Professor Paul Steffens
Professor in Entrepreneurship
Adelaide Business School
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Professor Paul Steffens is Director of Entrepreneurship at the ECIC, The University of Adelaide. His core areas of research are start-up processes and firm growth. Paul has been a lead investigator for research projects totalling more than AUD 1.5 million and has published over fifty academic publications, including journal articles in leading entrepreneurship, marketing and technology management journals.
Previous appointments include Director of the Technology and Innovation Management Centre, University of Queensland, academic positions at University of Queensland and Monash University and visiting positions at University of Kiel, Penn State University and Southern Illinois University. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours I) and a PhD in diffusion of innovations, both from the University of Queensland.
Paul has also consulted for a wide variety of both business and public agencies. His clients include Energex, Waitrose (UK), Agribuys (USA), IPAA, Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Monsanto, Bunge, Franklins, Solutions Research and the Meat Research Corporation.
I am passionate about the key role entrepreneurship and innovation play in driving economic growth, their potential to assist disadvantaged groups in our society and the ability to deliver personal gratification and wellbeing to individuals. Entrepreneurship and innovation is of vital importance to national competitiveness and understanding key management challenges is critical to improve Australia’s performance. With 10.5% of Australia’s population, or 1.48 million Australians engaged in starting a new business, effective entrepreneurship is also a critical ingredient to economic development. Additionally, entrepreneurship offers key social benefits by providing employment opportunities to those with few other options as well as graduates seeking alternative career pathways.
My current research is focused on several streams of research:
- Resource development of nascent and young ventures
- Bricolage and resourcefulness
- Volitional control and action orientation
- Hybrid entrepreneurship
- Youth entrepreneurship
- Senior entrepreneurship
- Immigrant entrepreneurship
- Overcoming organizational inertia from discontinuous innovation
- Diffusion of innovation
Date Position Institution name 2019 - ongoing Director The University of Adelaide 2016 - ongoing Professor of Entrepreneurship The University of Adelaide 2003 - 2016 Deputy Director & Associate Professor Queensland University of Technology -
Date Institution name Country Title 1987 - 1991 The University of Queensland Australia PhD 1983 - 1986 The University of Queensland Australia Bachelor of Engineering (Hons I) -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Hou, Y., Foo, M. D., Steffens, P., Zhang, S., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Selling your soul? Exploring emotional labour and outcomes. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
WoS21 Europe PMC122023 Feakes, A., Lindsay, N., Palmer, E., & Steffens, P. (2023). Altruism or self-interest in tomorrow's veterinarians? A metric conjoint experiment and cluster analysis. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10, 1044463-1-1044463-23.
2023 Alemayehu, B. Z., Steffens, P., & Gordon, S. R. (2023). The formation and role of religious social capital in driving entrepreneurial action. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 20, e00426-1-e00426-7.
Scopus42023 Klyver, K., Steffens, P., & Nielsen, S. L. (2023). Crisis response efficacy: Perceived ability to respond entrepreneurially to crises. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 20, e00429.
Scopus32023 Steffens, P. R., Baker, T., Davidsson, P., & Senyard, J. M. (2023). When Is Less More? Boundary Conditions of Effective Entrepreneurial Bricolage. Journal of Management, 49(4), 1277-1311.
Scopus46 WoS162022 Klyver, K., Steffens, P., & Honig, B. (2022). Psychological factors explaining Ukrainian refugee entrepreneurs’ venture idea novelty. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 18, 8 pages.
Scopus132020 Debrulle, J., Steffens, P., De Bock, K. W., De Winne, S., & Maes, J. (2020). Configurations of business founder resources, strategy, and environment determining new venture performance. Journal of Small Business Management, 61(2), 39 pages.
Scopus15 WoS92020 Klyver, K., Steffens, P., & Lomberg, C. (2020). Having your cake and eating it too? A two-stage model of the impact of employment and parallel job search on hybrid nascent entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, 35(5), 23 pages.
Scopus19 WoS112019 Lomberg, C., Thiel, J., & Steffens, P. (2019). The hare and the tortoise: The impact of action- versus state-orientation on entrepreneurial progress and persistence. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 37(6), 604-625.
Scopus13 WoS92017 Klyver, K., Honig, B., & Steffens, P. (2017). Social support timing and persistence in nascent entrepreneurship: exploring when instrumental and emotional support is most effective. Small Business Economics, 51(3), 1-26.
Scopus104 WoS582016 Senderovitz, M., Klyver, K., & Steffens, P. (2016). Four years on: are the gazelles still running? a longitudinal study of firm performance after a period of rapid growth. International Small Business Journal, 34(4), 391-411.
Scopus42 WoS312014 Steffens, P., Weeks, C., Davidsson, P., & Isaak, L. (2014). Shouting from the ivory tower: a marketing approach to improve communication of academic research to entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 38(2), 399-426.
Scopus32 WoS162014 Senyard, J., Baker, T., Steffens, P., & Davidsson, P. (2014). Bricolage as a path to innovativeness for resource-constrained new firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(2), 211-230.
Scopus383 WoS2382012 Steffens, P., Terjesen, S., & Davidsson, P. (2012). Birds of a feather get lost together: new venture team composition and performance. Small Business Economics, 39(3), 727-743.
Scopus94 WoS692010 Senderovitz, M., Klyver, K., & Steffens, P. R. (2010). Vatkst, profit og strategisk orienteering i gazellevirksomheder (Growth, profitability and strategic orientation among gazelle firms). Nordiske Organisasjons-Studier, 45-65. 2009 Davidsson, P., Steffens, P., & Fitzsimmons, J. (2009). Growing profitable or growing from profits: Putting the horse in front of the cart?. Journal of Business Venturing, 24(4), 388-406.
Scopus254 WoS1942009 Steffens, P., Davidsson, P., & Fitzsimmons, J. (2009). Performance configurations over time: Implications for growth- and profit-oriented strategies. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 33(1), 125-148.
Scopus165 WoS1202007 Steffens, P. R., & Douglas, E. J. (2007). Valuing technology investments: use real options thinking but forget real options valuation. International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship, 1(1), 58-77.
Scopus172003 Steffens, P. R. (2003). A model of multiple-unit ownership as a diffusion process. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 70(9), 901-917.
Scopus42 WoS322002 Huang, X., Steffens, P., & Schroder, B. (2002). Managing new product development in the Chinese steel industry: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Technology Management, 24(5-6), 557-568.
Scopus22002 Matthews, J. H., Shulman, A. D., Wissemann, A., Steffens, P. R., & Wollin, D. (2002). The nexus of Value Chain Integration and e-Business applications on Public Sector Agriculture R & D Management. Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 4(1-3), 165-175.
2001 Steffens, P. R. (2001). An aggregate sales model for consumer durables incorporating a time-varying mean replacement age. Journal of Forecasting, 20(1), 63-77.
Scopus24 WoS221999 Huang, X., Schroder, B., & Steffens, P. (1999). The Chinese steel industry in transition: Industry perspective on innovation policy. R and D Management, 29(1), 17-25.
Scopus9 WoS31998 Steffens, P. R. (1998). Applying diffusion models with regional heterogeneity. Marketing Letters, 9(4), 361-369.
Scopus121993 Whiten, W., Steffens, P., & Hitchins, J. (1993). An examination of pulp viscosity in tubes at higher shear rates. Minerals Engineering, 6(4), 397-404.
Scopus5 WoS41993 Steffens, P. R., Whiten, W. J., Appleby, S., & Hitchins, J. (1993). Prediction of air core diameters for hydrocyclones. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 39(1-2), 61-74.
Scopus38 WoS311992 Steffens, P. R., & Murthy, D. N. P. (1992). A mathematical model for new product diffusion: the influence of innovators and imitators. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 16(4), 11-26.
Scopus19 WoS16- Steffens, P., Waterhouse, M., Shulman, A., & Wollin, A. (n.d.). An Audit Tool for Intellectual Property Management. Queensland Review, 10(1), 71-88.
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2024 Hou, Y., Foo, M. D., Steffens, P., Zhang, S., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Selling your soul? Exploring emotional labour and outcomes. In Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Munich, Germany. 2023 Alemayehu, B., Steffens, P., & Gordon, S. (2023). EXTENDING OPPORTUNITY EVALUATION BEYOND COGNITION: SCALE DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings Vol. 2023. Academy of Management.
DOI2020 Alemayehu, B., Steffens, P., & Gordon, S. (2020). Opportunity attitude: Advancing the conceptualisation entrepreneur’s perceptions of opportunity beyond cognition. In ACERE. Adelaide. 2019 Alemayehu, B., Steffens, P., & Gordon, S. (2019). First-person opportunity confidence model.. In ACERE. 2016 Steffens, P., Huyghe, A., Paas, L., & Davidsson, P. (2016). Resource-based capability trajectories of new ventures. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), as published in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Vol. 36 (pp. 188-193). Wellesley, MA: Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship, Babson College. 2012 Garonne, C., & Steffens, P. R. (2012). The underlying rationale for planning: do nascent and young firms do what they say they do?. In A. Zacharakis, S. Carter, M. Gruber, B. leleux, A. Corbett, B. Honig, . . . M. Schindehutte (Eds.), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Volume 31 - 2011: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference Vol. 13 (pp. 432). Syracuse, New York: Babson College, Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship. 2011 Senyard, J., Baker, T., Steffens, P., & Davidsson, P. (2011). Bricolage as a path to innovation for resource constrained new firms. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings Vol. 2011 (pp. 1-5). Academy of Management.
DOI Scopus122011 Senyard, J., Baker, T., Steffens, P., & Davidsson, P. (2011). Bricolage as a path to innovation for resource constrained new firms. In Academy of Management 2011 Annual Meeting - West Meets East: Enlightening. Balancing. Transcending, AOM 2011.
DOI Scopus122009 Kaya, M., & Steffens, P. R. (2009). Drivers of adoption for successive generation of high-tech products. In Proceedings of 5th Marketing Dynamics. University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand: University of Waikato. 2008 Steffens, P. R. (2008). Operationalising the resource based view for nascent and young firms : development of a scale for resource advantage and disadvantages. In L. Gillin (Ed.), The 5th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology. 2008 Kaya, M., Steffens, P. R., & Albers, S. (2008). Drivers of adoption for successive generations of high tech products. In L. Gillin (Ed.), 5th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology. 2007 Steffens, P. R., Kaya, M., Albers, S., & Proppe, D. (2007). Repeat Purchasers and the Diffusion of Electronic Products: Does Consumer Innovativeness Matter?. In G. Solomon (Ed.), The Academy of Management 2007 Annual Meeting Proceedings: Doing Well By Doing Good (pp. 1). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America: Academy of Management. 2007 Kaya, M., Steffens, P. R., & Albers, S. (2007). Long Term Sales Forecasts of Innovations – An Empirical Study of the Consumer Electronic Market. In AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Brisbane. 2007 Fitzsimmons, J. R., Douglas, E. J., Steffens, P. R., & Thomond, P. N. (2007). Marketing Buzz: Towards a Framework for Entrepreneurs. In AGSE Entrepreneurship Exchange. QUT, Brisbane. 2007 Davidsson, P., Steffens, P. R., & Fitzsimmons, J. R. (2007). Growing Profitable or Growing from Profits: Putting the Horse in Front of the Cart?. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceeding Vol. 2005 (pp. 1-46). Tegrenseee, Germany: Academy of Management.
DOI Scopus42006 Steffens, P. R., Fitzsimmons, J. R., & Douglas, E. J. (2006). A Choice Modelling Approach to Predict Entrepreneurial Intentions from Attitudes and Perceived Abilities. In Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference. Bloomington, Indiana. 2006 Davidsson, P., Steffens, P., & Terjesen, S. (2006). New Venture Team Composition, Persistence and Performance. In C. Massey (Ed.), Proceedings of the 51st International Council for Small Business World Conference (pp. 1-14). Australia, Victoria, Melbourne: International Council for Small Business. 2006 Steffens, P., Davidsson, P., & Fitzsimmons, J. (2006). The performance of young firms: Patterns of evolution in the growth - Profitability space. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings Vol. 2006 (pp. I1-I6). Academy of Management.
DOI Scopus32005 Davidsson, P., Steffens, P. R., & Fitzsimmons, J. R. (2005). Growing profitable or growing from profits: Putting the horse in front of the cart. In K. Weaver (Ed.), Annual Academy of Management Meeting: A New Vision in the 21st Century (pp. 1-34). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: Academy of Management. 2004 Steffens, P. R., & Matthews, J. H. (2004). Network Governance of R&D: Purchaser-Provider as Partnerships in a Public Sector Agency. In British Academy of Management Conference. St. Andrews, U.K. 2004 Douglas, E., & Steffens, P. (2004). Use Real Options but not Real Options Analysis when Valuing New Technological Ventures. In B. Graduate School of Business (Ed.), 17th Annual Conference of the Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ 2004) - Entrepreneurship as the Way of the Future (pp. 42-65). Brisbane, Queensland: QUT Publications. 2000 Steffens, P., & Waterhouse, M. (2000). A holistic audit of managing intellectual property: IP management in the Queensland department of primary industries. In Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology: Vol. 2 (pp. 720-725). SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE: IEEE.
DOI Scopus4 WoS21998 Steffens, P. R., Matthews, J. H., Wollin, D., Shulman, A. D., Duffield, B., & Wissemann, A. (1998). Purchaser-Provider Partnerships In The Public Service: Oh No, Not a New 4Ps for Business Networks!. In Australia & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. Dunedin, New Zealand. 1998 Steffens, P. R., & Balasubramanian, S. (1998). A Study of the Time Varying Mean Replacement Age of Consumer Durables. In Marketing Science Conference. Fontainbleau, France. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2021 Stroila, I., Steffens, P., & Plewa, C. (2021). Managing the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: configurations of well-being.. Poster session presented at the meeting of 4PDS 2021: IV Paper Development Seminar (online).. 2021 Stroila, I., Steffens, P., & Plewa, C. (2021). Mapping Well-Being in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Conceptual Framework. Poster session presented at the meeting of ACERE. 2020 Steffens, P., & Klyver, K. (2020). Social Support Change and its Impact on New Venture Growth. Poster session presented at the meeting of Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510. 2020 Alemayehu, B. Z., Steffens, P., & Gordon, S. (2020). Opportunity Attitude: Moving Beyond Cognitive Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Opportunities. Poster session presented at the meeting of Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510. 2020 Klyver, K., & Steffens, P. (2020). Social Support Change and its Impact on New Venture Growth. Poster session presented at the meeting of Academy of Management Proceedings. 2019 Feakes, A., Lindsay, N., Palmer, E., Steffens, P., & Shu, C. (2019). SOCIAL PURPOSE BUSINESS INTENTIONS: ALTRUISM AS A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD. Poster session presented at the meeting of Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2019 (Vol. 39) – Chapter XVI – Strategy – Summaries. Presented at BCERC. 2019 Klyver, K., & Steffens, P. (2019). Social Support Change and its Impact on New Venture Growth.. Poster session presented at the meeting of ACERE. 2019 Klyver, K., & Steffens, P. (2019). Just Do It: Action Orientation and Entrepreneurial Progress and Persistence.. Poster session presented at the meeting of ACERE. 2019 Gordon, S., Steffens, P., & Lomberg, C. (2019). Examining Grit as Catalyst in Accelerating Emerging Ventures. Poster session presented at the meeting of ACERE. 2019 Glosenberg, A., Frese, M., Foster, L., Steffens, P., & Meyer, I. (2019). Personal Initiative Training for Entrepreneurs-Exploring Research and Impact Possibilities with a focus on Africa. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5TH BIENNIAL CONFERENCE-Nigeria 2020. 2018 Steffens, P., Gordon, S., & Lomberg, C. (2018). Just Do It: Action Orientation and Entrepreneurial Progress and Persistence. Poster session presented at the meeting of Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2018 (Vol. 38) – Chapter IV – The Entrepreneur and Characteristics – Interactive Papers.. 2018 Debrulle, J., Steffens, P., De Winne, S., De Bock, K., & Maes, J. (2018). Exploring the deeper grounds of new venture performance: Adopting rule ensembles to identify configurations of founder resources, Business strategy, and environmental conditions. Poster session presented at the meeting of The 2018 ACERE conference, Date: 2018/02/06-2018/02/09, Location: Brisbane (Australia). 2018 Ardianti, R., Burgers, H., & Steffens, P. (2018). Transition to full-time self-employment and happiness of hybrid entrepreneurs. Poster session presented at the meeting of Unknown Conference. 2017 Steffens, P., Huyghe, A., & Paas, L. (2017). Resource-Based Capability Trajectories of New Ventures. Poster session presented at the meeting of ACERE. 2016 Klyver, K., Lomberg, C., & Steffens, P. (2016). Exploring Human Capital and Hybrid Entrepreneurship. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2016 ACERE Conference Proceedings. 2015 Klyver, K., Lomberg, C., & Steffens, P. R. (2015). Human Capital and the Role of Concurrent Job Search for Nascent Entrepreneurs. Poster session presented at the meeting of Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management.
DOI2015 Klyver, K., Lomberg, C., & Steffens, P. (2015). Human capital and nascent entrepreneurship: The opportunity cost of a new job. Poster session presented at the meeting of 35th Babson College Entrepreneurship Resaerch Conference. 2015 Klyver, K., Lomberg, C., & Steffens, P. (2015). HUMAN CAPITAL AND NASCENT ENTREPRENEURSHIP–THE OPPORTUNITY COST OF A NEW JOB (SUMMARY). Poster session presented at the meeting of Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. 2015 Senyard, J. M., Davidsson, P., & Steffens, P. R. (2015). Environmental dynamism as a moderator of the relationship between bricolage and firm performance. Poster session presented at the meeting of 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Opening Governance. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 2015 Senyard, J., Davidsson, P., & Steffens, P. (2015). Bricolage and firm performance: The moderating role of the environment. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference 2015 Proceedings. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia. 2014 Zolin, R., Chang, A., & Steffens, P. R. (2014). The role of the ethnic enclave in facilitating immigrant business performance and social integration. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference 2014 Proceedings. Sydney, NSW: Queensland University of Technology. 2014 Zolin, R., Chang, A., & Steffens, P. R. (2014). Ethnic enclave lifecycle : a case study of Chinese restaurants in south east Queensland. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference 2014 Proceedings. Sydney, NSW: Queensland University of Technology. 2013 Steffens, P. R. (2013). Culture as a driver of entrepreneurship : contrasting independent entrepreneurship versus employee entrepreneurship. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australia Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE) Research Exchange Conference 2013. Brisbane, Australia. 2013 Senyard, J. M., Powell Brown, E., Davidsson, P., & Steffens, P. R. (2013). Born unfinished : boundaries of bricolage effectiveness. Poster session presented at the meeting of Conference Proceedings: Australia Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE) Research Exchange Conference 2013. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD: Australia Centre for Entrepreneurship. 2012 Zhou, Y., Steffens, P. R., & Parker, R. L. (2012). Determinants of China’s regional innovation capacity. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of The Joint ACERE-DIANA International Entrepreneurship Conference. University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, WA. 2012 Senyard, J. M., Smith, E., Baker, T., Steffens, P. R., & Davidsson, P. (2012). Stop whining and make the best of it : a cross-national comparison of responses to regional disadvantage in the wine industry. Poster session presented at the meeting of The Joint ACERE-DIANA International Entrepreneurship Conference. University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, WA. 2012 Senyard, J. M., Davidsson, P., & Steffens, P. R. (2012). Waving or drowning? Managing resource constraints in entrepreneurial firm with bricolage as a response to the global financial crisis. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2012 Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference. Fort Worth, Texas. 2012 Senderovitz, M., Klyver, K., Steffens, P. R., & Evald, M. (2012). Four years on – are the Gazelles still running? A longitudinal study of firm performance after a period of rapid growth. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2012 Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference. Fort Worth, Texas. 2012 Dottore, A. (2012). External orientation and business model adaptation in young and nascent firms: preliminary analysis from the CAUSEE project. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 2012 Joint International ACERE DIANA Entrepreneurship Conference. CDROM: ACEREDIANA. 2011 Steffens, P. R., Tonelli, M., & Davidsson, P. (2011). How do we reach them? Comparing random samples from mobile and landline phones. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange 2011. Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Vic: Swinburne University of Technology. 2011 Senyard, J. M., Powell, E. E., Baker, T., Steffens, P. R., & Davidsson, P. (2011). Stop whining and make the best of it: a cross-national comparison of response to regional disadvantage in the wine industry. Poster session presented at the meeting of Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference. Syracuse, New York, United States of America. 2011 Senyard, J. M., Davidsson, P., Baker, T., & Steffens, P. R. (2011). Resource constraints in innovation : the role of bricolage in new venture creation and firm development. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Vic. 2011 Semasinge, D., Davidsson, P., & Steffens, P. R. (2011). Nascent venture performance : linking novelty of venture ideas and commitment of firm founders as predictors. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Vic. 2010 Steffens, P. R., Baker, T., & Senyard, J. M. (2010). Betting on the underdog : bricolage as an engine of resource advantage. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2010. Montreal, Canada: Academy of Management. 2010 Senyard, J. M., Davidsson, P., & Steffens, P. R. (2010). Venture creation and resource processes : using Bricolage sustainability ventures. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 7th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland: Swinburne University of Technology. 2010 Senyard, J. M., Baker, T., & Steffens, P. R. (2010). Entrepreneurial bricolage and firm performance : moderating effects of firm change and innovativeness. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2010 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - Dare to Care: Passion and Compassion in Management Practice & Research. Montreal, Canada. 2010 Senyard, J., Davidsson, P., & Steffens, P. (2010). The role of bricolage and resource constraints in high potential sustainability ventures. Poster session presented at the meeting of Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2010. Lausanne, Switzerland: Babson College. 2010 Senderovitz, M., Klyver, K., Steffens, P. R., & Davidsson, P. (2010). The growth-profitability relationship : strategic orientations as moderator. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 7th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland: Swinburne University of Technology. 2010 Semasinge, D., Davidsson, P., & Steffens, P. R. (2010). Attractiveness of venture ideas : a conjoint study. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 7th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland: Swinburne University of Technology. 2010 Kaya, M., Steffens, P. R., Hearn, G. N., & Graham, P. W. (2010). How can entrepreneurial musicians use electronic social networks to diffuse their music. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 7th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland: Swinburne University of Technology. 2010 Kaya, M., & Steffens, P. R. (2010). Online social networks as an emerging opportunity for entrepreneurship : a study of the music industry. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of 2010 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne: Babson College. 2010 Kaya, M., & Steffens, P. R. (2010). Distinguishing forced versus discretionary replacements in new product diffusion models. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management : Dare to Care : Passion and Compassion in Management Practice & Research. Montreal, Canada: Academy of Management. 2010 Garonne, C., Davidsson, P., & Steffens, P. R. (2010). Do strategy choices matter for nascent firms? A study on effectuation and causation impacts on new ventures outcomes. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 7th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland: Swinburne University of Technology. 2009 Steffens, P. R., Senyard, J. M., & Baker, T. (2009). Linking resource acquisition and development processes to resource-based advantage : bricolage and the resource-based view. Poster session presented at the meeting of 6th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. University of Adelaide, Adelaide. 2009 Steffens, P. R., & Senyard, J. M. (2009). Linking resource acquisition and development processes to resource-based advantage : bricolage and the resource-based view. Poster session presented at the meeting of Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Boston. 2009 Steffens, P. R., & Kaya, M. (2009). Drivers of technology substitution : successive generations of high tech products. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 6th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, S. Aust.: Swinburne University of Technology. 2009 Steffens, P. R., & Burgers, H. (2009). Building for competitive advantage in early stage start-ups : the role of entrepreneurial capabilities. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting : Green Management Matters. Chicago, Illinois: Academy of Management. 2009 Steffens, P. R. (2009). Operationalizing the resource based view for nascent and young firms : developing scales for resource advantages and disadvantages. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2008 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 2009 Gordon, S. R., & Steffens, P. R. (2009). Why, how, what for? : motivations, actions and expectations in habitual entrepreneurship. Poster session presented at the meeting of Unknown Conference. 2009 Gordon, S. R., Davidsson, P., & Steffens, P. R. (2009). Novice vs habitual entrepreneurship: differences in motivations, actions and expectations. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 6th International AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Adelaide, SA: Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology. 2009 Senyard, J. M., Davidsson, P., Gordon, S. R., & Steffens, P. R. (2009). The comprehensive Australian Study of Entrepreneurial Emergence (CAUSEE) high potential nascent entrepreneurs: some preliminary findings. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 6th International AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Adelaide, SA: Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology. 2008 Davidsson, P., Steffens, P. R., & Gordon, S. R. (2008). Introduction to Australian Study of Entrepreneurship Emergence (CAUSEE). Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 5th International AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Melbourne, Vic: Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology. 2007 Thomond, P. N., & Steffens, P. R. (2007). Eyes Wide Shut: Organizational Field Transparency as a Driver of Inertia to Discontinuous Innovation. Poster session presented at the meeting of The Academy of Management 2007 Annual Meeting Proceedings: Doing Well By Doing Good. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America: Academy of Management. 2007 Thomond, P., Steffens, P. R., & Lettice, F. (2007). Eyes Wide Shut: Technology Entrepreneurship, Inertia and the Impact of Organizational Field Transparency. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fourth AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Brisbane, Australia. 2007 Steffens, P. R., Terjesen, S. A., & Davidsson, P. (2007). Birds of a Feather Get Lost Together? Homogeneity and New Venture Persistence and Performance. Poster session presented at the meeting of Academy of Management 2007 Annual Meeting : Doing Well By Doing Good. Philadelphia, United States: Academy of Management. 2006 Thomond, P. N., & Steffens, P. R. (2006). Unbundling The Determinants Of Inertia To Discontinuous Innovation: Elaborating The Impact Of Organizational Field Transparency. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2006 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Indiana, U.S.A. 2006 Steffens, P., Davidsson, P., & Fitzsimmons, J. (2006). The performance of young firms: Patterns of evolution in the growth - Profitability space. Poster session presented at the meeting of Academy of Management 2006 Annual Meeting: Knowledge, Action and the Public Concern, AOM 2006.
Scopus22005 Fitzsimmons, J. R., Steffens, P. R., & Douglas, E. J. (2005). Growth and Profitability in Small and Medium Sized Australian Firms. Poster session presented at the meeting of AGSE Entrepreneurship Exchange. Melbourne. 2002 Steffens, P. R. (2002). The Product Life Cycle Concept: Buried or Resurrected by the Diffusion Literature?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Academy of Management Conference, Technology and Innovation Management Division. Denver, Colorado. -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2024 Klyver, K., & Steffens, P. (2024). Ukrainian entrepreneurs in Norway and Sweden after the Russian invasion. Copenhagen, Denmark. 2023 Klyver, K., & Steffens, P. (2023). Ukrainian entrepreneurs in Denmark after the Russian invasion. 2023 Alemayehu, B., Steffens, P., Gordon, S., & Santos, E. (2023). SA Innovation District (SAID) Survey 2022 Report. 2021 Graves, C., Steffens, P., Villios, S., Giancaspro, M., & Gordon, S. (2021). An Investigation into the Performance of the MSME Sector in South Australia and the Utility of Government Programs Aimed at Supporting the Sector. Adelaide. 2019 Steffens, P., & Omarova, A. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) - 2017/18 Australian National Report. (13). London, UK: Global Entrepreneurship Research Association. 2019 Steffens, P., Omarova, A., & O'Connor, A. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM): 2017/18 South Australia Report. Adelaide, Australia: Department of Industry and Skills, South Australia. 2017 Steffens, P. R., & Omarova, A. (2017). GEM Australia - 2016/17 Australian National Report. London, UK: Global Entrepreneurship Research Association. 2016 Steffens, P. R. (2016). GEM Australia - 2015/16 Australian National Report. London, UK: Global Entrepreneurship Research Association. 2015 Steffens, P. R., & Hechavarria, D. (2015). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: GEM Australia - 2014 National Report. London, UK.: Global Entrepreneurship Research Association. 2012 Davidsson, P., Gordon, S., & Steffens, P. (2012). Early stage start-ups : evidence from the Comprehensive Australian Study of Entrepreneurial Emergence (CAUSEE): Australian Small Business : Key Statistics and Analysis [2012 ed.] (1). Commonwealth of Australia. 2012 Steffens, P. R., Stuetzer, M., Davidsson, P., & James, N. (2012). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) - Australia 2011 National Report. London, UK: Global Entrepreneurship Research Association. 2011 Steffens, P. R., Davidsson, P., Gordon, S. R., James, N., Senyard, J. M., & Stuetzer, M. (2011). ACE research briefing paper 004 : emerging and young high potential start-ups. Queensland University of Technology. 2009 Davidsson, P., Steffens, P. R., Gordon, S. R., Garonne, C., & Senyard, J. M. (2009). Business creation processes in Australia : what start-up attempts get up and running, and why? - A preliminary assessment. Queensland University of Technology. 2008 Davidsson, P., Steffens, P. R., Gordon, S. R., & Senyard, J. M. (2008). Characteristics of high-potential start-ups: some early observations from the CAUSEE project. Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research. 2008 Davidsson, P., Steffens, P. R., Gordon, S. R., & Reynolds, P. (2008). ACE research briefing paper 006 : anatomy of new business activity in Australia: some early observations from the CAUSEE project. Queensland University of Technology. 2000 Steffens, P., Shulman, A., Waterhouse, M., & Wollin, A. (2000). Capitalising on intellect: public sector intellectual property management in Queensland. Brisbane: The Institute of Public Administration Australia. 1997 O'Keeffe, M., & Steffens, P. (1997). A commercial orientation for R&D: Managing market input. 1996 O'Keefe, M., Steffens, P., Shulman, A., & MacLeod, N. (1996). Managing inter-organisational relationships through the R&D process. 1995 Steffens, P., & O'Keeffe, M. (1995). A commercial orientation for R&D: Managing new technology products or processes - lessons from the new product development literature. 1994 O'Keeffe, M., Manifold, F., & Steffens, P. (1994). Assessing market potential: guideline for funding applicants.
A. Category 1 Research Grants: Total $1,688,000 |
ARC Discovery |
2010-2012 |
$127,000 |
ARC Linkage |
2007-2010 |
$453,000 |
ARC Discovery |
2006-2009 |
$455,000 |
ARC SPIRT ARC $221,000; Queensland Department of Primary Industries $432,000 |
1998-2000 |
$653,000 |
B. Other Research Grants: Total over $500,000 |
Department of Industry, Innovation & Science Business Creation in Australia Per Davidsson, Paul Steffens, Scott Gordon. |
2015 |
$25,000 |
Department of Industry ($100k) & QUT Business School ($200k) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015 Paul Steffens |
2010-2015 |
$300,000 |
Department of Innovation and Industry (DIISRTE) Business Creation in Australia Per Davidsson, Paul Steffens, Scott Gordon. |
2013 |
$50,000 |
Department of Innovation and Industry (DIISRTE) Fifth wave of CAUSEE project Per Davidsson and Paul Steffens. |
2012 |
$100,000 |
Institute Of Public Administration Australia Capitalising on Intellect: Public Sector Management of Intellectual Property Paul Steffens, Art Shulman, Dr Michael Waterhouse and Dr Drew Wollin. |
2001 |
$75,000 |
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2022 Co-Supervisor Bounded rationality in crowdfunding: investigating heuristics in investors' decision making. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Henry Tue Le 2022 Co-Supervisor Understanding the nature of Acquired Optimism, its antecedents and its consequences on the Entrepreneurs in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jyoti Khisha 2022 Principal Supervisor Entrepreneurs' Emotion Shifts, Emotion Labor and Outcomes Doctor of Philosophy under a Jointly-awarded Degree Agreement with Doctorate Full Time Ms Yudi Hou 2020 Principal Supervisor Influence of Entrepreneurs’ self-esteem on the temporal processes of post-venture emotional response, sense-making and venturing behaviour Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Dinusha Costa -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2020 - 2023 Principal Supervisor ENTREPRENEURIAL ECOSYSTEM WELL-BEING Unpacking the multilevel, multidimensional, and configurational nature of entrepreneurial ecosystem health Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Iulia Stroila 2018 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Opportunity Attitude – Extending Entrepreneurial Opportunity Evaluation Beyond Cognition Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Binyam Zewde Alemayehu
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2010 - ongoing Board Member Journal of Business Venturing - -
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