Corinna Van Den Heuvel

Professor Corinna Van Den Heuvel

Head of School

School of Biomedicine

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Prof. Corinna Van Den Heuvel completed her PhD on the response of amyloid precursor protein following traumatic brain injury (TBI) at the University of Adelaide (UofA) in 1999 and during this time was an active member of the Adelaide Head Injury Group. Following completion of her PhD she was immediately appointed as a lecturer in the Department of Pathology at the UofA in 1999.

Corinna has held numerous leadership positions within the University since this time and is currently the Head of the School of Biomedicine and the Program Director for the Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences Program (BHlthMedSc). Corinna is an Education Specialist and is a member of the Adelaide Education Academy and has been the recipient of numerous teaching awards. Corinna’s contribution to higher education has been recognised internationally with her appointment in 2018 as a Senior Fellow of Advance HE. She has also been the recipient of numerous teaching and leadership awards including the Executive Dean’s Medal in 2016 and 2020. She was also the recipient of the Stephen Cole the Elder Award for Excellence in Leadership, Support and Enhancement of teaching practice in 2018. Most recently in 2022 she was awarded the University of Adelaide Award for Exceptional Leadership.

She is part of the Translational Neuropathology Laboratory at the UofA and her current research focusses on traumatic brain injury. She also has successful research collaborations with Forensic Science SA and the Centre of Automative Safety Research within the UofA. Her work has been presented both nationally and internationally and published widely in internationally recognised journals and she has received over $1.6 million in category one research funding . She has supervised numerous first class Honours and PhD students to completion and mentored many HDR students and junior academics who are now leading successful academic or research careers both Nationally and Internationally.


Member of the Translational Neuropathology Laboratory at the University of Adelaide and her current research focusses on traumatic brain injury.  She also has research collaborations with Forensic Science SA and the Centre for Automative Safety Research.  Her work has been presented both nationally and internationally and published widely in internationally recognised journals.  She has supervised numerous first class Honours and PhD students.


  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2023 - ongoing Head, School of Biomedicine The University of Adelaide
    2022 - ongoing Head, School of Biomedicine University of Adelaide
    2020 - 2022 Interim Head, Adelaide Medical School The University of Adelaide
    2019 - 2020 Head, Department of Medical Sciences The University of Adelaide
    2018 - ongoing Senior Fellow Advance HE
    2018 - ongoing Stephen Cole the Elder Award The University of Adelaide
    2018 - 2019 Head Discipline Anatomy and Pathology The University of Adelaide
    2016 - ongoing Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences Program Coordinator The University of Adelaide
    2016 - ongoing Bachelor of Health Sciences Program Coordinator The University of Adelaide
    2016 - ongoing Member of the Adelaide Education Academy University of Adelaide
    2011 - ongoing Associate Professor The University of Adelaide
    2005 - 2011 Senior Lecturer The University of Adelaide
    2000 - 2005 Lecturer level B University of Adelaide
    1999 - 2000 Associate Lecturer University of Adelaide
    1994 - 1995 Research Assistant Royal Adelaide Hospital
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2022 Award The University Award for Outstanding Achievement - Exceptional Leadership The University of Adelaide Australia -
    2018 Award Stephen Cole the Elder Award for Excellence in the Leadership, Support and Enhancement of Teaching Practice The University of Adelaide Australia -
    2016 Award Executive Deans Medal The University of Adelaide Australia -
    2008 Award Executive Deans Prize for Excellence in Teaching - - -
    2001 Award South Australian Brain Foundation’s Elizabeth Penfold Simpson Prize - - $7,500
    2000 Award Cairns Society Travel Prize - - $5,000
    1998 Award First Prize Medical Staff Society Research Prize Royal Adelaide Hospital - $1,000
    1996 Scholarship Benjamin Poulton Scholarship The University of Adelaide - -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    1999 The University of Adelaide Australia Doctor of Philosophy (Neuroscience)
    1994 The University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Health Science (Hons I)
    1993 The University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Health Science
  • Research Interests

Total Research Funding 
2018 NHMRC project grant $874,733.50. Preclinical evaluation of the novel therapeutic compound APP96-110 in an ovine model of traumatic brain injury. Chief investigators; (CIA) Frances Corrigan, (CIB) Sanjay Garg, (CIC) Robert Vink, (CID) Corinna Van Den Heuvel, (CIE) Renee Turner.
2017 NHMRC project grant $648,739.  APLP2: a neuroprotective receptor for acute brain injury. Chief Investigators (CIA) Roberto Cappai, (CIB) Peter Crack, Associate investigator (AI) Corinna Van Den Heuvel.


The Brain Foundation. $21,000. Developing a neuroprotective agent against   neurotrauma. Chief Investigator:   Corinna Van Den Heuve

2015 - 2016 Neurotrauma Research Program. $131, 651. Assessing APP 96-110: A novel neuroprotective agent in traumatic SCI. Chief Investigators: Stuart Hodgetts, Alan Harvey, Corinna Van Den Heuvel.
2014 Neurosurgical Research Foundation: $54,500. Equipment Grant. Chief Investigator:  Corinna Van Den Heuvel.
2013 - 2015 Co Chief investigator. NHMRC  $451, 420. Elucidating the Neuroprotective Region of the Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) Following Traumatic Brain Injury. Chief Investigators: Robert Vink, Corinna Van Den Heuvel, Peter Blumbergs.  
2013 Chief investigator. Brain Foundation Palmer-Brown and Harvey Estates Brain Injury Award. Assessment of the Neuroprotective Properties of the amyloid precursor protein following brain injury.  $27,650: 1 year award.
2008 - 2010 Co-chief investigator, Neurosurgical Research Foundation. Studying the role of the amyloid presursor protein (APP) in modulating neurotrauma. Van Den Heuvel C, Cappai R.
2008 - 2010 NHMRC Project Grant $570,000. Raised intracranial pressure after trauma: characterisation and development of pharmacological interventions. Vink R, Blumbergs PC, Van Den Heuvel C.   3 year award.
2007 - present Neurotrauma Research Program: $144,000. Optimisation of red/near-infrared light therapy for treatment of neurotrauma: a multi-centre collaborative approach. Chief Investigators: A/Prof Melinda Fitzgerald, A/Prof Nathan Hart, Prof Sarah Dunlop, Prof Jan Provis, Dr Riccardo Natoli, A/Prof Stuart Hodgetts, Prof Alan Harvey, Prof Robert Vink, A/Prof Corinna van den Heuvel.  $30,000: 1 year award.
2004 - 2005 Chief Investigator, University of Adelaide Small Grant. Assessment of the potential neuroprotective effects of soluble amyloid precursor protein a (sAPPa) following traumatic brain injury.  Van Den Heuvel C. $14,000: 1 year award
2003 Co-chief Investigator, University of Adelaide B1 Grant. Characterization of the amyloid precursor response following traumatic brain injury: neuroprotective or deleterious? Van Den Heuvel C, Vink R.$ 14,750: 1 year award.
2002 Co-Chief Investigator, Royal Adelaide Hospital Project Grant.  Establishing optimal methods to restore magnesium homeostasis as a therapeutic intervention following diffuse traumatic brain injury. Vink R, Van Den Heuvel C. $15,000: 1 year award
2001 Chief Investigator, University of Adelaide B3 Grant.  Does magnesium sulphate affect APP mRNA expression within 2 hours following traumatic brain injury. Van Den Heuvel C. $11,000: 1 year award
2000 Co-chief investigator, Neurosurgical Research Foundation Grant.  Axonal injury following traumatic brain injury. Jones N, Blumbergs PC, Van Den Heuvel C.   $15,000: 1 year award
2000 Co-Chief Investigator, Australian Research Council (ARC) Small Grant.  Quantitation Of The APP mRNA Response To Traumatic Brain Injury Using Real Time Quantitative PCR. Van Den Heuvel C, Blumbergs, PC.  $10,000: 1 Year Award

Program Coordinator Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences

Course Coordinator Pathol 3101 - Essentials of Pathology

Teaches into other courses within Bachelor of Nursing, MBBS and Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences



  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2025 Principal Supervisor A retrospective longitudinal analysis of trends in homicides presenting for coronial autopsy at FSSA, supplemented by coronial and vehicular data from the NCIS and CASA in South Australia between 2003-2022 Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Tasmyn Hope Lynch
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2020 - 2024 Principal Supervisor A retrospective analysis of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical substance-related coronial deaths in South Australia over 20 years Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Lilli Grace Stephenson
    2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor An Assessment of the Factors Associated with Fatal Outcomes for Motor Vehicle Occupants in South Australia (1981-2020) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Siobhan O'Donovan
    2017 - 2018 Co-Supervisor The Effectiveness of Magnesium for Neuroprotection during Global Cerebral Ischemia Associated with Cardiac Arrest or Cardiac Surgery Master of Clinical Science Master Full Time Dr Anna Catherine Mauri Pearce
    2014 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Investigating Amyloid Precursor Protein Derivatives As Novel Therapeutic Agents Following Traumatic Brain Injury Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Stephanie Lauren Plummer
    2012 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Suicide in South Australia: specific features, trends and reasons for disparities in numbers Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Amy Austin
    2008 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Development of Novel Pharmacological Treatments for Intracranial Pressure Using Appropriate Experimental Models of Traumatic Brain injury Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Levon Gabrielian
    2008 - 2011 Co-Supervisor The Role of the Amyloid Precursor Protein following Traumatic Brain Injury Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time APrf Frances Corrigan
    2007 - 2011 Co-Supervisor Characterising the role of the neuropeptide substance P in experimental subarachnoid haemorrhage Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Christine Barry
    2006 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Characterisation of Substance P and Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin Channel Messenger RNA and Protein Expression in Acute and Chronic Neurological Disorders Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Naomi Cook
    2003 - 2006 Co-Supervisor The Effects of the Neuropeptide Substance P on Outcome Following Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr James Donkin
  • Position: Head of School
  • Phone: 83135109
  • Email:
  • Fax: 83135384
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Helen Mayo North
  • Org Unit: School of Biomedicine

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