Tien-Fu Lu

Associate Professor Tien-Fu Lu

Senior Lecturer

School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

My research interests focus on intelligent mechatronic and robotic systems covering the use of smart materials for sensing and actuation, trajectory planning, motion control, machine vision, and artificial intelligence. Examples are:

  • Nano-positioning and measurement technologies (piezoelectric actuator/sensor/energy harvester, flexure hinges, compliant mechanisms), and cavitation; 
  • Robotics (exoskeleton, human-machine interaction, chemical plume tracing using robots, industrial robot calibration, underwater robotics); 
  • Robotics and mechatronics in mining and agriculture (feature recognition for grapevine pruning, 3D stockpile mapping and modelling; stockyard operation optimisation, bucket wheel reclaimer modelling/simulation/control);

Projects leading to a research degree (Master or PhD) are available. 

Exoskeleton Media aired on Sunday 5th August 2018, 10:00am on Eleven, Australia: Youtube website: https://youtu.be/Tz8W6xez5wo and Scope program website: https://tenplay.com.au/channel-eleven/scope/season-4/episode-60 (from 7 mins:27 secs to 10 mins 32 secs)

The Matlab codes of the paper, Nguyen, V., & Lu, T. (2018). Analytical expression of the magnetic field created by a permanent magnet with diametrical magnetization. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C87, 163-174., is available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328279901_Analytical_Expression_of_the_Magnetic_Field_Created_by_a_Permanent_Magnet_with_Diametrical_Magnetization

Agriculture: Post/Cordon detection for grapevine pruning (2016): https://youtu.be/f_nlNKZL_nc

Agriculture: Machine learning for real-time weed detection (2019): https://youtu.be/jxo-t-aJ-5k

Agriculture: RTK-GPS RGB camera Lidar vineyard data collection with user interface (2021): https://youtu.be/RTqjvatxofM

Selected funding since 2006:

June 2023 - May 2024. Tien-Fu Lu (solo CI), Mirror control system to compensate balloon sway movements for high-altitude remote hyperspectral sensing, CSIRO Research Agreement, AUD$53,900 (CAT2, GST included)

2022 - 2026 Tien-Fu Lu (CI, Led by Dr. Kym Perry). Advancing surveillance and control of pest snails (Tien-Fu is in charge of the only engineering theme titled "Develop and test automated spatial mapping of snail densities", GRDC. Total: AUD$4.6 Millions (AUD$2.8 Millions CAT1, GRDC investment and AUD$1.8 Research partner co-investment, $181,789 cash allocated to the team Tien-Fu leads)

September 2022. Tien-Fu LU (solo CI). "reconfigurable high resolution imaging system for various wavelengths of choice". The University of Adelaide Research Small Equipment Support Scheme. Total: AUD$13,290

August 2021. Jerome Buhl and Tien-Fu LU (CI). "A disruptive mobile roboticised tracking systems for pests and beneficial invertebrates". Agrifood and Wine FAME Strategy Internal Grant (UoA). Total: AUD$25,000

January 2020. Tien-Fu LU (CI providing active micro/nano motion compensation, overall project led by Prof Tat-Jun Chin). "Ultra-fine Attitude Control via Event-based Star Tracking and Piezoelectric Stabilisation". CRC SmartSat, AUD$600,000 (CAT4)

January 2020, Tien-Fu LU (CI is in charge of the only engineering theme for intelligent data collection systems, led by Prof Andy Lowe), "VitiVisor - Technology to transform vineyard management", Riverland Wine and Wine Australia, with support from UniSA and Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA):  AUD$5 Million (CAT1, $430.2K cash allocated to the team Tien-Fu led). https://www.adelaide.edu.au/newsroom/news/tag/vitivisorNew canopy surveillance systems are set to ring in the age of precision viticulture;

August 2019, Tien-Fu LU (CI, led by Prof Peter Dowd), ARC Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources, AUD$12.5 Million (CAT1).

September 2017 - December 2024, Tien-Fu LU (CI, led by Prof Stephen Grano), AUD$ 4.1 Million (CAT2), Department of State Development, PRIF RCP, Unlocking Complex Resources through Lean Processing, https://www.adelaide.edu.au/news/news94962.html

November 2017, Tien-Fu LU, Research agreement, “Lower Body Exoskeleton Prototype for Rehabilitation Purpose for Adult Patient who Have Difficulties with Walking,” AUD$60,500

October 2016, Tien-Fu LU (a team led by Prof Mark Jaksa), “Tekscan Pressure Mapping for Engineering Applications,” The Unviersity of Adelaide Research Infrastructure Scheme (Stream 1: Replacement New Equipment), AUD$145,000

October 2016, Mathias Baumert and Tien-Fu LU, “64 channel biopotential electrode patch,” ECMS Equipment/Infrastructure Funding, AUD$10,000

October 2016, Tien-Fu LU (a team led by A/Prof Paul Grimshaw), “Upgrade to 3D analysis system used in the sports engineering research laboratory,” ECMS Equipment/Infrastructure Funding, AUD$150,000

April 2016, Tien-Fu LU, et al, Project Support from RAA for “Lower Body Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation,” AUD$15,700

May 2015, Tien-Fu LU, et al, Research agreement with Land Division, DSTO for “Distributed operating systems and middleware aspects of the Robot Operating System (ROS),” $AUD9,592

2014 – 2015, Tien-Fu LU, AUD$8,000, Novita Children’s services for ‘The exoskeleton for gain rehabilitation”

2011 – 2012, Tien-Fu LU, AUD$98k, Enterprise Connect – Researcher in Business, Department of Innovation Industry, Science and Research, Australian Government, “Machine vision based vineyard post and cordon detection”

2009 – 2010, Tien-Fu LU, AUD$32.5k, strategic research funding for “Stockpile stacking/reclaiming simulation”, Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, University of Adelaide

2009 -  2010, Tien-Fu LU, AUD$20k, Institute of Minerals, Energy and Resources, University of Adelaide for the project titled “Reclaimer trajectory planning optimisation based on stockpile material flow, quality distribution and shape prediction”.

2009 – 2012, Tien-Fu LU, ARC (Australian Research Council) Linkage grant for the project titled  “The study and development of a 3D real- time stockpile management system” AUD$78,420 plus AUD$55,000 cash from industry partner LP0989780

2009 – 2010, Tien-Fu LU, Research agreement with Maritime Operation, DSTO for “Intelligent      operation of underwater robot,” $AUD20,000

2008 – 2010, Braden Philips (lead), Said Al-Sarawi and Tien-Fu Lu, AUD$307k SA Premier’s Science and Research Fund (PSRF) grant for Smart Sensors for Smart Packaging

2007 June, Tien-Fu LU, StateWeb Award in Excellence technology innovation, StateWeb Pty Led, SA, Australia $AUD10,000

2007 – 2008, Tien-Fu LU, Research agreement with Maritime Operation Division, DSTO for “Intelligent operation of underwater robot,” $AUD80,000

2006 – 2007, Tien-Fu LU, Research agreement with Maritime Operation, DSTO for “Further development of underwater robot,” $AUD25,000

2006 – 2007, Tien-Fu LU, Research contract with 3D Family Pty Ltd for “The development of a 5 DOF micro motion stage,” $AUD10,000

2006 – 2007, Tien-Fu LU, Research contract with WSD, DSTO for “Autonomous Patrol Robot for Perimeter Protection”, $AUD21,000 worth Quadbike and actuator and $25,000


Invited to deliver a keynote speech titled "The impacts of one Qubit Quantum Reinforcement Learning structure variations on CartPole motion control" at iCMMT 2022, the International Conference on Advanced Mechanism and Machine Technology, " 11-12/Nov/2022, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Web of Science high citation paper #2: dated 2018 July: Yong, Y., Lu, T. F., & Handley, D. (2008). Review of circular flexure hinge design equations and derivation of empirical formulations. Precision Engineering-Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology32(2), 63-70.

Tien-Fu Lu, Shi Zhao, Kuang-Chao Fan, and Chengbo Cai, “Automatic Alignment using 2-axis Angle Adjuster for a Particular Autocollimator,” The 6th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2015), 15 – 20 August, 2015, Harbin, China (Conference best paper award)

Shi Zhao, Amir Anvar, Tien-Fu Lu, “Automated Mapping and Localization for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle’s Navigation Using Imaging Sonar,” IAENG International Conference on Control and Automation, 18-20 March, 2009, 09 ICCSA, Hong Kong (best student paper award)

Robotics M (undergraduate and postgraduate) (continuing)

Electronics IIM (2001- 2015)

Mechatronics 1M (2016 100%, 2021-2022 25%)

Sports Engineering I (2017- 2018 100%, 2019-2020 25% )

Sports Engineering II (2019-2020 100%, 2021 25%)

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2022 Principal Supervisor Investigation of Quantum cognition and AI assisted systems to study exoskeleton motion intention/attempt. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Nguyen Truong Thu Ngo
    2021 Principal Supervisor Ore Tracking Model from Uncertain Resource Model to Belt Sensors and Run-of-Mine Stockpiles Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Juan Chen
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Ambient Vibration Energy Harvesting Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Yimin Fan
    2018 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Hazardous Chemical Source Localisation in Indoor Environments Using Plume-Tracing Methods Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Zeqi Li
    2017 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Modelling of Magnetic Fields of Permanent Magnets with Diametrical Magnetization Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Van Tai Nguyen
    2016 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Incorporation of the Influences of Kinematics Parameters and Joints Tilting for the Calibration of Serial Robotic Manipulators Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Dhavalkumar Arunbhai Patel
    2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Uniform-Electric-Field-Approximation Based Modelling of Longitudinal Piezoelectric Transducers Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Yangkun Zhang
    2011 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Identification and Location Derivation of Grapevine Features through Point Clouds Master of Engineering Science Master Full Time Mr Di Gao
    2010 - 2016 Principal Supervisor 3D Real-Time Stockpile Mapping and Modelling with Accurate Quality Calculation using Voxels Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Shi Zhao
    2009 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Hybrid Digital Control of Piezoelectric Actuators Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mohsen Bazghaleh
    2009 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Investigation of Stockpile-Voxel Profile and Material Reclaiming Optimization Using Bucket Wheel Reclaimer Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Maung Myo
    2009 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Constructive Spiking Neural Networks for Simulations of Neuroplasticity Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Toby Asher Lightheart
    2008 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Odour Source Localisation Using Multiple Plume-Tracing Mobile Robots Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Zhenzhang Liu
    2007 - 2009 Principal Supervisor Automatic Underwater Multiple Objects Detection and Tracking Using Sonar Imaging Master of Engineering Science Master Full Time Dr Shi Zhao
    2007 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Modelling and Analysis of Wirelessly Interrogated SAW Based Micropumps for Drug Delivery Applications Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Don Dissanayake
    2007 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Indoor Environments Robot Localization by Employing 802.11 Wireless Network One Way Propagation Time Measurements Master of Engineering Science Master Full Time Mr Xinrui Wang
    2007 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Outdoor Navigation: Time-critical Motion Planning for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mohd Sani Mohamad Hashim
    2005 - 2010 Principal Supervisor A Study of Image Change Detection Methods for Multiple Images of the Same Scene Acquired by a Mobile Camera Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Guntur Tanjung
    2004 - 2007 Principal Supervisor Kinetostatic Modelling of Compliant Micro-motion Stages with Circular Flexure Hinges Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Yuen Yong
    2004 - 2011 Principal Supervisor Image Processing and Analysis for Autonomous Grapevine Pruning Master of Engineering Science Master Full Time Miss Ming Gao
    2003 - 2007 Principal Supervisor The Modelling and Optimal Design of a Three Degree-of-Freedom XYOz Micro-Motion Stage Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Daniel Handley
    2003 - 2007 Principal Supervisor An Investigation into Insect Chemical Plume Tracking Using a Mobile Robot Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time APrf David Harvey
    2002 - 2004 Principal Supervisor A Method for Concurrently Optimising The Weight and Response of Wound Field Direct Current Motors Master of Engineering Science Master Part Time Mr Mounzer ElAkar
  • Position: Senior Lecturer
  • Phone: 83133556
  • Email: tien-fu.lu@adelaide.edu.au
  • Fax: 83134367
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Engineering South, floor 2
  • Org Unit: Mechanical Engineering

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