Angela Gurr

Angela Gurr

Adelaide Dental School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor) - email supervisor to discuss availability.

My research applies advances in bioarcheological techniques to examine the skeletal remains of a group of 19th-century migrant settlers to South Australia. A multi-methodological approach, including the investigation of historical records associated with emigrant ships, and the economic/ social issues in the new colony. This allows a more in-depth understanding of their oral and systemic health challenges. I value the use of interdisciplinary methods and collaborations to provide a broader methodological application which can yield fresh insight into the life histories of previously unknown individuals and enrich our understanding of the early decades of the South Australian colony.

I am particularly interested in dental developmental defects that can represent the occurrence of one or more health insults during infancy to early adulthood.

Areas of interest: Paleoimaging, Bioarchaeology, Dental Anthropology, Paleopathology, and Social History.


My research applies advances in bioarcheological techniques to examine the skeletal remains of a group of 19th-century migrant settlers to South Australia. A multi-methodological approach, including the investigation of historical records associated with emigrant ships, and the economic/ social issues in the new colony. This allows a more in-depth understanding of their oral and systemic health challenges. I value the use of interdisciplinary methods and collaborations to provide a broader methodological application which can yield fresh insight into the life histories of previously unknown individuals and enrich our understanding of the early decades of the South Australian colony.

I am particularly interested in dental developmental defects that can represent the occurrence of one or more health insults during infancy to early adulthood. 

Areas of interest: Paleoimaging, Bioarchaeology, Dental Anthropology, Paleopathology, and Social History.

2024- Award - History Council of South Australia ' Highly Recommended' Prize.

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Co-Supervisor Investigating the influence of hypodontia on the teeth and dental arches to increase understanding of interactions in oral development. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Dilan Patel

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