Dr John Willison
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Dr John Willison has twenty five years of experience in formal education, and throughout that time has been most enthralled in how to help students to engage in research-based learning, beginning with Year 8 classes, where he strived to make science laboratories hands-on and minds-on. Dr Willison found that this necessitated a raft of scaffolding and literacy strategies, and resulted in the development of resources called writE Science (writing and reading integrated with talking about experiments). As Dr Willison completed his PhD in Science Education he coordinated an Early Childhood and Primary Science course in a Teacher Education program, then subsequently found himself at the University of Adelaide as the Coordinator of the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education. This shift to students who were academics from all disciplines caused Dr Willison to broaden his research agenda to search for something in common across disciplines: a framework representing how all educators may facilitate their students’ research skills.
In collaboration, Dr Willison developed early versions of the Research Skill Development (RSD) framework and colleagues in First Year Human Biology began to trial the RSD, followed by other courses in various contexts showing positive outcomes for students. This success inspired Dr Willison to lead two five-university ALTC Innovation and Development projects, one for course-level implementation of RSD (2007-2009) and the other for program-level implementation (2011-2013). These projects and new AQF 9 research requirements led to demand for RSD to inform coursework Masters programs and Dr Willison held a National Teaching Fellowship on this theme 2014-2015. As the use of the RSD escalates nationally and internationally, he is currently keen to bring the RSD ‘full-circle’ and begin to influence Faculties of Education through High Schools’ use of the RSD, as well as consolidate RSD use in undergraduate, Masters and PhD studies across all disciplines. This is the focus of the National Senior Teaching Fellowship he holds from the Australian Government's Department of Education and Training.
Date Position Institution name 2004 - ongoing Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide 1999 - 1999 Lecturer Curtin University -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2016 Fellowship National Senior Teaching Fellowship Office of Learning and Teaching Australia - 2014 Fellowship National Teaching Fellowship Office for Learning and Teaching Australia $90,000 -
Date Institution name Country Title University of New South Wales Australia B.Sc DipEd. -
Postgraduate Training
Date Title Institution Country Ph.D. (Science Education) Curtin University Australia Master of Education Curtin University Australia -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Fernandes, R., Willison, J., & Boyle, C. (2024). Characteristics, prevalence and tensions of critical thinking in Indonesian high school English language classes resulting from policy-driven teaching. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 53, 101605.
2024 Maranna, S., Joksimovic, S., Willison, J., MacDougall, M., Parange, N., & Costabile, M. (2024). Student perspectives on learning transfer from online postgraduate sonography courses to traineeships: A pilot survey. Sonography, 12 pages.
2024 Fernandes, R., Willison, J., & Boyle, C. (2024). Characteristics of facilitated critical thinking when students listen to and speak English as an additional language in Indonesia. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 52, 101513-1-101513-17.
Scopus42023 Willison, J., Draper, C., Fornarino, L., Li, M., Sabri, T., Shi, Y., & Zhao, X. (2023). Metacognitively ALERT in science: literature synthesis of a hierarchical framework for metacognition and preliminary evidence of its viability. Studies in Science Education, 60(2), 1-37.
Scopus22022 Araki, M., Park, S. J., Dauerman, H. L., Uemura, S., Kim, J. S., Di Mario, C., . . . Yu, B. (2022). Optical coherence tomography in coronary atherosclerosis assessment and intervention. Nature Reviews Cardiology, 19(10), 684-703.
Scopus193 WoS58 Europe PMC922022 Maranna, S., Willison, J., Joksimovic, S., Parange, N., & Costabile, M. (2022). Factors that influence cognitive presence: A scoping review. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 38(4), 95-111.
Scopus102021 Willison, J., Draper, C., Fornarino, L., Li, M., Sabri, T., Shi, Y., & Zhao, X. (2021). Metacognitively ALERT In Science.
2020 Mataniari, R., Willison, J., Hasibuan, M. H. E., Sulistiyo, U., & Dewi, F. (2020). Portraying students' critical thinking skills through research skill development (RSD) framework: A case of a biology course in an Indonesian University. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(2), 302-314.
Scopus132020 Willison, J., Zhu, X., Xie, B., Yu, X., Chen, J., Zhang, D., . . . Sabir, F. (2020). Graduates' affective transfer of research skills and evidence based practice from university to employment in clinics.. BMC medical education, 20(1), 89.
Scopus6 WoS3 Europe PMC12019 Ain, C. T., Sabir, F., & Willison, J. (2019). Research skills that men and women developed at university and then used in workplaces. Studies in Higher Education, 44(12), 2346-2358.
Scopus24 WoS112018 Willison, J. W. (2018). Research skill development spanning higher education: Critiques, curricula and connections. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 15(4), 1-17.
Scopus29 WoS112018 Missingham, D., Shah, S., Sabir, F., & Willison, J. (2018). Student engineers optimising problem solving and research skills. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 15(4), 1-19.
Scopus11 WoS52017 Willison, J., Sabir, F., & Thomas, J. (2017). Shifting dimensions of autonomy in students' research and employment. Higher Education Research and Development, 36(2), 430-443.
Scopus34 WoS182016 Willison, J., & Buisman-Pijlman, F. (2016). Ph.D. prepared: research skill development across the undergraduate years. International Journal for Researcher Development, 7(1), 63-83.
2016 Wilmore, M., & Willison, J. (2016). Graduates' attitudes to research skill development in undergraduate media education. Asia Pacific Media Educator, 26(1), 113-128.
Scopus13 WoS62015 Bandaranaike, S., & Willison, J. (2015). Building capacity for work-readiness: bridging the cognitive and affective domains. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 16(3), 223-233.
Scopus23 WoS162014 Wu, C., Chanda, E., & Willison, J. (2014). Implementation and outcomes of online self and peer assessment on group based honours research projects. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 39(1), 21-37.
Scopus14 WoS132013 Williamson, N., Metha, G., Willison, J., & Pyke, S. (2013). Development of POGIL-Style classroom activities for an introductory chemistry course. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(5), 27-41.
Scopus52013 Willison, J. (2013). Inquiring ape?. Higher Education Research and Development, 32(5), 861-865.
Scopus2 WoS22012 Willison, J. (2012). When academics integrate research skill development in the curriculum. Higher Education Research and Development, 31(6), 905-919.
Scopus45 WoS332010 Willison, J. (2010). Development of all students' research skill becomes a knowledge society. AISHE-J, 2(1), 12.1-12.8. 2009 Mohammadzaheri, M., Chen, L., Ghaffari, A., & Willison, J. (2009). A combination of linear and nonlinear activation functions in neural networks for modeling a de-superheater. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 17(2), 398-407.
Scopus29 WoS222009 Willison, J. W. (2009). Multiple contexts, multiple outcomes, one conceptual framework for research skill development in the undergraduate curriculum. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 29(3), 10-14. 2009 Willison, J., Peirce, E., Ricci, M., Al-Sarawi, S. F., Harper, R. L., & Donnelly, F. P. (2009). Handbook for research skill development and assessment in the curriculum. 2007 Willison, J., & O'Regan, K. (2007). Commonly known, commonly not known, totally unknown: a framework for students becoming researchers. Higher Education Research and Development, 26(4), 393-409.
Scopus1892007 Willison, J. (2007). Vision & choice ethical characteristics of academic development programs. Journal of University of Teaching & Learning Practice, 4(2), 73-88. 2007 Willison, J. (2007). Vision & Choice, Ethical Characteristics of Academic Development Programs. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSITY TEACHING AND LEARNING PRACTICE, 4(2), 72-87. 1999 Willison, J. (1999). Who writes the recipes in science? Possibilities from four years of action research with students and their scientific literacy. Research in Science Education, 29(1), 111-126.
1996 Willison, J. W. (1996). How RU Integrating Hands-On, Writing and Reading for Understanding in Your Students' Science Learning?. Australian Science Teachers' Journal, 42(4), 8-14. -
Year Citation 2020 Willison, J. (2020). The Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching: Connecting sophisticated thinking from early childhood to PhD. Singapore: Springer.
DOI2020 Willison, J. (2020). Foreword to international undergraduate research. -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2023 Willison, J. (2023). Teachers’ Research Thinking. In J. Willison (Ed.), Research Thinking for Responsive Teaching: Research skill development with in-service and pre-service educators (pp. 18-33). Singapore: Springer. 2023 Willison, J. (2023). Teachers’ Research Thinking. In J. Willison (Ed.), Research Thinking for Responsive Teaching: Research skill development with in-service and pre-service educators (pp. 18-33). Singapore: Springer. 2023 Home, J., Snelling, T., & Willison, J. (2023). High School Student experiences of Teacher Research Thinking. In J. Willison (Ed.), Research Thinking for Responsive Teaching: Research skill development with in-service and pre-service educators. (pp. 37-56). Singapore: Springer. 2023 Home, J., Snelling, T., & Willison, J. (2023). High School Student experiences of Teacher Research Thinking. In J. Willison (Ed.), Research Thinking for Responsive Teaching: Research skill development with in-service and pre-service educators. (pp. 37-56). Singapore: Springer. 2023 Liu, J., Zhou, W., Zhao, R., Yang, Z., Li, W., Chao, D., . . . Zhao, D. (2023). Sulfur-based Aqueous Batteries: Electrochemistry and Strategies. In Aqueous Zinc Batteries (pp. 257-287). WORLD SCIENTIFIC.
DOI2020 Willison, J. (2020). Blended learning needs blended evaluation. In M. White, & F. McCallum (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Enhancing Educational Outcomes (pp. 87-106). Singapore: Springer.
DOI Scopus32018 Wuetherick, B., Willison, J. W., & Shannahan, J. (2018). Mentored Undergraduate research at Scale. Undergraduate research in the curriculum and as pedagogy. In M. Vandermaas-Peeler,, P. Miller, & J. Moore (Eds.), Excellence in mentoring undergraduate research. (pp. 181-202). Washington DC: Council on Undergaduate Research. 2017 Willison, J., & Croy, G. (2017). Research Skill Development in Tourism. In P. Benckendorff, & Zehrer (Eds.), Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Tourism (Vol. 1, 1st ed., pp. 58-75). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
DOI Scopus12007 Willison, J. (2007). The impact of a research vignette on my metaphorical understandings. In P. Taylor, & J. Wallace (Eds.), Contemporary Qualitative Research for Science and Mathematics Educators (pp. 127-138). The Netherlands: Springer.
DOI2006 Willison, J., & Taylor, P. (2006). Complementary Epistemologies of Science Teaching: Towards an Integral Perspective. In P. Aubusson, A. Harrison, & S. Ritchie (Eds.), Metaphor and analogy in science education (pp. 25-36). PO Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2017 Bandaranaike, S., & Willison, J. W. (2017). Building learner autonomy into work-integrated learning: Challenges for the 21st Century. In Refereed Proceedings of the 20 th WACE World Conference on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education (pp. 1-10). Chiang Mai. 2017 Abdurrahman, D., Sabir, F., & Willison, J. W. (2017). International postgraduate students’ perception of the research skill development framework. In Proceedings of The 1st National Conference on Teachers' Professional Development (pp. 77-81). Banda Aceh. 2016 Willison, J., & Missingham, D. (2016). Optimising Problem Solving: student and tutor perceptions of problem-solving within mechanical engineering. In Conference Proceedings of the Annual conference Australian Association for Engineering Education. Coffs harbour, NSW. 2016 Bandaranaike, S., & Willison, J. W. (2016). A framework for cultural competency in the workplace. In Refereed conference proceedings of Australian Collaborative Education Network 2016 National Conference (pp. 42-49). Sydney. 2015 Bandaranaike, S., & Willison, J. (2015). Understanding emotional work readiness in the workplace.. In Proceedings of the 19th World Conference on Cooperative & Work Integrated Education (pp. 18-22). Kyoto. 2015 Willison, J. W. (2015). Researching, problem solving, critical thinking… same ship, different bay.. In SRHE Annual Conference Papers. Newport, Wales, UK. 2014 Bandaranaike, S., & Willison, J. (2014). Boosting Graduate Employability: Bridging the Cognitive and Affective Domains. In Refereed conference proceedings of Australian Collaborative Education Network 2014 National Conference. Tweed Heads, NSW. 2013 Al-Sarawi, S., Willison, J., Ng, B., & Liebelt, M. (2013). Degree level evaluation of research skill development framework for higher education. In Proceedings of the 2013 International iCampus Symposium, The Intelligent Campus, IC13 (pp. 46-49). USA: IEEE. 2012 Williamson, N. M., Huang, D. M., Pyke, S. M., Willison, J., & Metha, G. F. (2012). Constructing a First Year University Chemistry Course for the ‘Late Bloomers’. In ERGA 2012 Proceedings. Adelaide. 2012 Priest, S. J., Pyke, S. M., Williamson, N. M., & Willison, J. (2012). Representations of Scientific Concepts and Learning Experience of First Year Undergraduate Students. In ERGA 2012 Proceedings. Adelaide. 2012 Bandaranaike, S., Snelling, C., Karanicolas, S., & Willison, J. W. (2012). Opening Minds and Mouths Wider: Developing a model for student reflective practice within clinical placements. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cooperative & Work-Integrated Education. Istanbul. 2012 Ricci, M., Peirce., Lee, I., & Willison, J. (2012). Potential and problems of explicit research skill development in
undergraduate physics, chemistry, biochemistry and geology. In Proceedings of The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education. Sydney.2011 Willison, J. W., & Bandaranaike, S. (2011). Engaging students in work integrated learning : drives and outcomes. In . Proceedings of the World Conference on Cooperative and Work Integrated Learning. Philadelphia. 2010 Wu, C., Chanda, E., & Willison, J. (2010). SPARKPLUS for Self- and Peer Assessment on Group-Based Honours’ Research Projects. In The Education Research Group of Adelaid (pp. The Changing Face of Education, 24-25 September, 2010). Adelaide, Australia. 2010 Peirce, E., Ricci, M., & Willison, J. (2010). Teaching research at a research-intensive university - can it be done in first year courses?. In Proceedings of the First Year in Higher Education Conference. Adelaide. 2010 Ng, B., Al-Sarawi, S., Willison, J., Phillips, B., Liebelt, M., & Green, C. (2010). A New Electronic Engineering Honours Assessment Scheme Based on Research Skills Development Framework. In The Education Research Group of Adelaid (pp. The Changing Face of Education, 24-25 September, 2010). Adelaide, Australia. 2010 Davey, K., Cheung, J., Visvanathan, R., & Willison, J. (2010). A unique assessment of stress and stress factors on engineering academics in the research and teaching environment. In Proceedings of 21st Annual conference for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (pp. 1-10). Australia: AAEE. 2010 Bandaranaike, S., & Willison, J. (2010). Work Skill Development Framework: an innovative assessment for Work Integrated Learning. In Proceedings of the Australian Collaborative Education Network National Conference 2010 (pp. 1-19). Australia: ACEN Inc. 2009 Peirce, E., Ricci, M., Lee, I., & Willison, J. (2009). First-year human biology students in the ivory tower. In Proceedings of the Motivating Science Undergraduates: Ideas and Interventions Conference (pp. 91-97). Sydney: UniServe Science. 2009 Willison, J., Peirce, E., & Ricci, M. (2009). Towards student autonomy in literature and field research. In Proceedings of the 32rd HERDSA Annual Conference (pp. 483-491). New South Wales: HERDSA. 2009 Peirce, E., Ricci, M., Lee, I., & Willison, J. (2009). First year human biology students in the ivory tower.. In Proceedings of The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (pp. 91-97). Sydney. 2009 Willison, J. W., Schapper, J., & Teo, E. (2009). Multiple measures of improvement of research skills in business ethics and business law. In Proceedings of Qualitative Analysis of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education for Business Economic and Commerce Conference (pp. 79-95). Melbourne. 2008 Ashman, P., Scrutton, S., Stringer, D., Mullinger, P., & Willison, J. (2008). Stakeholder perceptions of chemical engineering graduate attributes at the University of Adelaide. In Proceedings of the Chemeca 2008 Conference (pp. 912-921). CD: Engineers Australia. 2007 Peirce, E., Ricci, M., Willison, J., & O'Regan, K. (2007). Incorporating the development of research skills into level I undergraduate human biology courses. In Teaching and Research: Making the Connections in Health Sciences, Health Sciences conference 2007: a conference for University Teachers, 8th-9th November, 2007, University of South Australia. Adelaide, South Australia: Division of Health Sciences, University of South Australia. 2007 Peirce, E., Ricci, M., & Willison, J. (2007). Incorporating the development of research skills into level 1
undergraduate human biology courses.. In Proceedings of Teaching and Research: Making the connection in Health Sciences Conference. Adelaide.2007 Peirce, E., & Ricci, M. (2007). Application of a research skills framework for learning and teaching in Human Biology.. In Proceedings of the National Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) Conference. Adelaide. 2006 Ricci, M., & Willison, J. (2006). Developing the research skills of first year students: five years on.. In Proceedings of the Education Research Group of Adelaide (ERGA). Adelaide. 2006 McEntee, J., Coulson, M., Botten, J., & Willison, J. (2006). Supporting research-readiness in PhD candidates through undergraduate research skills development. In Quality in Postgraduate Research: Knowledge Creation in testing times (pp. 269). Canberra: The Australian National University. 2006 Coulson, M., McEntee, J., & Willison, J. (2006). Annotated bibliographies can help maximize benefit of literature research skills exercises. In International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference (pp. 43-44). Washington DC: International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference. 2005 Willison, J., & O'Regan, K. (2005). 2020 vision: An information literacy continuum for students primary school to post graduation. In A. Brew, & C. Asmar (Eds.), Proceedings of the HERDSA conference 2005 'Higher education in a changing world' (pp. 633-641). Milperra, New South Wales, Australia: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Inc.. -
Conference Items
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2019 Willison, J. W. (2019). Putting student research mindsets to work for a coherent Higher Education. 2016 Willison, J. W. (2016). Realising research modes of learning for Masters by coursework using state-based clusters. Department of Education and Training. 2014 Willison, J. W., Al Sarawi, S., Bottema, C., Hazel, S., Henderson, U., Karanicolas, S., . . . et al. (2014). Outcomes and uptake of explicit research skill development across degree programs (ID11-1984). Office for Learning and Teaching. 2010 Willison, J. W., Le Lievre, K., & Lee, I. (2010). Making Research Skill Development Explicit In Coursework: Final Report (CG7-497). Australian Learning and Teaching Council. -
Recorded/Rendered Creative Works
Year Citation 2016 Authors: Willison J. Title: Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching website. Description: N/A. Extent: multiple webpages. 2006 Authors: Willison J. Title: Research Skill Development for Curriculum Design and Assessment. Description: Type of work : WR - Website Extent : 250 pages. Extent: 250 pages.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Co-Supervisor Perspectives on innovative teaching and learning: A qualitative study modeling innovation within contemporary learning environments Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Kristy Rose Davis 2024 Principal Supervisor Cognitive Load Theory in Secondary School Chemistry Education Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Conor Desmond Kenneally 2023 Principal Supervisor Pre-service teachers' acceptance and use of AI-assisted technology in blended learning environments: A mixed-method study using an extended model of UTAUT Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Wai Maung 2023 Principal Supervisor Secondary Student Connectedness to Nature in Australian Schools: Assessing the Impact of Environmental Education Programs Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Gulsah Yildirim 2023 Principal Supervisor Teacher professional development, cognitive load and the use of schema to improve leadership development. Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Mr Glyn Roberts 2022 Principal Supervisor An investigation of facilitating critical thinking in English language classes when speaking and listening are practised in an Indonesian senior high school Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Ricky Fernandes 2022 Principal Supervisor Science students’ perceptions of assessment: to what extent can program-oriented assessment design promote and encourage self-regulated lifelong learning in Science students? Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Ms Natalia Zarina -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2019 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Primary Teachers’ Knowledge of Inquiry-Based Learning and Learner Autonomy in Science Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Nemwel Nyakenyanya Aming'a 2018 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Following VET Students’ Progress: A Longitudinal Study Investigating Students’ Experiences and Outcomes of Registered Training Organisation Support and Influence Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mrs Allyson Kaye Dutschke 2015 - 2019 Co-Supervisor English Language Learner Autonomy in the Vietnamese Higher Education Context: Enabling Factors and Barriers Arising from Assessment Practice Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Ha Thi Ngoc Tran 2014 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Accelerating Academic Literacy Development: Issues, Possibilities and Challenges for Integrating Scholarly Writing Development into Mainstream Curriculum in Australian Higher Education Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Ursula McGowan 2012 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Valid Measurement of Laboratory Learning Experience Quality from the Student Perspective Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Samuel James Priest
Date Role Membership Country 2008 - ongoing - Council on Undergraduate Research - 2005 - ongoing Member Higher Education Research and Development Australia -
Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country 2011 - ongoing University of the South Pacific - - Fiji 2010 - 2016 Univeristy of Alberta Undergraduate research Office - - 2009 - 2009 Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing and Midwifery - Ireland
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