Shilpanjali Jesudason

Shilpanjali Jesudason

Adelaide Medical School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Career summary: Prof Shilpanjali Jesudason (MBBS PhD FRACP; nee Prasad), is an academic nephrologist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital’s Central Northern Adelaide Renal and Transplant Service (CNARTS) where she is Director of Dialysis, lead of the CNARTS Clinical Research Group and Program Lead for Pregnancy and Kidney Research Australia. She is a Clinical Professor, University of Adelaide. From 2017- 2020 she was the National Clinical Director of Kidney Health Australia, the peak body for patients with kidney disease.

Pregnancy and Kidney Research Australia:  Prof Jesudason founded and leads this national research team addressing parenthood counselling and pregnancy outcomes in people with kidney disease. She is nationally and internationally recognised as an expert in this field. She leads local, national and international projects advancing new data systems for capturing kidney disease in pregnancy, defining pregnancy outcomes and drivers of patient/clinician decision-making around high-risk pregnancy with kidney disease. She formed and Chairs the Parenthood Working group for the ANZDATA renal registry and has led analysis of the ANZDATA parenthood dataset for over 10 years. She contributes to international guidelines groups to lead development of best-practice recommendations for care of women with kidney disease in 2023. She is the co-lead of the inaugural International Society of Nephrology Train-the trainer program for pregnancy in kidney disease (to be delivered globally in 2023).

The CNARTS Clinical Research Group: Prof Jesudason has built substantial research capacity and grown the research workforce within CNARTS. In 2015, she established the CNARTS Clinical Research Group, conducting patient-centred studies to immediately influence clinical care through evidence-based practice changes, with a focus on the transition to dialysis; primary-tertiary care integration in CKD care; patient-reported outcome measures and symptom burden particularly dialysis needle-related fear and trauma (the INJECT program of work); and community partnerships to inform kidney care for Indigenous patients.She established the first comprehensive renal patient database in SA at the RAH in 2022. 

Collaborations: Prof Jesudason has extensive collaborations and investigator roles across diverse and multi-disciplinary projects with the BEATCKD research program, ANZDATA Registry, AKCTION Aboriginal Kidney Research group, CARI Renal Guidelines Group, University of SA (Exercise Physiology, Pharmacology, Nursing), University of Adelaide (Pharmacology, Nursing, Aboriginal Health, Psychology), AMOSS Obstetric Surveillance System.

Consumer Engagement: Prof Jesudason has been integrally involved in national and international initiatives to develop frameworks for consumer engagement in kidney research, with significant expertise in patient partnerships at all stages of the research cycle. She is a Chief investigator for the CRE-PACT (NHMRC-CRE  APP2007026; 2021-26) which is building consumer partnership in kidney research.

Professional Roles: Prof Jesudason was the National Clinical Director of Kidney Health Australia (KHA), the peak body for people affected by kidney disease, from 2017-2020.  In her time with KHA she led the clinical directorate in RACGP-accredited education and resources about CKD care that reach > 46,000 primary health professionals.  She co-led and delivered 3 programs determining the future of kidney disease policy, strategy and care in Australia particularly for vulnerable patient cohorts: the national Community Consultations for the inaugural KHA-CARI Guidelines for Indigenous Patients with CKD, the KHA Youth Program and the Commonwealth National Strategic Action Plan for Kidney Disease.

She holds or has held positions within national committees for research and nephrology policy and practice including for the ANZDATA Renal Registry, Australasian Kidney Trials Network, CARI Renal Guidelines Group, ANZ Society of Nephrology, Australian Clinical Trials Association, Kidney Health Australia, Women’s Health Research Translation Network SA. She is a Taskforce member and co-chairs the Consumer and Community Engagement Working Group for the National Indigenous Kidney Transplantation Taskforce. 



Funding Highlights in last 3 years:

CIA: The Kidney Mums Project (The Hospital Research Foundation Women’s Health Grant 75-83100-01; 2022-24) 

CI roles:Co-Designing a Coordinated, Sustainable and Supportive Patient Navigator Program to Improve Kidney Health Outcomes” National Indigenous Kidney Transplantation Taskforce (MRFF APP017994; 2022-24), NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence: “CRE-PACT: Partnering with Patients with CKD to Transform Care and Outcomes” BEAT CKD Collaboration (APP2007026; 2021-26), the TICKERS RCT (Canadian Institutes of Health Grant APP452771; 2021-24), and the AKCTION study (Aboriginal Kidney Care Together: Improving Outcomes Now; Health Translation SA APP1199358; 2018-20).

AI roles: AKCTION2 study (NHMRC Ideas Grant APP2004389; 2021-26), Dapagliflozin in advanced chronic kidney disease and kidney failure: The RENAL LIFECYCLE trial (MRFF APP2015414; 2022-27), Better evidence, better care and outcomes for people with chronic kidney disease (BEAT-CKD, NHMRC Program Grant APP1092957; 2016-21).

Undergraduate - MD program Year 2 Renal Curriculum; MBBS Program Year 5 Renal Curriculum; Honours students

Postgraduate - PhD, Masters supervision; Basic and Advanced Physician trainee supervision and teaching


  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2023 Principal Supervisor Can I have a baby? Complexities in decision making around pregnancy in Australian women with kidney disease. Master of Philosophy (Medical Science) Master Part Time Nishanta Tangirala
    2019 Co-Supervisor Using Pharmacokinetic Principles to Improve the Safety of Tacrolimus in Kidney Transplant Recipients Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Mirabel Alonge
    2019 Principal Supervisor The Benefits and Burdens of Kidney Transplantation for First Nations Australians Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Samantha Bateman
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2010 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Developing a non-human primate model of dendritic cell based immunotherapy in transplantation: Studies in the common marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time APrf Michael Gerard Collins

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