Cher-Rin Chong

Dr Cher-Rin Chong

NHMRC Ext-Funded Rsch Fellow B

Adelaide Medical School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

My research background: Growing up, I never dreamed of a career in research. After graduating from pharmacy, I worked at community pharmacies in Goolwa, Port Pirie and Elizabeth, before transitioned to clinical pharmacy at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in South Australia. Whilst I enjoyed my clinical work, I knew I wanted more - to try to fill the knowledge gap, to understand the underlying mechanisms, the basis of therapeutic selection, and many others. This led to an eventual PhD in cardiovascular pharmacology, focusing on how the process of energy generation affects cardiac function, supervised by Professors John Horowitz and Betty Sallustio. By the end of my PhD, I became hooked on the pursuit of new knowledge, and the fact that this may be used to advance health makes this job seems even more gratifying. So when the opportunity arised, I undertook immediate postdoctoral training at Oxford (UK), in the labs of Professors Kieran Clarke and Rhys Evans, where I further my training in physiological biochemistry and cardiac metabolism. I returned to Adelaide in late 2019 to set up my own research program within the Horowitz lab. 

Research approach: My research adopts a translational "bench-to-bedside" approach. My collaborators and I use pre-clinical models and clinical samples obtained from patients where we measure molecular and physiological changes, and correlate with clinical outcomes. We are particularly keen in applying the knowledge gained towards developing targeted therapeutics and improving health outcomes.

Current research directions: The overall goal of my current research undertakings is to develop effective strategies to detect, treat, and manage heart failure in people living with diabetes, inflammatory or metabolic disorders. In recent years, I have also become increasingly interested in the nexus of interactions between heart failure, diabetes and cancer, which are surprisingly linked to one another.  

Joining the lab: I am always on the lookout for enthusiastic, curious and motivated students or postdocs to join the lab. Recruitment for research degree graduates (honour's, Master's and PhD), as well as scholarship application, will be conducted via the University's programs. Please email me a copy of your CV, detailing your undergraduate achievement and research experience. Please note that only selected students who may fit University's selection criteria will be invited for interview.
For postdoctoral researcher, I will provide support for application to fellowship programs. If you are interested, please reach out to discuss potential project and application, along with a copy of your CV.



  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2019 - ongoing Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Adelaide
    2016 - 2019 Nuffield Medical Fellow University of Oxford
    2012 - 2016 NHMRC Dora Lush PhD candidate University of Adelaide
    2008 - 2016 Rotating pharmacist, Pharmacist registrar, Senior pharmacist The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, SA Department of Health
    2007 - 2008 Intern pharmacist & Pharmacist-in-charge Community pharmacies
  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    Chinese (Cantonese) Can read, write, speak and peer review
    Chinese (Mandarin) Can read, write, speak and peer review
    English Can read, write, speak and peer review
    Malay Can read, write and speak
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    University of Adelaide Australia Ph.D.
    University of South Australia Australia Bachelor of Pharmacy
  • Research Interests

  • 2024 CIA, MRFF Targeted Translation Research Accelerator - Cardiovascular disease and diabetes mechanism, $999,536. 
  • 2023 CIA, Foundation for high blood pressure research, seed funding, $20,000. 
  • 2022 CIA, Basil Hetzel Institute/The Hospital Research Foundation, equipment grant, for the purchase of Vevostrain, USD$20,000. 
  • 2020 CIA, Diabetes SA, project grant, $100,000. 
  • 2019 CIA, Heart Foundation of Australia Postdoctoral Fellowship (co-funded with NHMRC) 
  • 2019 CIA, NHMRC Peter Doherty Fellowship
  • 2019 CIA, The Hospital Research Foundation, Early Career Fellowship (awarded but did not accept)
  • 2018 CIA, Oxford British Heart Foundation CRE (UK), pump priming grant, £12,282.40
  • 2016 CIA, University of Oxford (UK), Nuffield Medical Fellowship (only 2 out of 3 rotating countries were awarded each year. I was the only awardee from Australia). 
  • 2014 CIA, NHMRC Dora Lush Biomedical Research Postgraduate Scholarship
  • 2014 CSANZ Affiliate Clinical Development Award, Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ) 
  • 2013, 2014 Travelling fellowship, CSANZ
  • 2013 CIA, Professional development grant, Young Professional Group, SA Department of Health
  • 2011 - 13 Student travel grant, Australasian Society of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacologists & Toxicologists
  • 2005 Student Vacation Scholarship, The Cancer Council Australia

Cher-Rin is involved in the supervision of research placements for third year biomedical students.

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2022 Principal Supervisor Investigating cardiovascular complications of diabetes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Getandale Zeleke Negera
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Cardiovascular ageing and thrombotic risk: the integrity of the endothelial glycocalyx barrier and platelet responses as we age The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Thuy Tran
    2023 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Ageing of anti-aggregatory autacoid signalling: normal fluctuations and variability in Takotsubo syndrome The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Indy Anna Joy Lawrie
    2020 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Novel treatment to prevent cardiovascular disease in Type 2 diabetes The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Emily Kovacev
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2023 - ongoing Member Policy Committee Basil Hetzel Institute for Translational Health Research Australia
    2022 - ongoing Member Research advisory committee Diabetes SA Australia
    2021 - ongoing Member Emerging Leaders Committee Australian Cardiovascular Alliance Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member Management Committee Basil Hetzel Institute for Translational Health Research Australia
    2020 - 2020 Member Bliss Adelaide Bliss Australia
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2020 - ongoing Member Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy - United States
  • Review, Assessment, Editorial and Advice

    Date Title Type Institution Country
    2021 - ongoing Project grant Grant Assessment Diabetes UK United Kingdom
    2020 - ongoing Project grant Grant Assessment The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research & Development Netherlands
    2020 - 2021 Postgraduate scholarship; Project grant Grant Assessment Heart Foundation Australia
    2019 - ongoing Project grant Grant Assessment Health Research Council New Zealand
    2015 - ongoing Ideas grant; Investigator grant; Development grant; Project grant Grant Assessment NHMRC Australia
  • Position: NHMRC Ext-Funded Rsch Fellow B
  • Phone: 81334005
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Basil Hetzel Institute, floor 2
  • Org Unit: Medical Specialties

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