Jamal Giri

Jamal Giri

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

Adelaide Dental School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

I am an Orthodontist from Nepal interested in growth and development of craniofacial structures. Currently, I am pursuing my PhD at the Adelaide Dental School where I am exploring the development of dental occlusion from the primary to the permanent dentition among the Australian twins, particularly assessing the developmental impacts of genetic and environmental factors on occlusion, to better understand how we can intercept malocclusion.

PhD Project:

A longitudinal study of the development of dental occlusion and facial profiles of monozygotic and dizygotic Australian twins, from the primary to the permanent dentition.

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2018 - ongoing Associate Professor (Orthodontics) B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
    2016 - 2021 Core group member of Health Professions Education B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
    2015 - 2021 Deputy Coordinator Problem Based Learning (PBL) B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
    2014 - 2018 Assistant Professor (Orthodontics) B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2022 Scholarship PhD Excellence Award Healthy Development Adelaide and Channel 7 Children Research Foundation Australia -
    2021 Scholarship University of Adelaide Research Scholarship The University of Adelaide Australia -
  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
    Hindi Can read, write, speak and understand spoken
    Nepali Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2022 University of Adelaide Australia Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
    2021 - 2022 University of Nottingham United Kingdom Masters in Medical Education
    2020 - 2021 University of Edinburgh United Kingdom Postgraduate Certificate (Clinical Education)
    2011 - 2014 Tribhuvan University Nepal Master of Dental Surgery (MDS - Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics)
    2005 - 2011 B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences Nepal Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
  • Certifications

    Date Title Institution name Country
    2023 Standard Mental Health First Aider Mental Health First AID Australia -
    2022 First aid, Basic emergency life support and Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Australian Red Cross -
  • Research Interests

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Giri, J., Bockmann, M., Brook, A., Gurr, A., & Hughes, T. (2024). Genetic and environmental contributions to the development of soft tissue facial profile: a twin study. European Journal of Orthodontics, 46(5), cjae045-1-cjae045-10.
    2023 Gupta, S. P., Giri, J., & Shrestha, B. K. (2023). An Orthodontic Approach for the Correction of Transposition along with Multiple Impacted Teeth. Case Reports in Dentistry, 2023, 13 pages.
    DOI Scopus1 WoS1 Europe PMC1
    2023 Farook, T., Ahmed, S., Giri, J., Rashid, F., Hughes, T., & Dudley, J. (2023). Influence of intraoral scanners, operators, and data processing on dimensional accuracy of dental casts for unsupervised clinical machine learning: An in vitro comparative study. International Journal of Dentistry, 2021(1), 7542813-1-7542813-10.
    DOI Scopus4 Europe PMC1
    2023 Giri, J., Bockmann, M., Brook, A., Farook, T. H., Meade, M., & Hughes, T. (2023). Heritability of dental arches and occlusal characteristics: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Orthodontics, 45(6), 854-867.
    DOI Scopus2 Europe PMC2
    2023 Giri, J., & Stewart, C. (2023). Innovations in assessment in health professions education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review.. The clinical teacher, 20(5), 1-18.
    DOI Scopus1
    2023 Giri, J., Hughes, T., Bockmann, M., & Brook, A. (2023). On dental arches of twins. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 164(4), 459.
    2022 Chaudhary, A., Giri, J., Gyawali, R., & Pokharel, P. R. (2022). A Retrospective Study Comparing Nose, Lip, and Chin Morphology in Class I, Class II, and Class III Skeletal Relationships in Patients Visiting to the Department of Orthodontics, BPKIHS: A Cephalometric Study. International Journal of Dentistry, 2022, 7 pages.
    DOI Scopus3 Europe PMC1
    2022 Yadav, R., Mittal, M., Yadav, A. K., Yadav, N., Giri, J., & Venugopal, A. (2022). Orthodontic Treatment Need among Nepalese High School Students. Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada, 22, 9 pages.
    2019 Khanal, L., Giri, J., Shah, S., Koirala, S., & Rimal, J. (2019). <p>Influence of learning-style preferences in academic performance in the subject of human anatomy: an institution-based study among preclinical medical students</p>. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 10, 343-355.
    DOI WoS13 Europe PMC7
    2018 Shrestha, G. K., Pokharel, P. R., Gyawali, R., Bhattarai, B., & Giri, J. (2018). The morphology and bridging of the sella turcica in adult orthodontic patients. BMC ORAL HEALTH, 18(1), 8 pages.
    DOI WoS23 Europe PMC16
    2018 Giri, J., Pokharel, P. R., Gyawali, R., Timsina, J., & Pokhrel, K. (2018). New regression equations for mixed dentition space analysis in Nepalese mongoloids. BMC ORAL HEALTH, 18(1), 7 pages.
    DOI WoS5 Europe PMC2
    2017 Giri, J., Pokharel, P. R., Gyawali, R., & Bhattarai, B. (2017). Translation and Validation of Modified Dental Anxiety Scale: The Nepali Version.. International scholarly research notices, 2017, 5495643.
    DOI Europe PMC17
    2017 Gyawali, R., Pokharel, P., & Giri, J. (2017). Demography of Publications in South Asian Orthodontic Journals. Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society, 51(2), 87-91.
    2017 Giri, J., Pokharel, P. R., & Gyawali, R. (2017). How common is ponticulus posticus on lateral cephalograms?. BMC research notes, 10(1), 172.
    DOI Europe PMC9
    2016 Giri, J., Shrestha, B. K., Yadav, R., & Ghimire, T. R. (2016). Assessment of skeletal maturation with permanent mandibular second molar calcification stages among a group of Nepalese orthodontic patients. CLINICAL COSMETIC AND INVESTIGATIONAL DENTISTRY, 8, 57-62.
    DOI WoS3 Europe PMC3
    2016 Gyawali, R., Pokharel, P. R., & Giri, J. (2016). Effect of subject rotation on assessment of esthetic dental ratios: A simulation study. International Journal of Dentistry, 2016, 5 pages.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS2 Europe PMC2
    - Giri, J., Pokharel, P. R., Gyawali, R., Bhattarai, B., & Shrestha, G. K. (n.d.). Comparison of Reproducibility of Nasolabial Angle Constructed by Anatomic point method and Tangent line method. Orthodontic Journal of Nepal, 6(2), 10-23.
    - Giri, J., Pokharel, P. R., & Gyawali, R. (n.d.). Angular Relationship between Frankfort Horizontal Plane and Sella-Nasion Plane in Nepalese Orthodontic Patients: A Cephalometric Study. Orthodontic Journal of Nepal, 7(1), 14-17.
    - Gyawali, R., Pokharel, P. R., Shrestha, G. K., & Giri, J. (n.d.). V-notch to Prevent Sliding of Crimpable Hook. Orthodontic Journal of Nepal, 5(1), 51.
    - Gyawali, R., Pokharel, P. R., & Giri, J. (n.d.). Emergency appointments in orthodontics. APOS TRENDS IN ORTHODONTICS, 9(1), 40-43.
    DOI WoS4
    - Gyawali, R., Pokharel, P. R., Giri, J., Shrestha, G. K., & Bhattarai, B. (n.d.). Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need of Patients undergoing Orthodontic Treatment at BPKIHS, Dharan. Orthodontic Journal of Nepal, 6(1), 23-26.
    - Gyawali, R., Pokharel, P. R., Giri, J., & Gautam, U. (n.d.). Orthodontic correction of severely rotated maxillary central incisor in a diabetic adult. Journal of College of Medical Sciences-Nepal, 11(3), 30-34.
    - Rai, A., Giri, J., Sah, B. K., Koirala, B., Dali, M., & Shrestha, S. (n.d.). Orthodontic-Surgical Management of Impacted Maxillary Central Incisor Related to Supernumerary Tooth: a Case Report. Journal of BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, 6(2), 33-36.
  • Conference Items

  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2023 - ongoing Member American Association of Orthodontists United States
    2022 - ongoing Member International Association for Dental Research United States
    2021 - ongoing Member Higher Education Academy (Advance HE) United Kingdom
    2020 - ongoing Member World Federation of Orthodontists United States
    2019 - ongoing Member Nepal Association for Dental Research (NADR) Nepal
    2017 - ongoing Member Nepal Dental Association Nepal
    2015 - ongoing Member Orthodontic and Dentofacial Orthopaedic Association of Nepal (ODOAN) Nepal
    2015 - ongoing Member Nepal Medical Association Nepal
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2022 - ongoing Member Orthodontic Journal of Nepal Orthodontic and Dentofacial Orthopaedic Association of Nepal Nepal
  • Presentation

    Date Topic Presented at Institution Country
    2020 - 2020 Orthodontic management of impacted permanent maxillary central incisor associated with trauma to its deciduous predecessor: a case report 9th international orthodontic congress, Yokohama (Virtual) World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) Japan
    2019 - 2019 Third molar agenesis and its association with hypodontia among orthodontic patients of eastern Nepal 95th European Orthodontic Society Congress, Nice European Orthodontic Society France
    2018 - 2018 Back and neck pain among Nepali undergraduate dental students 40th Asia Pacific Dental Congress, Manila Asia Pacific Dental Federation Philippines
    2017 - 2017 Mixed dentition space analysis among Nepalese Mongoloid population 39th Asia Pacific Dental Congress, Macao Asia Pacific Dental Federation Macao
    2015 - 2015 Evaluation of skeletal maturation using permanent mandibular second molar calcification stages 8th International Orthodontic Congress, London World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) United Kingdom

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