Roshan Rajapakse

School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

I am a PhD student in Computer Science at The University of Adelaide. Prior to joining UoA, I worked as a junior academic staff member and a research assistant at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. I also worked as a System Developer for a Virtual Rehabilitation project at Monash University, Malaysia. Before my academic career, I worked in the software development industry in Sri Lanka. 

My main research interests include conducting empirical software engineering studies to research security in the DevOps paradigm, mining software repositories using text mining techniques and human factors or socio-technical research. I also have a particular interest in studying cognitive factors involved in fast-paced and highly collaborative software development environments.

More details about my work:



  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2022 Rajapakse, R. N., Zahedi, M., Babar, M. A., & Shen, H. (2022). Challenges and solutions when adopting DevSecOps: A systematic review.. Information and Software Technology, 141, 1-22.
    DOI Scopus45 WoS12
    2022 Rajapakse, R. N., Zahedi, M., & Babar, M. A. (2022). Collaborative Application Security Testing for DevSecOps: An Empirical
    Analysis of Challenges, Best Practices and Tool Support.
    2022 Haque, M. U., Dharmadasa, I., Sworna, Z. T., Rajapakse, R. N., & Ahmad, H. (2022). "I think this is the most disruptive technology": Exploring Sentiments
    of ChatGPT Early Adopters using Twitter Data.
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2021 Rajapakse, R. N., Zahedi, M., & Babar, M. A. (2021). An Empirical Analysis of Practitioners' Perspectives on Security Tool Integration into DevOps. In ESEM '21: Proceedings of the 15th ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) Vol. abs/2107.02096 (pp. 1-12). New York, NY, United States: Association for Computing Machinery.
    DOI Scopus8
    2020 Zahedi, M., Rajapakse, R. N., & Babar, M. A. (2020). Mining Questions Asked about Continuous Software Engineering: A Case Study of Stack Overflow.. In J. Li, L. Jaccheri, T. Dingsøyr, & R. Chitchyan (Eds.), EASE '20: Proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering• (pp. 41-50). online: ACM.
    DOI Scopus17
    2017 Gunawardena, K. A. N. N. P., Rajapakse, R. N., & Kodikara, N. D. (2017). Applying convolutional neural networks for pre-detection of Alzheimer's disease from structural MRI data. In 2017 24th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, M2VIP 2017 Vol. 2017-December (pp. 173-179). Auckland, New Zealand: IEEE.
    DOI Scopus81 WoS35
    2017 Gunawardena, K. A. N. N. P., Rajapakse, R. N., Kodikara, N. D., & Mudalige, I. U. K. (2017). Moving from detection to pre-detection of Alzheimer's Disease from MRI data. In 16th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, ICTer 2016 - Conference Proceedings (pp. 324). Negombo, SRI LANKA: IEEE.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS6
    2016 Sivaneasharajah, L., Perera, M. A. S., Jayasekara, P. B., Perera, J., Karunaratne, D. D., Sandaruwan, K. D., & Rajapakse, R. N. (2016). Facial index based automated composite tool. In 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, ICTer 2015 - Conference Proceedings (pp. 278). U Col Sch Comp, Colombo, SRI LANKA: IEEE.
    2014 Rajapakse, R. N., & Rubasinghe, A. J. (2014). An Experimentation Framework Towards Longitudinal Analysis of EEG/ERP data to Assess Brain Plasticity. In 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN ICT FOR EMERGING REGIONS (ICTER) 2014 (pp. 260). BMICH, Colombo, SRI LANKA: IEEE.
    2014 Rajapakse, R. N., Sandaruwan, K. D., Karunaratne, D. D., & Vidanapathirana, M. (2014). Anthropometric classification of Nasal Indexes for a Sri Lankan Undergraduate Student Population. In 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN ICT FOR EMERGING REGIONS (ICTER) 2014 (pp. 261). BMICH, Colombo, SRI LANKA: IEEE.
    2013 Madugalla, A. K., Rajapakse, R. N., Amarasinghe, I. U., Padmathilake, V. H., Dharmaratne, A. T., Sandaruwan, D., & Vidanapathirana, M. (2013). FaceID: A 3D computer graphic application for forensic medicine: A novel semi-automated muscle based digital sculpting initiative for forensic facial reconstruction in Sri Lanka. In International Conference on Computer Medical Applications, ICCMA 2013 (pp. 6 pages). Sousse, TUNISIA: IEEE.
    DOI Scopus1
    2012 Rajapakse, R. N., Madugalla, A. K., Amarasinghe, I. U., Padmathilake, V. H., Dharmaratne, A. T., Sandaruwan, D., & Vidanapathirana, M. (2012). Facial muscle anatomy based approach for forensic facial reconstruction in Sri Lanka. In International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, ICTer 2012 - Conference Proceedings (pp. 27-35). Colombo, SRI LANKA: IEEE.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS3

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