Dr Alireza Salmachi
Senior Lecturer
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
I am a senior lecturer in the School of Chemical Engineering. My current research foci include the integrated surface facility modelling and underground storage of hydrogen in geological formations, wellbore decommissioning and integrity, and CO2 storage in depleted coal seam gas reservoirs. I have strong background in drilling engineering, well completion, and reservoir engineering.
- My Research
- Career
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- Underground Storage of Hydrogen
This works is focused on development of a simulation toolbox to model underground hydrogen storage (UHS) integrated with surface facility design. This work helps in understanding the techno-economic constraints involved in operating a large-scale UHS facility that needs to manage fluctuations in both supply and demand.
- Wellbore decommissioning
This work is focused on repurposing near-to-decommission wellbores for storing hydrogen within the wellbore. This work aims to reduce the storage cost by managing decommissioning expenses for creation of a new hydrogen-based energy storage system and integrate green hydrogen into local economies.
- CO2 sequestration in underground coal seams
This research involves evaluating cleat/natural fracture system with Australian coal seams using micro-CT scan imaging and studying the impact of coal swelling on permeability change during CO2 injection.
- 3D modelling and printing of porous media
This research is focused on designing random porous media using fractal systems and 3D printing.
- Production data and rate transient analysis
This work is focused on analysis of gas and water production data from unconventional resources including coal seam gas and shale gas reservoirs to obtain critical reservoir properties.
Date Institution name Country Title 2010 - 2013 University of Adelaide Australia PhD 2007 - 2009 Curtin University Australia master of science 2002 - 2006 Petroleum University of Technology Iran bachelor -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2025 Leong, C. M., Ghayesh, M. H., Nathan, G. J., Salmachi, A., & Rajabi, M. (2025). A review of the mechanics of lined engineered cavities and their implications on hydrogen storage. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 102, 749-766.
2024 Salmachi, A., Seyfaee, A., Robert, R. J., Hosseini, T., Nathan, G., Ashman, P., . . . Simon, C. (2024). Underground hydrogen storage: Integrated surface facilities and fluid flow modelling for depleted gas reservoirs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 50(D), 1055-1069.
Scopus18 WoS12024 Raza, A., Alafnan, S., Glatz, G., Mahmoud, M., & Salmachi, A. (2024). Geo-storage of hydrogen in organic-rich shales: Multicomponent selectivity of organic nanopores. Fuel, 359, 130476.
Scopus82024 Al-Yaseri, A., Fatah, A., Al-Abdrabalnabi, R., Alafnan, S., & Salmachi, A. (2024). Investigation of gas residuals in sandstone formations via X-ray core-flooding experiments: Implication for subsurface hydrogen storage. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 78, 268-278.
Scopus42024 Hosseinzadeh, S., Haghighi, M., Salmachi, A., & Shokrollahi, A. (2024). Carbon dioxide storage within coal reservoirs: A comprehensive review. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 241, 18 pages.
Scopus42024 Salmachi, A., Zeinijahromi, A., Parker, H. M., Abdulhussein, A., Badalyan, A., Kwong, P., . . . Rajabi, M. (2024). Experimental investigation of alterations in coal fracture network induced by thermal treatment: Implications for CO<inf>2</inf> geo-sequestration. Energy, 308, 10 pages.
2023 Salmachi, A., Zeinijahromi, A., Algarni, M. S., Abahussain, N. A., Alqahtani, S. A., Badalyan, A., . . . Rajabi, M. (2023). Experimental study of the impact of CO₂ injection on the pore structure of coal: A case study from the Bowen Basin, Australia. International Journal of Coal Geology, 275, 104314-1-104314-12.
Scopus12 WoS32022 Salmachi, A., Hosseini, T., Shaikh, R. A., Dinovitser, A., & Abbott, D. (2022). Techno-economic assessment of hydrogen pipe storage in decommissioned wellbores sourced from surplus renewable electricity. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47(56), 23710-23720.
Scopus15 WoS12021 Salmachi, A., Rajabi, M., Wainman, C., Mackie, S., McCabe, P., Camac, B., & Clarkson, C. (2021). History, geology, in situ stress pattern, gas content and permeability of coal seam gas basins in Australia: a review. Energies, 14(9), 2651-1-2651-37.
Scopus56 WoS242021 Zhu, S., & Salmachi, A. (2021). Flowing material balance and rate‐transient analysis of horizontal wells in under‐saturated coal seam gas reservoirs: A case study from the qinshui basin, China. Energies, 14(16), 24 pages.
Scopus4 WoS32020 Dunlop, E. C., Salmachi, A., & McCabe, P. J. (2020). Investigation of increasing hydraulic fracture conductivity within producing ultra-deep coal seams using time-lapse rate transient analysis: A long-term pilot experiment in the Cooper Basin, Australia. International Journal of Coal Geology, 220, 11 pages.
Scopus18 WoS92020 Zare Reisabadi, M., Haghighi, M., Salmachi, A., Sayyafzadeh, M., & Khaksar, A. (2020). Analytical modelling of coal failure in coal seam gas reservoirs in different stress regimes. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 128, 11 pages.
Scopus22 WoS112019 Salmachi, A., Dunlop, E., Rajabi, M., Yarmohammadtooski, Z., & Begg, S. (2019). Investigation of permeability change in ultradeep coal seams using time-lapse pressure transient analysis: a pilot project in the Cooper Basin, Australia. AAPG Bulletin, 103(1), 91-107.
Scopus27 WoS172018 Zhu, S., Salmachi, A., & Du, Z. (2018). Two phase rate-transient analysis of a hydraulically fractured coal seam gas well: A case study from the Ordos Basin, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 195, 47-60.
Scopus26 WoS172018 Zhu, S., Du, Z., Li, C., Salmachi, A., Peng, X., Wang, C., . . . Deng, P. (2018). A Semi-analytical model for pressure-dependent permeability of tight sandstone reservoirs. Transport in Porous Media, 122(2), 235-252.
Scopus53 WoS342017 Clarkson, C., & Salmachi, A. (2017). Rate-transient analysis of an undersaturated CBM reservoir in Australia: Accounting for effective permeability changes above and below desorption pressure. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 40, 51-60.
Scopus53 WoS482017 Yarmohammadtooski, Z., Salmachi, A., White, A., & Rajabi, M. (2017). Fluid flow characteristics of Bandanna Coal Formation: a case study from the Fairview Field, eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 64(3), 319-333.
Scopus37 WoS272017 Salmachi, A., & Karacan, C. (2017). Cross-formational flow of water into coalbed methane reservoirs: controls on relative permeability curve shape and production profile. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76(5), 200-1-200-16.
Scopus58 WoS46 Europe PMC12016 Salmachi, A., Rajabi, M., Reynolds, P., Yarmohammadtooski, Z., & Wainman, C. (2016). The effect of magmatic intrusions on coalbed methane reservoir characteristics: A case study from the Hoskissons coalbed, Gunnedah Basin, Australia. International Journal of Coal Geology, 165, 278-289.
Scopus36 WoS262015 Salmachi, A., & Yarmohammadtooski, Z. (2015). Production data analysis of coalbed methane wells to estimate the time required to reach to peak of gas production. International Journal of Coal Geology, 141-142, 33-41.
Scopus58 WoS472014 Salmachi, A., Bonyadi, M., Sayyafzadeh, M., & Haghighi, M. (2014). Identification of potential locations for well placement in developed coalbed methane reservoirs. International Journal of Coal Geology, 131, 250-262.
Scopus21 WoS202013 Salmachi, A., Sayyafzadeh, M., & Haghighi, M. (2013). Infill well placement optimization in coal bed methane reservoirs using genetic algorithm. Fuel, 111, 248-258.
Scopus63 WoS492012 Salmachi, A., & Haghighi, M. (2012). Feasibility study of thermally enhanced gas recovery of coal seam gas reservoirs using geothermal resources. Energy & Fuels, 26(8), 5048-5059.
Scopus82 WoS642012 Salmachi, A., & Haghighi, M. (2012). Temperature effect on methane sorption and diffusion in coal: application for thermal recovery from coal seam gas reservoirs. APPEA Journal, 52, 291-300. -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2023 Rajabi, M., Salmachi, A., & Tavoosiiraj, P. (2023). Effects of localised stress perturbations on natural fractures and permeability: An example from the Gunnedah Basin. In 2nd EAGE Workshop on Fluid Flow in Faults and Fracture - Modelling, Uncertainty and Risk (pp. 1-3). European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers.
DOI2022 Clayton, L. M., Lee, M. H., & Salmachi, A. (2022). Alleviating Directional Well Trajectory Problems via Data Analytics. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2022, APOG 2022 (pp. 21 pages). Adelaide, Australia: SPE.
DOI2021 Kokkoni, P., & Salmachi, A. (2021). Analysis of South Australian Onshore Oil & Gas Well Decommissioning and Potential Impact on Regulatory Compliance, Environmental and Corporate Risk — Unified Risk Code. In SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Day 1 Tue, October 12, 2021 (pp. 1-22). virtual online: SPE.
DOI Scopus12018 Salmachi, A., Clarkson, C., Zhu, S., & Barkla, J. A. (2018). Relative permeability curve shapes in coalbed methane reservoirs. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2018, APOGCE 2018. SPE.
DOI Scopus92016 Salmachi, A., Talemi, P., & Tooski, Z. (2016). Psyllium husk in water-based drilling fluids: An environmentally friendly viscosity and filtration agent. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2016 Vol. 2016-January. Abu Dhabi: SPE.
DOI Scopus152015 Salmachi, A., Wainman, C., Rajabi, M., & McCabe, P. (2015). Effect of volcanic intrusions and mineral matters on desorption characteristics of coals (Case Study). In Proceedings Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition (pp. SPE-176841-MS-1-SPE-176841-MS-13). Brisbane, QLD: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus12015 Salmachi, A., Darby, J., & Yarmohammadtooski, Z. (2015). Estimation of time of peak gas production in coalbed methane wells using production data analysis. In Proceedings Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition (pp. SPE-176218-MS-1-SPE-176218-MS-7). Bali, Indonesia: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus12013 Salmachi, A., Sayyafzadeh, M., & Haghighi, M. (2013). Optimisation and economical evaluation of infill drilling in CSG reservoirs using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. In 2013 APPEA Conference and Exhibition Vol. 53 (pp. 381-389). Australia: Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association.
DOI2012 Salmachi, A., Haghighi, M., Dixon, D., Hart, P., & Jachmann, A. (2012). Combined energy recovery from coal seam gas reservoirs and geothermal resources (simulation study). In Society of Petroleum Engineers - International Petroleum Technology Conference 2012, IPTC 2012 Vol. 3 (pp. 2077-2088). CDROM: SPE.
DOI Scopus22011 Salmachi, A., Haghighi, M., Bedrikovetski, P., & Xu, C. (2011). Thermal gas recovery from coal seam gas reservoirs using underground coal gasification. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - 73rd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2011 - Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2011 Vol. 5 (pp. 3357-3368). Vienna: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
DOI Scopus32011 Salmachi, A., Haghighi, M., Dixon, D., Hart, P., & Jachmann, A. (2011). Combined energy recovery from coal seam gas reservoirs and geothermal resources (simulation study). In International Petroleum Technology Conference 2011, IPTC 2011. 2011 Salmachi, A., Haghighi, M., Dixon, D., Hart, P., & Jachmann, A. (2011). Combined energy recovery from coal seam gas reservoirs and geothermal resources (simulation study). In International Petroleum Technology Conference 2011, IPTC 2011. IPTC.
DOI2009 Kabir, A. H., & Salmachi, A. (2009). An improved method for total mechanical skin calculation for perforated completions. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2009. SPE.
DOI Scopus22009 Kabir, A., & Salmachi, A. (2009). An improved method for total mechanical skin calculation for perforated completions. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2009.
Hydrogen Supply within HILT Regional Hubs – H2 Cost and Synergistic Opportunities
Wellbore decommissioning for hydrogen pipe storage (Vallourec, 2022-2023)
Santos Research Grant (Production data analysis of coalbed methane reservoirs in Bowen Basin)-(2015-2016)
Santos Research Grant-IMER (Production forecasting for deep coals of Cooper basin)-(2016-2017)
Stephen Cole Elder Fellowship (Teaching Grant) (Application of iBook and 3D printing in Drilling engineering)-(2015)
Fundamentals of Drilling Engineering
Fundamentals of Well Completion and Stimulation
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Principal Supervisor Mineral carbonation of mine tailings for carbon sequestration and potential utilization Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mohammad Rezaee 2024 Co-Supervisor Techno-Economic analysis of hydrogen production via solar-wind assisted electrolysis to use in public transport. Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Hassan Khalili 2023 Principal Supervisor Integrated Surface Facilities and Fluid Flow Modelling for Underground Hydrogen Storage Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mostafa Montazeri 2023 Co-Supervisor Hydrogen flow through faults and fractures and its implications for geo-hydrogen generation and storage Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Sirous Hosseinzadeh 2022 Co-Supervisor Mechanics of Underground Hydrogen Storage System Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Chee Min Leong 2022 Co-Supervisor Investigation of Casing-Cement Interface in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Wells with Different Casing Materials Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Kanagaswarran Citalingam Mudliar -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Analysis of South Australian Onshore Oil & Gas Well Decommissioning and Potential Impact on Regulatory Compliance, Environmental and Corporate Risk Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Mr Panayiotis Kokkoni 2017 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Stress Distribution around Coal Seam Gas Wells, Application to Coal Failure Onset Prediction Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Mohammadreza Zare Reisabadi 2015 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Controls on Gas Production from Permian Ultra-deep Coal Seams of the Cooper Basin: Expanding Reservoir Boundary Theory Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Erik Christopher Dunlop
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2016 - ongoing Member APOGCE SPE Australia -
Date Role Membership Country 2002 - ongoing Member SPE Australia
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