Gregory Crawford

Gregory Crawford

Adelaide Medical School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Professor Greg Crawford AM is a practicing palliative medicine physician and was awarded a Doctorate of Medicine by thesis from Flinders University in 2008. He has clinical responsibilities with Northern Adelaide Palliative Service at Modbury and Lyell McEwin Hospitals. His thesis was “Depression in palliative care in Australia: identification and assessment.”

Prof Crawford has teaching and administrative responsibilities at the University of Adelaide. He coordinates and teaches palliative care, pain management and symptom management in all the years of the undergraduate Medical Program at the University of Adelaide. He also provides tutorials in the Master of Clinical and Health Psychology, and Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy at the University. He has a long-standing interest in professionalism particularly as it relates to medical education.

Prof Crawford's major research activities are into the psychological issues for people and their carers, as the end of life approaches, as well as clinicians. He has particular interest in not only end-stage cancer, but also the issues for people with non-malignant disease. He is part of two MRFF funded grants. One is to investigate the economic impact of early palliative care access in cancer. The other is exploring the evidence by RCT of the effect of cannabis on gastrointestinal side effects induced by chemotherapies. He is a Principal Investigator on an NHMRC funded project investigating how to develop sensitive policy in vulnerable populations, using Advance Care Planning as an example. He has recently lead an NHMRC funded study into the end of life issues for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and is involved in research about heart failure, neurological disease and end-stage renal disease at the end of life. PhD students have developed projects considering explanatory models of depression in psychiatrists, palliative medicine physicians and patients; the way that medical specialists deal with death and dying when their patients die; the role of the health system in chronic disease management and the transition to end of life; the meaning of suffering in palliative care; and Cochrane reviews about pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of depression in end-stage COPD. These PhD studies and previously funded NHMRC studies have provided Professor Crawford with skills in running research projects both with quantitative and qualitative components.

Recently Prof Crawford has been successful with a multi-University grant funded by The Hospital Research Foundation inaugural palliative care grant program of $2.25M over 5 years to explore the unmet need of South Australians facing the end of their lives.

He has been recognised by University of Adelaide Executive Dean’s medal, Vice Chancellors award, the John Sands medal from RACP and was appointed as a Member in the Order of Australia in 2022 for his contribution to palliative medicine and tertiary education. He has held many leadership roles in multiple palliative care organisations nationally and internationally and currently collaborates in international systematic reviews and clinical guideline development projects.

Research Interests

Prof Crawford's major research activities are into the psychological issues for people and their carers, as the end of life approaches, as well as clinicians. He has particular interest in not only end-stage cancer, but also the issues for people with non-malignant disease. He has recently lead an NHMRC funded study into the end of life issues for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and is involved in research about heart failure, neurological disease and end-stage renal disease at the end of life. Current PhD students have projects considering explanatory models of depression in psychiatrists, palliative medicine physicians and patients; the way that medical specialists deal with death and dying when their patients die; the role of the health system in chronic disease management and the transition to end of life; and the meaning of suffering in palliative care. These PhD studies and previously funded NHMRC studies have provided Professor Crawford with skills in running research projects both with quantitative and qualitative components. He is a CI in 2 MRFF studies: early introduction to palliative care to cancer patients and an RCT investigating the role of cannabis in GI side-effects of chemotherapy.


  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2017 - ongoing Professor of Palliative Medicine University of Adelaide
    2015 - ongoing Senior Consultant in Palliative Medicine and Director of Research & Education Northern Adelaide Local Health Network
    2011 - ongoing Associate Professor of Palliative Medicine University of Adelaide
    2011 - 2015 Senior Consultant in Palliative Care Royal Adelaide Hospital / Central Adelaide Palliative Care Service
    2011 - 2012 Interim Medical Director Mary Potter Hospice Calvary Hospital
    2010 - 2010 Director of Palliative Care Adelaide Health Service Central and Northern
    2008 - 2010 Senior Consultant in Palliative Care Royal Adelaide Hospital
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2022 Award Member Order of Australia The Order of Australia Australia -
    2021 Award The RACP John Sands medal 2021 Royal Australasian College of Physicians Australia -
    2019 Award Vice Chancellors Inaugural Award for Outstanding Achievement (A Connected and Enriched Community) by a Titleholder University of Adelaide Australia -
    2018 Award Outstanding Contribution Prize for Clinical Teaching at Lyell McEwin Hospital Northern Adelaide Local Health Network Australia -
    2017 Recognition Executive Dean of the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences medal University of Adelaide Australia -
    2017 Award Outstanding Contribution Prize for Clinical Teaching at Lyell McEwin Hospital Northern Adelaide Local Health Network Australia -
    2016 Award Outstanding Contribution Prize for Clinical Teaching at Lyell McEwin Hospital Northern Adelaide Local Health Network Australia -
    2015 Award Outstanding Contribution Prize for Clinical Teaching at Lyell McEwin Hospital - - -
    2013 Award Professor Derek Frewin AO Citation for Clinical Teaching - - -
    2011 Teaching Award Professor Derek Frewin AO Citation for Clinical Teaching - - -
    2000 Scholarship E. Harold Davies Scholarship (Pipe Organ) - - -
    2000 Scholarship Paul Howard Martin Scholarship (Pipe Organ) - - -
    2000 Scholarship Josephine Christiansen Organ Scholarship - - -
    1995 Scholarship Elder Scholarship (Pipe Organ) - - -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2008 Flinders University Australia Doctor of Medicine (MD)
    1999 Flinders University Australia Master of Primary Health Care – Palliative Care (MPHC)
    1980 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
  • Certifications

    Date Title Institution name Country
    2000 Fellowship of the Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine (FAChPM) Royal Australasian College of Physicians Australia
    1989 Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Australia
    1986 LTCL (Piano performance) Trinity College United Kingdom
    1984 Diploma in Anaesthetics (DA) Royal College of Surgeons of England United Kingdom
    1983 Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DipRACOG) Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstet &Gynae Australia
    1975 A Mus A (Piano performance) Australian Music Board Australia
Grant Sources
$5,176,121.50 since 2018

E Anderson, L Dolman, A Collier, GB Crawford, A Chur-Hansen

A preliminary investigation into the integration of musical activities in aged care homes in the northern Adelaide region catering to culturally and linguistically diverse communities

Summer Vacation Scholarship $1,200 from The Elder Conservatorium


Elliot J, Harvey G, Gunn K, Crawford GB. Improving the access to and delivery of palliative care for under-served populations. THRF Palliative Care Research Grants                                 $2.25 M over 5 years


A societal perspective in economic evaluations of cancer care in the palliative and end-of-life context: Co-designing a standardised costing instrument with informal caregivers   Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation                                                                                                            $48,050


A nationwide survey of palliative care medical specialists on the management of breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) in Australia                       Menarini untied grant                                         $100,000


The CANnabinoids for CANcer Therapy (CANCAN) Trial. 2020 MRFF Emerging Priorities and Consumer Driven Research – Medicinal Cannabis Clinical Trials. Application ID 2006584                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   $1,489,000


BRILLIANT Palliative Care: CALD Communities.  SA Health Palliative Care 2020 grants Program



A qualitative study: healthcare professionals’ views of patient and family perspectives on place of death

                                                                                Northern Community Health Foundation        $20,350


The Enhance care study: multi-site implementation of early palliative care in routine practice to improve health outcomes and reduce hospital admissions for people with advanced cancer. ID: APP1174028, MRFF – Research Grants

Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN 12619001703190 [registered 4/12/2020].                                                                                                                                                              $1,121,521.50


Extra PhD scholarship        Northern Community Health Foundation                                         $17,500


Postdoctoral Fellowship for NHMRC Partnership grant APP1133407       The Hospital Research Foundation                                                                                                                                                                                 $80,000


Brilliance in the acute hospital           The Hospital Research Foundation                                 $99,995


Investigating the inclusion of vulnerable populations in Advance Care Planning: Developing complex and sensitive public policy.

Eliott J, Burgess T, Dunbar T, Olver I, Crawford GB, Richards B, Zivkovic T, Faulkner D.

APP1133407 Partnership Project.

Total budget:                                                                                                                                     $781,842.60

$379,367.60 from the NHMRC; the rest is cash/in kind from partners and the universities.


PJ Smith travelling Fellowship for Dr Aileen Collier                                                                       $14,725

Brilliance in Palliative Care.

Brilliance in Palliative Care.

Crawford GB,

Modbury Hospital Foundation Awarded Jan 2016 


Collier A, Crawford GB

Flinders University Innovation Grant                                                                                                             

Hearing the voices of the vulnerable in end-of-life care planning.


Crawford GB, Burgess T, Eliott J, Richards B, Chong A, Faulkner D, Zivkovic T.

Northern Community Health Foundation Awarded May 2015  


Borderline Personality Disorder – improved health professional interactions for BPD mental health carers

K Powell, GB Crawford et al 2014/2015 Student scholarship Dec 2014 Ms Jasmine Flavell


Borderline Personality Disorder and primary health care gaps’

K Powell, GB Crawford et al 2014

Flinders University to conduct general practitioner research through focus groups    


Experiences of the Admission Process into Hospice Care

GB Crawford 2014

Mary Potter Foundation


Northern Communities Visiting Professor 2015; Prof Merryn Gott, University of Auckland

GB Crawford, T Burgess

University of Adelaide


Perceived long-term impact of a palliative medicine attachment in high- performing medical students.

Crawford GB

Mary Potter Foundation grant 2013 


Formalising palliative care learning and assessments for undergraduate medical students.

Crawford GB

Palliative Care Curriculum for Undergraduates (PCC4U) innovation grant

2012 Total $4974.75 + GST 


Informing the development of a model of care for patients with end stage COPD: what are their care needs and are they being met

Crawford GB, Brown MA, Crockett A, Burgess T, Brooksbank MA.

NHMRC Palliative Care Research Program; Round 3 519359 2009

2009 $39,725  2010 $9,700                                                                                       

Principal Investigator


The objective assessment of the trajectory of illness in palliative patients

Piller N, Maddocks I, Hunt RW, Esterman A, Crawford GB.

NHMRC Palliative Care Strategic Program   219152 2002



Improving pain management in palliative care: Academic detailing for GP vs patient

Abernethy A, Phillips P, Currow DC, Crawford GB, Esterman A.

Research Project Grant 2002 Application No. 185

Funding Anti Cancer Foundation of South Australia 2002



Assessment of depression in palliative patients: Development and implementation of a screening tool: Daw House and community patients

Robinson JA, Crawford GB, Ellis G.

Anti Cancer Foundation Student Vacation Scholarship Ref CG/26/0 2000



Palliative Medicine Fellowship

Awarded to GB Crawford September 1999

Administered by Palliative Care Australia funded by Pharmacia & Upjohn 1999

Principal Investigator 


Terminal Care on Kangaroo Island

Crawford GB

Research Grant from South Australian Health Commission 1996

Principal Investigator    



Teaching Interests

Prof Crawford has teaching and administrative responsibilities at the University of Adelaide. He coordinates and teaches palliative care, pain management and symptom management in all the years of the undergraduate Medical Program at the University of Adelaide. He also provides tutorials in the Master of Health Psychology, Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy and the Master of Surgical Sciences at the University. He chaired the Medical Personal & Professional Development subcommittee of the Medical Program from 2008 to 2021 and has continuing interests in the teaching of indigenous issues, communication, ethics, and medical law components of the Medical Program. He coordinates the Cancer/Palliative Care course in Med 4 and has developed an online program for all Med 4 students.

Since 2008, I have coordinated all of the palliative care input to the medical program. Since that time I have reviewed and updated the content. I provide 5 lectures in Years 1 and 2 covering introduction to palliative care particularly in the community, pain as a symptom, a lecture on symptom control (nausea, vomiting and constipation) that coincides with a problem-based learning case of colorectal cancer, a case-based lecture about breast cancer and alternate therapies and possible adverse outcomes including death, and the issues associated with malignancy of the brain. This provides a tangible teaching strand of palliative care issues that is coordinated with the students’ problem-based small group case. I have rebuilt lectures in collaboration with the Medicine Learning & Teaching Unit staff using a flipped classroom format. I coordinate tutorials in the School of Medicine Teaching Series in Year 4 and 5. These are tutorials in small groups based on case scenarios. Since 2009 I have changed the tutor structure so that there are 2 tutors from different disciplines for each group and increased the number of groups and reduced the group size by increasing the number of tutors, who are all clinicians. I have developed learning objectives and revised the cases to develop discussion about assessment skills and working practically in a clinical team, Advance Care Directives, and goals of care discussions. In Year 4 the topic is pain and tutors are chronic pain and palliative medicine physicians. In Year 5 the topic is Decision-making at the end of life. The tutors are intensive care and palliative medicine physicians. This is a novel model that provides a real example of cross-discipline teamwork and explores how this can work in clinical practice. In Year 6 in the Transition to Internship series I have developed an interactive “Writing death certificates” module. There is an online lecture with exemplars and then case scenarios for practice before the session. The tutorial uses role-playing and humour as well as immediate feedback about student endeavours to complete cause of death certificates.

In 2015 I piloted a new initiative in Year 5 as part of Anaesthesia, Pain Medicine & Intensive Care in the “Pain week” segment. I have written this course and it is provided in the simulation laboratory. There is currently comprehensive communication training in Years 1 to 3. However, the Medical Professional and Personal Development Committee, which I chair, recognised a gap in reinforcing and developing advanced skills in communication once students are more involved in clinical learning. I have refashioned two afternoon sessions. Previously these were large group tutorials about pain. Now, over the year, all Year 5 students spend these two afternoons in groups of 2 or 3 with a tutor and 4 standardised patient scenarios. The 4 case scenarios build a progressive communications strategy that integrates communication strategies and clinical scenarios that generally relate to pain. I have recorded video exemplars that are viewed before the session. This course now integrates end-of-life legal aspects with advanced skill training in discussing limits of medical treatment and symptom control, the trajectory of illness, prognosis and approaching death.  The simulation sessions occur on two days in the same week with increasing difficulty. Tutors provide feedback to assist in the development of advanced communication skills. In 2016 I have extended this program with the innovative addition of video-conferencing to the rural Med 5 students. This allows all the rural students to participate in this program and is now providing a pilot for teaching clinical video conferencing skills that will undoubtedly be important in developing new models of clinical care in Australia. This now allows formal assessment of this material as it is delivered to the entire cohort of Year 5 students. I have provided student evaluations in this document in the SELTS section and have already used some of the comments to modify the course. I now have University of Adelaide ethics approval to formally evaluate this program from 2016, allowing not only more comprehensive assessment of the program but also publication of teaching endeavours.

I have been responsible for all the student attachments in Mary Potter Hospice from 2008 to 2014. I now coordinate student attachments in Northern Adelaide Palliative Service based at Modbury Hospital. An evaluation from the Mary Potter student attachments is included in this Evidence of Achievement, which demonstrates the high satisfaction and regard for these attachments. I have provided most of the teaching and clinical supervision of these students and coordinated their clinical exposure to inpatient, community, and clinic consultation. These are highly prized attachments and the evaluations and a recent published study supports this assertion. This work was published in Academic Medicine in December 2014. Since moving my clinical responsibilities to the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network in February 2015, I now coordinate the clinical attachments in the Northern Palliative Care Service and have initiated a consistent orientation document, consistent information about useful resources including a workbook that I wrote with support from a Commonwealth grant, and am initiating consistent clinical and tutorial opportunities as well as consistent assessment across all the sites of palliative care student attachments as part of the Medical Program at the University of Adelaide, i.e. at The Queen Elizabeth Palliative Care ward, Mary Potter Hospice and Modbury Palliative Care Inpatient Unit.

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2023 Co-Supervisor Palliative Care and the Criminal Justice System Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Oscar Williams
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2010 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Chronic Disease Management along the Continuum of Care: The Role of the Health System in Supporting People with End Stage Chronic Illness Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Teresa Burgess
    2009 - 2012 Co-Supervisor On Dealing with Death and Dying: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Surgeons, Oncologists, Intensive Care and Palliative Medicine Specialists Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Sofia Carolina Zambrano Ramos
    2009 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Medical Concepts of Depression in the Palliative Care Setting: Perspectives from Palliative Medicine Specialists and Psychiatrists Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Felicity Ng
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2017 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Psychological and pharmacological therapies for the treatment of depression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease University of Adelaide - Doctorate - Justyna Pollock
    2017 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Psychological and pharmacological interventions for the treatment of depression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. University of Adelaide PhD Doctorate Full Time Justyna Pollok
  • Board Memberships

    Date Role Board name Institution name Country
    2023 - 2026 Board Member Yorke & Northern Local Health Network SA Health Australia
    2017 - ongoing Board Member Northern Communities' Health Foundation Northern Communities' Health Foundation Australia
    2016 - ongoing Chair Palliative Care South Australia Palliative Care South Australia Australia
    2014 - ongoing Vice-Chair Palliaitve Care South Australia Inc - Australia
    2006 - ongoing Member CareSearch National Advisory Group - Australia
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2023 - ongoing Member Clinical Governance & Safety Committee Resthaven Inc Australia
    2022 - 2024 Convener Conference 2024 Organising Committee Australian and New Zealand Society for Palliative Medicine Australia
    2020 - 2022 Board Member Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine Royal Australasian College of Physicians Australia
    2018 - 2020 President Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine Royal Australasian College of Physicians Australia
    2016 - ongoing Chair Board of Management Palliative Care South Australia Inc -
    2016 - ongoing Chair Clinical Governance Committee GP Palliative Shared Care Program -
    2016 - ongoing Vice-President Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine Royal Australasian College of Physicians Australia
    2016 - ongoing Member College Policy & Advocacy Committee Royal Australasian College of Physicians -
    2015 - ongoing Member GP Shared care Steering Committee GP partners General Practice Shared care program Australia
    2015 - ongoing Member Year 6 Committee University of Adelaide -
    2015 - ongoing Member Editorial Panel “Therapeutic Guidelines: Palliative Care 4th edition - -
    2015 - 2016 Member Steering Committee GP Palliative Shared Care Program -
    2014 - ongoing Member National Advisory Committee Palliative Care Australia Australia
    2014 - 2016 Co-Chair Board of Management Palliative Care South Australia Inc -
    2014 - ongoing Chair Academic Progress Committee University of Adelaide -
    2014 - ongoing Member National Advisory Committee Palliative Care Australia -
    2013 - ongoing Member National Supportive and Palliative Care Advisory Committee Lung Foundation Australia Australia
    2013 - ongoing Member National Supportive and Palliative Care Advisory Committee - -
    2013 - 2016 Member Advisory Panel Palliative Care South Australia Inc -
    2008 - ongoing Chair Medical Professional and Personal Advisory Committee University of Adelaide Australia
    2008 - ongoing Chair Medical Professional and Personal Development Advisory Committee University of Adelaide -
    2008 - ongoing Member Curriculum Committee University of Adelaide -
    2008 - ongoing Member Year 4/5 Committee University of Adelaide -
    2006 - ongoing Member National Advisory Group CareSearch Knowledge Network -
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2018 - 2020 Member Therapeutic Guidelines: Analgesia 7th edition Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd Australia
    2015 - ongoing Member Therapeutic Guidelines Therapeutic Guidelines Australia

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