Professor Karen Jones
Prof Res Fellow (E)
Adelaide Medical School
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Prof Jones is a career researcher with a background in medical imaging. She was the first practising nuclear medicine technologist to be awarded a PhD in Australia. Her research activities have capitalised on the development of state-of-the-art imaging techniques to evaluate gastric motor function and blood flow; this development has been facilitated by the involvement of a number of international collaborators. Her research area is in the under-recognised field of postprandial hypotension, a substantial fall in blood pressure that occurs within 2 hours of a meal, which is frequently seen in older people and patients with type 2 diabetes. She has had an ongoing involvement with the pharmaceutical industry and she has been responsible for several investigator-initiated trials. Prof Jones was the top nuclear medicine student in her graduating year at the University of South Australia and has been the recipient of several awards including the ANSTO award for nuclear medicine scientists, Hanson Institute New Investigator award for clinical research and a prestigious NHMRC Achievement Award. Prof Jones has supervised 23 Honours, 17 PhD, and 4 Masters students to completion and is a supervisor of 4 current PhD students. She is an author of 234 original papers, 74 reviews/editorials, 20 letters and 13 book chapters. She has an h-index of 80 and her work has been cited ~20,700 times (Google Scholar). Prof Jones plays a major role in her profession as the current President of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine (ANZSNM) and is a member of the Governing Board of the National Imaging Facility (NIF).
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Research Interests
Prof Jones leads a clinical research group, within the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Translating Nutritional Science to Good Health, focusing on postprandial hypotension (PPH) – an important disorder characterised by a substantial fall in blood pressure after meals which has received inappropriately little attention. This is despite the fact that one of the main causes of injury in Australia relates to falls, and injury prevention remains a National Health Priority Area. PPH occurs very frequently in older subjects and people who have diabetes. The prevalence of PPH in ‘healthy’ older subjects is ~20%, ~40% in nursing home residents, ~50% in hospitalised geriatric patients and ~40% in type 2 diabetes. PPH is associated with a number of sequelae which impact adversely on quality of life, particularly fainting leading to falls, stroke and angina, as well as increased mortality.
Management of PPH is currently suboptimal, at least in part because the pathophysiology has been poorly defined (1). A postprandial fall in blood pressure is indicative of inadequate cardiovascular compensation for meal-induced blood pooling in the gut. In the healthy young, meal ingestion is not associated with a major change in blood pressure, despite a comparable increase in gut blood flow in healthy older, subjects. In most cases, there is probably not a single aetiological factor in PPH and multiple factors are likely to be involved (Figure). Prof Jones' research has shown that the magnitude of the fall in blood pressure is related to the rate of stomach emptying and that distending the stomach attenuates the fall in blood pressure. More recently, the so-called incretin hormones, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), released by the gut have been shown to be important in blood pressure regulation after a meal. PPH can, therefore, be regarded broadly as a gastrointestinal disorder. Prof Jones’ research focuses on translation of recent insights relating to the causes of PPH into specific and effective management strategies to thereby improve health outcomes.
Project 1
Title: Effect of exenatide BID on small intestinal transit, absorption, glycaemia and blood pressure in type 2 diabetes.
Description: Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists (RAs) are now used widely for the management of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Based on their plasma half-lives, GLP-1RAs can be ‘short-acting’ (e.g. exenatide BID, injected twice daily) or ‘long-acting’ (e.g. exenatide QW, injected once weekly). Short-acting GLP-1RAs reduce blood sugar (glucose) levels predominantly after a meal, whereas, long-acting GLP-1RAs particularly target fasting blood glucose. The lowering of blood glucose levels by short-acting GLP-1RAs is generally thought to be via their marked effect to slow the rate of stomach emptying. However, there is recent evidence that changes in the rate of small bowel transit and nutrient absorption may also be important. GLP-1RAs may also benefit people in whom there is a substantial fall in blood pressure (BP) after a meal, so-called ‘postprandial hypotension’ (PPH). PPH occurs frequently (~25-40%) in T2DM and may lead to fainting, falls and is an independent risk factor for death. The aim of the proposed research study is to determine, in people with T2DM, the effect of the short-acting GLP-1RA, exenatide BID, on small bowel transit, glucose absorption and BP after direct infusion of a glucose solution into the small bowel.
Projects available for: Honours and HDR
Location: AHMS Building
Research Project Start: Sem 1 and Sem 2
Special requirements: Nil
Date Position Institution name 2019 - 2019 William T Southcott Research Fellow in Nuclear Medicine University of Adelaide 2017 - ongoing Beacon Research Fellow University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2016 - ongoing Adjunct Professor University of South Australia 2010 - 2016 NHMRC Senior Career Development Award Fellow University of Adelaide 2008 - 2009 Research Fellow University of Adelaide 2003 - 2008 NHMRC/Diabetes Australia Career Development Award Fellow University of Adelaide 1999 - 2002 Dr Paul Janssen Senior Lectureship Research Fellow University of Adelaide 1998 - 1999 Research Officer Royal Adelaide Hospital 1997 - 1998 Lecturer University of South Australia 1992 - 1997 Research Assistant Royal Adelaide Hospital 1992 - 1996 Tutor University of South Australia 1991 - 1995 Nuclear Medicine Technologist Flinders Medical Centre -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2010 Award Recipient of a NHMRC Achievement Award NHMRC Australia - 2010 Award Recipient of a NHMRC Senior Clinical Career Development Award NHMRC Australia - 2003 Award Recipient of a NHMRC/Diabetes Australia Career Development Award NHMRC/Diabetes Australia Australia - 2003 Research Award Recipient of the Hanson Institute New Investigator Award for Clinical Research Hanson Institute Australia - 2002 Award Recipient of a Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Australia Travel Award Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - - 1999 Award Recipient of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) Award ANSTO Australia - 1999 Award Recipient of the Abbott Laboratories / Roche Products Gastroenterological Society of Australia Travel Award - Australia - 1991 Award Top Graduating Nuclear Medicine student University of South Australia Australia - 1991 Award Top Graduating Nuclear Medicine student in South Australia ANZSNM (SA Branch) Australia - -
Date Institution name Country Title 1998 University of Adelaide Australia PhD 1991 University of South Australia Australia Dip App Sci (Nuclear Medicine) -
Postgraduate Training
Date Title Institution Country 1993 - 1997 PhD University of Adelaide Australia -
Date Title Institution name Country 2012 Medical Radiation Practitioner - Nuclear Medicine Technologist AHPRA Australia 1991 Radiation Licence - 12535 Environmental Protection Agency Australia -
Research Interests
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2024 Kamruzzaman, M., Horowitz, M., Jones, K. L., & Marathe, C. (2024). Co-existence of food insecurity and obesity in type 2 diabetes is associated with worse glycaemic control in Bangladesh. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 67 (pp. S332). SPAIN, Madrid: SPRINGER. 2024 Kamruzzaman, M., Hosseini-Marnani, E., Horowitz, M., Jones, K. L., & Marathe, C. S. (2024). Factors associated with gastrointestinal symptoms among people with type 2 diabetes in Bangladesh. In DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE Vol. 209 (pp. 2 pages). ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD.
DOI2024 Jalleh, R. J., Quast, D., Kamruzzaman, M., Grivell, J., Hatzinikolas, S., Murthy, T. A., . . . Marathe, C. S. (2024). Short-acting glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist therapy delays gastric emptying during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia as well as euglycaemia in type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 67 (pp. S45). SPAIN, Madrid: SPRINGER. 2024 Kamruzzaman, M., Clark, S. R., Horowitz, M., Jones, K. L., & Marathe, C. S. (2024). Undiagnosed depression among people with type 2 diabetes attending specialist clinics in Bangladesh. In DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE Vol. 209 (pp. 1 page). ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD.
DOI2024 Kamruzzaman, M., Horowitz, M., Jones, K. L., & Marathe, C. S. (2024). Glycemic control is worse in rural compared to urban type 2 diabetes irrespective of food security status in Bangladesh. In DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE Vol. 209 (pp. 1 page). ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD.
DOI2024 Xie, C., Li, T., Bound, M., Grivell, J., Sun, Y., Jones, K. L., . . . Wu, T. (2024). Effects of well and poorly absorbed low-calorie sweeteners on insulin secretion and sensitivity in type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 67 (pp. S328). SPAIN, Madrid: SPRINGER. 2024 Huang, W., Xie, C., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., Rayner, C. K., & Wu, T. (2024). Sex differences in the plasma glucagon responses to a high carbohydrate meal and a glucose drink in type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 67 (pp. S209-S210). SPAIN, Madrid: SPRINGER. 2024 Sun, Y., Xie, C., Bound, M., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., Young, R., . . . Wu, T. (2024). Disparities in GLP-1 and GIP responses to small intestinal glucose infusion between people with well- and poorly-controlled type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 67 (pp. S92). SPAIN, Madrid: SPRINGER. 2023 Marathe, J. A., Kamruzzaman, M., Jalleh, R. J., Horowitz, M., Jones, K. L., & Marathe, C. S. (2023). Diabetes distress and depression frequently co-exist in people with type 2 diabetes in Bangladesh. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 66 (pp. S446-S447). GERMANY, Hamburg: SPRINGER. 2023 Marathe, C., Kamruzzaman, M., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2023). Food insecurity is common in type 2 diabetes in Bangladesh and associated with diabetes distress and depression. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 66 (pp. S369). GERMANY, Hamburg: SPRINGER. 2023 Malbert, C., Allouche, R., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2023). Restoration of impaired portal glucose sensing by targeted manipulation of GLP-1r density in a translational model of insulin resistance. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 66 (pp. S48-S49). GERMANY, Hamburg: SPRINGER. 2023 Malbert, C., Allouche, R., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2023). Restoration of impaired portal glucose sensing by targeted manipulation of GLP-1r density in a translational model of insulin resistance. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING Vol. 50 (pp. S457). AUSTRIA, Vienna: SPRINGER. 2022 Quast, D. R., Xie, C., Bound, M. J., Grivell, J., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., . . . Wu, T. (2022). Effects of acute and sub-chronic treatment with metformin on post-prandial blood pressure and heart rate in diet-controlled type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 65 (pp. S319-S320). Stockholm, SWEDEN: SPRINGER. 2021 Oberoi, A., Giezenaar, C., Jones, K. L., Chapman, I., & Soenen, S. (2021). Effects of whey protein on energy intake, gastric emptying and glycaemia in obese, older and younger men. In NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY Vol. 33 (pp. 2 pages). WILEY. 2021 Ho, K., Hatzinikolas, S., Hsieh, W., & Jones, K. L. (2021). EVALUATION OF (TC)-T-99M-PHYTATE AND (TC)-T-99M-SULPHUR COLLOID BINDING TO A MIXED NUTRIENT LIQUID MEAL. In INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL Vol. 51 (pp. 17). WILEY. 2020 Hajishafiee, M., Elovaris, R., Jones, K., Horowitz, M., & Feinle-Bisset, C. (2020). Effects of intragastric administration of L-tryptophan on gastric emptying, glucoregulatory hormones and plasma glucose in people with type 2 diabetes. In NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY Vol. 32 (pp. 1 page). WILEY. 2018 Chapman, M., Deane, A. M., Jones, K. L., Barnes, C., Nguyen, D., & Almansa, C. (2018). EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF TAK-954 IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS WITH ENTERAL FEEDING INTOLERANCE: A RANDOMIZED PHASE 2A CLINICAL TRIAL. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 154 (pp. S158). Washington, DC: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC.
WoS22018 Bauman, M., Meltzer, A., Jones, K., Bruce, M., Berman, R., & Van de Water, J. (2018). Autism-Relevant Behavioral Outcomes in an Antigen-Driven Rat Model of Maternal Autoantibody Related Autism. In BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY Vol. 83 (pp. S149). NY, New York: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC.
DOI2018 Trahair, L. G., Nauck, M. A., Wu, T., Buttfield, M. D. M., Stevens, J. E., Hatzinikolas, S., . . . Jones, K. L. (2018). Measurement of gastric emptying using scintigraphy and a C-13-octanoic acid breath test with Wagner-Nelson analysis in type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 61 (pp. S338-S339). Berlin, GERMANY: SPRINGER.
WoS22018 Du, Y. T., Piscitelli, D., Ahmad, S., Trahair, L. G., Greenfield, J. R., Samocha-Bonet, D., . . . Jones, K. L. (2018). Effects of glutamine on gastric emptying of low- and high-nutrient drinks in healthy young subjects: impact on glycaemia. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 61 (pp. S335). Berlin, GERMANY: SPRINGER. 2018 Rayner, C. K., Watson, L. E., Phillips, L. K., Bound, M. J., Grivell, J., Wu, T., . . . Natali, A. (2018). Effects of sustained treatment with lixisenatide on gastric emptying and glucose metabolism in type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 61 (pp. S386-S387). Berlin, GERMANY: SPRINGER. 2018 Borg, M. J., Rayner, C. K., Horowitz, M., Jones, K. L., & Wu, T. (2018). Metformin attenuates the fall in postprandial blood pressure and slows gastric emptying in type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 61 (pp. S112). Berlin, GERMANY: SPRINGER. 2018 Pham, H., Trahair, L., Phillips, L., Rayner, C. K., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2018). Acute effects of the combination of acarbose and gastric distension, with a water preload, on the postprandial blood pressure response to oral sucrose. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 61 (pp. S537). Berlin, GERMANY: SPRINGER. 2016 Marathe, C., Trahair, L., Standfield, S., Rayner, C., Feinle-Bisset, C., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. (2016). Load-dependent effects of small intestinal glucose on glycaemia, insulinaenia and incretin hormone release in obese subjects. In Abstracts of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), as published in Diabetologia Vol. 59 (pp. S34). Munich, GERMANY: Springer-Verlag.
DOI2015 Plummer, M. P., Jones, K. L., Cousins, C. E., Trahair, L. G., Meier, J. J., Chapman, M. J., . . . Deane, A. M. (2015). Hyperglycemia Potentiates the Slowing of Gastric Emptying Induced by Exogenous GLP-1. In DIABETES Vol. 64 (pp. A283-A284). Boston, MA: AMER DIABETES ASSOC. 2014 Marathe, C., Bound, M., Standfield, S., Wishart, J., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., & Rayner, C. K. (2014). Ethnic Variation in the Secretion of Insulin and Incretin Hormones Following Intraduodenal Glucose Infusion in Healthy Humans. In DIABETES Vol. 63 (pp. A456). AMER DIABETES ASSOC. 2013 Umapathysivam, M. M., Lee, M. Y., Jones, K. L., Annink, C., Cousins, C. E., Sardana, R., . . . Deane, A. M. (2013). The Effect of Prolonged Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Stimulation on Gastric Emptying and Glycemia. In DIABETES Vol. 62 (pp. A265-A266). AMER DIABETES ASSOC. 2013 Trahair, L. G., Marathe, C. S., Lange, K., Rayner, C. K., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2013). Relationships of Glycemia With Gastric Emptying of an Oral Glucose Load in Healthy Older Subjects. In DIABETES Vol. 62 (pp. A517). AMER DIABETES ASSOC. 2013 Marathe, C., Rayner, C., Bound, M., Checklin, H., Standfield, S., Jones, K. L., & Horowitz, M. (2013). The Size of the Incretin Effect Is Dependent on the Rate of Small Intestinal Glucose Entry in Type 2 Diabetes. In DIABETES Vol. 62 (pp. A474). AMER DIABETES ASSOC. 2013 Marathe, C., Feinle-Bisset, C., Bound, M., Standfield, S., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., & Rayner, C. (2013). Effect of Rate of Duodenal Glucose Delivery on the "Oral" Disposition Index in Health and Type 2 Diabetes. In DIABETES Vol. 62 (pp. A479). AMER DIABETES ASSOC. 2012 Marathe, C. S., Rayner, C. K., Jones, K. L., & Horowitz, M. (2012). The Size of the Incretin Effect is Dependent on the Small Intestinal Glucose Load. In DIABETES Vol. 61 (pp. A94-A95). Philadelphia, PA: AMER DIABETES ASSOC.
WoS12012 Zhao, R., Wu, T., Jones, K., Horowitz, M., & Rayner, C. (2012). Effects of a D-xylose preload, with or without sitagliptin, on gastric emptying and postprandial glycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes. In Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 27 (pp. 148-149). Australia: Wiley-Blackwell.
DOI2011 Marathe, C. S., Horowitz, M., Rayner, C. K., Lange, K., & Jones, K. L. (2011). Biphasic relationship between glucose tolerance and gastric emptying in healthy subjects. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 54 (pp. S231). Lisbon, PORTUGAL: SPRINGER. 2011 Wu, T., Zhao, B., Bound, M., Checklin, H. L., Bellon, M., Little, T. J., . . . Rayner, C. K. (2011). Effects of different sweet preloads on incretin hormone responses, gastric emptying and postprandial glycaemia in healthy humans. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 54 (pp. S330). Lisbon, PORTUGAL: SPRINGER. 2010 Ma, J., Wishart, J. M., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., & Rayner, C. K. (2010). Dose dependent effects of protein 'preloads' on gastrointestinal hormones, glycaemia, and energy intake in type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 53 (pp. 1 page). Stockholm, SWEDEN: SPRINGER. 2010 Rayner, C. K., Ma, J., Checklin, H. I., Wishart, J. M., Stevens, J. E., Jones, K. L., . . . Meyer, J. H. (2010). Effects of enterically coated, nutrient-containing pellets on glycaemia and incretin hormone release in patients with type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 53 (pp. 1 page). Stockholm, SWEDEN: SPRINGER. 2010 Ma, J., Wu, T., Checklin, H. L., Wishart, J. M., Stevens, J., Jones, K. L., . . . Rayner, C. K. (2010). Effects of enterically coated, nutrient-containing pellets on glycaemia and incretin hormone release in type 2 diabetes. In JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY Vol. 25 (pp. A114-A115). WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC. 2010 Horowitz, M., Ma, J., Jesudason, D. R., Russo, A., Stevens, J. E., Keogh, J. B., . . . Rayner, C. K. (2010). Sustained effects of a protein 'preload' on gastric emptying and glycaenna in type 2 diabetes over 4 weeks. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 53 (pp. 1 page). Stockholm, SWEDEN: SPRINGER. 2010 Wu, T., Zhao, B., Bound, M., Checklin, H. L., Bellon, M., Little, T., . . . Rayner, C. K. (2010). Effects of sweet preloads on gastric emptying and postprandial glycaemia in healthy subjects. In JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY Vol. 25 (pp. A105). WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC. 2010 Gentilcore, D., Vanis, L., Rayner, C. K., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2010). Effects Of Intraduodenal Acarbose On Blood Pressure, Heart Rate And Splanchnic Blood Flow In Healthy Older Subjects.. In JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY Vol. 58 (pp. 92). Orlando, FL: WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC.
WoS12010 Deane, A., Zaknic, A., Summers, M. J., Bellon, M., Russo, A., Maddox, A., . . . Fraser, R. J. (2010). TRANSIT OF NUTRIENT THROUGH THE SMALL INTESTINE IN THE CRITICALLY ILL. In INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE Vol. 36 (pp. S373). Barcelona, SPAIN: SPRINGER. 2009 Rayner, C. K., Ma, J., Pilichiewicz, A., Feinle-Bisset, C., Checklin, H. L., Wishart, J. M., . . . Horowitz, M. (2009). Effects of variations in duodenal glucose load on glycaemia, insulin and GLP-1 in type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 52 (pp. S105-S106). Vienna, AUSTRIA: SPRINGER.
WoS72009 Ma, J., Stevens, J. E., Cukier, K., Maddox, A. F., Wishart, J. M., Bowen, J., . . . Rayner, C. K. (2009). Effects of protein on gastric emptying and the glycaemic, insulin and gastrointestinal hormone responses to a carbohydrate meal in type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 52 (pp. S324). Vienna, AUSTRIA: SPRINGER. 2009 Deane, A. M., Nguyen, N. Q., Stevens, J. E., Fraser, R. J. L., Holloway, R. H., Jones, K. L., . . . Horowitz, M. (2009). Effects of endogenous glucagon-like peptide-1 on gastric emptying in healthy subjects - relationship to glycaemia. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 52 (pp. S311-S312). Vienna, AUSTRIA: SPRINGER. 2009 Kuo, P., Chaikomin, R., Bellon, M., Horowitz, M., Jones, K. L., & Rayner, C. (2009). Validation of 3-O-(14c) Methylglucose As a Marker of Glucose Absorption. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 136 (pp. A539-A540). Chicago, IL: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC.
WoS12009 Kuo, P., Bellon, M., Smout, A., Holloway, R. H., Fraser, R. J., Horowitz, M., . . . Rayner, C. (2009). Effects of Metoclopramide On Duodenal Motility and Flow Events, and Glucose Absorption, in Healthy Humans. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 136 (pp. A540). Chicago, IL: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 2009 Kuo, P., Stevens, J. E., Bellon, M., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., Greville, H., . . . Rayner, C. (2009). Acute Effects of Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement On Gastric Emptying and Postprandial Glycaemia in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 136 (pp. A555). Chicago, IL: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC.
WoS32008 Ma, J., Stevens, J. E., Maddox, A. F., Bowen, J., Jones, K. L., Wishart, J., . . . Rayner, C. (2008). Effect of a protein preload on gastric emptying and glycemia in type 2 diabetes. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 134 (pp. A247-A248). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC.
WoS12008 Gentilcore, D., Nair, N. S., Meyer, J. H., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2008). Comparative effects of oral and intraduodenal glucose on blood pressure in healthy older subjects. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 134 (pp. A88-A89). San Diego, CA: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 2008 Pilichiewicz, A., Feltrin, K. L., Horowitz, M., Hohmann, G. J., Wishart, J., Jones, K. L., . . . Feinle-Bisset, C. (2008). Oral carbohydrate and fat differentially modulate symptoms, gut hormones and antral area in functional dyspepsia. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 134 (pp. A532). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC.
WoS12008 Brennan, I. M., Feltrin, K. L., Nair, N. S., Hausken, T., Little, T. J., Gentilcore, D., . . . Feinle-Bisset, C. (2008). Gastric emptying is slower, and hunger and energy intake are less, pre-ovulation when compared with post-ovulation in healthy lean women. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 134 (pp. A315). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 2008 Stevens, J. E., Gilja, O. H., Gentilcore, D., Horowitz, M., Hausken, T., & Jones, K. L. (2008). Validation of 3D ultrasonography to measure gastric emptying of a high-nutrient drink in diabetic gastroparesis. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 134 (pp. A340). San Diego, CA: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC.
WoS32008 Horowitz, M., Flint, A., Doran, S., Rasmussen, M. F., Kapitza, C., Andreasen, A. H., . . . Chapman, I. M. (2008). Effects of the once-daily human GLP-1 analogue liraglutide on appetite and energy intake in type 2 diabetes. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 51 (pp. S355). SPRINGER.
WoS102008 Kuo, P., Bellon, M., Smout, A. J., Holloway, R. H., Fraser, R. J., Horowitz, M., . . . Rayner, C. K. (2008). Effects of metoclopramide on duodenal motility and flow events, and glucose absorption, in healthy humans. In JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY Vol. 23 (pp. A289). WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2007 Little, T. J., Russo, A., Horowitz, M., Meyer, J. H., Smyth, D., Tsopelas, C., . . . Feinle-Bisset, C. (2007). The effects of free fatty acids on gastric emptying, plasma cholecystokinin, appetite and energy intake are more potent than those of triglycerides. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 132 (pp. A70-A71). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 2007 Chaikomin, R., Wu, K. -L., Doran, S., Meyer, J. H., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., & Rayner, C. (2007). Effects of MID-jejunal compared to duodenal glucose infusion on gut hormone release and appetite. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 132 (pp. A545). Washington, DC: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 2007 Kuo, P., Chaikomin, R., Pilichiewicz, A., O'donovan, D. G., Wishart, J., Meyer, J. H., . . . Rayner, C. (2007). Transient, early release of glucagon-like peptide-1 during low rates of intraduodenal glucose delivery. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 132 (pp. A545). Washington, DC: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 2007 Karamanlis, A., Chaikomin, R., Doran, S., Bellon, M., Bartholomeusz, D., Wishart, J., . . . Rayner, C. (2007). Effects of protein on glycemic and incretin responses, and gastric emptying, after oral glucose in healthy subjects. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 132 (pp. A544-A545). Washington, DC: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 2007 Gentilcore, D., Meyer, J. H., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2007). Gastric distension attenuates the hypotensive response to intraduodenal glucose in healthy older subjects. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 132 (pp. A324). Washington, DC: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC.
WoS12007 Pilichiewicz, A. N., Horowitz, M., Russo, A., Maddox, A. F., Jones, K. L., Schemann, M., . . . Feirde-Bisset, C. (2007). The herbal medication, lberogast®, relaxes the proximal stomach, stimulates ws antral motility, but does not affect pyloric and duodenal motility, and slows gastric emptying of liquids in healthy men. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 132 (pp. A97). Washington, DC: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 2006 Wu, K. -L., Chaikomin, R., Doran, S., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., & Rayner, C. (2006). Artificially sweetened, compared to regular mixers, accelerate gastric emptying and the rate of alcohol absorption. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 130 (pp. A433). Los Angeles, CA: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 2006 Gentilcore, D., Hausken, T., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2006). 3d ultrasonography is a valid and accurate measure of liquid gastric emptying in healthy subjects. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 130 (pp. A194). Los Angeles, CA: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC.
WoS12006 Stevens, J. E., Russo, A., Maddox, A. F., Rayner, C. K., Phillips, L., Talley, N. J., . . . Jones, K. L. (2006). Effect of itopride hydrochloride on gastric emptying in longstanding diabetes mellitus. In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 101 (pp. S89). Las Vegas, NV: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS.
DOI2006 Chapman, M., Fraser, R., Bryant, L., Burgstad, C., Bartholomeusz, F., Creed, S., . . . Horowitz, M. (2006). Glucose absorption & gastric emptying in critical illness. In JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY Vol. 21 (pp. A346). BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. 2005 Phillips, L. K., Little, T., Pilichiewicz, A., Russo, A., Jones, K. L., Nauck, M., . . . Feinle-Bisset, C. (2005). The suppression of postprandial glycaemia by glucagon-like peptide I in healthy subjects is closely related to slowing of gastric emptying. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 48 (pp. A201-A202). Athens, GREECE: SPRINGER. 2005 Little, T., Pilichiewicz, A., Russo, A., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., Nauck, M., & Feinle-Bisset, C. (2005). Effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) on gastric emptying (GE) and intragastric distribution of a mixed solid/liquid meal in healthy men. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 128 (pp. A609). Chicago, IL: W B SAUNDERS CO. 2005 Chaikomin, R., Doran, S., Jones, K. L., Feinle-Bisset, C., Wishart, J. M., O'Donovan, D. G., . . . Horowitz, M. (2005). More rapid small intestinal glucose delivery increases plasma insulin, GIP and GLP-1, but does not improve overall glycemia in healthy subjects. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 128 (pp. A357). Chicago, IL: W B SAUNDERS CO. 2005 Jones, K. L., O'Donovan, D. G., Russo, A., Lei, Y., Keogh, J., Meyer, J. H., . . . Horowitz, M. (2005). Effects of drink volume and glucose content on gastric emptying of, and the blood pressure and glycemic responses to, oral glucose in older subjects.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 128 (pp. A247). Chicago, IL: W B SAUNDERS CO. 2005 Gentilcore, D., Bryant, B., Wishart, J. M., Morris, H. A., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2005). Effects of the alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, acarbose, on postprandial blood pressure, glycemia, incretin hormones and gastric emptying in healthy older subjects.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 128 (pp. A247). Chicago, IL: W B SAUNDERS CO. 2004 Gentilcore, D., Visvanathan, R., Russo, A., Chaikomin, R., Stevens, J. E., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2004). Effects of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, L-NAME, on postprandial blood pressure and gastric emptying in healthy older subjects. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 126 (pp. A63-A64). New Orleans, LA: W B SAUNDERS CO. 2004 O'Donovan, D., Feinle-Bisset, C., Chong, C., Cameron, A., Tonkin, A., Wishart, J., . . . Jones, K. L. (2004). Intraduodenal guar attenuates the fall in blood pressure induced by glucose in healthy older subjects. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 126 (pp. A63). New Orleans, LA: W B SAUNDERS CO. 2004 Russo, A., Stevens, J. E., Chen, R., Burnet, R., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2004). Effect of insulin-induced hypoglycemia on gastric emptying in longstanding type 1 diabetes mellitus. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 126 (pp. A485). New Orleans, LA: W B SAUNDERS CO. 2003 O'Donovan, D. G., Hausken, T., Russo, A., Lei, Y., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2003). Effects of posture on transpyloric flow and appetite in healthy subjects. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 124 (pp. A576). ORLANDO, FLORIDA: W B SAUNDERS CO.
DOI WoS12003 Pilichiewicz, A., O'Donovan, D., Feinle, C., Lei, Y., Bryant, L., Wishart, J. M., . . . Jones, K. L. (2003). Effect of lipase inhibition on gastric emptying and glycemic control after a drink containing oil and glucose components in type 2 diabetes mellitus.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 124 (pp. A94). ORLANDO, FLORIDA: W B SAUNDERS CO.
DOI2003 O'Donovan, D., Hausken, T., Lei, Y., Russo, A., Keogh, J., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2003). Transpyloric flow, gastric emptying and glycemia after oral glucose in young and older healthy subjects. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 124 (pp. A85). ORLANDO, FLORIDA: W B SAUNDERS CO.
DOI2003 Horowitz, M., Pilichiewicz, A., O'Donovan, D., Feinle, C., Lei, Y., Bryant, L., . . . Jones, K. L. (2003). Effects of lipase inhibition on gastric emptying of, and the glycaemic and incretin responses to, an oil/aqueous drink in Type 2 diabetes.. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 46 (pp. A294-A295). PARIS, FRANCE: SPRINGER-VERLAG. 2003 O'Donovan, D., Doran, S., Feinle-Bisset, C., Jones, K., Meyer, J., Wishart, J., . . . Horowitz, M. (2003). Effect of variations in small intestinal glucose delivery on blood glucose, plasma insulin, GLP-1 and GIP in health and type 2 diabetes. In Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 18 (pp. B91). Blackwell Publishing Asia.
DOI2002 Berry, M. K., Russo, A., Wishart, J. M., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2002). Effect of a solid meal on gastric emptying and the glycemic response to oral glucose in older subjects. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 122 (pp. A559-A560). W B SAUNDERS CO. 2002 Russo, A., Wilson, T., Wells, F., Tonkin, A., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2002). Guar gum attenuates the fall in blood pressure after oral glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 122 (pp. A454). W B SAUNDERS CO. 2002 Sturm, K., Parker, B., Feinle, C., Jones, K. L., Chapman, I., & Horowitz, M. (2002). Relation of appetite and food intake with antral area after nutrient and non-nutrient 'pre-loads' in healthy subjects. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 122 (pp. A560-A561). W B SAUNDERS CO.
WoS22001 Su, Y. C., Doran, S., Wittert, G., Chapman, I. M., Jones, K. L., Smout, A. J., & Horowitz, M. (2001). Effects of exogenous corticotropin-releasing factor on antropyloroduodenal motility and appetite in humans. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 120 (pp. A173). W B SAUNDERS CO. 2001 Su, Y. C., Vozzo, R., Doran, S., Leelakusolvong, S., Rayner, C. K., Chapman, I. M., . . . Horowitz, M. (2001). Effects of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) on antropyloroduodenal motility and appetite in response to intraduodenal lipid infusion in humans. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 120 (pp. A289). W B SAUNDERS CO. 2000 Rayner, C. K., Su, Y. C., Doran, S., Jones, K. L., Malbert, C. H., & Horowitz, M. (2000). The stimulation of antral motility by erythromycin is attenuated during hyperglycemia.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 118 (pp. A1195). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC.
DOI2000 Jones, K. L., Russo, A., Wishart, J. M., Berry, M. K., Maddox, A. F., & Horowitz, M. (2000). Determinants of delayed gastric emptying in diabetes diabetes mellitus.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 118 (pp. A382-A383). W B SAUNDERS CO.
DOI WoS12000 Beckoff, L., MacIntosh, C., Chapman, I. M., Wishart, J. M., Morris, H. A., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. L. (2000). Effect of glucose supplementation on appetite, gastric emptying and gastrointestinal hormone release in the elderly.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 118 (pp. A624). W B SAUNDERS CO. 2000 Jones, K. R., Bradshaw, B., Overton, C., Drossman, D. A., & Whitehead, W. E. (2000). Psychometrics of the physical sensations questionnaire: A measure of disease attribution in irritable bowel syndrome patients.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 118 (pp. A1179). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 1999 Jones, K. L., Wishart, J. M., Berry, M. K., Abitbol, J. L., & Horowitz, M. (1999). Effect of fedotozine on gastric emptying in diabetic gastroparesis. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 116 (pp. A201). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 1998 Kong, M. F., Horowitz, M., Jones, K. L., Wishart, J., & Harding, P. (1998). Prognosis of diabetic gastroparesis. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 41 (pp. A268). SPRINGER VERLAG. 1998 Sun, W. M., Doran, S., Jones, K. L., Davidson, G., Horowitz, M., & Dent, J. (1998). Effect of pyloromyotomy on pyloric activity and gastric emptying of nutrient liquid.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 114 (pp. A844). W B SAUNDERS CO.
DOI1997 Sun, W. M., Andrews, J. M., Jones, K. L., Hebbard, G. S., Malbert, C. H., Horowitz, M., & Dent, J. (1997). The rate of gastric emptying is inversely related to the frequency of isolated pyloric pressure waves.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 112 (pp. A833). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC.
WoS11997 Cook, C. G., Andrews, J. M., Jones, K. L., Wittert, G. A., Chapman, I. M., Morley, J. E., & Horowitz, M. (1997). The effects of small intestinal nutrient infusion on appetite and pyloric motility are modified by age.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 112 (pp. A869). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 1997 Doran, S., Jones, K. L., Andrews, J. M., & Horowitz, M. (1997). Effects of meal volume and posture on gastric emptying of solids.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 112 (pp. A723). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 1996 Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., Wishart, J., Doran, S. M., & Guha, S. (1996). Determinants of postprandial satiety in diabetes mellitus.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 110 (pp. A688). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 1996 Jones, K. L., Doran, S. M., Bartholomeusz, F. D. L., Hveem, K., Chatterton, B. E., & Horowitz, M. (1996). Antral distension is a major determinant of postprandial satiety. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 110 (pp. A688). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 1996 Sun, W. M., Doran, S., Jones, K., Boeckxstaens, G., Ooi, E. H., Lingenfelser, T., . . . Horowitz, M. (1996). The effects of intravenous glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) on antropyloric motility and gastric emptying in humans.. In GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 110 (pp. A765). W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC.
WoS31996 Jones, K., Horowitz, M., Carney, B., Sun, W. M., & Chatterton, B. (1996). Effect of cisapride on gastric emptying of oil and aqueous meal components, hunger and fullness.. In Gut Vol. 38 (pp. 310-315). ENGLAND: BRITISH MED JOURNAL PUBL GROUP.
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Conference Items
Year Citation 2024 Jalleh, R. J., Hatzinikolas, S., Slavotinek, A. C., Kamruzzaman, M., Lange, K., Malbert, C. H., . . . Jones, K. L. (2024). Effects of endogenous and exogenous glucose dependent insulinotropic polypeptide on blood pressure, heart rate, gastric emptying and blood glucose responses to oral glucose in healthy older people. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 60th EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes as published in Diabetologia. Madrid, Spain: Springer Nature.
DOI2024 Marnani, E. H., Hatzinikolas, S., Slavotinek, A. C., Kamruzzaman, M., Jalleh, R. J., Lange, K., . . . Jones, K. L. (2024). Neither exogenous nor endogenous glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide affects appetite or energy intake acutely in healthy older people. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 60th EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes as published in Diabetologia. Madrid, Spain: Springer Nature.
DOI2023 Quast, D. R., Lancaster, D., Xie, C., Bound, M. J., Grivell, J., Jones, K. L., . . . Nauck, M. A. (2023). Glucagon-like peptide 1 for lowering plasma glucose in hyperglycaemic subjects with type 2 diabetes: a systematic comparison of intravenous and subcutaneous routes. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. GERMANY, Hamburg: SPRINGER. 2023 Horowitz, M., Xiang, C., Xie, C., Sun, Y., Jones, K. L., Rayner, C. K., . . . Wu, T. (2023). Gastric emptying is slower in women than men with type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. GERMANY, Hamburg: SPRINGER. 2023 Xiang, C., Sun, Y., Luo, Y., Xie, C., Huang, W., Sun, Z., . . . Wu, T. (2023). Gastric emptying of 75g oral glucose is predictive of the glycaemic response to mixed meals as well as oral glucose, but unrelated to antecedent glycaemia in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. GERMANY, Hamburg: SPRINGER. 2023 Huynh, L. Q., Hatzinikolas, S., Jalleh, R. J., Marathe, C. S., Wu, T., Malbert, C. -H., . . . Jones, K. L. (2023). Effect of exenatide once-weekly (QW) on the blood pressure and glycaemic responses to a mashed potato meal in type 2 diabetes: relationships to gastric emptying. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. GERMANY, Hamburg: SPRINGER. 2023 Fitzgerald, P. C., Bitarafan, V., Omari, T., Cock, C., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., & Feinle-Bisset, C. (2023). THE HERBAL PREPARATION, STW5-II, RELAXES THE PROXIMAL STOMACH, AND STIMULATES ANTRAL AND PYLORIC CONTRACTILITY, IN HEALTHY HUMANS. Poster session presented at the meeting of GASTROENTEROLOGY. IL, Chicago: W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC. 2022 Stevens, J. E., Jalleh, R. J., Trahair, L. G., Marathe, C. S., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. (2022). Comparative effects of low-carbohydrate, full-strength and low-alcohol beer on gastric emptying, alcohol absorption, glycaemia and insulinaemia in health.. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL. WILEY. 2022 Xie, C., Jalleh, R. J., Huang, W., Sun, Y., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., . . . Wu, T. (2022). Determinants of blood glucose concentrations after a high carbohydrate meal in type 2 diabetes: a multiple linear regression analysis. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), as published in Diabetologia. Stockholm & Online: Springer.
DOI2022 Wu, T., Xie, C., Huang, W., Sun, Y., Horowitz, M., Jones, K. L., & Rayner, C. K. (2022). Disparities in blood glucose and incretin responses to intraduodenal glucose infusion in healthy young males and females. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), as published in Diabetologia. Stockholm, Sweden & Online: Springer.
DOI2022 Jalleh, R. J., Umapathysivam, M., Louise, J., Plummer, M. P., Deane, A., Jones, K. L., & Horowitz, M. (2022). Incretin hormone and glucoregulatory responses to nutrients in individuals with and without post-bariatric hypoglycaemia: a systematic review. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), as published in Diabetologia. Stockholm & Online: Springer.
DOI2022 Huang, W., Xie, C., Albrechtsen, N. J. W., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., Rayner, C. K., & Wu, T. (2022). The 'early' postprandial glucagon response to a mixed meal is dependent on the rate of gastric emptying in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), as published in Diabetologia. Stockholm, Sweden & Online: Springer.
DOI2020 Oberoi, A., Giezenaar, C., Jones, K. L., Chapman, I., & Soenen, S. (2020). Effects of whey protein on energy intake, gastric emptying and glycaemia in obese, older and younger men. Poster session presented at the meeting of NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY. WILEY. 2020 Wu, T., Wang, X., Xie, C., Marathe, C. S., Malbert, C. -H., Horowitz, M., . . . Sun, Z. (2020). Disparities in gastric emptying and postprandial glycaemia between Han Chinese and Caucasians with type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY. WILEY. 2020 Murthy, T. A., Grivell, J., Hatzinikolas, S., Raynor, C., Chapman, M. J., Chapple, L. -A., . . . Marathe, C. S. (2020). The magnitude of acceleration of gastric emptying in acute hypoglycaemia in health is dependent on the level of hypoglycaemia. Poster session presented at the meeting of NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY. WILEY. 2020 Wang, X., Chen, C., Xie, C., Horowitz, M., Jones, K. L., Rayner, C. K., . . . Wu, T. (2020). Serum bile acids after an oral glucose load in Chinese healthy individuals and patients with type 2 diabetes: relationships with glycaemia. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. ELECTR NETWORK: SPRINGER. 2020 Xie, C., Wang, X., Bound, M. J., Young, R. L., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., . . . Wu, T. (2020). Bitter taste signalling modulates bile acid-induced PYY, but not GLP-1 secretion in healthy humans. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 56th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), as published in Diabetologia. Virtual Online: Springer-Verlag.
DOI2020 Wu, T., Xie, C., Wang, X., Bound, M. J., Grivell, J., Jones, K. L., . . . Rayner, C. K. (2020). Role of endogenous glucagon-like peptide-1 in the serum triglyceride response to intraduodenal fat infusion in type 2 diabetic patients on vildagliptin. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. ELECTR NETWORK: SPRINGER. 2020 Oberoi, A. K., Giezenaar, C., Rigda, R. S., Lange, K., Jones, K. L., Chapman, I., & Soenen, S. (2020). Effects of whey protein and glucose intake on glycaemia and energy intake in older men. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. ELECTR NETWORK: SPRINGER. 2020 Sansome, D. J., Veedfald, S., Xie, C., Bound, M., Grivell, J., Jones, K. L., . . . Wu, T. (2020). Role of bile acids on glucose-lowering by metformin in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. ELECTR NETWORK: SPRINGER. 2020 Huynh, L. Q., Ng, S., Xie, D., Hargreaves, M., Murthy, T. A., Wu, T., . . . Marathe, C. S. (2020). Diabetes distress is associated with gastrointestinal symptoms in type 1 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. ELECTR NETWORK: SPRINGER. 2020 Bizzotto, R., Rayner, C. K., Watson, L. E., Phillips, L. K., Lange, K., Bound, M. J., . . . Mari, A. (2020). Comparison of paracetamol absorption and gastric emptying measured by scintigraphy in relation to rate of appearance of oral glucose and postprandial glycaemia. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. ELECTR NETWORK: SPRINGER. 2019 Jalleh, R. J., Pham, H. T., Marathe, C. S., Wu, T., Buttfield, M. D., Hatzinikolas, S., . . . Jones, K. L. (2019). Acute effects of lixisenatide on intragastric meal distribution: impact on energy intake. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Barcelona, SPAIN: SPRINGER. 2019 Jones, K. L., Huynh, L. Q., Hatzinikolas, S., Rigda, R. S., Phillips, L., Pham, H. T., . . . Horowitz, M. (2019). Effect of exenatide once-weekly (QW) on gastric emptying in health: impact on glycaemia and glucose absorption. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Barcelona, SPAIN: SPRINGER.
WoS12019 Huynh, L. Q., Pham, H. T., Holen, I. S., Hatzinikolas, S., Phillips, L., Wu, T., . . . Jones, K. L. (2019). Effects of a guar/whey preload on gastric emptying and glycaemic responses to oral glucose in healthy older people. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Barcelona, SPAIN: SPRINGER. 2019 Xie, C., Wang, X., Bound, M. J., Grivell, J., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., . . . Wu, T. (2019). Roles of endogenous GLP-1 in the glycaemic and energy expenditure responses to fat in type 2 diabetes studied using vildagliptin and exendin(9-39). Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Barcelona, SPAIN: SPRINGER. 2019 Marathe, C. S., Rigda, R. S., Buttfield, M., Hatzinikolas, S., Pham, H. T., Wu, T., . . . Jones, K. L. (2019). Acute administration of lixisenatide diminishes the insulin secretory response to oral glucose by slowing gastric emptying. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Barcelona, SPAIN: SPRINGER. 2019 Marathe, J. A., Pham, H., Trahair, L., Huynh, L. Q., Wu, T., Rayner, C. K., . . . Marathe, C. S. (2019). Relationships between GIP and GLP-1 secretion in people with normal or impaired glucose tolerance. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Barcelona, SPAIN: SPRINGER. 2019 Horowitz, M., Xie, C., Wang, X., Bound, M. J., Grivell, J., Jones, K. L., . . . Wu, T. (2019). Comparative effects of intraduodenal glucose and fat on blood pressure and heart rate in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 55th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), as published in Diabetologia. Barcelona, SPAIN: Springer-Verlag.
DOI2019 Murthy, T. A., Grivell, J., Hatzinikolas, S., Weinel, L., Rayner, C., Chapple, L. S., . . . Marathe, C. S. (2019). The magnitude of acceleration of gastric emptying by acute hypoglycaemia in health is dependent on the level of hypoglycaemia. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Barcelona, SPAIN: SPRINGER.
WoS12019 Wu, T., Zhang, X., Horowitz, M., Jones, K. L., & Rayner, C. K. (2019). Comparative effects of proximal and distal small intestinal glucose exposure on blood pressure, heart rate and mesenteric blood flow in health and type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of Diabetologia. Barcelona, Spain: Springer. 2018 Wu, T., Borg, M., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., & Rayner, C. K. (2018). Comparative effects of proximal and distal small intestinal administration of metformin on plasma glucose and GLP-1, and gastric emptying after oral glucose in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Berlin, GERMANY: SPRINGER. 2018 Giezenaar, C., Hausken, T., Jones, K., Horowitz, M., Chapman, I., & Soenen, S. (2018). Effects of substitution or addition of carbohydrates and fat to protein-supplements on energy intake and underlying gastrointestinal-mechanisms in healthy older men. Poster session presented at the meeting of AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL ON AGEING. WILEY. 2018 Xie, C., Wang, X., Bound, M. J., Grivell, J., Young, R. L., Jones, K. L., . . . Wu, T. (2018). Effects of the bitter taste receptor agonist, denatonium benzoate, on postprandial glycaemia, gastric emptying and energy intake in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD 2017), as published in Diabetologia. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
DOI2018 Jones, K. L., Stevens, J. E., Buttfield, M., Wu, T., Hatzinikolas, S., Pham, H., . . . Horowitz, M. (2018). The reduction in postprandial glucose by sitagliptin is related to the rate of gastric emptying in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Berlin, GERMANY: SPRINGER. 2017 Phillips, L., Watson, L., Wu, T., Bound, M., Checklin, H., Grivell, J., . . . Rayner, C. (2017). Longitudinal evaluation of gastric emptying in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD 2017), as published in Diabetologia. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
DOI2017 Jones, K., Rigda, R., Buttfield, M., Hatzinikolas, S., Pham, H., Marathe, C., . . . Horowitz, M. (2017). Acute effects of lixisenatide on gastric emptying, glycaemia and 'postprandial' blood pressure responses to an oral glucose load in healthy subjects and type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD 2017), as published in Diabetologia. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
DOI WoS12017 Young, R., Isaacs, N., Schober, G., Wu, T., Cvijanovic, N., Pezos, N., . . . Horowitz, M. (2017). Impact of artificial sweeteners on glycaemic control in healthy humans. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD 2017), as published in Diabetologia. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
DOI WoS42017 Rayner, C., Wu, T., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. (2017). Blockade of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors by exendin(9-39) attenuates the increase in heart rate during small intestinal glucose infusion in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD 2017), as published in Diabetologia. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
DOI WoS12017 Wu, T., Horowitz, M., Jones, K., & Rayner, C. (2017). Endogenous glucagon-like peptide-1 mediates the lowering of glycaemia during small intestinal glucose infusion by bile acids in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD 2017), as published in Diabetologia. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
DOI WoS22017 Buttfield, M., Stevens, J., Hatzinikolas, S., Wu, T., Pham, H., Lange, K., . . . Jones, K. (2017). EFFECTS OF SITAGLIPTIN ON GASTRIC EMPTYING OF, AND THE BLOOD PRESSURE RESPONSE TO, A CARBOHYDRATE MEAL IN TYPE 2 DIABETES. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL. WILEY. 2016 Zhang, X., Bound, M., Standfield, S., Hu, S., Jones, K., Horowitz, M., . . . Wu, T. (2016). Comparative effects of proximal and distal small intestinal glucose on glycaemia, incretin hormone secretion and incretin effect in healthy males. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), as published in Diabetologia. Munich, GERMANY: Springer-Verlag.
DOI WoS22016 Kar, P., Plummer, M. P., Giersch, E., Summers, M. J., Hatzinikolas, S., Horowitz, M., . . . Deane, A. (2016). Effects of antecedent hypoglycaemia on gastric and cardiac responses to subsequent hypoglycaemia in health. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Munich, GERMANY: SPRINGER. 2016 Wu, T., Zhang, X., Little, T. L., Bound, M. J., Standfield, S., Deacon, C. F., . . . Rayner, C. K. (2016). The rate of intraduodenal glucose delivery affects the lowering of blood glucose by vildagliptin in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Munich, GERMANY: SPRINGER. 2016 Mignone, L., Wu, T., Phillips, L., Bound, M., Checklin, H., Grivell, J., . . . Rayner, C. (2016). A whey/guar "preload" improves postprandial glycaemia and HbA(1c) in type 2 diabetes: a 12-week, single-blind, randomised and placebo controlled trial. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), as published in Diabetologia. Munich, GERMANY: Springer-Verlag.
DOI2016 Phillips, L. K., Marathe, C., Trahair, L., Bound, M. J., Hatzinikolas, S., Mignone, L. E., . . . Horowitz, M. (2016). Preliminary observations of gastric emptying in diabetic ketoacidosis. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Munich, GERMANY: SPRINGER. 2015 Marathe, C. S., Rayner, C. K., Bound, M., Checklin, H., Standfield, S., Wishart, J., . . . Horowitz, M. (2015). SMALL INTESTINAL GLUCOSE EXPOSURE DETERMINES THE MAGNITUDE OF THE INCRETIN EFFECT IN HEALTH AND TYPE 2 DIABETES. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL. WILEY-BLACKWELL.
DOI2014 Plummer, M. P., Kar, P., Chapman, M. J., Cousins, C. E., Heyland, D. K., Horowitz, M., . . . Deane, A. M. (2014). INCREASING CALORIE CONTENT SLOWS GASTRIC EMPTYING IN THE CRITICALLY ILL. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE. Barcelona, SPAIN: SPRINGER. 2014 Rigda, R. S., Little, T. J., Trahair, L. G., Lange, K., Feinle-Bisset, C., Rayner, C. K., . . . Jones, K. L. (2014). Effects of region of small intestine exposed to glucose on incretin hormones, insulinaemia and glycaemia in healthy older subjects. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. SPRINGER. 2014 Mignone, L. E., Wu, T., Bound, M. J., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., & Rayner, C. K. (2014). A low-dose whey protein preload slows gastric emptying and improves post-prandial glycaemia in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. SPRINGER. 2014 Wu, T., Bound, M., Deacon, C., Jones, K., Horowitz, M., & Rayner, C. (2014). Mechanism of increase in plasma intact GLP-1 by metformin in type 2 diabetes: stimulation of GLP-1 secretion or reduction in plasma DPP-4 activity?. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. SPRINGER. 2014 Trahair, L. G., Horowitz, M., Hausken, T., Feinle-Bisset, C., Rayner, C. K., & Jones, K. L. (2014). Effects of exogenous glucagon-like peptide-1 on the blood pressure, heart rate, mesenteric blood low and glycaemic responses to intraduodenal glucose in older subjects. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. SPRINGER. 2014 Soenen, S., Giezenaar, C., Trahair, L., Tippett, R., Ryan, A., Luscombe-Marsh, N., . . . Chapman, I. (2014). Effects of Dietary Protein on Energy Intake and Gastric Emptying in Healthy Older Compared to Young Men. Poster session presented at the meeting of Clinical Nutrition Supplements. Geneva, Switzerland. 2014 Soenen, S., Giezenaar., Tippett., Trahair., Jones., Horowitz., . . . Hausken, T. (2014). Site-Specific Ultrasonographic Measurement of Muscle and Subcutaneous Fat Thickness Compared with Whole-Body Dexa Lean and Fat Mass in Older Individuals. Poster session presented at the meeting of Clinical Nutrition Supplements. Geneva, Switzerland. 2013 Plummer, M. P., Crowhurst, T. D., Annink, C. E., Cousins, C. E., Sardana, R. R., Meier, J. J., . . . Deane, A. M. (2013). GLP-1 attenuates the acceleration of gastric emptying induced by hypoglycaemia in healthy subjects. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. Barcelona, SPAIN: SPRINGER. 2013 Thazhath, S. S., Bound, M., Jones, K., Horowitz, M., & Rayner, C. (2013). Effect of hydroxycitric acid on the glycaemic response to a small intestinal glucose load in healthy humans. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2012 Wu, T., Zhao, B. R., Horowitz, M., Jones, K. L., & Rayner, C. K. (2012). Effects of a xylose preload, with or without sitagliptin, on gastric emptying and postprandial glycaemia in type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETOLOGIA. SPRINGER. 2012 Gentilcore, D., Ahmad, S., Jones, K., Greenfield, J., Samocha-Bonet, D., & Mckinnon, R. (2012). Effects of the amino acid, glutamine, on gastric emptying and the glycaemic response to oral glucose in healthry young subjects. Poster session presented at the meeting of NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2008 Kuo, P., Stevens, J. E., Bellon, M., Jones, K. L., Horowitz, M., Greville, H. W., . . . Rayner, C. K. (2008). Acute effects of pancreatic enzyme replacement on gastric emptying and postprandial glycemia in patients with cystic fibrosis. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2008 Kuo, P., Gentilcore, D., Nair, N., Stevens, J. E., Hausken, T., Horowitz, M., . . . Rayner, C. K. (2008). Effects of the nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor, ng-nitro-l-arginine-methyl-ester (L-NAME), on delayed gastric emptying induced by hyperglycaemia in healthy humans. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY. WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC. 2002 O'Donovan, D., Feinle-Bisset, C., Tonkin, A., Horowitz, M., & Jones, K. (2002). Effect of variations in intraduodenal glucose absorption on blood pressure in older subjects. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the Australian Gastroenterology Week 2002, as published in Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Adelaide, SA: Blackwell Publishing Asia.
DOI2000 Jones, K. L., Berry, M. K., Andrews, J., MacIntosh, C., & Horowitz, M. (2000). Effects of cisapride on antral area and fullness during intraduodenal lipid infusion. Poster session presented at the meeting of Gastroenterology. San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
DOI1996 Horowitz, M., Wishart, J. M., Jones, K. L., & Hebbard, G. S. (1996). Gastric emptying in diabetes: An overview. Poster session presented at the meeting of Diabetic Medicine. SEVILLE, SPAIN: JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD.
Scopus137 WoS108 Europe PMC71 -
Year Citation 2023 Zhou, X., Wu, T., Sang, M., Qiu, S., Wang, B., Guo, H., . . . Sun, Z. (2023). Variations in Blood Pressure Before and after 75 g Oral Glucose in Chinese Community-Dwelling Adults: Implications for the Detection of Both Hypertension and Postprandial Hypotension.
Research Fellowships
2019 - 2021 | KL Jones – The University of Adelaide, William T Southcott Senior Research Fellowship in Nuclear Medicine. | $710,142 |
2017 | KL Jones. - University of Adelaide - Beacon Mid-Career Research Fellowship - Postprandial hypotension - mechanisms and approaches to management. | $192,130 |
2010 - 2016 | KL Jones - NHMRC Senior Career Development Award (Level 2) - NHMRC - 627011 - Project title: Gastric, small intestinal and cardiovascular mechanisms of postprandial hypotension in the elderly | $417,000 |
2003 - 2008 | KL Jones - NHMRC/Diabetes Australia Career Development Award - 250453 - Project title: Gastroduodenal motility and glycaemic control in diabetes mellitus | $417,500 |
1999 - 2002 | KL Jones - Dr Paul Janssen Senior Lectureship - Clinical Research Fellowship | $400,000 |
Research Grants
Current grants:
2018 - 2021 | T Wu, C Rayner, KL Jones - NHMRC Project Grant: APP1147333 - Project title: Bitter taste as a mediator of food intake and postprandial glycaemia in health and type 2 diabetes. | $725,276 |
2018 - 2021 | M Chapman, A Deane, S Soenen, L van Loon, KL Jones - NHMRC Project Grant: APP11404496 - Project title: Protein absorption and kinetics in critical illness. | $1,200,000 |
2019 - 2021 | C Rayner, J Holst - NHMRC Project Grant: APP1163910 - Project title: GIP actions in health and disease – human studies using a novel GIP antagonist. | $1,535,788 |
2021 | I Kouw, L Chapple, M Summers, M Chapman, KL Jones, M Horowitz. Diabetes Australia Research Program General Grant – Project Title: The effect of enteral feeding pattern on glycaemic control and gastrointestinal function in critically ill patients. | $60,000 |
2021 | M Horowitz, M Chapman, M Plummer, KL Jones, CK Rayner, A Deane. Diabetes Australia Research Program General Grant – Project Title: Management of critical illness-induced ('stress') hyperglycaemia with native glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). | $60,000 |
2021 | T Wu, CK Rayner, KL Jones, RL Young, M Horowitz. Diabetes Australia Research Program General Grant – Project Title: More or less? Bile acids and glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes. | $60,000 |
Previous grants:
2020 | T Wu, C Rayner, Phillips L, KL Jones, M Horowitz – Diabetes Australia Research Trust General Grant - Project title: Effects of endogenous bile acids on postprandial glucose metabolism in type 2 diabetes, and the impact of the small intestinal region exposed. | $59,970 |
2019 | M Horowitz, KL Jones, A Deane, C Marathe, M Nauck – Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation Near Miss Grant - Project title: Effect of GLP-1RAs on glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes. | $49,950 |
2019 | L Phillips, C Rayner, T Wu, KL Jones, M Horowitz - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - Clinical Project Grant - Project title: Effects of acute and sub-acute treatment with metformin on cardiovascular responses to a glucose challenge in type 2 diabetes. | $49,998 |
2019 | KL Jones, L Phillips, C Rayner, T Wu, M Horowitz - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - Clinical Project Grant - Project title: Effect of exenatide BID on small intestinal transit, absorption, glycaemia and blood pressure in type 2 diabetes. | $49,859 |
2019 | T Wu, C Rayner, KL Jones, M Horowitz – Diabetes Australia Research Trust General Grant - Project title: Role of bile acids in glucose lowering by metformin. | $59,991 |
2019 | KL Jones, L Phillips, T Wu, C Marathe, M Horowitz, C Rayner – Diabetes Australia Research Trust General Grant - Project title: Effect of exenatide once weekly on gastric emptying of, and the postprandial glycaemic and cardiovascular responses to, an oral glucose load in type 2 diabetes. | $59,872 |
2018 - 2019 | KL Jones, M Horowitz, C Rayner, R Visvanathan, T Wu – Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation Near Miss Grant - Project title: Mechanisms and management of postprandial hypotension. | $50,000 |
2018 - 2019 | KL Jones – Gum Bequest – Royal Adelaide Hospital – Project title: Establishing the potential of the short-acting GLP-1 agonist, exenatide, as a treatment for postprandial hypotension. | $40,000 |
2018 - 2019 | KL Jones, C Rayner, T Wu, D Bartholomeusz, M Horowitz, S Veedfald, JJ Holst, M Rosenkilde, C Deacon; - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - Clinical Project Grant - Project title: Role of endogenous glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) in the gastric emptying, glycaemia, splanchnic blood flow and blood pressure responses to oral glucose in healthy older subjects. | $49,472 |
2018 | KL Jones, M Chapman, M Horowitz L Chapple, C Marathe – The Hospital Research Foundation - Project title: Digirad/ERGO Portable Gamma Camera for the scintigraphic measurement of gastric emptying in ‘high-risk’ clinical research. | $150,000 |
2018 | KL Jones, M Chapman, M Horowitz L Chapple, C Marathe – The Ian Potter Foundation - Project title: Digirad/ERGO Portable Gamma Camera for the scintigraphic measurement of gastric emptying in ‘high-risk’ clinical research. | $200,000 |
2018 | KL Jones, - The Hospital Research Foundation Travel Award. | $3000 |
2018 | KL Jones, M Chapman, M Horowitz L Chapple, C Marathe – University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (2018 Research Infrastructure Funding Award) - Project title: Digirad/ERGO Portable Gamma Camera for the scintigraphic measurement of gastric emptying in ‘high-risk’ clinical research. | $136,784 |
2018 | L Chapple, M Chapman, M Summers, KL Jones, A Deane – Project Title - Aspen Rhoads Research Foundation - Clinical Project Grant - Project title: The effect of standard versus energy dense feeds on gastric emptying and glucose metabolism in critically ill patients. | $31,755 |
2018 | CS Marathe, M Chapman, KL Jones, A Deane, P Kar, M Horowitz, C Rayner; - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - Clinical Project Grant - Project title: Do short acting glucagon-like receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) attenuate the 'gastric' counter-regulatory response to hypoglycaemia in type 2 diabetes? | $49,935 |
2017 - 2018 | T Wu, C Rayner, KL Jones – University of Adelaide - ECR Mentored Project Grant - Project title: Nutrient-gut interactions and glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes. | $15,000 |
2017 - 2018 | F Grutzner, D Keating, M Horowitz, P Sexton, D Wooten, A Page, KL Jones, C Rayner, G Rychkov - Medvet Science Research Grant - Project title: Analysis of novel monotreme GLP-1 based receptor agonists for use in metabolic disorder treatment. | $200,000 |
2012 - 2018 | M Horowitz, G Wittert, P Clifton, C Rayner, I Chapman, C Feinle-Bisset, KL Jones, M Noakes, M Chapman, N Nguyen - NHMRC - CRE Grant: 1041687 - Project title: Translating Nutritional Science to Good Health | $2,500,000 |
2017 | L Phillips, C Rayner, N Nguyen, KL Jones, M Horowitz. - DART - Project title: Impact of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency and pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy on gastric emptying, gut hormone, and glycemic responses to a meal in type 2 diabetes. | $60,023 |
2017 | M Horowitz, C Rayner, KL Jones, C Feinle-Bisset, M Chapman, A Deane. - Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Measurement of gut hormones involved in regulating gastric emptying, intestinal transit, blood glucose concentrations and appetite. | $25,000 |
2017 | KL Jones, L Phillips, C Rayner, A Deane. - University of Adelaide, School of Medicine - RIBG Equipment Grant - Project title: Mechanisms and management of postprandial hypotension. | $7200 |
2017 | CK Rayner, M Horowitz, KL Jones, A Deane. - University of Adelaide, School of Medicine - RIBG Equipment Grant - Project title: Upper gastrointestinal motility and glycaemic control in patients with diabetes and the critically ill. | $38,040 |
2017 | Y Ali Abdelhamid, KL Jones, M Horowitz, P Kar, L Phillips, T Nguyen, A Deane; - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - RAH2163 - Clinical Project Grant - Project title: Prevalence, mechanisms and impact of postprandial hypotension in elderly survivors of critical illness. | $49,208 |
2017 | KL Jones, T Kimber, L Phillips, C Rayner; - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - RAH2168 - Clinical Project Grant - Project title: Acute effects of dopaminergic therapy with levodopa/carbidopa on the gastric emptying, blood pressure and superior mesenteric artery blood flow responses to oral glucose in patients with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease. | $30,000 |
2017 | JE Stevens, KL Jones, C Rayner, P Kar, A Deane, M Horowitz; - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - RAH2169 - Clinical Project Grant - Project title: Acute hypoglycaemia and gastric emptying – ‘dose response’ and impact on oral drug absorption. | $30,000 |
2017 | KL Jones, M Horowitz, CK Rayner S Soenen, R Visvanathan - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - RAH2182 - NHMRC Near miss grant - Project title: Postprandial hypotension – approaches to management. | $57,205 |
2017 | M Chapman, A Deane, S Soenen, L van Loon, KL Jones - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - RAH2181 - NHMRC Near miss grant - Project title: Protein absorption and kinetics in critical illness. | $57,205 |
2014 - 2017 | KL Jones - NHMRC - 1066835 - Project title: Protein “preloads” to improve postprandial glycaemia in type 2 diabetes | $603,447 |
2014 - 2017 | CK Rayner, P Clifton, M Horowitz, KL Jones - NHMRC - 1066835 - Project title: Protein “preloads” to improve postprandial glycaemia in type 2 diabetes | $603,447 |
2016 | L Phillips, M Horowitz, C Rayner, KL Jones; Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - 2122 - Project title: A longitudinal study: does rapid gastric emptying increase the risk of type 2 diabetes? | $50,113 |
2016 | KL Jones, M Horowitz, CK Rayner S Soenen, R Visvanathan - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - 2140 - NHMRC Near miss grant - Project title: Postprandial hypotension – gastrointestinal mechanisms and management. | $50,000 |
2016 | KL Jones - University of Adelaide – Dependant Travel Grant. | $1000 |
2015 - 2016 | KL Jones, T Wu, CK Rayner - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - 1766 - Project title: Effects of DPP-4 inhibition with sitagliptin on postprandial blood pressure, glycaemia and incretin hormones in type 2 diabetes – relationship to gastric emptying. | $47,700 |
2015 - 2016 | KL Jones, S Soenen, CK Rayner - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - 2027 - NHMRC Near miss grant - Project title: Postprandial hypotension – gastrointestinal mechanisms and management. | $50,000 |
2010 - 2016 | KL Jones - NHMRC Senior Career Development Award (Level 2) - NHMRC - 627011 - Project title: Gastric, small intestinal and cardiovascular mechanisms of postprandial hypotension in the elderly | $417,000 |
2015 | M Plummer, A Deane, KL Jones, T Hausken. Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - Project title: The effect of critical illness on gallbladder motility, lipid absorption and plasma cholecystokinin concentrations. | $49,565 |
2014 | J Stevens, KL Jones - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - Project title: Comparative effects of low-carbohydrate-, full-strength- and low-alcohol beer on gastric emptying, alcohol absorption, glycaemia and insulinaemia in health and diabetes | $41,064 |
2012 - 2014 | M Chapman, N Nguyen, M Horowitz, C Rayner, KL Jones, A Deane A - NHMRC - Project title: Optimising nutrient delivery and absorption in critically ill patients | $542,500 |
2013 | KL Jones, T Kimber, M Horowitz - Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Foundation - Project title: Postprandial hypotension in Parkinson's Disease - impact of gastric emptying and splanchnic blood flow | $49,989 |
2013 | CK Rayner, M Horowitz, KL Jones – Gum Bequest: Endocrine & Metabolic Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital – Project title: Effects of 5 weeks resveratrol supplementation on GLP-1 secretion, gastric emptying, and postprandial glycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes | $40,000 |
2010 - 2013 | KL Jones, D Gentilcore, R Visvanathan, I Chapman, C Rayner, M Horowitz - NHMRC - 627189 - Project title: Gastric, small intestinal and cardiovascular mechanisms of postprandial hypotension | $676,500 |
2012 | M Horowitz, C Rayner, KL Jones, A Deane - Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation Ltd - Project title: Measurement of glucose in blood or plasma ($22,000) | $22,000 |
2010 - 2012 | CK Rayner, M Horowitz, KL Jones, C Feinle-Bisset - NHMRC - 627139 - Project title: Upper gastrointestinal function and glycaemic control in diabetes mellitus ($753,500) | $753,500 |
2011 | M Horowitz, KL Jones, D Gentilcore, CK Rayner - Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Measurement of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) blood flow in patients with diabetes with and without postprandial hypotension | $22,000 |
2011 | KL Jones, D Gentilcore, R Visvanathan, IM Chapman, CK Rayner, A Deane, M Horowitz – Hanson Institute, Royal Adelaide Hospital Equipment Grant - Project title: Assessment of splanchnic blood flow in humans | $65,000 |
2011 | G Wittert, M Horowitz, I Chapman, C Rayner, C Feinle-Bisset, KL Jones, L Heilbronn, E Beckett - NHMRC Equipment Grant - Project title: Studies in Nutritional Physiology and Related Diseases | $25,000 |
2009 - 2011 | C Feinle-Bisset, M Horowitz, PM Clifton, KL Jones, CK Rayner - NHMRC - 565311 - Project title: Effects of the fatty acid, lauric acid, on energy intake, and gut motor and hormonal function in health and obesity | $714,000 |
2009 - 2011 | C Feinle-Bisset, PM Clifton, M Horowitz, KL Jones, GA Wittert - NHMRC - 565312 - Project title: Modifications in energy intake and gastrointestinal regulation of appetite - implications for weight loss in obesity | $714,000 |
2007 - 2011 | M Horowitz, PM Clifton, GA Wittert, IM Chapman, Fraser RJ, CK Rayner, C Feinle-Bisset, KL Jones - NHMRC - 453557 - Project title: CCRE in Nutritional Physiology, Interventions and Outcomes | $2,000,000 |
2010 | KL Jones, Horowitz M, Chapman IM, Feinle-Bisset C, Rayner CK, Clifton PM, Sanders P, Wittert G, Fraser R, Atlantis E - NHMRC Equipment Grant - 640305 - Project title: Measurement of autonomic nerve function in patients with diabetes, obesity, the elderly, atrial fibrillation and the critically ill | $34,000 |
2010 | KL Jones, Horowitz M, Chapman IM, Feinle-Bisset C, Rayner CK, Clifton PM, Sanders P, Wittert G, Fraser R, Atlantis E - University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health Science - Project title: Measurement of autonomic nerve function in patients with diabetes, obesity, the elderly, atrial fibrillation and the critically ill | $6,000 |
2010 | M Horowitz, KL Jones, CK Rayner - Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Measurement of blood pressure in patients with diabetes with or without postprandial hypotension | $20,000 |
2009 | M Horowitz, C Rayner, P Clifton, KL Jones, C Feinle-Bisset, G Wittert - Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Measurement of endothelial function and arterial stiffness in diabetes | $20,000 |
2009 | M Horowitz, R Fraser, KL Jones, C Rayner - Vera Ramaciotti Research Foundation - Project title: Equipment grant for a Portable Scintillation Camera (Digirad 2020tc) | $30,000 |
2007 - 2009 | KL Jones, M Horowitz, IM Chapman, C Feinle-Bisset, CK Rayner - NHMRC - 453650 - Project title: Pathophysiology of postprandial hypotension in the elderly - role of "gastric" and "small intestinal" mechanisms | $450,813 |
2007 - 2009 | M Horowitz, KL Jones, CK Rayner, C Feinle-Bisset, AJPM Smout, M Samsom - NHMRC - 453647 - Project title: Upper gastrointestinal motility and glycaemic control in diabetes mellitus | $552,000 |
2008 | M Horowitz, KL Jones, D Gentilcore, C Rayner, C Feinle-Bisset - Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Measurement of autonomic nerve function in patients with or without postprandial hypotension | $20,000 |
2008 | D Gentilcore, KL Jones, M Horowitz, C Rayner - Royal Adelaide Hospital Project Grant - Project title: Effects of the oligosaccharide, alpha - cyclodextrin, on postprandial blood pressure in healthy older subjects – relationships to gastric emptying, glycaemia and superior mesenteric blood flow | $15,000 |
2008 | C Feinle-Bisset, KL Jones, M Horowitz - Royal Adelaide Hospital Project Grant - Project title: Characterisation of day-to-day variations in energy intake in healthy men and women, and the effect of the menstrual cycle in women - relationships with gastric emptying, intragastric meal distribution and gastrointestinal and reproductive hormones ($15,000) | $15,000 |
2008 | CK Rayner, R Fraser, M Horowitz, G Wittert, C Feinle-Bisset, KL Jones, P Clifton - University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health Science - Project title: Equipment for concurrent impedence, manometry and barostat recordings in nutritional physiology studies | $10,000 |
2008 | CK Rayner, R Fraser, M Horowitz, G Wittert, C Feinle-Bisset, KL Jones, P Clifton, - NHMRC - 520946 - Project title: Equipment for concurrent impedence, manometry and barostat recordings in nutritional physiology studies | $42,000 |
2007 | M Horowitz, PM Clifton, GA Wittert, IM Chapman, Fraser RJ, CK Rayner, C Feinle-Bisset, KL Jones - Diabetes Australia Research Trust - Project title: Acute and chronic effects of a high- and low-fat ‘preloads’ on gastric emptying, glycaemia, gastrointestinal hormones and energy intake in type 2 diabetes - a preliminary study | $50,000 |
2007 | M Horowitz, KL Jones, P Clifton, C Rayner, C Feinle-Bisset, I Chapman - Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Measurement of resting energy expenditure in diabetes | $20,000 |
2007 | M Chapman, A Deane, RJ Fraser, KL Jones, RH Holloway, M Horowitz - Australian & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists - Project title: Effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 on glucose levels and small intestinal transit in critically ill patients. | $39.961 |
2005 - 2007 | R Fraser, R Holloway, R Young R, K Jones - NHMRC - 349329 - Project title: Oesophageal, gastric and small intestinal motility in critical illness | $489,000 |
2006 | M Horowitz, C Rayner, C Feinle-Bisset, K Jones - Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Measurement of stomach and small intestinal motility in diabetes | $18,000 |
2006 | KL Jones, M Horowitz, I Chapman - Royal Adelaide Hospital Project Grant - Project title: Pathophysiology of postprandial hypotension in the elderly - role of “small intestinal” and “gastric” mechanisms | $20,000 |
2005 | M Horowitz, K Jones, C Feinle-Bisset, C Rayner, J Wishart, H Morris - Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Evaluation of gastrointestinal hormone function in diabetes mellitus | $14,235 |
2003 - 2005 | M Horowitz, K Jones, C Feinle, M Samsom, A Smout - NHMRC – 250335 - Project title: Gastroduodenal motility and glycaemic control in diabetes mellitus | $443,850 |
2003 - 2005 | C Feinle, M Horowitz, N Talley, K Jones - NHMRC - 242802 - Project title: Dietary habits and gastric motor function in functional dyspepsia | $223,500 |
2004 | M Horowitz, C Feinle-Bisset, C Rayner, K Jones - Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Evaluation of gastric and small intestinal motility in diabetes mellitus | $16,000 |
2002 - 2004 | R Fraser, J Dent, M Horowitz, R Holloway, R Young, K Jones - NHMRC- 207753 - Project title: Upper gastrointestinal motor and absorptive function in critically ill patients | $258,699 |
2003 | M Horowitz, K Jones, C Feinle, D O’Donovan - Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Relationships between gastric motility and gastrointestinal symptoms with glucose control in diabetes | $9,178 |
2003 | T Buckland, K Dunstan, S Guha, I Chapman, K Jones, J von der Borsch, M Hargreaves, K Simpson, D Torpy, N Talley, Harvey, M Horowitz - Novo Nordisk Regional Diabetes Support Scheme - Project title: Relationships between gastrointestinal symptoms and glycaemic control in diabetes - impact on intensive insulin stabilisation clinic | $4,000 |
2003 | M Horowitz, KL Jones, IM Chapman, C Feinle - NHMRC - 219354 (Equipment Grant) - Project title: Equipment for 3D ultrasound | $60,000 |
2003 | M Horowitz, KL Jones, IM Chapman, C Feinle - University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health Science - Project title: Equipment for 3D ultrasound | $20,000 |
2002 | M Horowitz, K Jones, C Feinle, D O’Donovan, P Clifton - Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Evaluation of transpyloric flow in diabetes mellitus | $16,000 |
2002 | K Jones - Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Travel Grant | $2,000 |
2000 - 2002 | M Horowitz, KL Jones, R Fraser, J Dent - NHMRC - 104812 - Project title: Gastric motility and blood glucose control in diabetes mellitus | $342,174 |
2001 | M Horowitz, K Jones, D O’Donovan, C Feinle, N Talley - Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Evaluation of autonomic nerve function in diabetes mellitus | $16,000 |
2001 | D O’Donovan, C Feinle, K Jones, I Chapman, M Horowitz - Novo Nordisk Regional Diabetes Support Scheme - Project title: Modulation of postprandial hyperglycaemia by fat in type 2 diabetes | $8,050 |
2001 | D O’Donovan, C Feinle, K Jones, I Chapman, M Horowitz - Royal Adelaide Hospital Project Grant - Project title: Modulation of postprandial hyperglycaemia by fat in normal subjects and type 2 diabetes | $15,000 |
2001 | M Chapman, D Bartholomeusz, R Fraser, M Horowitz, K Jones, R Young - Royal Adelaide Hospital Project Grant - Project title: The effect of timing of the initiation of enteral feeding on gastric emptying and glucose absorption in critically ill patients | $15,000 |
2001 | R Fraser, J Dent, M Horowitz, R Young, K Jones, R Holloway - University of Adelaide B1 Grant - Project title: Upper gastrointestinal motor and absorptive function in critically ill patients | $12,000 |
2000 | M Horowitz, R Fraser, J Dent, K Jones - Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation - Project title: Evaluation of gastric motility in diabetes mellitus | $11,815 |
1999 | K Jones - University of Adelaide B3 Seeding Grant - Project title: Effect of the blood glucose concentration on gastric emptying in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus | $10,000 |
1999 | K Jones, M Horowitz - Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation - Project title: Effect of hypoglycaemia on gastric emptying in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus | $4,000 |
1999 | K Jones, M Horowitz, A Tonkin - Royal Adelaide Hospital Project Grant - Project title: Pathophysiology of postprandial hypotension in older subjects; role of gastrointestinal mechanisms | $10,000 |
1999 | K Jones, M Horowitz - Novo Nordisk Regional Diabetes Support Scheme - Project title: The effect of hyperglycaemia on the gastrokinetic effect of cisapride in normal subjects and patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus | $2,000 |
1999 | K Jones - Abbott Laboratories/Roche Products Gastroenterological Society of Australia | $5,000 |
1998 | K Jones, M Horowitz, I Chapman, M Guha - Novo Nordisk Regional Diabetes Support Scheme - Project title: The effect of guar gum on postprandial blood pressure in patients with non-insulin dependant diabetes mellitus | $3,150 |
1997 | K Jones, M Horowitz - Small Faculty Grant, University of South Australia - Project title: Role of oral technegas as a new radiopharmaceutical to measure gastric emptying | $3,107 |
1997 | P Newell, K Jones - Small Faculty Grant, University of South Australia - Project title: The instructional effectiveness of on-line delivered image evaluation vs traditional tutorials on second year medical radiation student learning outcomes | $2,550 |
Subsequent to her graduation in 1991, Prof Jones was responsible for supervising nuclear medicine techniques and clinical practice to year 1 - 3 nuclear medicine students at the Department of Medical Imaging, Flinders Medical Centre. Between 1992 - 1996 and May - December 1998, she worked at the University of South Australia as a tutor and Visiting Lecturer to undergraduate Nuclear Medicine students. This role necessitated the preparation of lecture notes and film reviews. From February 1997 - April 1998, Prof Jones was employed as a full-time Lecturer in Medical Radiation. Her responsibilities included coordination of the Honours Degree in Medical Radiation and Thesis components of the Masters Degree in Applied Science. During this time she supervised several research degree students. She was also involved in the undergraduate programme (Problem Based Learning), facilitating tutorials for both the second and third year Nuclear Medicine students. In 1997 and 1998 Prof Jones was involved in an external postgraduate research subject, ‘Processes and Practices of Research’, for the Schools of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Medical Radiation, which required facilitating audio-conferences and marking assignments for students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma and Masters programmes. She has been an Adjunct Professor at the University of South Australia since 2016 where she teaches in the nuclear medicine undergraduate programme and supervises research students. From 2008 she has been involved in medical student selection, University of Adelaide and from 2009-2012 and since 2018, Prof Jones has been a Postgraduate Co-ordinator for PhD students in the Adelaide Medical School, University of Adelaide. She plays an active role in mentorship for past students and early-mid career researchers and has supervised 23 honours, 17 PhD, and 4 Masters students; 4 are current PhD students.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2023 Co-Supervisor Autonomic neuropathy in Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians with diabetes and pre-diabetes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Elham Hosseini Marnani 2022 Co-Supervisor Gastrointestinal function in type 2 diabetes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Md Kamruzzaman 2019 Co-Supervisor Comparing molecular and physiological adaptations to specialised insectivory in mammals to improve management Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Michelle Emma Shaw -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2021 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Understanding the Relationship of Incretin Hormones, Gastric Emptying and the Glucoregulatory Responses to Nutrients Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Ryan Joseph Jalleh 2021 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Recovery and Outcomes after General Surgery Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Joshua George Kovoor 2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Physiological studies of whey protein in older people, with a focus on feeding behaviour, nutrition, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and post prandial blood pressure Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Avneet Oberoi 2016 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Natural History of Meal-Induced Changes in Blood Pressure, Gastric Emptying and Incretin Hormone Secretion and Approaches to the Management of Postprandial Hypotension Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Hung Thai Pham 2014 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Hyperglycaemia in the Critically Ill Patient - Ideal Treatment and Impact of the Condition Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Palash Kar 2011 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Gastric and Small Intestinal Determinants of Postprandial Blood Pressure and Glycaemia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Laurence Trahair 2010 - 2012 Co-Supervisor Gastric Motor Function in Health and Diabetes - Implications for Incretin Hormone Release and Postprandial Blood Glucose Regulation Master of Philosophy (Medical Science) Master Full Time Dr Jessica Lee Sing Chang 2009 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Gastrointestinal motor and sensory function and hormone secretion - implications for postprandial blood glucose regulation in type 2 diabetes mellitus Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time APrf Tongzhi Wu 2007 - 2011 Principal Supervisor The role of gastric and small intestinal mechanisms in postprandial hypotension Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Lora Vanis 2006 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Gastrointestinal motor function and glycaemic control in diabetes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Jing Ma 2006 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Gastric and Small Intestinal Motor Function in Health and Disease - Implications for Glucose Absorption, Incretin Hormone Release, and Postprandial Blood Glucose Regulation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Paul Kuo 2003 - 2007 Principal Supervisor Role of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Postprandial Blood Pressure Regulation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Diana Piscitelli 2003 - 2007 Co-Supervisor Gastrointestinal Motility and Glycaemic Control in Diabetes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Reawika Chaikomin 2003 - 2009 Principal Supervisor Studies of Gastric Motility in Health and Diabetes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Julie Eva Stevens
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2019 - ongoing Director Federal Council ANZSNM Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine (ANZSNM) Australia 2018 - 2018 Member NHMRC Career Development Fellowship – Clinical assessment panel NHMRC Australia 2017 - ongoing Member ANZSNM, Technologist Special Interest Group, Education Committee Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine (ANZSNM) Australia 2014 - 2014 Member NHMRC Career Development Fellowship – Clinical assessment panel - - 2013 - 2013 Member NHMRC Career Development Fellowship – Clinical assessment panel - Australia 2012 - 2012 Member NHMRC Career Development Fellowship – Clinical assessment panel - Australia 2008 - 2008 Chair NHMRC Medical/Dental PhD Training Scholarship Committee - Australia 2007 - 2007 Chair NHMRC Medical/Dental PhD Training Scholarship Committee - Australia 2006 - 2006 Member NHMRC Medical/Dental PhD Training Scholarship Committee - Australia 2006 - ongoing Member Royal Adelaide Hospital Stage 4 Redevelopment Subcommittee for the RAHCCC - Australia 2005 - 2005 Member NHMRC Medical/Dental PhD Training Scholarship Committee - Australia 2002 - 2010 Member Medical School, Yr 4/5 Research Curriculum Subcommittee University of Adelaide Australia 2001 - 2007 Member RAHCCC Management Committee, Public Officer for the RAHCCC - Australia 2000 - 2006 Member Australian Breastfeeding Association of Australia - Australia 1999 - 2000 Member Working committee for the Annual ANZSNM meeting held in Adelaide. ANZSNM Australia 1996 - 1996 Member Competency Based Standards Sub-committee for Nuclear Medicine technologists in Australia - Australia 1995 - ongoing Member Working committee for Honours Degree in Medical Radiations University of South Australia Australia 1994 - ongoing Member Working committee for Masters Degree in Medical Radiations University of South Australia Australia -
Date Role Membership Country 2004 - ongoing Member Associate Member Hanson Institute Australia 1994 - 2000 Member Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA) Australia 1994 - 1998 Member American Society of Nuclear Medicine (ASM) United States 1991 - ongoing Member Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine (ANZSNM) Australia 1991 - ongoing Member Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine (ANZSNM)-Technologist Group Australia -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2007 - 2010 Board Member The Open Geriatric Medicine Journal - United States
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