Prof Michael McLaughlin
University Professorial Research Fellow
School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Prof. McLaughlin's research covers soil and environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology, risk assessment, food quality, crop nutrition and fertilizer technology. He is a Research Professor with the School of Agriculture Food and Wine at The University of Adelaide and an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow with Teagasc (The Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority), Oak Park, Carlow, Ireland. Prof. McLaughlin established the Fertilizer Technology Research Centre at the University of Adelaide in 2007 supported by The Mosaic Company LLC and various projects support by Australian rural research corporations and the Australian Research Council.
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Emeritus Professor McLaughlin's expertise is in soil science, particularly in relation to fertilizer and contaminant chemistry. He works within a highly innovative and scientifically diverse research group that addresses a range of issues in soil and environmental chemistry that relate particularly to agricultural plant nutrition, fertilizer application and efficiency, and to soil analysis and soil contamination. His research is a mix of fundamental science leading to high impact research papers coupled to a strong commercialisation of research outcomes - patents relating to use of IR spectroscopy for detection of oil in soils have now been commercialised as have new remediation technologies. Current research projects related to fertilizers and crop nutrition are listed here.
In 2007 Prof. McLaughlin established the Fertilizer Technology Research Centre which is supported by The Mosaic Company, and various Australian rural research corporation and Australian Research Council project funds. The Centre aims to develop novel fertiliser formulations, by developing and applying advanced isotopic and spectroscopic investigations of reactions between fertilizers and soils, leading to enhanced fertiliser efficiency and reduced environmental pollution.
Do you want to study at the Fertilizer Technology Research Centre?
Note I am not accepting any new postgraduate students at this time. Please contact if you wish to study at our Centre.
Employment at the Fertilizer Technology Research Centre
Postdoctoral and research support positions arise from time to time and are advertised on the University careers site as well as in general media - if there is no vacancy advertised then there are no positions available. If you are interested to come to work in the Centre supported externally, please get in touch with Ros Baird (
Date Position Institution name 2020 - ongoing Adjunct Senior Research Fellow Teagasc - The Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority 2015 - ongoing Member of the Southern Panel Grains Research and Development Corporation 2004 - ongoing Professor The University of Adelaide, Waite Research Institute -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2017 Fellowship Fellow, Soil Science Australia Soil Science Australia Australia - 2016 Fellowship Fellow, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - - 2016 Award Barry Inglis Medal National Measurement Institute Australia - 2015 Fellowship Fellow, Australian Academy of Sciences - - - 2015 Recognition International Fertilizer Industry Association Norman Borlaug Laureate - - - 2014 Honour Member of the Order of Australia, General Division (AM) - - - 2011 Award International Plant Nutrition Institute Science Award International Plant Nutrition Institute - - 2011 Fellowship Awarded CSIRO Fellow status CSIRO Australia - 2009 Fellowship Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering - - - -
Date Institution name Country Title 1986 The University of Adelaide Australia PhD (Soil Science) 1979 Reading University England MAgrSc(Soil Science, Dist.) 1977 University of Ulster Northern Ireland BSc (Hons) -
Date Title Institution name Country — Certified Professional Soil Scientist Soil Science Australia - -
Research Interests
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2023 Dobermann, A., Bruulsema, T., Cakmak, I., Gerard, B., Majumdar, K., McLaughlin, M., . . . Zhang, X. (2023). A New Paradigm for Plant Nutrition. In J. von Braun, K. Afsana, L. O. Fresco, & M. H. A. Hassan (Eds.), Science and Innovations for Food Systems Transformation (pp. 361-374). Springer International Publishing.
DOI Scopus32021 McLaughlin, M. J., Smolders, E., Zhao, F. J., Grant, C., & Montalvo, D. (2021). Managing cadmium in agricultural systems. In ., & D. Sparks (Eds.), Advances in Agronomy (Vol. 166, pp. 129 pages). Online: Elsevier.
DOI Scopus105 WoS522020 McLaren, T. I., Smernik, R. J., McLaughlin, M. J., Doolette, A. L., Richardson, A. E., & Frossard, E. (2020). The chemical nature of soil organic phosphorus: A critical review and global compilation of quantitative data. In D. L. Sparks (Ed.), Advances in Agronomy (Vol. 160, pp. 51-124). Cambridge, MA; USA: Elsevier.
DOI Scopus49 WoS272017 da Silva, R., Degryse, F., Baird, R., & McLaughlin, M. (2017). Soil management and fertilizer practices affecting crop production and human health. In B. Singh, M. Mclaughlin, & E. Brevik (Eds.), The Nexus of Soils, Plants, Animals and Human Health (Vol. 1, 1 ed., pp. 111-121). Stuttgart, Germany: Catena Soil Sciences. 2014 Janik, L., Forrester, S., Kirby, J., McLaughlin, M., Soriano-Disla, J., & Reimann, C. (2014). Prediction of metal and metalloid partitioning coefficients (Kd) in soil using mid-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. In C. Reimann, M. Birke, A. Demetriades, P. Filzmoser, & P. O'Connor (Eds.), Chemistry of Europe's agricultural soils, part B (1 ed., pp. 183-188). Germany: Schweizerbart Science Publishers. 2011 McLaughlin, M. J., Smolders, E., Degryse, F., & Rietra, R. (2011). Uptake of Metals from Soil into Vegetables. In Dealing with Contaminated Sites (pp. 325-367). Springer Netherlands.
DOI2011 McLaughlin, M., Smolders, E., Degryse, F., & Rietra, R. (2011). Uptake of metals from soil into vegetables. In F. Swartjes (Ed.), Dealing with Contaminated Sites: From Theory Towards Practical Application (1 ed., pp. 325-367). Netherlands: Springer.
DOI2010 Holm, P. E., Jensen, L. S., & Mclaughlin, M. J. (2010). Utilization of Biologically Treated Organic Waste on Land. In Solid Waste Technology & Management (Vol. 2, pp. 665-682). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI Scopus92010 Stacey, S. P., Mclaughlin, M. J., & Hettiarachchi, G. M. (2010). Fertilizer-borne trace element contaminants in soils. In Trace Elements in Soils (pp. 135-154). Wiley.
DOI Scopus252010 McLaughlin, M., Lofts, S., Warne, M., Amorim, M., Fairbrother, A., Lanno, R., . . . Paton, G. (2010). Derivation of ecologically based soil standards for trace elements. In G. Merrington, & I. Schoeters (Eds.), Soil Quality Standards for Trace Elements: Derivation, Implementation, and Interpretation (pp. 7-80). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Scopus122010 Merrington, G., Schoeters, I., Warne, M., Hale, B., & McLaughlin, M. (2010). Recommendations for the derivation of interpretable and implementable soil quality standards for trace elements. In G. Merrington, & I. Schoeters (Eds.), Soil Quality Standards for Trace Elements: Derivation, Implementation, and Interpretation (pp. 141-144). USA: CRC Press. 2007 Smolders, E., McGrath, S., Fairbrother, A., Hale, B., Lombi, E., McLaughlin, M., . . . Van der Vliet, L. (2007). Hazard assessment of inorganic metals and metal substances in terrestrial systems. In W. Adams, & P. Chapman (Eds.), Assessing the Hazard of Metals and Inorganic Metal Substances in Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems (pp. 113-133). USA: Taylor & Francis.
DOI Scopus4 WoS12006 Lombi, E., Stevens, D., Hamon, R., & McLaughlin, M. (2006). Biological assessment of natural attenuation of metals in soils. In R. Hamon, M. McLaughlin, & E. Lombi (Eds.), Natural Attenuation of Trace Element Availability in Soils (pp. 41-55). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
DOI Scopus12006 Hamon, R., Stacey, S., Lombi, E., & McLaughlin, M. (2006). Natural attenuation: implications for trace metal/metalloid nutrition. In R. Hamon, M. McLaughlin, & E. Lombi (Eds.), Natural Attenuation of Trace Element Availability in Soils (pp. 173-196). Florida, USA: CRC Press.
DOI Scopus12006 Stevens, D., & McLaughlin, M. (2006). Managing risks to soil and plant health from key metals and metalloids in irrigation waters. In D. Stevens (Ed.), Growing crops with reclaimed wastewater (pp. 139-146). Australia: CSIRO Publishing. 2006 McLaughlin, M. (2006). Heavy metals. In Encyclopedia of Soil Science (pp. 817-820). CRC Press. 2005 Hedley, M., & McLaughlin, M. (2005). Reactions of phosphate fertilizers and by-products in soils. In J. Thomas Sims, & A. Sharpley (Eds.), Phosphorus: Agriculture and the Environment (pp. 181-252). Madison, Wisconsin, USA: American Society of Agronomy, Inc..
DOI Scopus1302002 McLaughlin, M., Hamon, R., Parker, D., Pierzynski, G., Smolders, E., Thornton, I., & Welp, G. (2002). Soil Chemistry. In Test Methods to Determine Hazards of Sparingly Soluble Metal Compounds in Soil (pp. 5-16). Pensacola, USA: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC).
WoS132002 McLaughlin, M. (2002). Bioavailability of metals to terrestrial plants. In Bioavailability of metals in terrestrial ecosystems: Importance of partitioning for bioavailability to invertebrates, microbes and plants (pp. 39-68). Pensacola, Fla.: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC).
WoS521999 McLaughlin, M., Reuter, D., & Rayment, G. (1999). Soil testing - principles and concepts. In Soil Analysis: An Interpretation Manual (pp. 1-17). CSIRO Publishing. 1999 Tiller, K. G., McLaughlin, M. J., & Roberts, A. N. (1999). Environmental impacts of heavy metals in agroecosystems and amelioration strategies in Oceania. In P. M. Huang, & I. K. Iskandar (Eds.), Soils and groundwater pollution and remediation : Asia, Africa, and Oceania. 1999 Singh, B. R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). Cadmium in Soils and Plants. Summary and research perspectives.. In M. J. McLaughlin, & B. R. Singh (Eds.), Cadmium in Soils and Plants (pp. 271 pages). Springer Science & Business Media. 1999 Grant, C. A., Bailey, L. D., McLaughlin, M. J., & Singh, B. R. (1999). Management techniques to reduce cadmium transfer from soils to plants. A review.. In M. J. McLaughlin, & B. R. Singh (Eds.), Cadmium in Soils and Plants. 1999 McLaughlin, M. J., & Singh, B. R. (1999). Cadmium in soils and plants. A global perspective.. In M. J. McLaughlin, & B. R. Singh (Eds.), Cadmium in Soils and Plants. 1998 McLaughlin, M. J., Smolders, E., & Merckx, R. (1998). Soil:root interface: Physicochemical processes. In P. M. Huang (Ed.), Soil Chemistry and Ecosystem Health (pp. 233-277). Soil Science Society of America.
DOI Scopus681998 McLaughlin, M. J., Kookana, R., Donnelly, T. H., & Wasson, R. J. (1998). Land degradation processes and water quality effects: organic matter, soil and nutrient loss, and chemical residues. In J. Williams, R. Hook, & H. Gascoigne (Eds.), Farming Action - Catchment Reaction, the Effect of Dryland Farming on the Environment. 1997 Tiller, K., Oliver, D., McLaughlin, M., Merry, R., & Naidu, R. (1997). Managing cadmium contamination of agricultural land. In Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Metals (pp. 225-255). Science Reviews. 1996 McLaughlin, M. (1996). Phosphorus in Australian Forest Soils. In Nutrition of Eucalypts (pp. 1-30). CSIRO. 1996 Zarcinas, B. A., McLaughlin, M. J., & Smart, M. K. (1996). Effect of acid digestion technique on the performance of nebulisation systems used in inductively coupled plasma spectrometry.. In T. M. Hood, & J. Benton Jones (Eds.), Soil and plant analysis in sustainable agriculture and environment. 1996 Barzi, P., Naidu, R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1996). Contaminants and the Australian soil environment. In R. Naidu, R. Kookana, D. P. Oliver, S. R. Rogers, & M. J. McLaughlin (Eds.), Contaminants in the Soil Environment in the Australasia-Pacific Region (pp. 451-484). 1996 Sumner, M. E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1996). Impact of agriculture on soil, water and food quality. In R. Naidu, R. Kookana, D. P. Oliver, S. R. Rogers, & M. J. McLaughlin (Eds.), Contaminants in the Soil Environment in the Australasia-Pacific Region (pp. 125-181). 1996 Zarcinas, B. A., McLaughlin, M. J., & Smart, M. K. (1996). Effect of acid digestion technique on the performance of nebulisation systems used in inductively coupled plasma spectrometry. In T. M. Hood, & J. Benton Jones (Eds.), Soil and Plant Analysis in Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (pp. 880 pages). 1992 MCLAUGHLIN, M. J., FILLERY, I. R., & TILL, A. R. (1992). OPERATION OF THE PHOSPHORUS, SULFUR AND NITROGEN CYCLES. In R. M. GIFFORD, & M. M. BARSON (Eds.), Unknown Book (Vol. 14, pp. 67-116). BUREAU RURAL RESOURCES COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIA.
WoS191989 McLaughlin, M. J., Malik, K. A., Memon, K. S., & Idris, M. (1989). The role of phosphorus for nitrogen fixation in upland crops. In H. Tiessen, & S. J. Banta (Eds.), Phosphorus requirements for sustainable agriculture in Asia and Oceania (pp. 295-305). -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2024 Usmani, E., Bacchi, S., Zhang, H., Guymer, C., Kraczkowska, A., Qinfeng Shi, J., . . . Chan, W. O. (2024). Prediction of vitreomacular traction syndrome outcomes with deep learning: A pilot study. In European Journal of Ophthalmology Vol. 51 (pp. 937). WILEY.
DOI2021 MacIntyre, A., Erlandson, T., Kang, B., Hazi, N., Sanderson, T., Ingersoll, B. I., . . . Maples, P. B. (2021). Demonstration of Transient Transfection Scalability for a Suspension AAV9 Viral Vector Production Process up to 500 Liter Manufacturing Scale. In MOLECULAR THERAPY Vol. 29 (pp. 390). CELL PRESS. 2020 Ramkissoon, C., Degryse, F., McLaughlin, M. J., Young, S. D., & Bailey, E. H. (2020). Effect of soil properties and contact time on selenium transfer to wheat. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Selenium in the Environment and Human Health, as published in Selenium Research for Environment and Human Health: Perspectives, Technologies and Advancements (pp. 49-50). London, UK: CRC Press.
DOI2017 McLaughlin, M., Degryse, J., Coqui da Silva, R., & Baird, R. (2017). Plant nutrition for global green growth – designing next generation fertilizers for crop nutrition. In Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium. Copenhagen, Denmark. 2015 McLaughlin, M. (2015). The Soil and its Chemistry- Critical Futures. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Vol. 25 (pp. 3 pages). Bendigo, AUSTRALIA: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
DOI2014 Facelli, E., McBeath, T., Peirce, C. A. E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). Tactical foliar fertilisation of dryland crops. In A. Patti, C. Tang, & V. Wong (Eds.), Proceedings of the Soil Science Australia National Soil Science Conference: Securing Australia's soils - for profitable industries and healthy landscapes. Melbourne, Australia. 2014 Rivers, C., McLaren, T., McLaughlin, M. J., Smernik, R., McBeath, T., Guppy, C., . . . Richardson, A. (2014). Tracking fertiliser P in pasture systems using a novel method of creating 33P-labelled single superphosphate. In A. Patti, C. Tang, & V. Wong (Eds.), Proceedings of the Soil Science Australia National Soil Science Conference: Securing Australia's soils - for profitable industries and healthy landscapes. Melbourne, Australia. 2014 Baird, R., Rivers, C., Broadbent, A., Tomczak, B., Silva, R. C., Degryse, F., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). Laboratory production of coated and granulated fertilisers for the screening of new advanced formulations and surface treatments.. In A. Patti, C. Tang, & V. Wong (Eds.), Proceedings of the Soil Science Australia National Soil Science Conference: Securing Australia's soils - for profitable industries and healthy landscapes.. Melbourne, Australia. 2014 Foyjunnessa., McNeill, A., Doolette, A., Mason, S., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). Direct tracing of the contribution to wheat from intact root residues of lupin. In A. Patti, C. Tang, & V. Wong (Eds.), Proceedings of the Soil Science Australia National Soil Science Conference: Securing Australia's soils - for profitable industries and healthy landscapes.. Melbourne, Australia. 2014 Degryse, F., Broadbent, A., Tomczak, B., Rivers, C., Baird, R., Silva, R. C., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). Diffusion and plant availability of phosphorus from struvite-based fertiliser.. In A. Patti, C. Tang, & V. Wong (Eds.), Proceedings of the Soil Science Australia National Soil Science Conference: Securing Australia's soils - for profitable industries and healthy landscapes. Melbourne, Australia. 2014 Zhao, C., Degryse, F., Vadakattu, G., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). Elemental sulfur oxidation in Australian cropping soils. In A. Patti, C. Tang, & V. Wong (Eds.), Proceedings of the Soil Science Australia National Soil Science Conference: Securing Australia's soils - for profitable industries and healthy landscapes. Melbourne, Australia. 2014 Vasileiadis, S., Puglisi, E., Trevisan, M., Scheckel, K., Langdon, K., McLaughlin, M. J., . . . Donner, E. (2014). Effects of silver selective pressure on soil microbial communities revealed by high throughput sequencing diversity screening. In A. Patti, C. Tang, & V. Wong (Eds.), Proceedings of the Soil Science Australia National Soil Science Conference: Securing Australia's soils - for profitable industries and healthy landscapes.. Melbourne, Australia. 2014 Milani, N., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J. K., Cornelis, G., & Stacey, S. P. (2014). Retention and bioavailability of manufactured zinc nanoparticles in natural soils. In A. Patti, C. Tang, & V. Wong (Eds.), Proceedings of the Soil Science Australia National Soil Science Conference: Securing Australia's soils - for profitable industries and healthy landscapes. Melbourne, Australia. 2014 Whatmuff, M., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kirby, J. K. (2014). The adsorption of cadmium, copper and zinc in agricultural soils exposed to long-term amendments of sewage-biosolids and manure. In A. Patti, C. Tang, & V. Wang (Eds.), Proceedings of the Soil Science Australia National Soil Science Conference: Securing Australia's soils - for profitable industries and healthy landscapes. Melbourne, Australia. 2013 De Vivo, B., Albanese, S., Lima, A., Cicchella, D., Dinelli, E., Valera, P., . . . Demetriades, A. (2013). GEMAS: The geochemical mapping of agricultural and grazing land soils of Europe. In N. Pirrone (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEAVY METALS IN THE ENVIRONMENT Vol. 1 (pp. 3 pages). Rome, ITALY: E D P SCIENCES.
DOI WoS22012 Mason, S., McNeill, A., Zhang, Y., McLaughlin, M., & Guppy, C. (2012). Application of Diffusive Gradients in Thin-films (DGT) to measure potassium and sulphur availability in agricultural soils. In Proceedings of 16th Agronomy Conference 2012 (pp. 1-4). University of New England in Armidale, NSW. 2012 Noack, S., McLaughlin, M., Smernik, R., McBeath, T., & Armstrong, R. (2012). The form and fate of stubble phosphorus in cropping soils. In I. Yunusa (Ed.), Proceedings of 16th Australian Agronomy Conference 2012 (pp. 1-6). Armidale, NSW: Regional Institute Online Publishing. 2012 Armstrong, R., Dunsford, K., McLaughlin, M., Mason, S., & McBeath, T. (2012). Why crops fail to produce grain responses to phosphorus fertilisers. In I. Yunusa (Ed.), Proceedings of 16th Australian Agronomy Conference 2012 (pp. 1 page). Armidale, NSW. 2011 Cornelis, G., Van Gerven, T., Vandecasteele, C., Kirby, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2011). Geochemical constraints in slag valorisation: the case of oxyanions and nanoparticles. In P. T. Jones, Y. Pontikes, J. Elsen, Ö. Cizer, L. Boehme, T. Van Gerven, . . . B. Blanpain (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second international slag valorisation symposium. Leuven, Belgium. 2010 Forrester, S., Janik, L., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). An infrared spectroscopic test for total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) contamination in soils. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science. Brisbane, Australia. 2010 Mason, S., McNeill, A., McLaughlin, M. J., & Zhang, H. (2010). Prediction of wheat response to an application of phosphorus under field conditions using diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) and extraction methods. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science. Brisbane, Australia. 2010 Premarathna, H., McLaughlin, M., Kirby, J., Hettiarachchi, G., Stacey, S., & Chittleborough, D. (2010). Potential availability of fertiliser selenium in soils during flooding and subsequent aeration. In Proceedings of 19th World Congress of Soil Science Symposium (pp. 86-88). DVD: CSIRO. 2010 Milani, N., McLaughlin, M., Hettiarachchi, G., Beak, D., Kirby, J., & Stacey, S. (2010). Fate of nanoparticulate zinc oxide fertilisers in soil: solubility, diffusion and solid phase speciation. In Soil Solutions for a Changing World (pp. 172-174). DVD: CSIRO. 2010 Cornelis, G., Thomas, M., Ryan, B., Kirby, J., Beak, D., Chittleborough, D., & McLaughlin, M. (2010). Partitioning of manufactured Ag and CeO2 nanoparticles in relation to soil properties. In Proceedings of Soil Solutions for a Changing World (pp. 48-51). DVD: CSIRO. 2010 McMahon, C., Armstrong, R., McBeath, T., & McLaughlin, M. (2010). Effect of in-season moisture on carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in alkaline, semi-arid soils. In Proceedings of the Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture (pp. 1-4). NZ: The Regional Institute Ltd. 2010 Mason, S., McNeill, A., & McLaughlin, M. (2010). Expanding the use of diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) for assessing phosphorus requirements of different crop types. In Proceedings of the 15th ASA Conference (pp. 1-4). Australia: ASA. 2010 Ajiboye, A., Stacey, S., Johnston, C., & McLaughlin, M. (2010). Isotopic technique for tracing both reduced and oxidised forms of sulphur in a fertiliser. In R. Gilkes, & N. Prakongkep (Eds.), 2010 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World (pp. 22-25). DVD and website: IUSS. 2009 De Levira, J., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J., Beak, D., & Hettirachchi, G. (2009). Cadmium solubility in paddy soils: effects of variable redox conditions and competitive ions. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Chihuahua, Mexico. 2009 Wen, J., McLaughlin, M. J., Stacey, S. P., & Kirby, J. E. (2009). Optimisation of rhamnolipid for cadmium phytoextraction in soils. In . Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Chihuahua, Mexico. 2009 Beak, D. G., Kirby, J. K., Hettiarachchi, G. M., McLaughlin, M. J., & Wendling, L. A. (2009). Cobalt distribution and speciation in soils exposed to altered redox conditions through submergence. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Chihuahua, Mexico. 2009 Mertens, J., Wakelin, S. A., Broos, K., McLaughlin, M. J., & Smolders, E. (2009). Copper tolerance does not affect the sensitivity of nitrifying communities to additional stressors. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Chihuahua, Mexico. 2008 McLaughlin, M. J., Bell, M., Nash, D., Pritchard, D., Whatmuff, M., Warne, M., . . . Penney, N. (2008). Benefits of using biosolid nutrients in Australian agriculture – a national perspective. In Proceedings of the AWA Biosolids Specialty Conference IV (pp. 1-5 2A.02). Adelaide, Australia. 2007 Whatmuff, M. S., McLaughlin, M. J., Warne, M., Heemsbergen, D., Barry, G., Bell, M., . . . Pritchard, D. (2007). Differences in the solubility and food chain accumulation of cadmium applied to a range of field soils as either biosolids or as inorganic salts. In Y. Zhu, N. Lepp, & R. Naidu (Eds.), Biochemistry of Trace Elements: Environmental Protection, Remediation and Human Health (pp. 134-135). Beijing, China. 2007 McLaughlin, M. J., Warne, M. S. J., Stevens, D. P., Whatmuff, M. S., Heemsbergen, D., Broos, K., . . . Penney, N. (2007). Australia's National Biosolid Research Program - how it came about, and what has it discovered?. In WATER PRACTICE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol. 2 (pp. 9 pages). IWA PUBLISHING.
DOI WoS112007 Stacey, S., McLaughlin, M., Cakmak, I., Lombi, E., & Johnston, C. (2007). Novel chelating agent for trace element fertilizers. In Improving crop production and human health, 2007. (pp. www1-www2). Online: International Zinc Association / International Fertilizer Industry Association. 2007 McLaughlin, M., Whatmuff, M., Warne, M., Heemsbergen, D., Barry, G., Bell, M., . . . Penney, N. (2007). Predicting the Risk from Cadmium Transfer to Crops from Soils Amended with Biosolids. In Proceedings of the Australian Water Association OZWater 2007 Meeting (pp. CD Rom-CD). Artarmon, NSW.: Australian Water Association. 2006 Broos, K., Warne, M., Heemsbergen, D., McLaughlin, M., Barry, G., Bell, M., . . . Penney, N. (2006). Soil pH and time affect Cu and Zn toxicity towards microbial processes in Australian agricultural soils: Implications for biosolid guidelines. In D. Wiesner (Ed.), Biosolids Specialty Conference III (pp. 1-5). Australia: Australian Water Association. 2006 Heemsbergen, D., Broos, K., Warne, M., & McLaughlin, M. (2006). Effects of land application of biosolids on South Austrlaian dryland cereal systems. In D. Wiesner (Ed.), Biosolids Specialty Conference III (pp. 1-5). Australia: Australian Water Association. 2006 Heemsbergen, D., Broos, K., Warne, M., McLaughlin, M., Barry, G., Bell, M., . . . Penney, N. (2006). Benchmarking plant uptake of copper and zinc from biosolids in Australian soils. In D. Wiesner (Ed.), Biosolids Specialty Conference III (pp. 1-5). Australia: Australian Water Association. 2006 McLaughlin, M., Whatmuff, M., Warne, M., Heemsbergen, D., Barry, G., Bell, M., . . . Penney, N. (2006). Cadmium transfer to crops from biosolids-amended soils: implications for food quality, national regulations and international markets. In D. Wiesner (Ed.), Biosolids Specialty Conference III (pp. 1-6). Australia: Australian Water Association. 2006 Whatmuff, M., Warne, M., McLaughlin, M., Harvey, D., & Langdon, K. (2006). NBRP field data from acid soils in NSW : metal uptake, toxicity and biosolids guideline limits. In D. Wiesner (Ed.), Biosolids Specialty Conference III (pp. 1-13). Australia: Australian Water Association. 2006 Rayment, G., Brent, P., Drew, N., Klim, E., McLaughlin, M., Milham, P., . . . Warne, M. (2006). Quality of total plant cadmium analysis in Australia and overseas. In Effective management of cadmium: a case study: extended abstract booklet (pp. 18-22). Canberra, ACT, Australia: CSIRO Land and Water. 2006 Drew, N., Brent, P., Klim, E., McLaughlin, M., Milham, P., Rayment, G., . . . Warne, M. (2006). Information, education and regulation, an industry perspective. In Effective management of cadmium: a case study: extended abstract booklet (pp. 14-17). Canberra, ACT, Australia: CSIRO Land and Water. 2006 McLaughlin, M., Brent, P., Drew, N., Klim, E., Warne, M., Milham, P., . . . Sparrow, L. (2006). A national food cadmium database and development of a national cadmium budget for Australia. In Effective management of cadmium: a case study: extended abstract booklet (pp. 10-13). Canberra, ACT, Australia: CSIRO Land and Water. 2006 Warne, M., Brent, P., Drew, N., Klim, E., McLaughlin, M., Milham, P., . . . Sparrow, L. (2006). Aims of the NCMC, raising public awareness and co-ordinating cadmium activities in Australia. In Effective management of cadmium: a case study: extended abstract booklet (pp. 2-5). South: CSIRO Land and Water. 2006 Warne, M., Brent, P., Drew, N., Klim, E., McLaughlin, M., Milham, P., . . . Sparrow, L. (2006). Report on the workshop 'effective management of cadmium: A case study'. In Report on the Workshop Effective management of cadmium: A case study (pp. 1-8). South Australia: CSIRO Land and Water. 2006 Heemsbergen, D., Broos, K., Warne, M. S., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2006). Benchmarking plant uptake and toxicity of copper and zinc from biosolids in Australian soils. In Proceedings of the AWA Biosolids Specialty Conference III (pp. 1-5 1A.O2). Melbourne, Australia. 2006 Warne, M. S., Heemsbergen, D., McLaughlin, M. J., Stevens, D., Cozens, G., Broos, K., . . . Penney, N. (2006). Modelling the toxicity of copper and zinc to wheat and other crops and incorporation of the results into a proposed framework to derive biosolids guidelines. In Proceedings of the AWA Biosolids Specialty Conference III (pp. 1-7. 5A.03). Melbourne, Australia. 2005 Warne, M. S., Heemsbergen, D., Broos, K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2005). Evaluating the effects of the land application of biosolids to South Australian agricultural systems. 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WoS171996 McLaren, R. G., & Smith, C. J. (1996). Issues in the disposal of industrial and urban wastes. In R. Naidu, R. S. Kookana, D. P. Oliver, S. Rogers, & M. J. McLaughlin (Eds.), CONTAMINANTS AND THE SOIL ENVIRONMENT IN THE AUSTRALASIA-PACIFIC REGION (pp. 183-212). ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA: KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL.
WoS191996 Ji, G. L., & Yu, T. R. (1996). Contaminants and the soil environment in China. In R. Naidu, R. S. Kookana, D. P. Oliver, S. Rogers, & M. J. McLaughlin (Eds.), CONTAMINANTS AND THE SOIL ENVIRONMENT IN THE AUSTRALASIA-PACIFIC REGION (pp. 485-499). ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA: KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL.
WoS11996 Khanif, Y. M., & Salmijah, S. (1996). Contaminants and the soil environment in Malaysia. In R. Naidu, R. S. Kookana, D. P. Oliver, S. Rogers, & M. J. McLaughlin (Eds.), CONTAMINANTS AND THE SOIL ENVIRONMENT IN THE AUSTRALASIA-PACIFIC REGION (pp. 563-578). ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA: KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL.
WoS31996 Rao, P. S. C., Davis, G. B., & Johnston, C. D. (1996). Technologies for enhanced remediation of contaminated soils and aquifers: Overview, analysis, and case studies. In R. Naidu, R. S. Kookana, D. P. Oliver, S. Rogers, & M. J. McLaughlin (Eds.), CONTAMINANTS AND THE SOIL ENVIRONMENT IN THE AUSTRALASIA-PACIFIC REGION (pp. 361-410). ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA: KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL.
WoS91996 Rao, P. S. C., Davis, G. B., & Johnston, C. D. (1996). Technologies for enhanced remediation of contaminated soils and aquifers: Overview, analysis, and case studies. In R. Naidu, R. S. Kookana, D. P. Oliver, S. Rogers, & M. J. McLaughlin (Eds.), CONTAMINANTS AND THE SOIL ENVIRONMENT IN THE AUSTRALASIA-PACIFIC REGION (pp. 361-410). ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA: KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL.
WoS41991 Keerthisinghe, G., McLaughlin, M. J., & Freney, J. R. (1991). Use of phosphogypsum, gypsum and fluoride to ameliorate subsurface acidity in a pasture soil. In R. J. Wright (Ed.), Proceedings Second International Symposium Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH (pp. 509-517). West Virginia, USA. 1991 McLaughlin, M. J., & James, T. R. (1991). Effect of P supply to surface roots on rhizosphere chemisty and root extension into an acidic subsoil. In R. J. Wright (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH. West Virginia, USA. 1991 MCLAUGHLIN, M. J., & JAMES, T. R. (1991). EFFECT OF PHOSPHORUS SUPPLY TO THE SURFACE ROOTS OF WHEAT ON ROOT EXTENSION AND RHIZOSPHERE CHEMISTRY IN AN ACIDIC SUBSOIL. In R. J. WRIGHT, V. C. BALIGAR, & R. P. MURRMANN (Eds.), PLANT-SOIL INTERACTIONS AT LOW PH Vol. 45 (pp. 205-214). BECKLEY, WV: KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL.
WoS161989 McLaughlin, M. J., & James, T. R. (1989). Distribution of phosphorus and aluminium in acidic pasture topsoils and effects on growth of subterranean clover. In Proceedings XVI Int. Grass. Soc (pp. 31-32). Nice, France. 1988 Curnow, W. J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1988). Soil acidification in Australia: the implications for increased uptake of cadmium. In J. R. Simpson, & W. J. Curnow (Eds.), Proceedings National Symposium Cadmium Accumulations in Australian Agriculture (pp. 48-61). Canberra, Australia. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2023 Kabiri, S., Navarro, D., Kookana, R., & McLaughlin, M. (2023). Mid-Infrareds spectroscopy as a tool to predict PFAS sorption and desorption from soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of ALGA-Ecoforum conference, Australia. 2022 Kabiri, S., Navarro, D., Grimisson, C., Kookana, R., & McLaughlin, M. (2022). Properties of carbon-based remediation materials that affect remediation efficiency for PFAS. Poster session presented at the meeting of ALGA-Ecoforum conference, Australia. 2019 Baird, R. J., Rivers, C., Coqui da Silva, R., Degryse, J. L., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2019). Effect of granulation additives on the hardness and surface abrasion of fertilizer granules. Poster session presented at the meeting of 9th International Granulation Workshop – Lausanne, Switzerland. Lausanne, Switzerland. 2019 Kabiri, S., Baird, R. J., Andelkovic, I., Coqui da Silva, R., Degryse, J. L., Losic, D., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2019). Using graphene or graphene oxide to improve the physical quality of granulated fertilizers.. Poster session presented at the meeting of 9th International Granulation Workshop – Lausanne, Switzerland.. 2018 Everaert, M., Degryse, J. L., Dox, K., Coqui da Silva, R., McLaughlin, M. J., De Vos, D., & Smolders, E. (2018). Layered double hydroxides as slow-release phosphorus fertilizer. Poster session presented at the meeting of 6th Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants – Leuven, Belgium. Leuven, Belgium. 2018 Coqui da Silva, R., Degryse, J. L., Baird, R. J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2018). Does addition of humic acid enhance the effectiveness of phosphate fertilizers?6th Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants – Leuven, Belgium.. Poster session presented at the meeting of 6th Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants – Leuven, Belgium. Leuven, Belgium. 2017 McLaughlin, M. J., Degryse, J. L., Coqui da Silva, R., Baird, R. J., & Abat, M. A. (2017). Developing more effective boron fertilizers. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Plant Nutrition Colloquium / Boron 2017 Satellite Meeting. 2017 Degryse, J. L., Coqui da Silva, R., Baird, R. J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2017). Effect of phosphate-metal-humic complexes on P uptake in hydroponics and soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings – Tampa, USA.. Tampa, USA.. 2017 Baird, R. J., Degryse, J. L., Coqui da Silva, R., Stacey, S., Peacock, L. A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2017). Barrier coatings to improve water soluble Zn in ammoniated phosphate fertilizers. Poster session presented at the meeting of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings – Tampa, USA.. Tampa, USA. 2017 Coqui da Silva, R., Degryse, J. L., Baird, R. J., Stacey, S., Ajiboye, B., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2017). Solid-Phase speciation and water solubility relationships of Zn in Zn-enriched ammoniated phosphates. Poster session presented at the meeting of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings – Tampa, USA. Tampa, USA. 2017 Ramkissoon, C., Degryse, J. L., McLaughlin, M. J., Coqui da Silva, R., Baird, R. J., Young, S., & Bailey, L. (2017). Wheat biofortification using selenium-enriched macronutrient fertilisers. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference on Selenium in the Environment and Human Health. Stockholm, Sweden. 2017 Navarro, D., Kookana, R., McLaughlin, M., & Kirby, J. (2017). Radiochemical studies on the fate of C60 in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Washington, DC: AMER CHEMICAL SOC. 2016 Broadbent, A., Degryse, F., Cancellier, E. L., Baird, R., da Silva, R. C., Tomczak, B., . . . McLaughlin, M. J. (2016). Determining nutrient release from slow-release fertilizers through electrical conductivity measurements. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Conference: New Zealand Society of Soil Science and Soil Science Australia. Queenstown, NZ. 2016 Rivers, C., Kabiri, S., Baird, R., Broadbent, A., da Silva, R. C., Degryse, F., . . . McLaughlin, M. J. (2016). Coating contact angle as a predictor of fertilizer stability in highly humid conditions. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Conference: New Zealand Society of Soil Science and Soil Science Australia. Queenstown, NZ. 2016 Baird, R., da Silva, R. C., Degryse, F., Rivers, C., Tomczak, B., Broadbent, A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2016). Slow- and fast-release boron in a potassium macronutrient fertilizer. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Conference: New Zealand Society of Soil Science and Soil Science Australia. 2016 da Silva, R. C., Tomczak, B., Rivers, C., Broadbent, A., Baird, R., Degryse, F., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2016). Scaling down rainfall simulators to evaluate the fertilizer-related transport of phosphorus in surface runoff. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Conference: New Zealand Society of Soil Science and Soil Science Australia. 2016 Degryse, F., da Silva, R. C., Baird, R., Broadbent, A., Tomczak, C., Rivers, C., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2016). Oxidation of elemental sulfur in granular fertilizers: model and measurements. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Conference: New Zealand Society of Soil Science and Soil Science Australia. 2016 da Silva, R. C., Tomczak, B., Rivers, C., Broadbent, A., Baird, R., Degryse, F., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2016). Predicting phosphorus runoff from phosphate fertilizers using fast laboratory assays. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Conference: New Zealand Society of Soil Science and Soil Science Australia. 2016 da Silva, R. C., Degryse, F., Baird, R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2016). Phosphorus runoff from surface-applied fertilizer in soil trays and comparison with release in batch and soil diffusion assays. Poster session presented at the meeting of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings. 2015 da Silva, R. C., Baird, R., Degryse, F., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2015). Slow and fast-release boron sources in macronutrient fertilizers. Poster session presented at the meeting of Minneapolis, MN, USA. 2015 Degryse, F., da Silva, R. C., Baird, R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2015). Sulphur uptake by corn from S-34 labelled fall- or spring-applied fertilizer. Poster session presented at the meeting of Minneapolis, MN, USA. 2014 Degryse, F., da Silva, R. C., Baird, R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). Field measurement of sulphur uptake by crops from fertilizer sulphate or elemental sulphur, using a stable isotope technique. Poster session presented at the meeting of Long Beach, CA, USA. 2014 Tomczak, B., Rivers, C., Broadbent, A., Baird, R., Coqui da Silva, R., Degryse, F., & McLaughlin, M. (2014). Comparison of fertiliser formulation behaviours based on a laboratory nutrient dissolution method. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the Soil Science Australia National Soil Science Conference. Melbourne, Vic.: Australian Society of Soil Science. 2014 Broadbent, A., Degryse, F., Tomczak, B., Rivers, C., Baird, R., Coqui da Silva, R., & McLaughlin, M. (2014). Visualization of phosphorus diffusion from fertiliser. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the Soil Science Australia National Soil Science Conference. Melbourne, Vic.: Australian Society of Soil Science. 2014 Degryse, F., Broadbent, A., Tomczak, B., Rivers, C., Baird, R., da Silva, R. C., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). Diffusion and plant availability of phosphorus from struvite-based fertiliser. Poster session presented at the meeting of National Soil Science Conference. 2014 Baird, R., Rivers, C., Broadbent, A., Tomczak, B., da Silva, R. C., Degryse, F., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). Laboratory production of coated and granulated fertilisers for the screening of new advanced formulations and surface treatments. Poster session presented at the meeting of National Soil Science Conference. 2014 Warne, M. S. J., Heemsbergen, D., McLaughlin, M. J., Kookana, R., & Wightwick, A. (2014). Secrets to deriving Ecological Investigation Levels and how to proceed when data are sub-optima. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 2014 EcoForum. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. 2014 McLaren, T. I., Smernik, R. J., Simpson, R. J., McLaughlin, M. J., McBeath, T. M., & Guppy, C. N. (2014). The fate of fertilizer phosphorus in pastures. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants. Montpellier, France. 2014 McLaren, T. I., Smernik, R. J., Simpson, R. J., McLaughlin, M. J., McBeath, T. M., Guppy, C. N., & Richardson, A. E. (2014). Improved detection of organic P forms in pasture subsoils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants. Montpellier, France. 2014 Montalvo, D., Degryse, F., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). Colloidal phosphorus and its contribution to plant nutrition. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants. Montpellier, France. 2014 Fojyunessa., McNeill, A., Doolette, A., Mason, S., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). Using 33P to quantify phosphorus accumulation below ground by canola and the contribution to following wheat.. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants. 2014 Janik, L. J., Soriano-Disla, J. M., Forrester, S. T., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). Hand-held MIR for analysing soils: Using MIR as a viable alternative to the NIR sprectral region. Poster session presented at the meeting of 16th Australian Near Infrared Spectroscopy Group. Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia. 2014 Forrester, S., Janik, L., McLaughlin, M. J., & Sordiano-Disla, J. M. (2014). Mid-infrared spectroscopic analysis of soils: from the laboratory to the field. Poster session presented at the meeting of 10th Australian Conference on Vibrational Spectroscopy. 2014 Peirce, C., Priest, C., Facelli, E., McBeath, T. M., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). The effect of adjuvant on leaf wetting and uptake of fluid foliar P fertilizers for wheat. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2014 Fluid Forum. 2014 Montalvo, D., Degryse, F., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2014). The response of wheat grown in Andisols and Oxisols to granular and fluid phosphorus fertilizers. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2014 Fluid Forum. 2013 Vasileiadis, S., Puglisi, E., Trevisan, M., Langdon, K., McLaughlin, M. J., Lombi, E., & Donner, E. (2013). Shifts in soil microbial communities in response to long-term silver exposure. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2nd Thünen Symposium on Soil Metagenomics. Braunschweig, Germany. 2013 McLaughlin, M. J., Navarro, D. G., Langdon, K., Kirby, J., Kookana, R. S., Doolette, C., & Settimio, L. (2013). Comparing the fate and ionic silver and nanometallic silver in soils - implications for ecotoxicity tests and risk assessment. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC North America 34th Annual Meeting. Nashville, USA.. 2013 Degryse, F., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2013). Transformations of elemental sulfur and sulfate in soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America 2013 International Annual Meetings. Tampa, USA. 2013 Montalvo, D., Degryse, F., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2013). Potential availability of colloidal phosphorus from the soil solutions of Andisols and Oxisols. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America 2013 International Annual Meetings. Tampa, USA. 2013 Bhatia, H., Kumar, A., Ogino, Y., Du, J., Gregg, A., Chapman, J., . . . Iguchi, T. (2013). Adult male Murray rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis) as a test model to assess antiandrogenic effects of flutamide in Australian riverine environment. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australasian Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Meetings. Melbourne, Australia. 2013 Doolette, C., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J., Harris, H., Navarro, D., & Cornelis, G. (2013). Will the environmental impacts of manufactured silver nanoparticles be more than a small problem?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australasian Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Meetings. Melbourne, Australia. 2013 Langdon, K., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J., Settimio, L., Merrington, G., Kumar, A., . . . Donner, E. (2013). Toxicity and bioavailability of silver in soi. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australasian Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Meetings. 2013 Navarro, D., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J., Kookana, R., & Waddington L. (2013). Retention and remobilisation of silver and silver sulphide nanoparticles in soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australasian Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Meetings. Melbourne, Australia. 2013 Settimio, L., McLaughlin, M. J., Langdon, K. A., Kirby, J., Lombi, E., Donner, E., & Scheckel, K. (2013). Lability and solid-state speciation of silver in aged soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australasian Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Meetings. Melbourne, Australia. 2013 Degryse, F., Zhao, C., Vadakattu, G., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2013). Transformations of elemental sulfur and sulfate in soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of XVII International Plant Nutrition Colloquium. Istanbul, Turkey. 2013 Abat, M., McLaughlin, M. J., Degryse, F., & Baird, R. (2013). Synthesis and characterisation of boron phosphate as a safe source slow release boron fertilizer. Poster session presented at the meeting of BORON 2013 Symposium, International Plant Nutrition Colloquium. Istanbul, Turkey. 2013 Navarro, D., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J., Waddington, L., Jamting, A., & Coleman, V. (2013). Re-mobilization of silver from soils amended with different silver species (Ag+, Ag nanoparticles and Ag2S nanoparticles) facilitated by environmentally-relevant ligands. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials. Avignon, France. 2013 Janik, L., Forrester, S., Soriano-Disla, J. M., McLaughlin, M. J., Webster, G., & Stewart, R. (2013). Rapid measurement of petroleum hydrocarbons in field soils using mid-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe Annual Meeting. Glasgow, UK. 2013 Bhatia, H., Kumar, A., Gregg, A., Chapman, J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2013). Effects of sub-acute concentrations of Di-n-butyl phthalate on endocrine function and gene regulation in adult male Murray rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis). Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe Annual Meeting. Glasgow, UK. 2013 Montalvo, D., Degryse, F., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2013). Phosphorus chemistry around fertilizer granules and fluid fertilizer injection points in acidic strongly P-sorbing soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2013 Fluid Forum. Scottsdale, AZ, USA. 2013 Degryse, F., Ajiboye, B., da Silva, R. C., Baird, R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2013). Transformations of sulphate and elemental sulphur in soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meetings. 2013 McLaughlin, M. J., Degryse, F., da Silva, R. C., & Baird, R. (2013). New fertilizer technologies and their agronomic efficiencies. Poster session presented at the meeting of World Fertilizer Congress. 2012 Abat, M., McLaughlin, M. J., Degryse, F., Ajiboye, B., Baird, R., & Stacey, S. (2012). A slow release boron phosphate to mitigate boron deficiency in high rainfall environments. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Soil Science Australia and New Zealand Soil Science Society Soil Science Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2012 Doolette, C., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J., Cornelis, G., Batstone, D., & Ge, H. (2012). Soil amendment with biosolids exposed to silver nanoparticles: is silver bioavailable?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Soil Science Australia and New Zealand Soil Science Society Soil Science Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2012 Degryse, F., Ajiboye, B., Baird, R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). A new technique to visualize diffusion of phosphorus and zinc from fertiliser. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Soil Science Australia and New Zealand Soil Science Society Soil Science Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2012 Janik, L., McLaughlin, M. J., Soriano-Disla, J. M., Forrester, S., & Stewart, R. (2012). Prediction of total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration in soils using diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Soil Science Australia and New Zealand Soil Science Society Soil Science Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2012 Mason, S., McNeill, A., McLaughlin, M. J., & Guppy, C. (2012). Gradients in thin-films (DGT) to measure short term sulphur availability in agricultural soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Soil Science Australia and New Zealand Soil Science Society Soil Science Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2012 McBeath, T., McLaughlin, M. J., & Degryse, F. (2012). How does placement influence the efficacy of zinc oxide and zinc sulfate fertilisers?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Soil Science Australia and New Zealand Soil Science Society Soil Science Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2012 Montalvo, D., Degryse, F., Ajiboye, B., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). Visualisation of phosphorus diffusion from granular and fluid fertilizers in non-calcareous strongly phosphorus-sorbing soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Soil Science Australia and New Zealand Soil Science Society Soil Science Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2012 Soriano-Disla, J. M., Janik, L., McLaughlin, M. J., & Reimann, C. (2012). Prediction of phosphorus sorption and availability in European soils using mid and near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Soil Science Australia and New Zealand Soil Science Society Soil Science Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2012 Zhang, Y., Mason, S., McNeill, A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). Development of the diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) technique to measure plant available potassium in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Soil Science Australia and New Zealand Soil Science Society Soil Science Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2012 Navarro, D., Kookana, R., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kirby, J. (2012). Behavior of fullerene nanoparticles (nC60) in the terrestrial environment: studies on the potential release of fullerenes from biosolids. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC North America Annual Meeting. Long Beach, California, USA. 2012 Langdon, K., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kirby, J. (2012). The influence of soil type on the toxicity of silver to soil microbial processes. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC North America Annual Meeting. Long Beach, California, USA. 2012 McLaughlin, M. J., McGrath, S., Lanno, R., Santore, R. C., & Duncan, B. (2012). Improvements in frameworks for developing bioavailability-based soil quality standards for metals and metalloids. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC North America Annual Meeting. Long Beach, California, USA. 2012 Degryse, F., Ajiboye, B., Baird, R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). Visualization of phosphorus and zinc diffusion from fertilizers. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America 2012 International Annual Meetings. Cincinatti, USA. 2012 McLaughlin, M. J., Degryse, F., Ajiboye, B., & Baird, R. (2012). (Lack of) Effect of cation-complexing compounds on phosphorus fertilizer efficiency. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America 2012 International Annual Meetings. Cincinatti, USA. 2012 Noack, S., McLaughlin, M. J., Smernik, R., & McBeath, T. (2012). Phosphorus speciation in plant parts of wheat and canola is affected by phosphorus supply. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America 2012 International Annual Meetings. Cincinatti, USA. 2012 Bhatia, H., Kumar, A., McLaughlin, M. J., & Chapman, J. (2012). Ovarian histopathology as a tool to evaluate endocrine disruption by Di-n-butyl phlatate in adult female Murray rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis).. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Australasia Brisbane 2012 Meeting. Brisbane, Australia. 2012 Settimio, L., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kirby, J. (2012). Determining bioavailability of silver in soils by isotope dilution. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Australasia. Brisbane, Australia. 2012 Facelli, E., Ballard, R. A., Navarro, D., McLaughlin, M. J., Davidson, J. A., & Kirby, J. K. (2012). Seed dressings for the control of plant pathogens in broadacre pulse crops – effect on rhizobial symbioses. Poster session presented at the meeting of 16th Australian Nitrogen Fixation Conference. Sydney, Australia. 2012 Batley, G., Kirby, J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). Fate and behaviour of engineered nanoparticles affecting exposure in natural systems. Poster session presented at the meeting of 6th SETAC World Congress. Berlin, Germany. 2012 McLaughlin, M. J., & Kirby, J. (2012). Using radioactive and stable metal isotopes to study metal and metalloid availability and ecotoxicity in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstract book, 6th SETAC World Congress/SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting. Berlin, Germany. 2012 McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). Exposure and bioavailability assessment, in Special Session on Integrating different tools for soil health status. Poster session presented at the meeting of 6th SETAC World Congress. Berlin, Germany. 2012 McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). Improving P use efficiency – prospects and problems. Poster session presented at the meeting of Latin American 19th Soil Science Congress. Mara del Plata, Argentina. 2012 McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). Improving the efficiency of micronutrient fertilisers. Poster session presented at the meeting of Latin American 19th Soil Science Congress. Mara del Plata, Argentina. 2012 Kirby, J., Angel, B., McLaughlin, M. J., & Batley, G. (2012). The fate of manufactured nanomaterials in aquatic and terrestrial environments. Poster session presented at the meeting of 66th Annual Western Australian, Environmental Health Australia (WA) State Conference. Perth, Australia. 2012 Montalvo, D., Degryse, F., Ajiboye, B., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). Visualization of phosphorus diffusion from granular and fluid fertilizers in non-calcareous highly phosphorus-fixing soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2012 Fluid Forum. Scottsdale, AZ, USA. 2011 McBeath, T., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J., & Armstrong, R. (2011). Effect of soil water on crop use of fertilizer, topsoil and subsoil phosphorus. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America 2011 International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, Texas, USA. 2011 McLaughlin, M. J., Norton, R., Ajiboye, B., Stacey, S., & Degryse, F. (2011). Sulfur in Australian agriculture and new fertilizer technologies. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America 2011 International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, Texas, USA. 2011 Noack, S. R., Smernik, R., McBeath, T., Armstrong, R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2011). Crop residue phosphorus: speciation and bioavailability. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America 2011 International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, Texas, USA. 2011 Premararthna, H., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J., Hettiarachchi, G., Stacey, S., & Chittleborough, D. (2011). Highly effective fertiliser formulations to enhance selenium biofortification in rice grain. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America 2011 International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, Texas, USA. 2011 Cornelis, G., McLaughlin, M. J., Pang, L., Kirby, J., & Yam, M. (2011). Transport of silver nanoparticles in columns of natural soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 11th International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Firenze, Italy.. 2011 Cornelis, G., Kirby, J., Chittleborough, D., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2011). Heterocoagulation of silver nanoparticles in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe Annual Meeting. Milano, Italy. 2011 Cornelis, G., McLaughlin, M. J., & Hassellov, M. (2011). Views on properties to be characterised; issues associated with in-situ measurements. Poster session presented at the meeting of COST Exploratory Workshop on Quantitative Nanostructure Toxicity Relationships. Maastricht, The Netherlands. 2011 Ajiboye, B., McBeath, T., Degryse, F., Kirby, J., Stacey, S., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2011). The use of stable isotopes to quantify macro- and miconutrient uptake from compound fertilizers. Poster session presented at the meeting of European Geophysical Union. Vienna, Austria. 2011 Cornelis, G., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kirby, J. (2011). Retention of metallic nanoparticles in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of Envirotox 2011. Darwin, Australia. 2010 Forrester, S., Janik, L., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Mid-infrared spectroscopic analysis of soils – from the laboratory to the field. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australasian Soil and Plant Analysis Council Meeting. Canberra, Australia. 2010 McLaughlin, M. J., McBeath, T., Smernik, R., Stacey, S. P., Ajiboye, S., & Guppy, C. (2010). Improving the efficiency of P fertilizers in dryland cropping systems in Mediterannean climates. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America 2010 International Annual Meetings. Long Beach, California, USA. 2010 McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). The good, the bad and the ugly in agriculture – essential and non-essential metals?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fertilizer Society of South Africa/International Zinc Association of Southern Africa combined symposium “Fertilizers, Food Production and Human Health”. Pretoria, South Africa.. 2010 Cornelis, G., Ryan, B., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J., Beak, D., & Chittleborough, D. (2010). Retention and dissolution of CeO2 nanoparticles in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Nano2010: Environmental effects of nanoparticles and nanomaterials. Clemson, USA. 2010 McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Understanding the chemistry of soils – are we making progress?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Royal Australian Chemical Institute/International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry meeting. Montpellier, France. 2010 Oorts, K., Regoli, L., Smolders, E., McGrath, S. P., van Gestel, C. A. M., Kirby, J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Effects assessment of molybdenum in the terrestrial environment. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting. Seville, Spain. 2010 Heemsbergen, D., Warne, M. S. J., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kookana, R. S. (2010). Deriving soil-specific ecological quality guidelines for metals: The proposed Australian framework and guidelines. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting. Seville, Spain. 2010 Cornelis, G., Thomas, M., Kirby, J., Beak, D., Chittleborough, D., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Partitioning of manufactured silver nanoparticles in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting. Seville, Spain. 2010 Wen, J., McLaughlin, M. J., Stacey, S. P., & Kirby, J. (2010). Rhamnolipid: a useful amendment for Cd phytoextraction?. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting. Seville, Spain. 2010 McLaughlin, M. J., & Warne, M. S. J. (2010). Developing frameworks to control contaminants in urban waste streams in peri-urban areas. Poster session presented at the meeting of The First International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration and Management. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 2010 Cornelis, G., Ryan, B., Thomas M., Kirby, J., Beak, D., Chittleborough, D., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Dissolution and partitioning of manufactured nanoparticles in the terrestrial environment.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Sydney, Australia. 2009 McBeath, T., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J., Chittleborough, D., & Beak, D. (2009). Measuring micronutrient fertilizer efficiency under field conditions using enriched stable isotopic labeling. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Society of Agronomy- Crop Science Society of America- Soil Science Society of America Annual International Meeting. Pittsburgh, USA. 2009 McBeath, T., McLaughlin, M. J., & Noack, S. (2009). Tracing foliar phosphorus uptake in grain. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Society of Agronomy- Crop Science Society of America- Soil Science Society of America Annual International Meeting. Pittsburgh, USA. 2009 Premarathna, L., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J., Hettiarachchi, G., Beak, D., Stacey, S., & Chittleborough, D. (2009). Potential availability of fertilized selenium species in field capacity and submerged soils as measured by an isotopic dilution technique. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Society of Agronomy- Crop Science Society of America- Soil Science Society of America Annual International Meeting. Pittsburgh, USA. 2009 Pritchard, D., Penney, N., McLaughlin, M. J., Rigby, H., & Schwarz, K. (2009). Land application of sludge (biosolids) in Australia: risks to the environment and food crops. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Water Association Conference on Sustainable Management of Sludges. Harbin, China. 2009 Cornelis, G., Kirby, J., Beak, D., Chittleborough, D., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2009). A method for determining the partitioning of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles in terrestrial environments. Poster session presented at the meeting of 4th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials. Vienna, Austria. 2009 Thomas, M., McLaughlin, M. J., Cornelis, G., Beak, D., & Kirby, J. (2009). The fate and behaviour of silver nanoparticles in the soil environment. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Australasian Society of Ecotoxicology 2009 Meeting. Adelaide, Australia. 2009 Ryan, B., McLaughlin, M. J., Cornelis, G., Beak, D., & Kirby, J. (2009). The fate and behaviour of cerium oxide nanoparticles in the terrestrial environment. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Australasian Society of Ecotoxicology 2009 Meeting. Adelaide, Australia. 2009 McCrindle, S., McLaughlin, M. J., Kookana, R., Kirby, J., & Cornelis, G. (2009). The release of catalytic and other impurities from the carbon nanotubes structure under synthetic soil conditions.. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Australasian Society of Ecotoxicology 2009 Meeting. Adelaide, Australia. 2009 Kirby, J., McLaughlin, M. J., & Beak, D. (2009). Assessing the potential risk from acidification on the release of fixed zinc in amended and contaminated soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting. Goteborg, Sweden. 2009 McLaughlin, M. J., Lofts, S., Fairbrother, A., Amorim, M., Schlekat, C., Hendershot, W., . . . Warne, M. (2009). Ecological soil quality standards for trace elements – state of the science. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting. Goteborg, Sweden. 2009 McLaughlin, M. J., Hettiarachchi, G. M., Scheckel, K. G., Chittleborough, D., & Newville, M. (2009). Reactions of fluid and granular copper and molybdenum-enriched compound fertilisers in acidic and alkaline soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2009 Fluid Forum. Scottsdale, AZ, USA. 2009 Holloway, B., McBeath, T., McLaughlin, M. J., Kelly, J., & Brace, D. (2009). Fluid fertilisers: A South Australian manual. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2009 Fluid Forum. Scottsdale, AZ, USA. 2008 Heath, L., Edwards, J., Soole, K., McEwan, G. T. A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2008). Estimation Pb bioavailability in contaminated soils to humans and effect of remediation techniques using in vitro and cell culture assays. Poster session presented at the meeting of the joint American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Houston, Texas, USA. 2008 Hettiarachchi, G. M., McLaughlin, M. J., Schekel, K. G., Chittleborough, D., & Newville, M. (2008). Speciation of liquid- and granular-fertilizer Cu and Mo in a calcareous and an acid soil using micro-x-ray-fluorescence and –absorption. Poster session presented at the meeting of the joint American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Houston, Texas, USA. 2008 Armstrong, R., Nuttal, J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2008). How effective are fluid phosphorus fertilisers in the Wimmera and Mallee region of Victoria?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Agronomy Conference. Adelaide, Australia. 2008 Biasoli, M., Kirby, J., Hettiarachchi, G., Ajmone-Marsan, F., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2008). Copper and Zn labile pools changes in intermittently flooded soils using isotope dilution techniques. Poster session presented at the meeting of Eurosoil Conferences. Vienna, Austria. 2008 Heemsbergen, D., Warne, M., McLaughlin, M. J., Whatmuff, M., Bell, M., Barry, G., . . . Penney, N. (2008). The challenge of deriving soil specific guidelines, a proposed Australian approach. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2008 SETAC World Congress. Sydney, Australia. 2008 De Livera, J., McLaughlin, M. J., Hettiarachchi, G., & Kirby, J. (2008). Limiting cadmium accumulation in paddy rice grain: Role of soil redox and competitive ions. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2008 SETAC World Congress. Sydney, Australia. 2008 Premarathna, H. P. M. L., McLaughlin, M. J., Hettiarachchi, G., Kirby, J., Stacey, S., & Chittleborough, D. (2008). Effect of submergence on solubility/availability of selenium in paddy soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2008 SETAC World Congress. Sydney, Australia. 2008 Wen, J., McLaughlin, M. J., Stacey, S. P., Hettiarachchi, G., & Kirby, J. (2008). Improving cadmium phytoextraction using rhamnolipid. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2008 SETAC World Congress. Sydney, Australia. 2008 Warne, M. S., Heemsbergen, D., Broos, K., McLaughlin, M. J., Whatmuff, M., Bell, M., . . . Penney, N. (2008). Biological assessment of temporal changes in the availability of copper and zinc in Australian soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2008 SETAC World Congress. Sydney, Australia. 2008 Sorvari, J., Warne, M. S. J., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kookana, R. (2008). Guidelines for chemicals in fertilisers to protect ecological and human health. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2008 SETAC World Congress. Sydney, Australia. 2008 Whatmuff, M., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kirby, J. (2008). Do biosolids and animal manures improve metal adsorption in receiving soils?. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2008 SETAC World Congress. Sydney, Australia. 2008 Bo, L., Ma, Y., Zhang, H., Liu, J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2008). Toxicity of copper and nickel to barley root elongation in a wide range of Chinese soils: effects of soil propeties and leaching. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2008 SETAC World Congress. Sydney, Australia. 2008 McLaughlin, M. J., Ma, Y., & Zhu, Y. (2008). Developing soil guideline criteria for copper and nickel in Chinese soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2008 SETAC World Congress. Sydney, Australia. 2008 Kirby, J., McLaughlin, M. J., & Zrna, S. (2008). Isotopic dilution and speciation to determine molybdenum exchangeability in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2008 SETAC World Congress. Sydney, Australia. 2008 Warne, M. S. J., Heemsbergen, D., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kookana, R. (2008). A new proposed methodology for deriving ecological investigation levels. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ecoforum 08 Conference of the Australian Land and Groundwater Association. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. 2008 McLaughlin, M. J., & Stacey, S. P. (2008). Improving micronutrient fertilizers using novel chelating agents. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2008 Fluid Forum. Scottsdale, AZ, USA. 2007 Warne, M. S. T. J., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kookana, R. (2007). Phase two of the contaminants in fertilisers project and the role of FIFA and its members. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fertiliser Industry Federation of Australia (FIFA). Hamilton Is, Qld, Australia. 2007 Creeper, N., Fitzpatrick, R., Forrester, S., Kobus, H., McLaughlin, M. J., & Walker, S. (2007). Rationale and research methodology for development of a forensic soil database. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2nd International Conference on Soil Forensics. Aberbeen, UK. 2007 Ryan, A., Santore, R., Hafner, S., Paquin, P., DiToro, D., Antunes, P., . . . Schoeters, I. (2007). Development of a terrestrial BLM for copper: Parametrization of biotic ligand reactions. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC North America Meetings. 2007 Hettiarachchi, G. M., McLaughlin, M. J., Scheckel, K. G., Chittleborough, D., Lombi, E., & Newville, M. (2007). Isotopic dilution, microscopic and spectroscopic techniques for understanding different reaction pathways for liquid- and granular-micronutrients in a calcareous soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Soil Science Society of America. New Orleans, USA. 2007 McLaughlin, M. J., Hettiarachchi, G. M., Lombi, E., Stacey, S., McBeath, T., Holloway, B., & Kirby, J. (2007). Advancing our understanding of nutrient behaviour in soils using advanced instrumental methods. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Soil Science Society of America. New Orleans, USA. 2007 Hettiarachchi, G. M., McLaughlin, M. J., Scheckel, K. G., Chittleborough, D. J., Newville, M., & Lombi, E. (2007). Spectroscopic investigations of mobility and speciation of fertilizer-derived copper, manganese, and zinc in calcareous soils.. Poster session presented at the meeting of 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Beijing, China. 2007 Whatmuff, M. S., McLaughlin, M. J., Warne, M., Heemsbegen, D., Barry, G., Bell, M., . . . Pitchard, D. (2007). Differences in the solubility and food chain accumulation of cadmium applied to a range of field soils as either biosolids or as inorganic salts.. Poster session presented at the meeting of 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Beijing, China. 2007 Zarcinas, B., Ha, P. Q., McLaughlin, M. J., & Cozens, G. (2007). Heavy metals in soils and crops of Vietnam. Poster session presented at the meeting of 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Beijing, China. 2007 Thuy, L. T., Ha, P. Q., Oborn, I., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2007). Total zinc in Vietnam alluvial soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Beijing, China. 2007 Wendling, L. A., Kirby, J. K., McLaughlin, M. J., & Hettirachchi, G. M. (2007). Cobalt speciation and exchangeability in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Beijing, China. 2007 Wendling, L., Hettiarachchi, G. M., Kirby, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2007). X-ray absorption spectroscopic investigations on cobalt speciation and ageing in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Beijing, China. 2007 McLaughlin, M. J., Heemsbergen, D., Warne, M. S. J., Whatmuff, M., Broos, K., Barry, G., . . . Penney, N. (2007). Proposed model of deriving biosolids guidelines for Cu and Zn toxicity to wheat in Australian soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Contamination CleanUp ’07. Adelaide, Australia. 2007 McLaughlin, M. J., Whatmuff, M., Warne, M. S. J., Heemsbergen, D., Barry, G., Bell, M., . . . Penney, N. (2007). Predicting the risk of contamination of the food chain due to cadmium in Australian soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Contamination CleanUp ’07. Adelaide, Australia. 2007 Warne, M. S. J., Broos, K., Heemsbergen, D. A., McLaughlin, M. J., Whatmuff, M., Barry, G., . . . Pritchard, D. (2007). Using soil physicochemical properties to model and predict the bioavailability and toxicity of copper and zinc to wheat and micro-organisms. Poster session presented at the meeting of Contamination CleanUp ’07. Adelaide, Australia. 2007 Warne, M. S. J., McLaughlin, M. J., Whatmuff, M., & Heemsbergen, D. (2007). Biosolids management and legislation: The Australian experience. Poster session presented at the meeting of EU Sponsored International Workshop on the Legislation and Management of Biosolids. Larissa, Greece. 2007 Kirby, J., McLaughlin, M. J., Wendling, L., & Wright, C. (2007). Stable and radioactive isotope dilution techniques to determine the fate and behavior of elements in terrestrial environments. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of Paper of the American Chemical Society. 2007 Hettiarachchi, G. M., McLaughlin, M. J., Scheckel, K. G., Chittleborough, D. J., Newville, M., & Lombi, E. (2007). Synchrotron based x-ray fluorescence, absorption and diffraction for understanding chemistry of fertiliser-derived Zn in calcareous soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of ZINC CROPS 2007. Istanbul, Turkey. 2007 Stacey, S., McLaughlin, M. J., Cakmak, I., Lombi, E., & Johnston, C. (2007). Novel chelating agent for trace element fertilisers. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of ZINC CROPS 2007. Istanbul, Turkey. 2007 Warne, M. S. J., Heemsbergen, D., Stevens, D., McLaughlin, M. J., Cozens, G., Whatmuff, M., . . . Nash, D. (2007). Models for the toxicity of Cu and Zn to wheat in 14 Australian soils and field validation. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe. Porto, Portugal. 2007 DeVries, W., McLaughlin, M. J., & Smolders, E. (2007). Modelling the cadmium balance in key Australian agricultural systems in view of possible impacts on food quality. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe Meetings. Porto, Portugal. 2007 Oorts, K., Smolders, E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2007). Fate and toxicity of copper in soils amended with biosolids. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe Meetings. Porto, Portugal. 2007 Hettiarachchi, G. M., McLaughlin, M. J., Schekel, K., Chittleborough, D., & Newville, M. (2007). Why we think fluid trace elements are more effective than granular trace elements. Poster session presented at the meeting of GRDC Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2006 Summary. 2007 Hettiarachchi, G. M., McLaughlin, M. J., Schekel, K. G., Chittleborough, D., Newville, M., & Lombi, E. (2007). Microscopic and spectroscopic investigations to understand reaction products of fluid and granular micronutrient fertilisers in calcareous soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2007 Fluid Forum. San Antonio, Texas, USA. 2006 Santore, R., Ryan, A., Paquin, P., DiToro, D., Antunes, P., Allen, H., . . . Criel, P. (2006). Development of a biotic ligand model for predicting copper effects in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Asia Pacific 2006 Meeting. Beijing, China. 2006 McLaughlin, M. J., Whatmuff, M., Warne, M., Heemsbergen, D., Barry, G., Bell, M., . . . Penney, N. (2006). Predicting the risk from transfer to crops from soils amended with urban waste materials. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Asia Pacific 2006 Meeting. Beijing, China. 2006 Warne, M. S. J., Heemsbergen, D., Cozens, G., Stevens, D., Whatmuff, M., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2006). Toxicity of copper and zinc to wheat in 14 Australian soils and modelling using soil physicochemical properties. Poster session presented at the meeting of Interact’06 Conference. Perth, Australia. 2006 Heemsbergen, D., Warne, M. S. J., Whatmuff, M., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2006). Use of species sensitivity distributions to derive protective concentrations in for soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Interact’06 Conference. Perth, Australia. 2006 Heemsbergen, D. A., Warne, M. S. J., Cozens, G., Whatmuff, M., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2006). Effect of biosolids and metals on plant endpoints in South East Asia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Interact’06 Conference. Perth, Australia. 2006 Holloway, B., Brace, D., Richter, I., McLaughlin, M. J., Hettiarachchi, G., & Armstrong, R. (2006). Improving micronutrient availability with fluids. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2006 Fluid Forum “Fluids: Balancing Fertility and Economics”. Scottsdale, AZ, USA. 2006 Holloway, B., Brace, D., Richter, I., Hettiarachchi, G., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2006). Improving micronutrient efficiency and availability with fluid fertilisers. Poster session presented at the meeting of GRDC Grains Research Update. Adelaide, Australia. 2005 McBeath, T., McLaughlin, M. J., Conyer, M., Bolland, M., Armstrong, R., Bell, M., . . . Johnston, C. (2005). Response to fluid P on non-calcareous soils: a glasshouse study. Poster session presented at the meeting of GRDC Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2005 Summary. 2005 Hettiarachchi, G., McBeath, T., Lombi, E., McLaughlin, M. J., & Chittleborough, D. (2005). P, Zn and Mn fluid and granular fertilisers: movement and availability. Poster session presented at the meeting of GRDC Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2005 Summary. 2005 Heemsbergen, D., Warne, M., Broos, K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2005). The effect of biosolid application on plant productivity in South Australian soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australaisan Society for Ecotoxicology 2005 Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 2005 Broos, K., Hamon, R. E., Warne, M., Heemsbergen, D., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2005). Adaptation of nitrifying microbial communities to high Zn concentrations in the field. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australaisan Society for Ecotoxicology 2005 Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 2005 Broos, K., Warne, M. S. J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2005). Soil properties and time affect microbial toxicity of Cu and Zn in 14 metal contaminated field trials across Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe 15th Annual Meeting. Lille, France. 2005 Lombi, E., Hamon, R., Ma, Y., Schekel, K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2005). Natural attenuation of Cu in soil and soil minerals. Poster session presented at the meeting of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe 15th Annual Meeting. Lille, France. 2005 Makestas, M., Lombi, E., McLaughlin, M. J., & Stevens, D. (2005). From waste to resource – using science to assess risks from alum sludges and indicate beneficial reuse. Poster session presented at the meeting of OZwater 2005. Brisbane, Australia. 2005 McBeath, T., Lombi, E., McLaughlin, M. J., Holloway, R., Smernik, R., & Bunemann, E. (2005). Determining the yield potential of APP in varying Australian soil environments. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fluid Journal. 2004 Burn, S., Tjandraatmadja,, G., McLaughlin, M. J., & Biswas, T. (2004). Rethinking urban water systems – revisiting concepts in urban wastewater collection and treatment to ensure infrastructure sustainability. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Water Association Conference. 2004 McLaughlin, M. J., Stevens, D. P., Biswas, T., Warne, M., Bell, M. J., Whatmuff, M., . . . Stokes, J. (2004). Terrestrial toxicology – metal toxicity, bioavailability and new guidelines for metals in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings Australian Water Association Biosolids Speciality Workshop. Sydney, Australia. 2004 Warne, M., Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., Barry, G., Bell, M. J., Whatmuff, M., . . . Broos, K. (2004). An overview of the National Biosolids Research Program: Developments since 2002 and future goals. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Water Association Biosolids Speciality Workshop. Sydney, Australia. 2004 Boreiko, C., Smolders, E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2004). Setting the Green Lead Standard. Proceedings of the Green Lead Workshop. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Council on Mining and Metals. London, UK. 2004 Smolders, E., Buekers, J., Lock, K., Janssen, C., McGrath, S., Zhao, F., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2004). Differences in zinc toxicity between laboratory-spiked and field-contaminated soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe Annual Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic. 2004 Ma, L., Lombi, E., Nolan, A., McLaughlin, M. J., Degryse, F., Oorts, K., & Smolders, E. (2004). Factors controlling soil-solution partitioning of Cu in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe Annual Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic. 2004 Nolan, A., Ma, Y., Lombi, E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2004). Measuring labile copper in soils using enriched stable isotope dilution. Poster session presented at the meeting of Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe Annual Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic. 2004 Lombi, E., Ma, L., Nolan, A., Heinrich, T., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2004). Natural attenuation of copper and nickel in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe Annual Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic. 2004 Hamon, R. E., Lombi, E., Fortunati, P., Nolan, A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2004). Mobilisation of arsenic in the environment.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of Papers for the American Chemical Society 227. Anaheim California. 2004 Ma, L., Lombi, E., Nolan, A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2004). Effect of ageing on risk assessments of metals in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Conference on Environmental Geochemsitry in the Tropics (GEOTROP). Hangzhou, China. 2004 Ma, L., Lombi, E., Nolan, A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2004). Determination of radio-labile Cu in soils and isotopic exchangeability of soluble soil Cu. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Conference on Environmental Geochemsitry in the Tropics (GEOTROP). Hangzhou, China. 2004 Lombi, E., McLaughlin, M. J., Johnston, C., McBeath, T., Stacey, S., Armstrong, R. D., & Holloway, R. E. (2004). Phosphorus chemistry in highly fixing soils: can the efficiency of phosphorus fertilisers be increased. Poster session presented at the meeting of Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2004 Summary. 2004 Tjandraatmadja, G., Burn, S., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2004). Is there potential for urban waste as a feedstock for pyrolysis in a decentralised system?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Bioenergy Australia 2004 Conference incorporating 3rd International Workshop on Pyrolysis. Adelaide, Australia. 2004 Forrester, S. T., Janik, L. J., Beech, T. A., Merry, R. H., McLaughlin, M. J., Burkitt, L. L., & Gourley, C. J. P. (2004). Prediction of a range of phosphorus buffering techniques using mid-infrared spectroscopy. Poster session presented at the meeting of ASPAC Conference. Palmerston North, NZ. 2004 Forrester, S. T., Janik, L. J., Beech, T. A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2004). Recent developments in routine soil analysis by mid-infrared; rapid and cost-effective laboratory analysis. Poster session presented at the meeting of ASPAC Conference. Palmerston North, NZ. 2004 Nolan, A., Schaumloffel, D., Lombi, E., Ouerdane, L., Lobinski, R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2004). Determination of Tl(I) and Tl(III) by IC-ICP MS and application to Tl speciation analysis in the Tl hyperaccumulator Iberis intermedia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Interact 2004. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. 2004 Broos, K., Waren, M. S. J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2004). A limitation of substrate induced nitrification as an endpoint for metal toxicity in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Interact 2004. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. 2004 Hamon, R., McLaughlin, M. J., Warne, M. S. J., Davies, H., Wong, E., Chapman, J. C., . . . Saison, C. (2004). A possible framework for developing ecological guidelines for the assessment of contaminated sites. Poster session presented at the meeting of Interact 2004. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. 2004 McLaughlin, M. J., Lombi, E., Holloway, B., Johnston, C., Brace, D., & Armstrong, R. (2004). Fluids beat granular in soil trials. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fluid Journal. 2003 McLaughlin, M., Nolan, A., Hamon, R., Stevens, D., Lombi, E., & Zarcinas, B. (2003). Metal bioaccumulation and toxicity in soils – why bother with speciation?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Journal of Chemistry. Sydney, Australia.
DOI Scopus1132003 Stevens, D., McLaughlin, M. J., Whatmuff, M., Barry, G., Nolan, A., & Zhang, H. (2003). Land application of biosolids: Are guideline values for copper and zinc concentrations in Australian soils appropriate?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Asia Pacific Conference. Christchurch, NZ. 2003 Lombi, E., McLaughlin, M. J., Johnston, C., Armstrong, R., & Holloway, B. (2003). Phosphorus forms and availability in soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2nd International Symposium on Phosphorus Dynamics in the Soil-Plant System. Perth, Australia. 2003 McLaughlin, M. J., & Stevens, D. P. (2003). Present and likely future policies for cadmium management in Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) Second Environmental Cadmium Workshop: Risk Assessment and Management of Environmental Cadmium. Ghent, Belgium. 2003 McLaughlin, M. J., Ferguson, V., Hamon, R. E., McGrath, S. P., Lombi, E., Brown, S., . . . Ruttens, A. (2003). In situ remediation of metal contaminated soils: Chemical, biological and radioisotopic assessments. Poster session presented at the meeting of Soil Contamination Research in the Asia Pacific (SCRAP) Conference. Brisbane, Australia. 2003 McLaughlin, M. J., Stevens, D. P., & Hamon, R. E. (2003). Risk assessment and management of cadmium in agricultural systems. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstract for Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) Second Environmental Cadmium Workshop: Risk Assessment and Management of Environmental Cadmium. Ghent, Belgium. 2003 Nolan, A. L., Ma, Y., Lombi, E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2003). Determination of labile and phytoavailble Cu in contaminated soils using stable 65Cu isotope dilution and isotope ratio ICP-MS. Poster session presented at the meeting of ICASS 2003. Ottawa, Canada. 2003 Makestas, M., Kaeding, U., Stevens, D., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2003). Land application of biosolids - Australia’s National Biosolids Research. Poster session presented at the meeting of AWA Regional Conference. Adelaide, Australia. 2003 McLaughlin, M. J., Holloway, B., Brace, D., Lombi, E., Armstrong, R., & McBeath, T. (2003). Fluid fertilizers – the next step towards raising yield potentials. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2003 South Austalian Cropping Systems Update. Adelaide, Australia. 2003 Holloway, B., Brace, D. M., Frischke, B., Lombi, E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2003). Fluid P fertilization advantages for wheat on highly calcareous soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fluid Focus: The Third Decade - 20 years of Progress: 1982-2002 Fluid Fertilizer Meeting. Scottsdale, AZ, USA. 2003 McLaughlin, M. J., Lombi, E., Holloway, B., Johnston, C., Brace, D., & Armstrong, R. (2003). Reactions of granular and fluid products in calcareous soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fluid Focus: The Third Decade - 20 years of Progress: 1982-2002” Fluid Fertilizer Foundation Meeting. Scottsdale, AZ, USA. 2002 Lombi, E., Nolan, A., Hamon, R., Stevens, D., Megharaj, M., Kookana, R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2002). Contaminant bioavailablity and speciation in soil and their role in risk assessment. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proc. Australian-Italian Workshop. Canberra, Australia. 2002 McLaughlin, M. J., Ferguson, V., Hamon, R., McGrath, S., Lombi, E., Brown, S., . . . Ruttens, A. (2002). In-situ remediation of metal contaminated soils – chemical, biological and isotopic assessments. Poster session presented at the meeting of World Congress of Soil Science. Bangkok. 2002 Hamon, R. E., McLaughlin, M. J., & Cozens, G. (2002). Phosphorus Fixation in Highly Buffered Soil Types as Assessed by a Modified Isotopic Dilution Procedure. Poster session presented at the meeting of World Congress of Soil Science. Bangkok. 2002 Bertrand, I., Holloway, R. E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2002). Increasing the efficiency of fertilisers through fluid applications. Poster session presented at the meeting of World Congress of Soil Science. Bangkok. 2002 Stevens, D. P., Kelly, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2002). Using reclaimed water and biosolids in agriculture: customers, food and the environment. Poster session presented at the meeting of 3rd National Food Safety and Quality Assurance Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2002 Stevens, D. P., Kelly, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2002). Update of current uses for wastewater and biosolids, who is using what and where?. Poster session presented at the meeting of 3rd National Food Safety and Quality Assurance Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2002 Rippon, G. G., Angel, R., Patel, P., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2002). Rechargeable potatoes – cadmium contaminated trace nutrient fertilisers. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fenner Conference on the Environment. Canberra, Australia. 2002 Hamon, R. E., McLaughlin, M. J., Lombi, E., Bai, L., Hammer, D., & Collins, R. (2002). Element Migration to Non-Exchangeable Solid-Phase Pools: Mechanisms, Reversibility and Influence on Bioavailability. Poster session presented at the meeting of Soil Science Society of America Bouyocos Meeting. Greece. 2002 Oliver, I. W., McLaughlin, M. J., & Merrington, G. (2002). Temporal trends in biosolid characteristics. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Wastewater Association’s Biosolid Speciality Conference. Sydney, Australia. 2002 Zarcinas, B. A., Stevens, D., Lämmerhirt, M., McLaughlin, M. J., Smart, M. K., & Nolan, A. (2002). Bioavailability of cadmium in biosolids: Effect of biosolid and soil type. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Wastewater Association’s Biosolid Speciality Conference. Sydney, Australia. 2002 Zarcinas, B. A., Smart, M. K., Stevens, D., McLaughlin, M. J., Desmier, R. E., & Makestas, M. (2002). Application of sludges to broad acre agriculture in South Australia: Economic benefits and environmental risks. Poster session presented at the meeting of Application of sludges to broad acre agriculture in South Australia: Economic benefits and environmental risks. Sydney, Australia. 2002 Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kelly, J. (2002). A study tour of biosolids production and disposal/reuse in France and the United Kingdom. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Wastewater Association’s Biosolid Speciality Conference,. Sydney, Australia. 2002 McLaughlin, M. J., Stevens, D. P., Barry, G., Bell, M., Whatmuff, M., & Warne, M. (2002). A national research program for beneficial reuse of biosolids and other wastes in agriculture and scientifically defensible guidelines for metals. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Wastewater Association’s Biosolid Speciality Conference. Sydney, Australia. 2002 Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., & Heinrich, T. (2002). Biological endpoints for measuring soil lead and zinc toxicity abatement rates. Poster session presented at the meeting of Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe. Vienna, Austria. 2002 Holloway, B., Bertrand, I., Brace, D., McLaughlin, M. J., & Frischke, A. (2002). Fluid placement and enhanced P responses in wheat. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fluid Forum 2000. Phoenix, USA. 2002 Bertrand, I., McLaughlin, M. J., Holloway, R. E., Johnston, C., Brace, D., & Armstrong, R. (2002). Determining the efficiency of fluid fertilisers in alkaline soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fluid Forum 2000. Phoenix, USA. 2001 Nolan, A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2001). Measuring free metal ion activities in soil solutions using Donnan dialysis. Poster session presented at the meeting of Bioavailability Workshop. Adelaide, Australia. 2001 Cozens, G., Hamon, R. E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2001). Assessing Zn availability in soils using an isotopic dilution method. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australasian Soil and Plant Analysis Council’s National Conference. Perth, Australia. 2001 Stevens, D. P., Heinrich, T., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2001). Assessing zinc fixation in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Bioavailability Workshop. Adelaide, Australia. 2001 Barnes, M., Correll, R., Stevens, D., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2001). Statistical experiences of estimating bioavailability and toxicity of metals to plants. Poster session presented at the meeting of Bioavailability Workshop. Adelaide, Australia. 2001 Scott-Fordsmand, J., Stevens, D. P., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2001). A novel method to measure zinc bioavailability in earthworms: isotope exchange, does it work?. Poster session presented at the meeting of 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Baltimore. 2001 Holloway, R. E., Bertrand, I., Frischke, A. J., Brace, D., McLaughlin, M. J., & Sheppard, W. (2001). Fluid fertiliser - An efficient source of P for calcareous soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Plant Nutrition Colloquium. Hannover. 2001 Bertrand, I., Holloway, R. E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2001). Fluid fertiliser - A better solution for growing wheat in alkaline soils?. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Plant Nutrition Colloquium. Hannover. 2001 Hamon, R. E., McLaughlin, M. J., & Cozens, G. C. (2001). Natural attenuation and micronutrients: many questions, any solutions?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Sixth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Guelph. 2001 Zarcinas, B. A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2001). Immobilisation and efficiency of lead removal from carpets using orthophosphate and Calgon®. Poster session presented at the meeting of Sixth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Guelph. 2001 Zarcinas, B. A., McLaughlin, M. J., & Smart, M. K. (2001). Bioavailability of cadmium in biosolids: effect of biosolid and soil type. Poster session presented at the meeting of Sixth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Guelph. 2001 Singh, B. R., Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., Zarcinas, B. A., & Lammerhert, M. (2001). Effect of immobilizing soil additives on metal uptake by Swiss chard grown in biosolid-treated soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Sixth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Ghent, Belgium. 2001 Stevens, D. P., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2001). Bioindicators for assessing natural attenuation of metals in soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of Sixth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Guelph. 2001 Oliver, I. W., McLaughlin, M. J., & Merrington, G. (2001). Copper availability in Australian biosolids. Poster session presented at the meeting of Sixth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Guelph. 2001 Collins, R. N., McLaughlin, M. J., Merrington, G., Gerard, E., & Morel, J. L. (2001). Effect of organic ligands on isotopically exchangeable Cd and Zn (E value) in and desorption from two heavy metal contaminated soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Sixth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Guelph. 2001 McLaughlin, M. J. (2001). Australia’s National Cadmium Minimisation Strategy. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fertilizer Industry Federation of Australia National Conference. Sanctuary Cove, Queensland, Australia. 2001 Nolan, A., McLaughlin, M. J., & Rogers SL. (2001). Measuring free metal ion activities in sludge amended soils using a new Donnan dialysis technique. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference on Trace Element Speciation in Biomedical, Nutritional and Environmental Sciences. Munich. 2001 McLaughlin, M. J. (2001). Impact of soil contaminants on food safety. A real risk?. Poster session presented at the meeting of First New Zealand HACCP Conference. Auckland. 2001 McLaughlin, M. J., & Hamon, R. E. (2001). Long term sustainability of using Cd - contaminated fertilizers in agriculture. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint Congress, South African Soil Science Society, South African Weed Science Society. Pretoria, South Africa. 2000 Hamon, R. E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2000). Background concentrations of metals in soils: Reconciling fact with fiction. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2000 Contaminated Site Remediation Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 2000 McLaughlin, M. J., Hamon, R. E., & Stevens, D. P. (2000). Using bioavailability as a basis for regulating contaminants in soil – is it the holy grail?. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2000 Contaminated Site Remediation Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 2000 Stacey, S. P., Merrington, G., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2000). Release of Cd and Zn from sewage sludges with ageing. Poster session presented at the meeting of Soil 2000: New Horizons for a New Century. Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Second Joint Soils Conference. Lincoln University, New Zealand. 2000 Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., Owens, G., Kelly, J., & Maier, N. (2000). Agronomic issues when using reclaimed water: The Northern Adelaide Plains Experience. Poster session presented at the meeting of Water Recycle Australia meeting. Adelaide, Australia. 2000 Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., & Smart, M. K. (2000). Is long-term reclaimed water use detrimental to soil? South Australia’s experience on the Northern Adelaide Plains. Poster session presented at the meeting of NZSSS and ASSSI Joint National Conference. Christchurch, NZ. 2000 Bertrand, I., Janik, L., Holloway, R. E., Armstrong, R. D., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2000). Can Mid-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance analysis predict nutrient and micronutrient concentrations in Soils?. Poster session presented at the meeting of NZSSS and ASSSI Joint National Conference. Christchurch. 2000 Hamon, R. E., Zhao, F. J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2000). Physiological controls on Cd and Zn Accumulations by Thlaspi caerulescens. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference on the Remediation of Degraded Lands (Remade Lands 2000). Perth, Australia. 2000 McLaughlin, M. J. (2000). Heavy Metal Contaminants in Foods – A Real Risk to Tasmania. Poster session presented at the meeting of Quality Assured Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2000 Collins, R., McLaughlin, M. J., & Merrington, G. M. (2000). The mechanisms of EDTA-induced Zn phytoextraction. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference on the Remediation of Degraded Lands (Remade Lands 2000). Perth, Australia. 2000 McLaughlin, M. J., Nardecchia, D., Maier, N. A., Smart, M. K., & Cozens, G. D. (2000). Remediation of cadmium contaminated soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of SoilRem 2000. Guangzhou, China. 2000 Stevens, D. P., Owens, G., Smart, M. K., McLaughlin, M. J., Maier, N. A., & Kelly, J. (2000). Agronomic issues when using reclaimed water: The Northern Adelaide Plains Experience. Poster session presented at the meeting of Water Recycling Australia 2000 Conference. Adelaide, Australia. 2000 McLaughlin, M. J., & Hamon, R. E. (2000). Perspectives on cadmium inputs to the food chain. Poster session presented at the meeting of SCOPE Environmental Cadmium in the Food Chain Workshop. Brussels. 2000 McLaughlin, M. J. (2000). Summary of the 1997 Berkeley Cadmium Symposium. Poster session presented at the meeting of SCOPE Environmental Cadmium in the Food Chain Workshop. Brussels. 2000 Dunbar, K. R., McLaughlin, M. J., & Reid, R. J. (2000). The relationship between zinc and cadmium distribution in two cultivars of potato. Poster session presented at the meeting of Potatoes 2000: Proceedings of the Australian Potato Research, Development and Technology Transfer Conference. Adelaide, Australia. 2000 Parker, D. R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2000). Trace element speciation and bioavailability to higher plants: An interim review of the evidence. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fourth International Symposium on Speciation of Elements in Biological, Environmental and Toxicological Sciences. Whistler, Canada. 2000 McLaughlin, M. J., & Parker, D. R. (2000). Availability of Metals in Soil: Does the Free Ion Activity Model Apply?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry World Congress. Brighton, UK. 2000 Lämmerhirt, M., McLaughlin, M. J., & Schön, H. G. (2000). Auswirkungen der Applikation industrieller Schlämme und Schlacken bei ausgewählten australischen Böden auf die Cd-Aufnahme und das Wachstum von Mangold (Effect of sewage- and metal sludge application in selected Australian soils on Cd-uptake and growth of mangold). Poster session presented at the meeting of XXV Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Qualitaetsforschung Pflanzliche Nahrungsmittel (Annual Meeting of the German Society of Quality Research (Food). Karlsruhe. 1999 Pongsakul, P., Zarcinas, B. A., Cozens, G., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). Assessment of heavy metal pollution of soils and crops in Thailand. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2nd International Conference on contaminants in the Soil Environment in the Australasia-Pacific Region. New Delhi, India. 1999 Zarcinas, B. A., Cozens, G., McLaughlin, M. J., & Ishak, C. F. (1999). Concentration of trace elements in crops and agricultural soils of Peninsular Malaysia. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2nd International Conference on contaminants in the Soil Environment in the Australasia-Pacific Region. New Delhi, India. 1999 Zarcinas, B. A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). Heavy metal research in Malaysia and Thailand: an overview. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2nd International Conference on contaminants in the Soil Environment in the Australasia-Pacific Region. New Delhi, India. 1999 Stevens, D. P., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). Risk assessment of soil fluoride ingestion by cattle. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Vienna, Austria. 1999 Hamon, R. E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). Use of the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens for bioavailable contaminant stripping. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Vienna, Austria. 1999 Cook, N., McLaughlin, M. J., Hamon, R. E., & Correll, R. (1999). Measuring ageing of metal contaminants in soils using isotopic tracers and L values. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Vienna, Austria. 1999 Cook, N., McLaughlin, M. J., Wilhelm, N., & Cozens, G. (1999). The differences among plant species to access nutrient and trace metal elements in soils determined using an isotope dilution method. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Vienna, Austria. 1999 Zarcinas, B. A., McLaughlin, M. J., Maynard, E., & Calder, I. (1999). Formation and dissolution of lead phoshate in household dust. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Vienna, Austria. 1999 Stevens, D. P., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). Effect of irrigation scheduling on cadmium uptake by lettuce. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Vienna, Austria. 1999 Rogers, S. L., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). Relationship between biosolid metal concentration, metal fractionation and biosolid availability. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Vienna, Austria. 1999 Reid, R. J., McLaughlin, M. J., Dunbar, K., & Barritt, A. (1999). Mechanisms of membrane permeation by trace metals. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Vienna, Austria. 1999 Dunbar, K. R., McLaughlin, M. J., & Reid, R. J. (1999). The role of basal roots in the supply of cadmium to the tuber of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Vienna, Austria. 1999 McLaughlin, M. J., & Henderson, R. J. (1999). Effect of zinc and copper on cadmium uptake by Thlaspi caerulescens and Cardaminopsis halleri. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Vienna, Austria. 1999 Lombi, E., McGrath, S. P., Morel, J. L., Schwartz, C., Keller, C., Hammer, D., . . . McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). In situ remediation of contaminated soils by plants (PHYTOREM). Poster session presented at the meeting of European Workshop on the Protection of European Water Resources. Dresden. 1999 McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). Hazard assessment for metals in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Technical Workshop “Test Methods for Hazard Evaluation of Metals and Sparingly Soluble Compounds in Soils. Madrid, Spain. 1999 McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). How to inject bioavailaibility considerations into existing ecotoxicity databases for metals. Poster session presented at the meeting of SETAC Europe Symposium “New Developments in Environmental Risk Assessment of Metals. Liepzig, Germany. 1999 Tristan, E., Ramsay, M. H., Thornton, I., McLaughlin, M. J., & Demetriades, A. (1999). Human bioavailability of lead, cadmium and zinc in former mining areas. Poster session presented at the meeting of 17th European Conference for the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health. Glasgow, UK. 1998 McLaughlin, M. J., Hamon, R. E., Henderson, R. J., & Smart, M. K. (1998). Is phytoremediation fo fertiliser-derived cadmium possible?. Poster session presented at the meeting of ASA/CSSA/SSSA Annual Meetings. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 1998 Dunbar, K. R., McLaughlin, M. J., & Reid, R. J. (1998). Cadmium uptake and distribution in two cultivars of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Poster session presented at the meeting of Combined Conference Abstracts of the 42nd Annual ASBMB – 38th Annual ASPP and 20th Annual NZSPP Conferences’, Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Adelaide, Australia. 1998 McLaughlin, M. J., Oliver, D. P., Zarcinas, B. A., Smart, M. K., & Cousins, G. D. (1998). The Impacts of Soil Amendments on Food Quality. Poster session presented at the meeting of 1998 ASA/CSSA/SSSA Annual Meetings. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 1998 Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., Maier, N. A., & West, S. (1998). Sustainable use of reclaimed effluent water for horticultural irrigation on the Northern Adelaide Plains, SA. Poster session presented at the meeting of 4th Australian Horticulture Conference, Managing Our Future for Innovation Sustainability, Continuity. Melbourne, Australia. 1997 McLaughlin, M. J., Maier, N. A., Correll, R., Smart, M. K., Sparrow, L. A., & McKay, A. (1997). Prediction of cadmium concentrations in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) by pre-plant soil and irrigation water testing. Poster session presented at the meeting of Moving Towards Precision With Soil and Plant Analysis. Australian Soil and Plant Analysis Council 2nd National Conference. Launceston, Tasmania. 1997 Grant, C. A., Bailey, L. D., McLaughlin, M. J., & Singh, B. R. (1997). Management techniques to reduce cadmium transfer from soils to plants: A review. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fourth International Conference on the Bioeochemistry of Trace Elements. Berkeley. 1997 Thangavel, P., Mahimairaja, S., Naidu, R., Kookana, R., McLaughlin, M. J., & Ramasamy, K. (1997). Fate of chromium in contaminated soils. II. Effect of pH and ionic strength on adsorption. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fourth International Conference on the Bioeochemistry of Trace Elements. Berkeley. 1997 Naidu, R., Mahimairaja, S., Mowat, D., Cox, J., Kookana, R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1997). Fate of chromium in contaminated soils. I. Evidence of migration of chromium. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fourth International Conference on the Bioeochemistry of Trace Elements. Berkeley. 1997 Zarcinas, B. A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1997). Preservative procedures affect elemental recovery of saturated soil paste extracts. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fourth International Conference on the Bioeochemistry of Trace Elements. Berkeley. 1997 Hamon, R., McLaughlin, M. J., & Naidu, R. (1997). Evidence for the immobilisation of cadmium in soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Berkeley. 1997 McLaughlin, M. J., Smolders, E., Merckx, R., & Maes, A. (1997). Effect of organic ligands on uptake of cadmium and zinc by plants in chelator-buffered nutrient solution. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Berkeley. 1997 Andrew, S. J., Hamon, R. E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1997). Uptake of cadmium and zinc by Australian wheat cultivars. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Berkeley. 1997 McLaughlin, M. J., Andrew, S. J., Smart, M. K., & Smolders, E. (1997). Effect of sulfate complexation in solution on uptake of cadmium by plants. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Berkeley. 1997 Smith, L. S., Oliver, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., Naidu, R., Maynard, T., & Calder, I. (1997). Solubility characteristics of lead in household dusts derived from smelter-contaminated sources. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Berkeley. 1996 McLaughlin, M. J., & Rogers, S. (1996). Managing agricultural land contaminated by metals in fertilizers and wastes. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference on Remediation of Degraded Lands. Hong Kong. 1996 Weggler-Beaton, K., McLaughlin, M. J., & Graham, R. D. (1996). Impact of salinity on cadmium uptake by plants from sludge-amended soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of First International Conference on Contaminants in the Soil Environment in the Australasian-Pacific Region. Adelaide, Australia. 1996 Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., & Alston, A. M. (1996). Modelling of fluoride uptake by plants. Poster session presented at the meeting of First International Conference on Contaminants in the Soil Environment in the Australasian-Pacific Region. Adelaide, Australia. 1996 Bell, M. J., Wright, G. C., McLaughlin, M. J., & Cruickshank, A. (1996). Cadmium accumulation in peanuts. Poster session presented at the meeting of First International Conference on Contaminants in the Soil Environment in the Australasian-Pacific Region. Adelaide, Australia. 1996 Bell, M. J., Wright, G. C., McLaughlin, M. J., & Cruickshank, A. (1996). Strategies to reduce cadmium accumulation in peanuts.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Agronomy Conference. Armidale, NSW. 1995 Facelli, E., Facelli, J. M., McLaughlin, M. J., & Smith, S. E. (1995). Mycorrhizal symbiosis and plant intraspecific interactions. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings. Snowbird, Utah. 1995 Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., & Alston, A. M. (1995). Differences in uptake and phytotoxicity of the free fluoride ion and fluoride complexed with Al, B and H. Poster session presented at the meeting of Annual ASA/CSSA/SSSA. St. Louis, USA. 1995 McLaughlin, M. J., Tiller, K. G., & Hamblin, A. (1995). Managing cadmium in Australian agriculture. Poster session presented at the meeting of National Cadmium Workshop 1995. Canberra, Australia. 1995 Facelli, E., Facelli, J. M., McLaughlin, M. J., & Smith, S. E. (1995). Mycorrhizal symbiosis and plant intraspecific interactions. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ecological Society of America Annual Meetings. Snowbird, Utah. 1995 McLaughlin, M. J., Kookana, R., & Naidu, R. (1995). Complexation of Cd in the soil-plant system and impact on soil and food quality. Poster session presented at the meeting of 10th National Convention of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. 1995 McLaughlin, M. J., Coyle, K., & Chittleborough, D. J. (1995). Physical and chemical characterisation of phosphorus in soil solutions and soil leachates. Poster session presented at the meeting of Nutrients in Irrigated Agriculture. Tatura. 1995 Tiller, K. G., Smith, L. H., de Vries, P., Naidu, R., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1995). Factors affecting the uptake of lead by crops from contaminated soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 3rd Int. Conf. Biogeochem. Trace Elements. Paris, France. 1995 Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., & Alston, A. M. (1995). Speciation of fluoride and uptake of fluoride by plants. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proc 3rd Int. Conf. Biogeochem. Trace Elements. Paris, France. 1995 Smolders, E., Lecat, N., McLaughlin, M. J., & Tiller, K. G. (1995). The influence of chloride on the cadmium uptake by Swiss Chard (Beta vulgaris L. CV. Fordhook Giant). II. A resin-buffered solution culture experiment. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proc 3rd Int. Conf. Biogeochem. Trace Elements. Paris, France. 1995 Smolders, E., Lambrechts, R. M., McLaughlin, M. J., & Tiller, K. G. (1995). The influence of chloride on the cadmium uptake by Swiss Chard (Beta vulgaris L. CV. Fordhook Giant). I. Soil experiments. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proc 3rd Int. Conf. Biogeochem. Trace Elements. Paris, France. 1994 McLaughlin, M. J., & Tiller, K. G. (1994). Chloro-complexation of cadmium in soil solutions of saline-sodic soils increases phyto-availability of cadmium. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proc 15th Int. Congr. Soil Sci. Acapulco, Mexico. 1994 Nelson, P. N., McLaughlin, M. J., & Alston, A. M. (1994). Microbial immobilization of 32P-labelled fertilizer and 33P-labelled plant residue phosphorus on rewetting of dry soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proc 15th Int. Congr. Soil Sci. Acapulco, Mexico. 1994 Nelson, P. N., McLaughlin, M. J., & Alston, A. M. (1994). Microbial immobilization of 32P-labelled fertilizer and 33P-labelled plant residue phosphorus on rewetting of dry soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proc 15th Int. Congr. Soil Sci. Acapulco, Mexico. 1994 Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., & Alston, A. M. (1994). Are aluminium-fluoride complexes phytotoxic?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proc 15th Int. Congr. Soil Sci. Acapulco, Mexico. 1993 Simpson, P. G., Sale, P. W. G., Lancaster, P. A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1993). Resin membranes: a promising soil P test where phosphate rocks and water soluble P fertilizers have been used. Poster session presented at the meeting of Grassland Society of Victoria 34th Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 1993 McLaughlin, M. J., Sale, P. W. G., Uren, N. C., Peverill, K. I., & Lancaster, P. A. (1993). Use of cation/anion exchange resins for multi-element testing of acidic soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Grassland Society of Victoria 34th Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 1993 McLaughlin, M. J., Maier, N., Williams, C. M. J., Tiller, K. G., & Smart, M. K. (1993). Cadmium accumulation in potato tubers - occurrence and management. Poster session presented at the meeting of 7th National Potato Research Workshop. Ulverstone. 1993 Simpson, P. G., Sale, P. W. G., McLaughlin, M. J., & Lancaster, P. A. (1993). Resin membranes: a soil test for RPRs?. Poster session presented at the meeting of First National Workshop on Soil and Plant Analysis. Ballarat. 1993 McLaughlin, M. J., Sale, P. W. G., Uren, N. C., Peverill, K. I., & Lancaster, P. A. (1993). Use of cation/anion exchange resins for multi-element testing of acidic soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of First National Workshop on Soil and Plant Analysis. Ballarat. 1992 McLaughlin, M. J., James, T. R., Keerthisinghe, G. K., Cayley, J. C., & Ridley, A. (1992). Fluorine as a soil contaminant in fertilized pasture soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fourth International IMPHOS Conference. Belgium. 1992 McLaughlin, M. J., & Monro, G. (1992). Fertilizers and food quality. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Fertilizer Manufacturers' Committee 1992 Technical Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 1992 McLaughlin, M. J. (1992). Soil constraints to pasture productivity. Poster session presented at the meeting of Grassland Society of Victoria 33rd Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 1992 McLaughlin, M. J., James, T. R., Keerthisinghe, G. K., Cayley, J. C., & Ridley, A. (1992). Fluorine as a soil contaminant in fertilized pasture soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Soil Science Society National Conference. Adelaide, Australia. 1991 McLaughlin, M. J. (1991). Cadmium in fertilizers - an industry perspective. Poster session presented at the meeting of Sixth National Potato Research Workshop. Healesville, Victoria. 1991 McLaughlin, M. J. (1991). Acid soils and liming. Poster session presented at the meeting of Aust. Fert. Serv. Assoc. Annual Conf. Hahndorf. 1990 McLaughlin, M. J. (1990). Environmental constraints to fertilizer production and use. Poster session presented at the meeting of II, International Fertilizer Association/FADINAP Regional Fertilizer Conference and IFA Production and International Trade Meeting. Phuket, Thailand. 1990 McLaughlin, M. J. (1990). Environmental constraints to fertilizer production and use. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Fertilizer Manufacturer's Committee Technical Conference. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 1989 McLaughlin, M. J. (1989). Acidic soils in Australia - implications for fertilizer use. Poster session presented at the meeting of II, International Fertilizer Association/FADINAP Regional Fertilizer Conference and IFA Production and International Trade Meeting. Cairns, Australia. 1989 Keerthisinghe, G., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1989). A preliminary study of phosphogypsum, gypsum and fluoride as ameliorants of subsurface acidity in a pasture topsoil. Poster session presented at the meeting of Aust. Acid Soils Workshop. Coonawarra, Australia. 1989 McLaughlin, M. J., & James, T. R. (1989). Effect of P supply to surface roots on rhizosphere chemistry and root extension into an acidic subsurface soil stratum. Poster session presented at the meeting of Aust. Acid Soils Workshop. Coonawarra, Australia. 1989 McLaughlin, M. J., & Baker, T. G. (1989). Vertical heterogeneity in chemical characteristics of acidic topsoils under long-term pastures. Poster session presented at the meeting of AWC Workshop on Biological Processes and the Fertility of Temperate and Mediterranean Pastures. Armidale, NSW. 1989 McLaughlin, M. J. (1989). Problems in the use of P radioisotopes in P cycling studies. Poster session presented at the meeting of AWC Workshop on Biological Processes and the Fertility of Temperate and Mediterranean Pastures. Armidale, NSW. 1988 McLaughlin, M. J. (1988). The improved use of phosphorus fertilizers on acid soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Fertilizer Manufacturer's Committee Technical Conference. McLaren Vale, Australia. 1988 McLaughlin, M. J. (1988). Soil fertility and plant nutrition research in the year 2000. Poster session presented at the meeting of CSIRO Division of Plant Industry Workshop "PI 2000", CSIRO Division of Plant Industry. 1988 McLaughlin, M. J., & Baker, T. (1988). Form and distribution of phosphorus and aluminium in acid pasture topsoils and soil solutions. Poster session presented at the meeting of 1988 National Soils Conference, Australian Soil Science Society. Canberra, Australia. 1988 McLaughlin, M. J., Alston, A. M., & Martin, J. K. (1988). Dynamics of phosphorus flow through the microbial biomass and phosphorus cycling in soil under wheat. Poster session presented at the meeting of 1988 National Soils Conference, Australian Soil Science Society. Canberra, Australia. 1988 McLaughlin, M. J., Alston, A. M., & Martin, J. K. (1988). The source of phosphorus taken up by wheat in cereal pasture rotations. Poster session presented at the meeting of 1988 National Soils Conference, Australian Soil Science Society. Canberra, Australia. 1987 McLaughlin, M. J. (1987). Lime-phosphorus interactions in acid soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of Invited presentation to NSW Dept. Agric. workshop entitled "Acid soils". Goulburn, NSW. 1987 McLaughlin, M. J. (1987). The impact of acidifying soils on legume productivity and N use. Poster session presented at the meeting of Invited presentation to CSIRO workshop entitled "Nitrogen in Agriculture". Canberra, Australia. 1987 McLaughlin, M. J. (1987). Acidity contraints on pasture production. Poster session presented at the meeting of Invited presentation to a CSIRO/AWC workshop entitled "Legume persistence in pastures". Canberra, Australia. 1986 McLaughlin, M. J., Alston, A. M., & Martin, J. K. (1986). Phosphorus fluxes in the rhizosphere. Poster session presented at the meeting of Transactions XIII Congress, International Soil Science Society. Hamburg. 1985 McLaughlin, M. J. (1985). Measuring microbial P in soils and the transformation of P in the rhizosphere. Poster session presented at the meeting of Invited paper presented at a CSIRO/DSIR workshop entitled "Organic matter and nutrient cycling". Taupo, NZ. 1984 McLaughlin, M. J. (1984). Problems associated with the measurement of microbial biomass phosphorus in soil. Poster session presented at the meeting of New Zealand Soil Science Society Congress. Christchurch, NZ. 1983 McLaughlin, M. J. (1983). Effects of cultivation on pathways of solute movement in field soils. Poster session presented at the meeting of 11th National Congress, Soil Science Society of South Africa. Cape Town. -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2012 Batley, G., McLaughlin, M. J., Halliburton, B., Kirby, J., Doolette, C., & Veitch, C. (2012). The chemical and physical properties of nanoparticulate CeO2 after combustion in diesel fuel. 2012 Navarro, D., Kookana, R., Martin, S., Du, J., Kirby, J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). Fate of fullerene nanoparticles in the environment: the release behaviour from waste streams. 2012 Soriano-Disla, J. M., Janik, L. J., Viscarra Rossel, R., Macdonald, L. M., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). The performance of visible, near and mid-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of soil physical, chemical and biological properties. 2012 Merrington, G., Stutt, E., McLaughlin, M. J., & Ma, Y. (2012). A scoping study assessing the technical feasibility and regulatory value of undertaking a terrestrial testing programme for manganese and its compounds. 2012 Ma, Y., Wang, X., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). Derivation of ecological soil quality standards for copper in Chinese soils. 2012 Langdon, K., McLaughlin, M. J., Settimio, L., Kirby, J., Kumar, A., Fiebiger, C., & Cozens, G. (2012). Evaluation of toxicity and bioavailability of silver in soils. Phase 1. Selection and characterisation of project soils, preliminary ecotoxicology and silver partitioning results. 2012 Langdon, K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2012). Review of data relating to the terrestrial toxicity of silver to microbes, plants and soil invertebrates. 2011 Janik, L., McLaughlin, M. J., & Forrester, S. (2011). Predicting particle size distribution in soils of the GEMAS sampling program using infrared spectroscopy and partial least squares regression. 2011 Ma, Y., Wang, X., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2011). Derivation of ecological soil quality standards for nickel in Chinese soils. 2011 Heemsbergen, D. A., Warne, M. S. J., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kookana, R. (2011). NEPC (National Environment Protection Council) 2011. National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure. Schedule B5b – Guideline on Methodology to derive Ecological Investigation Levels in contaminated soils. 2011 Warne, M. S. J., Heemsbergen, D. A., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kookana, R. (2011). NEPC (National Environment Protection Council) 2011. National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure. Schedule B5c – Guideline on Soil Quality Guidelines for arsenic, chromium III, copper, DDT, lead, naphthalene, nickel and zinc. 2011 McLaughlin, M. J., McBeath, T., Smernik, R., Stacey, S. P., Ajiboye, S., & Guppy, C. (2011). Increasing P use efficiency by fertilizer management and design. 2011 McBeath, T., McLaughlin, M. J., Llewellyn, R., Jones, R., Monjardina, M., Davoren, B., & Armstrong, R. (2011). Crop use of fertiliser, topsoil, and subsoil phosphorus. 2010 McLaughlin, M. J., & Batley, G. E. (2010). Cobalt speciation in the environment. 2010 Janik, L., Forrester, S., Kirby, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Predicting metal partitioning in soils of the GEMAS sampling program using isotopic and infrared spectroscopic techniques. Solid-solution phase partitioning of antimony(V) in soils. 2010 Janik, L., Forrester, S., Kirby, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Predicting metal partitioning in soils of the GEMAS sampling program using isotopic and infrared spectroscopic techniques. Solid-solution phase partitioning of tin(IV) in soils. 2010 Janik, L., Forrester, S., Kirby, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Predicting metal partitioning in soils of the GEMAS sampling program using isotopic and infrared spectroscopic techniques. Solid-solution phase partitioning of boron in soils. 2010 Janik, L., Forrester, S., Kirby, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Predicting metal partitioning in soils of the GEMAS sampling program using isotopic and infrared spectroscopic techniques. Solid-solution phase partitioning of cobalt in soils. 2010 Janik, L., Forrester, S., Kirby, K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Predicting metal partitioning in soils of the GEMAS sampling program using isotopic and infrared spectroscopic techniques. Solid-solution phase partitioning of copper in soils. 2010 Janik, L., Forrester, S., Kirby, K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Predicting metal partitioning in soils of the GEMAS sampling program using isotopic and infrared spectroscopic techniques. Solid-solution phase partitioning of lead in soils. 2010 Janik, L., Forrester, S., Kirby, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Predicting metal partitioning in soils of the GEMAS sampling program using isotopic and infrared spectroscopic techniques. Solid-solution phase partitioning of molybdenum in soils. 2010 Janik, L., Forrester, S., Kirby, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Predicting metal partitioning in soils of the GEMAS sampling program using isotopic and infrared spectroscopic techniques. Solid-solution phase partitioning of nickel in soils. 2010 Janik, L., Forrester, S., Kirby, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Predicting metal partitioning in soils of the GEMAS sampling program using isotopic and infrared spectroscopic techniques. Solid-solution phase partitioning of manganese in soils. 2010 Janik, L., Forrester, S., Kirby, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Predicting metal partitioning in soils of the GEMAS sampling program using isotopic and infrared spectroscopic techniques. Solid-solution phase partitioning of zinc in soils. 2010 McLaughlin, M. J., Cornelis, G., Guihua, L., Kookana, R., Kirby, J. K., & Beak, D. G. (2010). Fate of manufactured nanoparticles in the environment – preliminary determination of nanoparticle partitioning and release from waste streams. Final Report Part A – Summary and Implications for the Environment. 2010 McLaughlin, M. J., Cornelis, G., Guihua, L., Kookana, R., Kirby, J. K., & Beak, D. G. (2010). Fate of manufactured nanoparticles in the environment – preliminary determination of nanoparticle partitioning and release from waste streams. Final Report Part B.. 2010 Batley, G. E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2010). Fate of manufactured nanomaterials in the Australian environment. 2010 Ma, Y., McLaughlin, M. J., Zhu, Y., Kirby, J., Guo, X., Bo, L., . . . Fiebiger, C. (2010). Metals in Asia – Final Report. 2009 Kirby, J. K., McLaughlin, M. J., & Beak, D. G. (2009). Toxicity and bioavailability of cobalt in terrestrial environments: fate of cobalt precipitates under reducing conditions. 2009 Kirby, J. K., McLaughlin, M. J., & Beak, D. G. (2009). Assessing risk from metals in contaminated and remediated soils – application of an isotopic characterisation procedure (risk potential index). 2009 Forrester, S., Janik, L., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2009). Application of MIR spectroscopy and multivariate statistical analyses to the analysis of hydrocarbon contaminated soils and solid wastes. 2009 Kirby, J. K., Wright, C. L., McLaughlin, M. J., & Lewis, D. (2009). Lead and cadmium contamination to wheat and barley grain in the Port Pirie region: 2008. 2008 Batley, G. E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2008). Fate of manufactured nanomaterials in the Australian environment. 2008 Kirby, J. K., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2008). Toxicity and bioavailability of molybdenum in terrestrial environments. 2008 McLaughlin, M. J., Ma, Y., Zhu, Y., Kirby, J., Beak, D., & Chen, S. (2008). Metals in Asia: Progress Report 30th September 2008. 2008 McLaughlin, M. J. (2008). Review of materials relating to Mulgowie Road Power Station, Laidley, Queensland, and possible adverse effects on contaminants on horticulture in the adjacent areas. 2008 McLaughlin, M. J., Ma, Y., Zhu, Y., Kirby, J. K., Beak, D., & Chen, S. (2008). Metals in Asia: Progress Report 30th June 2008. 2008 Kirby, J. K., McLaughlin, M. J., & Hettiatachchi, G. (2008). Toxicity and bioavailability of cobalt in terrestrial environments: Fate of cobalt precipitates under reducing conditions. 2008 McLaughlin, M. J. (2008). Review of data relating to potential pollution of soil and effects on plants around a proposed biomass power plant at Manjimup, Western Australia. 2008 McLaughlin, M. J. (2008). Review of report by Dr P.A. Taylor: Report on wilting and chlorosis in the Werribee South Irrigation Area, January 2008 and (ii) Advice on crop trials to address crop incident covered in the review report. 2008 McLaughlin, M. J., Ma, Y., Zhu, Y., Kirby, J. K., & Chen, S. (2008). Metals in Asia: Progress Report 31st March 2008. 2008 Heemsbergen, D., Warne, M. S. J., McLaughlin, M. J., & Kookana, R. (2008). Draft proposal for an Australian method to derive ecological investigation levels in contaminated soils. CLW Science Report.. 2008 McLaughlin, M. J. (2008). Review of materials relating to soil contamination surrounding the Nyrstar Hobart Pty Ltd smelter. 2008 McLaughlin, M. J., & Filmaer, M. (2008). Biosolids bring extended benefits to cropping. 2007 McLaughlin, M. J., Ma, Y., Zhu, Y., Hettiarachchi, G., Kirby, J., & Chen, S. (2007). Metals in Asia: Progress Report 31st December 2007. 2007 McLaughlin, M. J., Ma, Y., Zhu, Y., Hettiarachchi, G., & Chen, S. (2007). Metals in Asia: Progress Report 30th September 2007. 2007 Warne, M. S. J., Whatmuff, M., McLaughlin, M. J., & Harvey, D. (2007). Second Progress Report for the Environmental Trust Grant No. 2004/RD/0096 ‘Do NSW biosolids permit harm to soils and food production. 2007 Warne, M. S. J., McLaughlin, M. J., Heemsbergen, D. A., Bell, M., Broos, K., & Whatmuff, M. (2007). Draft Position Paper Recommendations of the Australian National Biosolids Research Program on Biosolids Guidelines. 2007 Zrna, S., McLaughlin, M. J., Kirby, J., & Hettiarachchi, G. (2007). Assessing risks from metals in contaminated soils.- application of an isotopic characterisation procedure (Risk Potential Index – RPI). 2007 McLaughlin, M. J., Ma, Y., Zhu, Y., Hettiarachchi, G., & Chen, S. (2007). Metals in Asia: Progress Report 30th June 2007. 2007 McLaughlin, M. J., Conyers, M. K., Brennan, R., Bell, M. J., & Armstrong, R. D. (2007). Determining the benefits of fluid fertilisers on neutral and acidic soils in eastern and western Australia. 2007 McLaughlin, M. J., Holloway, B., Armstrong, R., & Kelly, J. (2007). Fluid fertilisers - the next step toward raising yield potentials. 2007 McLaughlin, M. J., Chittleborough, D. J., Lombi, E., & Hettiarachchi, G. (2007). Understanding reaction products of granular and fluid P fertilisers in Australian soils: a way to enhance fertiliser efficiency. 2007 Wendling, L., Kirby, J., McLaughlin, M. J., & Ma, Y. (2007). Toxicity and bioavailability of cobalt in terrestrial environments. 2007 Oorts, K., Smolders, E., Lombi, E., Zrna, S., Ma, Y., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2007). Fate of copper in soils amended with sludge, manures and composts. 2007 McLaughlin, M. J., Ma, Y., Zhu, Y., Hettiarachchi, G., & Chen, S. (2007). Metals in Asia: Progress Report 31st March 2007. 2007 Heemsbergen, D., Broos, K., Whatmuff, M., Warne, M., McLaughlin, M. J., Stevens, D., . . . Daly, A. (2007). Final Report for the South Australian Component of the National Biosolids Research Project. 2007 Butler, C., Nash, D., Hannah, M., Cody, J., Warne, M. S. J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2007). The National Biosolids Research Program – Victoria. 2007 Warne, M. S. J., Brent, P., Drew, N., Klim, E., McLaughlin, M. J., Milham, P., . . . Sparrow, L. (2007). Final Report of the National Cadmium Management Committee (NCMC) (2002 – 2006). 2006 Warne, M. S. J., McLaughlin, M. J., Bell, M., Barry, G., Pham Quang Ha., Pongsakul, P., . . . Bui, C. T. (2006). Final Report for ACIAR Project LWR1/1998/119 - Impact of heavy metals on sustainability of fertilisation and waste recycling in peri-urban and intensive agriculture in South East Asia. 2006 McLaughlin, M. J., Ma, Y., & Zhu, Y. (2006). Metals in Asia: Progress Report, 31st December 2006. 2006 Lombi, E., Hettiarachchi, G., Stacey, S., Johnston, C., McLaughlin, M. J., & Skinner, B. (2006). Testing diffusion and plant availability of phosphorus and zinc from different fertilizer formulations. 2006 Stacey, S., Hettiarachchi, G., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2006). Fluxes of calcium and phosphorus from 10-50-0 and 11-52-0 granules incubated in acidic and alkaline soils. 2006 McLaughlin, M. J. (2006). Review of report “Report on the Fate of Trace Elements in Applications of AGR Sodic Soil Amendement at Arcadia Park, Esk, SE Queensland”. 2006 Warne, M. S. J., Rayment, G. E., McLaughlin, M. J., Milham, P., Brent, P., Drew, N., . . . Sparrow, L. (2006). Report on the Workshop ‘Effective Management of Cadmium: A case study'. 2006 Warne, M. S. J., Butler, C., Nash, D., Whatmuff, M., Heemsbergen, D. A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2006). Progress report on the National Biosolids Research Program. 2006 Warne, M. S. J., Whatmuff, M., McLaughlin, M. J., & Harvey, D. (2006). First Progress Report for the Environmental Trust Grant No.2004/RD/0096. ‘Do NSW Biosolid Guidelines permit harm to soils and food production?'. 2006 McLaughlin, M. J., Ma, Y., & Zhu, Y. (2006). Metals in Asia: First Progress Report. 2006 Warne, M. S. J., Butler, C., Nash, D., Whatmuff, M., Heemsbergen, D. A., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2006). ‘Overview of the National Biosolids Research Program’. 2006 Warne, M., Butler, C., Nash, D., Whatmuff, M., Heemsbergen, D., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2006). Progress Report on the National Biosolids Research Program. 2006 Warne, M. S. J., Butler, C., Nash, D., Whatmuff, M., Heemsbergen, D., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2006). Overview of the National Biosolids Research Program. 2005 McLaughlin, M. J., Warne, M., Broos, K., & Heemsbergen, D. (2005). Review of “Proposed Amendments to the NSW Environmental Guidelines: Use and Disposal of Biosolids Products”. 2005 Whatmuff, M., McLaughlin, M. J., Warne, M. S. J., Langdon, K., Harvey, D., Broos, K., & Heemsbergen, D. (2005). Final Report for the Environmental Trust Grant No. 2001/RD/G001 ‘Guidelines for the safe re-use of metal-containing wastes on land’. 2005 Warne, M. S. J., McLaughlin, M. J., Molloy, R., Hamon, R., Saison, C., & Kookana, R. (2005). Proposal and costing for the project “Establishment of a list of prohibited substances and guideline limits for levels of contaminants in fertilizers: Phase 2 – Initial list and guideline limits”. 2005 Heemsbergen, D., Broos, K., Warne, M., McLaughlin, M. J., Stevens, D., Smart, M., . . . Daly, A. (2005). Progress Report for the South Australian Component of the National Biosolids Research Project. 2005 Molloy, R., Warne, M. S. J., McLaughlin, M. J., Hamon, R., Saison, C., & Kookana, R. (2005). Background and scope for establishing a list of prohibited substances and guideline limits for levels of contaminants in fertilizers. 2005 Boomsma, M., Nash, D., Hannah, M., Cody, J., Broos, K., Warne, M. S. J., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2005). The National Biosolids Research Program – Victoria. 2004 Whatmuff, M., Warne, M. S. J., McLaughlin, M. J., & Langdon, K. (2004). Guidelines for the safe re-use of metal containing wastes on land. 2004 McLaughlin, M. J., Forrester, S., Janik, L., & Beech, A. (2004). Development of routine nMIR to point of commercialisation. 2004 McLaughlin, M. J., Hamon, R., Saison, C., Warne, M. S. J., Kookana, R., & Molloy, R. (2004). Background and scope for establishing a list of prohibited substances and guideline limits for levels of contaminants in fertilizers. 2004 Whatmuff, M., Warne, M. S. J., McLaughlin, M. J., & Langdon, K. (2004). The National Biosolids Research Program: Evaluation of benefits and risks from lime stabilised biosolids. 2004 Zarcinas, B., McLaughlin, M. J., Mason, S., Nolan, A., Spouncer, L., Ohmsen, G., . . . Wurst, M. (2004). Grain quality and contamination around Port Pirie. 2004 McLaughlin, M. J., Hamon, R., Lombi, E., & Smolders, E. (2004). Metal ecotoxicity protocols in soil: rubbing salt into the wounds. Learned Discourse: SETAC Globe. 2004 Whatmuff, M., Warne, M. S. J., McLaughlin, M. J., & Langdon, K. (2004). The National Biosolids Research Program: Evaluation of benefits and risks from lime stabilised biosolids. 2004 McLaughlin, M. J., Hamon, R., Lombi, E., & Smolders, E. (2004). Metal ecotoxicity protocols in soil: rubbing salt into the wounds. Learned Discourse. 2003 Nolan, A., Heinrich, T., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2003). Chemical speciation of aluminium in receiving waters: October 2003 samples. 2003 Nolan, A., Heinrich, T., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2003). Chemical speciation of aluminium in receiving waters: May 2003. 2003 Nolan, A., Heinrich, T., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2003). Chemical speciation of aluminium in receiving waters. 2003 Hamon, R., Stevents, D., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2003). Determination of rates of long-term reactions decreasing bioavailability of zinc and lead in soils. 2003 Hamon, R. E., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2003). Food crop edibility on the OK Tedi/Fly River Flood Plain. 2003 Stevens, D. P., Lombi, E., McLaughlin, M. J., Tomczak, B., & Fiebiger, C. (2003). Risk assessment for water treatment residuals. 2003 Smolders, E., Buekers, J., Wageneers, N., Oliver, I., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2003). Effects of field and laboratory zinc contamination on soil microbial processes and plant growth. 2003 McLaughlin, M. J., Johnston, C., Bertrand, I., Lombi, E., & Holloway, B. (2003). New fertiliser formulations for highly calcareous soils of South Australia. 2003 McKenzie, N., Bramley, R., Farmer, T., Janik, L., Murray, W., Smith, C., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2003). Rapid soil measurement – a review of potential benefits and opportunities for the Australian grains industry. 2002 McLaughlin, M. J., & Hamon, R. E. (2002). Nutrient absorption of neutralised acid effluent and blends. 2002 Stevens, D. P., Kelly, J., Feutrill, C., McLaughlin, M. J., & Gerges, N. (2002). Crops trials with recycled water at the Western Treatment Plant. 2002 McLaughlin, M. J., Collins, R. N., & Merrington, G. (2002). Review: Behaviour of nickel in soil systems. 2002 McLaughlin, M. J., Smolders, E., & Oliver, I. (2002). Ageing of copper in soils – evidence for effects of time on availability and toxicity. 2002 Owens, G., Blows, G., Zarcinas, B., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2002). Development of In-Situ Remediation Regimes to Reduce Exposure of Lead to Children in Households at Port Pirie. 2001 McLaughlin, M. J. (2001). Review of document “Review of Environmental Fate of Nickel and Its Compounds in Sewage Sludge”. 2001 Zarcinas, B. A., Smart, M., Tomczak, B., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2001). Demonstration and benchmarking trial for Bolivar biosolids re-use in dryland cropping. Avon and Kapunda, South Australia, 2000 season. 2001 Smolders, E., McLaughlin, M. J., McGrath, S. P., van Gestel, C. A. M., Lock, K., Janssen, C. R., . . . Degryse, F. (2001). Reaction rate of zinc in soils: state of the art and implication for effects assessment. 2001 Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., & Heinrich, T. (2001). Determination of rates of long term reactions reducing bioavailability of zinc and lead in soils. 2000 McLaughlin, M. J., Brown, S., McGrath, S. P., Ruttens, A., & Vangronveld, J. (2000). International Project for the Remediation of Metals In Situ: A Progress Report to the International Lead Zinc Research Organsiation. 2000 Stevents, D. P., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2000). Risk assessment of the potential for contamination of crops with heavy metals, particularly Cd, when grown with reclaimed water in the Iron Triangle; Port Augusta, Port Pirie and Whyalla. 2000 Zarcinas, B. A., Smart, M., South, H., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2000). Demonstration and benchmarking trial for Bolivar biosolids re-use in dryland cropping. Avon and Kapunda, South Australia, 1999 season. 2000 McLaughlin, M. J., & Smolders, E. (2000). A rationale for the metalloregion approach to risk assessments for metals in soil – a case study for effects of zinc on microbial function in soil. 2000 McLaughlin, M. J., & Smolders, E. (2000). A rationale for the metalloregion approach to risk assessments for metals in soil – a case study for effects of zinc on microbial function in soil. 2000 Zarcinas, B. A., Smart, M., & McLaughlin, M. J. (2000). Demonstration and benchmarking trial for Bolivar biosolids re-use in dryland cropping. 1999 McLaughlin, M. J., & White, C. (1999). Desktop review of materials relating to livestock infertility at Brukunga, South Australia. 1999 Zarcinas, B. A., Cozens, G., Ishak, C. F., Pongsakul, P., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). Assessment of pollution of agricultural land and crops by heavy metals and other contaminants. Termination Report of ACIAR Project No. 94.957. 1999 Zarcinas, B., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). Development of strategies to chemically bind lead in household dusts. 1999 McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). Normalisation of Zinc Toxicity Data. 1999 McLaughlin, M. J. (1999). A national strategy to reduce cadmium in potatoes. 1997 Zarcinas, B. A., McLaughlin, M. J., & Cozens, G. C. (1997). A survey of cadmium in vegetables, legumes and oilseeds and the corresponding soils from various horticultural areas across South Australia. 1997 Rogers, S. L., McLaughlin, M. J., & Stevens, D. P. (1997). Review of ANZECC Water Quality Guidelines. 1997 McLaughlin, M. J., & Rogers, S. R. (1997). Comments on Draft New South Wales Environmental Investigation Levels based on Phytotoxicity. 1996 McLaughlin, M. J., Oliver, D. O., Smith, L. S., & Naidu, R. (1996). Lead solubility/bioavailability study of household and other dust materials from Port Pirie. 1996 Stevens, D. P., McLaughlin, M. J., & Alston, A. M. (1996). A preliminary study of the possible detrimental effects of airborne fluorides emitted from a brickworks on Pinus sp. and Gladiolus sp.. 1996 McLaughlin, M. J., Kookana, R. S., Smith, L. S., Smith, J., & Naidu, R. (1996). Islington railyards - contamination investigation of northern dump sites. 1996 McLaughlin, M. J. (1996). Analysis of Cd data and published papers from AGresearch, New Zealand. 1996 McLaughlin, M. J., & Smart, M. K. (1996). A survey of cadmium in potato tubers and soils. 1996 McLaughlin, M. J. (1996). A national survey of cadmium in potato tubers and soils. 1995 McLaughlin, M. J. (1995). Effect of soil conditions and fertilizers on cadmium in vegetables - a national approach. 1994 McLaughlin, M. J., Tiller, K. G., Naidu, R., & Smolders, E. (1994). Review of impurities in fertilizers in Australia. 1994 Stevens, D. P., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1994). The growth response and uptake of insoluble lanthanum phosphates by wheat plants. 1993 McLaughlin, M. J., Kookana, R. S., Self, P. G., & McLeod, S. (1993). Emission of gaseous HCN and H2S and release/movement of soluble chromium and cyanide from soil materials at Pickering/West Streets, Brompton. 1992 Porter, W., & McLaughlin, M. J. (1992). Evaluation of the use of agricultual lime in Australia. 1992 McLaughlin, M. J. (1992). Preparation of fact sheet on cadmium in fertilizers. 1992 McLaughlin, M. J. (1992). Phosphate adsorption properties of soils and simulated P transport through soil from Lake Corangamite, Victoria. 1992 McLaughlin, M. J., & Kookana, R. S. (1992). Review of data on soil materials from pickering/West Streets, Brompton. 1990 McLaughlin, M. J. (1990). Raw materials handling - Environmental considerations. 1990 McLaughlin, M. J. (1990). Impurities in finished fertilizers and fertilizer raw materials. 1990 McLaughlin, M. J. (1990). Fertilizers and the Environment - The Facts. 1990 McLaughlin, M. J. (1990). Feeding the Land - The Australian Fertilizer Industry. 1989 McLaughlin, M. J. (1989). Cadmium - Position paper. -
Year Citation 2018 McLaughlin, M., Degryse, J., Baird, R., & Coqui da Silva, R. (2018). US20180339951A1, Swellable fertilizer granules containing elemental sulfur with increased oxidation rates. United States. 2018 McLaughlin, M., Degryse, J. L., Baird, R. J., Coqui da Silva, R., Freeman, K., & Fry, T. (2018). US20180290940A1, Fertilizers containing slow and fast release sources of boron. United States. 2017 McLaughlin, M. J., Degryse, F., Baird, R., da Silva, R. C., Baylor, B. T., & Peacock, L. A. (2017). US2017044078-A1, Acid treatment for fertilizers to increase zinc solubility and availability. United States. 2013 McLaughlin, M., Stacey, S., & Lombi, E. (2013). 8426338, Chelating Agent for Micronutrient Fertilisers. USA. 2013 Stacey, S., McLaughlin, M., & Lombi, E. (2013). 200680025751.2, Chelating agent for micronutrient fertilisers. China. 2013 Stacey, S., McLaughlin, M., & Lombi, E. (2013). MY-148543-A, Chelating agent for micronutrient fertilisers. Malaysia. 2011 McLaughlin, M., Stacey, S., & Lombi, E. (2011). 2614762, Chelating Agent for Micronutrient Fertilisers. Canada. 2011 McLaughlin, M., Stacey, S., & Lombi, E. (2011). 291373, Chelating Agent for Micronutrient Fertilisers. Mexico. 2011 McLaughlin, M., Stacey, S., & Lombi, E. (2011). 2006269807, Chelating Agent for Micronutrient Fertilisers. Australia. 2011 McLaughlin, M., Stacey, S., & Lombi, E. (2011). 5604, Chelating Agent for Micronutrient Fertilisers. Guatemala. 2010 McLaughlin, M., Stacey, S., & Lombi, E. (2010). 564801, Chelating Agent for Micronutrient Fertilisers. New Zealand. 2010 McLaughlin, M., Stacey, S., & Lombi, E. (2010). 140217, Chelating Agent for Micronutrient Fertilisers. Pakistan. 2010 McLaughlin, M., Stacey, S., & Lombi, E. (2010). 2006225072, Sequestering Agent for Micronutrient Fertilisers. Australia. 2008 McLaughlin, M., Stacey, S., & Lombi, E. (2008). 2007 07151, Sequestering Agent for Micronutrient Fertilisers. Turkey. 2008 McLaughlin, M., Stacey, S., & Lombi, E. (2008). 2008 00106, Chelating Agent for Micronutrient Fertilisers. Turkey. 2007 McLaughlin, M., Stacey, S., & Lombi, E. (2007). WO/2007/006078, Chelating agents for Micronutrient Fertilisers. 2006 McLaughlin, M., Stacey, S., & Lombi, E. (2006). PCT/AU2006/000334, Sequestering agents for Micronutrient Fertilisers.
Australian Research Council Discovery Project 2017-2020 " Extreme soil acidification and metal release risks from increasing drought due to climate change" (with Prof. Rob Fitzpatrick)
Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Research Hub 2017-2022 " The Australian Graphene Research Hub: Un-locking Australia’s Carbon Future" (with Prof. Dusan Losic)
Australian Research Council Discovery Project 2015-2018 "Engineered graphene-based nanofertilizers to improve crop nutrition" (with Prof. Dusan Losic)
Mosaic Fertilizer Technology Research Centre 2007-present
I retired from undergraduate teaching in 2022 and from postgraduate supervision in 2024. Previously I convened courses in "Environmental Toxicology and Remediation" and "Soil Management and Conservation" as well as contributing to the course "Soils and Plant Nutrition".
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2023 Principal Supervisor The evaluation of foam fractionation via high-shear mixing as a process for the remediation of PFAS-contaminated waters and soils. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Matthew James Richardson 2022 Co-Supervisor Desorption of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from solid matrices Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Minshu Liang 2020 Principal Supervisor The Chemical Factors That Control the Effectiveness of Deep Placed Phosphorus Fertiliser Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Will Tucker -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2020 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Formulation and efficiency of mycorrhizal phosphatic fertilisers Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Bir Bikram Biswasray 2018 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Development of Novel Slow-Release Micronutrient Fertilizers Using Mechanochemical Synthesis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Bo Zheng 2018 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Exploring the Composition, Dissolution Kinetics and Passivation of Jarosite from an Acid Sulfate Soil Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Austin Myles Trueman 2017 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Soil Health in Urban Agriculture with an Emphasis on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Matthias Johannes Salomon 2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Selenium Dynamics in Cereal Biofortification: Optimising Fertiliser Strategies and Assessing Residual Fate Doctor of Philosophy under a Jointly-awarded Degree Agreement with Doctorate Full Time Miss Chandnee Ramkissoon 2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Fate and Bioavailability of Per- and Poly-Fluorinated Substances (PFASs) in Soils Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Emma Rae Knight 2015 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Application of graphene based composites in agriculture Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Shervin Kabiri 2014 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Development and Evaluation of Graphene-Based Adsorbents for Remediation of Soil Contaminants Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Supriya Lath 2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Foliar fertilisation of wheat plants with phosphorus Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Courtney Anna Emelia Peirce 2011 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Improving phosphorus availability in Andisols and Oxisols Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Daniela Fernanda Montalvo Grijalva 2011 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Behaviour and fate of soluble silver added to soils Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Lara Settimio 2011 - 2014 Principal Supervisor The development of new slow-release boron fertilizers Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Margaret Anak Abat 2011 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Behaviour of silver and silver sulfide nanoparticles in the environment:
Effects on wastewater treatment processes and soil organismsDoctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Casey Louise Doolette 2011 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Isotope Studies of Accumulation and Cycling of Phosphorus and Nitrogen Below-ground in Canola and Lupin Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs . Foyjunnessa 2011 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Elemental Sulphur Oxidation in Australian Cropping Soils Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Cuicui Zhao 2010 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Crop Residue Phosphorus: Speication and Release in Cropping Soils Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Sarah Ruth Noack 2010 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Effects of exposures to the plasticiser, di-n-butyl phthalate and the pharmaceutical, flutamide on the biomarkers of reproduction in Australian freshwater fish species, Murray rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Harpreet Bhatia 2010 - 2014 Principal Supervisor The isotopic discrimination of copper in soil-plant systems: Examining sources, uptake and translocation pathways. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Brooke Marie Ryan 2010 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Development of the Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) Technique for Plant Available Potassium Measurement in Australian Soils Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Yulin Zhang 2008 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Retention, Release and Plant Availability of Copper and Zinc in Three Tropical Peat Soils of Sarawak, Malaysia Master of Agricultural Science Master Full Time Mrs Margaret Anak Abat 2008 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Investigation of the Use of Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant for Cadmium Phytoextraction in Soils Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Jia Wen 2008 - 2012 Co-Supervisor The Physiological Basis for Variable Cadmium Accumulation in Rice : Interaction of Environmental and Genetic Factors Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Matthew Rodda 2007 - 2011 Principal Supervisor Cadmium Enrichment in Paddy Rice Grain: Understanding the Effect of Soil Oxidation and Limiting the Risk through Soil and Foliar Treatments Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Jennifer de Livera 2007 - 2011 Principal Supervisor Increasing Plant Availability of Selenium in Rice Soils under Variable Redox Conditions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Herath Premarathna 2007 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles in the Soil Environment: Dissolution, Speciation, Retention and Bioavailability Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Narges Milani 2004 - 2006 Principal Supervisor Chemical Reactions of Polyphosphate Fertilisers in Soils and Solutions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Therese McBeath 2003 - 2007 Co-Supervisor The Fate and Effects of Human Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Michael Williams 2003 - 2007 Principal Supervisor New Micronutrient Fertilisers for Alkaline Soil Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Samuel Stacey 2000 - 2004 Principal Supervisor Copper Availability in Biosolids Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Ian Oliver 1997 - 2004 Principal Supervisor Uptake and Partitioning of Cadmium in Two Cultivars of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Kelly Dunbar 1997 - 2002 Principal Supervisor SOIL CONTAMINATION AND REMEDIATION Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Richard Collins
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2016 - ongoing Associate Editor Agronomy - - 2007 - ongoing Consulting Editor Environmental Chemistry - Australia
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