Scott Clark

Associate Professor Scott Clark

Associate Prof/Reader

Adelaide Medical School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Scott Clark is the Discipline Head for the University of Adelaide Discipline of Psychiatry. He coordinates the Adelaide Medical School’s Psychiatry program and is a consultant psychiatrist in the Western Community Mental Health Service. Scott’s research focuses on novel clinical trials and the use of biomarkers and biotypes in the prediction of outcomes in serious mental illness. Scott was awarded the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Early Career Psychiatrist Award 2017 for his work on the use of simple Bayesian models to combine multimodal clinical and biological data to predict the first psychotic episode. He is a principle investigator for the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) in PREdiction of Early Mental Disorder and Preventive Treatment (PRE-EMPT), the NIMH funded Accelerated Medicines Partnership Schizophrenia (Prescient), the NHMRC TMS for social cognition in Autism study, and the Wellcome Trust funded Cannibidiol for Youth at Risk (CanARY) study. He is a lead investigator in Defence funded projects exploring the genomics of cognitive function and the use of novel aperiodic analyses of EEG in combat trauma.

He has led lead novel observational studies of outcomes in chronic psychosis including the Cognitive and Functional Assessment of Psychosis Staging Study (CoFAPSS), the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Electrophysiology in Mood and Psychosis Study (TEMAPS), the Trajectory of Response to Aripiprazole Maintena study (TRAMS), Predictors of function and quality of life in patients on long term PP3M treatment in Australia and an investigator for the Genomics of ECT International Consortium (GenECT-IC). He is a collaborator with the international Consortium for Lithium Genetics (COnLiGen) and the Lithium Saliva Monitoring Study.

He was Chair of the South Australian Clozapine Steering Group 2011-2019 and lead the introduction of a state-wide monitoring system for the use of the high risk antipsychotic clozapine. He is a senior investigator for the Detection of Clozapine Induced Myocarditis in Inpatient Mental Health Unit Prior and Post Implementation of a State-wide Monitoring Protocol, The Toxic Rise of Plasma Clozapine Levels Related to Infections or Inflammatory Reactions and its Management in Hospitalised Patients and The Characterisation of Non-Psychiatric Admissions During the First Two Years After Commencement of Clozapine studies. He is lead of the Investigating proteomic and cardiac function alterations in a clozapine-induced myocarditis mouse model.

Investigator, cognitive function and mood disorders (CoFaMS) and Cognitive and Functional Assessment of Psychosis Staging Study (CoFAPSS) studies, with an emphasis on recruitment and assessment of patients with chronic psychosis (CoFAPPs) and lithium treated patients (CoFaMS, ConLiGen international consortium); Predictive modeling of symptom and function trajectories in mental illness (transition to first psychotic episode, treatment resistant psychosis); Pharmacogenetics and prediction of response to lithium and clozapine. Health service data linkage studies of patients with chronic psychosis; investigator in the recently established Adelaide Integrated Mental Health Biobank and Disease Marker Centre.

Available Research Projects
Discipline of Psychiatry

Research Project 1 - Multimodal prediction of transition to the first psychotic episode

Project description: Only 30% of patients identified as at high risk of a psychotic episode transition to first episode psychosis. Improved accuracy of prediction is required to efficiently and safely intervene to prevent or minimise the impact of psychosis. With access to detailed national and international data sets we use novel Bayesian and machine learning techniques to combine clinical and biological variables to improve prediction accuracy.

Collaborators: A Prof Oliver Schubert (University of  Adelaide); Prof Barnaby Nelson (University of Melbourne, Orygen); Prof Stanley Zammitt (University of Bristol); Prof David Cotter (Royal College of Surgeons Ireland)

Projects available for: Honours / HDR / Masters / Mphil

Location: AHMS (Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences Building, North Tce); TQEH

Research project start: Semester 1 and 2

Special requirements: Nil


Research Project 2 - Electrophysiology and Response to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as biomarkers of cognition and function in mood and psychotic disorders.

Project description: There are currently no accurate biomarkers of prognosis and treatment response in major mental illness. This leads to trial and error in treatment selection and associated prolonged morbidity.  This study uses electroencephalography (EEG) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) combined with EEG to measure patterns in brain wave oscillation that are associated with medication response, cognition and function in patients with mood and psychotic disorders.

Collaborators: Dr Mitchell Goldsworthy (NeuroPAD, University of Adelaide); Dr Nigel Rogash (SAHMRI, University of Adelaide); Prof Cherrie Galletly (University of Adelaide)

Projects available for: Honours / HDR / Masters / Mphil

Location: AHMS (Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences Building, North Tce); TQEH

Research project start: Semester 1 and 2

Special requirements: Police Clearance, vaccination required


Research Project 3 - Impact of relapse in schizophrenia on cognition and function: clinical and biological correlates

Project description: Relapse of psychotic illness is associated with significant personal and family trauma as well as changes in cognition and function. Improved knowledge of predictors and outcomes is required to design better interventions. This study follows a group of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia to identify the clinical and biological (Genomic & Proteomic, Inflammatory) predictors of relapse and associated changes in cognition and function. It will also define the social impact of relapse in terms of impact on carers and costs to the health system.

Collaborators: AProf Oliver Schubert, Prof Cherrie Galletly, Dr Cathy Toben, Dr Catharine Jawahar, Dr Natalie Mills (University of Adelaide). 

Projects available for: Honours / HDR / Masters / Mphil

Location: AHMS (Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences Building, North Tce); TQEH

Research project start: Semester 1 and 2

Special requirements: Police Clearance, vaccination required


Research Project 4 - Diagnosis and treatment of clozapine associated myocarditis

Project description:The atypical antipsychotic clozapine is the most efficacious antipsychotic for treatment resistant schizophrenia but has a range of severe adverse effects. In Australia rates of clozapine associated cardiac inflammation (myocarditis) are much higher than the rest of the world. Evidence suggests rates are increasing with the implementation of new screening protocols involving both inflammatory (C-reactive protein) and cardiac (troponin) markers. However, diagnosis is difficult due to other confounding aetiologies (e.g. viral myocarditis) and management following positive screens may be variable. This study reviews the diagnosis and management of potential cases of myocarditis using record linkage and case note review.

Collaborators: Jessica Dawson (Monash University); Professor John Beltrame (University of Adelaide)

Projects available for: Honours / HDR / Masters / Mphil

Location: AHMS (Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences Building, North Tce); TQEH

Research project start: Semester 1 and 2

Special requirements: Nil

In his role as Clinical Academic for the Discipline of Psychiatry Scott coordinates the Adelaide Medical School’s year 4 Psychiatry program and the integration of the current course across year levels. At the centre of this teaching is a structured approach to assessment, formulation and management of mental illness. This model incorporates bio-psycho-socio-cultural aspects of history taking, mental state, and physical health assessment, and teaches the integration of this complex data into valid and efficient diagnostic formulation and risk assessment, leading to realistically staged, evidence-based management planning that considers complex clinical service multidisciplinary contexts. The model also provides a framework for the development of efficient case presentation and can be assessed at more advanced levels by using short case vivas to explore the student’s knowledge base, reasoning and clinical decision-making capacity. Across undergraduate teaching there is a progression from theory to practice via a balance of didactic and problem-based learning, and small group discovery experiences, allowing students to develop skills in the formulation and exploration of clinical questions and hypotheses, identifying critical gaps in knowledge and working individually and in teams toward shared goals. 

​​​​​​​Scott also lectures into the South Australian Psychiatry Branch Training Committee (SAPBTC) program and The Adelaide Pre-vocational Psychiatry Program (TAPPP) and is Convenor of the Annual SA Mental Health Service Clozapine Training Program. Scott also supervises PhD, Honours and medical student research projects as well as Psychiatry Registrar Scholarly projects. 

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Co-Supervisor The interplay between diet, brain functional connectivity, cognition, and mental health in participants with irritable bowel syndrome: UK Biobank Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Mahnaz Reisian
    2024 Principal Supervisor The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on post-graduate psychiatry training. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Michael James Weightman
    2024 Principal Supervisor Unraveling psychosis: Deep Learning Analysis of Structural Neuroimaging to Predict Clinical Outcomes in Schizophrenia. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Tristan John Bampton
    2024 Co-Supervisor Diagnosis and Treatment of Clozapine Associated Adverse Events and their Association with Inflammation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Wei Ching Shawn Yong
    2023 Co-Supervisor A conceptual framework for describing and promoting interest, acceptance, adoption, and use of mental mHealth applications among migrants and ethnic minorities in Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Noorah Ibrahim S Alnaghaimshi
    2023 Principal Supervisor Investigating predictors of response to transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr David Plevin
    2022 Co-Supervisor Investigating the substrate processes underlying the relationship between cognitive functioning and Anomalous Self-Experience, in adolescents with first-episode psychosis. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr James Christopher Martin
    2022 Principal Supervisor Health Literacy and Mental Health Stigma in People Attending Mental Health Clinics in Adelaide, Australia and Boston, United States of America Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Sumana Thomson
    2022 Co-Supervisor Developing Genetic Testing Tools for Optimising Pharmacotherapy and Enabling a Precision Mental Health Care Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Nigussie Tadesse Sharew
    2021 Co-Supervisor The impact of different drugs on neural oscillations Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Marissa Marina Holden
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2018 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Multimodal machine learning for precision psychiatry Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Micah Linton Douglas Cearns
    2016 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Investigation of predictors of Psychosocial function in Schizophrenia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Andrew Toyin Olagunju
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2020 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Modelling trajectories of anxiety, depression and health-related quality of life throughout pregnancy University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Vivienne Esser
    2018 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Differential Candidate Gene Analysis for Cognition and Schizophrenia University of Adelaide, Discipline of Psychiatry Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Honours program Honours Full Time Edward Luong
    2018 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Fronto-parietal connectivity as a marker of cognition in Bipolar disorder University of Adelaide, Discipline of Psychiatry Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Honours Program Honours Full Time Diana Bol
    2018 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Dorsolateral-Prefrontal Neuroplasticity as a Marker of Cognition in Major Depressive Disorder University of Adelaide, Discipline of Psychiatry Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Honours Program Honours Full Time Kaitit Tan
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2022 - ongoing Member Mental Health Foundation of Australia Scientific Advisory Committee Mental Health Foundation of Australia Australia
    2021 - ongoing Member Medical Education Leads Australia and New Zealand - RANZCP community of practice Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry Australia
    2021 - 2022 Member RANZCP Congress 2022 Scientific Committee RANZCP Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member Australian Early Psychosis Collaborative Consortium (AEPCC) CTTN ESTABLISHMENT COMMITTEE Orygen Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member Accelerating Medicines Partnership, Schizophrenia - Sample Size Working Subgroup - Genomics & Fluid Biomarkers Committee Foundation of the National Institute of Health United States
    2020 - ongoing Board Member Australian Child & Youth Mental Health Clinical Trial Network University of Melbourne Australia
    2018 - ongoing Chair Scientific Committee Biological Psychiatry Australia Conference 2018 University of Adelaifde, Discipline of Psychiatry Australia
    2018 - ongoing Member Quality use of Medicines in Mental Health Joint meeting of Australian State Offices of the Chief Psychiatirsts Australia
    2018 - ongoing Member Local Organising Committee for Biological Psyciatry Australia Conference 2018 University of Adelaide, Discipline of PScyiatry Australia
    2017 - ongoing Chair South Australian Clozapine Steering Group SA Office of the Chief Psychiatrist Australia
    2016 - ongoing Member South Australian Psychotropic Drug Committee South Australian Office of the Chief Psychiatrist Australia
    2016 - ongoing Member RANZCP Research Committee Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatry Australia
    2015 - ongoing Member EPAS Clozapine order set working group SA Health Australia
    2014 - ongoing Member Clozapine Focus Group SA Health Australia
    2014 - ongoing Member Local organising Committee Society for Mental Heralth Research Adelaide 2014 University of Adelaide, Discipline of Psychiatry Australia
    2013 - 2014 Member Australian Society for Mental Health Research 2014 conference University of Adelaide Australia
    2012 - ongoing Member EPAS Mental Health Clinical Working Party SA Health Australia
    2010 - 2017 Chair Adelaide Metropolitan Clozapine Working Group SA Health Australia
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2018 - ongoing Member Child and Youth Mental Health Clincal Trial Network Australia
    2014 - ongoing Member Society for Mental Health Research Australia
    2014 - ongoing Member Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Psychiatrists Australia
    2014 - ongoing Member Australian Early Psychosis Research Network Australia
    2009 - ongoing Member Health Informatics Society of Australia Australia
  • Consulting/Advisories

    Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country
    2023 - ongoing Ausralian Defence Force Ausralian Defence Force Health services and related Australia
    2019 - 2019 Lundbeck/Otsaka Medical Science Liaison Health services and related Australia
    2019 - ongoing Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd, Editorial team Health services and related Australia
    2018 - 2019 Lundbeck/Otsaka Medical Science liaision Health services and related Australia
    2016 - 2016 Adelaide Primary Health Care Network - Business and professional Australia
  • Position: Associate Prof/Reader
  • Phone: 83133886
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences, floor 6
  • Org Unit: Medical Specialties

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