Professor Pavel Bedrikovetski
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Pavel is Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Adelaide. He authors a seminal book on reservoir engineering and 290 papers in international journals and SPE. His research covers CO2 and Hydrogen storage, well injectivity and productivity, formation damage and EOR. He holds MSc in Applied Mathematics, PhD in Fluid Mechanics and DSc in Reservoir Engineering, all from Moscow Gubkin Oil-Gas University. Pavel boasts 40-year industrial experience in Europe, USA, Brazil, Ukraine, Russia, and Australia. Pavel is 2008-2009 and 2016-2017 SPE Distinguished Lecturer worldwide. He is SPE Distinguished member worldwide. Pavel was ranked among the world's top 2% scientists by Stanford University (2024).
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Research Profile
I. WELL INJECTIVITY DURING CO2 AND HYDROGEN STORAGE. This work focuses on formation damage mechanisms due to Joule-Thompson effect of the reservoir cooling, halite precipitation, wellbore drying and induced fines migration. The scope includes mathematical modelling, derivation of explicit expressions for skin factor, developments of formulae for well testing of the damaged injector, laboratory tests and determination of the model parameters, and injection regime optimization. The project is sponsored by Petronas.
II. DECLINE IN WELL PRODUCTIVITY AND DAMAGE MITIGATION DURING HYDROGEN STORAGE. The aim of the project is the laboratory-based mathematical-modelling prediction of production well behavior during hydrogen storage. This includes the formation damage due to dissolution-precipitation chemical reactions and induced mobilization and straining of the reservoir suspensions and colloids. The project involves mathematical modelling on the core- and reservoir scales as well as calculation of the model parameters from the laboratory experiments. The predictive modelling is used to prevent or mitigate the formation damage in wells producing hydrogen and cushion gas. The project is sponsored by ARC LP and involves collaboration with Shell Research and Delft Uni (The Netherlands).
III. RESERVOIR PREDICTION AND OPTIMISATION OF CO2 STORAGE. The goal of the project is optimization of the storage capacity, well completion, and injection regimes. The project further develops analytical models from the areas of waterflooding, EOR, and well injectivity. The mathematical models for segregated flow of CO2 plume below the seal accounting for capillary hysteresis, chemical reactions, and leakage allows maximizing CO2 entrapment by the rock until its arrival to the trap. A novel reservoir management methodology is using different formation damage mechanisms to increase CO2 and areas sweep during CO2 injection and reservoir flows. The project is sponsored by ARC DP and involves collaboration with Unis of Stanford (US) and Denmark Technical Uni.
IV. DETERMINATION OF RELATIVE PERMEABILITY AND CAPILLARY PRESSURE DURING CO2 STORAGE. Unsteady state method is developed for relatively long reservoir cores. During continuous injection of equilibrium saturated gas, the total rate, pressure drop across the core and its first section, and breakthrough component concentrations are measured. Extended Welge-JBN method, recently developed at ASPER for the cases of phases transitions and chemical reactions, is transformed for CO2 and hydrogen injection. For short cores, recently developed at ASPER so-called steady-state-transient-test (SSTT) is under development for CO2 flow in aquifers and depleted gas fields. This development is the result of 7-year sponsorship by Wintershall (Germany).
Date Position Institution name 2008 - ongoing Professor University of Adelaide, Adelaide 1999 - 2007 Professor Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense 1994 - ongoing Senior Industrial Consultant Petrobras (Brazil), Rio de Janeiro -
Language Competencies
Language Competency German Can read and write Portuguese Can read, write, speak and understand spoken Russian Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review Spanish - Latin American Can read, write and understand spoken Ukrainian Can read, write, speak and understand spoken -
Date Institution name Country Title 1975 - 1990 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow Russia MSc, PhD, DSc -
Research Interests
Year Citation 1999 Bedrikovetski, P. (1999). Advanced Waterflooding. Technical University of Denmark. 1993 Bedrikovetsky, P. (1993). Mathematical Theory of Oil and Gas Recovery With Applications to ex-USSR Oil and Gas Fields. Springer Science & Business Media.
Scopus131987 Bedrikovetski, P., Bakirov, A. U., & Barjudin, V. L. (1987). Chemical Methods of Oil Recovery. Nauka. -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2018 Yang, Y., Siqueira, F. D., Vaz, A., Badalyan, A., You, Z., Zeinijahromi, A., . . . Bedrikovetski, P. (2018). Fines migration in aquifers and oilfields: laboratory and mathematical modelling. In N. Narayanan, B. Mohanadhas, & V. Mangottiri (Eds.), Flow and Transport in Subsurface Environment (pp. 3-67). Singapore: Springer.
DOI2018 You, Z., Badalyan, A., Yang, Y., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2018). Formation damage challenges in geothermal reservoirs. In B. Yuan, & D. Wood (Eds.), Formation Damage During Improved Oil Recovery Fundamentals and Applications. Gulf Professional Publishing.
Scopus32018 Russell, T., Boechat Chequer, L., Borazjani, S., You, Z., Zeinijahromi, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2018). Formation Damage by Fines Migration: Mathematical and Laboratory Modeling, Field Cases. In B. Yuan, & D. A. Wood (Eds.), Formation Damage during Improved Oil Recovery: Fundamentals and Applications (pp. 69-175). Cambridge, MA; United States: Gulf Professional Publishing / Elsevier.
DOI Scopus332013 Aji, K., Badalyan, A., Carageorgos, T., Zeinijahromi, A., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2013). High Velocity Colloidal Flow in Porous Media: Experimental Study and Modelling. In C. Zhao, & S. Tong (Eds.), Focus on Porous Media Research (1 ed., pp. 1-41). United States: Nova Science Publishers.
Scopus22012 Bedrikovetski, P. (2012). Some Nonlinear Problems of Suspension Transport in Porous Media. In A. D. Polyanin (Ed.), Handbook of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (pp. 1604-1607). London: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. 2007 Bedrikovetski, P., & Pires, A. P. (2007). Systems of First-Order Equations Describing Convective Mass Transfer with Volume Reaction. In A. D. Polyanin, & A. V. Manzhirov (Eds.), Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists (pp. 777-780). London: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. 2007 Bedrikovetski, P. (2007). First-Order Hyperbolic Systems of Quasilinear Equations.Systems of Conservation Laws of Gas Dynamic Type. In A. D. Polyanin, & A. V. Manzhirov (Eds.), Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists (pp. 780-795). London. 2006 Puime, A., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2006). Hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. In Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. 2006 Bedrikovetski, P. (2006). Exact solutions for non-linear problems of reactive flows in rocks. In Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. 2004 Bedrikovetski, P., & Pires, A. (2004). Hyperbolic systems of quasilinear equations. In A. Polyanin, & V. Zaitsev (Eds.), Handbook of Nonlinear partial differential equations (pp. 772-790). USA: Chapman & Hall/CRC. 1988 Bedrikovetski, P., & Basniev, K. S. (1988). Multiphase Displacement of Miscible Fluids in Porous Media. In Viniti (Ed.), Advances in Petroleum Science and Technology (Vol. 3). -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2024 Russell, T., Nguyen, C., Loi, G., Shafian, S. R. M., Zulkifli, N. N., Chee, S. C., . . . Bedrikovetsky, P. (2024). Productivity Decline due to Fines Migration Associated with High Water Cuts. In Proceedings of the SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control (2024) Vol. 2024-February (pp. SPE-217854-MS-1-SPE-217854-MS-16). Lafayette, Louisiana, USA: SPE.
DOI2024 Nguyen, C., Loi, G., Zulkifli, N. N., Amir, M. I. M., Manap, A. A. A., Shafian, S. R. M., . . . Zeinijahromi, A. (2024). Fines Migration Associated with Rock Dry-Out During CO<inf>2</inf> Injection. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2024-February. Online: SPE.
DOI Scopus12024 Shokrollahi, A., Ohemeng, K., Prempeh, K., Mobasher, S. S., George, P. W., Zulkifli, N. N., . . . Bedrikovetsky, P. (2024). Formation Damage During CO<inf>2</inf> Storage: Analytical Model, Field Cases. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2024-February. SPE.
DOI Scopus22024 Russell, T. L., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2024). An Analytical Model for Water Evaporation During CO₂ Injection for Geological Storage. In Proceedings of the SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2024-February (pp. 1-18). Online: SPE.
DOI2024 Nguyen, C., Loi, G., Keykhosravi, A., Russell, T., Yang, Y., Zulkifli, N. N., . . . Zeinijahromi, A. (2024). Rock Dry-Out and Fines Migration During CO2 Storage: Laboratory and Mathematical Modelling. In APOGCE 2024 - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition. SPE.
DOI Scopus12024 Russell, T., Nguyen, C., Loi, G., Mohd Shafian, S. R., Zulkifli, N. N., Zeinijahromi, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2024). Well Productivity Decline During Oil & Water Production due to Fines Migration. In Proceedings of the The Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition (APOGCE, 2024) (pp. SPE-221295-MS-1-SPE-221295-MS-14). Perth, Australia: OnePetro.
DOI2023 Shokrollahi, A., Borazjani, S., Mobasher, S. S., Prempeh, K. O. K., Amrouch, K., Schacht, U., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2023). Secondary Migration Modelling for Multivariant Exploration Planning: An Analytical Approach. In 84th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition Vol. 3 (pp. 2249-2253). Online: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE. 2022 Hashemi, A., Borazjani, S., Nguyen, C., Loi, G., Badalyan, A., Dang-Le, B. A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2022). Fines Migration and Production in CSG Reservoirs: Laboratory & Modelling Study. In Proceedings of SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition. Online: SPE.
DOI Scopus12022 Johnson, R. L., Ramanandraibe, H. M., Di Vaira, N., Leonardi, C., You, Z., Santiago, V., . . . Deisman, N. (2022). Implications of Recent Research into the Application of Graded Particles or Micro-Proppants for Coal Seam Gas and Shale Hydraulic Fracturing. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2022, APOG 2022 (pp. 39 pages). Adelaide, Australia: SPE.
DOI Scopus32022 Hemmati, N., Borazjani, S., Genolet, L., Behr, A., Zeinijahromi, A., Badalyan, A., . . . Bedrikovetsky, P. (2022). A Novel Method to Determine Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure from Corefloods Application to CO<inf>2</inf>Storage. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2022, APOG 2022 (pp. 15 pages). Adelaide, Australia: OnePetro.
DOI Scopus12022 Alchin, L., Lymn, A., Russell, T., Badalyan, A., Bedrikovetsky, P., & Zeinijahromi, A. (2022). Near-Wellbore Damage Associated with Formation Dry-Out and Fines Migration During CO<inf>2</inf>Injection. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2022, APOG 2022 (pp. 11 pages). Adelaide, Australia: OnePrtro proeedings.
DOI Scopus72022 Hashemi, A., Borazjani, S., Dang-Le, B., Yin Loi, G., Nguyen Cao, C., Badalyan, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2022). Formation Damage by Fines Breakage and Migration. In SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Controll Vol. 2022-February (pp. 24 pages). Lafayette, Louisiana, USA: OnePetro.
DOI Scopus32020 Khazali, N., Malgaresi, G., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2020). Non-monotonic retention profiles of suspended particles under water injection. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2020-February.
Scopus12020 Prempeh, K., Chequer, L., Badalyan, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2020). Effects of kaolinite on fines migration and formation damage. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2020-February. SPE.
DOI Scopus122020 Loi, G., Chequer, L., Nguyen Cao, C., Zeinijahromi, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2020). Well inflow performance under fines migration: Analytical model, production data treatment. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2020, APOG 2020 (pp. 1-19). online: SPE.
DOI Scopus22019 You, Z., Wang, D., Di Vaira, N., Johnson, R., Bedrikovetsky, P., & Leonardi, C. (2019). Development of predictive models in support of micro-particle injection in naturally fractured reservoirs. In SPE/AAPG/SEG Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference 2019, APUR 2019. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
DOI Scopus102019 Akhmetgareev, V., Khisamov, R., Bedrikovetski, P., & Khakimov, S. (2019). EOR by water injection with nanoparticles into a carbonate oil reservoir. In Proceddings of the 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019 (pp. 3194-3198). The Netherlands: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers.
DOI Scopus42018 Rabinovich, A., Bedrikovetsky, P., & Tartakovsky, D. M. (2018). Analytical solution to steady state, viscosity-gravity driven horizontal flow. In ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery Vol. 2018 (pp. 1-12). The Netherlands: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers.
DOI2018 Russell, T., Pham, D., Petho, G., Tavvakoli Neishaboor, M., Badalyan, A., Behr, A., . . . Bedrikovetsky, P. (2018). Kaolinite mobilisation in unconsolidated porous media: Effect of brine salinity and salt type Na- and Ca salts. In Proceedings of the SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition (APOGCE 2018) Vol. 2017-January (pp. 1-13). USA: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus42018 Al-Sarihi, A., Zeinijahromi, A., Genolet, L., Behr, A., Kowollik, P., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2018). Fines migration as an EOR method during low salinity waterflooding. In Proceedings of the SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition (APOGCE 2018) (pp. 1-14). USA: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus132018 You, Z., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2018). Well productivity impairment due to fines migration. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2018-February. SPE.
DOI Scopus102018 Borazjani, S., Behr, A., Genolet, L. C., Kowollik, P., Zeinijahromi, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2018). Fines-Migration-Assisted Waterflooding to Improve Sweep Efficiency Analytical Model. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2018-February. SPE.
DOI Scopus42018 Borazjani, S., Chequer, L., Russell, T., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2018). Injectivity decline during waterflooding and PWRI due to fines migration. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2018-February. SPE.
DOI Scopus182018 Russell, T., Chequer, L., Badalyan, A., Behr, A., Genolet, L., Kowollik, P., . . . Bedrikovetsky, P. (2018). Systematic laboratory and modelling study of kaolinite in rocks on formation-damage-fines-migration non-equilibrium effects, analytical model. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2018-February. SPE.
DOI Scopus12017 Pronk, R., Russell, T., Pham, D., Tangparitkul, S., Badalyan, A., Behr, A., . . . Bedrikovetsky, P. (2017). SPE-186231-ms non-monotonic permeability variation during fines migration: Laboratory study. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2017 Vol. 2017-January.
Scopus22017 Kowollik, P., Behr, A., Genolet, L., Bedrikovetski, P., & Amro, M. (2017). Numerical modelling analysis of Smart water-oil interactions in carbonates. In IOR NORWAY 2017 - 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery: Sustainable IOR in a Low Oil Price World. EAGE Publications BV.
DOI2017 Borazjani, S., Behr, A., Genolet, L., Kowollik, P., You, Z., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2017). Low-salinity fines-assisted waterflooding: multiscale analytical and numerical modelling. In Proceedings of the 2017 SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition (pp. 249-266). Abu Dhabi, UAE: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus42016 Badalyan, A., Beasley, T., Nguyen, D., Keshavarz, A., Schacht, U., Carageorgos, T., . . . Troth, I. (2016). Laboratory and mathematical modelling of fines production from CSG interburden rocks. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2016. SPE.
DOI Scopus92016 Keshavarz, A., Johnson, R., Carageorgos, T., Bedrikovetsky, P., & Badalyan, A. (2016). Improving the conductivity of natural fracture systems in conjunction with hydraulic fracturing in stress sensitive reservoirs. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2016. SPE.
DOI Scopus72016 Mohammad, L., Rouhi, F., Mojdeh, D., Al-Khalil, A. A., Wassing Bart, M., Rifaat, A. M., . . . Pavel, B. (2016). Mechanistic simulation of polymer injectivity in field tests. In SPE Journal Vol. 21 (pp. 1178-1191). Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA: SOC PETROLEUM ENG.
DOI Scopus64 WoS312016 Bhattacharya, S. S., Paitaridis, J., Pedler, A., Badalyan, A., Yang, Y., Carageorgos, T., . . . Lemon, N. (2016). Fines mobilisation by low-salinity water injection: 3-point-pressure tests. In SPE International Formation Damage Control Symposium Proceedings Vol. 2016-January. SPE.
DOI Scopus42016 Yang, Y., You, Z., Siqueira, F. D., Vaz, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2016). A new phenomenon of slow fines migration in oil and gas fields (laboratory and mathematical modelling). In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2016-January. SPE.
DOI Scopus12016 You, Z., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2016). Identifying the source and magnitude of formation damage from pressure and temperature profiles. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2016-January. SPE.
DOI2016 You, Z., Kalantariasl, A., Schulze, K., Storz, J., Burmester, C., Künckeler, S., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2016). Injectivity impairment during produced water disposal into low-permeability völkersen aquifer (compressibility and reservoir boundary effects). In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2016-January. SPE.
DOI Scopus42016 Zeinijahromi, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2016). A new method for water shut-off using induced formation damage. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2016-January. SPE.
DOI Scopus12016 Borazjani, S., Behr, A., Genolet, L., Van Der Net, A., You, Z., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2016). Analytical modelling of low-salinity waterflooding with fines migration. In 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, ECMOR 2016 (pp. 443-464). Netherlands/USB: EAGE. 2016 Yang, Y., You, Z., Siqueira, F. D., Vaz, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2016). Modelling of slow fines migration and formation damage during rate alteration. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2016. SPE.
DOI Scopus72016 Naik, S., You, Z., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2016). Prevention of water-blocking formation damage in gas reservoirs wettability alteration, analytical modelling. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2016. SPE.
DOI Scopus52016 Zeinijahromi, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2016). Water production control using low-salinity water injection. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2016. SPE.
DOI Scopus62015 Keshavarz, A., Badalyan, A., Carageorgos, T., Johnson, R. L., & G. Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Effect of suspension fluid chemistry on fracture system stimulation using micro-sized proppant placement. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition. SPE.
DOI Scopus92015 You, Z., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Prediction of gas rates from different layers by temperature distributions in wells: Application to unconventional fields. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI2015 Zeinijahromi, A., Ahmetgareev, V., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Case study of 25 years of low salinity water injection. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, APOGCE 2015.
Scopus52015 You, Z., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Depth distribution of gas rates from temperature and pressure profiles in unconventional gas wells. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition. SPE.
DOI Scopus22015 Keshavarz, A., Badalyan, A., Johnson, R., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Stimulation of unconventional reservoirs using graded proppant injection. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference. SPE.
DOI Scopus132015 Bedrikovetsky, P., Zeinijahromi, A., Badalyan, A., Ahmetgareev, V., & Khisamov, R. (2015). Fines-migration-assisted low-salinity waterflooding: Field case analysis. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference. SPE.
DOI Scopus192015 Zeinijahromi, A., Ahmetgareev, V., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Case study of 25 years of low salinity water injection. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, APOGCE 2015. SPE.
DOI Scopus162015 Zeinijahromi, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Fines-migration-assisted oil and gas recovery (low salinity water injection). In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference. SPE.
DOI Scopus112015 Naik, S., You, Z., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Effect of wettability alteration on productivity enhancement in unconventional gas reservoirs: Application of nanotechnology. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition. SPE.
DOI Scopus92015 Farajzadeh, R., Lotfollahi, M., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Simultaneous sorption and mechanical entrapment during polymer flow through porous media. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Kuwait Oil and Gas Show and Conference. SPE.
DOI Scopus132015 Vaz, A. S., Maffra, D., Carageorgos, T., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Characterisation of formation damage systems from laboratory coreflood pressure measurements. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference. SPE.
DOI2015 Naik, S., You, Z., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Effect of wettability alteration on productivity enhancement in unconventional gas reservoirs: Application of nanotechnology. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition.
Scopus42015 You, Z., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Depth distribution of gas rates from temperature and pressure profiles in unconventional gas wells. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition.
Scopus12015 Bedrikovetsky, P., Zeinijahromi, A., Badalyan, A., Ahmetgareev, V., & Khisamov, R. (2015). Fines-migration-assisted low-salinity waterflooding: Field case analysis. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference.
Scopus82015 Keshavarz, A., Badalyan, A., Johnson, R., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Stimulation of unconventional reservoirs using graded proppant injection. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference.
Scopus42015 Vaz, A., Maffra, D., Carageorgos, T., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Characterisation of formation damage systems from laboratory coreflood pressure measurements. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference. 2015 You, Z., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Prediction of gas rates from different layers by temperature distributions in wells: Application to unconventional fields. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference. 2015 Zeinijahromi, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Fines-migration-assisted oil and gas recovery (low salinity water injection). In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference.
Scopus42015 Kalantariasl, A., Bedrikovetsky, P., & Vaz, A. (2015). Formation damage due to drilling and well completion: Extrenal cake formation and stabilisation. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference.
Scopus22015 Keshavarz, A., Badalyan, A., Ray, J., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). A new technique for enhancing hydraulic fracturing treatment in unconventional reservoirs. In EUROPEC 2015 (pp. 801-813). SPE.
DOI Scopus42015 Farajzadeh, R., Lotfollahi, M., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Simultaneous sorption and mechanical entrapment during polymer flow through porous media. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Kuwait Oil and Gas Show and Conference.
Scopus62015 Lotfollahi, M., Farajzadeh, R., Delshad, M., Al-Abri, K., Wassing, B., Mjeni, R., . . . Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Mechanistic simulation of polymer injectivity in field tests. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference, EORC 2015 (pp. 1079-1106). SPE.
DOI Scopus232015 Keshavarz, A., Badalyan, A., Carageorgos, T., Bedrikovetsky, P., & Johnson, R. J. (2015). Graded proppant injection into coal seam gas and shale gas reservoirs for well stimulation. In Proceedings of SPE European Formation Damage Conference and Exhibition Vol. 1 (pp. SPE-174200-MS-1-SPE-174200-MS-15). Budapest, Hungary: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus142015 You, Z., Badalyan, A., Yang, Y., Carageorgos, T., Schacht, U., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2015). New laboratory method to assess formation damage in geothermal wells. In SPE Journal. Budapest, Hungary. 2015 Carageorgos, T., Badalyan, A., You, Z., Schacht, U., Bedrikovetsky, P., Hand, M., & Matthews, C. (2015). Laboratory study on formation damage in geothermal reservoirs due to fines migration. In World Geothermal Congress (pp. 1-7). Online: World Press. 2015 Keshavarz, A., Badalyan, A., Carageorgos, T., Johnson, R., & G Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Effect of suspension fluid chemistry on fracture system stimulation using micro-sized proppant placement. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition.
Scopus22015 Carageorgos, T., Badalyan, A., Beasley, T., Nguyen, D., Kashavarz, A., Schacht, U., . . . Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Laboratory and Mathematical Modelling of Fines Production from CSG Interburden Rocks. In Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015. Brisbane, Australia.
Scopus22015 Carageorgos, T., Vaz, A., Maffra, D., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Characterisation of Reactive Flow in Porous Media from Pressure Measurements. In SPE Journal. Moscow, Russia. 2015 Kalantariasl, A., Schulze, K., Storz, J., Burmester, C., Kuenckeler, S., You, Z., . . . Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Injectivity during PWRI and disposal in thick low permeable formations (Laboratory and Mathematical Modelling, Field Case). In SPE - European Formation Damage Conference, Proceedings, EFDC Vol. 2015-January (pp. 636-657). SPE.
DOI Scopus62015 Kalantariasl, A., Farajzadeh, R., You, Z., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2015). Mathematical modelling of non-uniform external cake profile in long injection wells. In SPE - European Formation Damage Conference, Proceedings, EFDC Vol. 2015-January (pp. 740-764). SPE.
DOI Scopus52015 Zeinijahromi, A., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2015). Controlling excessive water production using induced formation damage. In SPE - European Formation Damage Conference, Proceedings, EFDC Vol. 2015-January (pp. 212-219). SPE.
DOI Scopus32015 Kalantariasl, A., Bedrikovetsky, P., & Vaz, A. S. (2015). Formation damage due to drilling and well completion: Extrenal cake formation and stabilisation. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference. SPE.
DOI Scopus32014 Keshavarz, A., Badalyan, A., Carageorgos, T., Johnson, R., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2014). Stimulation of unconventional naturally fractured reservoirs by graded proppant injection: Experimental study and mathematical model. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition 2014: Unlocking European Potential Vol. 2 (pp. 698-709). SPE.
DOI Scopus242014 Zeinijahromi, A., Borazjani, S., Bedrikovetsky, P., & Rodrigues, T. (2014). Low salinity fines-assisted water-flood: Analytical modelling and reservoir simulation. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, APOGCE 2014 - Changing the Game: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions Vol. 2 (pp. 718-736).
Scopus12014 Hussain, F., Zeinijahromi, A., Bedrikovetsky, P., Badalyan, A., Carageorgos, T., & Cinar, Y. (2014). Enhanced oil recovery through low salinity fines-assisted waterflooding: Laboratory and mathematical modelling. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, APOGCE 2014 - Changing the Game: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions Vol. 2 (pp. 1137-1163).
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DOI Scopus42014 Zeinijahromi, A., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2014). Enhanced water flooding sweep efficiency by induced formation damage in layer-cake reservoirs. In SPE - European Formation Damage Conference, Proceedings, EFDC Vol. 2 (pp. 1045-1054). SPE.
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DOI2013 Yerramilli, R., Zitha, P., Yerramilli, S., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2013). A novel water injectivity model and experimental validation using ct scanned core-floods. In SPE - European Formation Damage Conference, Proceedings, EFDC - Vol 2 Vol. 2 (pp. 1143-1160). USA: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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DOI Scopus112013 Marquez, M., Williams, W., Knobles, M., Bedrikovetski, P., & You, Z. (2013). Fines migration in fractured wells: Integrating modeling, field and laboratory data. In SPE - European Formation Damage Conference, Proceedings, EFDC - Vol 1 Vol. 1 (pp. 236-261). USA: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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DOI Scopus42012 You, Z., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2012). A new mathematical model for colloidal flow in rocks: Accounting for pore geometry and network topology in bimodal media. In Proceedings of the 2012 SPE International Oilfield Nanotechnology Conference, 12 IONC (pp. 1-18). CD: SPE.
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DOI Scopus62012 McLindin, C., Saha, A., Le, K., Kaiser, A., You, Z., Badalyan, A., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2012). Colloidal flow in aquifers during produced water disposal: Experimental and mathematical modelling. In Proceedings of the SPE Middle East Health, Safety, Security, and Environment Conference and Exhibition (pp. 1-25). USA: SPE. 2012 Kaiser, A., You, Z., Badalyan, A., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2012). Study of particle straining effect on produced water management and injectivity enhancement. In Proceedings of the SPE International Production and Operations Conference and Exhibition Vol. 2 (pp. 1-12). USA: SPE.
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DOI2012 Nguyen, P., Zeinijahromi, A., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2012). Taking advantage of fines migration formation damage for enhanced gas recovery. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 1 (pp. 486-506). USA: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus22012 Zeinijahromi, A., Vaz, A., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2012). Productivity impairment of gas wells due to fines migration. In Proceedings of the SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2 (pp. 755-773). Lafayette, LA: SPE.
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DOI Scopus272012 Van Overveldt, A. S., Guo, H., De Blok, G., Bedrikovetsky, P., & Zitha, P. L. J. (2012). A CT scan aided core-flood study of the leak-off process in oil-based drilling fluids. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2 (pp. 1053-1074).
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Scopus22011 Vaz, A. S. L., Bedrikovetsky, P., Fernandes, P. D., Furtado, C., & De Souza, A. L. S. (2011). Improved characterization of non-linear injectivity formation damage from coreflood pressure measurements. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - Brazil Offshore Conference 2011 Vol. 2 (pp. 733-748).
Scopus12011 O'Reilly, D. I., Bedrikovetsky, P., Lee, K., & Zakaria, N. (2011). Size-exclusion particle capture during mono-dispersed suspension flow in porous media. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - 9th European Formation Damage Conference 2011 Vol. 2 (pp. 730-753).
Scopus32011 Zeinijahromi, A., Lemon, P., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2011). Effects Of Induced Migration Of Fines On Water Cut During Waterflooding. In SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference Vol. 1 (pp. 1-19). USA: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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DOI Scopus12011 Bedrikovetski, P., Vaz, A., Machado, F., Zeinijahromi, A., & Borazjani, S. (2011). Well productivity decline due to fines migration and production: (Analytical model for the regime of strained particles accumulation). In Society of Petroleum Engineers - 9th European Formation Damage Conference 2011 Vol. 2 (pp. 1266-1274). Noordwijk: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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DOI Scopus12011 Chalk, P., Gooding, N., Hutten, S., You, Z., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2011). Laboratory and theoretical investigation of size exclusion suspension flow in rocks. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - 9th European Formation Damage Conference 2011 Vol. 2 (pp. 1327-1344). The Netherlands: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus42011 Lemon, P., Zeinijahromi, A., Bedrikovetski, P., & Shahin, I. (2011). Effects of injected water chemistry on waterflood sweep efficiency via induced fines migration. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry Vol. 1 (pp. 38-54). The Woodlands, Texas: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).
DOI Scopus222010 Hussain, F., Cinar, Y., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2010). Comparison of methods for drainage relative permeability estimation from displacement tests. In Proceedings - SPE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery Vol. 1 (pp. 376-392). SPE.
DOI Scopus272010 Vaz, A. S. L., Bedrikovetsky, P., Furtado, C., & De Souza, A. L. S. (2010). Upscaling of deep bed filtration from core to near-wellbore region. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2 (pp. 1027-1040). 2010 Bedrikovetsky, P., Siqueira, F. D., Furtado, C., & De Souza, A. L. S. (2010). Quantitative theory for fines migration and formation damage. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2 (pp. 1041-1062).
Scopus152009 Bedrikovetsky, P. G., Monteiro, P. S., Neto, A. M. M., & Riente, A. F. (2009). Fractional flow theory for suspension flow in petroleum reservoirs. In SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedings Vol. 2 (pp. 535-565).
Scopus42008 Bedrikovetsky, P., Vaz, A. S. L., Furtado, C., & De Souza, A. L. S. (2008). Formation damage evaluation from non-linear skin growth curves during coreflooding. In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2 (pp. 959-970).
Scopus12008 Carageorgos, T., Marotti, M., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2008). A new method to characterize scaling damage from pressure measurements. In 2008 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2 (pp. 1-15). Dallas: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus52008 Carageorgos, T., Marotti, M., Monteiro, R., Bedrikovetski, P., & Rosario, F. (2008). Three New Methods to Characterise Sulphate Scaling Damage from Coreflood Pressure Measurements. In SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference, Aberdeen Vol. 28-29 May 2008. Aberdeen, UK: Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2008 Bedrikovetski, P., Vaz, A., Furtado, C., & de Souza, A. (2008). Formation damage evaluation from non-linear skin growth during coreflooding. In 2008 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control (pp. 1-28). Lafayette, Louisiana: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI2008 Costa, A. P. A., Schiozer, D. J., Moczydlower, P., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2008). Use of representative models to improve the decision making process of chemical flooding in a mature field. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Oil and Gas Technical Conference and Exhibition 2008 Vol. 1 (pp. 514-521).
Scopus192007 Bedrikovetski, P., Furtado, C., de Souza, A., & Siqueira, F. (2007). In-situ erosion of damaged formation during injectivity decline (PWRI & seawater flood). In European Formation Damage Conference (pp. 1-14). Scheveningen, The Netherlands: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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DOI2007 Bedrikovetski, P., & Monteiro, P. (2007). Suspension Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs: Fractional Flow Theory. In Resources, professionalism, technology: time to deliver. Proceedings of the SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 2007 (pp. 1-19). Jakarta, Indonesia: Curran Associates. 2007 Bedrikovetski, P., Marotti, M., Neto, L., & Carageorgos, T. (2007). Characterization of Sulfate-Scaling Formation Damage From Pressure Measurements. In Latin American & Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference (pp. 1-12). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI2007 Alvarez, A., Hime, G., Marchesin, D., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2007). Robust fast recovery of the filtration function for flow of water with particles in porous media. In European Formation Damage Conference (pp. 1-7). Scheveningen, The Netherlands: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI2007 Dutra, T., Pires, A., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2007). Miscible EOR Processes: Existence of Elliptic Regions in Gasflood Modeling. In Proceedings of the SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 2007 Vol. 3 (pp. 1-8). Red Hook, NY, USA 12571: Curran Associates Inc. 2007 Vaz, A., Bedrikovetski, P., Furtado, C., Siqueira, A., & Souza, A. (2007). Residual-Oil-Induced Injectivity Impairment During PWRI. In Proceedings of the European Formation Damage Conference, 2007 Vol. 2 (pp. 913-922). Scheveningen, The Netherlands: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Scopus32007 Bedrikovetsky, P., & Monteiro, P. (2007). Suspension how in petroleum reservoirs: Fractional flow theory. In SPE - Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference Vol. 2 (pp. 1105-1123).
Scopus12007 Bedrikovetsky, P. G., Monteiro, R. P. S., Daher, J. S., Gomes, J. A. T., & Amorim, V. C. (2007). Field-data-based prediction of well productivity decline due to sulphate scaling. In SPE - European Formation Damage Conference, Proceedings, EFDC Vol. 2 (pp. 900-912). Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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Scopus12007 Paiva, R., Bedrikovetski, P., Furtado, C., Siqueira, A., & de Souza, A. (2007). A comprehensive model for injectivity decline prediction during PWRI. In European Formation Damage Conference, 30 May - 1 June 2007 Vol. The Netherlands (pp. 16 p.). Scheveningen, The Netherlands: SPE.
DOI2006 Bedrikovetsky, P. G., Furtado, C. A., Siqueira, A. G., Souza, A. S., & Vaz, A. S. (2006). Effects of residual oil on re-injection of produced water (SPE100341). In Society of Petroleum Engineers, 68th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition, incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2006, EAGE 2006: Opportunities in Mature Areas Vol. 2 (pp. 1090-1100).
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Scopus12006 Pires, A. P., Ribeiro, P. M., & Bedrikovetsky, P. G. (2006). Analytical modeling of chemical flooding: One-dimensional two-phase flow accounting for ion exchange. In Proceedings - SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Vol. 1 (pp. 574-582). SPE.
DOI2006 Alvarez, A., Hime, G., Marchesin, D., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2006). Determining the filtration and permeability reduction functions for flow of water with particles in porous media. In ECMOR 2006 - 10th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. 2006 Paiva, R., Bedrikovetski, P., Furtado, C., Siqueira, A., & de Souza, A. (2006). A Comprehensive Model for Injectivity Decline Prediction during PWRI. In Proceeedings of the 68th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE Europec 2006 Vol. 2 (pp. 1075-1089). Vienna, Austria: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Scopus192006 Guedes, R., Al-Abduwani, F., Bedrikovetski, P., & Currie, P. (2006). Injectivity Decline Under Multiple Particle Capture Mechanisms. In 2006 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control Vol. 2006 (pp. 1-13). Dallas: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus92006 Bedrikovetski, P., Mackay, E., Monteiro, R., Gladstone, P., & Rosario, F. (2006). Laboratory-Based Prediction of Sulphate Scaling Damage. In Proceedings of the SPE 8th International Symposium on Oilfield Scale, 2006 Vol. 2006 (pp. 309-326). Aberdeen, Scotland: Society of Engineers.
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Scopus192006 Fernandes, P., da Silva, M., & Bedrikovetski, P. (2006). A new IOR technology to homogenize horizontal well injectivity/productivity profile. In SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery Vol. 1 (pp. 1-8). Tulsa, Oklahoma: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus112005 Bedrikovetski, P., Fonseca, D., da Silva, M., da Silva, M., Siqueira, A., de Souza, A., & Furtado, C. (2005). Well-history-based prediction of injectivity decline (accounting for oil-water mobility variation during waterflooding). In Proceedings of the SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 2005: Vol. 2005-June (pp. SPE 93885-1-SPE 93885-13). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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Scopus432005 Bedrikovetski, P., da Silva, M., da Silva, M., Siqueira, A., de Souza, A., & Furtado, C. (2005). Well-History-Based Prediction of Injectivity Decline during Seawater Flooding. In Proceedings of the SPE 6th European Formation Damage Conference,, 2005 (pp. 17-27). Scheveningen, The Netherlands: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Scopus282005 Bedrikovetsky, P., Moraes, G., Monteiro, R., Lopes, R., Rosário, F., & Bezerra, M. (2005). Characterization of sulphate scaling formation damage from laboratory measurements (to predict well-productivity decline). In Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry (pp. 351-365).
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DOI Scopus62004 Pires, A. P., Bedrikovetsky, P. G., & Shapiro, A. A. (2004). Analytical model for 1-D gas flooding: Splitting between hydrodynamics and thermodynamics. In Proceedings - SPE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery Vol. 2004-April. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus32004 Puime, A., Bedrikovetski, P., & Shapiro, A. (2004). Analytical Modeling for Two-Phase EOR Processes: Splitting Between Hydrodynamics and Thermodynamics. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Vol. 26-29 September 2004 (pp. 573-583). Houston, Texas: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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DOI Scopus32004 Bedrikovetski, P., Shapiro, A., & Pires, A. (2004). New analytical solutions for 1-D multicomponent gas injection problems. In Abu Dhabi International Conference and Exhibition Vol. United Arab Emirates 10-13 October 2004 (pp. 819-828). Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus22004 Altoe F., J., Bedrikovetski, P., Gomes, A., Siqueira, A., & de Souza, A. (2004). Effects of Oil-Water Mobility on Injectivity Impairment due to Suspended Particles. In SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Perth Vol. 18-20 October 2004 (pp. 413-423). Perth, Australia: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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DOI2004 Bedrikovetski, P., Marchesin, D., Hime, G., Alvarez, A., Siqueira, A., Serra, A., . . . Vinicius, M. (2004). Inverse problems for treatment of laboratory data on injectivity impairment. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Formation Damage Control , 2004 (pp. 573-579). Lafayette, Louisiana: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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DOI2004 Bedrikovetski, P., Lopes Jr., R., Gladstone, P., Rosario, F., Bezerra, M., & Lima, E. (2004). Barium Sulphate Oilfield Scaling: Mathematical and Laboratory Modelling. In SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Scale Vol. 26-27 May 2004 (pp. 305-318). Aberdeen, UK: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus252004 Bedrikovetski, P., Pires, A., & Shapiro, A. (2004). Conservation law system for two-phase n-component flow in porous media: splitting between thermodynamics and hydrodynamics. In Asakura, S. Kawashima, A. Matsumura, S. Nishibata, & K. Nishihara (Eds.), Hyperbolic numbers: Theory, numerics and applications I / F.. Osaka, Japan: Yokohama Publishers. 2004 Pires, A., Bedrikovetski, P., & Shapiro, A. (2004). Splitting between thermodynamics and hydrodynamics in compositional modelling. In ECMOR Proceedings, Cannes, France, 30 August - 2 September, 2004 (pp. www1-www8). Cannes, France: European Association of Geoscientists. 2003 Bedrikovetski, P., Lopes Jr., R., Rosario, F., Bezerra, M., & Lima, E. (2003). Oilfield Scaling – Part I: Mathematical and Laboratory Modelling. In 2003 Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad Vol. 27-30 April 2003 (pp. 14 p). Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, West Indies: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI2003 Bedrikovetski, P., Gladstone, P., Lopes Jr., R., Rosario, F., & Bezerra, M. (2003). Oilfield Scaling – Part II: Productivity Index Theory. In 2003 SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad Vol. 27–30 April 2003 (pp. 824-837). Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, West Indies: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus142003 Soares, A., Altoe F, J., Bedrikovetski, P., & Ferreira, F. (2003). Formation damage due to pore collapse during pressure depletion. In Proceedings of the SPE European Formation Damage Conference, 2003. (pp. www1-www7). The Hague, The Netherlands: Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2003 Bedrikovetski, P., Santos, A., Siqueira, A., Souza, A., & Shecaira, F. (2003). A Stochastic Model for Deep Bed Filtration and Well Impairment. In 2003 SPE European Formation Damage Conference, The Hague Vol. 13-14 May 2003 (pp. 15 p). The Hague, Netherlands: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI2003 Bedrikovetsky, P., Lopes, R., Rosário, F., Bezerra, M., & Lima, E. (2003). Oilfield Scaling - Part I: Mathematical and Laboratory Modelling. In Proceedings of the SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference (pp. 810-823).
Scopus272002 Bedrikovetski, P., Tran, P., van den Broek, W., Marchesin, D., Rezende, E., Siqueira, A., . . . Shecaira, F. (2002). Damage characterization of deep bed filtration from pressure measurements. In International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette Vol. 20-21 February 2002 (pp. 11 p). Lafayette, Louisiana: SPE.
DOI Scopus62002 Bedrikovetski, P., Rosario, F., Bezerra, M., Silva, M., & Lopes Jr, R. (2002). Role of Impermeable Layers in Barium Sulphate Oilfield Scaling: Modelling & Field Study. In Proceedings of the SPE 4th International Symposium on Oilfield Scaling, 2002 (pp. 119-128). Aberdeen, UK: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI2002 Bedrikovetsky, P., Rosario, F., Bezerra, M., Silva, M., & Junior, R. (2002). Role of impermeable layers in Barium sulphate oilfield scaling: Modelling & field study. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - International Symposium on Oilfield Scale 2002. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI2002 Bedrikovetsky, P., Rosario, F., Bezerra, M., Silva, M., & Junior, R. (2002). Role of impermeable layers in Barium sulphate oilfield scaling: Modelling & field study. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - International Symposium on Oilfield Scale 2002. 2001 Bedrikovetski, P., Marchesin, D., Souza, A., Checaira, F., & Rezende, E. (2001). Well Impairment During Sea Water Injection; Treatment of Lab Data&Inverse Problems. In SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Buenos Aires Vol. 25-28 March 2001. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI1999 Bedrikovetsky, P. (1999). New model for two phase multicomponent displacements honouring ganglia and droplets. In American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD Vol. 364-2 (pp. 141-158).
Scopus11999 Bedrikovetsky, P., Marchesin, D., & Ballin, P. R. (1999). Hysteresis in flow in porous media with phase transitions. In American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD Vol. 364-2 (pp. 159-171).
Scopus11999 Bedrikovetsky, P., Marchesin, D., & Ballin, P. R. (1999). HYSTERESIS IN FLOW IN POROUS MEDIA WITH PHASE TRANSITIONS. In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) Vol. 1999-P (pp. 159-171). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
DOI1999 Bedrikovetsky, P. (1999). A NEW MODEL FOR TWO PHASE MULTICOMPONENT DISPLACEMENTS HONOURING GANGLIA AND DROPLETS. In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) Vol. 1999-P (pp. 141-158). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
DOI1997 Holleben, C., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (1997). Huff-n-puff technologies for water production control: Analytical reservoir modeling. In SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedings Vol. 1997-August.
Scopus31997 Bedrikovetsky, P. (1997). Improved waterflooding in reservoirs of highly paraffinic oils. In SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedings Vol. 1997-August. SPE.
DOI Scopus131997 Bedrikovetsky, P. (1997). Enhanced gas condensate recovery in complex reservoir: Pilots and models. In SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedings Vol. 1997-August.
Scopus21997 Dos Santos, R. L. A., Bedrikovetsky, P., & Holleben, C. R. (1997). Optimal design and planning for laboratory corefloods. In SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedings Vol. 1997-August.
Scopus141996 Bedrikovetsky, P., Andrade, G. M., Ferreira, L. E. A., & Menezes, G. L. (1996). Optimization of tertiary water-alternate-CO<inf>2</inf> injection. In SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedings Vol. 1996-April (pp. 575-590). SPE.
DOI Scopus71996 Bedrikovetsky, P., Marchesin, D., & Ballin, P. R. (1996). Mathematical model for immiscible displacement honouring hysteresis. In SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedings Vol. 1996-April (pp. 557-573). Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus131996 Bedrikovetsky, P., & Evtjukhin, A. (1996). Mathematical model and laboratory study of the miscible gas injection in fractured-porous reservoirs. In SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedings Vol. 1996-April (pp. 45-59). Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI1996 Bedrikovetsky, P., Rodrigues, J. R. P., & Britto, P. R. F. (1996). Analytical model for the waterflood honouring capillary pressure (with applications to laboratory studies. In SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedings Vol. 1996-April (pp. 537-553). SPE.
DOI Scopus51996 Bedrikovetsky, P., Andrade, G. M., Ferreira, L. E. A., & Menezes, G. L. (1996). Optimization of miscible water-alternate-CO<inf>2</inf> injection (based on analytical model). In Proceedings - SPE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery Vol. 1 (pp. 469-484). Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus31996 Bedrikovetsky, P., & Evtjukhin, A. (1996). Mathematical model and laboratory study of the miscible gas injection in fractured-porous reservoirs. In Proceedings of the European Petroleum Conference Vol. 2 (pp. 45-59).
Scopus81995 Bedrikovetsky, P. G., Magarshak, T. O., & Shapiro, A. A. (1995). Waterflooding in a system of horizontal wells. (Analytical reservoir model. Offshore case). In Proceedings of the Middle East Oil Show Vol. 2 (pp. 355-365).
Scopus11995 Bedrikovetsky, P. G., Potsch, K. T., Polyanin, A. D., & Zhurov, A. I. (1995). Upscaling of the waterflood reservoir properties on the core level: Laboratory study, macro and micro modelling. In Proceedings of the Middle East Oil Show Vol. 2 (pp. 327-339). SPE.
DOI Scopus141994 Bedrikovetsky, P. G., Magarshak, T. O., & Shapiro, A. A. (1994). 3-D analytical model for displacement of oil using horizontal wells. In Proceedings of the SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Vol. 1 (pp. 133-139).
Scopus11994 Bedrikovetsky, P., & Basniev, K. (1994). Petroleum engineering challenges of the development of precaspian depression fields (Kazakhstan, Russia). In World Petroleum Congress Proceedings Vol. 1994-May (pp. 435-445).
Scopus61992 Bedrikovetsky, P. (1992). Tracer analyses in stratified reservoirs (determination of the permeabilities profile). In Proceedings of European Petroleum Conference (pp. 505-513). Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus4 -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2015 You, Z., Badalyan, A., Yang, Y., Carageorgos, T., Schacht, U., Bedrikovetsky, P., & Hand, M. (2015). New laboratory method to assess formation damage in geothermal wells. Poster session presented at the meeting of SPE - European Formation Damage Conference, Proceedings, EFDC. SPE.
DOI2006 Vaz, A., Bedrikovetski, P., Furtado, C., Siqueira, A., & Souza, A. (2006). Effects of residual oil on PWRI Injectivity Impairment. Poster session presented at the meeting of SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition. Vienna, Austria: Society of Petroleum Engineers. -
Year Citation 2024 Chesnokov, C., Farajzadeh, R., Prempeh, K. O. K., Kahrobaei, S., Snippe, J., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2024). Joule-Thomson cooling of CO2 injected into aquifer under heat exchange
with adjacent formations by Newtons law- 1D exact solution.2024 Nguyen, C., Loi, G., Russell, T., Yang, Y., Zulkifli, N. N., Amir, M. I. M., . . . Zeinijahromi, A. (2024). Physics mechanisms of fines detachment and migration during CO2-water
corefloods.2024 Clay, R. (2024). Measurements of decoherence in small sea-level extensive air showers.
DOI2019 Malgaresi, G., Collins, B., Alvaro, P., & Bedrikovetsky, P. (2019). Non-monotonic solutions for colloid-transport of size-distributed
particles in porous media.
Eleven ARC projects during 2010-2022, including 4 ARC DPs, 4 ARC LPs, and 3 ARC LIEFs, have been granted. All of them relate to laboratory and mathematical modelling for CO2 and hydrogen storage in aquifers and depleted gas and oil fields, i.e. two-phase reactive multicomponent transport in porous media, including reservoir and well behavior prediction an optimization.
In particular, 2020 ARC Discovery Grant DP 200103548 “A spatio-temporal partitioning approach to suspension flow in porous media” forms a theoretical basis for formation damage in injection and production wells during CO2 and hydrogen storage in aquifers and depleted gas fields.
2019 ARC Discovery Grant DP190103457 “Multiscale theory to understand secondary migration of hydrocarbons” develops analytical models for buoyant flow of gas plume below seals and migration towards geological traps for optimal project and design of CO2 and hydrogen storage in aquifers and depleted gas fields.
2018 ARC Linkage Grant LP180100890 “Multiscale physics for enhanced oil recovery” develops multiscale laboratory and mathematical models for two-phase reactive multicomponent transport in porous media, which is the essence of flows during CO2 and hydrogen storage in aquifers and depleted gas fields.
2017-2023 “Fines-assisted waterflooding”, Wintershall Holding GmbH / UNSW also transforms multiscale laboratory and mathematical models for two-phase reactive multicomponent transport in porous media.
2021-2023 “Fines migration prediction in natural subterranean reservoir”, Petronas Research Sdn Bhd develops the lab and math models for formation damage in injection and production wells during CO2 and hydrogen storage in aquifers and depleted gas fields.
Teaching Interests
CO2 and hydrogen storage: reservoir and production engineering
Formation damage, its prevention and mitigation;
EOR and IOR;
Environmental fluid mechanics;
Mathematical modelling and fluid mechanics for petrleum engineers and geo-scientists;
Transport in porous media;
Non-linear waves in continuous mechanics;
Systems of conservation laws;
Reservoir Simulation
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2023 Principal Supervisor Well injectivity during Carbon Dioxide storage in depleted gas fields and aquifers Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Christina Chesnokov 2023 Co-Supervisor Mathematical and Laboratory Modelling of Two-Phase Flow with Colloids in Aquifers- Environmental Aspects Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Amin Keykhosravi 2022 Principal Supervisor Analytical Modeling of Carbon dioxide (CO2) with Low-Salinity Water Injection in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Kofi Ohemeng Kyei Prempeh 2022 Principal Supervisor Mathematical and laboratory modeling of geological formation of ancient petroleum accumulations. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Syeda Sara Mobasher 2021 Principal Supervisor Effect of Rock Failure on Particle Detachment in colloidal Flow Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Bryant Dang-Le 2021 Principal Supervisor Fines migration in porous media. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Yutong Yang 2021 Principal Supervisor Environmental colloidal transport in aquifers: modelling and laboratory study Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Amin Shokrollahi 2021 Principal Supervisor Exact Solutions for Suspension-Colloidal Transport in Porous Media Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Nastaran Khazali 2020 Co-Supervisor Laboratory and mathematical modelling of the produced water disposal in the reservoir Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Cao Cuong Nguyen 2020 Principal Supervisor Laboratory and Mathematical Modelling of Formation Damage in Reservoir Rocks during Colloidal-suspension Transport Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Grace Ming Yin Loi -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2019 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Advanced theory for colloidal detachment of detrital and authigenic fines in rocks Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Abolfazl Hashemi 2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Mechanical Theory for Particle Detachment in Porous Media Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Heng Zheng Ting 2019 - 2023 Principal Supervisor A novel laboratory method for simultaneous determination of relative permeability and capillary pressure from laboratory corefloods Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Nassim Hemmati 2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Analytical Modelling of Formation Damage in One-phase and Two-phase Flows: Applications for Laboratory Experiments Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Shuyan Yang 2017 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Suspension-Colloidal Transport in Porous Media: Basic Equations, Analytical Model and Nonlinear Physics Effects Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Hao Zhang 2017 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling of Fines Attachment and Detachment during Colloidal Flows Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Thomas Linsay Russell 2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Particle Detachment in Single-Phase and Two-Phase Flows in Porous Media Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Larissa Boechat Chequer 2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Analytical Modelling and Upscaling of Multicomponent Suspension-Colloidal Transport in Porous Media Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Gabriel de Veiga Cabral Malgaresi 2016 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Low Salinity Waterflooding: Effect of Fines Migration and Ion Type on Oil Recovery Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Alan Gussmann 2013 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Analytical Modelling of the Water Block Phenomenon in Oil and Gas Wells Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Saurabh Naik 2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Analytical Modelling of Two-Phase Multi-Component Flow in Porous Media with Dissipative and Non-equilibrium Effects Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Sara Borazjani 2012 - 2016 Co-Supervisor A New Solution for an Edge Dislocation with Applications to the Stress and Fracture Analysis of Multilayered Media Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Aditya Shankar Khanna 2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Analytical Modelling of Fines Migration in Porous Media Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Yulong Yang 2011 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Advanced Analytical Models for Well Injectivity Decline Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Azim Kalantariasl 2011 - 2015 Principal Supervisor A novel technology for enhanced coal seam gas recovery by graded proppant injection Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Alireza Keshavarz 2010 - 2014 Principal Supervisor The Experimental and Theoretical Study of Fines Migration in Porous Media Under Particle-rock Repulsion and Attraction Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Aji Kaiser 2010 - 2011 Principal Supervisor Reservoir Simulation Studies of Formation Damage for Improved Recovery on Oil-gas Reservoirs Master of Engineering Science Master Full Time Ms Thi Nguyen 2010 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Petrophysical and Mineralogical Evaluation of Shale Gas Reservoirs - A Cooper Basin Case Study Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Maqsood Ahmad 2010 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Thermally Enhanced Gas Recovery and Infill Well Placement Optimization in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Alireza Salmachi 2010 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Uncertainty Reduction in Reservoir Characterisation through Inverse Modelling of Dynamic Data: an Evolutionary Computation Approach Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Mohammad Sayyafzadeh 2009 - 2012 Principal Supervisor New Technologies and Mathematical Modeling of Fines-Assisted Oil and Gas Recovery Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time APrf Abbas Zeinijahromi
Date Role Membership Country 1993 - ongoing Member Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE Australia
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