Alan Brook

Alan Brook

Adelaide Dental School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Professor Alan Brook
University of Adelaide, School of Dentistry.

Archaeology, Medical Anthropology, Biological Anthropology
D.D.SC(Adel) MDS(Lond) FDS.RCS(Eng)

Alan Brook is a leading figure internatioanlly in the the application of Complexity Science, Network Science and Modelling Influence on the development and functioning of the oral tissues. He has over 225 publications and over 270 abstracts of presentations with some 5,200 citations. Alan's research has ranged from basic science to clinical care to eductional research, arising from the varied aspects of his career as a clinical academic.

Clinically, hhis research has generated innovative diagnostic and treatment procedures for several oral conditions. This was combined with being Chief Executive Officer for a combined industry/ university research unit. In 2005, Alan was awarded the highest level (Platinum) NHS Clinical Excellence Award.

His eductaional research arose from curriculum innovations at undergraduate and postgraduate levels while holding the position of Head of Department and Deanship roles at several Universities and being President of the European Commission Dental Education Advisory Committee.

The major current and ongoing theme of his research relates to the development of the dentoalveolar complex from genotype to phenotype with an emphasis on the interactions between genetic, epigentic, and environmental factors. In 2014, Alan was awarded a Higher Doctorate, DDSc, of the University of Adelaide based on an international assessment of his published research. Since then, the work on Complexity, Networks and Models has developed with multicentre, multidiscplinary collaborators that Alan has inititated on "Hypodontia from genotype to phenotype" and "Tooth and dental arch variation intercat within a multilayer complex interactive network".

Research Interests

The overarching research theme is the application of Complexity Science, Network Science, and Multimodel approaches to Oro-facial development and function. Publications over the past decade have shown that the development and function of the dentoalveolar tissues are Complex Adaptive Systems based on Interactive Networks.

Recent publications address how the complex systems of the teeth and dental arches interact during development as a Multilayer Complex Interative Networks. These studies investiagate both modern and archaeological human samples.

Research Projects


  • Developmental interactions in human dentition: the relationaship between variation in tooth number, size and shape, with dental arch morphology.
  • 3D measurements using a new technique for teeth and dental arches in hypodontia and control patients. This project includes collaborators in New Zealand, U.S.A, U.K, Romania and Japan. Funding from International collaboration group memebers and from the Paul Kwok Lee Reseach Bequest.
  • Development of teeth and dental arches in twins.
  • Guest Editor for a Special Issue of ythe journal Genes entitled "Genes, Interactions and Dental Development: Advances in Understanding Genetics, Epigenetics and Environmental Interactions". This publication is due for completion in December 2022, with a subsquent book for which Alan will be the Editor.

Previous projects:

In Paediactric Dentistry

  • Oro-facial Pathology
  • Prevention of dental disease
  • Patient management and treatment

Developments in Dental Education

  • New Curricula
  • Outreach in community placements

Dental Development and Variation

  • Criteria for diagnosis
  • New indices
  • 2D customised image analysis systems
  • 3D laser scanning
  • Hypodontia, Supernumeraries and Amelogenesis Imperfecta

Modelling Dental Development

  • Unifying model for tooth number and size
  • Development and Testing of Models

Archaeological projects

  • Romano-Britons - Dorchester, Baldock
  • 19th-century migrant settlers to South Australia from Britain/ Europe




Funding - current application 

  • Paul Kwok Lee Research Funding Bequest - "Development and application of customised software for 3D measurements of human teeth and dental arches"

Research Funding Awarded:

  • 1970-73 "The aetiology of dental anomalies" - Eastman Research Fund - £12,000
  • 1973-74 "The role of calcium glycerophosphate in remineralisation" - with G. B. Winter Beechams Ltd - £5,000
  • 1978-80 "The prevalence and aetiology of enamel defects in school children in London"- Dental-Eze Ltd - £15,000
  • 1980-83 "The use of image analysis to measure tooth dimensions on study models and dental caries on radiographs" - With C. E. Renson and N. B. Pitts, Hong Kong University - £75,000
  • 1982-83 "A multi-disciplinary study of the dental and oral tissues of 12 year old Hong Kong children" - Hong Kong University - £38,000
  • 1983 "Dental care of the handicapped in Hong Kong" - Colgate Palmolive Plc - £2,000
  • 1987-89 "Clinical trials of anti-plaque and hypersensitivity agents for use in dental products"- Boots Plc - £12,000
  • 1989-91 "Development of x-ray microtomography for the 3D measurement of mineralisation in genetic defects and carious lesions" - With J. C. Elliott, The London Hospital Special Trustees - £17,500
  • 1992 "Clinical trials of anti-plaque agents" - Boots Plc - £15,000
  • 1993-94 "Clinical trials of anti-plaque agents" - Boots Plc - £20,000
  • 1993 "A study of the demineralising and remineralising potential of agents used in mouthwashes" - With P. Anderson, Boots Plc - £7,500
  • 1994 "The use of image analysis for diagnosis of the extent of plaque" - With G. Davis, Boots Plc - £11,000
  • 1995 "Clinical studies of anti-plaque and stain removing agents" - Boots Plc - £10,000
  • 1995 "The measurement of tooth size in hypodontia" - With G. Davis and J. Fearne, Bone, Tooth and Biomaterials Research Group, LHMC - £371
  • 1995 "A study of the demineralising and remineralising potential of a tooth whitening agent" - With J. C. Elliott and P. Anderson, Boots Plc - £7,200
  • 1995-96 "Development of Software to enable a scanning data entry method for the national outpatient audit computer package" - With T. Gregg and F. Wong, Department of Health - £5,650
  • 1995-97 "Collaborative research in the development of new dental products" - With M. Levinkind and J. Elliot, Proctor and Gamble Plc - £200,000
  • 1997 Sheffield study to determine the anti-plaque efficacy of Boots new formulation (toothpaste) - With T. F. Walsh, Boots Plc - £33,600
  • 1997 "Further development of an image analysis systems for dental measurement" - Boots Plc - £6,750
  • 1997 "Dental Occlusion - a laboratory study of potential de-sensitising agents" - With R. van Noort, Boots Plc - £7,500
  • 1997 "A Single Dose Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of 4% Articaine HCl with 1:100,000 Epinephrine Versus 2% Lidocaine HCl with 1:100,000 Epinephrine in the Treatment of General Dental Procedures - Spécialitiés Septodont - £2,500
  • 1997 Tooth Whitening Clinical Trial- With T. F. Walsh and A. Rawlinson, Boots plc - £20,000
  • 1997 Plaque Inhibition - With T. F. Walsh and A. Rawlinson, Boots plc - £15,000
  • 1997 Plaque Inhibition - With T. F. Walsh and A. Rawlinson, Boots plc - £36,000
  • 1999-2004 National Centre for Applied Research in Oral Health - Boots plc - Direct financial contribution
  • (Total value of Centre over 5 years including salaries of seconded Boots staff) - £667,000 (£1,250,000)
  • 1999 A multi-detection microplate reader for the rapid analysis of disease processes and biomaterials
  • BBSRC JREI Grant (50/JE514370) - £29,952
  • 1999 Computer controlled X-Y translation stage with 1 micro repositioning accuracy in both directions and a digital spectometric X-ray detection system - With P. Anderson et al, Queen Mary and Westfield College
  • Wellcome Grant (062850/Z) - $32,629
  • 2001 Development and testing of a strategy for educating the dental team together in community settings
  • National Purchasing Unit - £30,000
  • 2002 Training the dental team together in other primary care settings - National Dental Development Unit - £598,000
  • 2002 The genetics of hypodontia - With P. Patel, C. Elcock, National Institute of Health (USA) - £15,000  (Total value of grant $1,000,000)
  • 2005 Odontogenesis: A paradigm for mammalian biomineralisation and the role of extracellular matrix in the control of crystal deposition and growth - With J. Kirkham, Leeds and M. Dixon, Manchester, Wellcome 5 Year Programme Grant - £950,000  (Personal component £178,000)
  • 2005 The measurement of anti-calculus effect - With A. Rawlinson and T. Walsh, Boots plc - £13,000
  • 2006 The Measurement of Tooth Whiteness, using image Analysis - Development of methodology - With R. N. Smith, Unilever plc - £35,000
  • 2006 The Measurement of Tooth Whiteness using Image Analysis - Clinical trial Unilever plc - £20,000
  • 2006 Evaluation of methods of measurement of tooth colour - Unilever plc - £5,000
  • 2007 Normal and Abnormal Development of the Dentition - University of Adelaide - AU$4,560
  • 2008 The measurement of dental anomalies in twins - University of Adelaide - AU$5,220
  • 2008 3D tooth dimensions on study models of twins - University of Adelaide - AU$2,378
  • 2008 Fluoride concentrations in toothpastes used by children. - Boots plc - £8,000
  • 2008 The effect of prenatal exposure to anticonvulsant drugs measured by variations in Dental Development: A pilot study. - With S. Albadri and G. Baker, University of Liverpool - £1,500
  • 2009 Are dental crown dimensions increased in females from opposite sex dizygotic twin pairs reflecting possible male hormone diffusion in utero? - With D. Ribeiro, G. Townsend, W. Sampson, T. Hughes, A. H. Brook - ADRF Grant No 26-2009 - AU$2,800
  • 2013- 2017 Improving the appearance and mineralisation of lesions in deciduous teeth - With P. Anderson, BBSRC/GSK Case Study- Ph.D. Studentship - £100,000
  • 2013-2015 State-of-the-art imaging of early enamel lesions - With A. Diep, S. Ranjitkar, J. Kaidonis and G. Townsend, Dentsply Research Fund - AU$850
  • 2013-2014 High resolution 3D dental microwear texture analysis - With C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, J. Kaidonis, D. Lekkas and G. Townsend, Dentsply Research Fund - AU$850
  • 2013-2015 Exploring further the different effects of the Y chromosome and intrauterine male hormones on tooth size and shape by 3D measurement and analysis of twin study models - With F. Lam, S. Ranjitkar, T. Hughes and G. Townsend, ADRF - AU$2,900
  • 2014 Imaging of early enamel erosion in deciduous teeth - With C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, C. Hall and D. Lekkas, ADRF - AU$7,660
  • 2014 Effects of Y chromosome and male hormones on tooth size - With F. Lam, G. Townsend, S. Ranjitkar, T. Hughes and R. Yong, ADRF - AU$2,200
  • 2014 Dental microwear texture analysis using state-of-the-art imaging. - With C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, J. Kaidonis, D. Lekkas and G. Townsend, ADRF - AU$2,200
  • 2014-15 Environmental stress and the Romano-British Dentition - With K. Koh, ADRF - AU$2,200
  • 2014-15 Effects of Y chromosome and intrauterine male hormones on primary tooth size - With A. Ahmed, ADRF - AU$1,200
  • 2014-15 Dental asymmetry in twins: the link between tooth dimensions and tooth development - With R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, A. Evans, G.C. Townsend, ADRF - AU$7,700
  • 2015 MIMICS software for 3D CT and microCT image analysis in craniofacial research - ADRF - AU$4,000
  • 2020 Large volume Micro-CT for the study of archeological skull specimens - University of Adelaide - AU$5000
  • 2020 3D measurement using a new technique of teeth and dental arches in hypodontia and control patients - Paul Kwok Lee Bequest - AU$37,000
  • Hypodontia: software development for 3D measurement of the teeth and dental arches - Paul Kwok Lee Bequest -    $65, 000

  • Mesuring the Otago sample of Hypodontia and Control Patients - Paul Kwok Lee Bequest -   $135,000

Supervision - current students

  • Ph.D. (joint supervision) - "The longitudinal development of the dental arcahes in the primary and permanent dentiton of twins" - J. Giri
  • Ph.D (joint supervision) - " The effect of chemotherapeutic agents on dental development and the oral mucosa" - S. Al-Ansari
  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Principal Supervisor Investigating the influence of hypodontia on the teeth and dental arches to increase understanding of interactions in oral development. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Dilan Patel
    2022 Co-Supervisor A longitudinal study of the development of dental occlusion and facial profiles of monozygotic and dizygotic Australian twins, from the primary to the permanent dentition. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jamal Giri
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor A view of colonial life in South Australia: An osteological investigation of the health status among 19th-century migrant settlers Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mrs Angela Gurr
    2016 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Tooth crown dimensions and cusp number in hypodontia: assessed by a new three-dimensional technique Master of Philosophy (Dentistry) Master Part Time Miss Sadaf Sassani
    2014 - 2018 Principal Supervisor The Nature and Extent of Sexual Dimorphism in Dental and Dermatoglyphic Traits of Twins Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Richard Jonathan Ordonez Taduran
    2012 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Infraocclusion of Primary Molars and Associated Dental Anomalies in Twins and Singletons: What is the Underlying Aetiology? Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Ruba Mohammad Mousa Odeh
    2008 - 2012 External Supervisor Increased Tooth Crown Size in Females from Opposite-Sex Dizygotic Twins: A Possible Intrauterine Hormonal Influence on Dental Development Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Daniela Cisoto Ribeiro
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2022 - ongoing Co-Supervisor The effect of chemotherapeutic agents on dental development and the oral mucosa Adelaide Dental School - Doctorate Full Time S. Al-Ansari
    2019 - ongoing Co-Supervisor "The longitudinal development of the dental arcahes in the primary and permanent dentiton of twins" Adelaide Dental School - Doctorate Full Time J.Giri
    2014 - 2016 Co-Supervisor The effects of the Y chromosome and intrauterine male hormones on human tooth size and shape The University of Adelaide - Honours Part Time Felicity Lam

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