of real world evidence on reimbursement decisions for health technologies
  • Assessing health system approaches to reducing the impact of antimicrobial resistance

Prof. Merlin's teaching interests include: 

  • Health technology assessment
  • Clinical epidemiology
  • Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
  • Horizon scanning for new and emerging technologies
  • Evaluating medical services, devices, programs or pharmaceuticals  to help policy-makers decide whether they should be publicly funded
  • Evaluating medical services or health interventions to inform health professionals and clinicians make the best choice when diagnosing or treating a patient
  • Evaluating currently funded medical services devices, programs or pharmaceuticals to help policy-makers decide whether they should be ‘disinvested’ or stripped of public funding.

Professional Activities

Prof. Merlin has been an active board member, Chair, and committee member of a significant number of committees, boards and working groups falling under the umbrella of various international, national and state health technology assessment organisations. 

She Chaired the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) from 2020-2023 and was on the Board for 8 years. She Chaired the HTA Glossary English Editorial Board for 10 years, on behalf of Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) and INAHTA, and she currently co-Chairs the International Steering Committee.


  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2024 - ongoing Head, School of Public Health University of Adelaide
    2024 - ongoing Deputy Executive Dean, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Adelaide
    2022 - 2023 Chair, Academic Board and ex-officio member of Council University of Adelaide
    2019 - 2023 Interim Head, School of Public Health University of Adelaide
    2017 - ongoing Professor of Health Technology Assessment University of Adelaide
    2017 - ongoing Director Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA), School of Public Health, University of Adelaide
    2016 - 2018 Academic Lead, Health Economics & Policy Academic Unit School of Public Health, University of Adelaide
    2015 - 2018 Acting Head, School of Public Health (Intermittent) University of Adelaide
    2015 - 2016 Managing Director, Data Management and Analysis Centre School of Public Health, University of Adelaide
    2013 - 2016 Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow (Level D) School of Public Health, University of Adelaide
    2010 - 2016 Managing Director Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA), School of Public Health, University of Adelaide
    2010 - 2012 Senior Research Fellow (Level C) Discipline of Public Health, School of Population Health, University of Adelaide
    2001 - 2010 Manager, Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (and the National Horizon Scanning Unit) Discipline of Public Health, School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, University of Adelaide
    1998 - 2001 Senior Research Officer Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures - Surgical (ASERNIP-S), Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
    1990 - 1997 Research Officer Department of Medicine, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, University of Adelaide
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2021 Invitation Invited to join Vice Chancellor’s Key Leaders’ Leadership Development Program University of Adelaide Australia -
    2019 Nomination Short-listed for Vice Chancellor’s Inaugural Award for Excellence in Research University of Adelaide Australia -
    2019 Invitation Invited to join Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences Advancing Leadership Program University of Adelaide Australia -
    2018 Award 2018 David Hailey Impact Award International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) Canada -
    2016 Award Best poster presentation HTAi - -
    2016 Award Best HDR Supervisor, School of Public Health University of Adelaide Australia -
    2016 Invitation Accepted into the Adelaide Women Leaders Program University of Adelaide Australia -
    2015 Honour School of Public Health Academic Leadership Honour Roll University of Adelaide Australia -
    2008 Award Best student oral presentation HTAi Canada $1,000
    2007 Award ARI Inaugural Impact Award for Growth in Contract Research Adelaide Research and Innovation Australia $10,000
    2006 Award Poster Prize HTAi Australia $1,000
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2014 - 2015 University of Adelaide Australia Graduate Certificate in Online Learning (Higher Education)
    2012 - 2013 FPMS International Management Consultants and Accredited Training Providers Australia Advanced Diploma in Project Management
    2007 - 2015 University of Adelaide Australia PhD (Medicine)
    1998 - 2001 University of Adelaide Australia Master of Public Health
    1989 - 1989 University of Adelaide Australia Honours, Bachelor of Arts
    1986 - 1989 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Arts
  • Research Interests

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2025 Phan, T. V., Pontifex, K., D'Onise, K., Merlin, T., & Nori, A. (2025). Critical elements of successful partnership in public health—A case study. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 36(1), 13 pages.
    2025 Botwright, S., Sittimart, M., Chavarina, K. K., Bayani, D. B., Merlin, T., Surgey, G., . . . Teerawattananon, Y. (2025). Good Practices for Health Technology Assessment Guideline Development: A Report of the Health Technology Assessment International, HTAsiaLink, and ISPOR Special Task Force. Value in Health, 28(1), 1-15.
    2025 Botwright, S., Sittimart, M., Chavarina, K. K., Bayani, D. B. S., Merlin, T., Surgey, G., . . . Teerawattananon, Y. (2025). Good Practices for Health Technology Assessment Guideline Development: A Report of the Health Technology Assessment International, HTAsiaLink, and ISPOR Special Task Force. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 40(1), 14 pages.
    2025 Merlin, T., Werkö, S. S., Rüther, A., Schuller, T., & Hailey, D. (2025). Celebrating 30 years of the international network of agencies for health technology assessment (INAHTA). . International journal of technology assessment in health care, 41(1), e7.
    2024 Schubert, C., Milverton, J., Goodall, S., & Merlin, T. (2024). A systematic review to assess the utility of genomic autopsy using exome or genome sequencing in cases of congenital anomalies and perinatal death. Genetics in Medicine, 26(7), 12 pages.
    DOI Scopus1 Europe PMC1
    2024 Baghbanian, A., Carter, D., & Merlin, T. (2024). Methods for the health technology assessment of complex interventions: a scoping review. PLoS One.
    2024 Gao, Y., Laka, M., & Merlin, T. (2024). Does regulatory and reimbursement parallel processing provide swifter funded access to medicines for patients? Evaluation of cancer medicines using the Australian parallel process.. Value in Health, 1-10.
    2024 Laka, M., Carter, D., & Merlin, T. (2024). Evaluating clinical decision support software (CDSS): Challenges for robust evidence generation. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 40(1), 7 pages.
    2023 Merlin, T., Street, J., Carter, D., & Haji Ali Afzali, H. (2023). Challenges in the Evaluation of Emerging Highly Specialised Technologies: Is There a Role for Living HTA?. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 21(6), 823-830.
    DOI Scopus3 Europe PMC3
    2023 Hoon, E., Edwards, J., Harvey, G., Eliott, J., Merlin, T., Carter, D., . . . O'Callaghan, G. (2023). Establishing a Clinical Ethics Support Service: Lessons from the first 18 months of a new Australian service – A case study. BMC Medical Ethics, 24(1), 62-1-62-9.
    2023 Gao, Y., Laka, M., & Merlin, T. (2023). Is the quality of evidence in health technology assessment deteriorating over time? A case study on cancer drugs in Australia. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 39(1), 9 pages.
    DOI Scopus3 Europe PMC2
    2022 Hill, H., Mittal, R., & Merlin, T. (2022). Evidence-based funding of new imaging applications and technologies by Medicare in Australia: How it happens and how it can be improved.. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol, 66(2), 215-224.
    2022 Hillock, N. T., Merlin, T. L., Turnidge, J., & Karnon, J. (2022). Modelling the Future Clinical and Economic Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance: The Feasibility and Value of Models to Inform Policy. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 20(4), 479-486.
    DOI Scopus15 WoS5 Europe PMC6
    2022 Roughead, E. E., Pratt, N. L., Parfitt, G., Rowett, D., Kalisch-Ellett, L. M., Bereznicki, L., . . . Lim, R. (2022). Effect of an ongoing pharmacist service to reduce medicine-induced deterioration and adverse reactions in aged-care facilities (nursing homes): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial (the ReMInDAR trial). AGE AND AGEING, 51(4), 1-9.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS7 Europe PMC15
    2021 Laka, M., Milazzo, A., & Merlin, T. (2021). Factors That Impact the Adoption of Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) for Antibiotic Management. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 1-14.
    DOI Scopus43 WoS11 Europe PMC22
    2021 Lambert, R., Burgess, N., Hillock, N., Gailer, J., Hissaria, P., Merlin, T., . . . Hill, C. (2021). South Australian Medicines Evaluation Panel in review: providing evidence-based guidance on the use of high-cost medicines in the South Australian public health system. Australian Health Review, 45(2), 207-213.
    2021 Laka, M., Milazzo, A., & Merlin, T. (2021). Inappropriate antibiotic prescribing: understanding clinicians. Australian Health Review, 46(1), 21-27.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS1 Europe PMC1
    2021 Haji Ali Afzali, H., Street, J., Merlin, T., & Karnon, J. (2021). The representation of public values in health technology assessment to inform funding decisions: The case of Australia's national funding bodies. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 37(1), 1-4.
    DOI Scopus5 WoS3 Europe PMC3
    2021 Hillock, N. T., Merlin, T. L., Karnon, J., Turnidge, J., & Eliott, J. (2021). Value assessment of antimicrobials and the implications for development, access, and funding of effective treatments: Australian stakeholder perspective.. International journal of technology assessment in health care, 37(1), 1-7.
    DOI Scopus1 WoS1 Europe PMC1
    2020 Werkö, S. S., Merlin, T., Lambert, L. J., Fennessy, P., Galán, A. P., & Schuller, T. (2020). Demonstrating the influence of HTA: INAHTA member stories of HTA impact. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 37(1), 1-6.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS1 Europe PMC3
    2020 Baghbanian, A., Merlin, T., Carter, D., & Wang, S. (2020). Methods for the health technology assessment of complex interventions: a protocol for a scoping review. BMJ Open, 10(11), e039263-1-e039263-11.
    DOI Scopus1
    2020 LAKA, M. A. H., MILAZZO, A., & MERLIN, T. (2020). Factors that impact the adoption of clinical decision support systems (CDSS) in healthcare settings for evidence-based decision making.
    2020 O'Rourke, B., Oortwijn, W., & Schuller, T. (2020). The new definition of health technology assessment: A milestone in international collaboration. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT IN HEALTH CARE, 36(3), 187-190.
    DOI WoS154 Europe PMC167
    2020 O'Rourke, B., Oortwijn, W., & Schuller, T. (2020). The new definition of health technology assessment: A milestone in international collaboration. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT IN HEALTH CARE, 36(3), 187-190.
    DOI WoS154 Europe PMC167
    2020 Milverton, J., Newton, S., & Merlin, T. (2020). The effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapy for juvenile-onset Pompe disease: A systematic review (vol 42, pg 57, 2019). JOURNAL OF INHERITED METABOLIC DISEASE, 43(2), 381.
    2020 Hillock, N. T., Karnon, J., Turnidge, J., & Merlin, T. L. (2020). Estimating the utilisation of unregistered antimicrobials in Australia. Infection, Disease and Health, 25(2), 82-91.
    2020 Laka, M., Milazzo, A., & Merlin, T. (2020). Can evidence-based decision support tools transform antibiotic management? A systematic review and meta-analyses. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 75(5), 1099-1111.
    DOI Scopus28 WoS18 Europe PMC16
    2020 O'rourke, B., Werkö, S., Merlin, T., Huang, L., & Schuller, T. (2020). The 'Top 10' Challenges for Health Technology Assessment: INAHTA Viewpoint. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 36(1), 1-4.
    DOI Scopus37 WoS18 Europe PMC22
    2020 Lim, R., Bereznicki, L., Corlis, M., Kalisch Ellett, L. M., Kang, A. C., Merlin, T., . . . Roughead, E. E. (2020). Reducing medicine-induced deterioration and adverse reactions (ReMInDAR) trial: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial in residential aged-care facilities assessing frailty as the primary outcome.. BMJ Open, 10(4), e032851.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS8 Europe PMC8
    2020 Moshi, M. R., Tooher, R., & Merlin, T. (2020). Development of a health technology assessment module for evaluating mobile medical applications.. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 36(3), 252-261.
    DOI Scopus22 WoS12 Europe PMC14
    2020 Hillock, N. T., Merlin, T., Karnon, J., Turnidge, J., & Eliott, J. (2020). Feasibility of de-linking reimbursement of antimicrobials from sales: the Australian perspective as a qualitative case study. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy - Antimicrobial Resistance, 2(2), 1-7.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS2 Europe PMC1
    2020 Lopes McInnes, E., Street, J., Carter, D. A., Merlin, T., & Stafinski, T. (2020). Understanding Canadian Health Technology Assessment through a systems lens. Health Policy, 124(9), 952-958.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS3
    2020 Lopes McInnes, E., Street, J., Stafinski, T., Merlin, T., & Carter, D. A. (2020). The rationale and design of public involvement in health-funding decision making: focus groups with the Canadian public. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 36(6), 592-598.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC2
    2020 Gough, D., Davies, P., Jamtvedt, G., Langlois, E., Littell, J., Lotfi, T., . . . Grimshaw, J. (2020). Evidence Synthesis International (ESI): Position Statement. Systematic Reviews, 9(1), 155.
    DOI Scopus49 WoS12 Europe PMC19
    2019 Hillock, N. T., Paradiso, L., Turnidge, J., Karnon, J., & Merlin, T. (2019). Clinical indications treated with unregistered antimicrobials: The regulatory challenges of antimicrobial resistance and access to effective treatment for patients. Australian Health Review, 44(2), 263-269.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC1
    2019 Wurcel, V., Cicchetti, A., Garrison, L., Kip, M. M. A., Koffijberg, H., Kolbe, A., . . . Zamora, B. (2019). The Value of Diagnostic Information in Personalised Healthcare: A Comprehensive Concept to Facilitate Bringing This Technology into Healthcare Systems. Public Health Genomics, 22(1-2), 8-15.
    DOI Scopus51 WoS29 Europe PMC27
    2019 Moshi, M. R., Parsons, J., Tooher, R., & Merlin, T. (2019). Evaluation of mobile health applications: Is regulatory policy up to the challenge?. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 35(4), 351-360.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS11 Europe PMC7
    2019 Milverton, J., Newton, S., & Merlin, T. (2019). The effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapy for juvenile-onset Pompe disease: a systematic review. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 42(1), 57-65.
    DOI Scopus14 WoS10 Europe PMC9
    2019 Kessels, S., Carter, D. A., Ellery, B., Newton, S., & Merlin, T. (2019). Prenatal genetic testing for cystic fibrosis: a systematic review of clinical effectiveness and an ethics review. Genetics in Medicine, 22(2), 258-267.
    DOI Scopus15 WoS10 Europe PMC7
    2019 Carter, D. A., Merlin, T., & Hunter, D. (2019). An ethical analysis of coverage with evidence development. Value in Health, 22(8), 878-883.
    DOI Scopus5 WoS4 Europe PMC2
    2019 Gupta, A., Harford, J., Smithers, L. G., Merlin, T., & Braunack-Mayer, A. (2019). Dietary sugar knowledge and attitudes and their relation to free sugar intake and practices among adults: A systematic review. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 13(1), 82-83.
    2018 Merlin, T. (2018). Decisions in health technology assessment: Should we speak with one voice?. Health Research Policy and Systems, 16(1), 3 pages.
    2018 Moshi, M. R., Tooher, R., & Merlin, T. (2018). Suitability of current evaluation frameworks for use in the health technology assessment of mobile medical applications: A systematic review. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 34(5), 464-475.
    DOI Scopus52 WoS34 Europe PMC35
    2018 Gupta, A., Smithers, L., Harford, J., Merlin, T., & Braunack-Mayer, A. (2018). Determinants of knowledge and attitudes about sugar and the association of knowledge and attitudes with sugar intake among adults: a systematic review. Appetite, 126, 185-194.
    DOI Scopus20 WoS15 Europe PMC12
    2018 Kip, M., IJzerman, M., Henriksson, M., Merlin, T., Weinstein, M., Phelps, C., . . . Koffijberg, H. (2018). Toward Alignment in the Reporting of Economic Evaluations of Diagnostic Tests and Biomarkers: The AGREEDT Checklist. Medical Decision Making, 38(7), 778-788.
    DOI Scopus7 WoS5 Europe PMC4
    2018 Wang, S., Gum, D., & Merlin, T. L. (2018). Comparing the ICERs in medicine reimbursement submissions to NICE and PBAC – does the presence of an explicit threshold affect the ICER proposed?. Value in Health, 21(8), 938-943.
    DOI Scopus71 WoS33 Europe PMC30
    2018 Robinson, M., Mihalopoulos, C., Merlin, T., & Roughead, E. (2018). Characteristics of managed entry agreements in Australia. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 34(1), 46-55.
    DOI Scopus19 WoS12 Europe PMC7
    2017 Kessels, S. J. M., Newton, S. S., Morona, J. K., & Merlin, T. L. (2017). Safety and Efficacy of Wireless pH Monitoring in Patients Suspected of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 51(9), 777-788.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS8 Europe PMC10
    2017 Sisnowski, J., Street, J., & Merlin, T. (2017). Improving food environments and tackling obesity: a realist systematic review of the policy success of regulatory interventions targeting population nutrition. PLoS ONE, 12(8), e0182581-1-e0182581-16.
    DOI Scopus37 WoS33 Europe PMC23
    2016 Merlin, T., Hiller, J., & Ryan, P. (2016). Impact of the "Linked Evidence Approach" Method on Policies to Publicly Fund Diagnostic, Staging, and Screening Medical Tests. MDM Policy & Practice, 1(1), 10 pages.
    DOI Scopus3 Europe PMC2
    2016 Lopes, E., Street, J., Carter, D., & Merlin, T. (2016). Involving patients in health technology funding decisions: stakeholder perspectives on processes used in Australia. Health Expectations, 19(2), 331-344.
    DOI Scopus26 WoS18 Europe PMC14
    2015 Varker, T., Forbes, D., Dell, L., Weston, A., Merlin, T., Hodson, S., & O'Donnell, M. (2015). Rapid evidence assessment: increasing the transparency of an emerging methodology. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 21(6), 1199-1204.
    DOI Scopus89 WoS55 Europe PMC37
    2014 Merlin, T. (2014). The use of the 'linked evidence approach' to guide policy on the reimbursement of personalized medicines. Personalized Medicine, 11(4), 435-448.
    DOI Scopus10 WoS7 Europe PMC4
    2014 Merlin, T., Tamblyn, D., Ellery, B., & NAHTA Quality Assurance Group. (2014). What's in a name? developing definitions for common health technology assessment product types of the international network of agencies for health technology assessment (Inahta). International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 30(4), 430-437.
    DOI Scopus30 WoS27 Europe PMC20
    2014 Hodgetts, K., Hiller, J., Street, J., Carter, D., Braunack-Mayer, A., Watt, A., . . . Elshaug, A. (2014). Disinvestment policy and the public funding of assisted reproductive technologies: outcomes of deliberative engagements with three key stakeholder groups. BMC Health Services Research, 14(1), 1-10.
    DOI Scopus25 WoS21 Europe PMC15
    2014 Hodgetts, K., Hiller, J., Street, J., Carter, D., Braunack-Mayer, A., Watt, A., . . . Elshaug, A. (2014). Disinvestment policy and the public funding of assisted reproductive technologies: outcomes of deliberative engagements with three key stakeholder groups. BMC Health Services Research, 14(1), 1-10.
    DOI Scopus25 WoS21 Europe PMC15
    2014 Marciano, N., Merlin, T., Bessen, T., & Street, J. (2014). To what extent are current guidelines for cutaneous melanoma follow up based on scientific evidence?. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 68(6), 761-770.
    DOI Scopus31 Europe PMC21
    2014 Smithers, L., Lynch, J., & Merlin, T. (2014). Industry self-regulation and TV advertising of foods to Australian children. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 50(5), 386-392.
    DOI Scopus19 WoS16 Europe PMC9
    2013 Smithers, L., Merlin, T., & Lynch, J. (2013). The impact of industry self-regulation on television marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to Australian children. Medical Journal of Australia, 199(3), 148-149.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS3 Europe PMC2
    2013 Merlin, T., Lehman, S., Ryan, P., & Hiller, J. (2013). The "linked evidence approach" to assess medical tests: a critical analysis. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 29(3), 343-350.
    DOI Scopus45 WoS37 Europe PMC29
    2013 Morona, J., Buckley, E., Jones, S., Reddin, E., & Merlin, T. (2013). Comparison of the clinical effectiveness of different off-loading devices for the treatment of neuropathic foot ulcers in patients with diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes-Metabolism Research and Reviews, 29(3), 183-193.
    DOI Scopus92 WoS63 Europe PMC41
    2013 Hajiali Afzali, H., Karnon, J., & Merlin, T. (2013). Improving the accuracy and comparability of model-based economic evaluations of health technologies for reimbursement decisions: a methodological framework for the development of reference models. Medical Decision Making, 33(3), 325-332.
    DOI Scopus30 WoS26 Europe PMC23
    2013 Merlin, T., Farah, C., Schubert, C., Mitchell, A., Hiller, J., & Ryan, P. (2013). Assessing personalized medicines in Australia: A national framework for reviewing codependent technologies. Medical Decision Making, 33(3), 333-342.
    DOI Scopus46 WoS36 Europe PMC22
    2012 Watt, A., Hiller, J., Braunack-Mayer, A., Moss, J., Buchan, H., Wale, J., . . . Elshaug, A. (2012). The ASTUTE Health study protocol: deliberative stakeholder engagements to inform implementation approaches to healthcare disinvestment. Implementation Science, 7(101), 2-12.
    DOI Scopus45 WoS44 Europe PMC32
    2012 Watt, A., Hiller, J., Braunack-Mayer, A., Moss, J., Buchan, H., Wale, J., . . . Elshaug, A. (2012). The ASTUTE Health study protocol: deliberative stakeholder engagements to inform implementation approaches to healthcare disinvestment. Implementation Science, 7(101), 2-12.
    DOI Scopus45 WoS44 Europe PMC32
    2012 Willis, C. D., Elshaug, A. G., Milverton, J. L., Watt, A. M., Metz, M. P., & Hiller, J. E. (2012). Diagnostic performance of serum cobalamin tests: a systematic review and meta-analysis (vol 43, pg 472, 2011). PATHOLOGY, 44(3), 283.
    2012 Tyndall, J., Merlin, T., & Lockwood, C. (2012). Impact of findings from grey literature on the outcomes of systematic reviews on interventions to prevent obesity among children: A systematic review. JBI Library of Systematic Reviews, 10(56 SUPPL), S162-S175.
    2012 Tyndall, J., Merlin, T., & Lockwood, C. (2012). Impact of findings from grey literature on the outcomes of systematic reviews on interventions to prevent obesity among children: a systematic review.. JBI library of systematic reviews, 10(56 Suppl), 1-14.
    DOI Europe PMC2
    2011 Mundy, L., Hiller, J., & Merlin, T. (2011). The true role of horizon scanning in Australia: who it informs and why. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 27(1), 95-98.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC2
    2011 Watt, A., Elshaug, A., Willis, C., & Hiller, J. (2011). Assisted reproductive technologies: A systematic review of safety and effectiveness to inform disinvestment policy. Health Policy, 102(2-3), 200-213.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS10 Europe PMC6
    2011 Watt, A., Elshaug, A., Willis, C., & Hiller, J. (2011). Assisted reproductive technologies: A systematic review of safety and effectiveness to inform disinvestment policy. Health Policy, 102(2-3), 200-213.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS10 Europe PMC6
    2011 Willis, C., Elshaug, A., Milverton, J., Watt, A., Metz, M., & Hiller, J. (2011). Diagnostic performance of serum cobalamin tests: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pathology, 43(5), 472-481.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS16 Europe PMC9
    2011 Willis, C., Elshaug, A., Milverton, J., Watt, A., Metz, M., & Hiller, J. (2011). Diagnostic performance of serum cobalamin tests: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pathology, 43(5), 472-481.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS16 Europe PMC9
    2011 Hillier, S., Grimmer, K., Merlin, T., Middleton, P., Salisbury, J., Tooher, R., & Weston, A. (2011). FORM: An Australian method for formulating and grading recommendations in evidence-based clinical guidelines. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 11(1), 23:1-23:8.
    DOI Scopus108 WoS88 Europe PMC68
    2009 Wang, S., Merlin, T., Kreisz, F., Craft, P., & Hiller, J. (2009). Cost and cost-effectiveness of digital mammography compared with film-screen mammography in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 33(5), 430-436.
    DOI Scopus5 WoS2 Europe PMC3
    2009 Merlin, T., Weston, A., & Tooher, R. (2009). Extending an evidence hierarchy to include topics other than treatment: revising the Australian 'levels of evidence'. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 9(34), 1-8.
    DOI Scopus310 WoS283 Europe PMC172
    2009 Kreisz, F., Merlin, T., Moss, J., Atherton, J., Hiller, J., & Gericke, C. (2009). The pre-test risk stratified cost-effectiveness of 64-slice computed tomography coronary angiography in the detection of significant obstructive coronary artery disease in patients otherwise referred to invasive coronary angiography. Heart, Lung & Circulation (Print Edition), 18(3), 200-207.
    DOI Scopus29 WoS22 Europe PMC20
    2009 Elshaug, A., Moss, J., Littlejohns, P., Karnon, J., Merlin, T., & Hiller, J. (2009). Identifying existing health care services that do not provide value for money. Medical Journal of Australia, 190(5), 269-273.
    DOI Scopus99 WoS95 Europe PMC58
    2007 Forbes, D., Creamer, M., Phelps, A., Bryant, R., McFarlane, A., Devilly, G., . . . Newton, S. (2007). Australian guidelines for the treatment of adults with acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41(8), 637-648.
    DOI Scopus127 WoS107 Europe PMC66
    2005 Mundy, L., Merlin, T., Fitridge, R., & Hiller, J. (2005). Systematic review of endovenous laser treatment for varicose veins. British Journal of Surgery, 92(10), 1189-1194.
    DOI Scopus194 WoS159 Europe PMC101
    2005 Mundy, L., Merlin, T., Parrella, A., Babidge, W., Roberts, D., & Hiller, J. (2005). The Australia and New Zealand horizon scanning network. Australian Health Review, 29(4), 395-397.
    DOI Scopus9 Europe PMC6
    2004 Hodgkinson, B., Merlin, T., Moss, J., & Hiller, J. (2004). The effectiveness of intra-articular viscosupplementation for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: a systematic review. Health Care Reports, 2(5), 109-128.
    2004 Mundy, L., Merlin, T., Maddern, G., & Hiller, J. (2004). Systematic review of safety and effectiveness of an artificial bowel sphincter for faecal incontinence. British Journal of Surgery, 91(6), 665-672.
    DOI Scopus102 WoS79 Europe PMC58
    2004 Parsons, J. E., Merlin, T. L., Taylor, J. E., Wilkinson, D., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). Erratum: Evidence-based practice in rural and remote clinical practice: Where is the evidence? (Australian Journal of Rural Health (2003) vol. 11 (242-248)). Australian Journal of Rural Health, 12(5), 180.
    2003 Parsons, J., Merlin, T., Taylor, J., Wilkinson, D., & Hiller, J. (2003). Evidence-based practice in rural and remote clinical practice: where is the evidence?. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 11(5), 242-248.
    DOI Scopus20 Europe PMC11
    2003 Merlin, T., Hiller, J., Maddern, G., Jamieson, G., Brown, A., & Kolbe, A. (2003). Systematic review of the safety and effectiveness of methods used to establish pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic surgery. British Journal of Surgery, 90(6), 668-679.
    DOI Scopus121 WoS90 Europe PMC65
    2001 Merlin, T., Arnold, E., Petros, P., MacTaggart, P., Tulloch, A., Faulkner, K., & Maddern, G. (2001). A systematic review of tension-free urethropexy for stress urinary incontinence: intravaginal slingplasty and the tension-free vaginal tape procedures. BJU International, 88(9), 871-880.
    DOI Scopus48 WoS43 Europe PMC36
    2000 Merlin, T., Scott, D., Rao, M., Wall, D., Francis, D., Bridgewater, F., & Maddern, G. (2000). The safety and efficacy of laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy: a systematic review. Transplantation, 70(12), 1659-1666.
    DOI Scopus118 WoS103 Europe PMC80
    1994 Ratnaike, R. N., & Chinner, T. L. (1994). The importance of health education in programs to control diarrhea: Experiences in an Australian aboriginal community. Journal of Health Education, 25(5), 283-288.
    DOI Scopus3
    1993 Jolly, B., Newble, D., & Chinner, T. (1993). Learning Effect of Reusing Stations in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 5(2), 66-71.
    DOI Scopus14
    1992 Ratnaike, R. N., & Chinner, T. L. (1992). A Community Health Education System to meet the health needs of Indo-Chinese women. Journal of Community Health, 17(2), 87-96.
    DOI Scopus4 Europe PMC4
    1991 Chinner, T. L., & Dalziel, F. R. (1991). An exploratory study on the viability and efficacy of a pet-facilitated therapy project within a hospice.. Journal of palliative care, 7(4), 13-20.
    DOI Scopus44 Europe PMC12
  • Books

    Year Citation
    2024 Merlin, T., Laka, M., Carter, D., Gao, Y., Choi, Y. -S., Parsons, J., . . . Tamblyn, D. (2024). Health Technology Assessment Policy and Methods Review: HTA Pathways and Processes, Clinical Evaluation Methods and Horizon Scanning. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2013 Merlin, T., Newton, S., Ellery, B., Milverton, J., & Farah, C. (2013). Systematic review of the human health effects of wind farms. Australia: National Health & Medical Research Council.
    2011 Doidge, J., Merlin, T., Liufu, Z., Tamblyn, D., Jia, L., & Hiller, J. (2011). Review of Interim Funded Service: Vertebroplasty and New Review of Kyphoplasty. Australia: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2011 Tamblyn, D., Ellery, B., & Merlin, T. (2011). Review of Interim Funded Service: Brachytherapy for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer: assessment report. Australia: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2010 Tamblyn, D., Ellery, B., & Merlin, T. L. (2010). Brachytherapy for the treatment of prostate cancer. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2010 Merlin, T. L., Liufu, Z., & Wang, S. (2010). Unattended sleep studies in the diagnosis and reassessment of obstructive sleep apnoea. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2006 Bywood, P., Newton, S., Mundy, L., Merlin, T., Saxon, B., & Hiller, J. (2006). Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the use of recombinant and plasma-derived FVIII and FIX products. National Blood Authority.
    2006 Merlin, T., Moss, J., Brooks, A., Newton, S., Hedayati, H., & Hiller, J. (2006). B-type natriuretic peptide assays in the daignosis of heart failure: assessment report. MSAC.
  • Book Chapters

    Year Citation
    2024 Laka, M., Carter, D., Gao, Y., Choi, Y. -S., Tamblyn, D., & Merlin, T. (2024). International health technology market approval, funding and assessment pathways.. In T. Merlin, & D. Tamblyn (Eds.), Health Technology Assessment Policy and Methods Review: HTA Pathways and Processes, Clinical Evaluation Methods and Horizon Scanning (pp. 34-163). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2024 Laka, M., Carter, D., Gao, Y., Choi, Y. -S., Tamblyn, D., & Merlin, T. (2024). International health technology market approval, funding and assessment pathways.. In T. Merlin, & D. Tamblyn (Eds.), Health Technology Assessment Policy and Methods Review: HTA Pathways and Processes, Clinical Evaluation Methods and Horizon Scanning (pp. 34-163). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2024 Parsons, J., Milverton, J., Ellery, B., Tamblyn, D., & Merlin, T. (2024). Horizon scanning and early assessment.. In T. Merlin, & D. Tamblyn (Eds.), Health Technology Assessment Policy and Methods Review: HTA Pathways and Processes, Clinical Evaluation Methods and Horizon Scanning (pp. 164-245). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2024 Parsons, J., Milverton, J., Ellery, B., Tamblyn, D., & Merlin, T. (2024). Horizon scanning and early assessment.. In T. Merlin, & D. Tamblyn (Eds.), Health Technology Assessment Policy and Methods Review: HTA Pathways and Processes, Clinical Evaluation Methods and Horizon Scanning (pp. 164-245). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2024 Newton, S., Hill, H., & Merlin, T. (2024). HTA Methods: Determination of Population, Intervention, Comparator, and Outcome (PICO). In T. Merlin, & D. Tamblyn (Eds.), Health Technology Assessment Policy and Methods Review: HTA Pathways and Processes, Clinical Evaluation Methods and Horizon Scanning (pp. 246-346). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2024 Newton, S., Hill, H., & Merlin, T. (2024). HTA Methods: Determination of Population, Intervention, Comparator, and Outcome (PICO). In T. Merlin, & D. Tamblyn (Eds.), Health Technology Assessment Policy and Methods Review: HTA Pathways and Processes, Clinical Evaluation Methods and Horizon Scanning (pp. 246-346). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2024 Tamblyn, D., Morona, J., Carter, D., Kessels, S., & Merlin, T. (2024). Clinical Evaluation Methods in HTA. In T. Merlin, & D. Tamblyn (Eds.), Health Technology Assessment Policy and Methods Review: HTA Pathways and Processes, Clinical Evaluation Methods and Horizon Scanning (pp. 347-492). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2024 Tamblyn, D., Morona, J., Carter, D., Kessels, S., & Merlin, T. (2024). Clinical Evaluation Methods in HTA. In T. Merlin, & D. Tamblyn (Eds.), Health Technology Assessment Policy and Methods Review: HTA Pathways and Processes, Clinical Evaluation Methods and Horizon Scanning (pp. 347-492). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2023 Carter, D., Kessels, S., & Merlin, T. (2023). Toward a framework for assessing ethical considerations relating to genetic tests. In 2023 Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) Annual Meeting. Adelaide.
    2022 Laka, M., Carter, D., & Merlin, T. (2022). Gaps in the Evaluation of Clinical Decision Support Software (CDSS): Interviews with Australian Policymakers. In Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) Annual Meeting. Utrecht, The Netherlands.
    2021 Laka, M., Milazzo, A., Carter, D., & Merlin, T. (2021). From Pilot Studies To System-Wide Innovation: Challenges And Opportunities For Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) Implementation In Australia. In International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care , Volume 37 , Special Issue S1: Innovation through HTA , December 2021 Vol. 37 (pp. 5-6). Manchester: Cambridge University Press (CUP).
    2021 Lopes McInnes, E., Stafinski, T., Carter, D., Merlin, T., & Street, J. (2021). Stakeholders' Perspectives on Public Involvement in Health Technology Assessment in Canada. In Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) 2021 Annual Meeting. Manchester UK.
    2021 Laka, M., Milazzo, A., & Merlin, T. (2021). Challenges and opportunities to appropriate antibiotic prescribing: a survey of clinicians' perceptions in Australia. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY Vol. 50 (pp. 2 pages). OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
    2019 Laka, M., Milazzo, A., & Merlin, T. (2019). Sustainable Implementation of Electronic Decision Support Tools for the Evidence-based Management of Antibiotics. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital Public Health (pp. 7-8). online: ACM.
    DOI Scopus1
    2018 Carter, D. A., Vogan, A., & Merlin, T. (2018). The need for ethics committees and evaluation agencies in coverage with evidence development: the case of crizotinib in Australia. In Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health Law Conference. Townsville.
    2017 Carter, D. A., Merlin, T., & Hunter, D. (2017). Coercing or inducing patients to participate in evidence generation. In Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference. Adelaide.
    2015 Lopes McInnes, E., Street, J., Carter, D., & Merlin, T. (2015). Stakeholder views on Australian public- and patient-involvement in HTA. In Online programme. Oslo, Norway.
    2013 Lopes do Carmo, E., Street, J. M., Carter, D. A., & Merlin, T. L. (2013). Excluding patient and citizen voices from health-care funding decision-making: what is the public health impact?. In Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) 42nd Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia.
    2005 Merlin, T. L., Hodgkinson, B., Moss, J., & Hiller, J. E. (2005). Economic analysis within a health technology assessment: practical issues. In Italian Journal of Public Health (Supplement 1) Vol. 2 (pp. 262). Rome, Italy.
    2005 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Parrella, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2005). The Australian horizon scanning network. In Italian Journal of Public Health (Supplement 1) Vol. 2 (pp. 163). Rome, Italy.
    2005 Merlin, T. L., Weston, A., & Tooher, R. (2005). Revising a national standard: redevelopment of the Australian NHMRC evidence hierarchy. In Italian Journal of Public Health (Supplement 1) Vol. 2 (pp. 156). Rome, Italy.
  • Conference Items

    Year Citation
    2023 Gao, Y., Laka, M., & Merlin, T. (2023). Is The Quality Of Evidence in HTA Deteriorating Over Time?: A Case Study on Cancer Drugs In Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Health Technology Assessment International.
    2020 Laka, M., Milazzo, A., & Merlin, T. (2020). Why provision of clinical decision support (CDS) is not enough? Factors influencing the CDS adoption. Poster session presented at the meeting of EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
    DOI WoS1
    2019 Newton, S., Kessels, S., Vogan, A., & Merlin, T. (2019). Shift From Regional To Federal Funding: Methodological Considerations. Poster session presented at the meeting of XVI Annual Meeting, Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi). Cologne, Germany.
    2019 Hillock, N. T., Turnidge, J., Karnon, J., & Merlin, T. (2019). Policy incentives for a sustainable antibiotic market: the perspective of Australian stakeholders - a qualitative study (poster presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Society for Antimicrobials 2019.
    2019 Hillock, N. T., Paradiso, L., Turnidge, J., Karnon, J., & Merlin, T. (2019). Special Access Scheme Category C and antimicrobial drugs - a policy solution or a temporary fix? (poster presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Society for Antimicrobials 2019.
    2019 Moshi, M., Parsons, J., Tooher, R., & Merlin, T. (2019). mHealth app evaluation framework for reimbursement decision-making. Poster session presented at the meeting of Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) Annual Meeting. Cologne, Germany.
    2019 Moshi, M., Parsons, J., Tooher, R., & Merlin, T. (2019). Assessment of mHealth apps: is current regulation policy adequate?.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) Annual Meeting. Cologne, Germany.
    2019 Moshi, M. R., Tooher, R., & Merlin, T. (2019). mHealth app evaluation framework for decision-making purposes. Poster session presented at the meeting of 13th Annual Florey Postgraduate Research Conference.
    2018 Methods for Evaluation of medical prediction Models, Tests And Biomarkers (MEMTAB) 2018 Symposium (2018). Poster session presented at the meeting of Diagnostic and Prognostic Research. Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
    2018 Milverton, J., Newton, S., Vogan, A., Schubert, C., & Merlin, T. (2018). Methodology to assess a predictive test for breast cancer recurrence. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abtracts of the Annual Meeting HTAi 2018. Vancouver, Canada: Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi).
    2018 Moshi, M. R., Parsons, J., Tooher, R., & Merlin, T. (2018). Assessment of mHealth apps in Australia: is current regulation adequate? [Poster]. Poster session presented at the meeting of Florey Postgraduate Research Conference. Adelaide, South Australia.
    2018 Moshi, M. R., Tooher, R., & Merlin, T. (2018). Suitable frameworks for mHealth app evaluation n Australian healthcare reimbursement [Rapid Fire Presentation and Poster]. Poster session presented at the meeting of The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Epidemiological Association. Freemantle, Western Australia.
    2018 Moshi, M. R., Parsons, J. E., Tooher, R. L., & Merlin, T. L. (2018). Assessment of mHealth apps in Australia: is current regulation policy adequate? [Presentation]. Poster session presented at the meeting of South Australian Population Health Conference. Adelaide, South Australia.
    2018 Freeman-Robinson, M. K., Merlin, T. L., Mihalopoulos, C., & Roughead, E. (2018). Securing access to medicines using discounts in Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 15th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
    2018 Freeman-Robinson, M. K., Mihalopoulos, C., Merlin, T. L., & Roughead, E. (2018). Decision criteria that influence managed entry agreements. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 15th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
    2018 Strachan, L., Lewis, S., & Merlin, T. L. (2018). The Value-based Health Care Movement – What Role Does HTA Play?. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 15th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
    2018 Merlin, T. L., Belorgey, C., Mejia, A., McCabe, C., & Kim, S. (2018). Promise or compromise? The value of RWE in HTA: INAHTA members’ experiences. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 15th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
    2018 Kessels, S., Newton, S., Carter, D., & Merlin, T. (2018). The Effectiveness And Ethics Of Prenatal Testing For Cystic Fibrosis. Poster session presented at the meeting of HTAi Annual Meeting 2018. Vancouver.
    2017 Vogan, A., Schubert, C., & Merlin, T. (2017). The Impact Of Treatment Timing On The Cost-Effectiveness Of Tests. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 14th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Rome, Italy.
    2017 Merlin, T. L., Hiller, J. E., & Ryan, P. (2017). Does HTA methodology affect the decision to fund medical tests?. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 14th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Rome, Italy.
    2017 Hausner, E., Merlin, T. L., O'Rourke, B., Chalon, P., Mejia, A., & Waffenschmidt, S. (2017). Rescuing the HTA database – future options and challenges. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 14th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Rome, Italy.
    2017 Hillock, N. T., Turnidge, J., Karnon, J., & Merlin, T. (2017). Investigating the utilisation of unregistered antimicrobial drugs in Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Florey Postgraduate Research Conference. Adelaide.
    2016 Merlin, T. L., Mujoomdar, M., Ahn, J., Dedeu, I., & Baraldes, T. (2016). Getting a grip on new technologies: INAHTA member agency experiences with m-health, apps, telehealth, and other point-of-care technologies. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 13th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Tokyo, Japan.
    2016 Merlin, T. L., Panteli, D., Espin, J., Lepanto, L., & Ramsay, C. (2016). HTA in academic curricula: demand, experience, ways forward and potential for collaboration. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 13th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference.
    2016 Moshi, M. R., Tooher, R., & Merlin, T. (2016). Determining the feasibility of reimbursing mobile health apps in Australia [Presentation]. Poster session presented at the meeting of Presentation. Alice Springs, Northern Territory.
    2016 Merlin, T., & Moshi, M. R. (2016). Getting a grip on new technologies: AHTA’s journey into m-health and mobile medical applications (MMAs) [Presentation]. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 13th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Tokyo, Japan.
    2016 Vogan, A., Schubert, C., Newton, S., & Merlin, T. (2016). What are we missing by limiting the outcome of cost effectiveness analyses of diagnostic tests to cost per correct result?. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 13th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Tokyo, Japan.
    2015 Vogan, A., Mitchell, A., Tamblyn, D., & Merlin, T. (2015). Managed Entry Schemes: Enabling Access To Oncology Drugs Under Uncertainty. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 12th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Oslo, Norway.
    2015 Morona, J. K., Newton, S., & Merlin, T. L. (2015). Meta-analysis of Two Tests via a Common Reference Standard for Detection of Tuberculosis Infections. Poster session presented at the meeting of 12th Annual Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) Conference. Oslo, Norway.
    2015 Kessels, S., Morona, J. K., Newton, S. S., & Merlin, T. L. (2015). The impact of an imperfect reference standard. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 12th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Oslo, Norway.
    2015 Pridham, L., Liufu, Z., Newton, S., & Merlin, T. (2015). Abstract: 294 - International comparison of subsidisation of drugs for rare diseases and the definitions for a rare/ultra-rare disease. Poster session presented at the meeting of HTAi 2014 - 12th Annual Meeting. Oslo, Norway.
    2015 Merlin, T. L., Mujoomdar, M., Kisser, A., & Wurcel, V. (2015). Living in testing times: translating evidence on medical tests and companion diagnostics into reimbursement decisions. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 12th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Oslo, Norway.
    2015 Merlin, T. L. (2015). HTA for companion diagnostics: different models and best practices to make it possible. Poster session presented at the meeting of European Diagnostics Manufacturers Association. Brussels, Belgium.
    2014 Merlin, T. L. (2014). Standardising health technology assessment to enhance transferability across jurisdictions and nations: the first step towards a solution. Poster session presented at the meeting of 3rd Health Technology Assessment Conference. Sydney, NSW.
    2014 Merlin, T. L. (2014). Two by two – a methodological perspective on the use of evidence to support the value of a health care technology. Poster session presented at the meeting of New Zealand Health Care Congress. Auckland, New Zealand.
    2014 Merlin, T. L., & Schubert, C. (2014). Evaluating Medical Tests for Coverage Decisions Using the Linked Evidence Approach. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 11th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Washington, DC, USA.
    2014 Kessels, S., Schubert, C., Newton, S. S., & Merlin, T. (2014). Assessment of catheter-free (wireless) ambulatory oesophageal pH monitoring for Gastro-esophageal Reflex Disease (GORD). Poster session presented at the meeting of Health Technology Assessment International. Washington, DC.
    2014 Milverton, J., Ellery, B., Newton, S. S., Kessels, S., Gum, D., & Merlin, T. L. (2014). CT colonography for those at high risk or symptomatic for colorectal cancer. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 11th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Washington, D.C., USA.
    2014 Vogan, A., Schubert, C., Parsons, J., Morona, J., & Merlin, T. (2014). The impact of an imperfect diagnostic reference standard on the cost-effectiveness of HbA1c testing in the diagnosis of Type II diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 11th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Washington D.C., USA.
    2014 Vogan, A., Schubert, C., Parsons, J., Morona, J., & Merlin, T. (2014). Assessing the cost-effectiveness of HbA1c testing in the diagnosis of Type II diabetes and the impact of an imperfect diagnostic reference standard. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 36th Annual North American Meeting Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM). Miami, USA.
    2013 Morona, J. K., Buckley, E. S., Reddin, E. A., & Merlin, T. L. (2013). The use of growth factors to promote healing of diabetic foot ulcers: A Systematic Review.. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2013 Australasian Cochrane Symposium. Melbourne, VIC.
    2013 • Haji Ali Afzali, H., Karnon, J., Merlin, T., & Hajiali Afzali, H. (2013). Improving the accuracy and comparability of model-based economic evaluations of health technologies for reimbursement decisions: a methodological framework for the development of reference models.. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 10th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Seoul, South Korea.
    2013 Moshi, M. R., Tamblyn, D., & Merlin, T. (2013). Rise of Co-dependent Technologies: Surveying Stakeholders’ about their opinion on the co-dependent technology framework and decision-making process [Poster]. Poster session presented at the meeting of SA State Population Health Conference. Adelaide, South Australia.
    2013 Newton, S., Wang, S., Schubert, C., & Merlin, T. (2013). One small step for an individual, one giant leap for their family: considerations required for assessing the cost effectiveness of genetic tests. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 10th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Seoul, South Korea.
    2013 Newton, S. S., Fitzgerald, P., & Merlin, T. (2013). Mutation testing of the RET gene for MEN2. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 10th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Seoul, South Korea.
    2013 Morona, J., Newton, S. S., Ellery, B., & Merlin, T. (2013). Genetic testing for VHL disease: limited benefit to the individual, but reduced surveillance for family members. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 10th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Seoul, South Korea.
    2013 Merlin, T. L., Ellery, B., Juneja, V., & Tamblyn, D. (2013). What’s in a name? - Mapping the different HTA products of INAHTA members. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 10th Annual Meeting Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi). Seoul, South Korea.
    2013 Street, J., Marciano, N., Merlin, T. L., & Bessen, T. (2013). How good is the guidance for cutaneous melanoma follow- up? A systematic review of clinical practice guidelines. Poster session presented at the meeting of FCIC Survivorship Conference. Adelaide, SA.
    2013 Merlin, T. L. (2013). Coverage with evidence development: when is it appropriate?. Poster session presented at the meeting of ARCS Health Economics Conference. National Convention Centre, Canberra, ACT.
    2012 Merlin, T. L. (2012). Examining the challenges to health technology assessment from personalised medicine: the need for innovative approaches. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 1st Health Technology Assessment Conference. Sydney, NSW.
    2012 Merlin, T. L. (2012). Impact of Health Technology Assessment – AHTA’s perspective. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment Annual Meeting. Bilbao, Spain.
    2012 Merlin, T. L., Farah, C., Schubert, C., Mitchell, A., Hiller, J. E., & Ryan, P. (2012). How to assess personalised medicines for reimbursement decisions? Developing a framework for Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 9th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Bilbao, Spain.
    2012 Merlin, T. L., & Street, J. (2012). Keeping an eye on the problem: developing a disinvestment methodology to review Australian medical services – ‘ophthalmology’ as a test case. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 9th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Bilbao, Spain.
    2011 Hennessy, S., Street, J., Scrimgeour, S., & Merlin, T. L. (2011). A rapid review of patient perspectives on cataract surgery collected using peer-reviewed literature and personal blogs: a comparison with patient interviews. Poster session presented at the meeting of HSRAANZ Health services and policy research conference. Adelaide, SA.
    2011 Street, J., Hennessy, S., Scrimgeour, S., & Merlin, T. L. (2011). A rapid review of patient perspectives on ophthalmology services using peer reviewed literature and personal blogs. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 8th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
    2011 Merlin, T. L. (2011). Challenges for independent evaluation: MSAC assessments – past, present and future. Poster session presented at the meeting of ARCS Scientific Congress. National Convention Centre, Canberra, ACT.
    2011 Merlin, T. L. (2011). The FORM grading method: advantages and challenges. Poster session presented at the meeting of National Health and Medical Research Council Guideline Development Symposium. Melbourne, VIC.
    2011 Merlin, T. L. (2011). Feasibility of the linked evidence approach when assessing diagnostic tests for public funding. Poster session presented at the meeting of Screening and Test Evaluation Program (STEP) Seminar. University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW.
    2010 Merlin, T. L. (2010). Rationale for proposed description of evidence needs. Poster session presented at the meeting of ARCS Scientific Congress. National Convention Centre, Canberra, ACT.
    2010 Merlin, T. L. (2010). Developing a framework for co-dependent technologies for reimbursement. Poster session presented at the meeting of Test Evaluation Symposium. NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre and Screening and Test Evaluation Program (STEP). University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW.
    2010 Merlin, T. L. (2010). Personalised medicine initiatives. Poster session presented at the meeting of Evidence-based Pathology Seminar, The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia. Coogee Beach, Sydney, NSW.
    2010 Merlin, T. L., & Lehman, S. (2010). The benefits and flaws of the Linked Evidence Approach (LEA) to assess diagnostic and screening tests. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 7th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Dublin, Ireland.
    2010 Merlin, T. L., & Liufu, Z. (2010). Unattended sleep studies in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 7th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Dublin, Ireland.
    2010 Buckley, E., Wang, S., Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. E. (2010). Use of disease prevalence when estimating the positive predictive value of a test can mislead: the spectrum effect. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 7th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Dublin, Ireland.
    2010 Buckley, E., Merlin, T. L., Mundy, L., & Hiller, J. E. (2010). Molecular testing for myeloproliferative disease: The conundrum of an imperfect reference standard. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 7th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Dublin, Ireland.
    2009 Ju, H., Newton, S., Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. E. (2009). Quality assessment of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs): Is ADAPTE adaptable?. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 6th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Singapore.
    2009 Wang, S., Gum, D., Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. E. (2009). Predictors of vaccination uptake and course completion: A systematic review. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 6th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Singapore.
    2009 Newton, S. S., Street, J., Merlin, T., & Hiller, J. (2009). Is MRI effective for staging newly diagnosed rectal carcinoma? That depends on whether it changes management.. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 6th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Singapore.
    2008 Wang, S., Merlin, T. L., Kreisz, F., Craft, P., & Hiller, J. E. (2008). Cost-effectiveness of digital mammography compared with film-screen mammography in Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Population Health Congress. Brisbane, QLD.
    2008 Kreisz, F. P., Merlin, T. L., Hiller, J. E., & Gericke, C. (2008). The cost-utility of 64-slice computed tomography coronary angiography in the detection of significant obstructive coronary artery disease. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 5th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Montreal, Canada.
    2008 Merlin, T. L., Moss, J., & Hiller, J. E. (2008). Location, location, location – the impact of health care setting of technology use on both HTA results and funding policy. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 5th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Montreal, Canada.
    2008 Merlin, T. L., Newton, S., Wang, S., & Hiller, J. E. (2008). Technology assessment in the context of workforce shortages and changing supply: digital mammography. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 5th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Montreal, Canada.
    2008 Kreisz, F. P., Merlin, T. L., Hiller, J. E., & Gericke, C. (2008). The cost-utility of 64-slice computed tomography coronary angiography in the detection of significant obstructive coronary artery disease. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 7th European Conference on Health Economics. Rome, Italy.
    2007 Ivan, M., Merlin, T. L., Hiller, J. E., Newton, S., Sullivan, T., Buckley, E., & Hedayati, H. (2007). Multi-slice computed tomography or conventional coronary angiography – how a systematic review of safety and effectiveness can inform decision-making. Poster session presented at the meeting of the State Population Health conference. Adelaide, SA.
    2007 Hiller, J. E., Moyes, L., Mundy, L., & Merlin, T. L. (2007). Horizon scanning for public health interventions. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 4th Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Barcelona, Spain.
    2007 Branham, D., Merlin, T. L., & Woollacott, T. (2007). Evaluating overweight/obesity health promotion activities on multiple criteria (of effectiveness, efficiency and equity). Poster session presented at the meeting of the Australian Health Promotion Association’s 17th National Conference. Adelaide, SA.
    2006 Merlin, T. L., Brooks, A., Lord, S., & Hiller, J. E. (2006). How to assess the effectiveness of a triage test in the context of direct versus linked evidence?. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 3rd Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Adelaide, SA.
    2006 Sullivan, T., Merlin, T. L., Mundy, L., & Hiller, J. E. (2006). Horizon scanning activity as a marker for changing patterns in medical research. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 3rd Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Adelaide, SA.
    2006 McCaffrey, N., Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. E. (2006). Lack of clinical rationale provided for non-inferiority margins. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 3rd Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Adelaide, SA.
    2006 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Hiller, J. E., & Sullivan, T. (2006). Determining the fate of a health technology: why some technologies don’t get off first base. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 3rd Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Adelaide, SA.
    2006 Newton, S. S., Merlin, T., Forbes, D., Phelps, A., Creamer, M., & Hiller, J. E. (2006). Challenges in updating clinical practice evidence-based guidelines. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 3rd Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Adelaide, SA.
    2006 Newton, S. S., Merlin, T., Hedayati, H., Thomson, K., & Hiller, J. E. (2006). Kyphoplasty for treating vertebral compression fractures with kyphosis. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 3rd Annual Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) Conference. Adelaide, SA.
    2006 Merlin, T., Newton, S. S., Thomson, K., & Hiller, J. E. (2006). Brittle bones and painful backs: a systematic review of the safety and effectiveness of vertebroplasty. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 3rd Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Adelaide, SA.
    2005 Merlin, T. L., Middleton, P., Salisbury, J., & Weston, A. (2005). Ways to ensure evidence-based clinical practice guidelines are of high quality. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 8th Cochrane Colloquium. Melbourne, VIC.
    2005 Merlin, T. L., Weston, A., & Tooher, R. (2005). Re-assessing and revising “levels of evidence” in the critical appraisal process. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 8th Cochrane Colloquium. Melbourne, VIC.
    2004 Hodgkinson, B., Moss, J., Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). Economic analysis within a health technology assessment: practical issues. Poster session presented at the meeting of Regional Conference on Cost Effective Healthcare. Singapore.
    2004 Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). Are institutionalised approaches to pain assessment and management effective? A systematic review. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 1st Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Krakow, Poland.
    2004 Merlin, T. L., Mundy, L., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). Caught between a rock and a hard place: indirect comparisons and the trade-off between information and methodological rigour. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 1st Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Krakow, Poland.
    2004 Merlin, T. L., Hiller, J. E., Babidge, W., McConnell, A., & Kearney, B. (2004). The development of the Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network and its impact on policy. Poster session presented at the meeting of the 1st Annual Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Conference. Krakow, Poland.
    2003 Merlin, T. L. (2003). Indirect comparisons, Workshop 2 - Methods: Therapy. Poster session presented at the meeting of MSAC Evaluator’s Meeting. Melbourne, VIC.
    2003 Merlin, T. L. (2003). Laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy. Poster session presented at the meeting of British Journal of Surgery. Melbourne, VIC: Oxford University Press (OUP).
    DOI Scopus5 Europe PMC6
    2003 Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. R. (2003). Are institutionalised approaches to pain assessment and management effective? A systematic review. Poster session presented at the meeting of Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference. Melbourne, VIC.
    2003 Hodgkinson, B., Moss, J., Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. E. (2003). When the comparator is 'usual care': an example from osteoarthritis of the knee. Poster session presented at the meeting of the International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 19th Annual Meeting. Canmore, Canada.
    2003 Merlin, T. L., Mundy, L., Dekker, G. A., & Hiller, J. E. (2003). Antenatal screening for heritable thrombophilia: Is public funding merited?. Poster session presented at the meeting of the International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 19th Annual Meeting. Canmore, Canada.
    2003 Merlin, T. L., Mundy, L., Dekker, G., & Hiller, J. E. (2003). Antenatal screening for heritable thrombophilia: what is the evidence?. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand Congress. Hobart, TAS.
    2002 Hiller, J. E., Merlin, T. L., Mundy, L., & Hodgkinson, B. (2002). What is MSAC and what do we do for them?. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Department of Public Health, University of Adelaide. Adelaide, SA.
    2002 Merlin, T. L. (2002). Methodological considerations in a surgical systematic review. Poster session presented at the meeting of Cochrane Non-Randomised Studies Methods Group Meeting. Oxford, United Kingdom.
    2001 Merlin, T. L. (2001). What access method is the safest and most effective at establishing pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic surgery? A systematic review. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Department of Public Health, University of Adelaide. Adelaide, SA.
    2001 Merlin, T. L. (2001). Tension-free urethropexy: intravaginal slingplasty and the tension-free vaginal tape procedures. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Australasian Scientific Congress, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Canberra, ACT.
    2000 Babidge, W., Merlin, T. L., & Maddern, G. (2000). Developing an evidence-based approach for surgery: lessons learned. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Centre for Statistics in Medicine 3rd Symposium on Systematic Reviews: Beyond the Basics – Improving Quality and Impact. Oxford, United Kingdom.
    2000 Merlin, T. L., Walsh, D., & Maddern, G. (2000). Developing clinical practice guidelines for new surgical techniques: beginning with the ABBI. Poster session presented at the meeting of the International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care (ISTAHC) 16th Annual Meeting. The Hague, the Netherlands.
    1990 Merlin, T. L. (1990). An exploratory study on the viability and efficacy of a Pet-Facilitated Therapy project within a Hospice. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Palliative Care Conference, Daw Park Hospice. Adelaide, SA.
  • Report for External Bodies

    Year Citation
    2023 Laka, M., Carter, D., Gao, Y., Choi, O., Tamblyn, D., & Merlin, T. (2023). International health technology market approval, funding and assessment pathways. Canberra: Australian Department of Health and Aged Care.
    2023 Tamblyn, D., Morona, J., Carter, D., Kessels, S., & Merlin, T. (2023). Clinical Evaluation Methods in HTA. Canberra: Australian Department of Health and Aged Care.
    2020 Milverton, J., Bellman, S., Schubert, C., Carter, D., Newton, S., Parsons, J., & Merlin, T. (2020). Photodynamic therapy for non-melanoma skin tumours (Document Number MTAR 39/2020/E).
    2019 Kessels, S., Newton, S., Vogan, A., Mittal, R., Schubert, C., Carter, D., . . . Merlin, T. (2019). Clinical utility card for heritable mutations associated with familial hypercholesterolaemia (MSAC Application 1534). Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2019 Kessels, S., Newton, S., Vogan, A., Mittal, R., Schubert, C., Carter, D., . . . Merlin, T. (2019). Technical report to supplement clinical utility card for heritable mutations associated with familial hypercholesterolaemia (MSAC Application 1534). Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2018 Milverton, J., Vogan, A., Newton, S., Parsons, J., Schubert, C., & Merlin, T. (2018). Extended half-life clotting factor concentrates for the treatment of haemophilia A and B (MSAC Application 1511).
    2018 Milverton, J., Vogan, A., Parsons, J., Kessels, S., Carter, D., Schubert, C., . . . Merlin, T. (2018). Genetic deletion testing for alpha thalassaemia (MSAC Application 1531). Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2018 Milverton, J., Mittal, R., Carter, D. A., Kessels, S., Newton, S., Schubert, C., . . . Merlin, T. (2018). Processing and cryopreservation of ovarian tissue prior to or after gonadotoxic treatment to preserve fertility in females for the future (MSAC Application 1435 Part B, Assessment Report). Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2018 Kessels, S., Mittal, R., Morona, J., Newton, S., Schubert, C., Milverton, J., & Merlin, T. (2018). Anti-Müllerian hormone testing for female patients preceding or following gonadotoxic treatment (MSAC 1434).
    2017 Newton, S. S., Salinger, K., Pridham, L., Parsons, J., & Merlin, T. (2017). Assessment of extended half-life clotting factor concentrates.
    2017 Morona, J., Mittal, R., Newton, S., Salinger, K., Carter, D. A., Schubert, C., & Merlin, T. (2017). Processing and cryopreservation of semen, sperm and testicular tissue prior to or after gonadotoxic treatment to preserve future fertility (MSAC 1435 Part A, Assessment Report). Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2017 Mittal, R., Kessels, S., Newton, S., Milverton, J., Parsons, J., Morona, J., . . . Merlin, T. (2017). Testing for hereditary mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene - Resubmission (MSAC application 1216.1). Canberra: Commenwealth of Australia.
    2017 Parsons, J., Merlin, T. L., & Gold, M. (2017). Serious adverse effects associated with human papillomavirus vaccine. World Health Organization.
    2017 Milverton, J., Vogan, A., Newton, S., Schubert, C., & Merlin, T. (2017). 50 gene signature assay for predicting breast cancer recurrence (MSAC Application 1473).
    2017 Parsons, J., Merlin, T. L., & Gold, M. (2017). Serious adverse effects associated with smallpox vaccine. World Health Organization.
    2016 Morona, J., Vogan, A., Kessels, S., Newton, S., Pridham, L., Ellery, B., . . . Merlin, T. (2016). Magnetic resonance imaging of patients with suspected non-ischaemic cardiomyopathies (MSAC 1432). Canberra.
    2016 Tamblyn, D., Schubert, C., & Merlin, T. L. (2016). Guidelines for preparing a submission to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee, Version 5.0. Commonwealth of Australia.
    2016 Morona, J., Kessels, S., Vogan, A., Mittal, R., Newton, S., Parsons, J., . . . Merlin, T. (2016). Cardiac MRI for myocardial stress perfusion and viability imaging in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease (MSAC application number 1237). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2016 Kessels, S., Mittal, R., Morona, J., Newton, S., Ellery, B., Milverton, J., . . . Merlin, T. (2016). Magnetic resonance imaging of patients with suspected (non-ischaemic) dilated cardiomyopathies (MSAC Application no. 1393). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2015 Newton, S., Ellery, B., Fischer, S., Farah, C., Gum, D., Liufu, Z., . . . Merlin, T. L. (2015). Life Saving Drugs Programme Review: Technical Assessment. Canberra, ACT: Australian Government Department of Health.
    2015 Kessels, S., Morona, J., Mittal, R., Vogan, A., Newton, S., Schubert, C., & Merlin, T. (2015). Testing for hereditary mutations in the Cystic Fibrosis conductance Transmembrane Regulator (CFTR) gene (1216).$File/1216-MSAC-CA-CFTR.pdf: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2015 Ellery, B., Parsons, J., & Merlin, T. L. (2015). Cell salvage as a patient blood management strategy. HealthPACT Commonwealth of Australia.
    2014 Milverton, J., Ellery, B., Gum, D., Newton, S., Kessels, S., Vogan, A., & Merlin, T. (2014). Milverton J, Ellery B, Gum D, Newton S, Kessels S, Vogan A, Merlin T. Computed tomography colonography for the diagnosis or exclusion of colorectal neoplasia. 2014. MSAC Application 1269. Assessment Report. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, ACT..
    2014 Ellery, B., Milverton, J., Newton, S., Morona, J. K., Gum, D., Parsons, J., . . . Merlin, T. (2014). Retinal photography with a non-mydriatic retinal camera in people with diabetes (MSAC Application number 1181). Canberra, ACT.: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2014 Kessels, S., Schubert, C., Parsons, J., Morona, J. K., & Merlin, T. (2014). Bone mineral density analyses using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for women in their 50th year (MSAC Application number 1162). Canberra, ACT.: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2014 Morona, J. K., Vogan, A., Kessels, S., Gum, D., Milverton, J., Parsons, J., . . . Merlin, T. (2014). Nucleic acid amplification testing for active mycobacterial infection (MSAC Application number 1234). Canberra, ACT.: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2014 Parsons, J., Vogan, A., Morona, J. K., Schubert, C., & Merlin, T. (2014). HBA1c test for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (MSAC Application 1267). Canberra, ACT.: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2014 Kessels, S., Schubert, C., Newton, S., & Merlin, T. (2014). Catheter-free (wireless) ambulatory oesophageal pH monitoring for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) (1203). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2013 Newton, S., Schubert, C., Morona, J. K., Fitzgerald, P., & Merlin, T. (2013). Genetic testing for hereditary mutations in the RET gene. (MSAC Application 1152). Canberra, ACT.: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2012 Docter, S., Newton, S., Wang, S., Merlin, T. L., Ellery, B., Milverton, J., & Ma, N. (2012). Genetic testing for the diagnosis or prediction of long QT syndrome. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, ACT, 2012. ISSN (online) 1443-7139. [on hold at applicant’s request].
    2012 Morona, J. K., Newton, S., Wang, S., Tamblyn, D., Ellery, B., & Merlin, T. (2012). Genetic testing for hereditary mutations in the VHL gene that cause von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (MSAC Application number 1153,). Canberra, ACT.: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2012 Smithers, L. G., Lynch, J., & Merlin, T. (2012). Television marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children: a review of the published evidence since 2009. Canberra: Australian National Preventive Health Agency.
    2011 Merlin, T. L., Street, J., Holton, C., Mundy, L., Tamblyn, D., Juneja, V., . . . Hennessy, S. (2011). Review of MBS items for specific ophthalmology services under the MBS Quality Framework (MSAC Review 1178r). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2011 Farah, C., Schubert, C., & Merlin, T. L. (2011). Detection of K-RAS mutation status to inform treatment with cetuximab (Erbitux). Canberra, ACT.
    2011 Schubert, C., Farah, C., & Merlin, T. L. (2011). Detection of EGFR mutation status to inform treatment with gefitinib (Iressa). Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2011 Ellery, B., Mundy, L., Juneja, V., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Merlin, T. L. (2011). Technologies for the inactivation/reduction of pathogens in blood products. Brisbane, QLD: Queensland Health.
    2011 Buckley, E., Docter, S., Morona, J., Reddin, E., Mnatzaganian, G., Juneja, V., & Merlin, T. L. (2011). Prevention, Identification and Management of Foot Complications in Diabetes: Technical Report. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2010 Newton, S., Docter, S., Reddin, E., Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. E. (2010). Depression in adolescents and young adults: Evidence Review. Adelaide, SA: BeyondBlue.
    2010 Mundy, L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Merlin, T. L. (2010). The role of scintimammography in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2009 Mundy, L., Liufu., Braunack-Mayer., Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. E. (2009). New and emerging technologies for breast cancer detection. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2009 Buckley, E., & Merlin, T. (2009). Molecular testing for myeloproliferative disease. Part A - Polycythaemia vera, essential thrombocythaemia and primary myelofibrosis. Part B - Systematic mast cell disease, hypereosinophilic syndromes and chronic eosinophilic leukaemia. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2009 Buckley, E., & Merlin, T. (2009). Molecular testing for myeloproliferative disease. Part A - Polycythaemia vera, essential thrombocythaemia and primary myelofibrosis. Part B - Systematic mast cell disease, hypereosinophilic syndromes and chronic eosinophilic leukaemia. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2008 Newton, S., Merlin, T., Hedayati, H., Sullivan, T., Street, J., & Hiller, J. E. (2008). MRI for staging of rectal carcinoma. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2008 Newton, S., Merlin, T., Hedayati, H., Sullivan, T., Street, J., & Hiller, J. E. (2008). MRI for staging of rectal carcinoma. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2008 Buckley, E., Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. E. (2008). Vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2008 Mundy, L., McCaffrey, N., Parsons, J., Liufu, Z., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2008). Quantitative ultrasound. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2008 Ivan, M., Newton, S., Zimprich, C., Sullivan, T., Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. E. (2008). Intragastric balloons for the temporary management of morbid obesity. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2008 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2008). Point-of-Care Influenza Diagnostic tests. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2007 Buckley, L., Merlin, T. L., & Hiller, J. E. (2007). Placement of Acticon artificial bowel sphincters in the management of faecal incontinence. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2007 Merlin, T. L., Hedayati, H., Sullivan, T., Buckley, E. L., Newton, S. S., Hodgkinson, B., . . . Hiller, J. E. (2007). Universal neonatal hearing screening. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2007 Merlin, T. L., Hedayati, H., Wang, S., Sullivan, T., Newton, S., Buckley, E., . . . Hiller, J. E. (2007). Digital mammography for breast cancer screening, surveillance and diagnosis. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2007 Mundy, L., Hiller, J., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Merlin, T. L. (2007). MRI for the detection of foetal abnormalities. Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2007 Ivan, M., Kreisz, F., Merlin, T. L., Buckley, E., Newton, S., Hedayati, H., . . . Hiller, J. E. (2007). Multi-slice computed tomography coronary angiography in the visualisation of coronary arteries. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2007 Newton, S., Hedayati, H., Sullivan, T., Merlin, T. L., Moss, J., & Hiller, J. E. (2007). Lumbar non-fusion posterior stabilisation devices. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2007 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2007). USCOM: ultrasound cardiac output monitor for patients requiring haemodynamic monitoring. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2007 Buckley, E., Newton, S., Hedayati, H., Merlin, T. L., Moss, J., & Hiller, J. E. (2007). Double balloon enteroscopy. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2007 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. (2007). Nanomedicine. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2007 Merlin, T., Moss, J., Brooks, A., Newton, S., Hedayati, H., & Hiller, J. (2007). Brain natriuretic peptide assays in the diagnosis of heart failure: Part A - in the hospital emergency setting, Part B - in the primary care setting (MSAC application 1087). Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2006 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2006). Molecular adsorbents recirculating system (MARS®): A haemo-dialysis and haemo-filtration device for acute liver failure. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2006 Mundy, L., Sullivan, T., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., Elshaug, A., & Hiller, J. (2006). The Pillar procedure: For the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea and snoring. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2006 Brooks, A., Merlin, T. L., Mundy, L., Hedayati, H., & Hiller, J. (2006). Uterine artery embolisation. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2006 Merlin, T. L., Newton, S., Hedayati, H., McCaffrey, N., Moss, J., & Hiller, J. (2006). Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty for the treatment of vertebral compression fracture. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2005 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2005). The Meniett™ device for the treatment of Ménière’s disease. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2005 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. (2005). TherOx® AO System: hyperoxemic perfusion for the treatment of microvascular ischaemia in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2004 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). The detection of diabetic retinopathy utilising retinal photography in rural and remote areas in Australia. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2004 Mundy, L., Bywood, P., Merlin, T. L., Hodgkinson, B., Fitridge, R., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). Endovenous laser treatment (EVLT™) for varicose veins. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2004 Bywood, P., Newton, S. S., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). Computer aided detection systems in mammography. Horizon Scanning Report. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2004 Bywood, P., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). Elecsys® ProBNP immunoassay for the diagnosis of congestive heart failure. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2004 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). MRI screening for breast cancer in genetically high-risk women. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2004 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). GlucoWatch™ for the non-invasive monitoring of glucose levels. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2004 Mundy, L., Hodgkinson, B., Merlin, T. L., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). Left ventricular assist devices for destination therapy. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2004 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Hodgkinson, B., Braunack-Mayer, A., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). Combined CT and PET scanner. Canberra, ACT: Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2004 Hodgkinson, B., Newton, S., Parsons, J., Hedayati, H., Merlin, T. L., Easterbrook, C., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). Bone densitometry testing. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2004 Hodgkinson, B., Merlin, T. L., Graves, S., Cleland, L., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). Therapeutic arthroscopy for the management of osteoarthritis of the knee: Systematic review. Medical Benefits Fund Australia Limited.
    2004 Bywood, P., Merlin, T. L., Hedayati, H., Parsons, J., & Hiller, J. E. (2004). Tools for service improvement for the prevention, detection and management of chronic diseases. Canberra, ACT: National Health Priority Action Council, Commonwealth of Australia.
    2003 Mundy, L., Merlin, T. L., Maddern, G., & Hiller, J. E. (2003). Placement of artificial bowel sphincters in the management of faecal incontinence. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2003 Hodgkinson, B., Merlin, T. L., Moss, J., Cleland, L., & Hiller, J. E. (2003). Intra-articular viscosupplementation for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2003 Merlin, T. L., Mundy, L., Moss, J., Dekker, G., & Hiller, J. E. (2003). Antenatal screening for heritable thrombophilia. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
    2002 Merlin, T. L., Hodgkinson, B., Macintyre, P., Ludbrook, G., & Hiller, J. E. (2002). Institutional approaches to pain assessment and management (008PAI): A systematic literature review. Melbourne, VIC: National Institute of Clinical Studies.
    2002 Parsons, J., Merlin, T. L., Taylor, J., Wilkinson, D., & Hiller, J. E. (2002). Evidence-based practice in a rural and remote setting (013RUR): A critical literature review. Melbourne, VIC: National Institute of Clinical Studies.
    2001 Merlin, T. L., Hiller, J. E., Maddern, G., Jamieson, G., Brown, A., & Kolbe, A. (2001). A systematic review of methods used to establish laparoscopic pneumoperitoneum. Adelaide, SA: Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures - Surgical (ASERNIP-S), Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), Commonwealth of Australia.
    2001 Merlin, T. L., Arnold, E., Petros, P., MacTaggart, P., Tulloch, A., Jamieson, G., . . . Maddern, G. (2001). A systematic review of tension-free urethropexy for stress urinary incontinence: intravaginal slingplasty and the tension-free vaginal tape procedures. Adelaide, SA: Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures - Surgical (ASERNIP-S), Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), Commonwealth of Australia.
    2000 Merlin, T. L., Scott, D., Rao, M., Wall, D., Francis, D., Bridgewater, F., & Maddern, G. (2000). Systematic review of laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy. Updated and re-appraised 2000. Adelaide, SA: Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures - Surgical (ASERNIP-S), Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), Commonwealth of Australia.
    2000 Walsh, D., Merlin, T. L., Humenuik, V., Malycha, P., Cregan, P., Lord, A., & Maddern, G. (2000). Clinical practice guidelines for the advanced breast biopsy instrument (ABBI). Adelaide, SA: Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures - Surgical (ASERNIP-S), Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), Commonwealth of Australia.
    1999 Merlin, T. L., Scott, D., Rao, M., Wall, D., Francis, D., Bridgewater, F., & Maddern, G. (1999). Systematic review of laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy. Adelaide, SA: Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures - Surgical (ASERNIP-S), Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), Commonwealth of Australia.
  • NHMRC Endorsed Guidelines

    Year Citation
    2020 Publication status: Published online
    Title: Evidence evaluation report: Systematic literature review on the association between alcohol consumption and mental health disorders
    Alternative title: Technical report systematic review on the association between alcohol consumption and mental health
    Authors: Newton S, Morona J, Salinger K, Merlin T
    Author affiliation: Adelaide Health Technology Assessment
    (1064272) Newton, Skye
    (1631633) Salinger, Klara
    (1018746) Merlin, Tracy
    Publisher URL:
    Publication date: 2020
    Record created at source: 2 March 2023
    2016 Publication status: Published
    Title: Clinical Practice Guidelines and Principles of Care for People with Dementia
    Authors: Merlin T
    Author affiliation: B1018746
    Publisher: NHMRC
    Place of publication: Australia
    Publication date: 2016
    ISBN-13: 9780994541505
    Source URL:
    Verification-status: Verified
    Record created at source: 15 April 2016
    2016 Publication status: Published
    Title: Patient Blood Management Guidelines: Module 6 - Neonatal and Paediatrics
    Authors: Merlin T
    Author affiliation: B1018746
    Pagination: 1-312
    Publisher: National Blood Authority
    Publisher URL:
    Place of publication: Canberra, ACT
    Publication date: 2016
    ISBN-13: 978-0-9944061-2-5
    Source URL:
    Verification-status: Verified
    Record created at source: 14 March 2018
    2015 Title: National Evidence-Based Guideline on Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes
    Authors: Morona J, Tamblyn D, Ellery B, Merlin T
    Author affiliation: A1007279-A1050252-A1068278-A1018746
    Publisher: Commonwealth of Australia - Department of Health
    Place of publication: Australia
    Publication date: 2015
    ISBN-13: 9780980604092
    Source URL:
    Verification-status: Verified
    Record created at source: 15 April 2016
    2015 Publication status: Published
    Title: NHMRC Statement: Evidence on Wind Farms and Human Health
    Authors: National Health and Medical Research Council
    Pagination: 1
    Publisher: National Health and Medical Research Council
    Publisher URL:
    Publication date: February 2015
    Verification-status: Verified
    Record created at source: 7 April 2015
    2015 Title: Patient Blood Management Guidelines: Module 5 Obstetrics and Maternity
    Authors: Merlin T
    Author affiliation: B1018746
    Pagination: 137 pages
    Publisher: National Blood Authority
    Publication date: 2015
    ISBN-13: 9780992497125
    Source URL:
    Verification-status: Verified
    Record created at source: 15 March 2018
    2013 Publication status: Published
    Title: Australian guidelines for the treatment of Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    Authors: Phoenix Australia - Centre for Postraumatic Mental Health
    Author affiliation: B1065905-B1018746-B1064272-B1032036-B1068278-B1065539-B1007279-B1181052-B1180086
    Pagination: 1-177
    Publisher: Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health
    Publisher URL:
    Place of publication: Melbourne
    Publication date: 2013
    ISBN-13: 9780975224601
    Keywords: PTSD, ASD, Traumatic Stress, Pyschological debriefing, Pyschological therapy, Pharmacological therapy
    Addresses: Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health; National Health and Medical Research Council, Canberra, Australia; Adelaide Health Technology Assessment, University of Adelaide, Discipline of Public Health, Adelaide, 5000, Australia
    Notes: A systematic literature review was commissioned by the Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health and undertaken by Adelaide Health Technology Assessment, University of Adelaide. It was published as an Appendix to the guidelines. Members of AHTA included Tracy Merlin, Joanne Milverton, Skye Newton, Judy Morona, Jacqueline PArsons, Stynke Docter, Ben Ellery and Zhaohui Liufu. Dr Alexander McFarlane was on the Working Party and was an expert for Special population and trauma types areas.
    Verification-status: Verified
    Record created at source: 4 February 2015
    2012 Publication status: Published
    Title: Update of the Australian guidelines for the treatment of Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    Authors: Newton S, Parsons J, Ellery B, Milverton J, Morona J, Docter S, Liufu Z, Merlin TL
    Author affiliation: (1018746) Merlin, Tracy
    (1007279) Morona, Judy
    (1065539) Milverton, Joanne
    (1064272) Newton, Skye
    (1068278) Ellery, Benjamin
    (1032036) Parsons, Jacqueline
    (1180086) Liufu, Zhaohui
    Publisher: Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health
    Place of publication: Melbourne, Victoria
    Publication date: 2012
    Source URL:
    Record created at source: 15 March 2018
    2012 Publication status: Published
    Title: Patient Blood Management Guidelines: Module 4 – Critical Care
    Authors: Merlin TL
    Author affiliation: (1018746) Merlin, Tracy
    Publisher: National Blood Authority
    Publisher URL:
    Place of publication: Canberra, ACT
    Publication date: 2012
    ISBN-13: 978-0-9873687-0-6
    Source URL:
    Record created at source: 15 March 2018
    2012 Publication status: Published
    Title: Patient Blood Management Guidelines: Module 3 – Medical
    Authors: Merlin TL
    Author affiliation: (1018746) Merlin, Tracy
    Publisher: National Blood Authority
    Publisher URL:
    Place of publication: Canberra, ACT
    Publication date: 2012
    ISBN-13: 978-0-9872519-8-5
    Source URL:
    Record created at source: 15 March 2018
    2012 Publication status: Published
    Title: Patient Blood Management Guidelines: Module 2 – Perioperative
    Authors: Merlin TL, Newton S
    Author affiliation: (1018746) Merlin, Tracy
    (1064272) Newton, Skye
    Publisher: National Blood Authority
    Publisher URL:
    Place of publication: Canberra, ACT
    Publication date: 2012
    ISBN-13: 978-0-9775298-1-0
    Source URL:
    Record created at source: 15 March 2018
    2011 Publication status: Published
    Title: Patient blood management guidelines, Module 1 - Critical bleeding/massive transfusion
    Authors: Merlin T, Newton S
    Author affiliation: B1018746-B1064272
    Pagination: 0 pages
    Publication date: 2011
    Language: en
    Notes: Migrated record 20140814
    Verification-status: Verified
    Record created at source: 14 August 2014
    2011 Publication status: Published
    Title: National evidence-based guideline: Prevention, identification and mangement of foot complications in diabetes
    Authors: Fitridge R, Templeton S, Buckley E, Docter S, Morona J, Reddin E, Juneja V, Merlin T
    Author affiliation: A1066006-A1066294-B1134193-B1181052-B1007279-B1200662-B1216790-B1050252-B1183605-B1068278-B1177181-B1018746
    Pagination: 0 pages
    Publication date: 2011
    Language: en
    Notes: Migrated record 20140814
    Verification-status: Verified
    Record created at source: 14 August 2014
    2011 Publication status: Published
    Title: Clinical practice guidelines: Depression in adolescents and young adults
    Authors: Merlin T, Newton S
    Author affiliation: A1018746-A1064272
    Pagination: 0 pages
    Publication date: 2011
    Language: en
    Notes: Migrated record 20140814
    Verification-status: Verified
    Record created at source: 14 August 2014
    2008 Publication status: Published
    Title: Clinical guidelines for best practice management of acute and chronic whiplash-associated disorders
    Authors: Cox M, Frank O, Osti O, Merlin T, Atkinson R, Jezukaitis P
    Author affiliation: A1024253-A1064970-A1065901-A1018746-B1001943-A1066503
    Pagination: 0 pages
    Publication date: 2008
    Language: en
    Notes: Migrated record 20140814
    Verification-status: Verified
    Record created at source: 14 August 2014
    2008 Publication status: Published
    Title: Guidelines for the management of diabetic retinopathy
    Authors: Hiller J, Merlin T
    Author affiliation: B1001631-B1018746
    Pagination: 0 pages
    Publication date: 2008
    Language: en
    Notes: Migrated record 20140814
    Verification-status: Verified
    Record created at source: 14 August 2014
    2007 Publication status: Published
    Title: Guidelines for the Treatment of Adults with Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    Authors: McFarlane A, Newton S, Hedayati H, McCaffrey N, Erkelens M, Hazel S, Steggles E, Hiller J
    Author affiliation: B1065905-B1064272-B1061970-B1134202-B1130240-B1037148-B1084474-B1018746-B1001631
    Pagination: 0 pages
    Publication date: 2007
    Language: en
    Notes: Migrated record 20140814
    Verification-status: Verified
    Record created at source: 14 August 2014
  • Theses

    Year Citation
    2021 Lopes McInnes, E. (2021). The Rationale and Design of Public Involvement in Health Technology Assessment: A Systems Thinking Approach. (PhD Thesis, The University of Adelaide).
    2015 Moshi, M. R. (2015). Delivering a universal neonatal screening programme for sickle cell anaemia in sub- Saharan Africa.
    2014 Lopes McInnes, E. (2014). Public and patient involvement in government health funding decision making in Australia. (Master's Thesis, The University of Adelaide).
  • Working Paper

    Year Citation
    2017 Carter, D. A., & Merlin, T. (2017). Sharing risk in the funding of health technologies. School of Public Health.

Research Funding

National Competitive Schemes

Date Project/No. Investigators Funding Body Amount

The Newborn screening model using Integrated multi-omics in South Australia (NewbornsInSA)

MRFF - GHFM Application ID:  2017145

CIA: Karin Kassahn, CIB: Enzo Ranieri….CIL: Tracy Merlin….

AI: Camille Schubert…

Medical Research Future Fund – Genomics Health Futures Mission $2,941,351

Genomic Autopsy Study for Stillbirth -

Lead, substudy on changes in clinical management and cost-effectiveness of genomic testing.

Grant ID -GHFM76777

Prof Hamish Scott, A/Prof Christopher Barnett, Prof Tracy Merlin + others Medical Research Future Fund – Genomics Health Futures Mission  $3,401,790
2018 ReMInDAR Trial - Reducing Medicine Induced Deterioration and Adverse Reactions Prof Libby Roughead - UniSA
Prof Tracy Merlin – Adelaide University AHTA
Prof Tim Olds / A/Prof Gaynor Parfitt – UniSA ARENA
A/Prof Luke Bereznicki – University of Tasmania
A/Prof Nicole Pratt – UniSA
Ms Jo Boylan / Ms Ai Choo Kang– Southern Cross Care SA NT
Ms Megan Corlis – Helping Hand Aged Care Inc
Mr Adam Phillips – Terry White Chemmart
Dr Renly Lim - UniSA
Pharmacy Trial Program - Tranche 2 $2,847,926
2012-2013 Steward or nanny state: Consulting the public about the use of regulations and laws to address childhood obesity Chief - Braunack-Mayer AJ, Street, JM, Reynolds C, Moore V, Warin M, Carter D, Moss J, Merlin T. Australian National Preventive Health Agency Research Grants Program 2011-12 $288,381
2009-2011 Changing policy and practice in health care

Chief - Hiller J, Elshaug A, Braunack-Mayer A, Moss J, Wale J, Buchan H.

Associate – Littlejohns P, Wells R, Phillips P, Goss A, Norman R, Southcott A, Karnon J, Merlin T, de Lacey S, Street J.

NHMRC Project Grant $860,750
2009-2013 Health care in the round: building capacity for integrated decision-making for improving health services. Chief - Jamrozik K, Hiller J, Braunack-Mayer A, Gericke C, Ryan P, Karnon J, Nasir R, Beilby J. Mentors - Moss J, Van der Wilt G, Sculpher M, Rogers W, Merlin T, Furler L. NHMRC Capacity Building Grants in Population Health and Health Services Research $2,352,714

Contract Research - Public Sector Funding

Date Project/No. Investigators Funding Body Amount
April 2023 – April 2024

The HTA Policy and Methods Review of Australia

Services to review existing Health Technology Assessment processes as per Strategic Agreement between the Commonwealth and Medicines Australia

Merlin T, Tamblyn D, Newton S, Parsons J, Ellery B, Carter D Department of Health and Aged Care (Technology Access and Assessment Division; and Therapeutic Goods Administration), Australian Government
2023-2026 (+~2 yrs)
Services for Health Technology Assessment, Research Support and Other Services Merlin T, Newton S, Parsons J, Tamblyn D, Vogan A, Schubert C, Liufu V, Ellery B, Carter D, Scott H, Kassahn K. Department of Health and Aged Care (Technology Access and Assessment Division; and Therapeutic Goods Administration), Australian Government $3,500,000 +
2021-2025 External evaluation of industry submissions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee Merlin T, Wang S, Tamblyn D, Schubert C. Department of Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits Branch), Australian Government

Minimum: $5,821,975

(Maximum: up to $8,654,635)

2019-2020 Review of the MSAC Technical Guidelines (therapeutic & investigative) and administrative documents Merlin T, Newton S, Tamblyn D, Vogan A, Kessels S, Morona J, Wyndham A, Sinclair A, Kip M. Department of Health (Technology Access and Assessment Division), Australian Government $792,794
2019-2025 Services for Health Technology Assessment, Research Support and Other Services Merlin T, Newton S, Parsons J, Tamblyn D, Schubert C, Wang S, Carter D, Marshall H, Gold M. Department of Health (Technology Access and Assessment Division; and Therapeutic Goods Administration), Australian Government Up to $12 million over 6 years
2018 Review of the processes and procedures to support the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) Merlin T, Parsons J, Schubert C Department of Health, Australian Government $56,019

Provision of Medical and Scientific Evaluation Services

  • Oncology medicines
  • Genetic technologies
Merlin T, Tamblyn D, Farah C, Tonkin A, Reddi B, Gum D, Liufu Z, Morona J, Wyndham A. Therapeutic Goods Administration $110,062

NHMRC Health Evidence, Advice and Methods Panel

Systematic Review on alcohol and mental health

Merlin T, Newton S, Morona J National Health and Medical Research Council $111,381
2017-2018 Develop an HTA review pathway and methodology Merlin T, Schubert C.

Department of Health, Australian Government

Technology Access and Assessment Division

2017-2018 Systematic literature review and review of clinical guidelines concerning medicines used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) Merlin T, Liufu Z, Wyndham A, Morona J. Department of Health, Australian Government $218,981
2017 Review of Breast Implants Merlin T, Tamblyn D, Parsons J. Therapeutic Goods Administration $237,918
2017 Clinical evaluation of medical device applications Merlin T, Tamblyn D, Salinger K. Therapeutic Goods Administration $300,000
2016-2018 Veterans’ Medicine Advice and Therapeutics Education Services Program (Veterans’ MATES)

Roughead E, Le Blanc V, Barratt J, Pratt N, Kalisch-Ellett L, Ramsay E, Milburn A.

Subcontractor: AHTA

Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Australian Government $246,660
2016-2020 External evaluation of industry submissions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee Merlin T, Wang S, Schubert C, Tamblyn D. Department of Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits Branch), Australian Government $3,851,303 (minimum)
2015-2016 Review of Guidelines for preparing submissions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee AHTA - Merlin T, Tamblyn D, Schubert C ; Consultants - Karnon J, Afzali H, Sculpher M, Drummond M, Roughead L, Sullivan T.; Editors - Biotext (Editorial) – Salisbury J, Irish, J. Department of Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits Branch) $539,842
2015-2018 Provision of Health Technology Assessment Services to the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC HTA Panel) AHTA - Merlin T, Newton S, Schubert C, Parsons J, Street J, Carter D, Sullivan T. ; JBI – Aromataris E et al. Department of Health (Medicare Benefits Branch) ~approx $3 million over 3 years
2015-2016 Professional services in relation to the development of emerging technology briefs on behalf of the Health Policy Advisory Committee on Technology (HealthPACT) Merlin T, Parsons J, Ellery B. Queensland Health $147,263
2014-2015 Review of Life Saving Drugs Program Merlin T. Postmarket Reviews of PBS Medicines, Pharmaceutical Benefits Branch, Department of Health and Ageing $326,505
2014 Professional services in relation to the development of emerging technology briefs on behalf of the Health Policy Advisory Committee on Technology (HealthPACT) Merlin T, Parsons J, Ellery B. Queensland Health $43,312
2013-2015 Provision of Health Technology Assessment Services to the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC HTA Panel) Merlin T, Newton S, Schubert C, Parsons J, Street J. Department of Health and Ageing (Medicare Benefits Branch) $2,057,250
2012-2013 Systematic literature review of wind farms and human health Merlin T. National Health and Medical Research Council $92,134
2012-2016 External evaluation of industry submissions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee Merlin T, Moss J, Wang S, Schubert C. Department of Health and Ageing (Pharmaceutical Benefits Branch) $5,455,151
2012 Systematic review of exposure of children to ‘unhealthy’ food and beverage advertising on television. Merlin T, Smithers L, Lynch J. Australian National Preventive Health Agency $51,194
2012 Review of Skin Service items on the MBS Merlin T, Street J, Parsons J. Department of Health and Ageing (Medicare Benefits Division) $85,000
2010-2012 Systematic reviews of Ophthalmology specialty items on the MBS Merlin T, Street J, Holton C. Department of Health and Ageing (Medicare Benefits Division) $291,369
2008-2012 External evaluation of vaccine and pharmaceutical submissions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) for funding under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Merlin T, Moss J, Hiller J. Department of Health and Ageing (Pharmaceutical Benefits Branch) $4,045,753
2008-2012 Provision of health technology assessment and research related support services, including independent evaluation of services under consideration by the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) for Medicare funding. Merlin T, Hiller J, Braunack-Mayer A, Elshaug A, Karnon J, Moss J, Street J. Department of Health and Ageing (Medical Benefits Division) $2,500,000
2011 Technologies for the inactivation/ reduction of pathogens in blood products. Merlin T. Queensland Health $30,366
2009-2011 Systematic review and update of Type 2 Diabetes Clinical Practice Guidelines Mott K, Merlin T, Shaw J, Neil B, Zimmet P, Zoungas S. Department of Health and Ageing (Chronic Disease Division) $1,366,582
2010 Development of a framework and methodology for evaluating co-dependent technologies (personalised medicines). Merlin T. Department of Health and Ageing (Medicare Benefits Division and Pharmaceutical Benefits Division) $51,486
2009 Systematic review and development of clinical practice guidelines on the management of acute/subacute soft tissue injury to the lower back Merlin T, Hiller J. WorkCover SA $115,000
2009 Development and provision of horizon scanning services for prevention of injury, rehabilitation and compensation Hiller J, Merlin T, Mundy L. New Zealand Accident Compensation Corporation $55,677
2007-2009 External evaluation of vaccine submissions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee Merlin T, Hiller J. Department of Health and Ageing (Pharmaceutical Benefits Branch) $394,027
2008 Systematic review and development of clinical practice guidelines on the management of acute/subacute soft tissue injury to the lower back Hiller J, Merlin T. South Australian Centre for Trauma and Injury Recovery (TRACsa) $77,069
2006-2010 Provision of Horizon Scanning services on behalf of the Health Policy Advisory Committee on Technology Hiller J, Merlin T, Mundy L, Braunack-Mayer A. Department of Health and Ageing (Medicare Benefits Division) $1,166,461
2005-2009 Provision of Assessment and Research Related services on Medical Technologies and Procedures for the Medical Services Advisory Committee Hiller J, Merlin T, Moss J, Braunack-Mayer A, Ryan P. Department of Health and Ageing (Medicare Benefits Division) $1,594,372
2004-2008 External evaluation of industry submissions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee. Moss J, Hiller J, Merlin T, Tonkin A. Department of Health and Ageing (Pharmaceutical Benefits Branch) $2,618,082
2005-2008 Provision of Horizon Scanning services on behalf of the Medical Services Advisory Committee and the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council Hiller J, Merlin T. Department of Health and Ageing (Medicare Benefits Division) $237,304
2003-2005 Establish National Horizon Scanning Unit Hiller J, Merlin T. Department of Health and Ageing (Medicare Benefits Division) $460,560
2004 NHMRC clinical practice guidelines and national tolerisation protocols for the use of recombinant and plasma derived Factor VIII and Factor IX products for the treatment and management of haemophilia Hiller J, Merlin T. National Blood Authority $77,450
2003-2004 Systematic literature review on effective tools for service improvement in the national health priority action areas Hiller J, Merlin T, Bywood P, Cleland L, Ruffin R, Olver I, Tonkin A, Wittert G, Hay. National Health Priority Action Council, Department of Health and Ageing $49,500
2002-2004 Systematic literature review on approaches to pain assessment and management Hiller J, Merlin T, Ludbrook G, McIntyre P. National Institute of Clinical Studies $60,500

Contract Research and Grants - Australian Industry, donations and international grants

Date Project/No. Investigators Funding Body Amount
2024-2026 Development and implementation of the Australian Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Guidelines Munn Z, Barker T, Pollock D, McBride G, Hasanoff S, Castellano J, Schubert C, Giles L, Merlin T. FightMND $2,000,000
2020 - 2025 Health technology assessment services for the Agency for Care Effectiveness Merlin, T, Newton S, Liufu V, Parsons J, Vogan A, Milverton J Singapore Ministry of Health $450,000+ 
2020 Adverse events associated with cholera and yellow fever vaccines Merlin T, Gold M, Parsons J World Health Organisation $84,474
2017-2018 Multidisciplinary study into the impact of communication assistance for witnesses with complex communication needs under the Statutes Amendment (Vulnerable Witnesses) Act Caruso D, Tooher R, Merlin T, Plater D, Langos C, Le Couteur A, Wade N Law Foundation of SA $93,634
2016-2017 Adverse events associated with HPV vaccines and Smallpox vaccines Merlin T, Gold M, Parsons J. World Health Organization $40,086
2016-2017 Systematic review of scientific literature concerning blood products treating haemophilia Merlin T, Newton S. Australian Haemophilia Centre Directors’ Organisation $87,095
2016-2017 Health technology assessment for submission to the Medical Services Advisory Committee Merlin T. NanoString Diagnostics Pty Ltd $149,374
2011-2012 Development of NHMRC clinical practice guidelines on the treatment of Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in adults and children. Update. Merlin T. Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health $179,852
2008-2009 Systematic review and update of NHMRC clinical practice guidelines for depression in young people Merlin T, Hiller J. Beyondblue: the national depression initiative $179,445
2005-2006 Development of NHMRC clinical practice guidelines on the treatment of Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Merlin T, Hiller J. Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health $49,167
2004 Systematic literature review on therapeutic arthroscopy for the management of osteoarthritis of the knee. Hiller J, Merlin T , Ryan P, Graves S, Cleland L. Medical Benefits Fund (MBF Australia) $57,000

Internal support for trials and studies

Date Project description Services provided Institution Amount

Randomised controlled trial comparing STan intrapartum fetal monitoring with CTG monitoring alone (START trial)

Deborah Turnbull and Chris Wilkinson, CIs

  • Statistical support
  • Development of web-based data management information system

University of Adelaide

Funded: NHMRC Project Grant


Meningococcal B vaccination randomised controlled trial (“B Part of It”)

Helen Marshall, CI

  • Statistical support
  • Development of web-based data management information system

University of Adelaide

Funded: SA Health and Glaxosmithkline



Teaching Activities 

Prof Merlin has successfully supervised numerous research students at Honours, Masters and PhD level.  

Prof. Merlin teaches undergraduate level topics including Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Policy Evaluation, Clinical Epidemiology and Health Technology Assessment to Bachelor of Health Sciences, Bachelor of Health Service Management and Doctor of Medicine students. She also teaches a postgraduate online course in Health Technology Assessment for Master of Public Health student and for auditing HTA professionals.

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2025 Principal Supervisor What factors should Health Technology Assessment committees consider when deliberating funding recommendations for interventions given at the end-of-life? Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Rebecca Trowman
    2024 Co-Supervisor Establishing an evidence-based framework for developing diagnostic criteria for conditions with no obvious test, biomarker or reference standard Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Sam White
    2024 Principal Supervisor The Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HTA: Exploring the Risks and Benefits. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Yuan Gao
    2023 Principal Supervisor Developing a Health Technology Assessment framework for the evaluation and reimbursement of multi-use pharmaceuticals Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Isaiah Luc
    2021 Principal Supervisor Assessing the clinical utility and cost-effectiveness of genomic testing in perinatal autopsy to determine the cause of miscarriage or stillbirth: a change in management study and cost-effectiveness analysis. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Camille Schubert
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2019 - 2022 Principal Supervisor The Role of Computer Based Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) in Improving Antibiotic Management Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Mah Laka
    2017 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Investigating an alternative regulatory and reimbursement framework for antimicrobials in Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Nadine Therese Hillock
    2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Feasibility of a Reimbursement Pathway for Mobile Medical Applications (MMA) in Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Magdalena Ruth Moshi
    2016 - 2021 Co-Supervisor The Rationale and Design of Public Involvement in Health Technology Assessment: A Systems Thinking Approach Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Edilene Lopes McInnes
    2013 - 2014 Co-Supervisor PUBLIC AND PATIENT INVOLVEMENT IN GOVERNMENT HEALTH FUNDING DECISION MAKING IN AUSTRALIA Master of Philosophy (Public Health) Master Part Time Dr Edilene Lopes McInnes
    2012 - 2016 Co-Supervisor The impact of findings from grey literature on the outcomes of systematic reviews on interventions to prevent obesity among children Master of Clinical Science Master Full Time Ms Jessica Dorothy Tyndall
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2023 - 2026 Member HTAi Global Policy Forum Canada
    2020 - ongoing Member Public Health Association of Australia Australia
    2017 - 2018 Member International Real World Evidence Task Group, INAHTA Representative -
    2016 - ongoing Member International Society of Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Australia
    2013 - 2023 Member Guidelines International Network (G-I-N) United Kingdom
    2013 - ongoing Member Society of Medical Decision Making -
    2010 - 2019 Member Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand Australia
    2006 - ongoing Member International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) -
    2003 - ongoing Member Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) -
    2003 - 2020 Member Cochrane Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Tests Methods Group United Kingdom
    2002 - 2020 Member Cochrane Non-Randomised Studies Methods Group United Kingdom
    1991 - 2003 Member Public Health Association of Australia Australia
    1991 - 1993 Member Public Health Association of Australia Australia
  • Consulting/Advisories

    Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country
    2018 - 2023 National Health and Medical Research Council National Health and Medical Research Council Health services and related Australia
    2014 - 2014 National Health and Medical Research Council Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre, National Dementia Guidelines, Methodological consultant to determine consistency with NHMRC standards and approaches for evidence-based Guideline development. Health services and related Australia
    2013 - 2016 National Health and Medical Research Council Health Advice Panel member, services relevant to the development and presentation of evidence based health advice. Health services and related Australia
    2013 - 2014 Australian Government National Drugs and Poisons Scheduling Committee, Office of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing, Review of drug submissions to move from one Poisons Schedule to another. Health services and related Australia
    2013 - 2013 Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health Posttraumatic Mental Health, Consultant on methods for conducting rapid reviews. Health services and related Australia
    2011 - 2021 SA Health Pharmaceutical Services and Strategy Branch Independent review of South Australian Medicines Evaluation Panel (SAMEP) process for evaluation of high cost medicines. Panel was awarded “Excellence in Non-Clinical services” by SA Health in 2014. Health services and related Australia
    2010 - 2015 Australian Government National Blood Authority, Methodological consultant to determine consistency with NHMRC standards and approaches for evidence-based Guideline development. Health services and related Australia
    2010 - 2013 National Health and Medical Research Council Expert Panel Member, Providers with expertise relevant to the development and presentation of evidence based health advice. Health services and related Australia
    2009 - 2012 Australian Government National Drugs and Poisons Scheduling Committee, Office of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing, Review of drug submissions to move from one Poisons Schedule to another. Health services and related Australia
    2008 - 2010 NHMRC National Blood Authority and the Australian and New Zealand Blood Transfusion Society, Review and development of “Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Use of Blood Components” in collaboration with the National Blood Authority and the Australian and New Zealand Blood Transfusion Society. Health services and related Australia
    2006 - 2010 Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, Member, Register of Prospective Independent Reviewers. Conduct independent reviews of Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) recommendations not to list a drug or medicinal preparation on the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS). Health services and related Australia
    2006 - 2010 National Health and Medical Research Council NHMRC Guideline Assessment Register, Preferred provider for the provision of evidence-based medicine expertise to organisations developing clinical practice guidelines for National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) approval. Health services and related Australia
    2006 - 2009 Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, Panel of Providers of Health Economics Services. Health services and related Australia
    2006 - 2008 NHMRC Department of Health and Ageing, Review and development of “NHMRC Best Practice Management (including assessment and treatment) of acute and chronic whiplash associated disorders” in collaboration with South Australian Centre for Trauma and Injury Recovery (TRACsa). Health services and related Australia
    2005 - 2005 National Health and Medical Research Council National Stroke Foundation, Consultancy to NHMRC to critically appraise evidence base in “Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery”. Health services and related Australia
    2004 - 2006 Department of Human Services Clinical Innovation Agency, Victoria, Preferred provider of systematic literature reviews. Health services and related Australia
    2003 - 2004 National Health and Medical Research Council Review and development of “NHMRC Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Diabetic Retinopathy” in collaboration with Australian Diabetes Society Health services and related Australia
    2002 - 2005 National Health and Medical Research Council NHMRC Guideline Assessment Register, Preferred provider for the provision of evidence-based medicine expertise to organisations developing clinical practice guidelines for National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) approval. Health services and related Australia
    2001 - 2002 National Health and Medical Research Council Review of draft Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Early Prostate Cancer. Health services and related Australia
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2014 - 2023 Editor-In-chief English Editorial Board of the International Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Glossary International HTA Glossary Australia
    2013 - ongoing Member GMS Health Technology Assessment German Medical Science Germany
  • Presentation

    Date Topic Presented at Institution Country
    2023 - 2023 ICER thresholds in reimbursement frameworks: challenges and experiences in the Asia Pacific HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting Health Technology Assessment international Australia
    2023 - 2023 Can regulators and health technology assessment agencies sing from the same hymn sheet? Exploring the benefits and challenges. d experiences in the Asia Pacific HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting Health Technology Assessment international Australia
    2023 - 2023 A Workshop to Learn About “Why” And “How” To Assess The Impacts Of Health Technology Assessment. HTAi 2023 Annual Meeting Health Technology Assessment international Australia
    2023 - 2023 HTA impact assessment HTAi Global Policy Forum Health Technology Assessment international Netherlands
    2021 - 2021 HTA Methods in Challenging Times HTAi Asia Policy Forum Health Technology Assessment international Singapore
    2021 - 2021 The current regulatory and HTA landscape in maturing markets for the assessment of medicines: How is it changing and what are the considerations? - Centre for Innovation and Regulatory Science United Kingdom
    2021 - 2021 HTA in the post-pandemic era: INAHTA Perspective - HTAsiaLink Indonesia
    2021 - 2021 Applications of Health Technology Assessment Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy Singapore
    2021 - ongoing Evidence for HTA: Innovative Methods for Challenging Times HTAi 2021 Annual Meeting Health Technology Assessment international United Kingdom
    2021 - 2021 Evidence for HTA: Innovative Methods for Challenging Times HTAi 2021 Annual Meeting, Manchester Health Technology Assessment international United Kingdom
    2021 - 2021 HTA Global collaboration – International collaborations on policy and technical issues. What outcome would be of value and most benefit to patients? s for the assessment of medicines: How is it changing and what are the considerations? - Centre for Innovation and Regulatory Science United Kingdom
    2021 - 2021 HTA Global collaboration – International collaborations on policy and technical issues. What outcome would be of value and most benefit to patients? - Centre for Innovation in Regulatory Science United Kingdom
    2021 - 2021 HTA and the Art of Decision Making Online. Agency for Care Effectiveness, Singapore Ministry of Health Singapore
    2021 - ongoing COVID-19: How did we develop the first roadmap to recovery? - University of Adelaide Australia
    2021 - 2021 Tumour agnostic therapies INAHTA Congress International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment United Kingdom
    2020 - 2020 Health for all – Research that shapes public access to medicines, tests, devices and procedures - SAHMRI Australia
    2017 - 2017 Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) Guidelines Evaluator Workshop Canberra AHTA, presenting at request of Australian Government Department of Health Australia
    2016 - 2016 Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) Guidelines Review Submission Sponsor Workshop Sydney (3), Melbourne (2) AHTA, presenting at request of Australian Government Department of Health Australia
    2014 - 2014 Evaluating medical tests for coverage decisions using the linked evidence approach HTAi 11th Annual Meeting, Washington AHTA, University of Adelaide United States
    2013 - 2013 HTA Workshop for Government staff Woden, Canberra AHTA for the Australian Commonwealth Government Department of Health and Ageing Australia
    2012 - 2012 Evaluating Co-dependent submissions to inform PBAC decision making Woden, Canberra AHTA for the Australian Commonwealth Government Department of Health Australia
    2011 - 2011 A Brief Introduction to Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Woden, Canberra AHTA for the Australian Commonwealth Government Department of Health and Ageing Australia
  • Position: Head of School of Public Health
  • Phone: 83133575
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Rundle Mall Plaza, floor 4
  • Org Unit: Public Health

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