Carolyn Berryman
School of Biomedicine
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor) - email supervisor to discuss availability.
I am passionate about improving the outcomes for people recovering from injury or managing persistent pain. Coming from a clinical Physiotherapy background I have worked first hand with recovering clients and experienced the frustration when recovery fails to occur. My research uses brain stimulation and imaging techniques to investigate the intersection between immune function, neuroplasticity, and cognition in healthy people, people with persistent pain and those who have recovered.
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I am passionate about improving the outcomes for people recovering from injury or managing persistent pain. Coming from a clinical Physiotherapy background I have worked first hand with recovering clients and experienced the frustration when recovery fails to occur. My research uses brain stimulation and imaging techniques to investigate the intersection between immune function, neuroplasticity, and cognition in healthy people, people with persistent pain and those who have recovered.
Available Research Projects
Brain Stimulation, Imaging and Cognition Research Group
The Brain Stimulation, Imaging and Cognition research group is primarily focused on investigating the neural underpinnings of brain health in health and disease. Our goal is to produce high quality research that informs novel therapeutic interventions to develop, maintain and rehabilitate human motor, sensory and cognitive function.
Research Project 1 - Does brain plasticity matter in the recovery from persistent lower back pain?
Project description: Neuroplasticity is an important physiological characteristic of the brain and underpins learning, memory, response to and recovery from injury. We are interested to index brain plasticity and investigate it's contribution to a "recovery coach" intervention for persistent low back pain.
Projects available for: Third Year / Honours / HDR / Masters / Mphil
Location: AHMS (Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences Building, North Tce); SAHMRI
Research project start: Semester 1 and 2
Research Project 2 - Does an immune challenge change cortical excitability?
Project description: This study investigates whether the immune response to a fluvax changes cortical excitability and cognitive function. We will investigate this by measuring the brain response to a brief magnetic pulse over the head and testing cognitive function using a Wisconsin card sorting test.
Projects available for: Third Year / Honours / HDR / Masters / Mphil
Location: AHMS (Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences Building, North Tce); SAHMRI
Research project start: Semester 1 and 2
Research Interests
Carolyn Berryman is a physiotherapist with a multidisciplinary, pain sciences approach to the treatment of, and teaching about, neuroimmunomusculoskeletal disorders. She has over 20 years’ experience as a clinician, much of it managing a medium sized private practice and has spent over 20 years lecturing and tutoring on the physiotherapy program at the University of South Australia. Carolyn has convened and addressed several major conferences both in Australia and overseas. Having a long term interest in pain management, Carolyn completed her masters of Medical Science (Pain Management) at the University of Sydney in 2005 and completed her PhD at UniSA in 2015. Supervised by Prof Lorimer Moseley, it examined the association between chronic pain, cognitive impairment and somatic hypervigilance. Carolyn has been awarded an NH&MRC early career fellowship and in conjuction with Dr Nigel Rogasch and Prof Lorimer Moseley, is investigating brain plasticity and its contributions to recovery in people with chronic pain.
Date Position Institution name 2021 - ongoing Adjunct Researcher The University of Adelaide 2021 - ongoing Senior Physiotherapist Women's and Children's Hospital 2020 - 2023 Research Associate SAHMRI 2017 - 2021 NHMRC Early Career Fellow The University of Adelaide 2017 - ongoing Post Doctoral Research Fellow University of South Australia 2016 - 2019 Professional Advisor (Physiotherapy Services) Returnto Work SA -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2019 Distinction Australian College of Physiotherapy titled Pain Physiotherapist Australian Physiotherapy Association Australia - -
Language Competencies
Language Competency Japanese Can speak and understand spoken -
Date Institution name Country Title 2011 - 2015 University of South Australia Australia PhD 1998 - 2005 University of Sydney Australia Master of Science, Medicine (Pain Management) 1990 - 1991 University of South Australia Australia Master of Applied Science Hons IIa (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy) 1983 - 1986 University of South Australia Australia Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) -
Date Title Institution name Country 2011 The Art and Science of Scientific Writing Abelard Australia 2009 NVivo training Flinders University, Adelaide Australia 2005 Health Research Methods and Biostatistics University of South Australia, Adelaide Australia -
Research Interests
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2020 Slater, H., Campbell, J. M., & Berryman, C. (2020). Physical therapies. In S. Schug, D. A. Scott, J. Mott, G. Palmer, R. Halliwell, & M. Alcock (Eds.), Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence 5th edition (5th ed.). 2017 Berryman, C., Catley, M., & Moseley, G. (2017). Pain management. In J. Corns (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain (pp. 388-399). Routledge.
DOI2011 Athanasos, P., Neild, R., de Crespigny, C., & Cusack, L. (2011). Pain management. In Care in mental health-substance use, 2011 (pp. 215-228). Radcliffe Publishing. -
Conference Items
2019: Robinson Research Institute Co-creation workshop program ($4200)
2018: Research Infrastructure Funding Award, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences ($6,330.00)
2018: Research Travel Award (Round 1), Faculty of Health and Medical Science ($1000)
2017: Faculty of Health and Medical Science, Start up Funding ($20,000)
2017: NH&MRC Early Career Fellow
2016: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Division of Health Sciences, Body in Mind Research Group, University of South Australia, January to October, 0.4 FTE.
2015: Research Associate, Division of Health Sciences, Body in Mind Research Group, University of South Australia, April to September, 0.8 FTE.
2015: Australian Pain Society Annual Conference, Brisbane, March, Student Conference Travel Grant ($500).
2014: The First CiNet Conference, New Directions in Pain Neuroscience, Osaka, Dec, Travel Award, registration and accommodation paid.
2014: Australian Pain Society Annual Conference, Hobart, April, Student Conference Travel Grant ($500).
2014: Conference travel scholarship, School of Health Sciences, University of South Australia to attend European Congress on Pain (EFIC), Florence, October ($1000).
2013: European Congress on Pain, Florence, October, Travel Award, accommodation, meals and half travel costs covered.
2012: Conference travel scholarship, School of Health Sciences, University of South Australia to attend the 14th World Congress on Pain, Milan, August ($1000).
2011 – 2015: Australian Postgraduate Award, University of South Australia ($23,000 – $26,000 per annum).
2011 – 2015: University top up scholarship, University of South Australia ($6,000 - $7,000 per annum).
1998: University of Sydney Master of Pain Medicine/Pain Science programme, MundiPharma Post-graduate Student Award ($6000).
1990: University of South Australia, Masters of Applied Science programme, Public Health Postgraduate Scholarship, Flinders Medical Centre ($6000).
2019 - annually Pain Revolution Pain Educator Network (www.painrevolution.org), University of South Australia, Educator for Professional and Community Seminars for Pain Revolution outreach tour (see video below)
1990 - present University of South Australia, adjunct Senior Lecturer and Clinical Educator, Masters of Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy
1999 – 2013: NeuroOrthopaedic Institute, Senior Lecturer responsible for curriculum development and implementation of Pain Sciences Program at the University of South Australia (0.4 FTE).
1989 – 1999: University of South Australia, Clinical Educator, Postgraduate and Undergraduate Physiotherapy programs (0.3 FTE).
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2021 Co-Supervisor Evaluating the efficacy of peripheral nerve stimulation via a novel graft antenna to reduce neuroinflammation following traumatic spinal cord injury Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Ryan Dorrian 2021 Co-Supervisor Advancing physiotherapy management of chronic pain by improving implementation of evidence-based practice. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Cameron Dickson 2021 Co-Supervisor Chronic abdominal pain in Australian adolescents and nature-based intervention Master of Philosophy (Medical Science) Master Part Time Mrs Trish Serocki -
Other Supervision Activities
Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name 2020 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Repeatability of synaptic plasticity induction The University of Adelaide - Honours - Ellen Williams 2019 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Breathing techniques: a sigh of relief for people with chronic pain University of South Australia IPHH Doctorate Full Time Joanne Boukley 2019 - ongoing Principal Supervisor The accuracy, credibility and comprehensiveness of online information for complex regional pain syndrome University of South Australia BAppSc (Physiotherapy) Honours - Emily Moore 2019 - ongoing Co-Supervisor The neurophysiological properties of the heartbeat evoked potential in health and disease University of South Australia B Psychology Master - Erica Wilkinson 2019 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Interhemispheric inhibition in people who have recovered from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome University of South Australia B App Sc (Physiotherapy) Honours - Ashraf Gerges 2019 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Neuroinflammation and brain plasticity The University of Adelaide B Sc Neuroscience Other - Chad Lennon -
Date Topic Location Name 2019 - ongoing Pain science education (local pain educator) PainRevolution Alanna Cowley 2019 - ongoing Pain science education PainRevolution Jude French 2018 - ongoing Mentoring for PhD journey Robinson Research Institute, The University of Adelaide Kristy Kolc 2018 - 2018 Professional development and complex injury management Retrun to Work SA Amanda Buhne 2018 - ongoing evidence based best practice care for persistent pain and development of skills to become a local pain educator PainRevolution Amanda Simister
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2019 - ongoing Chair Education Committee PainRevolution Australia 2019 - ongoing Co-Chair Organising Committee for the Sensorimotor Satellite meeting The University of Adelaide Australia 2018 - 2019 Member Education committee for Pain Revolution The University of South Australia Australia 2018 - ongoing Member Membership committee International Association for the Study of Pain United States 2018 - ongoing Member Digital Strategy Committee International Association for the Study of Pain United States 2017 - ongoing Member Early and Mid Career Researcher Representative Council Robinson Research Institute Australia 2017 - ongoing Member Branch Council Australian Physiotherapy Association, SA Branch South Australian Physiotherapy Association Australia 2016 - ongoing Member Pain Special Interest Group South Australian Physiotherapy Association Australia -
Date Role Membership Country 1998 - ongoing Member Australian Pain Society Australia 1993 - ongoing Member International Association for the Study of Pain - 1986 - ongoing Member Australian Physiotherapy Association Australia -
Community Engagement
Date Title Engagement Type Institution Country 2019 - 2019 Pain Revolution 2019 Public Community Engagement University of South Australia Australia 2017 - 2017 Pain Revolution Scientific Community Engagement The University of South Australia Australia 2017 - ongoing Colour the World Orange Awareness day for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Public Community Engagement University of South Australia Australia -
Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country 2019 - ongoing Australian College of Physiotherapy Specialisation stream Health services and related Australia 2019 - ongoing Australian College of Physiotherapists Specialisation stream Health services and related Australia 2018 - 2018 University of South Australia Health Sciences Division Scientific research Australia 2017 - ongoing Return to Work SA Stakeholder involvement Health services and related Australia 2017 - ongoing University of South Australia Health Sciences Division Scientific research Australia 2016 - ongoing ReturntoWork SA Health and Return to Work Services Legislative and political Australia -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2013 - ongoing Consulting Editor Body in Mind Blog The University of South Australia Australia -
Event Participation
Date Event Name Event Type Institution Country 2020 - 2020 Pain Revolution Tour Gippsland 2020 Networking event University of South Australia Australia -
Offices Held
Date Office Name Institution Country 2019 - ongoing Chair, Education Committee Pain Revolution Australia 2018 - 2019 Co-Chair Australasian Neuroscience Society, Sensorimotor Satellite Symposium Australia 2017 - ongoing Co-Convenor Color the World Orange Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Awareness Day Annual Public Seminar Australia -
Date Topic Presented at Institution Country 2020 - 2020 Mirrors and brain trickery, how the brain can influence rehabilitation Australian Podiatry Association Annual Conference The University of Adelaide Australia 2019 - 2019 Cognitive Impairment in Persistent Pain TRANSFORM 2019 The Australian Physiotherapy Association Annual Conference The University of Adelaide Australia 2019 - 2019 Story telling in the clinic RACP Melbourne St North Adelaide Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Australia 2019 - 2019 Management of chronic breathlessness - what have we learnt from pain? The University of South Australia, Magill Campus The University of South Australia Australia -
Review, Assessment, Editorial and Advice
Date Title Type Institution Country 2019 - 2019 Perioperative syrum 25 hydroxivitamin D levels as a predictor of postoperative opioid use Peer Review The University of Adelaide - 2019 - 2019 Strength Assessment under dual task condition in women with fibromyalgia: A test-retest reliability study Peer Review The University of Adelaide - 2019 - 2020 Visualization and clinical relevance of nigrosome-1 in patients with Parkinson’s disease Thesis Review University of South Australia - 2019 - 2019 Heart and brain responses to real versus simulated 2 chess games in trained chess players – a quantitative 3 EEG and HRV study. Peer Review The University of Adelaide - 2019 - 2019 Effects of kinetic exergames on balance training Peer Review The University of Adelaide - 2019 - 2019 "Exergames training and detraining on the upper body strength, agility and aerobic capacity in women with fibromyalgia: a single-blind, randomized, controlled trial." Peer Review The University of Adelaide - 2019 - 2019 Pain and social stereotypes:Does pain lead to more stereotyped judgments Peer Review The University of Adelaide - 2019 - 2019 Use and perceived added value of (prognostic) patient-reported measurement instruments by physiotherapists treating acute low back pain; A survey study among Dutch physiotherapists Peer Review The University of Adelaide - 2019 - 2019 Strength Assessment under dual task condition in women with fibromyalgia: A test-retest reliability study Peer Review The University of Adelaide - 2019 - 2019 Physiotherapy and outcomes for complex regional pain syndrome Peer Review The University of Adelaide - 2019 - 2019 Fibromyalgia and shoulder surgery: a systematic review and a critical appraisal of the literature Peer Review The University of Adelaide - 2019 - 2019 Putative functional variants of PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway were associated with knee osteoarthritis susceptibility Peer Review The University of Adelaide - 2019 - 2019 Quality of life and predictive factors in women with FM Peer Review The University of Adelaide - 2019 - 2019 More than half of persons with lower limb amputation suffer from chronic back pain or residual limb pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis Peer Review BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders -
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